City Council Minutes - 10/01/2019 Cfty of Ti and
= Tigard City Council Meeting Ml------
October 1, 2019
A. At 6:32 p.m. Mayor Snider called the City Council meeting to order.
B. City Recorder Krager called the roll.
Present Absent
Council President Goodhouse ✓
Councilor Newton ✓
Councilor Lueb ✓
Councilor Anderson ✓
Mayor Snider ✓
Youth Councilor Turley ✓
C. Mayor Snider asked everyone to stand and join him in the Pledge of Allegiance.
D. Call to Council and Staff for Non-Agenda Items—None.
A. Follow-up to Previous Citizen Communication
City Manager Wine reported on a concern from Dan Quello regarding the potential removal
of trees from a neighboring property. She said staff confirmed that the neighbor was within
his rights to take the gees down as a result of the development. Staff brokered a meeting
between Mr. Quello and Mr. Bachman, the developer. Staff asked Mr. Backman to consider
preserving the trees and he said he is willing to entertain that if possible. The City also
received an appeal last week from Mr. Quello. He has since rescinded his appeal and is
discussing options with the developer.
B. Citizen Communication—Sign-up Sheet—None.
City Manager Wine said Council would receive the performance audit review from Matrix
Consulting. She explained that the City undertook the independent audit when they received
feedback that the public did not have a good understanding or trust for how efficient or
effective the City operates. Objective data was lacking to show how well staff provide services,
which made it difficult to communicate strengths and potential improvements to the public.
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The proposed study was an independent review of what the City does by department or
program,how well the service is provided and what improvements can be provided using
accepted benchmarks or standards that are appropriate to the program. The RFP went out in
summer 2019 and Matrix Consulting was awarded the contract. Additional items to note about
the scope of work are that staff chose to prioritize breadth over depth, they didn't seek to
identify monetary savings and staff were mindful of an upcoming local option levy and creation
of a city report card. In the future, this will include performance metrics,inventory of functions
and structure, documented workload data, costs, services and organization.
City Manager Wine explained that city management is prepared to implement the primary
recommendation for the departments which was to establish and expand on a performance
measures program. City Manager Wine introduced Senior Management Analyst Hendrix,who
will be working on the development of this program. She said there is no recommendation or
action requested tonight aside from receiving and discussing the report and recommendations.
She suggested staff bring back a communications and implementation plan related to those
Alan Pennington of Matrix Consulting Group gave an overview of the Final Report findings,
recommendations and recommended performance metrics. He described the Audit Task Plan,
which began with an organizational profile and existing performance/workload data,if any.
They conducted a confidential employee survey as well as interviewing a number of staff
individually. They had a public survey and a community meeting.The public survey had a good
response,less so at the community meeting.
Matrix then analyzed each department, as compared with best practices. They examined the
staffing structure,operational practices and began developing recommendations.They got input
from staff on the draft report,which received positive feedback. Staff seemed supportive and
open to the performance audit. Mayor Snider thanked him for sharing that, as he said that is
important to the Council.
A major theme they found was a very high focus on customer service across every department.
There were some challenges due to limited staffing, but in general the City has high service
levels. There is good interdepartmental cooperation,recognizing the impact of their department
on others. Mr. Pennington did say they found very lean staffing and he believes the City is doing
a lot with what they have. He noted a higher use of part-time staffing than is typical, for
example, 32-hour employees.
Matrix identified a few integration issues between existing software,but he recognizes that staff
are currently reviewing new software for the organization with integration in mind. They did not
recommend adding many additional positions. He summarized that most recommendations
relate to operational practices and recognize that implementation will be a multi-year project.
They prioritized recommendations and provided a general timeline for the City to follow.
Mayor Snider noted the report did not recommend a lot of additional staff,implying that there
are not a lot of places to cut costs. Mr. Pennington stated that there were selected areas where
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they recommended additional staff,but also looked for chances to improve efficiencies in
technology use, staff and resources.
Mr. Pennington then led the Council through each recommendation. For each department,he
read the recommendations and the Council commented.
Audit Recommendations I Council/City Manager Comments
City Management - Councilor Newton was enthused to see this. She said she
1. Annual work plans for each dept hoped that as the department performance measures
aligned with strategic plan move forward, she'd like to see something organization
2. Senior Management Analyst wide. She thinks it will be helpful for the budget and
position to implement communicating with the public.
performance measures program - (No. 7) Councilor Goodhouse asked about the
3. Expand on performance presentation and the packet. He wasn't sure if Human
workload measures Resources needed to be separated. City Manager Wine
4. Succession planning/System for clarified that Human Resources is a program in the City
predicting retirements annually Management department.
5. Increase staff diversity - (No. 7) City Manager Wine noted that for this
6. Update performance evaluation, recommendation, Council will be asked to approve a first
tie to pay increases quarter supplemental budget for the Human Resources
7. Additional staffing in Human Department.
Resources - Mayor Snider commented that non-full-time,but
effectively full-time employees can cost the City more than .
just an FTE in benefit costs. He noted that other
organizations have improved FTE staffing without
increasing costs as much, usin this rinrinh-
Central Services - Councilor Newton said the recommendations were
S. Internal &external customer designed for efficiency, especially the design group
satisfaction surveys to evaluate recommendations.
work - Councilor Lueb said that the communication plan is
9. Work order system for web something she thinks is very important.As a Council,they
content updates take communication seriously. There are so many ways to
10. Written strategic plan for communicate and the available forms are constantly
Communications changing. If the City wants to continue reaching citizens
11. Graphic design to reach out to they need to have a plan that is revisited regularly. She
stakeholders before large projects noted that the Communications team has stepped it up in
12. Written strategic plan for Court the past year and the public has noticed, so she likes that
13. Maintain staffing and this is highlighted.
productivity - (No. 14) Mayor Snider said that he was not clear about the
14. Fleet maintenance analytics, concern and wanted to confirm that they would be
random fuel checks verifying that no diversion of fuel resources was occurring.
15. Asset management system meet Mr. Pennington confirmed, stating it is best practice to
needs of Fleet and Facilities ensure that it does not occur.
16. Property management review of - (No. 15) Councilor Newton asked if this recommendation
expenditures referred to a software issue and noted that the City is
looking at imrlementin anew software scstem or
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17. Proactive building preventative I systems. Mr.Pennington confirmed that when they spoke
maintenance program with staff, they were anticipating replacing both the asset
18. Implement spot inventory checks management software as well as the financial system.
19. Maintain staffing - (No. 15-16) Councilor Lueb asked if these two
20. Provide project manager recommendations could tie together with the correct asset
certifications management system. Mr. Pennington said yes, absolutely.
- (No. 20) Mayor Snider asked how many staff didn't have
their project management certification. City Manager Wine
explained that this recommendation focused on facilities
management staff only. She said that there are certified
PM's on staff,but it would be beneficial in this area to
certif, additional staff.
Community Development - (No. 24) Mayor Snider asked if this recommendation
21. Accela reports for becomes a problem if everyone requests expedited
workload/performance data approval treatment and the City can't provide the faster
22. Routine workload reports,level service? Mr. Pennington said he knew of no places where
of service evaluation that happened. It can be written that it is based on staff
23. Electronic customer satisfaction I availability,etc.
survey - (No. 25) Council President Goodhouse asked and Mr.
24. Implement expedited permit Pennington confirmed,that the recommendation is
application reviews for a fee referring to cross-training a staff member and not
25. Add additional Accela power necessarily hiring someone new.
user, share admin responsibilities
26. Software integration with Accela
27. Adapt inspector staffing to
28. Online library of standard
t conditions of approval for
Finance and Information Services - Council President Goodhouse asked if these
29. Regular data analysis to detect recommendations were to"tighten the ship" or if there
irregularities were more areas that the City may be compromised to
30. Cross training of staff focus on. He asked Mr.Pennington if the
31. Annual fraud risk assessment recommendations are weaknesses or just areas where the
32. Regular audits of purchases City can improve. Mr. Pennington said that they were
33. Implement automatic notification identifying areas that could be risks.
of payroll changes - Mr. Pennington commented that they witnessed situations
34. Second employee to verify where staff would leave the City and they were the only
garnishment data person with certain necessary knowledge or experience.
35. Asset management system He said they saw the impact things like that had on the
integration with financial system organization and those are the kinds of things they are
36. Additional efforts to seek trying to prevent that from occurring in the future with
discounts,State contract this report.
discounts - (No. 38) Mayor Snider said there are some departments
37. Software to monitor IT logs and where GIS is inherently useful,such as in Public Works,
system intrusions Community Development and Police. How would other
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38. Embed GIS staff in departments departments use this technology? Mr. Pennington said the
10% of time use would be based upon data. For example, library
39. Information technology demographics can aid recruitment outreach or
committee programming. Mr. Pennington suggested having GIS let
40. Reduce internal phishing all departments know what they can do to better target
clickthrough rate to under 5% these services. This recommendation is just to help
41. Hire 1 additional IT support staff departments consider alternatives and at least have a
discussion about potential uses.
- (No. 38) Council President Goodhouse said that
sometimes GIS is so vast, some people think it is only for
mapping but that is just scratching the surface.
Departments and city staff may not realize how they can
use this tool to improve their services.
- (No. 38) Councilor Newton said that when she worked for
the City, she was educated on all the data that could be
produced through GIS. She agrees outreach conversations
would be ver• helpful.
Library - (No. 42) Councilor Lueb asked if they had considered
42. Reduce service hours, Close at 8 shifting some evening hours to the weekend. Mr.
p.m. Pennington explained that they recommended closing in
43. Comprehensive marketing plan the evening based on documented library utilization. He
to brand library, one social media said they could have other reasons to alter the hours,but
coordinator that without changing the hours the staffing is difficult.
44. Continue team building and open - Councilor Newton said the City should be proud of the
communication among staff library in comparison to other libraries of the same size.
45. Create team to research and She acknowledged that the Library Director has been
develop a Library IT Needs talking about reducing hours. Mr. Pennington said library
Assessment and Long-range Plan staff is probably stretched too far at the moment. Mayor
Snider said he was not surprised to hear that since they
were tasked with operating the library on bare bones
- Council President Goodhouse stated that it looks like the
City has more library employees than others for a city of
this size,but he noted they also get more visitors. He
asked if volunteers are included in the staffing level
evaluation. Mr. Pennington said he believed they used only
full-time employees and not volunteers for their staffing
recommendations. He said it is hard to compare levels of
programming between different libraries because they are
not apples to apples
Police - (No. 58) Mayor Snider asked Mr. Pennington why the
46. Maintain current Admin staffing SRO change isn't scheduled to happen immediately. Mr.
levels Pennington said when prioritizing they felt it was not as
47. Add 8 additional officers to high a priority and felt it could be postponed without a
achieve 5-minute response time greater impact.
48. Maintain current K9 staffing (2
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49. One sergeant on duty at all times - (No. 53) Mayor Snider asked him to comment on the
(at minimum) proposed change in detective staffing. Mr. Pennington
50. Hire 2nd CSO explained that the recommendation regarding detectives
51. Maintain current staffing for was based on workload. The ultimate aim is to ensure
traffic unit greater consistency of tracking data so it is reliable
52. Review case screening process information.
53. Eliminate 2 detective positions - (No. 53) Council President Goodhouse asked if the
54. ReeTaluate staffing for recommendation was that staff should continue to
property/evidence on an annual monitor the data and workload before making the decision
basis to limit detecti've staffing. Mr. Pennington confirmed.
55. Maintain staffing for records - (No. 47) Councilor Newton returned to the
management recommendation to add 8 officers. She explained the
56. Hire an additional analyst in 1 to Council was currently considering a levy for police
3 years services in order to get one officer in each of the City's 5
57. Maintain Admin Specialist patrol districts, or 5 officers each shift. She wanted to
staffing confirm that this recommendation was based on response
58. Maintain SRO,hire 1 additional times and not in order to haeme one officer in each district.
in 1 to 3 years Mr.Pennington confirmed that the recommendation was
not about the City's patrol districts.
- Mayor Snider asked Mr. Pennington about a
recommendation on Page 92 of the report regarding self-
initiated incidents. He asked if the traffic stops initiated by
the traffic division are included in the report looking at
patrol activity. He explained that if some are traffic stops
initiated by the traffic unit,they are doing what they are
supposed to be doing. Mayor Snider said they may be
dramatically increasing the percentage of current
performance by over 25 percent. He said he felt it was
worthy of additional analysis.Mr. Pennington said he
would need to research the issue and get an answer back
to the Council. He explained that of 11,800, 4,451 are
traffic stops. He clarified that the Mayor wanted to know
if that number includes stops made by the traffic division.
Mayor Snider agreed.
City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Bld.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gom- I Page 6 of 11
Public Works - (No. 68-69) Councilor Lueb asked about their
59. Establish routine cycle of recommendations to narrow span of control for Parks
measurement,review,action supervisor and City Engineer. She asked how the
60. Publish performance measures consultants would recommend narrowing a specific
and results in annual budget position,but not adding additional resources in order to
61. Asset management system work cover that difference. Mr.Pennington said for the City
order component is efficient and Engineer,the department is working with another
transparent consultant to do a more in-depth analysis of the structure.
62. Track all field work using work A narrowing could be accomplished by adding an
orders additional staff member or shifting responsibilities. In
63. Preventative and routine general, they felt the number of direct reports to the City
maintenance calendar for Parks, Engineer seemed higher than similar jurisdictions.To
use to calculate staff narrow the Park Supervisor position,which covers 18 or
64. New software with robust more staff, they suggest structuring the seasonal work force i
project management module or to report to someone other than the Parks Supervisor
invest in software for capital PM because it is hard to supervise that many employees.
65. Update system master plans once
every six years on a rotating basis -Mayor Snider asked what span of control is recommended
66. Master plans to include as a maximum. Mr. Pennington said that depends on the
discussion of how plan supports position and each one is different. If someone has
goals of dept and city supervision over 12 people that all do the same thing,such
67. Provide development review as parks maintenance, that may be reasonable. In contrast,
back-up for Principal Engineer supervising 12 finance workers that do different tasks could
68. Narrow Parks supervisor control, be unreasonable.
implement oversight of seasonal
staff Councilor Lueb said physical location makes a difference as
69. Narrow City Engineer's control, they are not probably all sitting in one office.
implement oversight assistance
for PM staff
Mr. Pennington then moved on to the City's performance measures. He explained that
performance measures help an organization achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness by
making data available.His team looked at each proposed measure by balancing the value of the
data against the staff time needed to take to collect the data. These measures are not end goals
but will change over time. It should take multiple years to collect the data and respond with
meaningful changes.
There are some data limitations that need to be addressed.Availability and accuracy of relevant
data is limited at the City. Staff need to have better access to the data and be able to extract data
for their use. The best systems have data readily available with almost real-time measures as the
data changes every day, but this is a long-term goal.
Ideally,the performance measures would flow from or tie to the Council Goals. How the
Council phrases its goals may help direct performance measures or data gathering efforts. He
advised that each department figure out what is most important to their business and limit them
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to only 2 to 3 measures. Managers may have additional measures that help them manage, as well.
Mr. Pennington said that there is a need for performance measures from a policy maliting
position, from a managerial decision-making viewpoint, and the public needs measures from a
confidence and educational aspect. Not all performance measures will serve all three uses.
Mr. Pennington read through some of the proposed performance metrics and recommended
targets. Council responded to some,but not all departmental performance measures.
Under the City Management section,Mayor Snider asked about the meaning of the Workers
Compensation goal of"less than one."Mr. Pennington said that if one is the average and they
are less than one,they are doing better than average. Council President Goodhouse asked if
there was a range and Mr. Pennington explained that it is either more than or less than one.
Mayor Snider confirmed that this was aspirational at slightly above average. Councilor Lueb said
that at least better than average sounded better.
Under the Central Services section, Mayor Snider asked why they recommended a goal of less
than 10 percent in outsourced maintenance work. Mr. Pennington said it was a combination of
best practices and what the consultants thought was achievable for the City. He said that it was
more of a starting point for discussion than a hard target. Mayor Snider asked what the metrics
were,if it was cost or work orders or something else. Mr. Pennington said it would look at dollar
volume rather than the percentage of work orders.
Under the Finance and Information Services section,Mayor Snider asked about the internal
phishing campaign clickthrough rates and asked how less than 5 percent is a good standard. Mr.
Pennington said they did not think a zero rate was attainable. Mayor Snider mentioned that
other cities have had issues caused by this and that he felt 5 percent was too high. Councilor
Newton asked what the rate is now. Council President Goodhouse said he agreed this was an
important area and that a single breach could be devastating. City Manager Wine said that she
believes the results of the most recent campaign reported a 50 percent rate. She said this is an
item where Council and staff would need to determine the acceptable costs to reach the goal
they are seeking.
Under the Police Department,Mayor Snider asked why they recommended use of averages for
response times instead of a metric closer to what people are experiencing,like the 80t' or 90''
percentile. Mr. Pennington said they are not opposed to that,but that the City needs a separate
standard for each type of service. Mayor Snider said the public sector always uses averages to
measure itself,whereas the private sector realizes it's not a good measure. He said he's brought
this issue up for the six years he has sat on the Council. Mr. Pennington said that cities like to
compare themselves to other cities, and other cities use average response times, not percentiles.
The public understands an average more than a percentile.
Under Public Works, Mayor Snider asked what the typical cost recovery range is for recreation.
Mr. Pennington said that it is in the 45 to 65 percent range. Most communities are not able to
reach 100 percent cost recovery. Mayor Snider clarified with Mr. Pennington that it was only
true of recreation and not parks.
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Councilor Newton asked how to measure recreation programming versus events. Mr.
Pennington said they discussed measures like event attendance or attendance of residents vs.
non-residents,but that it would be too hard to measure in practice. Events are important,but he
has no specific recommendations for the City. Councilor Newton said she felt it was important
to track since they are investing resources into events. Mayor Snider asked if there was an easy
way to get a close head count at events. Councilor Newton repeated that she thought it would be
helpful to be able to spend those funds more effectively.
Mr. Pennington mentioned that when thinking about adopting targets,it should be kept in mind
they should be reasonable and achievable,not overly stringent. They don't want the City to be so
concerned about the measure that it drops its level of service. He said they have seen
communities where they focused so much on metrics,it consumed the organization.
Councilor Lueb said this presentation was also given to the audit committee and they had good
conversations on specific recommendations. They thought it was a really good starting point for
the City and a good place to open up the conversation.These metrics should be reviewed
regularly. Residents on the audit committee agreed that they would like City staff to spend
resources getting data to make a report card.
Mayor Snider said that was a good segue to what the Council plans to do with this information,
such as an action or implementation plan. He said it sounded like the recommendations and
metrics would be implemented separately. Councilor Lueb requested that staff add dollar figures
or cost estimates for each item.
Council President Goodhouse said Tigard is a smaller city that has been growing and will
continue to grow. He asked how Tigard compares to other growing cities;is this a natural
progression for cities this size or is the City behind the curve. Mr. Pennington agreed that it
probably had a little bit to do with growing pains. The City is at the point where they need more
systems in place to help make decisions. Measures have been an important focus in business the
last several years and the use of data has gained a lot of credibility and use. He said he did not
believe the City was too far behind, but at the appropriate place to begin implementation.
Councilor Newton stated that moving forward with an implementation plan is good. She would
like it laid out by department and their priorities. She said she thinks it will be good for Council
and the community to have this information as they make policy and budget decisions. She
requested staff compile a plan that outlines the pieces and a timeline. She concluded this is
needed right now because things are getting more complex and it helps tell the City's story.She
advocated for a small number of measures for each area.
Councilor Anderson asked if the consultant was finished with their contract and they confirmed
they were. He said it now goes back to staff to implement. Some departments may be more
comfortable than others. Mayor Snider said that some departments have more work to do. City
Manager Wine said that the City had an opportunity to work with Matrix closely throughout this
process. If the City is going to do meaningful data collection it needs to start now. She has heard
no major objections from any department regarding the recommendations. Staff will bring back
an implementation plan that is sorted by priority. The Council will be hearing from each
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department regarding their recommendations. Mayor Snider asked that City staff be candid if
there is a recommendation they don't agree should be implemented.
Council President Goodhouse would like to see these recommendations listed by priority. He
noted that some recommendations cross over multiple departments, such as the software
implementation. He encouraged staff to follow best practices and try to be efficient. He asked
Mr. Pennington what the normal process was for follow-up from Matrix. Mr. Pennington said
there was no standard practice. Some organizations do a broad audit every decade or deep dive
into a department annually or every other year. Most organizations do not do the follow-up. Mr.
Pennington emphasized that if the City has a good implementation plan and is able to monitor
its progress, the City may not need a reassessment.
Mayor Snider said a recommended implementation plan would include what future monitoring
and performance auditing process should be in place. Mr. Pennington said it is typical to set up a
schedule,like two departments a year, and take a deep dive into each department in rotation.
Councilor Lueb stated that any follow-up would be a policy decision from Council and staff and
whether they want to do a deep dive into departments.As long as the City is doing an
implementation plan that Council and staff are following, she didn't see the need for a broad
follow-up audit. She suggested a policy decision would be a driver as to whether or not they
would move forward with a deep dive audit.
Mayor Snider said there needs to be some thinking about how this will be monitored. Council
President Goodhouse said if they are considering another audit in the future,they need to make
a footnote to add it to the budget. City Manager Wine said staff will bring an implementation
plan to Council by late November. Mayor Snider thanked Mr. Pennington for the work he and
his team did on the performance audit.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION —None scheduled.
At 8:32 p.m. Councilor Lueb moved for adjournment. Council President Goodhouse seconded
the motion. Mayor Snider conducted a vote and the motion passed unanimously.
Yes No
Council President Goodhouse ✓
Councilor Newton ✓
Councilor Lueb ✓
Councilor Anderson ✓
Mayor Snider ✓
City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 I Page 10 of 11
J�m4 �
Carol A. Kr-ager, City Recorder
Jason B. Snider,Mayor
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