04/23/2007 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT
Serving the Unincorporated Area
Tigard Public Works—Annex
9020 SW Burnham Road,Tigard
Monday,April 23,2007
7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Beverly Froude, George Rhine, Janet Zeider, and Charles Radley
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier, Brian Rager, Michelle Wareing,
Roger Dawes, and Joy Koss
Visitors: Ken Henschel, Barbara Sherman, Isador Morgavi,
Virginia Babcock, Lisa Hamilton-Treick, and Julie Russell
1. Call to Order,Roll Call and Introductions
The Tigard Water District meeting was called to order by Chairperson Froude at 7:00 p.m. All
board members were in attendance.
2. Approval of Minutes—January 22,2007
The minutes of the January 22,2007 meeting were unanimously approved by the board.
3. Visitors Comments
Ken Henschel— 14530 SW 144th Avenue(unincorporated area of Bull Mountain)
Mr. Henschel was concerned there was a misrepresentation of a decision and vote regarding the
Canterbury property by the Tigard Water District (TWD)representative at the February 14, 2007
Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB)meeting. He said the process is very important and it
needs to be followed carefully. Chair Froude indicated that the TWD board could come back to
that topic later in the meeting.
Lisa Hamilton-Treick— 13565 SW Beef Bend Road(unincorporated area of Bull Mountain)
Ms. Hamilton-Treick provided TWD board members with a copy of a letter she submitted in
January 2006,wherein she asked both the TWD and the IWB boards to consider leasing the
Canterbury property to the City of Tigard. She asked Mr. Koellermeier to provide the IWB
board with copies and asked both boards to consider this letter before moving forward.
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4. Beginning of Budget Process
Management Analyst Michelle Wareing led the discussion. Financial Operations Manager Roger
Dawes will be covering for Michelle at the May 14, 2007 TWD budget meeting.
Prior to the meeting,Ms. Wareing prepared a memo and a proposed budget indicating total
resources for the fiscal year 2007-2008 to be $105,768.00. Discussion continued about line items
and cost projections. Ms. Wareing indicated the TWD board needs to submit a proposed budget
to the Budget Committee for the May 14, 2007, meeting and then approve the budget.
Ms. Wareing responded to questions Commissioner Radley posed regarding expense line items
(staff time and attorney fees) and appropriation funds. Commissioner Radley raised concerns
about the accounting and timing of the Canterbury transaction, and how to reconcile this budget
with that transaction. Mr. Koellermeier anticipates the transaction will be completed mid-June,
including the partition of the property, and that transaction would show up in Miscellaneous
To assist Ms. Wareing, Mr. Koellermeier asked the board if last year's budget was consistent with
how the board wants to budget this year. Commissioner Rhine did not see any problem with the
general approach,but thought more money should be allocated for the increased costs proposed
for staff support and attorney services. Ms. Wareing explained the board has the freedom to move
funds between various line items.
Mr. Koellermeier indicated that board members taking office in July 2007 might incur additional
attorney costs by remodeling current practices and procedures. Commissioner Radley raised
questions about appraisal costs. If the board wanted to contest the appraisal done by the City of
Tigard on the Canterbury transaction,Mr. Koellermeier recommended projecting$3,000 for
appraisal fees. Appraisals done this year would come out of this year's Miscellaneous fund.
Commissioner Radley asked if the board pays an auditor when these accounts are audited.
Ms. Wareing indicated the accounts are not audited because of the size of the budget,but two
required filings are done with the State. The budget is filed with the State and the fiscal year-end
is filed with State Auditors.
Ms. Wareing and Mr. Koellermeier discussed proposed expenditures with the board.
Commissioner Rhine suggested the board use the 2006-2007 adopted budget as a start and make
some adjustments. Based on what is decided about the sharing of the Canterbury property,
Ms. Wareing will allocate the additional revenue in 2007-2008. Ms. Wareing indicated she would
make adjustments to the budget and have the recording secretary send it to the board members for
review. This would occur before the budget was presented at the May 14, 2007,meeting.
• Select Budget Officer
Commissioner Rhine was selected to be the Budget Officer for the 2007-2008 budget:
Tigard Water District 2 April 23, 2007
• Appoint Budget Committee
Commissioner Rhine motioned to accept the three volunteers for the open positions on the TWD
Citizen Budget Committee and Commissioner Zeider seconded the motion. In addition to the
existing members,the board voted unanimously to appoint Julie Russell,Virginia Babcock, and
Ken Henschel to the TWD Citizen Budget Committee.
• Present Budget Calendar
Ms. Wareing reviewed the following dates and activities of the Budget Calendar with the TWD
April 2, 2007: TWD meetings were advertised as required by law.
April 23, 2007: The Budget Officer was selected, Budget Committee appointed and
proposed budget discussed.
May 14,2007: Budget Committee will debate and discuss the proposed budget. The TWD
board will need to make a motion, second and vote to approve the budget.
May 21, 2007: Public Hearing Notice & Summary of Approved Budget will be submitted
for the adoption of the budget for publication on June 14, 2007.
June 25, 2007: TWD board will adopt the approved budget, make any appropriations or
minimal changes, and adopt the budget by resolution, which Ms. Wareing
will prepare for board members to sign.
• Discuss Proposed Budget
In addition to the previous discussions,the board opened the discussion for public comment as
Ken Henschel—Mr. Henschel asked for a brief clarification of the responsibility of the Budget
Committee and its role. Ms. Wareing explained that by Oregon law a budget committee has to be
set up for any special district municipality and is made up of equal numbers of the board and
citizen members. Budget Committee members review the proposed budget and approve it. That
approved budget is then sent to the board for adoption.
Julie Russell. 12662 SW Terraview Drive(unincorporated area of Bull Mountain)
Ms. Russell inquired who she should ask if she had questions about a particular budget item.
Mr. Koellermeier replied she could come to him with any questions.
5. Alpha Community Development Request—Brian Rager
Mr. Rager referred to his April 13, 2007,memo that was mailed to board members prior to the
meeting. This memo addressed properties that historically had homes on them. Later these
properties were purchased by a developer who redeveloped the land into a subdivision. There is
no further need for the existing water line easement and no reason for the historic water
connection agreement between the previous homeowners and the old Tigard Water District that
existed when those homes were built. In order for the developer to move ahead and record the
final plat,the old easements and old agreements have to be cleared.
Tigard Water District 3 April 23, 2007
Mr. Rager has looked at this information and forwarded it to Clark Balfour, the attorney for the
TWD Board. There were no issues. Mr. Balfour recommended a different release document
entitled Statutory Quitclaim Deed that refers to the two documents: the easement and the water
connection agreement.
Commissioner Radley motioned to approve the Statutory Quitclaim Deed and authorize the Chair
to sign this recording, Commissioner Zeider seconded, and the motion was unanimously
6. Pending Asset Transfers—Dennis Koellermeier
Chair Froude had previously asked Mr.Koellermeier to put this topic on the agenda. She asked
him to answer questions and disseminate information about actions taken,or not taken,on the
Canterbury property. She also wanted him to discuss other potential actions being considered on
the Water District Building by this board and the IWB.
Chair Froude asked Mr. Koellermeier to provide some background history for visitors and she
asked Commissioner Rhine to speak from an IWB perspective on this topic. As background
information and a basis for action,Mr.Koellermeier provided copies of the Intergovernmental
Agreement of 1994,Clark Balfour's legal opinion memo dated April 21, 2006, and the
Intergovernmental Water Board Resolution No. 07-02.
Mr.Koellermeier said the City of Tigard Public Works Department completed a process of
determining park needs and identified the neighborhood near the Canterbury property as park
deficient,meaning there are no parks within a half a mile radius of area residents.
The Tigard Water District,prior to 1994, acquired a five-acre parcel that was partially developed.
A no-cash discussion started about declaring that property surplus for use by the City of Tigard to
develop as a park. Based on a legal opinion,the City of Tigard has to go through a process to
declare the property surplus. The body that actually makes that decision is the IWB,because the
Canterbury property is declared a system asset.
Procedurally, the IWB resolution recommended this property be declared surplus by the Tigard
City Council. An appraisal will be done on the parcel, along with a minor partition, and then the
City of Tigard has been granted first right of refusal to purchase that property at market value to
develop a park. The IWB suggested the cash be put back into the capital fund,recognizing that
all of the members of the IWB have a very large capital bill pending as a water source is
developed. The IWB vote was unanimous to move ahead with this process. Historically,this
process began in 2005. The TWD board was asked to table any decision on this issue by
advocates of the new City of Bull Mountain because there was a question: What does it mean to
have an asset of the Tigard Water District in the formation of the new City of Bull Mountain?"
Commissioner Rhine indicated the IGA that formed the Tigard Water Service Area states that if
property is declared surplus,it reverts back to ownership of the entity that it is in.
Mr.Koellermeier concurred. In 1994, assets were categorized as"system"or"other"assets.
Other assets clearly become the property of the political entity in which they are located. System
assets are generally needed by all the members of the agency to provide water. Clark Balfour's
legal opinion memo concludes the Canterbury property is a system asset. Mr.Koellermeier
believes when this property is declared surplus,by definition of the agreement, it would
Tigard Water District 4 April 23, 2007
automatically go to the City of Tigard. This would not be without compensation, so
Mr.Koellermeier recommended to the Tigard City Council that an appraisal be completed.
Commissioner Rhine reiterated what Mr. Koellermeier said regarding the IWB position. He then
remarked to Ken Henschel that he did represent to the NVB that the TWD board had voted on
this issue. After checking the minutes,he found he was in error. Commissioner Radley thanked
Commissioner Rhine for this clarification.
Commissioner Radley brought copies of a Special Districts Association letter dated January 28,
2005 that includes some public contracting laws regarding disposing of surplus property.
Commissioner Radley questioned if the TWD Board is properly covered by these laws,as the
law changed in March of 2005. Mr.Koellermeier said that the City of Tigard adopted rules prior
to the change, so it did not fall under the recommended changes by the Attorney General. By not
adopting rules,the NVB board needs to operate under the recommended Attorney General rules.
Commissioner Radley had several questions about how a percentage could be assigned to TWD.
Mr.Koellermeier pointed out the Intergovernmental Agreement says the IWB members have
undetermined interests. Commissioner Radley referenced the formula within the agreement and
Mr. Koellermeier indicated the model was not setup to establish percentage ownerships for
system assets. Commissioner Rhine remarked the IWB has,in fact,looked at this model.
Mr.Koellermeier stated the IWB chose not to distribute the assets.
Commissioner Radley wanted to figure out the legal rights and obligations of the parties and
wondered if the Clark Balfour letter was enough. Mr.Koellermeier stated the TWD attorney has
said it is not a Tigard Water District decision. It is an IWB decision. They recommend to the
City Council. City of Tigard rules are being used regarding the surplus property process. The
decision of the proceeds was clearly in the purview of the IWB and their decision was
unanimous. The IWB recommends financial issues regarding the water operations to the City of
Discussion about determining the value of an asset continued among board members and
Mr.Koellermeier. Chair Froude summarized it was Water District property and this transaction
is just changing the use. The funds are still in the Tigard Water Service Area capital fund.
Mr. Koellermeier indicated in 1994 it ceased being Tigard Water District property;it became a
system asset with an undetermined ownership interest by four members. The deed still says
Tigard Water District and that is where the misunderstanding is.
Commissioner Rhine asked how the transaction would be handled from an accounting point of
view. Should Tigard exercise the right to purchase the property,Mr. Koellermeier would suggest
a journal entry(an expense line item from the City's park development fund resulting in an
income line item for the capital fund). In response to Commissioner Rhine's question about the
size of the capital fund this year,Mr.Koellermeier estimated$7-$8 million.
Commissioner Radley expressed concern about potential liability and thought Mr.Balfour should
draft a resolution to address this. Mr.Koellermeier suggested to Chair Froude that TWD board
members and visitors submit any questions in writing, so they can be distributed to the attorney
for a written response. April 30,2007 was established as the date for submission of questions.
The results will be distributed to interested parties.
Tigard Water District 5 April 23, 2007
The board opened the discussion for public comment as follows:
Ken Henschel—Mr. Henschel expressed his interest is to ensure a clear process is followed and
can withstand legal challenges. Mr. Henschel suggested the board make a motion to formally call
for the written questions previously discussed.
Mr. Henschel had a procedural question regarding the IWB Resolution No. 07-02. When the IWB
voted on the resolution, it is based on the"Whereas"leading to the resolution. Since the IWB went
on to pass this resolution based on the fourth"Whereas"that was incorrect,he thought it was in the
best interest of all parties to inform the IWB,in writing,that one of the"Whereas"clauses was in
Mr.Henschel indicated he was confused about the"Whereas"that says"not less than the
appraised value." Mr.Koellermeier clarified that the Canterbury property has never been
appraised. Mr.Henschel thought an above-board appraisal needed to be done. Mr. Koellermeier
suggested questions such as these need to be put in writing.
Commissioner Radley inquired if the Tigard contracting rules set forth how many appraisals are
needed. Mr.Koellermeier stated the City of Tigard's process only asks for one appraisal;
purchasing procedure includes a Level I Environmental Assessment and a title search of the
Julie Russell—Ms.Russell asked Mr. Koellermeier if the$1 million in the proposed budget for
the City of Tigard was an estimate, and what happens if the property appraisal is more than that?
Mr. Koellermeier said those dollars are estimates and stated there are funds identified for park
acquisition this fiscal year and next. The City Council makes final decisions related to park
Ms.Russell asked if there would be a public process. Mr.Koellermeier indicated the declaration
of surplus property is a process that will happen at a Tigard City Council meeting and that date
has not yet been determined.
Ms.Russell said questions were brought up at the last IWB meeting whether or not
representatives there represented the boards and councils. She wondered if the representatives
can vote anyway they want,even if it differs from the boards or city council vote. Mr.
Koellermeier said the forming document only requires a confirming vote by the individual
boards. Representatives to the IWB can represent in any form they choose. Whether they go
back and ask their boards for guiding principles before they vote is an internal issue with their
boards as to how they are empowered to act on the IWB.
Isador Morgavi, 15145 SW 119th Avenue(unincorporated area of Bull Mountain)
Mr. Morgavi suggested the TWD board consider making a contribution to review security at the
Tualatin-Tigard School District. Both Chair Froude and Commissioner Radley thought that was
a great idea,but it should be brought up with the City of Tigard. Under state law,this District
can only deal in water and can only spend money on water related issues.
Pending Asset Transfers (continued)—Dennis Koellermeier • ` -
Mr. Koellermeier provided an update on the Water Building issue. Since the Water Building is a
system asset, and still being partially used for water system purposes,it would be inappropriate to
Tigard Water District 6 April 23, 2007
sell the asset to the City of Tigard. Because of the mixed use in that facility and distribution of
remodel costs,the Tigard attorney has been asked to create a new deed that describes this system
asset with undetermined ownership by the various members. An operating agreement that
establishes leases based on commercial rates(possibly as an amendment), or amendments to the
Intergovernmental Agreement,would be used to distribute the costs on a square footage basis for
those non-water functions using the building. Most likely,these documents will be presented to
the IWB on May 9,2007.
Commissioner Rhine asked about the form of the deed and Commissioner Radley asked about
the amendment authorizing the operating agreement. Mr.Koellermeier did not have answers to
these questions, as the attorney has not completed his review. Mr.Koellermeier did indicate the
term of this lease will probably be the same term as the agreement which terminates in 2018.
Ken Henschel—In regard to lease rates,Mr. Henschel expressed his concern that all transactions
be independent. He recommended an outside party determine a fair lease rate for all parties, and that
would be indexed yearly and the square footage reviewed yearly to avoid the appearance of
impropriety. Chair Froude indicated the IWB representative would likely speak to that in May and
suggested that Mr. Henschel sign up to speak at that meeting.
Commissioner Rhine asked if Mr. Koellermeier generally determines lease rates.
Mr. Koellermeier said there has never been a situation with a lease. Because it is rather
complicated,the city attorney will be at the May 9,2007,IWB meeting. Mr.Koellermeier will
be out-of-state and will not attend that meeting. Chair Froude commented that Tim Ramis,who
wrote the original agreement,will be at the May 9,2007,meeting.
Julie Russell—Ms. Russell asked if the TWD is the current deed owner, does the TWD have to
vote on that issue. Mr. Koellermeier indicated the name on the deed is immaterial,because it has
been modified by the IGA. The Tigard Water District is obligated by their signature to the IGA.
Ken Henschel asked if Mr.Koellermeier was saying it is the old Tigard Water District deed,not
the new Tigard Water District deed. Mr.Koellermeier responded,in essence,it is the same
District that never deformed. Commissioner Rhine indicated that it was not exactly the same.
The structure of the organization is completely different. The old TWD actually ran the water
system and owned assets,managed people, etc.
Commissioner Radley asked if the contracting rules say anything about what the procedure
would be for figuring out rent. Mr.Koellermeier said he was not sure,but he would guess that it
does not. He would have to look at that.
7. Water Supply Update—Dennis Koellermeier
For the sake of time,Mr.Koellermeier did not discuss the water supply update.
8. IWB Update—George Rhine/Janet Zeider
Commissioner Rhine indicated this topic had been addressed earlier under other agenda
discussions. He plans to communicate to the IWB the comment about the"Whereas"and that he
was in error when he made that comment. He also plans to communicate that the TWD is in the
process of developing questions that will be directed to Clark Balfour for his response.
Tigard Water District 7 April 23, 2007
9. Non-Agenda Items
Commissioner Radley raised the question of filling the vacancy on the board. Other board
members concurred it was not worth bringing in a new member for the remaining two meetings.
Commissioner Rhine commented he thought the TWD needs to take a leadership position by
doing a study and creating a plan to provide water for areas 63 and 64. Commissioner Radley
indicated the county is responsible for planning those areas and they have a$900,000 budget
from Metro. He suggested that TWD should engage the county to become a party on the
stakeholders group that would be determining how that area is going to be planned.
The board opened the discussion for public comment as follows:
Ken Henschel—Mr.Henschel agreed that it would be a waste of time to fill the vacancy;however,
his concern again is with the process. TWD bylaws say should a vacancy occur on the board,that
vacancy will be filled in the manner prescribed by the ORS rule. Mr.Henschel wants to make sure
the Tigard Water District is not in violation of its own bylaws. He wanted to state for the record that
he is not interested in being elected or appointed short-term to such a position. Commissioner
Radley thought he should take a look at that ORS rule for a timeline by which the vacancy must be
10. Set Next Meeting Date—May 14,2007,7:00 p.m. at Tigard Public Library,
2nd Floor Conference Room, 13500 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard
11. Adjournment
Commissioner Rhine motioned to adjourn,Commissioner Zeider seconded the motion,and the
board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 p.m.
Joy Koss, WD Recording Secretary
Date: il'2 crzr
Tigard Water District 8 April 23, 2007
Sheet for
Tigard Water District Meeting
April 23, 2007
Name and Address Would you like to
(Please Peri?t) speak to the Board?
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