10/23/2006 - Minutes TIGARD WATER DISTRICT BOARD of COMMISSIONERS MEETIN( e4.17 Serving the Unincorporated Area Monday, October 23, 2006 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Beverly Froude,George Rhine,Janet Zeider,and Charles Radley Members Present: Marc Delphine (excused) Staff Present: Dennis Koellermeier,Twila Willson and Ron Bunch Visitors: None 1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Introductions The Tigard Water District(TWD) meeting was called to order by Commissioner Beverly Froude at 7:02 pm. All board members were in attendance,with the exception of Commissioner Marc Delphine who was excused. 2. Approval of Minutes —August 28, 2006 Commissioner George Rhine motioned to approve the minutes, Commissioner Janet Zeider seconded the motion and the board members voted unanimously to accept the August 28,2006, minutes. 3. Visitor Comments—None 4. Washington County Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) —Ron Bunch Dennis Koellermeier introduced Ron Bunch,Long Range Planning Manager with Tigard; Mr. Bunch recently started with the City of Tigard, coming from the City of Gresham. Mr. Bunch reported the MOU from Washington County regarded not allowing an extension of services outside the urban growth boundary to development that was a result of Measure 37 (pertaining to land use). Measure 37 changed the way land use laws applied in Oregon,particularly on rural lands. Washington County planning directors decided to restate the existing state law about extension of services in this MOU;basically stating that if a request from a property owner was received to extend services outside the urban service area, the county would not allow it. State law already reads that way. Tigard is discussing the language used in the MOU,namely on Page 2, Sections C &D.,Since it is not known what lies ahead with the cities and metro region,Tigard wants the language to be reflected properly. It was recommended by staff that the MOU be used for informational purposes Tigard Water District October 23, 2006 1 only until that issue is resolved. Mr.Bunch advised the board members to study the MOU and contact him with any questions or comments;he will return to discuss updates as they occur. Commissioner Froude stated it appeared this MOU was premature. Her understanding was that allowing development on Measure 37 properties was just step one and step two meant those requesting development must go back to the county to work out a plan. When the county gets enough of these requests they will have to develop a new plan to proceed. Ron Bunch said the definition of rural land currently was quite broad; staff wanted to inform the board,however, that this was in process,it has impact on the water service areas,and language needed to be refined. Commissioner Charles Radley questioned whether this was being set up as an attempt to counter Measure 37,however,Mr.Bunch did not think it was. He did have questions as to why the MOU was needed at this point and what kind of relationship,if any,it has with Washington County legislative agenda plans. He will be attending upcoming county meetings with the hopes of gaining answers to these questions. The board requested continued updates on this issue. Dennis Koellermeier mentioned that the original document omitted the TWD and he pointed that issue out to Washington County,requesting a correction. It was still premature to sign the document however. Commissioner Rhine summarized stating that prior to Measure 37 state law prohibited extension of services outside the urban growth area, state law pertaining to the extension of urban services was not affected by Measure 37,and the MOU just reiterates the state law. Commissioner Froude stated there were some properties on Bull Mountain that already have water services that are outside the urban growth boundaries. 5. Further Discussion of Amendments to March 20, 2006, Minutes — Twila Willson There was considerable discussion between the board and staff regarding the minutes and verbatim transcript. Commissioner Zeider stated that after comparing the two,the original minutes captured the essence of the verbatim portion very well. Commissioner Rhine motioned to amend the minutes of the Special Meeting of March 20, 2006, by including as an addendum the verbatim minutes to those minutes, Commissioner Zeider seconded the motion,and the board voted unanimously to that addendum. Commissioner Rhine additionally proposed amending the portion of minutes clarifying Phil Decker's practice of law being in California and Commissioner Zeider seconded the motion. Commissioner Radley abstained from voting,however all other board members approved the motion. 6. Water Supply Update—Dennis Koellermeier • Dennis Koellermeier reported it had been an interesting fall season with 6mgd average water usage. Tigard currently has 29mg water in storage in ASR Well#2 and used 54mg Tigard Water District October 23, 2006 2 of native groundwater from ASR Well#1.Tigard currently was taking 4 mgd from Portland and .5 mgd from Lake Oswego. • With the continuing dry weather,Portland was contacting wholesalers about cutting off their supply,but it rained and that plan was abandoned. • A contractor will soon be starting work to install smaller pumps in an energy-saving project that will be funded by the Energy Trust of Oregon. The smaller pumps will pay for themselves over the life of the pump and will save energy. • On November 14 there will be a joint meeting with the IWB and the City Councils of Lake Oswego and Tigard held in Lake Oswego Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. TWD board members are invited to attend. • Beaverton is still fluoridating their water,but Tigard is not taking on their water at this time. 7. IWB Update— George Rhine/Janet Zeider Commissioner Rhine reported that the Intergovernmental Water Board (IWB) held a discussion about how they would or could make changes if the Bull Mountain City creation was successful. They concluded that there were many options,but it was difficult to assume which direction to pursue until the city was created and their various councils made recommendations and decisions. 8. Non-Agenda Items Commissioner Froude reported that John Haunsberger, former chair of the TWD many years ago when the contract was being drawn up with the IWB (retired now from Pacific Power),called her about the word"district"being removed from building signage. He asked her to bring up the issue to the TWD and IWB, thinking it was in violation of the contract with the IWB. Dennis Koellermeier said that in 1994 those other cities withdrew from the TWD when the IWB was created;the IWB was where the topic should be brought up for discussion. Commissioner Radley led a discussion about biodiesel fuel being used by Portland. He was in favor of using this type of fuel over imported oil stating it is good for the nation;he applauded Portland for taking those steps. He asked whether the City of Tigard has considered using biodiesel fuel and Dennis Koellermeier,anticipating this question,reported that Tigard's fleet has 23 pieces of equipment and rolling stock assigned to the Water Division,five of which were diesel,using a total of about 2000 gallons of diesel fuel per year. Staff was currently involved in a fueling research investigation study for City of Tigard vehicles to assess the feasibility of using biodiesel fuels and also looking into advantages of green or wind power for pump purposes. Dennis Koellermeier will ask PGE to provide a cost option for the water system to be reviewed by the TWD and IWB. Commissioner Rhine asked if Tigard could generate electricity when pumping water into the ASR wells,but Mr. Keollermeier responded in the negative. He has the Energy Trust of Tigard Water District October 23, 2006 3 Oregon looking at using small energy generators in place of pressure reducing valves (PRV's). Staff was looking at various energy-saving issues. 9. Set next meeting date —November 27, 2006, at 7:00 p.m., Water Auditorium Commissioner Froude reviewed the other upcoming meetings TWD board members might be interested in attending with relevant water issues,namely, the IWB and joint meeting with the cities of Lake Oswego and Tigard. Commissioner Rhine announced that he would not be at the November 27th meeting as he would be out of town. The board discussed the value of holding meetings just to have a meeting when there did not appear to be issues to discuss or review;the board decided it was up to the discretion of the Chair,Commissioner Froude, to make the decision to cancel a meeting. 10. Adjournment Commissioner George Rhine motioned to adjourn, Commissioner Charles Radley seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous to adjourn at 7:56 pm. Lta; ,a3 Twila Willson,TWD Recording Secretary Date: .2-///9 7 • Tigard Water District October 23, 2006 4