Tigard - RING Acknowledgement Form - March 2020 ring Acknowledgement Form and o f t 'C e T ea6Lr+vvNe_nL- C< Q6 Lf Agen y f Verification Code (Required) (3125' 5 u 14cc f l 131u T- la rot oP, q-�223 5o3 — (3j— �6�8 Address J Phone Number Neighbors by Ring is a free app designed to help community members connect and stay informed about what's going on around them-whether they own a Ring device or not.Public agencies use Neighbors to share important crime and safety information with residents,and work with their communities to help make neighborhoods safer.With Neighbors,public agencies may: • Connect with The Community- Public agency personnel can comment on Neighbors app posts within their jurisdiction as an identified public agency user. • Provide Updates from Official Sources-Public agency personnel can post official updates to help their community stay informed about incidents that may impact residents. • Work Together-Users have the option to provide helpful information if public agencies seek assistance with an investigation.This process has been designed to ensure that no user information is shared with the public agency unless the user chooses to share such information,including whether the user re- ceived a notification or opted-out of all future notifications. Please read and acknowledge your understanding of the following: A.There is no cost associated with joining or using Neighbors. B. No endorsement or promotion of Ring products or services is required.There is no obligation to participate in any other Ring program. C. Ring will provide training and ongoing support to agency's Public Information Officer(or equivalent), Investigative Coordinator and Community Engagement Coordinator,and others as deemed appropriate. D. Ring will publicly announce your participation in Neighbors by sending an in-app announcement and adding your agency's name to Ring's publicly available Active Agency Map,which lists all public safety agencies that have joined Neighbors. E. Agency will maintain appropriate user access control to Neighbors for its personnel and will use Neighb rs for Publafety only for legitimate public safety purposes. 2/zaz� Auth iz d igna u Date Ka-� I()('Y-) C(Ae F o e) (, CC Printed Name Title