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Report (2)
/t4E-c20/2-00 295 leap liie4/2(K6e a ia 0 9 . . . Product Data Carrier )...„ --- WeatherMastere Single Packaged Rooftop,,,,,,,i7.1 , Cii United Technologies Heat Pump Units A i%•..1 '.: -' L•-'' _.) • •3 to 10 Nominal Tons " -" ,., ,,..--- -...."".. •,„•„:%• 4:.e...,,,,,,,...-4 ,, ...„004 '''' ''''••010-0-1'44:-% - •••• 4%4 . 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With "no- and money on replacement jobs. water; and won't rust. strip"screw collars, handled access • Standardized components and lay- • Standardized controls and control panels, and more we've made your out. Standardized components and box layout. Standardized compo- unit easy to install, easy to maintain, controls make service and stocking nents and controls make stocking easy to use and reliable. parts easier. parts and service easier. Features/Benefits • Scroll compressors on all units.This • Clean, large, easy to use control box. makes service,stocking parts, replace- • Standard coils are copper round Easy to install: ment,and troubleshooting easier. tube, aluminum plate fin with All WeatherMaster®units are field-con- • Crankcase heater on all models optional coil coatings and copper vertible to horizontal air flow;no spe- (except 04 size)provides added pro- fin design. cial kit required on 04-09 models. tection in all applications. • Large, laminated wiring and power Supply duct kit required for size 12 • Precision-sized refrigerant suction wiring drawings which are affixed to only. Convertible airflow design makes line accumulator provides high reli- unit make troubleshooting easy. it easy to adjust to unexpected job site ability by preventing liquid from • Single, central terminal board for complications. Lighter units make easy entering the compressor during low test and wiring connections. replacement. Carrier 3- 10 ton ambient conditions and reverse • Fast-access, handled, panels for 50HCQ rooftops fit on existing Carrier cycle switch over. easy access to the blower and curbs dating back to 1989.Also, our • Field convertible from vertical to blower motor, control box, and large control box gives you room to horizontal airflow on all models. No compressors. work and room to mount Carrier special kits required on 04-09 mod- • "No-strip" screw system guides accessory controls. els. Supply duct kit required for 12 screws into the panel and captures Easy to maintain: size model only. them tightly without stripping the Easy access handles by Carrier provide • 4-way reversing valve rapidly screw, the panel, or the unit. quick and easy access to all normally changes the flow of refrigerant to • Exclusive, newly-designed indoor serviced components. Our"no-strip" quickly changeover from cooling to refrigerant header for easier mainte- screw system has superior holding heating and heating to cooling. nance and replacement. power and guides screws into position • Easy-adjust, belt drive motor avail- • Standard mechanical cooling while preventing the screw from strip- able on all sizes. Carrier provides a (125°F to 30°F or 52°C to-1°C). ping the unit's metal. factory-solution for most points in • 2-in. (51mm)disposable filters on all Easy to use: the fan performance table. There's units. The central terminal board puts all your no need for field-supplied drives or - • High capacity refrigerant filter drier connections and troubleshooting motors. and TXV metering device on each points in one convenient place,stan- • 3-5 ton models come standard with circuit. dard.Most low voltage connections are a Direct Drive X13, 5 speed/torque • High pressure switch,loss of charge made to the same board and make it motor to provide exact perfor- switch and freeze protection adds easy to find what you're looking for mance in many applications. Belt greater unit reliability. and easy to access it. drive motor optional on all three • Optional Staged Air Volume(SAVE'') Reliable: phase voltage models. system utilizes a Variable Frequency Each unit comes with precision sized • Provisions for bottom or side con- Drive (VFD)to automatically adjust and tested scroll compressor that is densate drain. the indoor fan motor speed between internally protected from over tem- • Capable of thru-the-base or thru- cooling stages. Available on 2-stage perature and pressures. Each refriger- the-curb electrical routing. cooling model sizes 07-12 with ant circuit is further protected with a • Dependable time/temperature electro-mechanical controls or RTU high pressure, loss of charge and defrost logic provides a defrost Open controller. freeze protection switch. In addition,a cycle, if needed, every 30, 60, 90 liquid line filter drier and suction line or 120 minutes and is adjustable. accumulator protects each circuit.Each unit is factory tested prior to shipment of contents to help ensure units operation once Table properly installed. Page Key features: Features/Benefits 2 Model Number Nomenclature 3 Key features are: Capacity Ratings 4,5 • Up to 28%lighter than similar Physical Data 6,7 industry units. Lighter rooftops Options and Accessories 8-11 make easier replacement jobs. Dimensions 12-26 • SEER up to 15.8, EER up to 12.8. Application Data 27 • IEER up to 14.0 with single speed Performance Data 28-54 indoor fan motor and up to 15.6 ETypical Wiring Schematics 55-58 with 2-speed/VFD indoor fan motor. Clontrontro s Data 59-103 Cols 104-106 Guide Specifications 107-117 2 • Model number nomenclature Carrier re COPY OFFICE O uniteurod,s 50HCQ MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE(EXAMPLE) Position: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Example: 5 OHCQA 06 A 0 A 6 — 0 B 2 A 0 Series-WeatherMastere Factory Assigned 50HC-Packaged Rooftop- 0 = Standard High Efficiency 1 = LTL Q= Heat Pump Electrical Options A= None C= Non-Fused Disconnect Refrig.Systems Options D= Thru-The-Base Connections A= One Stage Cooling Models F = Non-Fused Disconnect and D= Two Stage Cooling Models Thru-The-Base Connections G= 2-Speed Indoor Fan Controller(VFD) Cooling Tons J = 2-Speed Indoor Fan Controller(VFD) 04-3 ton and Non-Fused Disconnect 05-4 ton K= 2-Speed Indoor Fan Controller(VFD) 06-5 ton and Thru-The-Base Connections 07-6 ton M= 2-Speed Indoor Fan Controller(VFD) 08- 7.5 ton with Non-Fused Disconnect and 09- 8.5 ton Thru-The-Base Connections 12- 10 ton Service Options Sensor Options 0 = None A= None 1 = Unpowered Convenience Outlet B= RA Smoke Detector 2 = Powered Convenience Outlet C= SA Smoke Detector 3 = Hinged Access Panels D= RA+SA Smoke Detector 4 = Hinged Access Panels and E= CO2 Unpowered Convenience Outlet F= RA Smoke Detector and CO2 5 = Hinged Panels and G= SA Smoke Detector and CO2 Powered Convenience Outlet H= RA+SA Smoke Detector and CO2 J = Condensate Overflow Switch K= Condensate Overflow Switch and RA Smoke Detectors Intake/Exhaust Options A= None L = Condensate Overflow Switch and RA+SA Smoke Detectors B= Temperature Economizer w/Barometric Relief F= Enthalpy Economizer w/Barometric Relief Indoor Fan Options K= 2-Position Damper 0 = Electric Drive X13 Motor(04-06) U= Temperature Ultra Low Leak Economizer w/ 1 = Standard Static Option-Belt Drive Barometric Relief 2 = Medium Static Option-Belt Drive W= Enthalpy Ultra Low Leak Economizer w/ 3 = High Static Option-Belt Drive Barometric Relief C= High Static Option with High Efficiency Motor-Belt Drive (size 12 only) Base Unit Controls 0 = Electro-mechanical Controls can be used with W7212 Coil Options-Round Tube/Plate Fin Condenser Coil EconoMi$er IV(Non-Fault Detection and Diagnostic) (Outdoor-Indoor-Hail Guard) 1 = PremierLinkTM Controller A= Al/Cu-Al/Cu 2 = RTU Open Multi-Protocol Controller B= Precoat Al/Cu-Al/Cu 6 = Electro-mechanical w/2-speed fan and W7220 C= E-coat Al/Cu-Al/Cu Economizer controller Controls.Can be used with D= E-coat Al/Cu-E-coat Al/Cu W7220 EconoMi$er X(with Fault Detection and E= Cu/Cu-Al/Cu Diagnostic) F= Cu/Cu-Cu/Cu M= Al/Cu-Al/Cu—Louvered Hail Guard N= Precoat Al/Cu-Al/Cu—Louvered Hail Guard Design Revision P= E-coat Al/Cu-Al/Cu—Louvered Hail Guard — = Factory Design Revision Q= E-coat Al/Cu-E-coat Al/Cu—Louvered Hail Guard R= Cu/Cu-Al/Cu—Louvered Hail Guard Voltage S= Cu/Cu-Cu/Cu—Louvered Hail Guard 1 = 575/3/60 3 = 208-230/1/60 Note:On single phase(-3 voltage code)models,the 5 = 208-230/3/60 following are not available as a factory-installed option: 6 = 460/3/60 - Coated Coils or Cu Fin Coils - Louvered Hail Guards - Economizer or 2 Position Damper - Powered 115 Volt Convenience Outlet emit tlor�. 'i E�1 t, WWwanrieitartary orq t R Unary arall AC • .;` - A AHRIStrardulatt 210/240 O {/ UL US �.� 's ee 6 mdwuneanux�am mod' Intertek 3 Carrier ` ' Capacity ratings AHRI COOLING RATINGS NOM. 50HCQ COOLING CAPACITY NET COOLING TOTAL POWER UNIT STAGES (TONS) CAPACITY(MBH) (kW) SEER EER IEER A04 1 3.0 36,400 2.8 15.60 12.70 N/A A05 1 4.0 47,000 3.6 15.80 12.80 N/A A06 1 5.0 58,500 4.6 15.00 11.70 N/A A07 1 6.0 72,000 6.0 N/A 12.00 12.8 IEER WITH IEER WITH NOM. NET COOLING TOTAL SINGLE SPEED 2-SPEED 50HCQ COOLING CAPACITY CAPACITY POWER INDOOR FAN INDOOR FAN UNIT STAGES (TONS) (MBH) (kW) SEER EER MOTOR MOTOR D07 2 6.0 70,000 5.8 N/A 12.00 14.0 15.6 D08 2 7.5 90,000 7.4 N/A 12.10 12.8 13.7 D09 2 8.5 100,000 8.3 N/A 12.00 12.5 12.9 D12 2 10.0 119,000 9.6 N/A 12.30 13.0 13.6 HEATING RATINGS 50HCQ HEATING,LOW AT 17°F(-8°C)AMBIENT HEATING,HIGH AT 47°F(8°C)AMBIENT UNIT HSPF CAPACITY(BTUH) COP CAPACITY(BTUH) COP A04 8.00 18,400 N/A 34,000 N/A A05 8.10 23,800 N/A 46,000 N/A A06 8.20 28,600 N/A 55,000 N/A A07 N/A 39,000 2.40 70,000 3.40 D07 N/A 38,000 2.40 69,000 3.40 D08 N/A 47,000 2.40 84,000 3.50 D09 N/A 56,000 2.26 100,000 3.40 D12 N/A 65,000 2.40 116,000 3.50 LEGEND NOTES: AHRI - Air-Conditioning,Heating and Refrigeration Institute 1. Rated and certified under AHRI Standard 210/240 or 340/360,as ASHRAE - American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air- appropriate. Conditioning Engineers 2. Ratings are based on: COP - Coefficient of Performance Cooling Standard: 80°F (27°C) dB, 67°F (19°C) wb indoor air EER - Energy Efficiency Ratio temp and 95°F db outdoor air temp. HSPF - Heating Seasonal Performance Factor IEER Standard:A measure that expresses cooling partload EER IECC - International Energy Conservation Code efficiency for commercial unitary air conditioning and heat pump IEER - Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio equipment on the basis of weighted operation at variable load N/A - Not applicable capacities. SEER - Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio 3. All 50HCQ units comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2016, DOE-2018 and IECC1 2015 minimum efficiency requirements when equipped with the SAV(staged air volume)option. Y c usrSuU�% CERTIFIED , C L us tN�o w.ahr3tl rectnry,org V do tart'Sman AC Intertek AHRI Standard 210n4o 0410 t.11 SPU�✓+ro,}'wI AU1/ mkB+kl+SySt, si4tGd..NiHi C 1. IECC is a registered trademark of International Code Council, Inc. 4 • Carrier; MINIMUM-MAXIMUM AIRFLOWS (CFM) COOLING AND ELECTRIC HEAT COOLING ELECTRIC HEATERS UNIT Minimum CFM Minimum Minimum CFM 2-Speed 2-Speed Fan Motor(at Maximum CFM Fan Motor(at High Speed) Low Speed) Maximum CFM Minimum CFM CFM 50HCQA04 900 N/A N/A 1500 900 1500 50HCQA05 1200 N/A N/A 2000 1200 2000 50HCQA06 1500 N/A N/A 2500 1500 2500 50HCQA07 1800 N/A N/A 3000 1800 3000 50HCQD07 1800 1800 1200 3000 1800 3000 50HCQD08 2250 2250 1500 3750 2250* 3750 50HCQDO9 2550 2873 1915 4250 2252* 4250 50HCQD12 3000 3380 2253 5000 3000* 5000 *-Minimum electric heat CFM exceptions: REQUIRED MINIMUM UNIT UNIT VOLTAGE HEATER kW UNIT CONFIGURATION CFM 50HCQD08 17.0 Horizontal or Vertical 2800 50HCQD09 575 34.0 2350 50.0 Vertical 3550 230 50.0 Horizontal 3420 43.5 Horizontal or Vertical 3040 50HCQD12 50.0 Vertical 3150 33.5 Vertical 3520 575 33.5 Horizontal 3420 26.5 Vertical 3610 SOUND PERFORMANCE 50HCQ OUTDOOR SOUND(dB)AT 60Hz . UNIT A-Weighted 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 A04 76 51.8 69 64.6 67.8 70.7 63.8 60.9 59 A05 79 56.1 69.6 68.7 72.5 72.8 68.9 65 . 61.2 A06 79 57.7 66.6 68.7 72.9 74.5 71.1 67.6 62.6 A07 81 86.7 82.7 79.1 78.4 75.4 71.2 67.8 62.9 D07 81 86.7 82.7 79.1 78.4 75.4 71.2 67.8 62.9 D08 83 87.3 81.6 79.7 80.6 79 73.5 69.2 66.1 D09 87 61.7 74.7 77.4 82.6 84.9 81.9 78.8 75.9 D12 83 61.0 67.3 75.1 77.7 78.1 75.5 71.2 66.7 LEGEND: NOTES: dB -Decibel 1. Outdoor sound data is measure in accordance with AHRI standard 270. 2. Measurements are expressed in terms of sound power. Do not compare these values to sound pressure values because sound pressure depends on specific environmental factors which normally do not match individual appli- cations.Sound power values are independent of the environment and there- fore more accurate. 3. A-weighted sound ratings filter out very high and very low frequencies,to better approximate the response of"average" human ear. A.weighted mea- surements for Carrier units are taken in accordance with AHRI standard 270. 5 Physical data Carrier PHYSICAL DATA(COOLING)-3-6 TONS 50HCQA04 50HCQA05 50HCQA06 50HCQA07 50HCQD07 REFRIGERATION SYSTEM #Circuits/#Comp./Type 1 /1/Scroll 1 /1 /Scroll 1 /1 / 1 /1 / 1 /1 / 1-Stage Scroll 1-Stage Scroll 2-Stage Scroll Puron®(R-410A)Refrigerant Charge 12-8/- 15-8/- 17-8/- 15-8/- 15-8/- per circuit A/B(lbs-oz) Metering device TXV TXV TXV TXV TXV High-press.Trip/Reset(psig) 630/505 630/505 630/505 630/505 630/505 Loss of Charge Press.Trip/Reset(psig) 27/44 27/44 27/44 27/44 27/44 EVAP.COIL Material-Tube/Fin Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Coil Type(Tube Dia.) 3/8-in.RTPF 3/8-in.RTPF 3/8-in.RTPF 3/8-in.RTPF 3/8-in.RTPF Rows/FPI 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/15 3/15 Total face area(ft2) 5.5 7.3 7.3 8.9 8.9 Condensate drain conn.size 3/4-in. 3/4-in. 3/4-in. 3/4-in. 3/4-in. EVAPORATOR FAN AND MOTOR Motor Qty./Driver Type 1 /Direct 1 /Direct 1 /Direct N/A N/A Max BHP 1.0 1.0 1.0 N/A N/A Standard Static RPM range 600-1200 600-1200 600-1200 N/A N/A 1-Phase Motor frame size 48 48 48 N/A N/A Fan Qty./Type 1 /Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal N/A N/A Fan Dia.x Length(in.) 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 11 N/A N/A Motor Qty./Driver Type 1/Direct 1 /Direct 1 /Direct 1 /Belt 1/Belt Max BHP 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 Standard Static RPM range 600-1200 600-1200 600-1200 489-747 489-652 3-Phase Motor frame size 48 48 48 56 56 Fan Qty./Type 1 /Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal FanDia.xLength(in.) 10x10 10x10 11 x10 15x15 15x15 Motor Qty./Driver Type 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1/Belt Max BHP 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.9 2.9 Medium Static RPM range 819-1251 920-1303 1066-1380 733-949 591-838 3-Phase Motor frame size 56 56 56 56 56 Fan Qty./Type 1 /Centrifugal 1/Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal FanDia.xLength(in.) 10x10 10x10 10x10 15x15 15x15 Motor Qty./Driver Type 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1 /Belt Max BHP 2.0 2.0 2.9 4.0 2.9 High Static RPM range 1035-1466 1035-1466 1208-1550 909-1102 838-1084 3-Phase Motor frame size 56 56 56 45 145 Fan Qty./Type 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal Fan Dia.x Length(in.) 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 10 15 x 15 15 x 15 CONDENSER COIL Material(Tube/Fin) Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Coil type 3/8-in RTPF 3/8-in RTPF 3/8-in RTPF 3/8-in RTPF 3/8-in RTPF Rows/FPI 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/17 2/17 Total Face Area(ft2) 16.5 21.3 21.3 20.5 20.5 COND.FAN/MOTOR Qty/Motor Drive Type 1 /direct 1 /direct 1 /direct 2/direct 2/direct Motor HP/RPM 1/8/825 1/4/1100 1/4/1100 1/4/1100 1/4/1100 Fan diameter(in.) 22 22 22 22 22 FILTERS RAFilter#/Size(in.) 2/16x25x2 4/16x16x2 4/16x16x2 4/16x20x2 4/16x20x2 OAinletscreen#/Size(in.) 1 /20x24x1 1 /20x24x1 1 /20x24x1 1 /20x36x1 1 /20x36x1 6 r -� Carrier PHYSICAL DATA(COOLING)— 7.5-10 TONS 50HCQDO8 50HCQDO9 50HCQD12 REFRIGERATION SYSTEM #Circuits/#Comp./Type 2/2/Scroll 2/2/Scroll 2/2/Scroll Puron®(R-410A)Refrigerant Charge 11 -12/11 -12 14-1/14-4 16-3/17-3 per circuit A/B(Ibs-oz) Metering device TXV TXV TXV High-press.Trip/Reset(psig) 630/505 630/505 630/505 Loss of Charge Press.Trip/Reset(psig) 27/44 27/44 27/44 Compressor Capacity Staging(%) 50/100 50/100 50/100 EVAP.COIL Material-Tube/Fin Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Coil Type(Tube Dia.) 3/8-in.RTPF 3/8-in.RTPF 3/8-in. RTPF Rows/FPI 4/15 4/15 3/15 Total face area(ft2) 11.1 11.1 17.3 Condensate drain conn.size 3/4-in. 3/4-in. 3/4-in. EVAPORATOR FAN AND MOTOR Motor Qty./Driver Type 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1 /Belt Max BHP 1.2 1.7 1.9 Standard Static RPM range 518-733 460-652 440-609 3-Phase Motor frame size 56 56 56 Fan Qty./Type 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal Fan Dia.x Length(in.) 15 x 15 15 x 15 18 x 18 Motor Qty./Driver Type 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1 /Belt Max BHP 1.7 2.9 2.9 Medium Static RPM range 690-936 591-838 547-757 3-Phase Motor frame size 56 56 56 Fan Qty./Type 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal Fan Dia.x Length(in.) 15 X 15 15 X 15 18 x 18 Motor Qty./Driver Type 1 /Belt 1 /Belt 1 /Belt Max BHP 2.8 2.8 6.1 High Static RPM range 838-1084 838-1084 762-963 3-Phase Motor frame size 56 56 S184T Fan Qty./Type 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal 1 /Centrifugal Fan Dia.x Length(in.) 15 X 15 15 X 15 18 x 18 Motor Qty./Driver Type — — 1 /Belt Max BHP — — 6.5/6.917.0/8.3* High Static RPM range — — 762-963 High Efficiency 3-Phase Motor frame size - — S184T Fan Qty./Type — — 1 /Centrifugal Fan Dia.x Length(in.) — — 18 x 18 CONDENSER COIL Material(Tube/Fin) Cu/Al Cu/Al Cu/Al Coil type 3/8-in RTPF 3/8-in RTPF 3/8-in RTPF Rows/FPI 2/17 3/17 2/17 Total Face Area(ft2) 25.1 25.1 46.2 COND.FAN/MOTOR Qty/Motor Drive Type 2/direct 1 /direct 3/direct Motor HP/RPM 1/4/1100 1 /1175 1 /1100 Fan diameter(in.) 22 30 22 FILTERS RA Filter#/Size(in.) 4/20x20x2 4/20x20x2 6/18x24x2 OA inlet screen#/Size(in.) 1 /20 x 24 x 1 1 /20 x 24 x 1 2/24 x 27 x 1 (Vert) 1 /30 x 39 x 1 (Horiz) 'On Size 12 units,Max BHP for the High Static motor varies with the motor's voltage;see the table below. Voltage BHP 208 6.5 230 6.9 460 7.0 575 8.3 7 Options and accessories Carrier , United Technologies FACTORY-INSTALLED AND FIELD-INSTALLED ACCESSORIES CATEGORY ITEM FACTORY INSTALLED FIELD INSTALLED OPTION ACCESSORY Hinged access doors X CABINET Thru-the-base electrical connections X X Supply duct kit-Horizontal air applications(size 12 only) X Cu/Cu indoor and/or outdoor coils 5 X COIL OPTIONS Pre-coated outdoor coils 5 X Premium,E-coated outdoor coils 5 X CONDENSER PROTECTION Condenser coil hail guard(louvered design)5 X X Thermostats,temperature sensors,and subbases X PremierLinkTM DDC communicating controller 9 X X RTU Open Multi-protocol controller X CONTROLS Smoke detector(supply and/or return air) X Horn/Strobe Annunciator 3 X Time Guard II compressor delay control circuit X Phase Monitor X Condensate Overflow switch X X EconoMi$er IV for electro—mechanical controls— Non FDD X X (Standard air leak damper models)5,6 EconoMi$er2 for DDC controls,complies with FDD(Standard X X and Ultra Low Leak air damper models)5,7 ECONOMIZERS Motorized 2 position outdoor air damper 5,9 X X &OUTDOOR AIR DAMPERS Manual outdoor air damper(25%and 50%)9 X Barometric relief 1 X X • Power exhaust X EconoMi$er X for electro—mechanical controls,complies with X X FDD(Standard and Ultra Low Leak air damper models)5,6 Single dry bulb temperature sensors 2 X X Differential dry bulb temperature sensors 2 X ECONOMIZER SENSORS Single enthalpy sensors 2 X X &IAO DEVICES Differential enthalpy sensors 2 X CO2 sensor(wall,duct,or unit mounted)2 X X ELECTRIC HEAT Electric Resistance Heaters X Single Point Kit X Multiple motor and belt drive packages X INDOOR MOTOR Electric Drive,X13,5-speed/torque(3-5 ton) X &DRIVE Staged Air Vol(SAV)system with VFD controller(2-stage cool X only with electrical mechanical and RTU Open controls) Display Kit for SAV system with VFD X LOW AMBIENT CONTROL Motormastera head pressure controller 3 X Convenience outlet(powered)5 X POWER OPTIONS Convenience outlet(un powered): 15 amp factory-installed X X 20 amp field-installed Non—fused disconnect 4 X ROOF CURBS Roof curb 14-in.(356 mm) X Roof curb 24-in.(610 mm) X NOTES: 5. Not available as a factory-installed option on single phase (208-230/1/60) 1. Included with economizer. models.Use field-install accessory where available. 2. Sensors for optimizing economizer. 6. FDD(Fault Detection and Diagnostic)capability per California Title 24 section 3. See application data for assistance. 120.2. 4. Non-fused disconnect switch cannot be used when unit electrical rating exceeds: 7. Models with RTU Open DDC controller comply with California Title 24 Fault Detec- 04-09 sizes:208-230/1/60 and 208-230/3/60=80 amps(FLA) tion and Diagnostic(FDD).PremierLink controller is not FDD. 460/3/60 and 575/3/60=80 amps(FLA) 8. Requires a field-supplied 24V transformer for each application. See price 12 size: 208-230/3/60=115 amps(MCA) pages for details. 460/3/60 and 575/3/60=100 amps(FLA) 9. Not available with SAV. Carrier RTUBuilder automatically selects the amps limitations. 8 Carrier 40,Ibli¢e Teche&bgles Economizer Non-fused disconnect Economizers can reduce operating costs. They bring in This OSHA-compliant, factory-installed, safety switch fresh, outside air for ventilation; and provide cool outside allows a service technician to locally secure power to the air to cool your building. This also is the preferred method rooftop. When selecting a factory-installed non-fused dis- of low ambient cooling. When coupled to CO2 sensors, connect, note they are sized for the unit as ordered from economizers can limit the ventilation air to only that the factory. The sizing of these do not accommodate field- amount required. installed items such as power exhaust devices, etc. Economizers are available, installed and tested by the fac- Power exhaust pressure relief tory, with either enthalpy or temperature dry-bulb inputs. Superior internal building pressure control. This field- There are also models for electro-mechanical, direct digital installed accessory may eliminate the need for costly, exter- controllers and single speed fan or 2-speed indoor fan nal pressure control fans. motors. Additional sensors are available as accessories to optimize the economizer. PremierLinkTM DDC controller Economizers include gravity controlled barometric relief This CCN (Carrier Comfort Network®) controller regulates that helps equalize building pressure and ambient air pres- the rooftop's performance to tighter tolerances and sures. This can be a cost effective solution to prevent build- expanded limits, as well as facilitates zoning systems and ing pressurization. Economizers are available in Ultra Low digital accessories. It also unites a Carrier HVAC equip- Leak and standard low leak versions. ment together on one, coherent CCN network. The Pre- sensor Pre- mierLink controller can be factory-installed, or easily field- CO2 installed. The CO2 sensor works with the economizer to intake only RTU Open, multi-protocol controller the correct amount of outside air for ventilation. As occu- RTU Open, multi-protocol controller pants fill your building, the CO2 sensor detects their pres- Connect the rooftop to an existing BAS (building automa- ence through increasing CO2 levels, and opens the tion system) without needing complicated translators or economizer appropriately. adapter modules using the RTU Open controller.The RTU When the occupants leave, the CO2 levels decrease, and Open controller speaks the 4 most common building auto the sensor appropriately closes the economizer. This intel- ligent mation system languages (BACnet , Modbust, N2, and control of the ventilation air, called Demand Con LonWorks`°). Use this controller when you have an exist trolled Ventilation (DCV) reduces the overall load on the ing BAS. Besides the 4 protocols, it also communicates rooftop, saving money. with a Carrier Open system(i-Vu®and VVT®). Smoke detectors Time guard II control circuit Trust the experts. Smoke detectors make your application This accessory protects your compressor by preventing safer and your job easier. Carrier smoke detectors immedi short cycling in the event of some other failure, prevents ately shut down the rooftop unit when smoke is detected. the compressor from restarting for 30�sfeconds after stop They are available, installed by the factory, for supply air, ping. Not required with PremierLink controller, RTU return air, or both. Open controller, or authorized commercial thermostats. Louvered hail guards Motorized 2-position damper Sleek, louvered panels protect the condenser coil from hail The new Carrier 2-position, motorized outdoor air damper damage,foreign objects, and incidental contact. admits up to 100% outside air. Using reliable, gear-driven technology, the 2-position damper opens to allow ventila- Convenience outlet (powered or unpowered) tion air and closes when the rooftop stops, stopping Reduce service and/or installation costs by including a con- unwanted infiltration. Not available with Staged Air Volume venience outlet in your specification. Carrier will install this (SAVTM)models. service feature at our factory. Provides a convenient, 15 Manual OA damper amp, 115v GFCI receptacle with "Wet in Use" cover. The "powered" option allows the installer to power the outlet Manual outdoor air dampers are an economical way to from the line side of the disconnect or load side as required bring in ventilation air. The dampers are available in 25% by code. The "unpowered" option is to be powered from a and 50% versions. Not available with Staged Air Volume separate (non-unit) 115/120v power source. The unpow- models. ered convenience outlet is available as a 15 amp factory- Electric heaters installed option or a 20 amp field-installed accessory. Carrier offers a full line of field-installed accessory heaters. The 20 amp unpowered convenience outlet kit provides a The heaters are very easy to use and install. All are pre- flexible installation method which allows code compliance engineered and certified. for height requirements of the GFCI outlet from the fin- ished roof surface as well as the capability to relocate the BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE(American Society outlet to a more convenient location, if necessary. of Heating,Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers). t Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric. LonWorks is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. 9 Options and accessories (cont) s Carrie ,„United iechaeiopies Hinged access panels and voltage in the VFD to required performance require- Allows access to unit's major components with specifically mens. In either case, once set up, the VFD will automatical- designed hinged access panels. Panels are: filter, control ly adjust the speed between the cooling stage operations. box, fan motor and compressor. Motormaster®head pressure controller Staged air volume (SAV TM) indoor fan speed The Motormaster motor controller is a low ambient, head system pressure controller kit that is designed to maintain the unit's condenser head pressure during periods of low ambi- Carrier's Staged Air Volume(SAV)system saves energy and ent cooling operation. This device should be used as an installation time by utilizing a Variable Frequency Drive alternative to economizer free cooling when economizer (VFD)to automatically adjust the indoor fan motor speed in usage is either not appropriate or desired. The Motormas- sequence with the units cooling operation. Per ASHRAE ter will either cycle the outdoor fan motors or operate 90.1-2016 and IECC-2015 standards, during the first stage them at reduced speed to maintain the unit operation, of cooling operation the VFD will adjust the fan motor to depending on the model. provide 66%of the total cfm established for the unit. When a call for the second stage of cooling is required, the VFD Alternate motors and drives will allow the total cfm for the unit established (100%). Some applications need larger horsepower motors, some During the heating mode the VFD will allow total design cfm need more airflow, and some need both. Regardless of the (100%) operation and during the ventilation mode the VFD case, your Carrier expert has a factory-installed combina- will allow operation to 66%of total cfm. tion to meet your application. A wide selection of motors Compared to single speed indoor fan motor systems, Car- and pulleys (drives) are available, factory-installed, to han- rier's SAV system can save substantial energy, 25%+, ver- dle nearly any application. sus single speed indoor fan motor systems. Thru-the-base connections IMPORTANT: Data based on .10 ($/kWh) in an office Thru-the-base connections, available as either an accessory application utilizing Carrier's HAP 4.6 simulation soft- or as a factory option, are necessary to ensure proper con- ware program. nection and seal when routing wire and piping through the rooftop's basepan and curb. These couplings eliminate The VFD used in Carrier's SAV system has soft start capa- roof penetration and should be considered for main power bilities to slowly ramp up the speeds, thus eliminating any lines, as well as control power. high inrush air volume during initial start-up. It also has in- ternal over current protection for the fan motor and a field- Condenser overflow switch (factory-installed installed display kit that allows adjustment and in depth di- option) agnostics of the VFD. This sensor and related controller monitors the condensate This SAV system is available on models with 2-stage cool- level in the drain pan and shuts down compression opera- ing operation with electrical mechanical or RTU Open tion when overflow conditions occur. It includes: (multi protocol) controls. Both space sensor and conven- tional thermostats controls can be used to provide accurate g control in any application. water contact-compressors disabled), blinking red (sen- The SAV system is very flexible for initial fan performance sor disconnected) set up and adjustment. The standard factory shipped VFD is • 10 second delay to break - eliminates nuisance trips pre-programmed to automatically stage the fan speed be- from splashing or waves in pan (sensor needs 10 sec- tween the first and second stage of cooling. The unit fan onds of constant water contact before tripping) performance static pressure and cfm can be easily adjusted • Disables the compressor(s) operation when condensate using the traditional means of pulley adjustments. The other plug is detected,but still allows fans to run for Economizer. means to adjust the unit static and cfm performance is to uti- lize the field-installed Display Kit and adjust the frequency 10 r ? ` -- - Carrie; OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES—WEIGHT ADDERS 50HCQ MAX WEIGHT ADDER BASE UNIT WITH OPTIONS AND 04 05 06 07 08 09 12 ACCESSORIES(WEIGHT ADDERS) - lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg Power Exhaust-vertical 50 23 50 23 50 23 50 23 75 34 75 34 85 39 Power Exhaust-horizontal 30 14 30 14 30 14 30 14 30 14 30 14 75 34 EconoMi$er®(IV,X,or 2) 50 23 50 23 50 23 50 23 75 34 75 34 115 52 Two Position damper 39 18 39 18 39 18 39 18 58 26 58 26 65 29 Manual Dampers 12 5 12 5 12 5 12 5 18 8 18 8 25 11 Hail Guard(louvered) 16 7 16 7 16 7 16 7 34 15 34 15 _ 45 20 Cu/Cu Condenser Coil 35 16 35 16 35 16 95 43 95 43 95 43 160 73 Cu/Cu Cond.and Evaporator Coils 60 27 60 27 90 41 165 75 140 64 195 88 _ 280 127 Roof Curb 14-in.(356 mm) 115 52 115 52 115 52 143 65 143 65 143 65 180 82 Roof Curb 24-in.(610 mm) 197 89 197 89 197 89 245 111 245 111 245 111 255 116 CO2 sensor 5 2 5 2 _ 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 Electric Heater 30 14 30 14 30 14 30 14 45 20 45 20 25 11 Single Point Kit 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 12 5 12 5 25 11 Optional Indoor Motor/Drive 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 15 7 15 7 45 20 Motormaster®Controller 35 16 35 16 35 16 35 16 35 16 35 16 35 16 Return Smoke Detector 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 Supply Smoke Detector 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 Non-Fused Disconnect 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 15 7 _ 15 7 Powered Convenience Outlet 35 16 35 16 35 16 35 16 35 16 35 16 35 16 Non-Powered Convenience Outlet 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 Enthalpy Sensor 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Differential Enthalpy Sensor 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 SAW"'System with VFD — — — — — — 20 9 20 9 20 9 20 9 NOTE:Where multiple variations are available,the heaviest combination is listed. 11 I—, IVCil IMO,AV 3 CD NOTES: UNITED P.S.Dn NN 111P ODCIN[II O IR PIOt[If1 A CAXi[I NPONATIOU If 0 TECHXOLWIES 61AACN[[.n U 7S Uurene Ud n[[Sn[u NDIT[ON TNA1 lN[ ANNDEf ie Ncu urtNPui�fUONWK[agi° ®■ I.DIMENSIONS APE IN INCHES DIMENSIONS UNIT J n man Nor N[nu[aue a usLe arxoNT cAUBN CARRIER inn CONPpAl10A•N NN I IIEN C c.w. ACCEPTANCE OF NICK[. IX[ 1 ARF IM NILLINETEIIS.. 50HCOA04 3,3843g/8 18 5/B 2. CENTER OF GRAVITY [/121 11 3/6 11 1/8 CONNECTION SIZES 50HCOA05 [10511 I3111 3. DIRECTION Of AIR FLOW SONCOA06 pal A 1318•[351 DIA FIELD POWER SUPPLY HOLE 1 t0571 11 I1777)/0 B 2'(511 DIA POWER SUPPLY KNOCKOUT C) C 13/1•[441 DIA GAUGE ACCESS PLUG 73-3/0 D 7/8'[221 DIA FIELD CONTROL WIRING HOLE 18/81 E 3/4'-1/APT CONDENSATE DRAIN G 2 1/2' 16/I DIA POWER SUPPLY KNOCK-OUT • 1 ECONOMIZER HOOD 4[OPTIONAL) 16 MU-THE-BASE CHART U061 I FILTER ACCESS PANEL THESE HOLES REWIRED FOR USE CRBTMPRROOIAOT ITESL-LESS) COMP ACCESS I CONDENSER THREADED WIRE REO'D HOLE I COIL • •PhXEI I COIL p, 4JL,_., �T— I CONDUIT SIZE USE SIZES(MAX.) _� M 1/2' ACC. I/8'I22.21 ACCESSC PANEL I '• •-�—.5 __ % 1l2' 21V 1/8'[Z2.2) 25 5/a I • 3l/'10011 POWER 1 i/a' 128.41 Z I •��/� �\ RETURN AIR [217I RETURN FOR•FITTINGS FOR ONLY�A aIOR11 OPTION, 0 _.I�I�]��I���I��I�ij "'\",`�`�� � i �, I AIR SELECT EITHER PROVIDED%1'OR 1/2• .0y // FOR POWER, DEPENDING OC WIRE SIZEJ11.0�r 2.5/8 111171 ., , BACK [TIP) E ALT.CONDENSATE ` 29.3/8 F. CURD I <'N .DRAIN OPENING 1T 3 •// 17111 � � WIDTH •% IN BASEPAX 11511 i Y SUPPLY - 26-1/2 16-1/8 AIR 16731 SUPPLY t/111 AIR 18-118 1/-I// SEE TNRU TNE� \ + l [1591 [3631 I31211 BASE CHART j 8 7// �1 ry I 1 / 1 i_ . . ••• .. CI J1571 � . .JI 25 11r�� I ![051 t6361 12-1/8— 32.1/4 130T1 K (8181 TOP 18-1/2— 10-i/z— t1101 12651 ,__3 - 4-S/8 1-1/4 "'1 I1I01 [311 i _-- ' I CONDENSER �iI DISCONNECT OPTIONAL ACCESS PANEL INDOOR BLOWER E STD. IL TER COIL - LISATIONCT FACTORY ACCESS PANEL ACCESS CONDENSATE I OPTIONAL ==A' LOCATION INSTALLED DRAIN FACTORY TALLED ==B' DISCONNECT i O y INSTALLED =-G 3 J • ,. ,. - 25.1/8 OUTSIDE P� CONVENIENCE OUTLET ___ �I [630i Illf-A AIR N OUTLET JE 19-1/2 I 16-3// — NETTIUURN O 14271• 119/1 it-3/8 SUPPLY AIRCh 41111111 3-3/4 = [2a9] [951 I — I 21.1/1 HI 6-5/8 = 15391 I 8�= — El n681 Ch00 ` : 0061 iil551 HANDLE HANDLE 6-5/0 T 6 [1681 [1771 [1521 IN-3N 111871 26-3/4 U-318 16011 BAROMETRIC (188a1 31.11/— RELIEF LEFT SUPPLY 11931 FRONT AIM ''AITTURN R RIGHT 5NE[/ DATE SU%NCEN[S 50HCO 04-06 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRIC NF1 t OF 02-22-10 - HEAT PUMP 48TM502800 _ D, 0(':::,. Zi n UNITED 1.0.-MR ge OKIKNr O rK ROIERii a[ARID CRtM m OR01011R Of r1ENE 01001K0 M MCMM 0 iECNXOLOGlES 6rIMRE.Nr ONO 16 1111 PO RE SIC FIYI[0115101NO C RIE E0E1 pr„% IERF ERE 0[OCOAUKE 01 STD.UNIT CORNER CORNER CORNER CORNER C.G. HEIGHT CARRIER Ines Egiflrl e1LL POT K OIKtOSf001 RFO NOW GRIEI A2EE4KE K Cd11Mr. UNIT WEIGHT WEIGHT 1A1 WEIGHT CBI WEIGHT ICI WEIGHT ID) taEaAna 1 nnrzl caalr. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. N I Z 5011C0A0/ 495 225 130 59 118 54 118 54 130 59 35 3/8 18991 23 3/8[5911 18 3/8 11571 5011C0A05 580 263 161 73 147 67 130 59 142 6/ 35 112 18021 21 7/8 15561 20 1/2[5211 50HCOA06 610 277 165 75 152 69 141 64 152 69 35 3/4 19081 22 1/2 15721 20 3/4 15271 CORNER A CORNER B C F _ 0 (!fll(1(Il�///( �� d o 0 CORNER D I ' CORNER C Z N TOP O I IA I � CD . f • U _ 2 r10 0 ` IT 1 I`. : 06 FRONT REEL OR NwEKEKN 50HCO 04-06 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRIC K0 20F2 02-22-10 - HEAT PUMP 48TM502800 _ `` tw. ,1 1--1 CA) Dimensions (cont) (Carrier g."united Technologies SERVICE CLEARANCE DIMENSIONAL DRAWING-UNIT SIZES 04-06 r6i,40))P9, ' '/ A 1::Xv Lei B !% LOCATION DIMENSION CONDITION 48-in.(1219 mm) •Unit disconnect is mounted on panel A 18-in.(457 mm) •No disconnect,convenience outlet option 18-in.(457 mm) •Recommended service clearance 12-in.(305 mm) •Minimum clearance 42-in.(1067 mm) •Surface behind servicer is grounded(e.g.,metal,masonry wall) B 36-in.(914 mm) •Surface behind servicer is electrically non-conductive(e.g.,wood,fiberglass) Special •Check for sources of flue products within 10-ft of unit fresh air intake hood C 36-in.(914 mm) •Side condensate drain is used 18-in.(457 mm) •Minimum clearance D 42-in.(1067 mm) •Surface behind servicer is grounded(e.g.,metal,masonry wall,another unit) 36-in.(914 mm) •Surface behind servicer is electrically non-conductive(e.g.,wood,fiberglass) NOTE:Unit not designed to have overhead obstruction.Contact Application Engineering for guidance on any application planning overhead obstruction or for vertical clearances. 14 • It ROOF CURB NOTES: POWER WIRING CONTROL WIRING ACCESSORY CONVENIENCE ACCESSORY# A 1.ROOFCURB ACCESSORY IS SHIPPED DISASSEMBLED. CONNECTOR PKG.ACC. GAS CONNECTION TYPE GAS FITTING FITTING FITTING OUTLET WIRING CONNECTOR 2.INSULATED PANELS:25.4(1"I THK.POLYURETHANE FOAM.44.5[1-3/4]#DENSITY. CRRFCURB001A01 14" 3.DIMENSIONS IN 1]ARE IN MILLIMETERS. CRBTMPWR001A01 THRU THE CURB 3/4.[19]NPT 1356] 4.ROOFCURB:18 GAGE STEEL. 3/4'[19j NPT 1/2-112.7]NPT 1/2-112.i1 NPT ' 5.ATTACH DUCTWORK TO CURB.(FLANGES OF DUCT REST ON CURB). CRRFCURB002A01 [810] sVI 6.SERVICE CLEARANCE 4 FEET ON EACH SIDE. CRBTMPWRCO3A01 THRU THE BOTTOM I2'[12.7]NPT T. DIRECTION OF AIR FLOW. 8.CONNECTOR PACKAGE CRBTMPWR001A01 IS FOR THRU-THE-CURB GAS TYPE PACKAGE CRBTMPWR003A01 IS FOR THRU-THE-BOTTOM TYPE GAS CONNECTIONS. [us] 1-3/4' 1.-..-1 11 5.42' 11.96 �- [25] INSULATED DECK PANELS [137.7] 1303.81 11 1 I "A" 1552.21 B9H6'1217.5]WIDE 1 INSULATED DECK PANEL 110..! Aiiiikl: [66.4] I V 4-13/16' I SEE NOTE#2 C 496 SECTION E-E i0.e7' SCALE 0.250 GAS SERVICE PLATE [427]INSIDE I I 2 ' [126.0] THRU THE CURB 1 I [61] [1800.2] 0 �, DRILL HOLE F0 I 2ASSEMBLY(IF 1 ��ll '44 I mL.EIL REQUIRED) It,_"_41 RETURN AIR (SEE NOTE q8) "'1 OPENING :�, ;L 185.8] �1/3l4'[44.Sj [385 e] E E 3.6 2'1 - .84' / ` r[i62j 1554.7] � 1 t..- 32.19" tev.fil VIEW"B" C CORNER DETAIL /`- 14.00' SUPPLY AIR pOZ' `/ RETURN AIR 1 <I p55.6] I OPENING I ... ........... 1 \ lu.sl V7 115. J I..--20.41- -.300' GASKE NIT "A" [44.5] [518.31 V6.2] (SUPPLIED WITH CURB) 40 I� �13.78' - /- AIL(FIELD SUPPLIED) 40.69- [103351 DUC TYPICAL(4)SIDES 11711.3] 4 (FIELD SUPPLIED) 4 8. / 1 0 11 j 1111 3'- 6' / 0 OUNTSU FLASHING [944.944.61 CT (FIELD SUPPLIED) / SEE VIEW"B" OOFING FELT \ (FIELD SUPPLIED) CERTIFIED DRAWING ANT STRIP �p1 (FIELD SUPPLIED) 56 ! O ` DRAWING RELEASE LEVEL: PRODUCTION -OOFING MATERIAL _]-.` \ \/ (FIELD SUPPLIED) DANGLE ii� / UOIMENSILESS OTHERWISE ARE IN INCHES I 1 I \\ PROJECTIONMATERIAL I DEC Z DEC DEC ANG TIRE f- t- f- t- ( AUTHORIZATION NUMBER SUPPLY AIR / 'IGID INSULATION - 1041738 CURB ASY,ROOF AIR \RETURN \\ (FIELD SUPPLIED) - ENGINEER.. MANUFACTURING \� ENGINEERING -- - D DRAWING REOUIREMEWS - SIZE REV OVERALL IA DIM.1B A..WAS FIELD EIS;18GA T-O05,HT: CHECKER 48TC400427 B j A MATERIAL WA 1fi GA.;NAIL FIELD SUPPLIED WAS O422/13 MMC 1087898 WEIGHT:- MMC O6/17/11- SHEET S OF 5 WITH CURB SURFACE FINISH MFGA.URCH MODEL(INTERNAL USE ONLY) NEXT ORAWINO DISTRIBUTION REV REVISION RECORD DATE BY CHKR APED ECN NO. _ PURCH SCALE MMC h 1(/ 1 V rn c, 3 tR 3 NOTES: iXTR WKWRENf Tf fK WRI[ITi.WIIIEI CaIWRAfla SM.Issia I fNTIF WRWRIWRs I ROCRWTf Carrier S.) eIVIRIR LAK INT ORROs CIMII(a TIT.F ®■ 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DIMENSIONS .UNIT J N H CONTENTS WILL NOT I DIMMED a NED NITWIT WRIER Ras-.rnsimrt RANT n.aWRKR a IN I 1 ARE IN MILLIMETERS. SOHCOA, DOi 11 1A 33 3/4 15 7/8 0 ,•,,,��CORPORATION'S WRITTEN CONSENT. KCFITWRC[.NWIWKt. 2. CENTER OF GRAVITY 49 3/ 36531 [1031 S0HCW08 1!3/8 6 3/6 is 7/6 CONNECTION SIZES M 112531 19251 11031 3. DIRECTION OF AIR FLOW A 1 3/8' [351 DIA FIELD POWER SUPPLY HOLE //� II2 1/2• [141 DIA POWER SUPPLY KNOCKOUT �/j 10-J18 C 1 3/4• [111 DIA GAUGE ACCESS PLUG �N.y, I`110261 D 7/8. 1221 DIA FIELD CONTROL WIRING HOLE t • T I E 3/P-11 (PT CONDENSATE DRAIN 6 2'1511 DIA POWER SUPPLY KNOCK-OUT (0 ECONOMIZER HOOD 20-3/1 1WR� (OPTIONAL) [5271 THRU-THE-BASE CHART (FIELD INST) J THESE HOLES REWIRED FOR USE WITH ACCY KITS: 4 CRBTMPNR001A01: 07 W"� �0 •` CRBTMPW0002A01: 08 -lI _a -- - - - v ( THREADED WIRE REO•D HOLE 1..1 36-7/6 CONDUIT SIZE USE SIZES(MAX.) [9251 12-5/8 4 W 1/2• ACC. 7/8• 122.21 RETURN AIR [3211 RETURN • '� 411° ) AIR X 1/2' 21V 7/8' [22.21 i4 R .. I I. ��� �� ., ,. T 131/I f101021 POWER 1 3 1• [IL1] FILTER ACCESS PANEL • \7 CO E ALT. THRU-THE-BASE CHART (FLOP) 0 1TWL-LESS) CONDENSATE DRAIN OPENING FOR•THRU-THE-BASEPAN•FACTORY OPTION, IN BASEPAN FITTINGS FOR ONLY X 6 T ARE PROVIDED: ♦ • CONDENSER ,,, 28-3/1 37-5/8 10-3/8 111 1/2.6(i)11/1'ELECTRICAL FITTINGS. F [1311 [9551 [10271 INDOOR COIL AI\ \•W!/01 X THE BASE SUPPLY AIR PLY C7 ACCESS PANEL 146912 ��� %/A CHART I , U691 1811 11 �_� ` 111���� [1121 11 11 \'—' [355] [2791 . It.A . plc]) I 1 1 _. - "- '1,.oJ .. .-.-95 BACK ,, ^Z --21-5/8 — 3-1/4 L 6-1/1 61, B I/511 — 11 [831 [1591 F 13561 259/2 H [6471 1-1/1 12-5/8 1-518 132) 13211 1 / E118) I LECTRICAL CONTROL BOX FILTER I LOCATINECi ACCESS PANEL CONDENSER A �II LOCATION E STD. COIL S. CONDENSATE DRAIN IND0 OHOPTIONAL I--I I J OPTIONALACCESS(BLOWER ■ V FACTORY •� FACTORY P INSTALLED 27-1/8 INSTALLED I OUTSIDE 0 CONVENIENCE I1011 .DISCONNECT 13-7/6 28-3/8� AIR OUTLET 6 CO C� ��IAMDLE ANDLF • [3531 SUPPLY AIR ,I,. I Alpr 26517� [1681 5-3/4 2-5/8— 11461 6-1/4 ( 11161 j [1131 5-3/1 1-3/8 s1.101 [671 117! [9511 [1510] TIT 00-1/8 [160] 3/-T/6 CURB [22301 [9621 41-7/8 LEFT WIDTH SUPPLY [1065] BAROMETRIC FRONT AIR At RETURN RELIEF RIGHT AIR FLOW ITC CLASSIFICATION SHEET DATE SUPERCEDES 50HCO 07-08 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRICAL REV U.S. ECCN:NSR 1 OF 2 09/28/16 05/07/10 HEATPUMP 181N503112 A • 0 .,A v Ms IOCNWBr is rxF IIOIEBrI a cllllEl COAMIxr101 SIWIISSIM OF IMSE/Bxs110s d xOCUW11s Quiet)u/Is OECISEIEI xla ixE IIIIEI9 C01EI rxlr M[ IOEs l c00 irE,FMr FIKT01111 7 p STD.UNIT CORNER CORNER CORNER CORNER C.G. Karraxrlai i wirrtxslxlaE/a xx[s short txalEs xamxliE a wnxcr. UNIT WEIGHT• WEIGHT(Al WEIGHT 18/ WEIGHT(C/_WEIGHT(DI_ O wx.r-* L85. KG.-LBS. KG. LBS. KG. L85. KG. LBS. KG. R T Z 50HCOA, DOT 710 322 162 73.5 129 58.5 186 84.4 234 106 38 5/8 19811 34 1/8 18671 21 1/4[5401 •STANDARD UNIT WEIGHT IS WITHOUT ELECTRIC HEAT AND WITHOUT PACKAGING. 50H0D08 8/5 397 190 86.2 160 72.6 253 114.8 284 128.8 40 110161 34 5/8 18191 24 3/8[6191 FOR OTHER OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES. REFER TO THE PRODUCT DATA CATALOG. CORNER A CORNER B 7 J11i11(\\', °, '11r))2,1 • i 0 :���, z z CORNER D — - CORNER C 1 C 101 rr M 0 V O { } dD T . O 1 • Z •. Loo . �C=i. : : oo1 FRONT ITC CLASSIFICATION SHEET DATE SUPERCEDES 50HCO 07-08 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRICAL REV U.S. ECCN:NSR 2 OF 2 09/28/16 05/07/10 HEATPUMP 487003112 A Q w 11 -I Dimensions (cont) Carrier; United'0041049MS SERVICE CLEARANCE DIMENSIONAL DRAWING-UNIT SIZES 07-08 1111N !441, IT At i N, 1 ,,,,,-, •.;,4„ IrAk LOCATION DIMENSION CONDITION 48-in.(1219 mm) •Unit disconnect is mounted on panel A 18-in.(457 mm) •No disconnect,convenience outlet option 18-in.(457 mm) •Recommended service clearance 12-in.(305 mm) •Minimum clearance 42-in.(1067 mm) •Surface behind servicer is grounded(e.g.,metal,masonry wall) B 36-in.(914 mm) •Surface behind servicer is electrically non-conductive(e.g.,wood,fiberglass) Special •Check for sources of flue products within 10-ft of unit fresh air intake hood C 36-in.(914 mm) •Side condensate drain is used 18-in.(457 mm) •Minimum clearance D 42-in.(1067 mm) •Surface behind servicer is grounded(e.g.,metal,masonry wall,another unit) 36-in.(914 mm) •Surface behind servicer is electrically non-conductive(e.g.,wood,fiberglass) NOTE:Unit not designed to have overhead obstruction.Contact Application Engineering for guidance on any application planning overhead obstruction or for vertical clearances. 18 M NOTES: UNITED P.O.MM ANa TUTU 10NIWRT If rHE PNOPER71 Q<CAMII[I C9APRRAT NUR 'War 6r TREEF NRN1NC1 A 10CMOrf TECHNOLOGIES f1RNCUf[.Rf CAN If D[LIPENEN MAN THE ERPREff Cd011IOI TRfr RIG WFf MT COf IITRTE HART NERiWRANCE NI 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES DIMENSIONS UNIT H J K CARRIER tun �rrciinaci NOT NE ISCI.O01Rf,ON OWN R1IIMUT CARRIER ACCEPTANCE CO CONTRACT. IX[ 1 ARE IX MILLINETEGS. 15 718 I!3/8 36 3l8 SOHCOD09 [4031 [12531 [9251 2.& CENTER OF GRAVITY CONNECTION SIZES 3.millo,DIRECTION OF AIR FLOW 1--60-3/8 A 13/8' [351 DIA FIELD POWER SUPPLY HOLE I10261 B 2 1/2'[641 DIA POWER SUPPLY KNOCKOUT , -- , —I C 13/4'[441 DIA GAUGE ACCESS PLUG ' D 7/8' [221 DIA FIELD CONTROL WIRING HOLE 2ECONOMIZER HOOD [526/A . (OPTIONAL( [526J E 3/6'-14 DNPTIG CONDENSATE DRAIN G 2'[51l DIA POWER SUPPLY KNOCK-OUT N ^ T.- �'_`-' 7■ __�. . � TNRU-THE-BASE CHART FILTER ACCESS PANEL I, THESE HOLES REQUIRED FOR USE (DISPOSABLE FILTERS) CRBTMPRROO2A01 36-3/6 12-5/8 ♦ - L.� [9251 [3211 THREADED WIRE REO•D HOLE La • CONDENSER RETURN AIR RETURN CONDUIT SIZE USE SIZES(MAX.) COIL •• •• ^ AIR il ■ 1/2' ACC. 7/8' [22.21 • I K 1/2' 24V 7/8' 122.21vINDOOR COIL I } I T 1 1/A' PO'IER 1 l/A' [II.11 ACCESS PANE( I AO-1/8 FOR'TNRU-THE-eASEPAM'FACTOR(OPTION, • I [10211 FITTINGS FOR ONLY K 6 T ARE PROVIDED 26-3/4 [95518 y z s R [7311 0O : .� •I Y- �.1 / OO,M I 4 SUPPLY SUPPLY 0 61J T AIR BACK [4691216-1/3 135 I11 SEE AIR (ll5l[2191 —N1! �i A / 6-1/4 M.1 •• E ALT.J 13— 3-1/4 I1501 V —29-5/8— CONDENSATE [3561 [831 [7511 DRAIN OPENING IN BASEPAN —25-1/2— „I y [6161 2- 8 [73.0 F�7.I [-/891 it-SIB [1181 13211 ^z I LECiRICALDISCONNECT 1 II LOCATION CONTROL ROE �+ CONDENSER ACCESS PANEL 'y COIL { } J INDOOR BLOWER ILTER OPTIONAL I OPAIONAI— ACCESS E STD. 'w FACTORY J FAC TORT CONDENSATE Iv,�I I PI INSTALLED , 35-7/8 DISCONNECT I (77 CONVENIENCE II 19121 OUTLET 28-3/B 1 OUTS[OE HANDLE �IIAXDLE 13-i/8 1i20] , • 26 AIR — ej! [J5J1 SUPPLY AIR _—_-1 IFj91 _ __ _ 11 A-5/8 _ BI= =-EN [1601 • ,,lO l J 'L7 : : oo — ___ 3-3/4 59-1/2 2-5/8— 5-361 . [till 5-3/4 361 41, 1951 115101 [671 TIP 88-1/8 61601 LEFTt2z3e1 CURB 37-7/8 WIDTH [MI BAROMETRIC FRONT 42-3/8 RELIEF [10761 Ir FLOW RETURN AIR RIGHT SHEET NOTE SRRNCENEf 50HCOD09 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRIC REN IOF2 05/07/10 NEW HEAT PUMP 48TM503115 tU 1 N N O NA=■ 3 CD M NO O S rroN.K a.1•Ia:Prow UWI m mpuamaaia Rayu aC am rirgaa aK ai Y, MR• STD.UNIT CORNER CORNER CORNER CORNER CARRIER 11111 [arms nu Nor I[nKAaEe a NK9 m•ar uaaR Au[rrAKI a CONTRACT. UNIT WEIGHT• HEIGHT(AI WEIGHT IV WEIGHT ICI WEIGHT MI C G• MUM air¢N caf[n. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. LBS. XG. LBS. AG. X T I 50000009 1020 463 255 115.1 199 90.3 248 112.5 318 144.2 38 1/4 19021 32 18131 24 18101 •STANDARD UNIT WEIGHT IS WITHOUT ELECTRIC HEAT ADD WITHOUT PACKAGING. FOR OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES REFER TO THE PRODUCT DATA CATALOG. ram\ CORNER A C 1, CORNER B 0 H H I III 11'Illihllllll►�„��� .I���plll �) • • • CORNER D 1 CORNER C 2 X TOP [ C 4 ___ __ . Cn I [n .I1/40 8 v •I Z y FRONT SHEET MIT yrtKEKI 50HCODO9 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRIC REY 2or2 05/07/10 NEW HEAT PUMP 48TM503115 _ Vi t, ' -____ Carrier SERVICE CLEARANCE DIMENSIONAL DRAWING-UNIT SIZES 09 (''1(,': 41.),))) - A [7' 144 4, 1 ...------- -----<\ 1 ,,„,..: ,a B ` ?> A LOCATION DIMENSION CONDITION 48-in.(1219 mm) •Unit disconnect is mounted on panel A 18-in.(457 mm) •No disconnect,convenience outlet option 18-in.(457 mm) •Recommended service clearance 12-in.(305 mm) •Minimum clearance 42-in.(1067 mm) •Surface behind servicer is grounded(e.g.,metal,masonry wall) B 36-in.(914 mm) •Surface behind servicer is electrically non-conductive(e.g.,wood,fiberglass) Special •Check for sources of flue products within 10-ft of unit fresh air intake hood C 36-in.(914 mm) •Side condensate drain is used 18-in.(457 mm) •Minimum clearance D 42-in.(1067 mm) •Surface behind servicer is grounded(e.g.,metal,masonry wall,another unit) 36-in.(914 mm) •Surface behind servicer is electrically non-conductive(e.g.,wood,fiberglass) NOTE:Unit not designed to have overhead obstruction.Contact Application Engineering for guidance on any application planning overhead obstruction or for vertical clearances. 21 N N MOM 111 CD ROOF CURB NOTES: POWER WIRING CONTROL WIRING ACCESSORY CONVENIENCE //� ACCESSORY M A 1.ROOFCURB ACCESSORY IS SHIPPED DISASSEMBLED. CONNECTOR PKG.ACC. GAS CONNECTION TYPE GAS FITTING FITTING FITTING OUTLET WIRING CONNECTOR (In 2.INSULATED PANELS:25.4[1']THK.POLYURETHANE FOAM,44.5[13/4]6 DENSITY. 1♦■ CRRFCURB003A01 14• 3.DIMENSIONS IN]]ARE IN MILLIMETERS. CRBTMPWROO2A01 THRU THE CURB [3561 4.ROOFCURB:18 GAGE STEEL. 3/1'(191 NPT 1 1/4'[31.71 NPT 1/Y[12.71 NPT 1/Y[12.7]NPT 5.ATTACH DUCTWORK TO CURB.(FLANGES OF DUCT REST ON CURB). CRRFCURBOD4A01 16101 6.SERVICE CLEARANCE 4 FEET ON EACH SIDE. CRBTMPWROO/A01 THRU THE BOTTOM 7. DIRECTION OF AIR FLOW. 8.CONNECTOR PACKAGE CRBTMPWROO2A01 IS FOR THRU-THE-CURB GAS TYPE !_ PACKAGE CRBTMPWROO4A01 IS FOR THRU-THE-BOTTOM TYPE GAS CONNECTIONS. (In 14.5• ,I C) [44.5] 531/2' - [1358.9] IP I 71.00' 6 3/84' --11.4Y 14 3/4' (25.4] 1153.51 [290.0] [374.7] 2 rote r21/4' r 1 (57.21 "A" 12-1/Y 1317.5]WIDE 1 1 L I I I I INSULATED DECK PANELS , • 26' -\ O [660.4] 9-15/18'[252.4]WIDE ` III INSULATED DECK PANEL -- A r ♦ 13/4• I \ C I (4a 41 �� • [106.0] _ - - 0[44.41 �] SECTION THRU SIDE (513/4' GAS SERVICE PLATE I INSI v THRU THE CURB INSIDE I DRILL HOLE Q! EE NOTE82 111 1 Y[50.8]0 2-3/8• 1 ^7 �329/16' ASSEMBLY OF ( [61] I [827.11 81 3/4' REQUIRED) [2076.3] L (SEE NOTE 48) I ` I FFF��111 t 9 . \ r 3' [7B21 1 _ 1 4020.8• I `"" F ]1020.8] .. 1513/16' 4 RETURN MR z3v1s• VIEW"B" /�`��� [401.6] SUPPLY AIR OPENING 1585.8] I 1 3/4' OPENING CORNER DETAIL11 (a.sl TVP (15 1 I 4,1„.„„,..__ _- URN AIR (44.5 `1 3/4' I�'�31 17/37 � �1515/32 GASKE NIT \ \ [44.5] I800.91 1392.91 (SUPPLIED WITH CURB) �A. AIL(FIELD SUPPLIED) 6'6-1/4' + (1987.5] O DUC TYPICAL(4)SIDES V (FIELD SUPPLIED) _� 4'Y 1] (1270.0] / 0 OUNTER FLASHING (FIELD SUPPLIED) 1/40 'SEE VIEW"B" OOFING FELT (FIELD SUPPLIED) CERTIFIED DRAWING 151. ANT STRIP 1781 (FIELD SUPPLIED) 0 BMW '� OOFING MATERIAL 'DRAWING RELEASE LEVEE PRODUCTION O ` (FIELD SUPPLIED) �� UNLESS O HERWESE SPECIFIED THIRD ANGLE/d 1 DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES \\IW/ TOLERANCES _ ' tN 1 PRo.n:c DEC DECDEC ANo »°eRIR,H.° `"°m2°'I°`.°»° '°Oww a`E°:��F.o"n.aN,,�w.MATERIAL 1f- t- f- f- / AMINGROATKIN NUMBER TITLE R \ / IGIO INSULATION - 1029120 CURB ASY,ROOF • s R RETURN \ \ (FIELD SUPPLIED) - ENGINEERING MANUFACTURING \ ENGINEERING REQUIREMENTS - -- - SIZE MAVEN°NUMBER REV \\\ 6'81/4'WAS 6'71/6',4'2'WAS 4'213/16% T-005,Y-002 DRAFTER D 50HJ405012 C j C 18 GA WAS 16 GA.:1513/16•WAS 1515/16%NAIL 4/22/13 MMC 1067898 •MMC 12/16/09- SHEET 5OF 5 FIELD SUPPLIED WAS WITH CURB _ ,SURFACE FINISH MFGTURGH MODEL(INTERNAL USE ONLY) NEXT DRAWING SCALE DISTRIBUTION REV REVISION RECORD DATE BY CHIO APED ECN NO. _ PURCH • - WA ($: ' - ti • NOTES: fZi UNITED 1.0.MI AIM MIS DOCUMENT IS IRE AMEITY DF[SIPPER CORMA11CN SUIIISSIOI Of INESE OWIMS Ot Damn TECHNOLOGIES SYNACUSI.my AH IS DELIVEIED NIUI a [Dn CgDITIUI fNAi a DOSS ICI CDNSTItOfE(SIT PEMMI(ICE W 1. DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES.DIMENSIONS CARRIER 10:n CuMIUMC S nlM.o COMM.dl uu mxat uAIIIEI 4XLW AlEE OF Cpnitt. IN[ I ARE IN MILLIMETERS. 2.& CENTER OF GRAVITY CONNECTION SIZES 8 2 1/2' [641 DIA POWER SUPPLY HOLE 3.ilk DIRECTION OF AIR FLOW 61-1/8 52.7/8 D 7/8' [221 DIA FIELD CONTROL WIRING HOLE [15521 [13441 E 3/4.-14 NPT CONDENSATE DRAIN F 7/8' [221 DIA FIELD CONVENIENCE OUTLET HOLE • ,ECONOMIZER ROOD(VERTICAL) 1 THRU-THE-BASE CHART TWO-POSITION DAMPER HOOD THESE HOLES REWIRED FOR USE -.1--• (VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL) 29 CRBTXPWROOSA00.006A00.00TA00 (OPTIONAL) [/381 ACCESSORY THREADED WIRE REO'D HOLE • FILTER/ECONOMIZER ACCESS PANEL J6-1lt NO. CONDUIT SIZE USE SIZES(MAX.7 (DISPOSABLE FILTERS) [9261 12-5/8 W 1/2' ACC. 7/8' I22.21 �r [3211 DID X 1/2' 24V 7/8' 122.21 L�".,f COMPRESSOR CONDENSER 1 � T 1 T/4 POWER 1 Ilt' I38.11 !I„I- • ACCE55 COIL �~ RETURN A[R 26 006 X 1/2' 24V 7/8' 122.21 PANEL I��� I�1� �117 �` i11�� YEATICAL [6601 AIR 006 N 11/22' POWER T/6'E[22.21 O INDOOR COIL I\1 ACCESS PANEL ti ,� I III X 1/2' 24V 7/8'[22.21 Y 2' POWER 2 1/2' [63.51 y 22-1/2 28.3N FOR'THRU-THE-BASEPAX'FACTORY OPTION, Z EMI • / [T311 44-U8eio, FITTINGS FOR X 6 Y ARE PROVIDED AS (A [11261 SPECIFIED ON'006'. O ii�\I.i AIR R SUPPLY i00 O C -_— •��i u� Z I MINI l IOII X • VERTICAL 41-1l2 T [10551 AIR PLY PRESSURE GAUGE MANIfOU BACK ANDLE 20-112 '',� , PI ACCESS SLOT [5221 1 0 +I SEE 'EMOVABLE 10 I1/8 18-1/8— * TARS-THEBADE CHART PLATE [2591 [4591 E ALT. 15 — 44-1/4 - CONDENSATE .y [3801 [11241 DRAIN OPENING [3561 �141214 IN BASEPAN 0 Allt -1-3/8 11-7/8 4-3l8 [351 [3021 [1111 I LECTRICAL a •1f� t• n s r T �! li- I DISCONNECT i. i LOCATION • CONTROL BOX FILTERS 34-1/2 1 OPTIONAL ACCESS PANEL [8761 4-5/8OUTSIDE AIR N 1119] INSTALLED I 1 DISCONNECT ELECTRIC HEAT INDOOR BLOWER E STo._ 1 Rl CONDENSER II ACCESS PANEL ACCESS PANEL CONDENSATE '46-1T8' COIL I► B 26-114 57-3/8 OPifONAI • DRAIN [11721 N"9 [6b61 114561 FACTORL _ N '1 I. 35-3/4 INSTALLED Il p 19081 CONVENIENCE llll.�� z g it OUTLET ANDLE " { 31-3/4 " = i 1-3/4 �-N 14.5/8 _— [8061 -518 I [1961 �� F / [J731 SUPPLY AIR s g 25-5I8 [1111 i5i5I [49014 H d LiJ HORIZONTAL r1'% [b501 II )11- I 1 1 `13-314 . .. . " ( 4 '®'t 1 [3501 00 OOIA 2: - ._ I-3/8 - 2-5/8 TTP-- L.__ • 6-S/R -8.751 1-6-1/8 [1101 BASE [1541 I1611 [I151 f1541 22-3/1 )-)l4 BASE RAIL 115-7/8 [154I 41.1/2 [5781 [951 WIDTH 129421 [10561 BAROMETRIC /POWER 63-3/8[16091 SUPPLY I RETURN RELIEF EXHAUST FLOW FRONT AIR AIR LEFT RIGHT DHYL MERMEN 50HC0 12 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRICAL ICY 05/22/12 HEAT PUMP 50TM501040 A0 / 11 / i . N '! W N MAN W 3 CD n STD UNIT CORNER CORNER CORNER CORNER �tlf1� UNITED P.O.101 RIOS nn DDOYRNr a iK Inr[IiY v Cmiu UN hula 1DAARf r s riWu x3nwa a mcuNNiI UNIT WEIGHT WEIGHT(Al WEIGHT(Bl WEIGHT(C) WEIGHT(D) C.G. 0 TECNNOLOG IES.....•n MI Il DEUDEIEII qa TEC ERDEIR CaDma 1AA7 RRE wla Nor CDnnNCEL CO IIACT. E a ;/CARRIER 13221 CORPORAT Alll bl IL DISCLOSED OR NEED NIINDIf CARRIER ACCEPTANCE M Cp11Kf. DEW LBS. KG. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. LBS. KG. % Y Z CORPORATION'S nnr[N ta3Elr 0 50HCOD12 1390 632 356 162 344 156 339 154 351 160 57 11//81 31 1/2 [8001 21 1/8 153i1 STANDARD UNIT WEIGHT IS WITHOUT ELECTRIC HEAT 8 WITHOUT PACKAGING. 81-174 32-3/4 — 3 FOR OPTIONS I ACCESSORIES, REFER TO THE PRODUCT DATA CATALOG. 12064.91 1832.51 (I) V f CORNER A CORNER 8 HORIZONTALo I C • g ECO0ZEA 9 /i W $ -\ (OPTIONAL) 55 IMP 1 \ •g , 1110 I� am, lli � �R• Ne— \ ti/� ti �' AIR 1..1 '/r � � O 1 \��\ : AIRPLI CORNER D CORNER C • , TOP zI G) I 1 1 Imo{ C . • 1111 ` • ) JZ-'� ♦ 112981 N zI I ® R.[111116 0 1 v i000 O O OO£! i t I FRONT SUPPLY RETURN AIR AIR HORIZONTAL ECONOMIZER DATE AVEKEKI 50HC0 12 SINGLE ZONE ELECTRICAL REV 05/22/12 - HEAT PUMP SOTM501040 A A_ ,a fD Carrier; V Willed Tealn41l9Uie$ SERVICE CLEARANCE DIMENSIONAL DRAWING-UNIT SIZES 12 Alit I.,IlliillH., ':, .'111121111:. -/-7----- a 412:. ,, Ar.„.,,,,,,...--vD LOCATION DIMENSION CONDITION 48-in.(1219 mm) •Unit disconnect is mounted on panel A 18-in.(457 mm) •No disconnect,convenience outlet option 18-in.(457 mm) •Recommended service clearance 12-in.(305 mm) •Minimum clearance 42-in.(1067 mm) •Surface behind servicer is grounded(e.g.,metal,masonry wall) B 36-in.(914 mm) •Surface behind servicer is electrically non-conductive(e.g.,wood,fiberglass) Special •Check for sources of flue products within 10-ft of unit fresh air intake hood C 36-in.(914 mm) •Side condensate drain is used • 18-in.(457 mm) •Minimum clearance D 42-in.(1067 mm) •Surface behind servicer is grounded(e.g.,metal,masonry wall,another unit) 36-in.(914 mm) •Surface behind servicer is electrically non-conductive(e.g.,wood,fiberglass) NOTE:Unit not designed to have overhead obstruction.Contact Application Engineering for guidance on any application planning overhead obstruction or for vertical clearances. 25 N ^ crN V NI.NNI■ 3 CD M NOTES: ��yyy(�� UNITED P.O.No!11a/ Ie13 Cace.,IS 1NE PPolEil!or GAME)cc1101.TRO NPte(11(A OF FNEE[n.nl.c aN OOOOWPII ROOF CURB I. ROOFCURB ACCESSORY IS SHIPPED DISASSEMBLED. ;y-�TECHNOLOGIES snKus[.er iO I1 O[UVI110 Plat TOE[PPNEes(..(t(a Fees A[ WES POT(Panp"E PPP'PAFWO. '01 ACCESSORY N A 2. INSULATED PANELS, I/2.THK. NEOPRENE FOAM. 1.01 DENSITY. wi//CARRIER ITT[) (ONt[Etc 91 I Pot 10 O(00901EO a aF0 ace?MIL KCFPUKF 90 EafEKf. 3. DIMENSIONS IN I 1 ARE IN MILLIMETERS. COMOl/na 1 OUTTEN MDT. /�[�■ CRRFCURB072A00 11 A. ROOFCURB SIDENALLS: 16 GAGE STEEL. .4i [I561 5. ATTACH DUCTWORK TO CURB. (FLANGES OF DUCT REST OM CURB 1•' I/O. 0 6.SEE CLEARANCE 4 FT ON EACH SIDE. CRRFCUR8073A00 21 7. DIRECTION OF AIR FLOW. L131 16101 8. •L' DESIGNATIONS DENOTE LOCATION OF COMMON CROSS RAIL. .'II/i (POSITION ION.S.FOR SMALL DUCT OPENING CURB). GASKETCO (SUPPLIED WITH CUR81 NIT Alt DUCT j TYPICAL l O SIDES o 0 (FIELD SUPPLIED) . SECTION C-C 0 w (51.631 BUNTER FLASHING 0 [1/63) .. (FIELD SUPPLIED) (23016 (2301 C-- i (FIFING FT ELD SUPPLIED) 'MMIN80/ wwwwwwwmimommommommommommem ANT STRIP C— (FIELD SUPPLIED) I/2. 1 'OOFING MATERIAL 11J1 0 /,-..�pPINING FOR BASEPAN kk IF LELD SUPPLIED! II_••. O 1 ( 'XTRT SERVICE '" • Nfl_- 4 1-151 I/8 IGID C 1331/16 (FIELDISUPPLIED) o / 1[3311 SEE NOTE 12 TIE 1//' DETAIL E SECTION D-D Y IT) �1 111 m 1[2775109-iR O JF. rri 1-3/16 IT)5.SI �, I / Ili \� s..P 11061 L!/_� RETURN AIR j I I � - OPExiNG �� s 35-15/16 .SEE SUPPLY AIR RETURN A[R� SEE DETAIL E C [9141 NOTE 8 %!//////////,7, ,\\\\\\\\W '�' 1161 .I (761 ,L 3-1/2 /0-1/8 \ ^i [891 [I0191 [12801 \ 0 FM 31-3/8 [12801 VIEW A-A N 3 �15-1I/16 17981 \ [7I61 f398I1 i J + SUPPLY AIR [5)) I n ' ._,' N i UNIT FRONT / ' /\ ...--$00 ,. 19-3/16 1 � p_ Pan -� � n ; 1 UPPLf AI\, 'I 7-1/4 (1851 ) 0[10.41' �` , RETURN AIR DJ [10./1 [271 I 15-5/16 .31• RETURN END 1-311—.1 35.7/16 -• -.—3-5/16 [3891 `� INEL MM[MA1aDGAA5TL1 [pl f9011 (8/1 t� WITH INCH ALi_ 5I-1/16 A ®� " I NEOPRENE INSULATION [1371] 0'-7/16' ' 'PINING FOR • 110.41 ALT CONDENSATE DRAIN A NA3 CIIRN I FOP)TOG TOI FRANCFO . I\V A,� ro ti 1 Application data Carrier Min operating ambient temp (cooling) humidity better; promotes efficiency; reduces utility bills; In mechanical cooling mode, your Carrier rooftop can extends equipment life, and maintains even, comfortable safely operate down to an outdoor ambient temperature of temperatures. 30°F (-1°C). It is possible to provide cooling at lower out- Low ambient applications door ambient temperatures by using less outside air, econ- When equipped with a Carrier economizer, your rooftop omizers, and/or accessory low ambient kits. unit can cool your space by bringing in fresh, cool outside Max operating ambient temp (cooling) air. In fact, when so equipped, accessory low ambient kit The maximum operating ambient temperature for cooling may not be necessary. In low ambient conditions, unless the mode is 125°F (52°C). While cooling operation above outdoor air is excessively humid or contaminated, econo- 125°F (52°C) may be possible, it could cause either a mizer-based "free cooling" is the preferred less costly and reduction in performance, reliability, or a protective action energy conscious method. by the unit's internal safety devices. In low ambient applications where outside air might not be Min and max airflow(cooling and heating mode) desired(such as contaminated or excessively humid outdoor environments), your Carrier rooftop can operate at ambient To maintain safe and reliable operation of your rooftop, temperatures down to -20°F (-29°C) using the recom- operate within the cooling airflow limits. Operating above mended accessory Motormastere low ambient controller. the max may cause blow-off, undesired airflow noise, or airflow related problems with the rooftop unit. Operating Application/Selection Option below the min may cause problems with coil freeze-up. For Selection software by Carrier saves time by calculating per- proper minimum-maximum CFM values see the table on formance in the selection process. Contact your Carrier page 5. sales representative for assistance. Airflow Staged Air Volume (SAVTm) with Variable All units are draw-though in cooling mode. Frequency Drive (VFD) Outdoor air application strategies Carrier's Staged Air Volume (SAV) system utilizes a Vari- able Frequency Drive (VFD) to automatically adjust the Economizers reduce operating expenses and compressor indoor fan motor speed in sequence with the units cooling run time by providing a free source of cooling and a means operation. Per ASHRAE 90.1-2016 and IECC-2015 stan- of ventilation to match application changing needs. In fact, dards, during the first stage of cooling operation the VFD they should be considered for most applications. Also, con- will adjust the fan motor to provide 66% of the total cfm sider the various economizer control methods and their established for the unit.When a call for the second stage of benefits, as well as sensors required to accomplish your cooling is required, the VFD will allow the total cfm for the application goals. Please contact your local Carrier repre- unit established (100%). During the heating mode, the sentative for assistance. VFD will allow total design cfm (100%) operation and Motor limits, break horsepower (BHP) during the ventilation mode the VFD will allow operation Due to Carrier's internal unit design, air path, and specially to 66%of total cfm. designed motors, the full horsepower (maximum continuous The VFD used in Carrier's SAV system has soft start capa- BHP) band, as listed in this manual, can be used with the bilities to slowly ramp up the speeds, thus eliminating any utmost confidence. There is no need for extra safety factors, high inrush air volume during initial start-up. It also has as Carrier's motors are designed and rigorously tested to use internal over current protection for the fan motor and a the entire, listed BHP range without either nuisance tripping field-installed display kit that allows adjustment and in or premature motor failure. depth diagnostics of the VFD. Sizing a rooftop This SAV system is available on models with 2-stage cool- ing operation with electrical mechanical or RTU Open Bigger isn't necessarily better. While an air conditioner (multi Protocol) controls. Both space sensor and conven- needs to have enough capacity to meet the load, it doesn't tional thermostat controls can be used to provide accurate need excess capacity. In fact, having excess capacity typi- control in any application. cally results in very poor part load performance and The SAV system is very flexible for initial fan performance humidity control. set up and adjustment. The standard factory shipped VFD Using higher design temperatures than ASHRAE recom- is pre-programmed to automatically stage the fan speed mends for your location, adding "safety factors" to the cal- between the first and second stage of cooling. The unit fan culated load, and rounding up to the next largest unit, are performance static pressure and cfm can be easily adjusted all signs of oversizing air conditioners. Oversizing can using the traditional means of pulley adjustments. The cause short-cycling, and short cycling leads to poor humid- other means to adjust the unit static and cfm performance ity control, reduced efficiency, higher utility bills, drastic is to utilize the field-installed display module and adjust the indoor temperature swings, excessive noise, and increased frequency and voltage in the VFD to required performance wear and tear on the air conditioner. requirements. In either case, once set up the VFD will auto- Rather than oversizing an air conditioner, wise contractors matically adjust the speed between the cooling stage oper- and engineers "right-size" or even slightly undersize air ations. conditioners. Correctly sizing an air conditioner controls 27 Performance data Carrier Untied Technologies 50HCQ-STAGED AIR VOLUME(SAV) -VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE(VFD) HP RATING UNIT SIZE VOLTAGE STATIC OPTION VFD HP RATING 208/230,460,575 STD 3 07 208/230,460 MED 3 575 MED 5 208/230,460,575 HIGH 7.5 208/230,460,575 STD 3 08 208/230,460,575 MED 3 208/230,460,575 HIGH 5 208/230,460,575 STD 3 09 208/230,460 MED 3 575 MED 5 208/230,460,575 HIGH 5 208/230,460,575 STD 3 12 208/230,460 MED 3 575 MED 5 208/230,460,575 HIGH 7.5 28 Carrier g hammed'Nanala es COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGE COOLING, 3 TONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(F) 50HCQA04 85 95 105 115 125 EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 58 TC 31.8 31.8 36.0 30.5 30.5 34.5 29.0 29.0 32.9 27.5 27.5 31.1 25.7 25.7 29.2 SHC 27.5 31.8 36.0 26.4 30.5 34.5 25.2 29.0 32.9 23.8 27.5 31.1 22.3 25.7 29.2 62 TC 33.5 33.5 34.2 31.8 31.8 33.4 30.0 30.0 32.5 28.0 28.0 31.4 25.9 25.9 30.2 SHC 24.9 29.5 34.2 24.0 28.7 33.4 23.2 27.8 32.5 22.2 26.8 31.4 21.1 25.7 30.2 v 67 TC 36.8 36.g 36.8 34.9 34.9 34.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 30.8 30.8 30.8 28.4 28.4 28.4 rn a SHC 20.6 25.2 29.9 19.8 24.4 29.1 18.9 23.6 28.3 18.0 22.7 27.4 17.0 21.7 26.4 TC 40.4 40.4 40.4 38.4 38.4 38.4 36.2 36.2 36.2 33.8 33.8 33.8 31.3 31.3 31.3 72 SHC 16.1 20.9 25.6 15.4 20.1 24.8 14.5 19.2 24.0 13.6 18.3 23.0 12.7 17.4 22.1 76 TC - 43.4 43.4 - 41.2 41.2 - 38.9 38.9 - 36.4 36.4 - 33.7 33.7 SHC - 17.3 22.2 - 16.5 21.5 - 15.7 20.6 - 14.8 19.6 - 13.9 18.7 58 TC 33.5 33.5 38.0 32.1 32.1 36.4 30.6 30.6 34.7 28.9 28.9 32.7 27.0 27.0 30.6 SHC 29.0 33.5 38.0 27.8 32.1 36.4 26.5 30.6 34.7 25.0 28.9 32.7 23.4 27.0 30.6 62 TC 34.6 34.6 37.4 32.8 32.8 36.5 30.9 30.9 35.5 28.9 28.9 34.1 27.0 27.0 31.9 E a SHC 26.7 32.1 37.4 25.9 31.2 36.5 24.9 30.2 35.5 23.8 28.9. 34.1 22.2 27.0 31.9 0 3 67 TC 37.9 37.9 37.9 35.9 35.9 35.9 33.8 33.8 33.8 31.5 31.5 31.5 29.0 29.0 29.0 ow' a SHC 21.8 27.2 32.6 21.0, 26.4 31.8 20.1 25.5 30.9 19.2 24.6 29.9 18.2 23.6 28.9 w TC 41.5 41.5 41.5 39.4 39.4 39.4 37.1 37.1 37.1 34.6 34.6 34.6 31.9 31.9 31.9 72 SHC 16.7 22.1 27.6 15.9 21.3 26.7 15.0 20.4 25.9 14.1 19.5 24.9 13.1 18.6 24.0 76 TC - 44.6 44.6 - 42.3 42.3 - 39.8 39.8 - 37.2 37.2 - 34.4 34.4 SHC - 18.0 23.6 - 17.2 22.8 - 16.3 21.9 - 15.4 21.0 - 14.5 20.0 58 TC 35.0 35.0 39.7 33.5 33.5 38.0 31.8 31.8 36.1 30.0 30.0 34.0 28.1 28.1 31.8 SHC 30.3 35.0 39.7 29.0 33.5 38.0. 27.6 31.8 36.1 26.0 30.0 34.0 24.3 28.1 31.8 62 TC 35.5 35.5 40.4 33.7 33.7 39.3 31.9 31.9 37.6 30.1 30.1 35.4 28.1 28.1 33.1 E a SHC 28.4 34.4 40.4 27.4 33.3 39.3 26.2 31.9 37.6 24.7 30.1 35.4 23.1 28.1 33.1 0 3 67 TC 38.7 38.7 38.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 34.5 34.5 34.5 32.1 32.1 32.4 29.5 29.5 31.4 a SHC 22.9 29.0 35.1 22.1 28.2 34.3 21.2 27.3 33.4 20.3 26.3 32.4 19.2 25.3 31.4 TC 42.4 42.4 42.4 40.2 40.2 40.2 37.8 37.8 37.8 35.2 35.2 35.2 32.5 32.5 32.5 72 SHC 17.1 23.3 29.4 16.3 22.5 28.6 15.5 21.6 27.7 14.5 20.7 26.8 13.6 19.7 25.8 76 TC - 45.5 45.5 - 43.1 43.1 - 40.6 40.6 - 37.8 37.8 - 34.9 34.9 SHC - 18.6 25.0 - 17.8 24.1 - 17.0 23.2 - 16.0 22.3 - 15.1 21.3 58 TC 36.2 36.2 41.1 34.6 34.6 39.3 32.9 32.9 37.3 31.0 31.0 35.1 28.9 28.9 32.8 SHC 31.4 36.2 41.1 30.0 34.6 39.3 28.5 32.9 37.3 26.9 31.0 35.1 25.1 28.9 32.8 62 TC 36.3 36.3 42.8 34.7 34.7 40.9 32.9 32.9 38.8 31.0 31.0 36.6 29.0 29.0 34.1 E a SHC 29.8 36.3 42.8 28.5 34.7 40.9 27.1 32.9 38.8 25.5 31.0 36.6 23.8 29.0 34.1 c 3 67 TC 39.4 39.4 39.4 37.3 37.3 37.3 35.0 35.0 35.8 32.5 32.5 34.8 29.9 29.9 33.7 a SHC 24.0 30.8 37.6 23.2 30.0 36.8 22.3 29.1 35.8 21.3 28.1 34.8 20.3 27.0 33.7 w TC 43.1 43.1 43.1 40.8 40.8 40.8 38.3 38.3 38.3 35.7 35.7 35.7 32.9 32.9 32.9 72 SHC 17.6 24.4 31.3 16.8 23.6 30.4 15.9 22.7 29.5 14.9 21.8 28.6 14.0 20.8 27.6 76 TC - 46.2 46.2 - 43.8 43.8 - 41.1 41.1 - 38.3 38.3 - 35.3 35.3 SHC - 19.2 26.2 - 18.4 25.4 - 17.5 24.5 - 16.6 23.5 - 15.6 22.5 58 IC 37.3 37.3 42.3 35.6 35.6 40.4 33.8 33.8 38.3 31.8 31.8 36.1 29.7 29.7 33.6 SHC 32.3 37.3 42.3 30.9 35.6 40.4 29.3 33.8 38.3 27.6 31.8 36.1 25.7 29.7 33.6 62 TC 37.3 37.3 44.0 35.7 35.7 42.0 33.9 33.9 39.9 31.9 31.9 37.5 29.7 29.7 35.0 E a SHC 30.7 37.3 44.0 29.3 35.7 42.0 27.8 33.9 39.9 26.2 31.9 37.5 24.4 29.7 35.0 o 3 67 TC 39.9 39.9 40.0 37.8 37.8 39.1 35.4 35.4 38.1 32.9 32.9 37.1 30.3 30.3 35.9 o a SHC 25.1 32.5 40.0 24.2 31.7 39.1 23.3 30.7 38.1 22.3 29.7 37.1 21.2 28.5 35.9 w TC 43.7 43.7 43.7 41.3 41.3 41.3 38.8 38.8 38.8 36.1 36.1 36.1 33.2 33.2 33.2 72 SHC 18.0 25.5 33.0 17.2 24.7 32.1 16.3 23.8 31.2 15.3 22.8 30.3 14.3 21.8 29.3 76 TC - 46.8 46.8 - 44.3 44.3 - 41.6 41.6 - 38.7 38.7 - 35.6 35.6 SHC - 19.8 27.4 - 19.0 26.6 - 18.1 25.7 - 17.1 24.7 - 16.1 23.7 LEGEND -Do not operate Cfm -Cubic feet per minute(supply air) EAT(db) -Entering Air Temperature(dry bulb) EAT(wb)-Entering Air Temperature(wet bulb) SHC -Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross TC -Total Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross 29 Performance data (cont) Carrier COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGE COOLING, 4 TONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(F) 50HCOA05 85 95 105 115 125 EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 58 TC 41.1 41.1 46.6 39.5 39.5 44.8 37.7 37.7 42.7 35.8 35.8 40.6 33.7 33.7 38.2 SHC 35.6 41.1 46.6 34.2 39.5 44.8 32.7 37.7 42.7 31.0 35.8 40.6 29.2 33.7 38.2 62 TC 43.1 43.1 44.7 41.0 41.0 43.6 38.7 38.7 42.5 36.3 36.3 41.2 33.8 33.8 39.8 E SHC 32.3 38.5 44.7 31.3 37.5 43.6 30.2 36.3 42.5 29.0 35.1 41.2 27.8 33.8 39.8 Uo 3 67 TC 47.4 47.4 47.4 45.1 45.1 45.1 42.6 42.6 42.6 39.9 39.9 39.9 37.1 37.1 37.1 N a SHC 26.7 32.9 39.1 25.7 31.9 38.0 24.6 30.8 37.0 23.5 29.7 35.9 22.4 28.5 34.7 w TC 52.1 52.1 52.1 49.6 49.6 49.6 46.8 46.8 46.8 43.9 43.9 43.9 40.8 40.8 40.8 72 SHC 20.8 27.1 33.4 19.9 26.1 32.3 18.8 25.1 31.3 17.7 24.0 30.2 16.6 22.8 29.0 76 TC - 56.1 56.1 - 53.3 53.3 - 50.4 50.4 - 47.3 47.3 - 44.0 44.0 SHC - 22.4 29.0 - 21.4 28.0 - 20.4 26.9 - 19.3 25.7 - 18.2 24.6 58 TC 43.3 43.3 49.1 41.6 41.6 47.1 39.6 39.6 44.9 37.6 37.6 42.6 35.4 35.4 40.1 SHC 37.5 43.3 49.1 36.0 41.6 47.1 34.4 39.6 44.9 32.6 37.6 42.6 30.6 35.4 40.1 62 TC 44.5 44.5 48.9 42.3 42.3 47.7 39.9 39.9 46.3 37.7 37.7 44.4 35.4 35.4 41.7 E SHC 34.7 41.8 48.9 33.6 40.7 47.7 32.4 39.4 46.3 30.9 37.7 44.4 29.1 35.4 41.7 c 3 67 TC 48.8 48.8 48.8 46.3 46.3 46.3 43.7 43.7 43.7 40.9 40.9 40.9 37.9 37.9 38.1 ov SHC 28.3 35.4 42.5 27.2 34.4 41.5 26.2 33.3 40.4 25.0 32.2 39.3 23.8 31.0 38.1 *- w TC 53.6 53.6 53.6 50.9 50.9 50.9 48.0 48.0 48.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 41.7 41.7 41.7 72 SHC 21.6 28.7 35.9 20.5 27.7 34.9 19.5 26.6 33.8 18.4 25.5 32.7 17.2 24.3 31.5 76 TC - 57.6 57.6 - 54.7 54.7 - 51.6 51.6 - 48.4 48.4 - 44.9 44.9 SHC - 23.3 30.9 - 22.3 29.8 - 21.3 28.7 - 20.1 27.5 - 19.0 26.3 58 TC 45.2 45.2 51.3 43.3 43.3 49.1 41.3 41.3 46.8 39.1 39.1 44.3 36.7 36.7 41.6 SHC 39.2 45.2 51.3 37.5 43.3 49.1 35.8 41.3 46.8 33.9 39.1 44.3 31.8 36.7 41.6 62 TC 46.1 46.1 50.5 43.4 43.4 51.1 41.3 41.3 48.7 39.1 39.1 46.1 36.7 36.7 43.3 E a SHC 36.0 43.3 50.5 35.7 43.4 51.1 33.9 41.3 48.7 32.1 39.1 46.1 30.2 36.7 43.3 c 3 67 TC 49.9 49.9 49.9 47.3 47.3 47.3 44.6 44.6 44.6 41.6 41.6 42.6 38.6 38.6 41.3 a SHC 29.8 37.8 45.9 28.7 36.8 44.8 27.6 35.7 43.7 26.5 34.5 42.6 25.2 33.3 41.3 co w TC 54.7 54.7 54.7 51.9 51.9 51.9 48.9 48.9 48.9 45.7 45.7 45.7 42.4 42.4 42.4 72 SHC 22.2 30.3 38.4 21.2 29.2 37.3 20.1 28.2 36.2 18.9 27.0 35.1 17.7 25.8 33.9 76 TC - 58.8 58.8 - 55.8 55.8 - 52.6 52.6 - 49.2 49.2 - 45.6 45.6 SHC - 24.2 32.6 - 23.1 31.5 - 22.1 30.3 - 20.9 29.1 - 19.7 27.9 58 TC 46.8 46.8 53.1 44.8 44.8 50.8 42.7 42.7 48.3 40.3 40.3 45.7 37.8 37.8 42.9 SHC 40.6 46.8 53.1 38.8 44.8 50.8 37.0 42.7 48.3 34.9 40.3 45.7 32.8 37.8 42.9 62 TC 46.9 46.9 55.2 44.8 44.8 52.8 42.7 42.7 50.3 40.4 40.4 47.6 37.9 37.9 44.6 E SHC 38.5 46.9 55.2 36.8 44.8 52.8 35.1 42.7 50.3 33.2 40.4 47.6 31.1 37.9 44.6 r.c 3 67 TC 50.8 50.8 50.8 48.1 48.1 48.1 45.2 45.2 46.9 42.2 42.2 45.7 39.1 39.1 44.3 a SHC 31.2 40.2 49.1 30.1 39.1 48.0 29.0 37.9 46.9 27.8 36.7 45.7 26.6 35.4 44.3 w TC 55.7 55.7 55.7 52.7 52.7 52.7 49.6 49.6 49.6 46.4 46.4 46.4 42.9 42.9 42.9 72 SHC 22.8 31.8 40.8 21.7 30.7 39.7 20.6 29.6 38.6 19.5 28.4 37.4 18.3 27.2 36.2 76 TC - 59.7 59.7 - 56.6 56.6 - 53.3 53.3 - 49.8 49.8 - 46.1 46.1 SHC - 25.0 34.2 - 23.9 33.1 - 22.8 31.9 - 21.6 30.7 - 20.4 29.5 58 TC 48.2 48.2 54.6 46.1 46.1 52.2 43.8 43.8 49.7 41.4 41.4 46.9 38.8 38.8 44.0 SHC 41.8 48.2 54.6 39.9 46.1 52.2 38.0 43.8 49.7 35.9 41.4 46.9 33.6 38.8 44.0 62 TC 48.2 48.2 56.8 46.1 46.1 54.4 43.9 43.9 51.7 41.4 41.4 48.8 38.8 38.8 45.7 E a SHC 39.6 48.2 56.8 37.9 46.1 54.4 36.0 43.9 51.7 34.0 41.4 48.8 31.9 38.8 45.7 c 67 TC 51.4 51.4 52.2 48.7 48.7 51.1 45.8 45.8 49.9 42.7 42.7 48.6 39.5 39.5 47.1 8 a SHC 32.6 42.4 52.2 31.5 41.3 51.1 30.3 40.1 49.9 29.1 38.8 48.6 27.8 37.4 47.1 a w TC 56.4 56.4 56.4 53.4 53.4 53.4 50.2 50.2 50.2 46.9 46.9 46.9 43.3 43.3 43.3 72 SHC 23.3 33.2 43.0 22.2 32.1 41.9 21.1 31.0 40.8 20.0 29.8 39.6 18.8 28.6 38.4 76 TC - 60.4 60.4 - 57.2 57.2 - 53.9 53.9 - 50.3 50.3 - 46.5 46.5 SHC - 25.7 35.7 - 24.6 ,34.6 - 23.5 33.5 - 22.3 32.2 - 21.1 31.0 LEGEND -Do not operate Cfm -Cubic feet per minute(supply air) EAT(db) -Entering Air Temperature(dry bulb) EAT(wb)-Entering Air Temperature(wet bulb) SHC -Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross TC -Total Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross 30 Carrier M tinned Tecenologles COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGE COOLING, 5 TONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(F) 50HCQA06 85 95 105 115 125 EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 58 TC 53.8 53.8 60.7 51.7 51.7 58.3 49.4 49.4 55.8 46.9 46.9 53.0 44.2 44.2 49.9 SHC 46.9 53.8 60.7 45.0 51.7 58.3 43.0 49.4 55.8 40.9 46.9 53.0 38.5 44.2 49.9 62 TC 56.2 56.2 58.3 53.5 53.5 57.0 50.6 50.6 55.5 47.5 47.5 53.9 44.2 44.2 51.8 E a SHC 42.6 50.5 58.3 41.3 49.1 57.0 39.9 47.7 55.5 38.4 46.2 53.9 36.6 44.2 51.8 c3 67 TC 61.7 61.7 61.7 58.7 58.7 58.7 55.5 55.5 55.5 52.0 52.0 52.0 48.2 48.2 48.2 o a SHC 35.1 43.0 50.9 33.8 41.7 49.6 32.5 40.4 48.3 31.1 38.9 46.8 29.5 37.4 45.3 W TC 67.7 67.7 67.7 64.4 64.4 64.4 60.9 60.9 60.9 57.1 57.1 57.1 53.0 53.0 53.0 72 SHC 27.4 35.3 43.3 26.1 34.1 42.0 24.8 32.7 40.7 23.4 31.3 39.2 21.9 29.8 37.7 76 TC - 72.7 72.7 - 69.2 69.2 - 65.4 65.4 - 61.3 61.3 - 56.9 56.9 SHC - 29.0 37.3 - 27.8 36.1 - 26.5 34.7 - 25.1 33.2 - 23.5 31.6 58 TC 56.7 56.7 64.0 54.4 54.4 61.4 51.9 51.9 58.6 49.2 49.2 55.6 46.2 46.2 52.2 SHC 49.4 56.7 64.0 47.4 54.4 61.4 45.2 51.9 58.6 42.9 49.2 55.6 40.3 46.2 52.2 62 TC 58.0 58.0 63.8 55.2 55.2 62.3 52.2 52.2 60.5 49.3 49.3 57.8 46.3 46.3 54.2 E SHC 45.9 54.8 63.8 44.5 53.4 62.3 42.9 51.7 60.5 40.8 49.3 57.8 38.3 46.3 54.2 c3 67 TC 63.4 63.4 63.4 60.3 60.3 60.3 56.9 56.9 56.9 53.2 53.2 53.2 49.3 49.3 49.7 n SHC 37.3 46.4 55.5 36.0 45.1 54.2 34.6 43.7 52.8 33.1 42.2 51.3 31.5 40.6 49.7 W TC 69.5 69.5 69.5 66.0 66.0 66.0 62.4 62.4 62.4 58.3 58.3 58.3 54.0 54.0 54.0 72 SHC 28.3 37.5 46.7 27.0 36.2 45.4 25.7 34.8 44.0 24.2 33.4 42.5 22.7 31.8 41.0 76 TC - 74.5 74.5 - 70.9 70.9 - 66.9 66.9 - 62.6 62.6 - 58.0 58.0 SHC - 30.2 39.7 - 29.0 38.4 - 27.6 37.0 - 26.2 35.5 - 24.6 33.9 58 TC 59.1 59.1 66.7 56.7 56.7 64.0 54.0 54.0 61.0 51.1 51.1 57.7 48.0 48.0 54.1 SHC 51.5 59.1 66.7 49.4 56.7 64.0 47.1 54.0 61.0 44.5 51.1 57.7 41.8 48.0 54.1 62 - TC 59.5 59.5 68.7 56.7 56.7 66.5 54.1 54.1 63.4 51.2 51.2 60.0 48.0 48.0 56.2 E SHC 48.7 58.7 68.7 47.0 56.7 66.5 44.8 54.1 63.4 42.4 51.2 60.0 39.7 `48.0 56.2 c 3 67 TC 64.7 64.7 64.7 61.5 61.5 61.5 57.9 57.9 57.9 54.1 54.1 55.6 50.1 50.1 53.9 oc a SHC 39.3 49.6 59.9 38.0 48.3 58.6 36.6 46.9 57.2 35.0 45.3 55.6 33.4 43.7 53.9 W TC 70.9 70.9 70.9 67.3 67.3 67.3 63.4 63.4 63.4 59.3 59.3 59.3 54.8 54.8 54.8 72 SHC 29.2 39.5 49.9 27.9 38.2 48.6 26.5 36.8 47.2 25.0 35.3 45.7 23.4 33.8 44.1 76 TC - 75.9 75.9 - 72.1 72.1 - 68.0 68.0 - 63.6 63.6 - 58.8 58.8 SHC - 31.3 41.9 - 30.0 40.6 - 28.7 39.2 - 27.2 37.6 - 25.6 36.0 58 TC 61.2 61.2 69.1 58.6 58.6 66.1 55.8 55.8 63.0 52.7 52.7 59.5 49.4 49.4 55.7 SHC 53.3 61.2 69.1 51.0 58.6 66.1 48.6 55.8 63.0 45.9 52.7 59.5 43.0 49.4 55.7 62 TC 61.2 61.2 71.8 58.6 58.6 68.7 55.8 55.8 65.4 52.8 52.8 61.9 49.4 49.4 57.9 E SHC 50.7 61.2 71.8 48.6 58.6 68.7 46.2 55.8 65.4 43.7 52.8 61.9 40.9 49.4 57.9 c 67 TC 65.8 65.8 65.8 62.4 62.4 62.8 58.8 58.8 61.3 54.9 54.9 59.7 50.7 50.7 57.9 N Q SHC 41.2 52.7 64.2 39.9 51.3 62.8 38.4 49.9 61.3 36.9 48.3 59.7 35.2 46.5 57.9 N W TC 72.0 72.0 72.0 68.3 68.3 68.3 64.3 64.3 64.3 60.0 60.0 60.0 55.4 55.4 55.4 72 SHC 30.0 41.5 53.0 28.6 40.1 51.6 27.2 38.7 50.2 25.8 37.2 48.7 24.2 35.6 47.1 76 TC - 77.0 77.0 - 73.1 73.1 - 68.9 68.9 - 64.3 64.3 - 59.5 59.5 SHC - 32.3 44.1 - 31.0 42.7 - 29.6 41.3 - 28.1 39.7 - 26.6 38.1 58 TC 62.9 62.9 71.1 60.2 60.2 68.0 57.3 57.3 64.7 54.1 54.1 61.1 50.6 50.6 57.1 SHC 54.8 62.9 71.1 52.5 60.2 68.0 49.9 57.3 64.7 47.1 54.1 61.1 44.1 50.6 57.1 62 TC 63.0 63.0 73.8 60.3 60.3 70.6 57.3 57.3 67.2 54.1 54.1 63.4 50.6 50.6 59.3 E a SHC 52.2 63.0 73.8 49.9 60.3 70.6 47.5 57.3 67.2 44.8 54.1 63.4 41.9 50.6 59.3 5 3 67 TC 66.6 66.6 68.2 63.2 63.2 66.8 59.5 59.5 65.2 55.5 55.5 63.5 51.3 51.3 61.5 w a SHC 43.1 55.6 68.2 41.7 54.2 66.8 40.2 52.7 65.2 38.6 51.0 63.5 36.8 49.1 61.5 N W TC 72.8 72.8 72.8 69.0 69.0 69.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 60.6 60.6 60.6 55.9 55.9 55.9 72 SHC 30.7 43.3 56.0 29.4 42.0 54.6 28.0 40.6 53.2 26.5 39.1 51.7 24.9 37.5 50.1 76 TC - 77.9 77.9 - 73.9 73.9 - 69.5 69.5 - 64.9 64.9 - 59.9 59.9 SHC - 33.3 46.1 - 32.0 44.7 - 30.6 43.3 - 29.1 41.7 - 27.5 40.1 LEGEND - -Do not operate Cfm -Cubic feet per minute(supply air) EAT(db) -Entering Air Temperature(dry bulb) EAT(wb)-Entering Air Temperature(wet bulb) SHC -Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross TC -Total Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross 31 Performance data (cunt) Carrier COOLING CAPACITIES 1-STAGE COOLING, 6 TONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(F) 50HCQA07 85 95 105 115 125 EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 58 TC 63.5 63.5 71.7 60.1 60.1 67.9 56.4 56.4 63.7 52.3 52.3 59.1 47.8 47.8 54.0 SHC 55.2 63.5 71.7 52.3 60.1 67.9 49.1 56.4 63.7 45.5 52.3 59.1 41.6 47.8 54.0 62 TC 66.5 66.5 68.9 62.1 62.1 66.9 57.4 57.4 64.6 52.4 52.4 61.4 47.9 47.9 56.2 E a SHC 50.2 59.5 68.9 48.1 57.5 66.9 45.9 55.2 64.6 43.3 52.4 61.4 39.6 47.9 56.2 c 3 67 TC 73.9 73.9 73.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 64.6 64.6 64.6 59.0 59.0 59.0 52.8 52.8 52.8 SHC 40.7 50.0 59.4 39.2 48.7 58.1 37.2 46.6 56.0 35.0 44.5 53.9 32.7 42.1 51.6 TC 78.2 78.2 78.2 76.9 76.9 76.9 73.1 73.1 73.1 67.5 67.5 67.5 61.0 61.0 61.0 72 SHC 29.8 38.9 47.9 29.4 38.7 48.0 28.0 37.4 46.8 26.1 35.5 44.9 23.9 33.3 42.7 76 TC - 79.5 79.5 - 79.9 79.9 - 78.1 78.1 - 74.0 74.0 - 68.1 68.1 SHC - 29.8 39.7 - 29.9 39.8 - 29.3 39.1 - 27.9 37.5 - 26.1 35.5 58 TC 67.7 67.7 76.4 64.0 64.0 72.3 60.1 60.1 67.9 55.8 55.8 63.0 51.0 51.0 57.7 SHC 58.9 67.7 76.4 55.7 64.0 72.3 52.3 60.1 67.9 48.5 55.8 63.0 44.4 51.0 57.7 62 TC 69.2 69.2 75.6 64.7 64.7 73.5 60.2 60.2 70.5 55.8 55.8 65.5 51.1 51.1 60.0 E a SHC 54.2 64.9 75.6 52.2 62.8 73.5 49.7 60.1 70.5 46.2 55.8 65.5 42.2 51.1 60.0 c3 67 TC 75.6 75.6 75.6 72.1 72.1 72.1 66.9 66.9 66.9 60.9 60.9 60.9 54.5 54.5 56.9 o a SHC 42.8 53.4 63.9 41.8 52.6 63.3 39.9 50.7 61.6 37.6 48.5 59.3 35.3 46.1 56.9 a w TC 78.9 78.9 78.9 78.2 78.2 78.2 75.0 75.0 75.0 69.6 69.6 69.6 63.0 63.0 63.0 72 SHC 30.2 40.2 50.2 30.1 40.6 51.0 29.1 39.8 50.5 27.3 38.1 48.9 25.1 35.9 46.7 76 TC - 79.7 79.7 - 80.5 80.5 - 79.1 79.1 - 75.5 75.5 - 69.8 69.8 SHC - . 30.7 42.3 - 30.8 42.1 - 30.3 41.4 - 29.1 40.1 - 27.4 38.3 58 TC 70.8 70.8 80.0 67.3 67.3 76.1 63.1 63.1 71.3 58.6 58.6 66.2 53.7 53.7 60.7 SHC 61.6 70.8 80.0 58.6 67.3 76.1 54.9 63.1 71.3 51.0 58.6 66.2 46.7 53.7 60.7 62 TC 71.3 71.3 81.4 67.4 67.4 79.0 63.1 63.1 74.1 58.7 58.7 68.9 53.7 53.7 63.1 E a SHC 57.7 69.6 81.4 55.7 67.4 79.0 52.2 63.1 74.1 48.5 58.7 68.9 44.4 53.7 63.1 c3 67 TC 76.7 76.7 76.7 73.7 73.7 73.7 68.5 68.5 68.5 62.4 62.4 64.4 56.0 56.0 62.0 o SHC 44.7 56.2 67.8 44.1 56.1 68.1 42.3 54.5 66.7 40.1 52.2 64.4 37.8 49.9 62.0 CM al TC 79.3 79.3 79.3 79.0 79.0 79.0 76.3 76.3 76.3 71.1 71.1 71.1 64.4 64.4 64.4 72 SHC 30.5 41.3 52.1 30.7 42.1 53.6 29.9 41.8 53.8 28.3 40.4 52.5 26.2 38.3 50.5 76 TC - 80.0 80.0 - 80.8 80.8 - 79.8 79.8 - 76.5 76.5 - 71.0 71.0 SHC - 31.2 43.5 - 31.4 43.6 - 31.1 43.3 - 30.2 42.4 - 28.6 40.8 58 TC 73.3 73.3 82.8 70.0 70.0 79.1 65.8 65.8 74.3 61.0 61.0 68.9 55.9 55.9 63.2 SHC 63.7 73.3 82.8 60.9 70.0 79.1 57.2 65.8 74.3 53.1 61.0 68.9 48.7 55.9 63.2 fit TC 73.3 73.3 85.8 70.1 70.1 82.3 65.8 65.8 77.3 61.1 61.1 71.7 56.0 56.0 65.7 E SHC 60.5 73.2 85.8 58.0 70.1 82.3 54.4 65.8 77.3 50.5 61.1 71.7 46.3 56.0 65.7 c3 67 TC 77.5 77.5 77.5 74.9 74.9 74.9 70.0 70.0 71.5 63.7 63.7 69.2 57.2 57.2 66.6 a SHC 46.1 58.6 71.1 46.1 59.3 72.5 44.7 58.1 71.5 42.4 55.8 69.2 40.0 53.3 66.6 a w TC 79.6 79.6 79.6 79.5 79.5 79.5 77.2 77.2 77.2 72.3 72.3 72.3 65.6 65.6 65.6 72 SHC 30.8 42.3 53.7 31.1 43.4 55.8 30.7 43.7 56.7 29.2 42.5 55.9 27.2 40.6 54.1 76 TC - 80.1 80.1 - 81.1 81.1 - 80.3 80.3 - 77.1 77.1 - 71.9 71.9 SHC - 31.6 44.5 - 32.0 44.9 - 31.8 44.9 - 31.0 44.3 29.6 43.0 58 TC 75.0 75.0 84.8 72.2 72.2 81.6 68.1 68.1 76.9 63.1 63.1 71.2 57.8 57.8 65.3 SHC 65.3 75.0 84.8 62.9 72.2 81.6 59.2 68.1 76.9 54.9 63.1 71.2 50.3 57.8 65.3 62 TC 75.1 75.1 88.1 72.3 72.3 84.8 68.1 68.1 79.9 63.1 63.1 74.1 57.9 57.9 67.9 E SHC 62.1 75.1 88.1 59.8 72.3 84.8 56.3 68.1 79.9 52.2 63.1 74.1 47.8 57.9 67.9 c3 67 TC 77.9 77.9 77.9 75.9 75.9 76.5 71.1 71.1 76.0 65.0 65.0 73.8 58.4 58.4 70.9 oo a SHC 47.3 60.6 73.8 48.0 62.2 76.5 46.8 61.4 76.0 44.6 59.2 73.8 42.1 56.5 70.9 co w TC 79.3 79.3 79.3 79.9 79.9 79.9 77.9 77.9 77.9 73.2 73.2 73.2 66.5 66.5 66.5 72 SHC 30.9 42.8 54.6 31.6 44.6 57.7 31.3 45.3 59.3 30.0 44.5 59.0 28.1 42.7 57.4 76 TC - 80.1 80.1 - 81.2 81.2 - 80.6 80.6 - 77.6 77.6 - 72.5 72.5 SHC - 32.0 45.4 - 32.4 46.0 - 32.5 46.4 - 31.8 46.1 - 30.6 45.1 LEGEND -Do not operate Cfm -Cubic feet per minute(supply air) EAT(db) -Entering Air Temperature(dry bulb) EAT wb)-Entering Air Temperature(wet bulb) SHC -Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross TC -Total Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross 32 Carrier Wined Tecennmgies COOLING CAPACITIES 2-STAGE COOLING, 6 TONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(F) 50HCQD07 85 95 105 115 125 EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 58 TC 64.5 64.5 72.8 61.9 61.9 69.9 59.1 59.1 66.7 56.0 56.0 63.3 52.7 52.7 59.6 SHC 56.1 64.5 72.8 53.8 61.9 69.9 51.4 59.1 66.7 48.7 56.0 63.3 45.8 52.7 59.6 62 TC 67.4 67.4 69.3 64.1 64.1 67.5 60.6 60.6 65.7 56.9 56.9 63.7 53.0 53.0 61.4 E SHC 50.7 60.0 69.3 49.0 58.3 67.5 47.2 56.5 65.7 45.3 54.5 63.7 43.2 52.3 61.4 c 3 67 TC 73.7 73.7 73.7 70.0 70.0 70.0 66.2 66.2 66.2 62.2 62.2 62.2 57.8 57.8 57.8 o a SHC 41.7 51.0 60.3 40.0 49.3 58.6 38.3 47.6 56.9 36.5 45.8 55.1 34.6 43.9 53.2 co w TC 80.6 80.6 80.6 76.8 76.8 76.8 72.7 72.7 72.7 68.3 68.3 68.3 63.6 63.6 63.6 72 SHC 32.4 41.8 51.2 30.8 40.2 49.6 29.1 38.5 47.9 27.4 36.7 46.1 25.5 34.9 44.2 76 TC - 86.6 86.6 - 82.4 82.4 - 78.1 78.1 - 73.4 73.4 - 68.4 68.4 SHC - 34.4 44.3 - 32.8 42.7 - 31.2 40.9 - 29.4 39.1 - 27.6 37.2 58 IC 67.9 67.9 76.7 65.0 65.0 73.5 62.0 62.0 70.1 58.8 58.8 66.4 55.2 55.2 62.5 SHC 59.1 67.9 76.7 56.6 65.0 73.5 53.9 62.0 70.1 51.1 58.8 66.4 48.0 55.2 62.5 62 TC 69.3 69.3 75.5 66.0 66.0 73.6 62.4 62.4 71.5 58.8 58.8 69.1 55.3 55.3 65.0 E .o SHC 54.3 64.9 75.5 52.6 63.1 73.6 50.7 61.1 71.5 48.6 58.8 69.1 45.6 55.3 65.0 c 3 67 TC 75.6 75.6 75.6 71.7 71.7 71.7 67.7 67.7 67.7 63.5 63.5 63.5 59.0 59.0 59.0 o a SHC 44.0 54.7 65.3 42.3 53.0 63.6 40.6 51.2 61.9 38.7 49.4 60.0 36.8 47.5 58.1 N w TC 82.6 82.6 82.6 78.6 78.6 78.6 74.3 74.3 74.3 69.7 69.7 69.7 64.8 64.8 64.8 72 SHC 33.5 44.2 54.9 31.8 42.5 53.2 30.1 40.8 51.5 28.3 39.0 49.7 26.5 37.1 47.7 76 TC - 88.5 88.5 - 84.3 84.3 - 79.7 79.7 - 74.8 74.8 - 69.6 69.6 SHC - 35.7 46.9 - 34.1 45.2 - 32.4 43.5 - 30.6 41.6 - 28.7 39.6 58 TC 70.6 70.6 79.7 67.6 67.6 76.3 64.4 64.4 72.7 60.9 60.9 68.9 57.2 57.2 64.7 SHC 61.5 70.6 79.7 58.8 67.6 76.3 56.0 64.4 72.7 53.0 60.9 68.9 49.7 57.2 64.7 62 TC 71.1 71.1 81.0 67.9 67.9 78.2 64.4 64.4 75.6 61.0 61.0 71.6 57.3 57.3 67.3 E a SHC 57.6 69.3 81.0 55.4 66.8 78.2 53.3 64.4 75.6 50.4 61.0 71.6 47.3 57.3 67.3 c 3 67 TC 77.0 77.0 77.0 73.0 73.0 73.0 68.9 68.9 68.9 64.5 64.5 64.6 59.9 59.9 62.6 oa a SHC 46.2 58.1 70.0 44.5 56.4 68.3 42.7 54.6 66.5 40.9 52.7 64.6 38.9 50.8 62.6 w TC 84.1 84.1 84.1 79.9 79.9 79.9 75.5 75.5 75.5 70.8 70.8 70.8 65.8 65.8 65.8 72 SHC 34.4 46.4 58.3 32.7 44.7 56.6 31.0 42.9 54.9 29.2 41.1 53.0 27.3 39.2 51.0 76 TC - 90.1 90.1 - 85.6 85.6 - 80.9 80.9 - 75.9 75.9 - 70.5 70.5 SHC - 36.9 49.3 - 35.3 47.6 - 33.5 45.8 - 31.7 43.9 - 29.8 41.9 58 IC 72.8 72.8 82.1 69.6 69.6 78.6 66.3 66.3 74.9 62.7 62.7 70.9 58.8 58.8 66.5 SHC 63.4 72.8 82.1 60.6 69.6 78.6 57.7 66.3 74.9 54.5 62.7 70.9 51.2 58.8 66.5 62 TC 72.8 72.8 85.3 69.7 69.7 81.7 66.4 66.4 77.9 62.8 62.8 73.7 58.9 58.9 69.2 E a SHC 60.3 72.8 85.3 57.7 69.7 81.7 54.9 66.4 77.9 51.9 62.8 73.7 48.6 58.9 69.2 co 3 67 TC 78.0 78.0 78.0 74.0 74.0 74.0 69.8 69.8 70.9 65.4 65.4 69.0 60.7 60.7 66.9 a SHC 48.2 61.3 74.4 46.5 59.6 72.7 44.7 57.8 70.9 42.8 55.9 69.0 40.8 53.9 66.9 w TC 85.2 85.2 85.2 81.0 81.0 81.0 76.4 76.4 76.4 71.6 71.6 71.6 66.5 66.5 66.5 72 SHC 35.2 48.4 61.5 33.6 46.7 59.8 31.8 44.9 58.0 30.0 43.0 56.1 28.1 41.1 54.1 76 TC - 91.2 91.2 - 86.6 86.6 - 81.8 81.8 - 76.7 76.7 - 71.2 71.2 SHC - 38.0 51.5 - 36.3 49.8 - 34.6 47.9 - 32.7 46.0 - 30.8 44.0 58 TC 74.8 74.8 84.4 71.4 71.4 80.7 68.0 68.0 76.8 64.2 64.2 72.6 60.2 60.2 68.1 SHC 65.1 74.8 84.4 62.2 71.4 80.7 59.1 68.0 76.8 55.9 64.2 72.6 52.4 60.2 68.1 62 TC 74.8 74.8 87.7 71.5 71.5 83.8 68.0 68.0 79.8 64.3 64.3 75.4 60.3 60.3 70.8 E a SHC 62.0 74.8 87.7 59.2 71.5 83.8 56.2 68.0 79.8 53.1 64.3 75.4 49.8 60.3 70.8 c3 67 TC 78.9 78.9 78.9 74.9 74.9 76.9 70.6 70.6 75.0 66.1 66.1 73.0 61.4 61.4 70.8 oo a SHC 50.1 64.4 78.6 48.4 62.6 76.9 46.6 60.8 75.0 44.7 58.8 73.0 42.6 56.7 70.8 w TC 86.2 86.2 86.2 81.8 81.8 81.8 77.2 77.2 77.2 72.3 72.3 72.3 67.1 67.1 67.1 72 SHC 36.0 50.3 64.5 34.3 48.6 62.8 32.6 46.8 60.9 30.7 44.9 59.0 28.8 42.9 57.0 76 TC - 92.1 92.1 - 87.4 87.4 - 82.5 82.5 - 77.3 77.3 - 71.8 71.8 SHC - 39.0 53.6 - 37.3 51.8 - 35.5 49.9 - 33.6 48.0 - 31.7 45.9 LEGEND -Do not operate Cfm -Cubic feet per minute(supply air) EAT(db) -Entering Air Temperature(dry bulb) EAT(wb)-Entering Air Temperature(wet bulb) SHC -Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross TC -Total Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross 33 • Performance data (cont) ( Carrier .1'united rechadi9pies COOLING CAPACITIES 2-STAGE COOLING, 7.5 TONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(F) 50HCQD08 85 95 105 115 125 EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 58 TC 81.1 81.1 92.1 76.4 76.4 86.8 73.0 73.0 82.9 69.3 69.3 78.7 65.2 65.2 74.1 SHC 70.1 81.1 92.1 66.0 76.4 86.8 63.1 73.0 82.9 59.8 69.3 78.7 56.4 65.2 74.1 62 TC 86.2 86.2 86.2 80.1 80.1 83.0 75.6 75.6 80.9 70.8 70.8 78.6 65.9 65.9 76.1 E a SHC 62.5 74.2 85.9 59.7 71.3 83.0 57.6 69.3 80.9 55.4 67.0 78.6 53.0 64.5 76.1 c3 67 TC 94.3 94.3 94.3 87.6 87.6 87.6 82.8 82.8 82.8 77.6 77.6 77.6 72.1 72.1 72.1 in Q SHC 51.3 63.0 74.6 48.5 60.1 71.8 46.5 58.1 69.8 44.4 56.0 67.7 42.2 53.8 65.5 a w TC 102.9 102.9 102.9 95.6 95.6 95.6 90.3 90.3 90.3 84.7 84.7 84.7 78.7 78.7 78.7 72 SHC 39.6 51.4 63.1 36.9 48.6 60.3 34.9 46.6 58.3 32.9 44.5 56.2 30.7 42.4 54.1 76 TC - 109.9 109.9 - 102.1 102.1 - 96.4 96.4 - 90.5 90.5 - 84.1 84.1 SHC - 41.8 54.2 - 39.1 51.4 - 37.2 49.4 - 35.2 47.2 - 33.1 45.0 58 TC 85.7 85.7 97.3 80.6 80.6 91.5 76.9 76.9 87.3 72.8 72.8 82.7 68.5 68.5 77.8 SHC 74.0 85.7 97.3 69.6 80.6 91.5 66.4 76.9 87.3 62.9 72.8 82.7 59.2 68.5 77.8 62 TC 89.0 89.0 94.2 82.6 82.6 91.1 78.0 78.0 88.7 73.3 73.3 85.3 68.5 68.5 81.0 E a SHC 67.3 80.7 94.2 64.3 77.7 91.1 62.1 75.4 88.7 59.3 72.3 85.3 56.1 68.5 81.0 Z3 3 67 TC 97.2 97.2 97.2 90.1 90.1 90.1 85.0 85.0 85.0 79.6 79.6 79.6 73.8 73.8 73.8 m SHC 54.3 67.8 81.2 51.4 64.9 78.3 49.4 62.8 76.3 47.3 60.7 74.1 45.0 58.5 71.9 N w TC 105.8 105.8 105.8 98.1 98.1 98.1 92.6 92.6 92.6 86.7 86.7 86.7 80.5 80.5 80.5 72 SHC 40.9 54.4 67.9 38.1 51.5 65.0 36.1 49.5 63.0 34.0 47.4 60.9 31.8 45.3 58.7 76 TC - 112.7 112.7 - 104.5 104.5 - 98.6 98.6 - 92.4 92.4 - 85.8 85.8 SHC - 43.5 57.6 - 40.7 54.6 - 38.7 52.5 - 36.7 50.4 - 34.5 48.1 58 TC 89.5 89.5 101.6 84.1 84.1 95.5 80.1 80.1 90.9 75.7 75.7 86.0 71.2 71.2 80.8 SHC 77.3 89.5 101.6 72.6 84.1 95.5 69.2 80.1 90.9 65.5 75.7 86.0 61.5 71.2 80.8 62 TC 91.3 91.3 101.9 84.8 84.8 97.7 80.3 80.3 94.3 75.8 75.8 89.5 71.2 71.2 84.1 E a SHC 71.7 86.8 101.9 68.2 83.0 97.7 65.5 79.9 94.3 62.1 75.8 89.5 58.3 71.2 84.1 co 3 67 TC 99.5 99.5 99.5 92.1 92.1 92.1 86.8 86.8 86.8 81.1 81.1 81.1 75.1 75.1 78.2 a SHC 57.2 72.4 87.5 54.2 69.4 84.6 52.2 67.4 82.6 50.0 65.2 80.4 47.8 63.0 78.2 en w TC 108.1 108.1 108.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 94.3 94.3 94.3 88.2 88.2 88.2 81.8 81.8 81.8 72 SHC 42.0 57.2 72.4 39.1 54.3 69.5 37.1 52.3 67.4 35.0 50.2 65.3 32.9 48.0 63.1 76 TC - 114.8 114.8 - 106.3 106.3 - 100.3 100.3 - 93.8 93.8 - 87.0 87.0 SHC - 44.9 60.6 - 42.0 57.6 - 40.1 55.5 - 38.0 53.3 - 35.8 51.0 58 TC 92.8 92.8 105.4 87.0 87.0 98.8 82.8 82.8 94.0 78.2 78.2 88.9 73.4 73.4 83.4 SHC 80.2 92.8 105.4 75.2 87.0 98.8 71.5 82.8 94.0 67.6 78.2 88.9 63.4 73.4 83.4 62 TC 93.6 93.6 108.0 87.1 87.1 102.8 82.8 82.8 97.8 78.3 78.3 92.5 73.5 73.5 86.8 E a SHC 75.3 91.6 108.0 71.3 87.1 102.8 67.9 82.8 97.8 64.1 78.3 92.5 60.1 73.5 86.8 3 TC 101.3 101.3 101.3 93.6 93.6 93.6 88.1 88.1 88.6 82.3 82.3 86.4 76.2 76.2 84.0 Lo 67 n a SHC 59.9 76.8 93.6 56.9 73.8 90.7 54.8 71.7 88.6 52.6 69.5 86.4 50.3 67.2 84.0 en el w TC 109.8 109.8 109.8 101.5 101.5 101.5 95.6 95.6 95.6 89.3 89.3 89.3 82.8 82.8 82.8 72 SHC 43.0 59.9 76.7 40.1 56.9 73.8 38.1 54.9 71.7 36.0 52.8 69.6 33.8 50.6 67.4 76 TC - 116.4 116.4 - 107.6 107.6 - 101.4 101.4 - 94.8 94.8 - 87.9 87.9 SHC - 46.1 63.3 - 43.2 60.2 - 41.2 58.1 - 39.1 55.9 - 37.0 53.6 58 TC 95.6 95.6 108.6 89.5 89.5 101.7 85.1 85.1 96.7 80.4 80.4 91.3 75.3 75.3 85.5 SHC 82.6 95.6 108.6 77.4 89.5 101.7 73.6 85.1 96.7 69.4 80.4 91.3 65.1 75.3 85.5 62 TC 95.7 95.7 113.0 89.6 89.6 105.8 85.2 85.2 100.6 80.4 80.4 95.0 75.4 75.4 89.0 E a SHC 78.3 95.7 113.0 73.4 89.6 105.8 69.7 85.2 100.6 65.8 80.4 95.0 61.7 75.4 89.0 c3 67 TC 102.7 102.7 102.7 94.8 94.8 96.6 89.2 89.2 94.4 83.3 83.3 92.1 77.1 77.1 89.6 n a SHC 62.5 81.0 99.6 59.5 78.0 96.6 57.4 75.9 94.4 55.1 73.6 92.1 52.8 71.2 89.6 w TC 111.3 111.3 111.3 102.8 102.8 102.8 96.7 96.7 96.7 90.3 90.3 90.3 83.6 83.6 83.6 72 SHC 44.0 62.4 80.8 41.1 59.5 77.9 39.0 57.4 75.8 36.9 55.3 73.7 34.7 53.1 71.5 76 TC - 117.5 117.5 - 108.6 108.6 - 102.3 102.3 - 95.6 95.6 - 88.6 88.6 SHC - 47.2 65.7 - 44.3 62.6 - 42.3 60.5 - 40.2 58.2 - 38.0 55.9 LEGEND -Do not operate Cfm -Cubic feet per minute(supply air) EAT(db) -Entering Air Temperature(dry bulb) EAT(wb)-Entering Air Temperature(wet bulb) SHC -Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross TC -Total Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross 34 Carrie COOLING CAPACITIES 2-STAGE COOLING, 8.5 TONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(F) 50HCQD09 85 95 105 115 125 EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 58 TC 85.8 85.8 97.8 80.9 80.9 91.8 75.7 75.7 85.9 70.2 70.2 79.7 64.4 64.4 73.1 SHC 73.9 85.8 97.8 70.0 80.9 91.8 65.5 75.7 85.9 60.7 70.2 79.7 55.7 64.4 73.1 62 TC 90.4 90.4 94.5 83.8 83.8 91.4 76.8 76.8 88.0 70.5 70.5 82.7 64.5 64.5 76.1 E a SHC 67.8 81.1 94.5 64.8 78.1 91.4 61.6 74.8 88.0 57.6 70.1 82.7 52.8 64.5 76.1 c 3 67 TC 101.6 101.6 101.6 95.0 95.0 95.0 87.4 87.4 87.4 79.3 79.3 79.3 71.0 71.0 71.0 a SHC 55.5 68.7 81.9 52.9 66.3 79.7 49.9 63.3 76.7 46.9 60.3 73.7 43.8 57.2 70.6 a w TC 109.3 109.3 109.3 106.0 106.0 106.0 99.6 99.6 99.6 91.4 91.4 91.4 82.7 82.7 82.7 72 SHC 41.1 54.1 67.2 39.9 53.3 66.6 37.7 51.1 64.6 34.9 48.3 61.7 32.0 45.4 58.8 76 TC - 114.5 114.5 - 111.2 111.2 - 107.7 107.7 - 101.0 101.0 - 92.6 92.6 SHC - 42.6 56.7 - 41.6 55.6 - 40.5 54.5 - 38.3 51.9 - 35.6 49.2 58 TC 91.8 91.8 104.5 86.4 86.4 98.0 80.7 80.7 91.6 74.7 74.7 84.8 68.6 68.6 77.8 SHC 79.1 91.8 104.5 74.7 86.4 98.0 69.8 80.7 91.6 64.6 74.7 84.8 59.3 68.6 77.8 62 TC 94.4 94.4 104.4 87.5 87.5 100.5 81.0 81.0 95.1 74.8 74.8 88.3 68.7 68.7 81.0 E a SHC 73.8 89.1 104.4 70.3 85.4 100.5 66.1 80.6 95.1 61.3 74.8 88.3 56.3 68.7 81.0 5 3 67 TC 104.3 104.3 104.3 98.6 98.6 98.6 90.6 90.6 90.6 82.1 82.1 82.1 73.4 73.4 78.4 SHC 58.7 73.7 88.6 56.8 72.3 87.8 53.8 69.3 84.8 50.7 66.1 81.6 47.5 62.9 78.4 • W TC 111.3 111.3 111.3 108.0 108.0 108.0 102.7 102.7 102.7 94.5 94.5 94.5 85.5 85.5 85.5 72 SHC 42.2 56.7 71.3 41.0 56.1 71.3 39.3 54.8 70.3 36.6 52.1 67.6 33.7 49.2 64.7 76 TC - 116.3 116.3 - 112.7 112.7 - 109.2 109.2 - 103.5 103.5 - 95.4 95.4 SHC - 44.3 60.6 - 43.1 59.0 - 41.9 57.7 - 40.2 56.0 - 37.7 53.4 58 TC 96.6 96.6 109.9 91.1 91.1 103.4 85.1 85.1 96.6 78.7 78.7 89.3 72.1 72.1 81.8 SHC 83.3 96.6 109.9 78.8 91.1 103.4 73.6 85.1 96.6 68.1 78.7 89.3 62.4 72.1 81.8 62 TC 97.7 97.7 112.8 91.7 91.7 106.8 85.3 85.3 100.7 78.8 78.8 93.0 72.2 72.2 85.2 E SHC 78.6 95.7 112.8 74.4 90.6 106.8 69.9 85.3 100.7 64.6 78.8 93.0 59.2 72.2 85.2 0 67 TC 106.0 106.0 106.0 101.2 101.2 101.2 93.0 93.0 93.0 84.4 84.4 89.2 75.5 75.5 85.8 ov a SHC 61.6 78.1 94.7 60.2 77.7 95.1 57.4 74.9 92.4 54.2 71.7 89.2 50.9 68.4 85.8 • w TC 112.7 112.7 112.7 109.3 109.3 109.3 104.8 104.8 104.8 96.8 96.8 96.8 87.7 87.7 87.7 72 SHC 43.1 59.0 75.0 41.9 58.5 75.2 40.7 58.0 75.4 38.1 55.7 73.2 35.2 52.8 70.4 76 TC - 117.6 117.6 - 113.9 113.9 - 110.2 110.2 - 105.2 105.2 - 97.2 97.2 SHC - 45.4 63.0 - 44.2 61.5 - 43.1 60.5 - 41.8 59.4 - 39.5 57.2 58 TC 100.5 100.5 114.2 95.1 95.1 107.9 88.9 88.9 100.8 82.2 82.2 93.3 75.3 75.3 85.5 SHC 86.7 100.5 114.2 82.3 95.1 107.9 76.9 88.9 100.8 71.1 82.2 93.3 65.2 75.3 85.5 62 TC 100.6 100.6 119.0 95.4 95.4 112.5 89.0 89.0 105.0 82.3 82.3 97.1 75.4 75.4 89.0 E .o SHC 82.3 100.6 119.0 78.2 95.4 112.5 72.9 89.0 105.0 67.5 82.3 97.1 61.8 75.4 89.0 3 67 TC 107.3 107.3 107.3 103.1 103.1 103.1 95.1 95.1 99.8 86.3 86.3 96.4 77.3 77.3 92.6 Lb 01 a SHC 64.1 82.2 100.2 63.4 82.7 102.0 60.8 80.3 99.8 57.6 77.0 96.4 54.2 73.4 92.6 coCO w TC 113.8 113.8 113.8 110.3 110.3 110.3 106.3 106.3 106.3 98.5 98.5 98.5 89.3 89.3 89.3 72 SHC 44.0 61.2 78.3 42.7 60.8 78.9 41.8 61.0 80.1 39.5 59.0 78.5 36.6 56.2 75.7 76 TC - 118.6 118.6 - 114.8 114.8 - 110.9 110.9 - 106.3 106.3 - 98.5 98.5 SHC - 46.4 65.1 - 45.2 63.9 - 44.2 63.0 - 43.2 62.5 - 41.1 60.7 58 TC 103.2 103.2 117.2 98.5 98.5 111.8 92.2 92.2 104.6 85.3 85.3 96.8 78.1 78.1 88.7 SHC 89.1 103.2 117.2 85.2 98.5 111.8 79.7 92.2 104.6 73.8 85.3 96.8 67.6 78.1 88.7 62 TC 103.2 103.2 121.8 98.6 98.6 116.3 92.3 92.3 108.9 85.4 85.4 100.7 78.2 78.2 92.3 E � SHC 84.6 103.2 121.8 80.8 98.6 116.3 75.6 92.3 108.9 70.0 85.4 100.7 64.1 78.2 92.3 c 67 TC 108.3 108.3 108.3 104.5 104.5 108.3 96.8 96.8 106.7 88.0 88.0 103.2 79.3 79.3 97.6 N SHC 66.5 86.0 105.5 66.3 87.3 108.3 64.0 85.3 106.7 60.7 82.0 103.2 56.6 77.1 97.6 ✓ W TC 114.7 114.7 114.7 111.1 111.1 111.1 107.3 107.3 107.3 99.9 99.9 99.9 90.6 90.6 90.6 72 SHC 44.8 63.1 81.5 43.5 62.9 82.3 42.8 63.5 84.2 40.7 62.1 83.5 37.9 59.4 81.0 76 TC - 119.4 119.4 - 115.5 115.5 - 111.4 111.4 - 107.1 107.1 - 99.5 99.5 SHC - 47.3 67.0 - 46.2 66.0 - 45.2 65.3 - 44.5 65.3 - 42.6 63.9 LEGEND -Do not operate Cfm -Cubic feet per minute(supply air) EAT(db) -Entering Air Temperature(dry bulb) EAT(wb)-Entering Air Temperature(wet bulb SHC -Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross TC Total Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross 35 Performance data (cant) ;Carrier United Tech.lopes COOLING CAPACITIES 2-STAGE COOLING, 10 TONS AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(F) 50HCQD12 85 95 105 115 125 EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) EAT(db) 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 75 80 85 58 TC 106.0 106.0 119.9 102.0 102.0 115.3 97.6 97.6 110.4 92.9 92.9 105.0 87.5 87.5 98.9 SHC 92.2 106.0 119.9 88.6 102.0 115.3 84.9 97.6 110.4 80.7 92.9 105.0 76.1 87.5 98.9 62 TC 112.3 112.3 113.3 107.1 107.1 110.7 101.5 101.5 107.9 95.4 95.4 104.7 88.9 88.9 100.5 E a SHC 83.4 98.3 113.3 80.8 95.8 110.7 78.1 93.0 107.9 75.1 89.9 104.7 71.5 86.0 100.5 co 3 67 TC 123.3 123.3 123.3 117.6 117.6 117.6 111.4 111.4 111.4 104.5 104.5 104.5 97.0 97.0 97.0 a SHC 69.2 84.3 99.3 66.7 81.7 96.8- 64.1 79.1 94.1 61.2 76.2 91.2 58.0 73.0 88.0 o M w TC 135.2 135.2 135.2 128.8 128.8 128.8 121.9 121.9 121.9 114.4 114.4 114.4 106.2 106.2 106.2 72 SHC 54.5 69.8 85.0 52.0 67.3 82.5 49.4 64.6 79.8 46.5 61.7 76.8 43.4 58.5 73.6 76 TC - 145.1 145.1 - 138.2 138.2 - 130.7 130.7 - 122.6 122.6 - 113.7 113.7 SHC - 57.9 74.3 - 55.4 71.8 - 52.8 69.1 - 50.0 66.1 - 46.9 62.8 58 TC 111.6 111.6 126.2 107.3 107.3 121.4 102.6 102.6 116.0 97.4 97.4 110.2 91.6 91.6 103.6 SHC 97.1 111.6 126.2 93.3 107.3 121.4 89.2 102.6 116.0 84.7 97.4 110.2 79.6 91.6 103.6 62 TC 115.9 115.9 123.6 110.5 110.5 120.7 104.6 104.6 117.4 98.6 98.6 112.5 92.1 92.1 106.9 E a SHC 89.4 106.5 123.6 86.7 103.7 120.7 83.7 100.5 117.4 79.8 96.1 112.5 75.4 91.2 106.9 c3 67 TC 127.0 127.0 127.0 120.9 120.9 120.9 114.3 114.3 114.3 107.1 107.1 107.1 99.2 99.2 99.2 o a SHC 73.2 90.5 107.8 70.7 87.9 105.2 67.9 85.1 102.4 64.9 82.2 99.4 61.7 78.9 96.1 LU TC 139.1 139.1 139.1 132.3 132.3 132.3 125.0 125.0 125.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 108.4 108.4 108.4 72 SHC 56.4 73.8 91.3 53.8 71.2 88.6 51.1 68.4 85.8 48.1 65.4 82.8 44.9 62.2 79.5 76 TC - 149.0 149.0 - 141.7 141.7 - 133.8 133.8 - 125.2 125.2 - - - SHC - 60.3 79.1 - 57.7 76.3 - 54.9 73.3 - 52.0 70.1 - - - 58 TC 116.5 116.5 131.7 111.8 111.8 126.5 106.8 106.8 120.7 101.2 101.2 114.4 95.0 95.0 107.4 SHC 101.2 116.5 131.7 97.2 111.8 126.5 92.8 106.8 120.7 88.0 101.2 114.4 82.5 95.0 107.4 62 TC 118.9 118.9 133.1 113.5 113.5 128.6 107.8 107.8 123.8 101.7 101.7 118.4 95.1 95.1 111.7 E a SHC 94.9 114.0 133.1 91.4 110.0 128.6 87.6 105.7 123.8 83.4 100.9 118.4 78.5 95.1 111.7 0 3 67 TC 129.9 129.9 129.9 123.5 123.5 123.5 116.6 116.6 116.6 109.1 109.1 109.1 100.9 100.9 103.8 o ~ SHC 77.0 96.4 115.9 74.4 93.8 113.2 71.5 90.9 110.3 68.5 87.8 107.2 65.2 84.5 103.8 v w TC 142.0 142.0 142.0 135.0 135.0 135.0 127.3 127.3 127.3 119.1 119.1 119.1 110.1 110.1 110.1 72 SHC 58.0 77.6 97.2 55.4 74.9 94.5 52.6 72.1 91.6 49.6 69.0 88.5 46.3 65.7 85.1 76 TC - 152.0 152.0 - 144.4 144.4 - 136.2 136.2 - - - - - - SHC - 62.4 83.1 - 59.7 80.2 - 56.9 77.2 - - - - - - 58 TC 120.6 120.6 136.3 115.7 115.7 130.8 110.3 110.3 124.7 104.4 104.4 118.0 97.8 97.8 110.5 SHC 104.8 120.6 136.3 100.5 115.7 130.8 95.9 110.3 124.7 90.7 104.4 118.0 85.0 97.8 110.5 62 TC 122.1 122.1 139.4 116.6 116.6 134.6 110.6 110.6 129.9 104.4 104.4 122.7 97.8 97.8 114.9 E SHC 98.8 119.1 139.4 95.1 114.9 134.6 91.3 110.6 129.9 86.2 104.4 122.7 80.7 97.8 114.9 c3 67 TC 132.2 132.2 132.2 125.5 125.5 125.5 118.4 118.4 118.4 110.6 110.6 114.6 102.2 102.2 111.0 o 4 SHC 80.6 102.1 123.7 77.8 99.4 120.9 74.9 96.4 117.9 71.8 93.2 114.6 68.4 89.7 111.0 a W 72 TC 144.4 144.4 144.4 137.1 137.1 137.1 129.2 129.2 129.2 120.7 120.7 120.7 111.4 111.4 111.4 SHC 59.5 81.2 102.8 56.8 78.4 100.1 54.0 75.5 97.1 50.9 72.4 93.9 47.6 69.1 90.5 76 TC - 154.4 154.4 - 146.5 146.5 - 138.0 138.0 - - - - - - SHC - 64.2 86.9 - 61.5 84.0 - 58.7 81.0 - - - - - - 58 TC 124.1 124.1 140.4 119.0 119.0 134.5 113.3 113.3 128.1 107.1 107.1 121.1 100.1 100.1 113.2 SHC 107.9 124.1 140.4 103.4 119.0 134.5 98.5 113.3 128.1 93.1 107.1 121.1 87.0 100.1 113.2 62 TC 124.9 124.9 144.9 119.2 119.2 140.0 113.4 113.4 133.2 107.1 107.1 125.8 100.2 100.2 117.7 E SHC 102.2 123.6 144.9 98.4 119.2 140.0 93.6 113.4 133.2 88.4 107.1 125.8 82.7 100.2 117.7 co 3 67 TC 134.0 134.0 134.0 127.2 127.2 128.2 119.8 119.8 125.1 111.9 111.9 121.6 103.3 103.3 117.6 a SHC 83.9 107.5 131.1 81.1 104.7 128.2 78.2 101.6 125.1 74.9 98.3 121.6 71.3 94.5 117.6 w TC 146.3 146.3 146.3 138.8 138.8 138.8 130.7 130.7 130.7 121.9 121.9 121.9 112.5 112.5 112.5 72 SHC 60.9 84.6 108.3 58.1 81.8 105.4 55.2 78.8 102.4 52.2 75.6 99.1 48.8 72.2 95.6 76 TC - 156.4 156.4 - 148.2 148.2 - - - - - - - - - SHC - 66.0 90.6 - 63.3 87.6 - - - - - - - - - LEGEND -Do not operate Cfm -Cubic feet per minute(supply air) EAT db) -Entering Air Temperature(dry bulb) EAT(wb)-Entering Air Temperature(wet bulb) SHC -Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross TC -Total Capacity(1000 Btuh)Gross 36 Carrier united'Technologies HEATING CAPACITIES, 3 TONS 50HCQA04 RETURN CFM TEMPERATURE AIR ENTERING OUTDOOR COIL(°F db at 70%RH) AIR (STANDARD AIR) -10 0 10 17 30 40 47 50 60 (°F db) 900 Capacity 13.3 17.2 20 26 31.3 35.6 37.0 42.7 Int.Cap 12.3 15.8 i 18.3 22.8 31.3 35.6 37.0 42.7 55 1200 Capacity 13.8 17.8 20.8 27.0 32.8 36.9 38.3 44.1 Int.Cap 12.7 16.3 18.9 23.6 32.8 36.9 38.3 45.1 1500 Capacity 18.7 21.8 28.2 34.0 38.1 39.4 45.1 Int.Cap 17.2 19.8 24.7 34.0 38.1 39.4 45.1 900 Capacity 7.5 11 14.9 17.8 23.6 28.5 32.7 34.2 40.4 Int.Cap 6.9 10.2 13.7 16.2 20.7 28.5 32.7 34.2 40.4 70 1200 Capacity 7.9 11.6 15.6 18.6 24.7 29.9 34.6 36.0 41.9 Int.Cap 7.3 10.7 14.3 16.9 21.6 29.9 34.6 36.0 41.9 1500 Capacity 8.7 12.4 16.5 19.6 25.8 31.3 35.9 37.3 43.1 Int.Cap 8.0 11.4 15.1 17.8 22.6 31.3 35.9 37.3 43.1 900 Capacity 5.7 9.3 13.2 16.1 21.9 26.8 30.5 32.1 38.4 Int.Cap 5.3 8.5 12.1 14.7 19.2 26.8 30.5 32.1 38.4 80 1200 Capacity 6.1 9.8 13.9 16.9 22.9 28.1 32.3 33.9 40.3 Int.Cap 5.6 9.0 12.7 15.4 20.1 28.1 32.3 33.9 40.3 1500 Capacity 6.8 10.6 14.8 _ 17.9 24.1 29.4 34.0 35.6 41.6 Int.Cap 6.3 9.8 13.6 16.3 21.1 29.4 34.0 35.6 41.6 LEGEND Indicates operation not permissible MI,- Instantaneous Capacity(1000 Btuh)includes indoor fan motor heat at AHRI static conditions db - Dry Bulb Int.Cap. - Integrated Capacity is Instantaneous Capacity minus the effects of frost on the outdoor coil and the heat required to defrost RH - Relative Humidity HEATING CAPACITIES, 4 TONS 50HCQA05 RETURN CFM TEMPERATURE AIR ENTERING OUTDOOR COIL(°F db at 70%RH) AIR(°F db) (STANDARD AIR) -10 0 10 17 30 40 47 50 60 1200 Capacity 18.5 23.8 27.7 35.3 41.9 47.6 49.3 56.5 Int.Cap 17.1 21.8 25.2 30.9 41.9 47.6 49.3 56.5 55 1600 Capacity 18.8 24.3 28.4 36.1 43.6 48.7 50.4 57.4 Int.Cap 17.3 22.3 25.9 31.6 43.6 48.7 50.4 57.4 2000 Capacity 19.8 25.3 29.7 37.5 44.9 49.8 51.4 58.0 Int.Cap 18.2 23.2 27.1 32.9 44.9 49.8 51.4 58.0 1200 Capacity 10.9 16.2 21.4 25.2 _ 32.8 38.9 44.0 46.0 54.0 Int.Cap 10.1 14.9 19.7 23.0 28.7 38.9 44.0 46.1 54.0 70 1600 Capacity 11.2 16.6 22.0 25.9 34.0 40.0 46.1 48.0 55.2 Int.Cap 10.3 15.3 20.2 23.6 29.8 40.0 46.1 48.0 55.2 2000 Capacity 12.1 17.7 23.2 27.1 35.2 41.8 47.7 49.4 56.2 Int.Cap 11.2 16.2 21.2 24.7 30.9 41.8 47.7 49.4 56.2 1200 Capacity 8.9 14.3 19.6 23.3 30.8 37.4 41.8 43.6 51.8 Int.Cap 8.2 13.1 18.0 21.3 27.0 37.4 41.8 43.6 51.8 80 1600 Capacity 9.2 14.7 20.2 24.1 31.9 . 38.4 43.4 45.5 53.5 Int.Cap 8.5 13.6 18.6 22.0 28.0 38.4 43.4 45.5 53.5 2000 Capacity 10.1 15.8 21.4 25.3 33.4 39.8 45.4 47.4 54.7 Int.Cap 9.4 14.5 19.6 23.1 29.2 39.8 45.4 47.4 54.7 LEGEND Indicates operation not permissible Capacity- Instantaneous Capacity(1000 Btuh)includes indoor fan motor heat at AHRI static conditions db - Dry Bulb Int.Cap. - Integrated Capacity is Instantaneous Capacity minus the effects of frost on the outdoor coil and the heat required to defrost RH - Relative Humidity 37 Performance data (cont) Carrier HEATING CAPACITIES, 5 TONS 50HCQA06 RETURN CFM TEMPERATURE AIR ENTERING OUTDOOR COIL(°F db at 70%RH) AIR(°F db) (STANDARD AIR) -10 0 10 17 30 40 47 50 60 . 1500 Capacity 22.0 28.5 33.3 43.5 51.4 58.0 60.1 68.6 Int.Cap 20.3 26.1 30.4 38.1 51.4 58.0 60.1 68.6 55 2000 Capacity 23.9 30.5 35.5 45.7 54.1 60.4 62.3 69.9 Int.Cap 22.0 28.0 32.4 40.1 54.1 60.4 62.3 69.9 2500 Capacity 25.0 31.7 36.9 47.1 55.2 60.7 62.3 68.8 Int.Cap 23.0 29.1 33.6 41.3 55.2 60.7 62.3 68.8 1500 Capacity 18.9 25.3 30.1 40.1 48.4 54.8 56.8 65.4 Int.Cap 17.4 23.3 27.5 35.2 48.4 54.8 56.8 65.4 70 2000 Capacity 20.7 27.4 32.3 43.0 50.9 57.4 59.3 67.4 Int.Cap 19.1 25.1 29.4 37.7 50.9 57.4 59.3 67.4 2500 Capacity 21.9 28.6 33.6 44.4 52.5 58.5 60.3 67.3 Int.Cap 20.1 26.3 30.7 38.9 52.5 58.5 60.3 67.3 1500 Capacity 10.3 16.5 23.1 27.8 37.4 46.2 52.4 54.7 63.2 Int.Cap 9.5 15.2 21.2 25.4 32.8 46.2 52.4 54.7 63.2 80 2000 Capacity 12.0 18.4 25.1 30.0 40.1 48.9 55.2 57.4 65.4 Int.Cap 11.1 16.9 23.0 27.4 35.2 48.9 55.2 57.4 65.4 2500 Capacity 13.0 19.5 26.3 31.4 41.9 50.5 56.6 58.4 65.7 Int.Cap 12.0 18.0 24.2 28.6 36.7 50.5 56.6 58.4 65.7 LEGEND Indicates operation not permissible EMT- Instantaneous Capacity(1000 Btuh)includes indoor fan motor heat at AHRI static conditions db - Dry Bulb Int.Cap. - Integrated Capacity is Instantaneous Capacity minus the effects of frost on the outdoor coil and the heat required to defrost RH - Relative Humidity HEATING CAPACITIES, 6 TONS 50HCQA07 RETURN CFM TEMPERATURE AIR ENTERING OUTDOOR COIL(°F db at 70%RH) AIR (STANDARD AIR) -10 0 10 17 30 40 47 50 60 (°F db) 1800 Capacity 20.5 28.2 36.0 41.6 52.8 62.7 71.0 73.5 83.8 Int.Cap 19.0 25.9 33.0 38.0 46.3 62.7 71.0 73.5 83.8 55 2400 Capacity 21.2 29.0 37.0 42.8 54.4 65.4 73.0 75.4 86.1 Int.Cap 19.6 26.7 34.0 39.1 47.7 65.4 73.0 75.4 86.1 3000 Capacity 21.5 29.5 37.6 43.5 55.4 66.4 73.9 76.4 87.2 Int.Cap 19.9 27.1 34.5 39.7 48.5 66.4 73.9 76.4 87.2 1800 Capacity 15.8 23.6 31.6 37.3 48.5 57.7 65.5 68.5 79.7 Int.Cap 14.6 21.7 29.0 34.0 42.5 57.7 65.5 68.5 79.7 70 2400 Capacity 16.4 24.6 32.8 38.7 50.2 60.1 t a', 71.7 82.3 Int.Cap 15.1 22.6 30.1 35.3 44.0 60.1 71.7 82.3 3000 Capacity 16.8 25.1 33.5 39.5 51.3 61.6 70.5 73.0 83.6 Int.Cap 15.5 23.1 30.8 36.1 44.9 61.6 70.5 73.0 83.6 1800 Capacity 11.9 20.0 28.1 33.9 45.2 54.3 61.5 64.5 76.1 Int.Cap 11.0 18.4 25.8 30.9 39.6 54.3 61.5 64.5 76.1 80 2400 Capacity 12.5 20.9 29.3 35.4 47.0 56.7 64.6 67.7 79.4 Int.Cap 11.5 19.2 26.9 32.3 41.2 56.7 64.6 67.7 79.4 3000 Capacity 12.8 21.4 30.1 36.2 48.1 57.9 66.5 69.6 80.9 Int.Cap 11.8 19.7 27.6 33.0 42.1 57.9 66.5 69.6 80.9 LEGEND Indicates standard rating point Capacity Instantaneous Capacity(1000 Btuh)includes indoor fan motor heat at AHRI static conditions db - Dry Bulb Int.Cap. - Integrated Capacity is Instantaneous Capacity minus the effects of frost on the outdoor coil and the heat required to defrost RH - Relative Humidity 38 --- Carrier -Cr united Te°lnelegies HEATING CAPACITIES, 6 TONS 50HCODO7 RETURN CFM TEMPERATURE AIR ENTERING OUTDOOR COIL(°F db at 70%RH) AIR(°F db) (STANDARD AIR) -10 0 10 17 30 40 47 50 60 1500 Capacity 25.6 31.8 39.0 44.4 54.8 63.2 70.0 73.1 83.7 Int.Cap 23.7 29.3 35.8 40.5 48.0 63.2 70.0 73.1 83.7 55 2000 Capacity 26.2 32.6 40.3 45.3 55.8 65.1 72.1 75.1 85.0 Int.Cap 24.2 30.0 37.0 41.3 48.9 65.1 72.1 75.1 85.0 2500 Capacity 26.6 33.0 40.8 45.9 56.7 66.1 72.6 75.3 83.9 Int.Cap 24.6 30.4 37.5 41.9 49.7 66.1 72.6 75.3 83.9 1500 Capacity 22.5 28.8 35.5 41.0 51.5 59.8 66.2 69.2 79.8 Int.Cap 20.8 26.5 32.6 37.4 45.1 59.8 66.2 69.2 79.8 Capacity 23.1 29.6 36.5 42.7 52.9 61.6 71.5 81.5 70 2000 Int.Cap 21.4 27.2 33.5 39.0 46.3 61.6WV" 71.5 81.5 2500 Capacity 23.5 30.1 37.2 43.4 53.7 62.6 69.4 72.3 81.3 Int.Cap 21.8 27.7 34.1 39.6 47.0 62.6 69.4 72.3 81.3 1500 Capacity 20.0 26.3 33.1 38.2 49.4 57.5 63.8 66.5 77.0 Int.Cap 18.5 24.2 30.4 34.8 43.3 57.5 63.8 66.5 77.0 80 2000 Capacity 20.7 27.2 34.2 39.6 50.7 59.2 65.7 68.7 78.8 Int.Cap 19.1 25.0 31.4 36.1 44.4 59.2 65.7 68.7 78.8 2500 Capacity 21.1 27.7 34.8 40.5 51.6 60.3 66.9 69.9 79.1 Int.Cap 19.5 25.5 31.9 36.9 45.2 60.3 66.9 69.9 79.1 LEGEND Indicates standard rating point Capacity Instantaneous Capacity(1000 Btuh)includes indoor fan motor heat at AHRI static conditions db - Dry Bulb Int.Cap. - Integrated Capacity is Instantaneous Capacity minus the effects of frost on the outdoor coil and the heat required to defrost RH - Relative Humidity HEATING CAPACITIES, 7.5 TONS 50HCQDO8 RETURN CFM TEMPERATURE AIR ENTERING OUTDOOR COIL(°F db at 70%RH) AIR (STANDARD AIR) -10 0 10 17 30 40 47 50 60 (°F db) 2250 Capacity 24.3 33.6 43.4 50.6 66.3 78.0 87.4 90.4 102.6 Int.Cap 22.4 30.9 39.8 46.2 58.1 78.0 87.4 90.4 102.6 55 3000 Capacity 24.7 34.2 44.3 51.8 67.8 80.2 89.6 92.5 104.6 Int.Cap 22.8 31.5 40.7 47.3 59.4 80.2 89.6 92.5 104.6 3750 Capacity 24.9 34.6 44.9 52.6 68.7 81.3 90.4 93.1 104.3 Int.Cap 23.1 31.9 41.2 48.0 60.2 81.3 90.4 93.1 104.3 2250 Capacity 20.3 29.6 39.3 46.5 60.8 73.8 82.7 85.9 98.3 Int.Cap 18.7 27.2 36.1 42.4 53.3 73.8 82.7 85.9 98.3 70 3000 Capacity 20.8 30.4 40.5 47.9 63.4 75.9 88.5 100.6 Int.Cap 19.3 28.0 37.2 43.6 55.6 75.9 88.5 100.6 3750 Capacity 21.2 31.0 41.2 48.7 64.8 77.2 86.8 89.8 101.4 Int.Cap 19.6 28.5 37.8 44.4 56.7 77.2 86.8 89.8 101.4 2250 Capacity 16.8 26.2 36.0 43.2 57.2 70.2 79.5 82.8 95.2 Int.Cap 15.5 24.1 33.0 39.4 50.1 70.2 79.5 82.8 95.2 80 3000 Capacity 17.4 27.1 37.2 44.6 59.3 73.0 82.1 85.4 97.7 Int.Cap 16.1 24.9 34.2 40.7 52.0 73.0 82.1 85.4 97.7 3750 Capacity 17.7 27.6 38.0 45.5 60.6 74.3 83.7 87.0 98.8 Int.Cap 16.4 25.4 34.9 41.5 53.1 74.3 83.7 87.0 98.8 LEGEND w, Indicates standard rating point Capacity- Instantaneous Capacity(1000 Btuh)includes indoor fan motor heat at AHRI static conditions db - Dry Bulb Int.Cap. - Integrated Capacity is Instantaneous Capacity minus the effects of frost on the outdoor coil and the heat required to defrost RH - Relative Humidity 39 Performance data (cont) ( Carrier io,Muted Techuoiadies HEATING CAPACITIES, 8.5 TONS 50HCQDO9 RETURN CFM TEMPERATURE AIR ENTERING OUTDOOR COIL(°F db at 70%RH) (°FlR db) (STANDARD AIR) -10 0 10 17 30 40 47 50 60 2250 Capacity _ 35.1 37.7 49.0 57.4 74.4 87.8 98.9 102.6 118.3 Int.Cap 32.5 34.7 45.0 52.3 65.2 87.8 98.9 102.6 118.3 55 3400 Capacity 32.6 39.1 50.8 59.4 76.8 _ 90.8 102.1 105.7 121.3 Int.Cap 30.1 36.0 _ 46.6 54.1 67.3 90.8 102.1 105.7 121.3 4250 Capacity 34.4 42.6 54.4 63.3 80.9 95.1 106.1 109.6 125.0 Int.Cap 31.8 39.2 50.0 57.7 70.9 95.1 106.1 109.6 125.0 2250 Capacity 35.2 33.3 44.5 52.8 69.3 _ 83.1 93.6 97.3 112.9 Int.Cap 32.6 30.6 40.9 48.1 60.7 83.1 93.6 97.3 112.9 70 3400 Capacity 35.6 34.9 46.5 55.0 72.5 86.1 100.8 116.2 Int.Cap 32.9 32.1 42.7 50.1 63.5 86.1 100.8 116.2 4250 Capacity 38.2 38.6 50.3 59.0 76.7 90.5 101.6 105.2 120.2 int.Cap 35.3 35.5 46.2 53.7 67.2 90.5 101.6 105.2 120.2 2250 Capacity 34.6 29.6 40.9 49.1 65.4 79.8 89.9 93.8 109.1 Int.Cap 32.0 27.2 37.5 44.8 57.3 79.8 89.9 93.8 109.1 80 3400 Capacity 35.2 31.2 42.8 51.4 68.2 82.7 93.4 97.2 112.5 Int.Cap 32.5 28.7 39.3 46.8 59.8 82.7 93.4 97.2 112.5 4250 Capacity 38.2 34.9 46.7 55.4 72.7 87.1 98.2 101.8 116.8 int.Cap 35.3 32.1 42.9 50.5 63.7 87.1 98.2 101.8 116.8 LEGEND Indicates standard rating point Capacity- Instantaneous Capacity(1000 Btuh)includes indoor fan motor heat at AHRI static conditions db - Dry Bulb Int.Cap. - Integrated Capacity is Instantaneous Capacity minus the effects of frost on the outdoor coil and the heat required to defrost RH - Relative Humidity HEATING CAPACITIES, 10 TONS 50HCQD12 RETURN CFM TEMPERATURE AIR ENTERING OUTDOOR COIL(°F db at 70%RH) AIR (STANDARD AIR) -10 0 10 17 30 40 47 50 60 (°F db) __. 3000 Capacity 50.9 62.9 72.7 91.4 106.1 117.2 121.0 136.2 Int.Cap 46.8 57.8 66.3 80.1 106.1 117.2 121.0 136.2 55 4000 Capacity 53.5 _ 66.0 75.9 94.8 109.6 120.7 124.3 - 139.4 Int.Cap 49.2 60.6 69.2 83.0 109.6 120.7 124.3 139.4 5000 Capacity 56.0 69.1 79.1 97.5 112.3 123.0 126.3 140.9 Int.Cap 51.5 63.4 72.1 85.4 112.3 123.0 126.3 140.9 3000 Capacity 45.8 57.9 66.9 86.4 101.6 112.2 116.3 131.2 Int.Cap 42.1 53.1 61.0 75.7 101.6 112.2 116.3 131.2 70 4000 Capacity 48.5 60.9 70.4 90.4 ' 105.1 120.0 134.8 Int.Cap 44.6 55.9 64.2 79.3 105.1 120.0 134.8 5000 Capacity 51.1 63.7 73.6 93.5 108.0 118.9 122.5 137.0 Int.Cap 47.0 58.4 67.1 81.9 108.0 118.9 122.5 137.0 3000 Capacity 30.4 41.9 54.1 63.1 82.6 98.5 108.9 113.1 127.9 Int.Cap 28.1 38.6 49.6 57.6 72.3 98.5 108.9 113.1 127.9 80 4000 Capacity 32.8 44.6 57.1 66.5 86.5 102.1 112.7 116.9 131.5 Int.Cap 30.4 41.1 52.4 60.6 75.8 102.1 112.7 116.9 131.5 5000 Capacity 35.2 47.2 59.9 69.4 89.8 105.1 115.8 119.6 134.0 Int.Cap 32.6 43.5 55.0 63.3 78.7 105.1 115.8 119.6 134.0 LEGEND Indicates operation not permissible ri, Indicates standard rating point Capacity- Instantaneous Capacity(1000 Btuh)includes indoor fan motor heat at AHRI static conditions db - Dry Bulb Int.Cap. - Integrated Capacity is Instantaneous Capacity minus the effects of frost on the outdoor coil and the heat required to defrost RH - Relative Humidity 40 Farrier ; °"United Teeenategies STATIC PRESSURE ADDERS(IN WG.)-FACTORY OPTIONS AND/OR ACCESSORIES Economizer 3-5 TONS CFM (in.wg) 600 800 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 Vertical 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18 0.22 0.26 Economizer Horizontal 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.23 0.28 Economizer 6-8.5 TONS CFM (in.wg) 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000 Vertical 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.22 0.25 0.29 0.33 0.36 0.40 0.44 0.48 Economizer Horizontal 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.25 0.28 0.30 0.34 0.39 0.43 0.47 0.51 0.56 0.60 Economizer 10 TONS CFM (in.wg) 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000 Vertical 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 Economizer Horizontal 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.17 0.19 0.21 0.23 0.25 0.27 Economizer Electric Heaters 3-5 TONS CFM (in.wg) 600 900 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 1 Electric 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.13 Heater Module 2 Electric 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18 Heater Modules 6-8.5 TONS CFM (in.wg) 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000 1 Electric 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.18 Heater Module 2 Electric 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.20 Heater Modules 10 TONS CFM (in.wg) 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5250 5500 5750 6000 Vertical 1 Electric 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 Heater Module Vertical 2 Electric 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 Heater Modules Horizontal 1 Electric 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 Heater Module Horizontal 2 Electric 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 Heater Modules 41 Performance data (cont) Carrier� 4,Witted TethWitnie6 GENERAL FAN PERFORMANCE NOTES your salesperson, to help you select the best motor/ • 1. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. drive combination for your application. 2. External static pressure is the static pressure differ- 4. The Fan Performance tables offer motor/drive corn- encerec- between the return duct and the supply duct plus ommendations. In cases when two motor/drive the static pressure caused by any FlOPs or accesso- binations would work, Carrier recommended the lower horsepower option. ries. 5. For information on the electrical properties of Carrier 3. Tabular data accounts for pressure loss due to clean motors, please see the Electrical information section filters, unit casing, and wet coils. Factory options and of this book. accessories may add static pressure losses, as shown on page 41. Selection software is available, through 6. For more information on the performance limits of Carrier motors, see the application data section of this book. 3 TON UNIT DIRECT DRIVE SPEED HORIZONTAL VERTICAL (TORQUE) TAP CFM ESP BHP CFM ESP BHP 900 0.57 0.25 900 0.44 0.19 975 0.47 0.24 975 0.34 0.18 1050 0.37 0.22 1050 0.24 0.17 1125 0.27 0.21 1125 0.15 0.16 1 1200 0.18 0.20 1200 0.07 0.16 1275 0.09 0.20 1275 - - • 1350 - - 1350 - - 1425 - - 1425 - - 1500 - - 1500 - - 900 0.73 0.30 900 0.60 0.24 975 0.62 0.29 975 0.49 0.23 1050 0.51 0.28 1050 0.38 0.22 1125 0.41 0.27 1125 0.28 0.21 2 1200 0.30 0.25 1200 0.18 0.20 1275 0.19 0.24 1275 0.09 0.19 1350 0.08 0.22 1350 - - 1425 - - 1425 - - 1500 - - 1500 - - 900 1.04 0.41 900 0.93 0.36 975 0.93 0.40 975 0.81 0.35 1050 0.82 0.39 1050 0.70 0.34 1125 0.70 0.38 1125 0.58 0.33 3 1200 0.58 0.36 1200 0.47 0.31 1275 0.46 0.35 1275 0.36 0.30 1350 0.34 0.33 1350 0.25 0.29 1425 0.23 0.31 1425 0.14 0.27 1500 0.12 0.30 1500 - - 900 1.26 0.49 900 1.15 0.44 975 1.18 0.50 975 1.07 0.45 1050 1.09 0.50 1050 0.97 0.46 1125 0.99 0.50 1125 0.86 0.46 4 1200 0.88 0.49 1200 0.74 0.43 1275 0.76 0.47 1275 0.61 0.41 1350 0.63 0.46 1350 0.48 0.40 1425 0.50 0.44 1425 0.35 0.39 1500 0.37 0.42 1500 0.23 0.37 900 1.35 0.52 900 1.24 0.51 975 1.30 0.54 975 1.19 0.52 1050 1.26 0.57 1050 1.24 0.54 1125 1.21 0.59 1125 1.24 0.57 5 1200 1.16 0.62 1200 1.03 0.59 1275 1.12 0.64 1275 0.98 0.61 1350 1.07 0.67 1350 0.93 0.64 1425 1.02 0.70 1425 0.88 0.67 1500 0.97 0.73 1500 0.82 0.69 42 'Carrier�'; C 4 TON UNIT DIRECT DRIVE SPEED HORIZONTAL VERTICAL (TORQUE) -. _ TAP CFM ESP BHP CFM ESP BHP 1200 0.93 0.48 1200 0.87 0.43 1300 0.80 0.46 1300 0.73 0.41 1400 0.66 0.44 1400 0.59 0.39 1500 0.51 0.41 1500 0.43 0.37 1 1600 0.36 0.39 1600 0.27 0.34 1700 0.22 0.36 1700 0.12 0.33 1800 0.08 0.33 1800 - - 1900 - - 1900 - - 2000 - - 2000 - - 1200 1.04 0.53 1200 0.96 0.48 1300 0.91 0.51 1300 0.84 0.46 1400 0.76 0.48 1400 0.69 0.44 1500 0.61 0.46 1500 0.53 0.41 2 1600 0.45 0.43 1600 0.37 0.39 1700 0.30 0.40 1700 0.21 0.36 1800 0.16 0.38 1800 0.06 0.34 1900 0.04 0.35 1900 - - 2000 - - 2000 - - 1200 1.18 0.58 1200 1.13 0.53 1300 1.09 0.59 1300 1.06 0.53 1400 0.98 0.60 1400 0.98 0.54 1500 0.86 0.60 1500 0.88 0.56 3 1600 0.72 0.57 1600 0.76 0.54 1700 0.57 0.54 1700 0.62 0.52 1800 0.42 0.51 1800 0.47 0.50 1900 0.28 0.48 1900 0.31 0.47 2000 0.15 0.45 2000 0.15 0.45 1200 1.24 0.60 1200 1.16 0.57 1300 1.18 0.63 1300 1.12 0.59 1400 . 1.12 0.66 1400 1.07 0.62 1500 1.04 0.71 1500 1.00 0.67 4 1600 0.95 0.70 1600 0.91 0.66 1700 0.85 0.71 1700 0.80 0.67 1800 0.73 0.71 1800 0.67 0.67 1900 0.60 0.69 1900 0.52 0.63 2000 0.45 0.65 2000 0.35 0.61 1200 1.25 0.61 1200 1.16 0.59 ' 1300 1.20 0.65 1300 1.11 0.63 1400 1.12 0.68 1400 1.01 0.67 1500 1.04 0.68 1500 0.91 0.67 5 1600 1.05 0.76 1600 0.96 0.75 1700 1.01 0.76 1700 0.91 0.75 1800 0.96 0.84 1800 0.86 0.83 1900 0.91 0.89 1900 0.80 0.87 2000 0.87 0.93 2000 0.74 0.91 43 Performance data (cont) Carrie-' 5 TON UNIT DIRECT DRIVE SPEED HORIZONTAL VERTICAL (TORQUE) TAP CFM ESP BHP CFM ESP BHP 1500 0.37 0.35 1500 0.27 0.32 1625 0.22 0.33 1625 0.13 0.30 1750 0.08 0.31 1750 - - 1875 - - 1875 - - 1 2000 - - 2000 - - 2125 - - 2125 - - 2250 - - 2250 - - 2375 - - 2375 - - 2500 - - 2500 - - 1500 0.54 0.44 1500 0.42 0.40 1625 0.37 0.41 1625 0.25 0.37 1750 0.20 0.38 1750 0.08 0.34 1875 0.04 0.35 1875 - - 2 2000 - - 2000 - - 2125 - - 2125 - - 2250 - - 2250 - - 2375 - - 2375 - - 2500 - - - 2500 - - 1500 1.28 0.83 1500 1.11 0.79 1625 1.10 0.81 1625 0.91 0.76 1750 0.90 0.78 __ 1750 0.70 0.74 _ 1875 0.68 0.74 1875 0.50 0.70 3 2000 0.47 0.70 2000 0.30 0.67 2125 0.27 0.66 2125 0.12 0.63 2250 0.10 0.62 2250 - - 2375 - - 2375 - - 2500 - - 2500 - - 1500 1.46 0.94 1500 1.29 0.90 1625 1.32 0.92 1625 1.13 0.88 1750 1.16 0.96 1750 0.95 0.91 1875 0.96 0.95 1875 0.74 0.88 4 2000 0.76 0.91 2000 0.52 0.84 2125 0.54 0.86 2125 0.30 0.80 2250 0.33 0.82 2250 0.11 0.77 _ 2375 0.14 0.78 2375 - - 2500 0.00 0.72 2500 - - 1500 1.52 0.97 1500 1.36 0.94 1625 1.42 1.01 1625 1.24 0.99 1750 1.16 1.05 1750 0.95 1.02 __ 1875 0.96 1.09 1875 0.74 1.05 5 2000 1.00 1.09 2000 0.74 1.03 __ 2125 0.82 1.06 2125 0.53 0.99 2250 0.62 1.02 2250 0.31 0.94 2375 0.40 0.98 2375 0.08 0.90 2500 0.16 0.93 2500 -0.14 0.86 44 /nfc..al 9-0°X3 5 'Carrier 50HCQA04 - 3 TON HORIZONTAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 900 574 0.13 707 0.23 817 0.34 913 0.47''' , ,, , , , , , 1 975 597 0.15 727 0.25 ��5 0.37 929 0.50 1015 0.84 1093 0.80 1165 0.97��1233 1050 621 0.18 747 0.28 i 3 0.40 946 0.53 1030 0.68 1108 0.84 1180 1,01 1247 1125 646 0.20 768 0.31 72 ' 0.43 964 0,57 1047 0.72 1123 0.88 1195, u, .' ea' 1200 671 0.23 790 0.34 u'2 0.47 982 0.61 1064 0.76,1140 0.92 1211'1 1275 696 0.26 812 0.38 12 0.51 1001 0.65 1082 0.81 1157 0.97 1226, 1350 723 0.30 835 'iii, 7'933 0.55 1020 0.70 1100 0.86 1174 1.02 1-'ii 1425 749 0.34 859 0.46 955 0.60 1040 0.75 1119 0.91 1192 ,ti;-,' 1500 776 0.38 883 . 0.51 977 0.65 1061 0.80 1138 0.97 1210 , LEGEND -Med Static Motor and Drive-819-1251 RPM, Max BHP 1.5(motor is new 1.7 HP) -High Static Motor and Drive-1035-1466 RPM. Max BHP 2.0(motor is 2.4 HP) 50HCQA04 - 3 TON VERTICAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 900 594 0.15 740 0.25 ii;-- . R °-` 1511 1.70 975 618 0.17 758 0.28 i 181 0.40 991 0.55 1092 0.71 1186 0 8'i • 1513 1.74 1050 642 0.19 777 0.30 `•96 0.43 1003 0.58 1102 0.75 1194 0.92` 1516 1.78 1125 668 0.22 797 0.34 it 12 0.47 1017 0.62 1113 0.79 1204 0.97- 1520 1.82 1200 695 0.25 818 0.37 i+�930 0.51 1032 0.66 1126 0.83 1215 1.01ii 1526 1.87 1275 722 0.29 949 0.55 1048 0.71 1140 0.88 1227 1.06-. 1533 1.92 1350 750 0.33 864 0.46 968 0.60 1065 0.76 1155 0.93 1240 1i 1471 1.75 1541 1.99 1425 778 0.37 888 0.50 989 0.65 1083 0.81 ' 1171 0.99 ''i'�" ' 1481 1.82 - - 1500 807 0.42 913 0.58 .1 011, 0.71 1103 0.87 ,1188 1.05 i f6�# 1492 1.89 - - LEGEND 17,177,-Med Static Motor and Drive-819-1251 RPM, Max BHP 1.5(motor is new 1.7 HP) -High Static Motor and Drive-1035-1466 RPM, Max BHP 2.0(motor is 2.4 HP) BOLD -Field-supplied drive recommended using field supplied fan pulley(part no. KR11 AZ606)motor pulley(part no. KR11 HY191), and belt(KR29AF043) 45 Performance data (cont) (-C-arrer 50HCQA05 - 4 TON HORIZONTAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 1200 630 0.20 755 0.31 859 0.43 ; .. :� . . "........�. 1300 659 0.24 781 0.36 883 0.48 972 0.61 1052 0.76 1125 0.91 1194 1.06 1258 1.23 1400 689 0.28 808 0.40 908 0.53 '995 0.67 1075 0.82 1147 0.98 1215 1.14 1278 1.31 1500 720 0.33 836 0.46 020 0,74 1098 0,89 1170 1.05 1237 1.22 1299 1," 1600 752 0.38 864 0.52 a 0,66 1044 0.81 1121 0.97 1193 '1 13 1259 1.31. 1700 784 0.44 893 0.58 0.73 1070 0.89 1146 1.05 1216 1.22 1282 1 1800 816 0.50 92 i ""f014 0,81 1096 0.97 1171 1.14 1240 1.32 1480 2.09 1900 849 0.58 952 0.73 1042 ,0.90 1122 1.07 1196 1.24" 1265 1.43, 1447 2.01 1502 2.22 2000 882 0.66 982 0.82 1070 0.99 1149 1.17 1222 1.35 1470 2.14 1525 2.35 LEGEND -Med Static Motor and Drive-920-1303 RPM, Max BHP 1.5(motor is new 1.7 HP) -High Static Motor and Drive- 1035-1466 RPM, Max BHP 2.0(motor is 2.4 HP) Italics - Field-supplied motor and drive required recommend using field supplied motor(HD58FE651-230v and 460v,HD58FE576-575 volt). fan pulley(part no.KR11 AZ606),motor pulley(part no.KR11 HY213),and belt(KR29AF043) 50HCQA05 - 4 TON VERTICAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM I BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 900 682 0.25 800 0.36 897 0.48 `:2 0.61 1058 0,75 1128 ''0.89 1192 1,03 " 1252 1,18'i 975 717 0.29 832 0.42 011 0.68 1086 0.82 1155 0.97 1219 1,12 127.9 -1.28: 1050 753 0.34 865 0.48 = 0.61 1041 0.76 1115 0.91 1183 1.06 1247 1125 789 0.40 898 0.54 `". 0.69 1071 0.84 1144 1.00 1212 1.16 1275 1.32 1200 826 0.47 '.- -022 0.77 1102 0.93 1174 1.09 1241 1 2 1275 863 0.54 ;.6' 0,70 1055 0.86 1133 1.03 1205 1-20 1271 1 3" 1498 2.12 1350 901 0 62 -;�1 0.79 1088 0.96 1165 1.13 1235 1.31 1301 triiX _1474 2.07 1526 2.27 1425 939 = 0.71 -1037 0.89 1121 1.07 1197 1.25 1267 1.44 1449 2.02 1503 2.22 - - 1500 978 0.81 1073 0.99 1156 1.18 1230 1.37 1478 2.18 1532 2.38 - - LEGEND -Med Static Motor and Drive-920-1303 RPM, Max BHP 1.5(motor is new 1.7 HP) -High Static Motor and Drive- 1035-1466 RPM, Max BHP 2.0(motor is 2.4 HP) Italics - Field-supplied motor and drive required recommend using field supplied motor(HD58FE651-230v and 460v,HD58FE576-575 volt),fan pulley(part no.KR11 AZ606),motor pulley(part no.KR11 HY213).and belt(KR29AF043) 46 Ca tra e 50HCQA06 - 5 TON HORIZONTAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 1500 725 0.33 840 0.46 937 0.60 1023 0.75 ,. 1172 1.06 1239 1,23 .302 0140 I B 1625 765 0.40 876 0.54 970 0.68 1054 0.84 1131 1.00 1201 1.16 1267 1.34 1329 '1.52. 1750 806 0.48 912 0.63 1004 0.78 '1087 0.94 1162 1.11 1231 1.28 1296 1.46 1358 1.65 1875 847 0.57 950 0.72 1039 0.88 1120 1.05 1194 1.23 1262 1.41 1326 1.60 2000 889 0.66 988 0.83 Pif.05 1.00 1154 1.18 . 1226 1.36 1294, 1.55 1357:; 1.74 2125 931 0.78 1027 C 9. t 1112 1.13 1169 1.31 ` 1260 1.50 1 " - - 2250 974 0.90 1067 1.08 1149 1.27 1224 1.46 ; 1294 1.66 1359 1.8:;E - - 2375 1018 1.03 1107 1,23 - 1187 1.43 1261 1,63 is 1329 4 " � �', - - - - 2500 1061 1.19 1148 1.39 1226 1.59 1297 1.81:' - - - - LEGEND - Med Static-1066-1380 RPM, Max BHP 2.0(motor is new 2.4 HP) - High Static- 1208-1550 RPM, Max BHP 2.9(motor is 2.9 HP) 50HCQA06 - 5 TON VERTICAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 1500 794 0.41 902 0.55 993 0.69 1.33 1338 5 1625 840 0.49 945 0.64 1034 0.80 1113 0.96 1185 1251 1.30 1313 1.47 137 e 3 1750 888 0.59 988 0.75 °2 1153 1.09 1223 1.26 1289 1.44 1350 1.63 1875 936 0.70 1033 0.87 • - 05 1193 1.23. ,,;. ,1,41 1327 1.60 2000 984 0.82 ."` - ¢ 160 '1.19 1235 1.39 58 1366_ .78;; - - 2125 1033 0.96 24 1,15 1204 1_35 1277 1.56 a - - 2250 1083 1.11 1170 1.32 1248 1.53 1319 1.74 ;, - - - - - - 2375 1133 '1,28 1217 1.50 1293 1.72 1363 1 95 - 2500 1183 1.47 1265 1.70 1339 1.93 "`a �. - - - - - - - LEGEND I-ir3 -Med Static-1066-1380 RPM. Max BHP 2.0(motor is new 2.4 HP) -High Static-1208-1550 RPM,Max BHP 2.9(motor is 2.9 HP) 47 Performance data (cont) Carries' r 50HCQA/D07 - 6 TON HORIZONTAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 1800 415 0.28 510 0.46 588 0.65 655 0.85 715 1.08 770 1.31 821 1.56 868 1950 431 0.32 '525 0.51 601 0.71 668 0.93 727 1.16 782 1.40 832 1,66 879 1.92 924 NV 2100 448 0.38 540 0.57 615 0.78 681 1.01 740 1,25 794 150 844 1-76 891 2.03 2250 465 0.43 555 0.64 629 0.86 694 1.10 753 1,34 806 1.60 856 1.87 903 2.15 a'•= . ,.. 2400 483 0.49 571 0.71 644 0.94 708 1.19 766 1.45 819 1.71 868 1.99 915 2.28 -' i., 2550 501 0.56 587 0.79 659 1.04 722 1.29 779 156 832 1.83 881 2.12 927 2.42 2700 519 0.64 603 0.88 674 1.14 737 1.40 793 1.68 845 1-96 894 2.26 94430 2850 538 0.72 620 0.98 689 1.24 751 1.52 807 1.80 859 2.10 907 2-..= 3000 557 0.82 637 1.08 705 s 1.36 766 1.64,, 822 1-94 873 ,2.24 921 2, LEGEND -Std Static-489-747 RPM, Max BHP 1.2 (motor is 1.7 HP) -Med Static-733-949 RPM, Max BHP 2.9(motor is 2.9 HP) -High Static-909-1102 RPM, Max BHP 4.0(motor is 4.9 HP) 50HCQA/D07 - 6 TON VERTICAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 1800 446 0.33 534 0.50 609 0.70 676 0.91 736 1.14 1950 467 0.39 552 0.57 625 0.77 690 0.99 750 1.23 804 1.49 855 1.76 9s,-, , - 2100 489 0.45 571 0.64 642 0.86 706 1.08 764 1.33 618 1,59 868 1.87 915 2.16 2250 511 0.53 591 0.73 660 0.95 722 1.19 779 144 ,832 1.71 882 1.99 928 2.29 2400 534 0.61 611 0.82 678 1.05 739 1.30 795 ' 1.56 847 1.83 896 2.12 942 243, 2550 558 0.71 631 0.93 697 1.17 756 1.42 811 1.69 862 1.97 910 2.27 2700 581 0.81 652 1.04 716 1,29 774 '1.55 828 1,83 878 2.12 926 2.42 2850 605 0.93 674 1.17 736 1.43 792 1.70 845 1.98 895 2.28 941 2-' 3000 630 1.06 696 1.31 756 L58 LEGEND -Std Static-489-747 RPM, Max BHP 1.2 (motor is 1.7 HP) - Med Static-733-949 RPM, Max BHP 2.9(motor is 2.9 HP) - High Static-909-1102 RPM, Max BHP 4.0(motor is 4.9 HP) 48 Carrier; (;..IIedru .. 50HCQD08 - 7.5 TON HORIZONTAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 2250 433 0.29 518 0.41 596 0.54 667 0.67 733 0.81 795 0.96 854 1.11 1 910 1.27 2438 454 0.35 535 0.48 609 0.61 677 0.75 741 0.90 802 1.05 859 1.21 913 _ 1 38 2625 477 0.42 553 0.55 624 0.69 689 0.84 751 1.00 810 1.16 865 1.32 919 '1.49 2813 500 0.49 572 0.64 640 0.76 703 0.94 763 '1.10 819 1.27 874 1.44 925 .1,62 3000 523 0.58 592 0.73 657 0.88 718 1.05 775 1.22 . 830 1.39 883 1.57 r 3188 547 0.68 613 0.83 675 1.00 733 1.17 789 ';1,34 • 843 1.53., 3375 571 0.78 634 0.95 694 1.12 750 1.30 8048 -856 167'. 3563 596 0.90 656 1.07 713 1.25 768 1,44 820 3750 621 1.03 679 1.21 734 1.40 786:E 1.59 : 837 1.79 LEGEND -Std Static-518-733 RPM,Max BHP 1.2(motor is 1.7 HP) -Med Static-690-936 RPM,Max BHP 1.7(motor is 2.4 HP) -High Static-838-1084 RPM, Max BHP 2.8(motor is 3.7 HP) 50HCQD08 - 7.5 TON VERTICAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPMIBHP RPM BHP 2250 457 0.32 536 0.44 604 0.55 664 0.67 719 0.79 770 0.91 817 1.03 861 1.15 9031 1.28 2438 481 0.39 557 0.51 623 0.64 682 0.77 735 . 0.89 785 1.02 832 1.15 876 1.28 917 1.41 ; 2625 505 0.47 578 0.60 642 0.73 700 0.87 753 1.00 802 1.14 847 1.28 891 1,42 932 2813 530 0.55 601 0.70 663 0.84 719 0.98 771 ; 1.13 819 1.27 864 1.42 907 1,57 3000 556 0.65 623 0.80 684 0.95 738 1,11 789: 1.26 836 1.42 881' 1.57 3188 582 _ 0.76 647 0.92 705 1.08 759 1,25 808 1.41 855 1.57< 3375 608 _ 0.88 671 1.05 727 1.22 779 1,40 828 , 1.57 T" 'r., .„'- 3563 634 1.01 695 1.19 750 ' 138. 801 . 1,56 3750 661 1.16 719 1.35 .773; .1.54" 822 1,73 LEGEND -Std Static-518-733 RPM, Max BHP 1.2(motor is 1.7 HP) -Med Static-690-936 RPM, Max BHP 1.7(motor is 2.4 HP) -High Static-838-1084 RPM, Max BHP 2.8(motor is 3.7 HP) 49 Performance data (cont) Carrier 50HCQD09 - 8.5 TON HORIZONTAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 2550 468 0.39 546 0.52 618 0.66 684 2763 493 0.47 567 0.61 635 0.76 699 3; #1 2975 520 0.57 589 0.72 654 0.87 716 1.03 74 -430-" 829"<1, 7, 3188 547 0.68 613 0.83 675 1.00 733 1.17 3400 575 0.80 637 0.96 696 1.14 752 1.31"r 3613 603 0.94 662 1.11 719 1.29 773 1.48 3825 631 1.09 688 1.27 742 1.46 794 1.66 - - 4038 660 1.26 714 1.45 766 1.65 816 1.85 - - - 4250 689 1.45 741 1.65 790 1.86 838 2.07 - - - - LEGEND -Std static-440-609 RPM, Max BHP 1.7(motor is 2.4 HP) -Med static-591-838 RPM, Max BHP 2.9(motor is 2.9 HP) -High static-838-1084 RPM, Max BHP 2.8(motor is 3.7 HP) 50HCQD09 - 8.5 TON VERTICAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 2550 495 0.43 570 0.56 634 0.70 693 0.83 746 "C, 2763 524 0.53 595 0.67 657 0.81 714 0.95 766 1.4. 2975 552 0.63 620 0.79 681 0.94 736 1.09 787 1.24 .834 .1.40 3188 582 0.76 647 0.92 705 1.08 759 1.25 808 1.41 3400 611 0.89 674 1.07 730 1.24 782 1.42 831 1.59' 3613 641 1.05 701 1.23 ` 756 1.42 806 1.60 3825 s 672 1.22 729 1.42 782 1.61 831 1.81 - - 4038 702 1.41 758 1.62 809 1.83 - - - - - - 4250 733 1.62 787 1.84 836 2.06 - - - - - LEGEND -Std static-440-609 RPM. Max BHP 1.7(motor is 2.4 HP) fy '- Med static-591-838 RPM, Max BHP 2.9(motor is 2.9 HP) - High static-838-1084 RPM, Max BHP 2.8(motor is 3.7 HP) 50 'Carrier 50HCQD12 - 10 TON HORIZONTAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 3000 335 0.32 421 0.51 500 0.74 572 1.00 637 1.29` 697 1.59 751 1.91 3250 350 0.38 430 0.58 505 0.81 575 1.08 640 1.37. 699 1.68 753 2.01 3500 365 0.45 441 0.65 512 0.89 579 1.16 642 1.46 701, 1.78 755 2.12 3750 381 0.53 452 0.74 520 0.98 584 1.26 645 1.56+ 703 1.88 757 2.23 4000 397 0.61 464 0.83 529 1.08 590 1.36 650 "1.67 706 2.00 759 2.35 4250 413 0.70 477 0.93 538 1.19 598 1.47 655 1.78 709 2.12 761 2.48 4500 429 0.81 491 1.05 549 1.31 606 1.60 661 1.91 714 2.25 4750 445 0.92 505 1.17 561 1.44 615 1.73 667 2.05 ` '719 2.40 5000 462 1.04 519 1.30 573 1.58 625. 1.88 675 2.21 ,725 2.55 LEGEND -Std Static-440-609 RPM,Max BHP 1.9(motor is 2.4 HP) -Med Static-547-757 RPM,Max BHP 2.9(motor is 2.9 HP) -High Static-762-963 RPM,Max BHP 6.5*(motor is 5.0 HP) BOLD -Field-supplied drive(motor pulley=KR11 HY151,use belt and blower pulley from standard static), rpm range=338-507 Italics -Field-supplied drive(motor pulley=KR11 HY186,blower pulley=KR51 BJ413,belt=KR3OBE072,use medium static motor), rpm range=684-864 Underline -Field-supplied(motor pulley=KR11 HY194,blower pulley=KR51 BJ413,belt=KR3OBE072,use high static motor),rpm range =846-1061 `On Size 12 units, Max BHP for the High-Static High-Efficiency motor varies with the motor's voltage;see the table below. Voltage BHP 208 6.5 230 6.9 460 7.0 575 8.3 50HCQD12 - 10 TON VERTICAL SUPPLY Available External Static Pressure(in.wg) CFM 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 3000 383 0.39 470 0.60 549 0.85 620 1.13 684 142 742 3250 402 0.47 483 0.68 559 0.94 629 1.22 692 1,53 749 1.85 3500 421 0.55 498 0.78 570 1.04 637 1.33 699 1,65 756 1.98_ 3750 441 0.65 513 0.88 582 1.15 647 1.45 707 1,78 4000 461 0.75 529 0.99 594 1.27 657 1.58 716 -1.91 4250 481 0.87 545 1.12 608 1.41 668 1.72 725 '2.06 9.E1 Q4 4500 502 1.01 563 1.26 622 1.55 680 1.88 735 2.22 976 4.25. 4750 522 1.15 581 1.42 637 1,72 693 2.05 , 746 2,40, 923 4.4Z 5000 543 1.31 599 1.59 653 1.90 706 2.23 758 2.59 990 4-7.1 LEGEND . -Std Static-440-609 RPM,Max BHP 1.9(motor is 2.4 HP) -Med Static-547-757 RPM,Max BHP 2.9(motor is 2.9 HP) -High Static-762-963 RPM,Max BHP 6.5*(motor is 5.0 HP) BOLD -Field-supplied drive(motor pulley=KR11 HY151,use belt and blower pulley from standard static),rpm range=338-507 Italics -Field-supplied drive(motor pulley=KR11 HY186,blower pulley=KR51 BJ413,belt=KR3OBE072,use medium static motor), rpm range=684-864 Underline -Field-supplied(motor pulley=KR11 HY194,blower pulley=KR51 BJ413,belt=KR3OBE072,use high static motor),rpm range =846-1061 *On Size 12 units, Max BHP for the High-Static High-Efficiency motor varies with the motor's voltage;see the table below. Voltage BHP 208 6.5 230 6.9 460 7.0 575 8.3 51 Performance data (cant) (carrie� PULLEY ADJUSTMENT - BELT DRIVE 50HCO MOTOR/DRIVE MOTOR PULLEY TURNS OPEN(RPM) UNIT COMBO 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 3 Medium Static 1251 1208 1165 1121 1078 1035 992 949 905 862 819 04 Phase High h Static 1466 1423 1380 1337 1294 1251 1207 1164 1121 1078 1035 3 Medium Static 1303 1265 1226 1188 1150 1112 1073 1035 997 958 920 05 Phase High h Static 1466 1423 1380 1337 1294 1251 1207 1164 1121 1078 1035 3 Medium Static 1380 1349 1317 1286 1254 1223 1192 1160 1129 1097 1066 06 Phase High Static 1639 1596 1553 1510 1467 1424 1380 1337 1294 1251 1208 Standard Static 747 721 695 670 644 618 592 566 541 515 489 07 Phase Medium Static 949 927 906 884 863 841 819 798 776 755 733 High Static 1102 1083 1063 1044 1025 1006 986 967 948 928 909 Standard Static 733 712 690 669 647 626 604 583 561 540 518 08 phase Medium Static 936 911 887 862 838 813 788 764 739 715 690 High Static 1084 1059 1035 1010 986 961 936 912 887 863 838 Standard Static 652 633 614 594 575 556 537 518 498 479 460 09 Phase Medium Static 838 813 789 764 739 715 690 665 640 616 591 High Static 1084 1059 1035 1010 986 961 936 912 887 863 838 Standard Static 609 592 575 558 541 525 508 491 474 457 440 12 Phase Medium Static 757 736 715 694 673 652 631 610 589 568 547 High Static 963 943 923 903 883 863 842 822 802 782 762 LEGEND —Factory settings NOTE:Do not adjust pulley further than 5 turns open. 52 Carrie ECONOMIZER, BAROMETRIC RELIEF AND PE PERFORMACE Barometric Relief Flow Capacity Barometric Relief Flow Capacity 2500 - -- _ 2500 , Horizontal Economizers' 'Vertical Economizers 2000 2000 ���MI 3 1500 1500 / --3-5Ton a --3-5Ton w ■�M�� -6-8.5 Ton C Y ' 1000 ii 1000 '/ -6-8.5 Ton 500 5000 �■■� /' 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE(in.wg) RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESS URE(in.wg) Return Air Pressure Drop Return Air Pressure Drop 6000 6000 _ I Horizontal Economizers' - 'Vertical Economizers I F. 5000 5000 3 - u I& 4000 - --3-5Ton p 4000 _ --3-5Ton a 3000 - _ -6-8.5 Ton w 3000 -6-8.5 Ton a 2000 �� �.2000 1000 g 1000 0 0 , 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE DROP(in.wg) RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESS UREDROP(in.wg) Horizontal Power Exhaust Performance Vertical Power Exhaust Performance ,5 5000 HORIZONTAL POWER v 5000 VERTICAL POWER 0 4000 imm- -c�,4111111=11 EXHAUST � 4000 = --=�� EXHAUST u. 300011.1111 _ u_ 3000 w --3-5 Ton Q 2000 -3-5 Ton <. F- -6-6.5 Ton Q 2000 SI1000 mini . n -6-8.5 Ton 1000 I 0 I 0 tX 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 W 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE(in.wg) RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE(in.wg) 53 Performance data (cant) Carrier United Technaiagiee ECONOMIZER, BAROMETRIC RELIEF AND PE PERFORMACE(CONT) Barometric Relief Flow Capacity Barometric Relief Flow Capacity 2500 2500 ■��■. i 'Horizontal Economizers' Ell i Vertical Economizers 2000 g 1500 ■■■►/ u::: ■■.'■ ■■M■■ —10-Ton , 1000 ■„■■ 10Ton • 1000 ■I■■■. v. . 500 ..■■■ 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE(in.wg) RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE(in.wg) Return Air Pressure Drop Return Air Pressure Drop 6000 'Horizontal Economizers' 6000 I Vertical Economizers g5000 chi 5000 _ 4000 0 c 4000 _ —10 Ton _1 _ — 10 Ton e 3000 a 3000 5 2000 g 2000 - a 1000 z 1000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE DROP(in.wg) RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE DROP(in.wg) Horizontal Power Exhaust Performance Vertical Power Exhaust Performance E 5000 5000 Vertical Economizers o HORIZONTAL POWER 4000 4000 EXHAUST p —i 3000 LL 3000 C CC 2000 Q 2000 Zi I— —10 Ton y 1000 — 10Ton to m 1000 < Or , t I 0 i i I t t x 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 W 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 U! RETURN DUCT STATIC PRESSURE(in.wg) STATIC PRESSURE(in.wg) 54 Typical wiring schematicsa'�'���'- TYPICAL POWER WIRING DIAGRAM: 1-STAGE COOLING UNIT SHOWN HP POWER 208/230-1 -60 CCH —..—..—..—..—..—..—... 3-6TON HP T1 -^�/`BL" CCHTS • BLK BLK Sc0 BIN—0—BLK—NV-- S CCH (TC0/548J/RHS 4 6 TON ONLY) BLK (DISCONNECT [HACK SIZE MUMAWIRE ••—••—••—-• (HC0/549 J/RHH ONLY) ..—..—..—..—..—..—.. FIELD / J (T2 ONLY SEE NOTENS TO DO 'L1'----ELK C -.-.211M1 8LN- — - — - — - - — - 11 21 BLK BLK O POWER I- - BLK_ BLK TEL TEL O COMP • iii YEL-7 -YEL YEL SUPPLLY . BLU• Ll `i r YEL- 7 - YEL ' EQUIP GR L1,L2 WIRES FLOP FLOP I ARE FACTORY TO DB 'OP—ELK • I/O MAX 1/D MAX • WIRES WITH 'WIRE SIZE 1 WIRE SIZE' HACR/DISCONNECT YEL OFM LS,EE NOTE 5.. SEE NOTE 4 FLOPS CAP1 --_-IiI7EOUIP H O 1-{1}-BAN GR OT YEL 115V TEL Cl FIELD -=--_ , —ORNlYEL cis IFM SUPPLY IWHT BLK FIOP BLK 4• DIRECT •®• NON-POWERED: MAXIMUM WIRE I TO•C•COIL—BR 44 DRIVE CONVENIENCE SIZE 2 AWG GN S- • OUTLET I SEE NOTE NS BLK TEL (NOTE 6) = (-__.._ LET _i_ .—••--.—•• _EL (DISCONNECT �HACR� I - ®IC1 I GNDEOUIP OD �_C ) TO DB•IFO•—VI, �OOOOOOO (NOTE 1) FIELD , / , (72 ONLY , A TRAN • m• :m • BLK- -'Iiii1 RED -RED fig) fEl) POWER I • I ;—, TO 24V (r BAN GRN/YEL •®• e® •• • •• r-^-e•� TEL SCHEMATIC • TEL 1 BLU C CAPACITOR,COMPRESSOR SUPPLY CAP CAPACITOR SINGLE POINT CONNECTION BOX, CB CIRCUIT BREAKER ®•t:m ` •+-•� •• ••—•• •• CCH CRANKCASE HEATER CCHR CRANKCASE HEATER RELAY EQUIP GA CCHTS CRANKCASE HEATER TEMP SWITCH COFS CONDENSATE OVERFLOW SWT 1 FLOP FLOP I MAXIMUM WIRE COMP COMPRESSOR MOTOR • I/O MAXI/O MAX • SIZE 2 AWG ✓` CTB CENTRAL TERMINAL BOARD DO DEFROST BOARD 'WIRE SIZE 1 WIRE SIZE' SEE NOTE NS DD DIRECT DRIVE LSEE NOTE 5_.I SEE NOTE 4 —••—••—••— DDC DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL ®I I EQUIP DFT DEFROST THERMOSTAT GND — FLOP FACTORY INSTALLED OPTION DISCONNECT �HAC� I /f/ : 1 FPT FREEZE PROTECTION SWITCH FU FUSE FIELD / , (T2 ONLY , GND GROUND m• im •• I I HC HEATER CONTACTOR _�_- •Imi .EL EC TR ICI HPS HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH POWER•I • •( BLK•• • BLK-' HEATERS IAO INDOOR AIR QUALITY SENSORS •®• 4514111 ® • -BLK I d 2 IFC INDOOR FAN CONTACTOR ,..---YEL- • ImI YEL-�I IFM INDOOR FAN MOTOR SUPPLY i I I /-YEL 11 I I LEGEND IFM/OL INDOO FAN MOTOR OVERLOAD i®;L.®i • S IRH INDOOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY LA LOW AMBIENT LOCKOUT �� I n MARKED WIRE LLSV LIQUID LINE SOLENOID VALVE EQUIP GRPOW LLSVR LIOUID LINE SOLENOID VALVE RELAY 8LK •Iml• BLK I O TERMINAL (MARKED! LOC LOSS OF CHARGE (SWITCH) Iml I FLOP FLOP Io 4m LPS LOW PRESSURE SWITCH 0 TERMINAL (UNMARKED) LSM LIMIT SWITCH (MANUAL RESET) • 1/0 MAX- 1/0 MAX • • -YEL Imi• TEL 'WIRE SIZE WIRE SIZE' TERMINAL BLOCK ,•_I 0 OAT OUTDOOR AIR TEMP. SEN SEE NOTE 5 SEE NOTE 4 OFM OUTDOOR FAN MOTOR L.. SINGLE POINT CONNECTION BOX• • SPLICE OLR OVERLOAD RELAY O SPLICE (MARKED) PL PLUG ASSEMBLY NOTES PMR PHASE MONITOR RELAY 1. IF REQUIRED, ORIGINAL UNIT WIRING MUST BE REPLACED WITH TYPE 90 C WIRE FACTORY WIRING OT QUADRUPLE TERMINAL RELAY OR EQUIVALENT. - RAT RETURN AIR TEMP. SEN 2. COMPRESSOR AND FAN MOTORS ARE THERMALLY PROTECTED. - - FIELD CONTROL WIRING RMT OCC REMOTE OCCUPANCY 3. 208/230V UNIT TRAN 15 WIRED FOR 230V UNIT. IF UNIT IS TO BE RUN WITH 2O8V --—-- FIELD POWER WIRING RVS REVERSING VALVE SOLENOID POWER SUPPLY DISCONNECT BLK WIRE FROM 230V TAP AND CONNECT TO 200V TAP. SAT SUPPLY AIR TEMP. SENSOR 4. USE COPPER. COPPER CLAD ALUMINUM OR ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS. CIRCUIT BOARD TRACE SEN SENSOR 5. USE COPPER CONDUCTOR ONLY. SET SET POINT OFFSET 6. DO NOT DISCONNECT POWER PLUG OR SIGNAL WIRE WHILE UNDER LOAD. —-•—•• ACCESSORY OR FLOP TB TERMINAL BOARD 7. FACTORY WIRING FOR SIGNAL CONNECTION: 3 - 6 TON =1. OR ALTERNATE UNIT TDR TIME DELAY RELAY(WINTER START) RELOCATION OF SIGNAL CONNECTION MAY BE REOUIRED WHEN USING FIELD INSTALLED TO INDICATE COMMON POTENTIAL TRAN TRANSFORMER ACCESSORIES - CONSULT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION FOR PROPER SELECTION. ONLY: NOT TO REPRESENT WIRING 481M501435 I 55 0, ..R.1 11) ,1/414 O ..... O M..MI r = Kt[1N'Il�E 1—•n[e • Rtl �('''',�!ql MI.KI[nTIC C Ti 1 a• ll 11' 1 I_I I,� e I I "z- H en- _m„'v.-.".. i/w O s11R■ IIIIIIyAAACyyy�///111 �.._..I I`-'7 DEFROST BOARD S S^ L[n-� U HY-oAR a, �n ®w YOU fp Is. • 1rc ®9�p,0 ... nen I Ti�nr- ne it— W.` '/L/��q s • 1)A IRx Twwet� 'nj�p- _�.. ..B— F Y� C a DEFROST r-.. ®4�P'.. j71-x.- .nnr.n mama IOW tArt Ifrc ROAN ;CCF]SOU nm -® �•� 1 a _ 4j•�-EEA .�f` w v Ten I Na I 4�.. .'T.I'"fo`.4!'r1r'" a. • .!-an "-•ems •/�IE.I .-.._.._.. •i.._.i I! ' OR['II' �F 1,10-�M.TORI 5 111CD1EC1/n0R 01 wLTIIO/MLF1Or L ^ C�DI/e� COMPONENT ARRANGEMENT CO*Eoo .,~I Irc w A (1) DIP SWITCH SETTINGS-DEFROST BDI arla �I ® -- Le YJ MUM.MEL VI IMO 1.(MINK BOARD SCHEMATIC LAYOUT DUES NOT MICN A[1xA TE.IRAL --`+- 1RI! 1101'"L` ���•��I•�Q'a��I w pl[BOARD-LAYOUT TO SWIM CIRCUIT TRACES. ONNa Ntt gi {I.A 7 : 1 V19 e "I alI 1 IT ll, ,11I— I }.I SIUIEENILCIO POOSEELOSSS DELAM'Y.ItCU/AAICY AID[i[IOTLeSHU11z. 0)Ir S `III aa% —I , • 'i ST j C !}''S.ITC OUl1 FOR SB(ITN.in.1 RED'D TOR DIRECT MIME.TOR OPTION. _ SS ` ■e I IMO B polio jam'!...n."•"� {.RJ LOCATED n KAT SECTION. �( A '�®'•A ��+'H "LAM"`" S.NARNED"IRE:®-MN SETS"CO FEED TERN BC ECM It 0MN-RI"- -( 1- ��Qtl lA, Ii ;q I� I • I •_ • Lr�6 !L�/1aW1 a 0 �'81 LCi 7BlOs.v w,. I.ITT OL IS IMII TEED OU All NOUELS.SKI NOT USED,RED LEADS AK �}a-OUT 3 •AL ID "^ 1 Ce oil 0 COUxCTEO IOU[nFR. 1, 1 •H TIII.M 67P.CI�A.'i•.'6 VMS. 't SR�I 2 2 I 3 �..: ��� e �ss0 Ftto ol�ti�w ti `�` ¢..: LiTan .1 ECONOMIZER(FLOP/ACC ESSOATI �''1II • h a .Jk cis_ - , S e�x10{.•lIIL'...CLOSE. PM. • � w ITs l\ xRleo • Mg M ni.iiiT CIN IIn rl • mia Omo 1 I • i • Cell {\Ij ILK RE FD cm, _ 1 �In i Em' Y • .r • 1-..� ..��k ACCESSOITI [n i1 x [CORONIS[R I .- Hi- ••r FI IIr[T I x0I011 i MC gilOnl L-.._v T'BIAT :fi-.._ _. • a v !O J. 7l E or 1 OK— w.. BR "" R 1 S ]IL Nu .��Fm.•-.. .I• -- ; .P. .. .� I . . .�j'OCIIMnivn i �IUEIImI iol I I .• # 1...r.,ror 111S Out• ii• 'm EU K Y xi !A 11E'2 B'I(N Y PNA 1 � _Fn-.1(� LY �r �_/ I— •—• y M 111LW�0 ^�E. I= ♦x F�1�O I u1IT I -0. •. mt-'//�TyL-LgR �I fI01/KCFfSD'I�TII " on“ o 'n AlYf I Pl{-R ILIA RI-x RI elv 1 EQ. :IJ •• CONOAPC ?aL.l�a. IAO Nn01 f ICr RFD BAN IIW Tie I ETAY �'-1 :ReP' 'gyp.. •,.�1 �, -E- r'1'J a . x e N 0 x tWnR O IF1jI o n e �T S 1 THEM- �)'I a • ' Ir LU-'-, 1 Igi E1 I/1 - ^ -ET--,I rliAi746P �'"T�<E<D •: SINT �I • ` I ...n1,j, EEr-}�.({' " INK IHDI 1 .SLfd R I -ECaNnlen - /M.—<Em ••• I w w x R o ar rtm L-LNIfa-AAaISIJIII "'rt`' s�1A�I�boRA— ,C E I•�'-MN 1 • _ (D3/ EITITI SOR 4 •en J-� TEL 10' RC It, It,I11 rD • �xr I -.To-}(<� ... :: ... - { .... Na I �a. E� 1�'LN oRll- nor{ttol I Ii li 1le I Z...—.!-I -4M--1 EO - A__, nu-...usi n I'�T•'• 30 @ n. n[ ,FBI rFl°< <I rtL- -EaN�<'m �I,,Q� ��jE,, � 00 00%,w, z z z �AdispTl n IwL a E'IJ n1� T ;; LI -- C'u 1Fe0 E E —BLU II—e < 1 L— 1xe- Ex T 9: ( 1�T `I}�I �. men- •♦ A I Jn • 1 I ! ,� F I I I = 1 DEC `o� a' A S S I I P fi YCO.nI nT�s• RED—< I a 1 I11 o-YA i= �I.i 11m".x$EI."I +r x .eaReY ss n.er'.aMr.n. 1Tr.A7�.+^ IICA'�An" inkir:ii'I iv,u:E"1rt nm:a.ir«14:L'"' T ORA C 1 E�<<nA- ttti tti M. ;Iu.1412I[OlOxw. SMOTE MINIMA KM TOT. 1 O""'< I 1, I I<<I Dn- psi I[AL":I:Iwru[uN[I I r 11' 1 I •' �-•• I C= to rIA RAN P Pt uO FAT TO PNR EwAYNI ' 1 •Sr ro nA"fLl."rD{na. Mtn ACC[SSOIIT MT IJEDI j <11 Px -OPTIONS • • f • 1IDTMSDTl511 J I A 0 4 0 r o a` ,c� 1 Ca Carrier t,BnIIe4Tethnalegie3 TYPICAL POWER WIRING DIAGRAM: 2-STAGE UNIT WITH 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR AND VFD SHOWN 1I5V FIELD -=_-_ ----1 HP POWER 460V, 575V 3 PH SUPPLY IwilT BLK FIOP I OTON HP (2)COMPR TI •®• NON-POWERED: 8.5TON HP(2)COMPR T2 CONVENIENCE GND-- • OUTLET I r. BLK CCHI . -.._..- BLK , _ MAXIMUM WIRE BLK CI BIN HACRT1 SIZE 4 AWG - - -BLK II ® BLK BLK TI SEE NOTEXS FIELD.DISCONNECT, %� -BLKT BLK •• J D•---BLK- - - - - - - -•- - -YEL ID23 YEL YEL T3 COMPI POPELT ••WERI I r - -%%� -� YEL - -1 YEL BLU T2 �! - •❑ [} '-YEL /-BLUE SUPPLY! II CCH2 � °0 0-F---BLU- GAN/ I BLK YEL BLK -BLK- BLKBLN FIOP LI,L2,L3 WIRES frYEL 1 2 •SEE NOTE 4,5 ARE FACTORY -• I EQUIP GA I WIRES WITH I BLK II 21I ♦ HACR/DISCONNECT I ® H� RED TI • BRN T3 COMP2 I_5_1 I ORN 2 •• • EQUIP TEL GR I OFC GAN/ 77. MAXIMUM WIRE ' m •BLK- YEL SIZE 2/0 AUG 1 -BLK II FQI BLK LI SEE NOTEXS = -1I m TEL - - &m EQUIP OR I . AMA BLU I I©-{ 23 TEL OFM L HACR/ (ACCYI I I BLU I I BLU L2 FIELD,DISCONNECT. I I „J ORN,.LU .. --BLK--1-- 1 BLN.--i BLU IFC IFCB POWERI. -I YEL_- jag TEL • \ r - - - -BLU ill F�BLu fD• • m Ku •° I- I \ YEL- Inc,/:+ wr�TEL IFM SUPPLY! BLU---- BLK IFC I a- . BLU------: \ I - BLK m F�BLK 4)• • Q) BLK I FIOP SINGLE POINT \ 1 HI STATIC LONNECTION BOX J I I ONLY SEE NOTE 4.5 -' -' ORN (OR) -• I !QUIP GR I T I BLU BLU ' SINGLE POINT BOX I I -- I CRSINGLE047A00 I- - - _ YEL-0-Y EL VFD VFU I -BLU IFTB m CaYEL�YEL F IOP• 2 I BLU BLU-o-nu m ® BLU-0-BLU 3 IFM I BLK BLK -Q-BLK�BLK ® ® BLK-0--BLK I • ..� 1-GAN/OGRN/ • • RN/ GRN/ . - EQUIP GR I ( ,,,/• .._.._.._.._.. .._.._.._.._..J LYEL YEL YEL TEL HAR� . • . FIELD,DISCONNECT, I •I •ELECTRIC) ••.K BIN---- BLK- HEATERS TEL POWER) I • • TEL--\ • I A 2 • BLK-1 ••-• . TEL..... r • BLU-Th ' • ® ® 23 ® C - - Q• C CONTACTOR,COMPRESSOR SUPPLY' I I TRAN CAP CAPACITOR ••� t� IM/ BLU----' I FU2 EAKER -RED CCH CRANKCASE CIRCUIT RCUI TRHEATER FIOP SEE NOTE 4.5 , ,-BLK Pulp-BLK I I I TO 24V GRN/YEL CCN CARRIER COMFORT NETWORK _• I :QUIP GA I I ".-TEL-- so °FUP�YU-, SCHEMATIC BI RN CMP SAFE COMPRESSOR SAFFETY i • t°,,,• COFS CONDENSATE OVERFLOW SWT �Blu—cJlt FU0,--Blu- I I I COMP COMPRESSOR MOTOR I_- J I CTB CENTRAL TERMINAL BOARD POINT BOX Fu3 • DDC DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL DFB DEFROST BOARD SINGLELEO50A00 s-BLK-41 FU Ip-BLK I FIOP FACTORY INSTALLED OPTION tt O FR FAN RELAY I ''- 41Tu YEL- >--- AT 1 YEL ; S FSD FIRE SHUT DOWN BLU--- FU Qa-BLU FU FUSE SG AVI I I GND GROUND HPS HIGH PRESSURE SWITCH Fu° AO NDOOR AIR QUALITY SENSORS UK-cl(TU�a-BLK I I I FCB NDOOR FAN C NDOOR FAN CIRCUITOBREAKER waw I ,-TEL-O FU 0:•-YEL : . S FTB NDOOR FAN TERMINAL BLOCK tt K R -BLU �-BLu I I L FM NDOOR FAN MOTOR to Aw RH NDOOR RELATIVE HUMIDITY LA LOW AMBIENT LOCKOUT SINGLE POINT BOX I SINGLE POINT CONNECTION BOX• LOC LOSS OF CHARGE SWITCH CRSINGLE052A00 .•-" LOOP PWR CURRENT LOOP POWER MAXIMUM WIRE SEE HEATER LPS LOW PRESSURE SWITCH SIZEEE NOTE KAWG SFCHEMIATICCS SAI LEGEND LSM LIMIT SWITCH (MANUAL RESET) SWIRING _•• FIELD SPLICE OAT OUTDOOR AIR TEMP.TY OAT OUTDOOR AIR TEMP. SEN n MARKED WIRE OFC OUTDOOR FAN CONTACTOR OFM OUTDOOR FAN MOTOR 0 TERMINAL (MARKED) OL OVERLOAD NOTES: 0 TERMINAL (UNMARKED) PL PLUG ASSEMBLY X TERMINAL BLOCK POT POTENTIOMETER I. IF ANY OF THE ORIGINAL WIRE FURNISHED PMR PHASE MONITOR RELAY MUST BE REPLACED. IT MUST BE REPLACED FACTORY WIRING OT QUADRUPLE TERMINAL WITH TYPE 90 C WIRE OR ITS EQUIVALENT. - - - FIELD CONTROL WIRING R RELAY 2. COMPRESSOR AND FAN MOTORS ARE THERMALLY RAT RETURN AIR TEMP. SEN PROTECTED. THREE PHASE MOTORS ARE ----- FIELD POWER WIRING RMT OCC REMOTE OCCUPANCY PROTECTED AGAINST PRIMARY SINGLE PHASING CIRCUIT BOARD TRACE SAT SUPPLY AIR TEMP. SENSOR CONDITIONS. SEN SENSOR 4. USE COPPER, COPPER CLAD ALUMINUM OR ---- ACCESSORY OR FIOP SET SET POINT OFFSET ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS. MAX I/O FOR HACR TO INDICATE COMMON POTENTIAL SFS SUPPLY FAN STATUS (T2 ONLY) ONLY: NOT TO REPRESENT WIRING TDR TIME DELAY RELAY(WINTER START) 5. USE COPPER CONDUCTOR ONLY. MAX I/O FOR TRAN TRANSFORMER DISCONNECT. VFD VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE I48TM5019581 G 57 00 "'I 00 �E CO A .EE. HEAT PUMP CONTROL 208/230V,460V,575V 0 T �' t OTON HP (2)COMPR Ti AMS - Y , 97-w* ®a iIsE0 p"` �i'"�ieb- 8.5TON HP(2)COMPR T2 [y--EEp::�IaEu INNPORN mKNTIC 0 mews E mot • UM.. -OZ}-NTj�-NI- L.•_.II 1,•- Ra.,`}POt- —Po f, —ii N -Os r _ i ....... IYYSSYYY,//,�`yRP•.YY,yyylll 4NY z�ON.0-0.- p "(]}+wRj'f-NS- n —a IR I 0.cams I I mwrl�.._,rII'�Srr,II 19 rz t Rt� RP MC" L._.. 1 U DEFROST BOARD I S _ RN " �i n-n • .apEN= .., IR ®9�P'e. K. n c iI • i Im Nrmsr � 101 1I we 1 a.I O 141 mA,D .,r-®Y\P'.., a, RR c -. :i:��rE�,".r /�+l N'N. ="•1 MI ICES I prl C7nr CD it RR CON ""j� ` " ..J �N �..- " _.._.._.:_.._.._ COD)' $�—R' ip-O-“A IRO Ran Tt IN ERrt ® �{ I( /��r\j RK.rDImwEtr I COMPONENT ARRANGEMENT ON?� 1 _RiNa° — u[ ti/ pt[S: � - I`R-RI-O- It'eal I I I I1 I EI �'tj^ _ t.[[ —t® WI Id ,[t IN{el�. NNAWE DIP SWITCH SETTINGS .RNnu eDRe RKwncumi mp pr ,� ,,LR r..KRu rtNlw--ro-- y O [f�,,NtlRrwa„IIa�KwE,'{xiR![Sl. fiKYli IN.Rf. m��OW IN no ON Rv RRIS M NRI,q N RNrt1 M xrprtS,p NINNIES ..prom t.!qN[RfIwAIFO JWP[q w lFNIYR WARD �3-'- - t a Iom E..riirmII[II" mqe NE CR NF. , f 1.3 NRCTwt, N[ . O iw r1ttO M t l I i t i E e•R tt rNt[lOR Etq,effYrrKl W RpR �'SRF S [ -"' �{I\, r� ��1R���R �R 11� „IrolN NORM f.wl PINS RI KtWr fDD1`Lrt+- . . iTt tQ `4... / O/,.�Il NOR SKR PINS RI OM S.O'. , RS.na[r RRF rRa ctNl I �Y�^';",,^S''1{' 0 0 L�YJl1 I 'O w,i ". far[O RNItK mRO q Grr[t wr.p mri7-RR_ —O p ,�T® •- [F Nw ddd.. ' fr c:{N.w,aut R mcY, pr Nue. mR ' , '.F 7 ,e a 'a . IN It K.Re q Efr tttTlw Ir �t fi ..SR �MNI Rrli`qu RNwrt t.R Rc.I e:la R is POI RN w i Rwlif.tE,mr ON ' _ �� M Rr R ni E[t,RO L[Ap q[CwRCRO tetElEN- r! j � •ORT ,y. � „RL IR�..... ,SMUFDOik Rip)r paf![NINit NRN.1 IF YpT �.r Rr n Rwro. ¢fi>swr x o n[u is a""' o .a�: �ters�, 0 wrf.,lelRra DIMILIN NMI.: —I twe--Rr- ,.L7 earRa- -— ., :Rom ux Ulm ECONOMIZER(FIOPIACCESSORY) miy�-w ' m1Ra ' nt1NU rot. rnui nape Rn I Rr N. NI E PUN I mee r Rr o®oi l • ci !Ng; RI rE mD�N BEN —RED ED ! )-Ids. --I.4'411 -R,io((D 1 .. �I: ei+�! I I. - - n �nN R n1I� ECO OM[ZER I — Intl{f ooE � N m—Q /i�R r IAanswil 1 +.� •sn a xorox t mlria ror ` n 1 r eax . .•. 1 ©• .i �y1 1:NroTE roT 1 ue OW, n EN-#- =g i, REo PUN L11 w It Illl �-.... r4at�J21 �1. nt-N Nlr2.i nt Ep.. ...• • REDn I [o ISlpi —1 I— R ( f�ri 't.. ,.m 4 l J N{ - �I MAf O —k :j IOf (1 S ;HEM- .. a' e R !�}�{•!� zr��'/ti. �IiII [ R< NwN Ir. i=<Em +' STAT ..' (IN'°", R .._._.- 1 Rv��y( Rw-� tl' ® 'I [ aaI1FR MS�EfD ` ftF�'�N I RFD aI TFw, B,� E�I RT er—pRA— INV RRDI U( .'A Ts <F POr Ktl v10- ((a .. w' [NlNVi ttRlw m. '-IRr TEL ^ ^'I INN eRF01'Lk' I ®: �E(� ... �4 1wx.. ,I : m� HI``LL-..��((IINM� I f® oRlr '� I e r e• I o rtEle-.tofu ..J n� (E(9 .! ...... nl.• ©. IpNNoniiI r-a-ritfwin 1 N [,Et.1 [, [,If Ru i<E� ;°.4" I,'qT,. ,(.7�� ....i iNfrFNTNIIT i[NSw� S[efl e�p / -DI-u �e[R— � [� -<<t qt- ,n <� 'a°Ir4" [?,?- T=J� t T. Rt Rdre -.. -_ A —/ nii •Fria � •� j' t : 1a " s, I,I s �( � !REHEAT/ r' . e , � �T�'-,Eyg"'�, r� i �..-.. A eRR=< fIR: Rn- 1 I HP I - : q q q IV V �--- ' aiip01Ae'1.'I:i.11i:i:.I'a'.{: '°Ski 15EiIl"E r qu I REDS j• i -,( a -'I(I nt- o-w',Iyr 7 7.�T `- - . 1 P.If A SFRENI[FIELD O Hijack Km VIC INN DRR—( : C S e.`(�N.- �ojJ ' N t rw[N su um ILY Sr,nu01 OlD 0[cw "'iiRNNN in.Rtf'QA�IFN DRpxgORL,.it CANNOT Nv[rK t rx I R I r I I 1 I a.rw rltfo us,uue.rorE n.IRI.rotlRa rm h °RX—( L, '.E'—°NN' oof �^ �D R EO tli awF fRR[R IEro[Lx R NPO RI Aq UI _ — TO PRR E O0ADST III I wild M cN tK x1.lYw RalTla ror ro rM xIRIxN Raltrw. KCEttORT pr q[el ( z i([ re- wfr Y = a TERMINAL BOARD T I - I tSEE NOTE 1) 148IRSDrea1I I 0 r (n V Carrier Electrical data - . ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER ELECTRIC CRSINGLE***A00 HEATER PART WITHOUT C.O. NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 101 A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 037A00 037A00 - - 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 040A00 040A00 - - 208/ DD-STD 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 040A00 040A00 - - 230-1-60 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 040A00 040A00 - - 102A00,102A00 13.0 9.8/11.9 041A00 041A00 - - 101 A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 - - - - 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 - - - - DD-STD 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 - - 037A00 037A00 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 105A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 101 A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 - - - - 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 - - - - 208/ MED 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 - - - 037A00 230-3-60 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 105A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 101A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 - - - - 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 - - - - o HIGH 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 - - 037A00 037A00 a 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 Cl V 105A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 x o w 106A00 6.0 5.5 - - - - DD-STD 107A00 8.8 8.1 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 109A00 14.0 12.9 - - - - 106A00 6.0 5.5 - - •- 107A00 8.8 8.1 - - - - 460-3-60 MED 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 109A00 14.0 12.9 - - - - 106A00 6.0 5.5 - - - - HIGH 107A00 8.8 8.1 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 109A00 14.0 12.9 - - - - DD STD 297A00 10.0 9.2 - - - - 298A00 15.0 13.8 - - - - 575-3-60 MED 297A00 10.0 9.2 - - - - 298A00 15.0 13.8 - - - - HIGH 297A00 10.0 9.2 - - - - 298A00 15.0 13.8 - - - - LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 59 Electrical data (cont) Carrier ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN AND FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 101 A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 037A00 037A00 - - 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 040A00 040A00 - - 208/ DD-STD 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 040A00 040A00 - - 230-1-60 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 040A00 040A00 - - 102A00,102A00 13.0 9.8/11.9 041A00 041A00 - - 101 A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 DD-STD 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 105A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 101 A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 049A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 049A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 208/ MED 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 051A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 230-3-60 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 051A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 105A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 101 A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 049A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 049A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 er HIGH 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 051A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 a 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 051A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 Q 0 105A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 o 106A00 6.0 5.5 - - - - DD-STD 107A00 8.8 8.1 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 109A00 14.0 12.9 - - - - 106A00 6.0 5.5 - - - - 460-3-60 MED 107A00 8.8 8.1 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 109A00 14.0 12.9 - - - - 106A00 6.0 5.5 - - - - HIGH 107A00 16.5 8.1 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 109A00 14.0 12.9 - - - - DD STD 297A00 10.0 9.2 - - - - 298A00 15.0 13.8 - - - - 575-3-60 MED 297A00 10.0 9.2 - - - - 298A00 15.0 13.8 - - - - HIGH 297A00 10.0 9.2 - - - - 298A00 15.0 13.8 - - - - LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 60 Carrier United Tecnn*legfes ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 101 A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 037A00 037A00 — — 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 040A00 040A00 — — 208/ DD-STD 102A00,102A00 13 9.8/11.9 041A00 041A00 — — 230-1-60 103B00,103B00 17.4 13.1/16.0 041A00 041A00 — — 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 041A00 041A00 — — 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 — — — 037A00 DD STD 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 — — — — 208/ 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 — 037A00 037A00 037A00 230-3-60 MED 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 — — — 037A00 HIGH 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 to a 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 Q 106A00 6 5.5 — — — — V 0 108A00 11.5 10.6 — — — — ,n DD-STD 109A00 14 12.9 — — — — 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 106A00 6 5.5 — — — — 460-3-60 MED 108A00 11.5 10.6 — — — — 109A00 14 12.9 — — — — 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 106A00 6 5.5 — — — — HIGH 108A00 11.5 10.6 — — — — 109A00 14 12.9 — — — — 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 DD-STD 297A00 10 9.2 — — — — 298A00 15 13.8 — — — — 575-3-60 MED 297A00 10 9.2 — — — — 298A00 15 13.8 — — — — HIGH 297A00 10 9.2 — — — — 298A00 15 13.8 — — — — LEGEND — —No Single Point Kit required APP PWR —208/230V/460V/575V C.O. —Convenience outlet DD —Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM —Indoor fan motor NOM PWR —240V/480V/600V P.E. —Power exhaust PWRD —Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit —Powered from unit UNPWRD —Unpowered convenience outlet 61 Electrical data (cant) Carrier ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN AND FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER ELECTRIC CRSINGLE***A00 HEATER PART WITHOUT C.O. NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 101A00 4.4 3.3/4.0 037A00 037A00 — — 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 040A00 040A00 — — 208/ DD-STD 102A00,102A00 13 9.8/11.9 041A00 041A00 — — 230-1-60 103B00,103B00 17.4 13.1/16.0 041A00 041A00 — 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 041A00 041A00 — — 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 DD STD 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 208/ 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 230-3-60 MED 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 HIGH 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 in a 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 a 106A00 6 5.5 — — — — V. _ c 108A00 11.5 10.6 — — — — in DD-STD 109A00 14 12.9 — — — — 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 106A00 6 5.5 — — — — 460-3-60 MED 108A00 11.5 10.6 — — — — 109A00 14 12.9 — — — — 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 106A00 6 5.5 — — — — HIGH 108A00 11.5 10.6 — — — — 109A00 14 12.9 — — — — 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 DD-STD 297A00 10 9.2 — — — — 298A00 15 13.8 — — — — 575-3-60 MED 297A00 10 9.2 — — — — 298A00 15 13.8 — — — — HIGH 297A00 10 9.2 — — — — 298A00 15 13.8 — — — — LEGEND — —No Single Point Kit required APP PWR —208/230V/460V/575V C.O. —Convenience outlet DD —Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM —Indoor fan motor NOM PWR —240V/480V/600V P.E. —Power exhaust PWRD —Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit —Powered from unit UNPWRD —Unpowered convenience outlet 62 . i Carrier ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT NOM.V-Ph- IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 040A00 040A00 - - 1031300 8.7 6.5/8.0 040A00 040A00 - - 208/ DD-STD 102A00,102A00 13 9.8/11.9 041A00 041A00 - - 230-1-60 103B00,103B00 17.4 13.1/16.0 041A00 041A00 - - 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 041A00 041A00 - - 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 - 037A00 037A00 037A00 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 DD-STD 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 104B00,105A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 - 038A00 037A00 037A00 104B00 10.5 . 7.9/9.6 037A00 037A00 038A00 038A00 208/ MED 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 230-3-60 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 104B00,105A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 - 037A00 037A00 037A00 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 HIGH 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 co104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 a 104B00,105A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 C! 106A00 6 5.5 - - - - U =0 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - `t) DD-STD 109A00 14 12.9 - - - - 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 108A00,109A00 25.5 23.4 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 106A00 6 5.5 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 460-3-60 MED 109A00 14 12.9 - - - - 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 108A00,109A00 25.5 23.4 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 106A00 6 5.5 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - HIGH 109A00 14 12.9 - - - - 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 108A00,109A00 25.5 23.4 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 DD STD 298A00 15 13.8 - - - - 301A00 25 23 - - - - 575-3-60 MED 298A00 15 13.8 - - - --_- 301A00 25 23 - - - - HIGH 298A00 15 13.8 - - - - 301A00 25 23 - - - - LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 63 Electrical data (cont) Carrie' umcea raonnoioucas ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN AND FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 040A00 040A00 - - 103B00 8.7 6.5/8.0 040A00 040A00 - - 208/ DD-STD 102A00,102A00 13 9.8/11.9 041A00 041A00 - - 230-1-60 103B00,103B00 17.4 13.1/16.0 041A00 041A00 - - 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 041 A00 041A00 - - 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 DD-STD 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 104B00,105A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 208/ MED 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 230-3-60 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 104B00,105A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 102A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 104B00 10.5 7.9/9.6 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 HIGH 105A00 16 12.0/14.7 038A00 038A00 038A00 038A00 104B00,104B00 21 15.8/19.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 co a 104B00,105A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 039A00 039A00 039A00 039A00 0 106A00 6 5.5 - - - - V c 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 1n DD-STD 109A00 14 12.9 - - - - 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 108A00,109A00 25.5 23.4 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 106A00 6 5.5 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - 460-3-60 MED 109A00 14 12.9 - - - - 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 108A00,109A00 25.5 23.4 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 106A00 6 5.5 - - - - 108A00 11.5 10.6 - - - - HIGH 109A00 14 12.9 - - - - 108A00,108A00 23 21.1 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 108A00,109A00 25.5 23.4 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 DD-STD 298A00 15 13.8 - - - - 301A00 25 23 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 298A00 15 13.8 - - - - 575-3-60 MED 301A00 25 23 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 HIGH 298A00 15 13.8 - - - - 301A00 25 23 037A00 037A00 037A00 037A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DO -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 64 • Carder sto,Wilted Technologies ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER ELECTRIC CRSINGLE***A00 HEATER PART WITHOUT C.O. NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 042A00 042A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 STD 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 042A00 045A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 208/ MED 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 230-3-60 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 HIGH 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 c 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 Q STD 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 Q V 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 x o 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 460-3-60 MED 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 042A00 042A00 048A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 HIGH 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 048A00 048A00 048A00 DD STD 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 575-3-60 MED 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 HIGH 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet • 65 Electrical data (coat) C-__rrier) ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA 2-STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. . HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 042A00 042A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 STD 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 042A00 042A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 208/ MED 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 230-3-60 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 HIGH 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 c 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 o STD 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 0 = 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 o 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 460-3-60 MED 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 HIGH 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 048A00 048A00 048A00 STD 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 575-3-60 MED 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 HIGH 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 66 Carrier ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA 2-STAGE COOLING 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER ELECTRIC CRSINGLE***A00 HEATER PART WITHOUT C.O. NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 042A00 042A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 STD 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 042A00 042A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 208/ MED 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 230-3-60 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 264A00 6.5 4.9/6.0 042A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 HIGH 110A00 16 12.0/14.7 043A00 043A00 043A00 043A00 117A00,117A00 21 15.8/19.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 110A00,117A00 26.5 19.9/24.3 045A00 045A00 045A00 045A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 c 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 G STD 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 a 0 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 x No 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 460-3-60 MED 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 265A00 6 5.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 266A00 11.5 10.6 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 HIGH 267A00 14 12.9 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 268A00 23 21.1 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 269A00 25.5 23.4 042A00 048A00 048A00 048A00 STD 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 575-3-60 MED 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 HIGH 118A00 18 16.5 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 299A00 28 25.7 042A00 042A00 042A00 042A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 67 Electrical data (cant) Carrie ; ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA 2-STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 STD 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 208/ MED 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 230-3-60 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 HIGH 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 co C 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 c0 STD 114B00 27.8 25.5 047A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 in 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 460-3-60 MED 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 HIGH 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 STD 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 575-3-60 MED 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 HIGH 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 68 . Cas Carrier ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA 2-STAGE COOLING 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 STD 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 208/ MED 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 230-3-60 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 HIGH 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 co C 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 0 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 cSTD 114B00 27.8 25.5 047A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 1° 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 460-3-60 MED 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 HIGH 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 STD 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 575-3-60 MED 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 HIGH 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 69 Electrical data (cont) .Carrier 1MIted Tathaolopes ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA 2-STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER ELECTRIC CRSINGLE***A00 HEATER PART WITHOUT C.O. NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 STD 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 208/ MED 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 230-3-60 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 054A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 HIGH 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 rn 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 054A00 o 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 0 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 V STD = 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 0 `n 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 460-3-60 MED 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 HIGH 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 STD 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 575-3-60 MED 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 HIGH 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 70 Carrier LI.Willed Technologies ELECTRIC HEAT- ELECTRICAL DATA 2-STAGE COOLING 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 STD 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 208/ MED 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 230-3-60 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 054A00 117A00 10.4 7.8/9.6 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 110A00 16.0 12.0/14.7 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 HIGH 111A00 24.8 18.6/22.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 112A00 32.0 24.0/29.4 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 112A00,117A00 42.4 31.8/38.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 054A00 C 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 (...9 STD 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 `n 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 460-3-60 MED 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 116B00 13.9 12.8 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 HIGH 113B00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 114B00 27.8 25.5 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 115B00 33.0 30.3 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 STD 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 575-3-60 MED 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 HIGH 118A00 18.0 16.5 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 119A00 36.0 33.1 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 71 Electrical data (cant) Carrier, ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA 2-STAGE COOLING SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER ELECTRIC CRSINGLE***A00 HEATER PART WITHOUT C.O. NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 288A00 10.0 7.5/9.2 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 291A00 16.5 12.4/15.2 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 STD 294A00 33.5 25.2/30.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 288A00,294A00 43.5 32.7/40.0 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 291A00,294A00 50.0 37.6/45.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 288A00 10.0 7.5/9.2 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 291A00 16.5 12.4/15.2 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 208/ MED 294A00 33.5 25.2/30.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 230-3-60 288A00,294A00 43.5 32.7/40.0 053A00 053A00 053A00 054A00 291A00,294A00 50.0 37.6/45.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 054A00 288A00 10.0 7.5/9.2 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 291A00 16.5 12.4/15.2 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 HIGH 294A00 33.5 25.2/30.8 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 288A00,294A00 43.5 32.7/40.0 054A00 054A00 054A00 054A00 291A00,294A00 50.0 37.6/45.9 054A00 054A00 054A00 054A00 289A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 292A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 STD 295A00 33.5 30.8 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 289A00,295A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 292A00,295A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 a 289A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 G 292A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 0 460-3-60 MED 295A00 33.5 30.8 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 V = 289A00,295A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 0 in 292A00,295A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 289A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 292A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 HIGH 295A00 33.5 30.8 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 289A00,295A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 292A00,295A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 290A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 293A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 STD 296A00 33.5 30.8 047A00 050A00 047A00 050A00 290A00,296A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 293A00,296A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 290A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 293A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 575-3-60 MED 296A00 33.5 30.8 047A00 050A00 047A00 050A00 290A00,296A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 293A00,296A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 290A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 293A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 HIGH 296A00 33.5 30.8 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 290A00,296A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 293A00,296A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 72 Carrier V Bnlied Tecnnel*gies ELECTRIC HEAT-ELECTRICAL DATA 2-STAGE COOLING 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN WITH AND WITHOUT FACTORY-INSTALLED NON-FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH SINGLE POINT KIT PART NUMBER CRSINGLE***A00 ELECTRIC WITHOUT C.O. HEATER PART NUMBER NOM APP or UNPWRD C.O. WITH PWRD C.O. UNIT IFM CRHEATER PWR PWR WITHOUT WITH P.E. WITHOUT WITH P.E. SIZE NOM.V-Ph-Hz TYPE ****00 (kW) (kW) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) 288A00 10.0 7.5/9.2 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 291A00 16.5 12.4/15.2 049A00 049A00 049A00 049A00 STD 294A00 33.5 25.2/30.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 288A00,294A00 43.5 32.7/40.0 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 291A00,294A00 50.0 37.6/45.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 288A00 10.0 7.5/9.2 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 291A00 16.5 12.4/15.2 049A00 049A00 049A00 051A00 208/ MED 294A00 33.5 25.2/30.8 051A00 051A00 051A00 053A00 230-3-60 288A00,294A00 43.5 32.7/40.0 053A00 053A00 053A00 054A00 291A00,294A00 50.0 37.6/45.9 053A00 053A00 053A00 054A00 288A00 10.0 7.5/9.2 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 291A00 16.5 12.4/15.2 051A00 051A00 051A00 051A00 HIGH 294A00 33.5 25.2/30.8 053A00 053A00 053A00 053A00 288A00,294A00 43.5 32.7/40.0 054A00 054A00 054A00 054A00 291A00,294A00 50.0 37.6/45.9 054A00 054A00 054A00 054A00 289A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 292A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 STD 295A00 33.5 30.8 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 289A00,295A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 292A00,295A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 a 289A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 0 292A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 a 460-3-60 MED 295A00 33.5 30.8 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 V = 289A00,295A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 0 'n 292A00,295A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 289A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 292A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 HIGH 295A00 33.5 30.8 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 289A00,295A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 292A00,295A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 290A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 293A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 STD 296A00 33.5 30.8 047A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 290A00,296A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 293A00,296A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 290A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 293A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 575-3-60 MED 296A00 33.5 30.8 047A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 290A00,296A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 293A00,296A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 290A00 10.0 9.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 293A00 16.5 15.2 047A00 047A00 047A00 047A00 HIGH 296A00 33.5 30.8 050A00 050A00 050A00 050A00 290A00,296A00 43.5 40.0 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 293A00,296A00 50.0 45.9 052A00 052A00 052A00 052A00 LEGEND - -No Single Point Kit required APP PWR -208/230V/460V/575V C.O. -Convenience outlet DD -Electric Drive X13 5 speed/torque motor IFM -Indoor fan motor NOM PWR -240V/480V/600V P.E. -Power exhaust PWRD -Powered convenience outlet pwrd fr/unit -Powered from unit UNPWRD -Unpowered convenience outlet 73 Electrical data (cont) e 1Jmt dTea.aoosea 50HQCA04-SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(ea) OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at Full FLA Load 208-1-60 187 253 16.6 79 190 1.0 DD-STD 78% 7.4 230-1-60 187 253 16.6 79 190 1.0 DD-STD 78% 7.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 208-3-60 187 253 10.4 73 190 1.0 MED 87% 5.2 HIGH 89% 8.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 230-3-60 187 253 10.4 73 190 1.0 _ MED 87% 4.9 HIGH 89% 8.3 DD-STD 78% 4.0 460-3-60 414 506 5.8 38 190 0.5 _ MED 87% 2.5 HIGH 89% 4.2 DD-STD 78% 4.0 575-3-60 518 633 3.8 37 190 0.5 MED 72% 1.6 HIGH 78% 2.0 50HQCA05-SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(ea) OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at Full FLA Load 208-1-60 187 253 19.8 109 325 1.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 230-1-60 187 253 19.8 109 325 1.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 208-3-60 187 253 13.1 83 325 1.4 MED 87% 5.2 HIGH 89% 8.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 230-3-60 187 253 13.1 83 325 1.4 MED 87% 4.9 HIGH 89% 8.3 DD-STD 78% 4.0 460-3-60 414 506 6.1 41 325 0.8 MED 87% 2.5 HIGH 89% 4.2 DD-STD 78% 4.0 _ 575-3-60 518 633 4.4 33 325 0.8 MED 72% 1.6 HIGH 78% 2.0 50HQCA06-SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(ea) OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at Full FLA Load 208-1-60 187 253 25.0 134 325 1.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 230-1-60 187 253 25.0 134 325 1.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 208-3-60 187 253 15.9 110 325 1.4 MED 89% 8.4 HIGH 89% 8.4 DD-STD 78% 7.4 230-3-60 187 253 15.9 110 325 1.4 MED 89% 8.3 HIGH 89% 8.3 DD-STD 78% 4.0 460-3-60 414 506 7.0 52 325 0.8 MED 89% 4.2 HIGH 89% 4.2 DD-STD 78% 4.0 575-3-60 518 633 5.1 40 325 0.8 MED 78% 2.0 HIGH 77% 2.8 LEGEND EFF - Efficiency FLA - Full load amps IFM - Indoor fan motor LRA - Locked rotor amps RLA - Rated load amps 74 'Carrier' 4.United Technologies 50HQCA07 -SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(ea) OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at Full FLA Load _ STD 75% 5.2 208-3-60 187 253 19.6 136 325 1.5 MED 79% 7.5 HIGH 83% 13.6 STD 75% 5.2 230-3-60 187 253 19.6 136 325 1.5 MED 79% 7.5 HIGH 83% 12.7 STD 75% 2.6 460-3-60 414 506 8.2 66 325 0.8 MED 79% 3.4 HIGH 83% 6.4 STD 72% 1.6 575-3-60 518 633 6.6 55 325 0.6 MED 77% 2.8 HIGH 81% 5.6 50HQCD07 -2-STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(ea) OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at Full FLA Load STD 75% 5.2 208-3-60 187 253 18.9 136 325 1.5 MED 79% 7.5 HIGH 83% 13.6 STD 75% 5.2 230-3-60 187 253 18.9 136 325 1.5 MED 79% 7.5 HIGH 83% 12.7 STD 75% 2.6 460-3-60 414 506 9.7 66 325 0.8 MED 79% 3.4 HIGH 83% 6.4 STD 72% 1.6 575-3-60 518 633 7.7 55 325 0.6 MED 77% 2.8 HIGH 81% 5.6 50HQCD07 -2-STAGE COOLING WITH 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(ea) OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at Full FLA Load STD 84% 5.8 208-3-60 187 253 18.9 136 325 1.5 MED 85% 8.6 HIGH 84% 13.6 STD 84% 5.6 230-3-60 187 253 18.9 136 325 1.5 MED 85% 7.8 HIGH 84% 12.7 STD 79% 2.9 460-3-60 414 506 9.7 66 325 0.8 MED 85% 3.8 HIGH 84% 6.4 STD 81% 2.8 575-3-60 518 633 7.7 55 325 0.6 MED 84% 4.5 HIGH 83% 6.2 LEGEND EFF - Efficiency FLA - Full load amps IFM - Indoor fan motor LRA - Locked rotor amps RLA - Rated load amps 75 i Electrical data (cont) Care 50HQCD08-2-STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(Cir 1) COMP(Cir 2) OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFL at FLA Full Load STD 75% 5.2 208-3-60 187 253 13.1 83 13.1 83 325 1.5 MED 87% 6.9 HIGH 87% 10.6 STD 75% 5.2 230-3-60 187 253 13.1 83 13.1 83 325 1.5 MED 87% 6.7 HIGH 87% 10.6 STD 75% 2.6 460-3-60 414 506 6.1 41 6.1 41 325 0.8 MED 87% 3.4 HIGH 87% 5.3 STD 72% 1.6 575-3-60 518 633 4.4 33 4.4 33 325 0.6 MED 78% 2.0 HIGH 77% 2.8 50HQCD08-2-STAGE COOLING WITH 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP 1 COMP 2 OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at FLA Full Load STD 84% 5.8 208-3-60 187 253 13.1 83 13.1 83 325 1.5 MED 77% 7.1 HIGH 82% 10.8 STD 84% 5.6 230-3-60 187 253 13.1 83 13.1 83 325 1.5 MED 77% 6.8 HIGH 82% 9.8 STD 79%° 2.9 460-3-60 414 506 6.1 41 6.1 41 325 0.8 MED 77% 3.4 HIGH 82% 4.9 STD 81% 2.8 575-3-60 518 633 4.4 33 4.4 33 325 0.6 MED 80% 3.5 HIGH 84% 4.5 LEGEND EFF - Efficiency FLA - Full load amps IFM - Indoor fan motor LRA - Locked rotor amps RLA - Rated load amps 76 Carrier 50HQCD09-2-STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(Cir 1) COMP(Cir 2) OFM(ea) IFM _ V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at FLA Full Load STD 69% 5.2 208-3-60 187 253 16.0 91 13.7 83 1070 6.2 MED 89% 8.4 _ HIGH 87% 10.6 STD 69% 5.2 230-3-60 187 253 16.0 91 13.7 83 1070 6.2 MED 89% 8.3 HIGH 87% 10.6 STD 69% 2.6 460-3-60 414 506 7.0 46 6.2 41 1070 3.1 MED 89% 4.2 HIGH 87% 5.3 STD 78% 2.0 __ 575-3-60 518 633 5.6 37 4.8 33 1070 2.5 MED 77% 2.8 HIGH 77% 2.8 50HQCD09-2-STAGE COOLING WITH 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP 1 COMP 2 OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at FLA Full Load STD 77% 7.1 208-3-60 187 253 16.0 91 13.7 83 1070 6.2 MED 85% 8.6 HIGH 82% 10.8 STD 77% 6.8 230-3-60 187 253 16.0 91 13.7 83 1070 6.2 MED 85% 7.8 HIGH 82% 9.8 STD 77% 3.4 460-3-60 414 506 7.0 46 6.2 41 1070 3.1 MED 85% 3.8 HIGH 82% 4.9 STD 80% 3.5 575-3-60 518 633 5.6 37 4.8 33 1070 2.5 MED 84% 4.5 HIGH 84% 4.5 LEGEND EFF - Efficiency FLA - Full load amps IFM - Indoor fan motor LRA - Locked rotor amps RLA - Rated load amps 77 Electrical data (cont) , Carrier , Urea Tannot�i� 50HQCD12-2-STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP(Cir 1) COMP(Cir 2) OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz MIN MAX RLA LRA RLA LRA WATTS FLA TYPE EFF at FLA Full Load STD 69% 5.2 208-3-60 187 253 15.6 110 15.9 110 280 1.5 MED 89% 8.4 HIGH 90% .20.4 STD 69% 5.2 230-3-60 187 253 15.6 110 15.9 110 280 1.5 MED 89% 8.3 HIGH 90% 20.46 STD 69% 2.6 460-3-60 414 506 7.7 52 7.7 52 280 0.8 MED 89% 4.2 HIGH 90% 10.2 STD 78% 2.0 575-3-60 518 633 5.8 39 5.7 39 280 0.7 MED 77% 2.8 HIGH 94% 9.0 50HQCD12-2-STAGE COOLING WITH 2-SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR VOLTAGE RANGE COMP 1 COMP 2 OFM(ea) IFM V-Ph-Hz EFF at MIN MAX RLA LRA RLA LRA WAT FLA TYPE TS FLA Full Load STD 77% 7.1 208-3-60 187 253 15.6 110 15.9 110 280 1.5 MED 85% 8.6 HIGH 90% 20.4 STD 77% 6.8 230-3-60 187 253 15.6 110 15.9 110 280 1.5 MED 85% 7.8 HIGH 90% 20.4 STD 77% 3.4 460-3-60 414 506 7.7 52 7.7 52 280 0.8 MED 85% 3.8 HIGH 90% 10.2 STD 80% 3.5 575-3-60 518 633 5.8 39 5.7 39 280 0.7 MED 84% 4.5 HIGH 94% 9.0 LEGEND EFF - Efficiency FLA - Full load amps IFM - Indoor fan motor LRA - Locked rotor amps RLA - Rated load amps 78 Carrier E LEGEND AND NOTES Example:Supply voltage is 230-3-60 Applicable for Electrical Data Tables A B C on pages 80-103 AB=224v BC=231v LEGEND BRKR —Circuit breaker AC=226v C.O. —Convenience outlet maroR; DISC —Disconnect EFF —Efficiency FLA —Full load amps (994+931+226) _ S$.1 LRA —Locked rotor amps Average Voltage= 3 = 3 MCA —Minimum circuit amps P.E. —Power exhaust - 227 Pwrd fr/unit —Powered from unit - PWRD C.O. —Powered convenience outlet UNPWR C.O. —Unpowered convenience outlet Determine maximum deviation from average voltage. • NOTES: (AB)227-224=3 v 1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multi-motor and combination load (BC)231-227=4 v equipment (refer to NEC Articles 430 and 440), the overcurrent protective Maximum 2u7-evi ti 1 v v. device for the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker.Canadian units may be fuse terain deviation is4 It or circuit breaker. Determine percent of voltage imbalance. 2. For 208/230 v units,where one value is shown it is the same for either 208 or 230 volts. 3. Unbalanced 3-Phase Supply Voltage Never operate a motor where a phase imbalance in supply voltage is greater %Voltage Imbalance =100x 227 than 2%. Use the following formula to determine the percentage of voltage imbalance. =1.76% %Voltagelmbalance=100x maxvottagedeviationfromaveragevoltage This amount of phase imbalance is satisfactory as it is below the averagevoltage maximum allowable 2%. IMPORTANT:If the supply voltage phase imbalance is more than 2%, contact your local electric utility company immediately. 79 Electrical data (cont) Carrier 50HCQ*04A UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 30 45 29 88 32 45 31 90 i' 101 A 3.3/4.4 15.9/18.3 49/52 60/60 47/50 104/106 51/54 60/60 49/52 106/108 co DD-STD 102A 4.9/6.5 23.5/27.1 59/63 60/70 56/60 112/115 61/65 70/70 58/62 114/117 103E 6.5/8.7 31.4/36.3 69/75 70/80 65/70 119/124 71/77 80/80 67/73 121/126 0 104B 7.9/10.5 37.9/43.8 77/84 80/90 72/79 126/132 79/86 80/90 75/81 128/134 a 102A+102A 9.8/13.0 46.9/54.2 88/97 90/100 83/91 182/196 90/99 90/100 85/93 184/198 NONE - - 22 30 22 82 24 30 24 84 101 A 3.3/4.4 9.2/10.6 33/35 40/40 32/34 91/93 35/37 40/40 34/36 93/95 DD-STD 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 39/41 45/45 37/40 96/98 41/43 45/45 39/42 98/100 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 44/48 45/50 42/46 100/103 46/50 50/50 45/48 102/105 104E 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 49/53 50/60 47/51 104/107 51/55 60/60 49/53 106/109 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 64/70 70/70 60/66 115/121 66/72 70/80 62/68 117/123 NONE - - 20/19 25/25 19/19 111 22/21 30/30 21/21 113 m 101 A 3.3/4.4 9.2/10.6 31/33 35/35 30/31 120/122 33/35 40/40 32/33 122/124 M 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 37/39 40/40 35/37 125/127 39/41 45/45 37/39 127/129 N MED 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 42/45 45/50 40/43 129/132 44/47 45/50 42/45 131/134 0 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 47/51 50/60 44/48 133/136 49/53 50/60 46/50 135/138 a 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 61/67 70/70 58/63 144/150 63/69 70/70 60/65 146/152 NONE - - 23/23 30/30 23/23 147 25/25 30/30 25/25 149 101 A 3.3/4.4 9.2/10.6 34/36 40/40 33/35 156/158 36/38 40/45 36/37 158/160 HIGH 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 40/42 45/45 38/41 161/163 42/44 45/50 41/43 163/165 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 45/49 50/50 44/47 165/168 47/51 50/60 46/49 167/170 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 50/54 50/60 48/52 169/172 52/56 60/60 50/54 171/174 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 65/71 70/80 61/67 180/186 67/73 70/80 63/69 182/188 NONE - - 12 15 12 43 13 15 13 44 106A 6.0 7.2 21 25 20 50 22 25 21 51 DD-STD 107A 8.8 10.6 25 25 24 54 26 30 25 55 108A 11.5 13.8 29 30 28 57 30 30 29 58 109A 14.0 16.8 33 35 31 60 34 35 32 61 NONE - - 11 15 10 57 12 15 11 58 m 106A 6.0 7.2 20 20 18 64 21 25 20 65 M MED 107A 8.8 10.6 24 25 22 68 25 25 23 69 0 v 108A 11.5 13.8 28 30 26 71 29 30 27 72 109A 14.0 16.8 32 35 29 74 33 35 31 75 NONE - - 12 15 12 75 13 15 13 76 106A 6.0 7.2 21 25 20 82 22 25 22 83 HIGH 107A 8.8 10.6 26 30 24 86 27 30 25 87 108A 11.5 13.8 30 30 28 89 31 35 29 90 109A 14.0 16.8 33 35 31 92 34 35 33 93 NONE - - 10 15 10 42 12 15 12 44 DD-STD 297A 10.0 9.6 22 25 21 52 24 25 23 54 298A 15.0 14.4 28 30 26 56 30 30 28 58 m NONE - - 7 15 7 45 9 15 9 47 `n MED 297A 10.0 9.6 19 20 18 55 21 25 20 57 u ,r 298A 15.0 14.4 25 25 23 59 27 30 26 61 NONE - - 8 15 7 49 10 15 9 51 HIGH 297A 10.0 9.6 20 20 18 59 22 25 20 61 298A 15.0 14.4 26 30 24 63 28 30 26 65 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 80 . . Carrier b.United Technal.gies 50HCQ*04A UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. ( wrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 34 50 34 93 36 50 36 95 m 101A 3.3/4.4 15.9/18.3 54/57 60/60 53/55 109/111 56/59 60/60 55/58 111/113 coy DD-STD 102A 4.9/6.5 23.5/27.1 64/68 70/70 61/65 117/120 66/70 70/70 63/68 119/122 103B 6.5/8.7 31.4/36.3 74/80 80/80 70/76 124/129 76/82 80/90 73/78 126/131 o 104B 7.9/10.5 37.9/43.8 82/89 90/90 78/85 131/137 84/91 90/100 80/87 133/139 102A+102A 9.8/13.0 46.9/54.2 93/102 100/110 88/97 187/201 95/104 100/110 90/99 189/203 NONE - - 27 30 27 87 29 35 29 89 101 A 3.3/4.4 9.2/10.6 38/40 45/45 38/39 96/98 40/42 45/45 40/42 98/100 DD STD 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 44/46 50/50 43/45 101/103 46/48 50/50 45/47 103/105 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 49/53 50/60 48/51 105/108 51/55 60/60 50/53 107/110 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 54/58 60/60 52/56 109/112 56/60 60/60 55/58 111/114 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 68/75 70/80 66/71 120/126 70/77 70/80 68/74 122/128 NONE - - 24/24 30/30 25/24 116 26/26 30/30 27/26 118 0 o 101 A 3.3/4.4 9.2/10.6 36/37 40/40 35/36 125/127 38/39 45/45 37/39 127/129 M 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 41/44 45/45 40/42 130/132 43/46 45/50 42/44 132/134 N MED 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 47/50 50/50 45/48 134/137 49/52 50/60 48/50 136/139 o 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 52/56 60/60 50/53 138/141 54/58 60/60 52/56 140/143 cv 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 66/72 70/80 63/69 149/155 68/74 70/80 65/71 151/157 NONE - - 28/28 30/30 28/28 152 30/29 35/35 30/30 154 101 A 3.3/4.4 9.2/10.6 39/41 45/45 39/40 161/163 41/43 45/45 41/43 163/165 HIGH 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 45/47 50/50 44/46 166/168 47/49 50/50 46/48 168/170 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 50/54 50/60 49/52 170/173 52/56 60/60 51/54 172/175 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 55/59 60/60 53/57 174/177 57/61 60/70 56/59 176/179 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 69/76 70/80 67/72 185/191 71/78 80/80 69/75 187/193 NONE - - 14 20 14 45 15 20 16 46 106A 6.0 7.2 23 25 23 52 24 25 24 53 DD-STD 107A 8.8 10.6 28 30 27 56 29 30 28 57 108A 11.5 13.8 32 35 30 59 33 35 31 60 109A 14.0 16.8 35 35 34 62 36 40 35 63 NONE - - 13 15 13 59 14 15 14 60 m 106A 6.0 7.2 22 25 21 66 23 25 22 67 c MED 107A 8.8 10.6 26 30 25 70 27 30 26 71 v 108A 11.5 13.8 30 30 29 73 31 35 30 74 109A 14.0 16.8 34 35 32 76 35 35 33 77 NONE - - 15 20 15 77 16 20 16 78 106A 6.0 7.2 24 25 23 84 25 25 24 85 HIGH 107A 8.8 10.6 28 30 27 88 29 30 28 89 108A 11.5 13.8 32 35 30 91 33 35 32 92 109A 14.0 16.8 36 40 34 94 37 40 35 95 NONE - - 11 15 12 44 13 15 14 46 DD-STD 297A 10.0 9.6 23 25 23 54 25 25 25 56 298A 15.0 14.4 29 30 28 58 31 35 30 60 <oo NONE - 9 15 9 47 11 15 11 49 MED 297A 10.0 9.6 21 25 20 57 23 25 22 59 in y 298A 15.0 14.4 27 30 25 61 29 30 27 63 NONE - - 9 15 9 51 11 15 11 53 HIGH 297A 10.0 9.6 21 25 20 61 23 25 22 63 298A 15.0 14.4 27 30 26 65 29 30 28 67 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 81 , Electrical data (cont) C""" 4,f Uefted ieelmeloves 50HCQ*05A UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 34 50 33 119 36 50 35 121 m 101 A 3.3/4.4 15.9/18.3 54/57 60/60 51/54 135/137 56/59 60/60 53/56 137/139 M DD-STD 103E 6.5/8.7 31.4/36.3 73179 80/80 69/75 150/155 75/81 80/90 71/77 152/157 N 102A+102A 9.8/13.0 46.9/54.2 93/102 100/110 87/95 213/227 95/104 100/110 89/97 215/229 O 103E+103B 13.1/17.4 62.8/72.5 113/125 125/125 105/116 245/264 114/127 125/150 107/118 247/266 a 104E+104B 15.8/21.0 75.8/87.5 129/143 150/150 120/134 271/294 131/145 150/150 122/136 273/296 NONE - - 26 30 25 93 28 40 27 95 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 43/45 50/50 41/43 107/109 45/47 50/50 43/45 109/111 DD-STD 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 48/52 50/60 46/49 111/114 50/54 50/60 48/51 113/116 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 67/74 70/80 64/69 126/132 69/76 70/80 66/72 128/134 104E+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 80/89 80/90 76/83 181/194 82/91 90/100 78/85 183/196 o NONE - - 23/23 30/30 23/22 122 25/25 30/30 25/24 124 (i) 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 40/43 45/50 38/40 136/138 42/45 50/50 40/42 138/140 0, MED 103E 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 46/49 50/50 43/46 140/143 48/51 50/60 46/49 142/145 t 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 65/71 70/80 61/67 155/161 67/73 70/80 63/69 157/163 N 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 78/86 80/90 73/80 210/223 80/88 80/90 75/83 212/225 NONE - - 27/27 30/30 26/26 158 29/28 40/40 29/28 160 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 44/46 50/50 42/44 172/174 46/48 50/50 44/46 174/176 HIGH 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 49/53 50/60 47/50 176/179 51/55 60/60 49/52 178/181 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 68/75 70/80 65170 191/197 70/77 70/80 67/73 193/199 104E+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 81/90 90/90 77/84 246/259 83/92 90/100 79/86 248/261 NONE - - 13 15 13 47 14 15 14 48 106A 6.0 7.2 22 25 21 54 23 25 22 55 DD-STD 108A 11.5 13.8 30 30 28 61 31 35 30 62 109A 14.0 16.8 34 35 32 64 35 35 33 65 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 48 50 44 102 49 50 46 103 NONE - - 11 15 11 61 12 15 12 62 m 106A 6.0 7.2 20 20 19 68 21 25 20 69 (? MED 108A 11.5 13.8 29 30 27 75 30 30 28 76 0 a 109A 14.0 16.8 32 35 30 78 33 35 31 79 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 46 50 43 116 47 50 44 117 NONE - - 13 15 13 79 14 20 14 80 106A 6.0 7.2 22 25 21 86 23 25 22 87 HIGH 108A 11.5 13.8 30 30 29 93 31 35 30 94 109A 14.0 16.8 34 35 32 96 35 35 33 97 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 48 50 45 134 49 50 46 135 NONE - - 11 15 11 39 13 15 13 41 DD-STD 297A 10.0 9.6 23 25 22 49 25 25 24 51 298A 15.0 14.4 29 30 27 53 31 35 29 55 V NONE - - 8 15 8 42 10 15 10 44 `'? MED 297A 10.0 9.6 20 20 19 52 22 25 21 54 in 298A 15.0 14.4 26 30 24 56 28 30 27 58 in NONE - - 9 15 8 46 11 15 10 48 HIGH 297A 10.0 9.6 21 25 19 56 23 25 22 58 298A 15.0 14.4 27 30 25 60 29 30 27 62 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 82 Carrier�, 50HCQ*05A UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 39 50 38 124 41 60 41 126 m 101 A 3.3/4.4 15.9/18.3 59/62 60/70 57/59 140/142 61/64 70/70 59/62 142/144 M DD-STD 103B 6.5/8.7 31.4/36.3 78/84 80/90 75/80 155/160 80/86 80/90 77/82 157/162 01 102A+102A 9.8/13.0 46.9/54.2 97/107 100/110 92/101 218/232 99/108 100/110 95/103 220/234 O 103B+103B 13.1/17.4 62.8/72.5 117/129 125/150 111/122 250/269 119/131 125/150 113/124 252/271 N 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 75.8/87.5 134/148 150/150 126/139 276/299 135/150 150/150 128/141 278/301 NONE - - 30 40 31 98 32 40 33 100 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 47/50 50/50 46/49 112/114 49/52 50/60 49/51 114/116 DD-STD 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 53/57 60/60 52/55 116/119 55/58 60/60 54/57 118/121 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 72/79 80/80 69/75 131/137 74/80 80/90 71/77 133/139 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 85/94 90/100 81/89 186/199 87/95 90/100 83/91 188/201 o NONE - - 28/28 40/40 28/28 127 30/30 40/40 30/30 129 cn 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 45/47 50/50 44/46 141/143 47/49 50/50 46/48 143/145 o MED 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 51/54 60/60 49/52 145/148 53/56 60/60 51/54 147/150 m 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 70/76 70/80 67/72 160/166 72/78 80/80 69/74 162/168 N 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 83/91 90/100 79/86 215/228 85/93 90/100 81/88 217/230 NONE - - 31/31 40/40 32/32 163 33/33 45/45 34/34 165 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 48/51 50/60 47/50 177/179 50/53 50/60 50/52 179/181 HIGH 103B 6.5/8.7 18.1/20.9 54/57 60/60 53/56 181/184 56/59 60/60 55/58 183/186 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 73/79 80/80 70/76 196/202 75/81 80/90 72/78 198/204 104E+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 86/94 90/100 82/90 251/264 88/96 90/100 84/92 253/266 NONE - - 15 20 15 49 16 20 16 50 106A 6.0 7.2 24 25 23 56 25 25 24 57 DD-STD 108A 11.5 13.8 32 35 31 63 33 35 32 64 109A 14.0 16.8 36 40 34 66 37 40 36 67 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 50 50 47 104 51 60 48 105 NONE - - 14 15 13 63 15 20 14 64 m 106A 6.0 7.2 23 25 22 70 24 25 23 71 c MED 108A 11.5 13.8 31 35 29 77 32 35 30 78 v 109A 14.0 16.8 35 35 33 80 36 40 34 81 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 48 50 45 118 49 50 46 119 NONE - - 15 20 15 81 16 20 16 82 106A 6.0 7.2 24 25 24 88 25 25 25 89 HIGH 108A 11.5 13.8 33 35 31 95 34 35 32 96 109A 14.0 16.8 36 40 35 98 37 40 36 99 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 50 50 47 136 51 60 48 137 NONE - - 12 15 13 41 14 20 15 43 DD-STD 297A 10.0 9.6 24 25 24 51 26 30 26 53 298A 15.0 14.4 30 30 29 55 32 35 31 57 $ NONE - - 10 15 10 44 12 15 12 46 MED 297A 10.0 9.6 22 25 21 54 24 25 23 56 r, 298A 15.0 14.4 28 30 26 58 30 30 29 60 NONE - - 10 15 10 48 12 15 12 50 HIGH 297A 10.0 9.6 22 25 21 58 24 25 23 60 298A 15.0 14.4 28 30 27 62 30 30 29 64 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 83 Electrical data (cont) Car"_ 11 50HCQ•06A UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 41 60 39 144 42 60 41 146 m 102A 4.9/6.5 23.5/27.1 70/74 80/80 66/70 168/171 72/76 80/80 68/72 170/173 103B 6.5/8.7 31.4/36.3 80/86 80/100 75/81 175/180 82/88 90/100 77/83 177/182 DD-STD N 102A+102A 9.8/13.0 46.9/54.2 99/108 100/110 93/101 238/252 101/110 110/110 95/103 240/254 0 103B+103B 13.1/17.4 62.8/72.5 119/131 125/150 111/122 270/289 121/133 125/150 113/124 272/291 N 104E+104B 15.8/21.0 75.8/87.5 135/150 150/150 126/139 296/319 137/152 150/175 128/142 298/321 NONE - - 29 40 28 120 31 45 31 122 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 46/49 50/60 44/46 134/136 48/51 60/60 46/49 136/138 DD STD 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 57/61 60/70 54/58 142/145 58/63 60/70 56/60 144/147 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 71/77 80/80 67/73 153/159 73/79 80/80 69/75 155/161 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 84/92 90/100 79/86 208/221 86/94 90/100 81/89 210/223 104E+105A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 98/109 100/110 92/102 230/248 100/111 100/125 94/104 232/250 NONE - - 30/30 45/45 30/29 185 32/32 45/45 32/32 187 m 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 47/50 50/60 45/47 199/201 49/51 60/60 47/50 201/203 ch 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 58/62 60/70 55/59 207/210 59/64 60/70 57/61 209/212 NO MED 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 72/78 80/80 68/74 218/224 74/80 80/80 70/76 220/226 0 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 85/93 90/100 80/88 273/286 87/95 90/100 82/90 275/288 N 104B+105A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 99/110 100/110 93/103 295/313 101/112 110/125 95/105 297/315 NONE - - 30/30 45/45 30/29 185 32/32 45/45 32/32 187 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 47/50 50/60 45/47 199/201 49/51 60/60 47/50 201/203 HIGH 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 58/62 60/70 55/59 207/210 59/64 60/70 57/61 209/212 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 72/78 80/80 68/74 218/224 74/80 80/80 70/76 220/226 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 85/93 90/100 80/88 273/286 87/95 90/100 82/90 275/288 104B+105A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 99/110 100/110 93/103 295/313 101/112 110/125 95/105 297/315 NONE - - 14 20 14 58 15 20 15 59 106A 6.0 7.2 23 25 22 65 24 25 23 66 DD-STD 108A 11.5 13.8 31 35 29 72 32 35 31 73 109A 14.0 16.8 35 35 33 75 36 40 34 76 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 49 50 45 113 50 50 47 114 108A+109A 25.5 30.7 52 60 49 119 53 60 50 120 NONE - - 14 20 14 90 15 20 15 91 c 106A 6.0 7.2 23 25 22 97 24 25 23 98 `? MED 108A 11.5 13.8 31 35 30 104 32 35 31 105 m 109A 14.0 16.8 35 35 33 107 36 40 34 108 `r 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 49 50 46 145 50 50 47 146 108A+109A 25.5 30.7 53 60 49 151 54 60 50 152 NONE - 14 20 14 90 15 20 15 91 106A 6.0 7.2 23 25 22 97 24 25 23 98 HIGH 108A 11.5 13.8 31 35 30 104 32 35 31 105 109A 14.0 16.8 35 35 33 107 36 40 34 108 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 49 50 46 145 50 50 47 146 108A+109A 25.5 30.7 53 60 49 151 54 60 50 152 NONE - - 12 15 11 46 14 15 14 48 DD-STD 298A 15.0 14.4 30 30 28 60 32 35 30 62 301A 25.0 24.1 42 45 39 94 44 45 41 96 m NONE - - 10 15 9 53 12 15 11 55 `? MED 298A 15.0 14.4 28 30 26 67 30 30 28 69 in r, 301A 25.0 24.1 40 40 37 101 42 45 39 103 NONE - - 10 15 10 64 12 15 12 66 HIGH 298A 15.0 14.4 28 30 27 78 30 30 29 80 301A 25.0 24.1 41 45 38 112 42 45 40 114 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 84 Carrier R united technologies 50HCQ*06A UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 45 60 44 149 47 60 47 151 o 102A 4.9/6.5 23.5/27.1 75/79 80/80 71/76 173/176 77/81 80/90 74/78 175/178 M DD-STD 103B 6.5/8.7 31.4/36.3 85/91 100/100 81/86 180/185 86/93 100/100 83/88 182/187 01 102A+102A 9.8/13.0 46.9/54.2 104/113 110/125 98/107 243/257 106/115 110/125 101/109 245/259 0 103B+103B 13.1/17.4 62.8/72.5 124/136 125/150 117/128 275/294 126/138 150/150 119/130 277/296 N 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 75.8/87.5 140/155 150/175 132/145 301/324 142/157 150/175 134/147 303/326 NONE - - 34 45 34 125 36 50 36 127 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 51/53 60/60 50/52 139/141 53/55 60/60 52/54 141/143 DD STD 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 61/66 70/70 59/63 147/150 63/67 70/70 61/65 149/152 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 76/82 80/90 72/78 158/164 78/84 80/90 75/80 160/166 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 89/97 90/100 84/92 213/226 91/99 100/100 86/94 215/228 104B+105A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 103/114 110/125 97/107 235/253 '105/116 110/125 100/109 237/255 NONE - - 35/35 50/50 35/35 190 37/37 50/50 37/37 192 o 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 52/54 60/60 51/53 204/206 54/56 60/60 53/55 206/208 `l 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 62/66 70/70 60/64 212/215 64/68 70/70 62/66 214/217 N MED 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 77/83 80/90 73/79 223/229 79/85 80/90 76/81 225/231 0 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 90/98 90/100 85/93 278/291 92/100 100/100 88/95 280/293 N 104B+105A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 104/115 110/125 99/108 300/318 106/116 110/125 101/111 302/320 NONE - - 35/35 50/50 35/35 190 37/37 50/50 37/37 192 102A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 52/54 60/60 51/53 204/206 54/56 60/60 53/55 206/208 HIGH 104B 7.9/10.5 21.9/25.3 62/66 70/70 60/64 212/215 64/68 70/70 62/66 214/217 105A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 77/83 80/90 73/79 223/229 79/85 80/90 76/81 225/231 104B+104B 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 90/98 90/100 85/93 278/291 92/100 100/100 88/95 280/293 104E+105A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 104/115 110/125 99/108 300/318 106/116 110/125 101/111 302/320 NONE - - 16 20 16 60 17 20 17 61 106A 6.0 7.2 25 25 24 67 26 30 26 68 DD-STD 108A 11.5 13.8 33 35 32 74 34 35 33 75 109A 14.0 16.8 37 40 35 77 38 40 37 78 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 51 60 48 115 52 60 49 116 108A+109A 25.5 30.7 55 60 51 121 56 60 53 122 NONE - - 16 20 16 92 17 20 17 93 0 106A 6.0 7.2 25 30 25 99 26 30 26 100 (O 108A 11.5 13.8 34 35 32 106 35 35 33 107 M o MED 109A 14.0 16.8 37 40 36 109 38 40 37 110 to a 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 51 60 48 147 52 60 49 148 108A+109A 25.5 30.7 55 60 52 153 56 60 53 154 NONE - - 16 20 16 92 17 20 17 93 106A 6.0 7.2 25 30 25 99 26 30 26 100 HIGH 108A 11.5 13.8 34 35 32 106 35 35 33 107 109A 14.0 16.8 37 40 36 109 38 40 37 110 108A+108A 23.0 27.7 51 60 48 147 52 60 49 148 108A+109A 25.5 30.7 55 60 52 153 56 60 53 154 NONE - - 13 15 13 48 15 20 16 50 DD-STD 298A 15.0 14.4 31 35 30 62 33 35 32 64 301A 25.0 24.1 43 45 41 96 45 45 43 98 4o ? NONE - - 11 15 11 55 13 15 13 57 `'? MED 298A 15.0 14.4 29 30 28 69 31 35 30 71 i y 301A 25.0 24.1 41 45 39 103 43 45 41 105 NONE - - 12 15 12 66 14 15 14 68 HIGH 298A 15.0 14.4 30 30 29 80 32 35 31 82 301A 25.0 24.1 42 45 40 114 44 45 42 116 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 85 Electrical data (cont) Carrier .4,„Untied IachaWegfes 50HCQ*07A UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE '•"00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 33 50 32 161 37 50 36 165 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 50/53 60/60 48/50 175/177 54/56 60/60 52/54 179/181 STD 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 60/64 60/70 57/61 183/186 64/68 70/80 61/65 187/190 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 75/81 80/90 70/76 194/200 79/85 80/90 75/81 198/204 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 88/96 90/100 82/90 249/262 92/100 100/100 87/94 253/266 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 102/113 110/125 95/105 271/289 106/117 110/125 100/110 275/293 NONE - - 35 50 35 198 39 50 39 202 0 T 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 52/55 60/60 50/53 212/214 56/59 60/60 55/57 216/218 M 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 63/67 70/70 60/63 220/223 66/71 80/80 64/68 224/227 co cil MED 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 77/84 80/90 73/79 231/237 81/87 90/90 77/83 235/241 N 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 90/99 90/100 85/93 286/299 94/102 100/110 89/97 290/303 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 104/115 110/125 98/108 308/326 108/119 110/125 102/112 312/330 NONE - - 42/41 60/50 42/41 230 45/44 60/60 46/45 234 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 59/60 60/70 57/59 244/246 62/64 70/70 62/63 248/250 HIGH 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 69/72 80/80 67/69 252/255 72/76 80/80 71/74 256/259 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 83/89 90/90 80/85 263/269 87/93 90/100 84/89 267/273 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 96/104 100/110 92/99 318/331 100/108 100/110 96/103 322/335 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 111/120 125/125 105/114 340/358 114/124 125/125 109/118 344/362 NONE - - 15 20 14 79 17 20 16 81 265A 6.0 7.2 24 25 23 86 26 30 25 88 STD 266A 11.5 13.8 32 35 30 93 34 35 32 95 267A 14.0 16.8 36 40 34 96 38 40 36 98 268A 23.0 27.7 50 50 46 107 51 60 48 109 269A 25.5 30.7 53 60 50 110 55 60 52 112 NONE - - 16 20 15 98 18 25 17 100 o 265A 6.0 7.2 25 30 23 105 27 30 26 107 t9 266A 11.5 13.8 33 35 31 112 35 35 33 114 `? MED 267A 14.0 16.8 37 40 35 115 39 40 37 117 `* 268A 23.0 27.7 50 50 47 126 52 60 49 128 269A 25.5 30.7 54 60 50 129 56 60 53 131 NONE - - 19 25 19 114 21 25 21 116 265A 6.0 7.2 28 30 27 121 30 30 29 123 HIGH 266A 11.5 13.8 36 40 35 128 38 40 37 130 267A 14.0 16.8 40 40 38 131 42 45 40 133 268A 23.0 27.7 53 60 50 142 55 60 53 144 269A 25.5 30.7 57 60 54 145 59 60 56 147 NONE - - 12 15 11 66 15 20 15 70 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 33 35 31 83 37 40 35 87 299A 28.0 26.9 45 45 42 93 49 50 46 97 m NONE - - 13 15 12 81 17 20 17 85 MED 118A 18.0 17.3 34 35 32 98 38 40 36 102 Ln Lo n 299A 28.0 26.9 46 50 43 108 50 50 47 112 NONE - - 16 20 15 95 19 25 20 99 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 37 40 35 112 41 45 40 116 299A 28.0 26.9 49 50 46 122 53 60 51 126 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 86 Carrier 50HCQ*07A UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 38 50 37 166 42 60 42 170 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 55/57 60/60 53/55 180/182 59/61 60/70 58/60 184/186 STD 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 65/69 70/80 62/66 188/191 69/73 80/80 67/71 192/195 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 80/86 80/90 76/82 199/205 84/90 90/90 80/86 203/209 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 93/101 100/110 88/96 254/267 97/105 100/110 92/100 258/271 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 107/118 110/125 101/111 276/294 111/122 125/125 105/115 280/298 NONE - - 40 50 40 203 44 60 45 207 0 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 57/60 60/70 56/58 217/219 61/64 70/70 60/62 221/223 C9 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 67/72 80/80 65/69 225/228 71/75 80/80 69/73 229/232 N MED 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 82/88 90/90 79/84 236/242 86/92 90/100 83/89 240/246 0 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 95/103 100/110 91/98 291/304 99/107 100/110 95/103 295/308 a 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 109/120 110/125 104/114 313/331 113/124 125/125 108/118 317/335 NONE - - 46/45 60/60 47/46 235 50/49 60/60 52/50 239 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 63/65 70/80 63/64 249/251 67/69 80/80 67/68 253/255 HIGH 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 73/77 80/80 72/75 257/260 77/81 80/90 76/79 261/264 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 88/94 90/100 86/90 268/274 92/97 100/100 90/95 272/278 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 101/109 110/110 98/104 323/336 105/112 110/125 102/109 327/340 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 115/125 125/125 111/119 345/363 119/129 125/150 115/124 349/367 NONE - - 17 20 17 81 19 25 19 83 265A 6.0 7.2 26 30 25 88 28 30 27 90 STD 266A 11.5 13.8 34 35 33 95 36 40 35 97 267A 14.0 16.8 38 40 36 98 40 40 38 100 268A 23.0 27.7 52 60 49 109 54 60 51 111 269A 25.5 30.7 55 60 52 112 57 60 54 114 NONE - - 18 25 18 100 20 25 20 102 c 265A 6.0 7.2 27 30 26 107 29 30 28 109 co 4) MED 266A 11.5 13.8 35 35 34 114 37 40 36 116 m 267A 14.0 16.8 39 40 37 117 41 45 39 119 a 268A 23.0 27.7 53 60 50 128 54 60 52 130 269A 25.5 30.7 56 60 53 131 58 60 55 133 NONE - - 21 25 21 116 23 30 23 118 265A 6.0 7.2 30 30 29 123 32 35 32 125 HIGH 266A 11.5 13.8 38 40 37 130 40 40 39 132 267A 14.0 16.8 42 45 40 133 44 45 43 135 268A 23.0 27.7 56 60 53 144 57 60 55 146 269A 25.5 30.7 59 60 56 147 61 70 59 149 NONE - - 13 15 13 68 17 20 17 72 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 35 35 33 85 39 40 37 89 299A 28.0 26.9 47 50 44 95 51 60 48 99 m NONE - - 14 20 14 83 18 20 19 87 `'? MED 118A 18.0 17.3 36 40 34 100 40 40 38 104 N 299A 28.0 26.9 48 50 45 110 52 60 49 114 NONE - - 17 20 17 97 21 25 22 101 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 39 40 37 114 43 45 42 118 299A 28.0 26.9 51 60 48 124 55 60 53 128 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 87 Electrical data (cant) (ar'"` amtea ream maures 50HCQ*07D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 32 50 31 161 36 50 36 165 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 49/52 60/60 47/49 175/177 53/56 60/60 51/53 179/181 STD 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 59/64 60/70 56/60 183/186 63/67 70/70 60/64 187/190 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 74/80 80/80 70/75 194/200 78/84 80/90 74/80 198/204 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 87/95 90/100 82/89 249/262 91/99 100/100 86/94 253/266 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 101/112 110/125 95/105 271/289 105/116 110/125 99/109 275/293 NONE - - 35 50 34 198 38 50 38 202 0 4) 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 52/54 60/60 49/52 212/214 55/58 60/60 54/56 216/218 0 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 62/66 70/70 59/63 220/223 66/70 70/80 63/67 224/227 N MED 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 76/83 80/90 72/78 231/237 80/87 80/90 77/82 235/241 N117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 89/98 90/100 84/92 286/299 93/102 100/110 89/96 290/303 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 104/114 110/125 97/107 308/326 107/118 110/125 102/112 312/330 NONE - - 41/40 50/50 41/40 230 44/44 60/60 45/44 234 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 58/59 60/60 56/58 244/246 61/63 70/70 61/62 248/250 HIGH 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 68/71 80/80 66/69 252/255 72/75 80/80 70/73 256/259 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 82/88 90/90 79/84 263/269 86/92 90/100 84/88 267/273 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 95/103 100/110 91/98 318/331 99/107 100/110 96/102 322/335 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 110/120 110/125 104/113 340/358 113/123 125/125 109/118 344/362 NONE - - 17 25 16 79 19 25 18 81 265A 6.0 7.2 26 30 24 86 28 30 26 88 STD 266A 11.5 13.8 34 35 32 93 36 40 34 95 267A 14.0 16.8 38 40 35 96 40 40 37 98 268A 23.0 27.7 51 60 48 107 53 60 50 109 269A 25.5 30.7 55 60 51 110 57 60 53 112 NONE - - 18 25 17 98 19 25 19 100 c 265A 6.0 7.2 27 30 25 105 28 30 27 107 4) 266A 11.5 13.8 35 40 33 112 37 40 35 114 `? MED 267A 14.0 16.8 39 40 36 115 40 45 38 117 `r 268A 23.0 27.7 52 60 49 126 54 60 51 128 269A 25.5 30.7 56 60 52 129 58 60 54 131 NONE - - 21 25 20 114 22 30 22 116 265A 6.0 7.2 30 30 29 121 31 35 31 123 HIGH 266A 11.5 13.8 38 40 36 128 40 45 38 130 267A 14.0 16.8 42 45 40 131 43 45 42 133 268A 23.0 27.7 55 60 52 142 57 60 54 144 269A 25.5 30.7 59 60 56 145 61 70 58 147 NONE - - 13 20 12 66 17 20 16 70 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 35 35 32 83 38 40 36 87 299A 28.0 26.9 47 50 43 93 50 50 47 97 m NONE - - 14 20 13 81 18 25 18 85 MED 118A 18.0 17.3 36 40 33 98 40 40 38 102 in in n 299A 28.0 26.9 48 50 44 108 52 60 49 112 NONE - - 17 20 17 95 21 25 21 99 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 39 40 37 112 42 45 41 116 299A 28.0 26.9 51 60 48 122 54 60 52 126 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 88 Carrier ' V United Technologies 50HCQ*07D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN.MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(.wrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 37 50 37 166 41 50 41 170 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 54/57 60/60 52/55 180/182 58/60 60/70 57/59 184/186 STD 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 64/68 70/80 62/65 188/191 68/72 80/80 66/70 192/195 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 79/85 80/90 75/81 199/205 83/89 90/90 79/85 203/209 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 92/100 100/100 87/95 254/267 96/104 100/110 91/99 258/271 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 106/117 110/125 100/110 276/294 110/121 110/125 105/114 280/298 NONE - - 39 50 39 203 43 60 44 207 0 t0 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 56/59 60/60 55/57 217/219 60/63 70/70 59/62 221/223 CO 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 67/71 70/80 64/68 225/228 70/74 80/80 69/72 229/232 I MED 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 81/88 90/90 78/84 236/242 85/91 90/100 82/88 240/246 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 94/103 100/110 90/97 291/304 98/106 100/110 94/102 295/308 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 108/119 110/125 103/113 313/331 112/123 125/125 107/117 317/335 NONE - - 45/45 60/60 46/45 235 49/48 60/60 51/50 239 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 62/64 70/70 62/63 249/251 66/68 80/80 66/68 253/255 HIGH 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 73/76 80/80 71/74 257/260 76/80 80/80 76/78 261/264 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 87/93 90/100 85/90 268/274 91/97 100/100 89/94 272/278 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 100/108 100/110 97/103 323/336 104/112 110/125 101/108 327/340 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 114/124 125/125 110/119 345/363 118/128 125/150 114/123 349/367 NONE - - 19 25 19 81 21 30 21 83 265A 6.0 7.2 28 30 27 88 30 30 29 90 STD 266A 11.5 13.8 36 40 34 95 38 40 36 97 267A 14.0 16.8 40 45 38 98 42 45 40 100 268A 23.0 27.7 54 60 50 109 55 60 52 111 269A 25.5 30.7 57 60 54 112 59 60 56 114 NONE - - 20 25 19 100 22 30 22 102 c 265A 6.0 7.2 29 30 28 107 31 35 30 109 co MED 266A 11.5 13.8 37 40 35 114 39 40 37 116 m 267A 14.0 16.8 41 45 39 117 43 45 41 119 a 268A 23.0 27.7 54 60 51 128 56 60 53 130 269A 25.5 30.7 58 60 55 131 60 60 57 133 NONE - - 23 30 23 116 25 30 25 118 265A 6.0 7.2 32 35 31 123 34 40 33 125 HIGH 266A 11.5 13.8 40 45 39 130 42 45 41 132 267A 14.0 16.8 44 45 42 133 46 50 44 135 268A 23.0 27.7 57 60 55 144 59 60 57 146 269A 25.5 30.7 61 70 58 147 63 70 60 149 NONE - - 15 20 14 68 18 25 18 72 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 36 40 34 85 40 40 38 89 299A 28.0 26.9 48 50 45 95 52 60 49 99 m NONE - - 16 20 15 83 20 25 20 87 MED 118A 18.0 17.3 37 40 35 100 41 45 40 104 n 299A 28.0 26.9 49 50 46 110 53 60 51 114 NONE - - 19 25 19 97 22 25 23 101 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 40 40 39 114 44 45 43 118 299A 28.0 26.9 52 60 50 124 56 60 54 128 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 89 . Electrical data (cont) <Carrier r 50HCQ*08D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 38 50 40 191 42 50 44 195 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 65/69 70/70 65/68 213/216 69/73 70/80 69/73 217/220 STD 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 80/86 80/90 78/84 224/230 84/90 90/90 82/88 228/234 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 103/113 110/125 99/108 243/251 107/117 110/125 103/113 247/255 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 122/134 125/150 116/128 258/268 125/138 125/150 121/132 262/272 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 149/166 150/175 141/157 368/395 152/169 175/175 146/161 372/399 NONE - - 40/40 50/50 42/41 229 44/43 50/50 46/46 233 0 m 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 67/71 70/80 66/70 251/254 71/75 80/80 71/74 255/258 `"? 0 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 82/88 90/90 80/86 262/268 85/92 90/100 84/90 266/272 tn cil MED 111A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 104/114 110/125 101/110 281/289 108/118 110/125 105/114 285/293 o 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 123/136 125/150 118/130 296/306 127/140 150/150 123/134 300/310 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 150/167 150/175 143/159 406/433 154/171 175/175 148/163 410/437 NONE - - 44 50 46 258 47 60 50 262 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 71/75 80/80 71/75 280/283 74/79 80/80 75/79 284/287 HIGH 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 85/92 90/100 84/90 291/297 89/95 90/100 89/94 295/301 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 108/118 110/125 105/114 310/318 112/122 125/125 110/119 314/322 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 127/140 150/150 122/134 325/335 131/144 150/150 127/139 329/339 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 154/171 175/175 147/163 435/462 158/175 175/175 152/167 439/466 NONE - - 18 20 19 95 20 25 21 97 116B 13.9 16.7 39 40 38 112 41 45 40 114 STD 113B 16.5 19.8 43 45 42 115 45 45 44 117 114B 27.8 33.4 60 60 57 128 62 70 59 130 115B 33.0 39.7 68 70 65 135 70 70 67 137 128B 41.7 50.2 81 90 77 145 83 90 79 147 NONE - - 19 25 20 114 21 25 22 116 0 116B 13.9 16.7 40 40 39 131 42 45 41 133 el MED 113B 16.5 19.8 44 45 43 134 46 50 45 136 m 114B 27.8 33.4 61 70 58 147 63 70 60 149 a 115B 33.0 39.7 69 70 65 154 71 80 68 156 128B 41.7 50.2 82 90 78 164 84 90 80 166 NONE - - 21 25 22 129 23 25 24 131 116B 13.9 16.7 42 45 41 146 44 45 43 148 HIGH 113B 16.5 19.8 46 50 45 149 48 50 47 151 1148 27.8 33.4 63 70 60 162 65 70 62 164 115B 33.0 39.7 71 80 68 169 73 80 70 171 128E 41.7 50.2 84 90 80 179 86 90 82 181 NONE - - 13 15 13 77 17 20 18 81 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 35 35 33 94 39 40 38 98 119A 36.0 34.6 56 60 53 112 60 60 58 116 o NONE - - 14 15 14 81 17 20 18 85 MED 118A 18.0 17.3 35 35 34 98 39 40 38 102 in rs 119A 36.0 34.6 57 60 54 116 61 70 58 120 NONE - - 14 20 15 92 18 20 19 96 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 36 40 35 109 40 40 39 113 119A 36.0 34.6 58 60 55 127 61 70 59 131 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 90 Carrier '."Bailed Tecenaiegies 50HCQ*08D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 43 50 45 196 47 50 49 200 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 70/74 70/80 70/74 218/221 74/78 80/80 74/78 222/225 STD 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 85/91 90/100 83/89 229/235 88/95 90/100 88/94 233/239 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 108/118 110/125 105/114 248/256 111/121 125/125 109/118 252/260 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 126/139 150/150 122/134 263/273 130/143 150/150 126/138 267/277 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 153/170 175/175 147/162 373/400 157/174 175/175 151/167 377/404 0 NONE - - 45/44 50/50 47/47 234 48/48 60/60 51/51 238 co 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 72/76 80/80 72/76 256/259 76/79 80/80 76/80 260/263 M roi MED 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 86/93 90/100 85/91 267/273 90/96 90/100 90/95 271/277 .... 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 109/119 110/125 106/115 286/294 113/123 125/125 111/120 290/298 o 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 128/141 150/150 124/135 301/311 132/144 150/150 128/140 305/315 01 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 155/172 175/175 149/164 411/438 159/176 175/200 153/168 415/442 NONE - - 48 60 51 263 52 60 56 267 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 75/80 80/80 76/80 285/288 79/83 80/90 81/84 289/292 HIGH 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 90/96 90/100 90/96 296/302 94/100 100/100 94/100 300/306 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 113/123 125/125 111/120 315/323 117/127 125/150 115/124 319/327 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 132/145 150/150 128/140 330/340 136/148 150/150 132/144 334/344 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 159/176 175/200 153/169 440/467 163/180 175/200 157/173 444/471 NONE - - 21 25 21 97 22 25 23 99 116B 13.9 16.7 41 45 41 114 43 45 43 116 STD 113B 16.5 19.8 45 45 44 117 47 50 46 119 114B 27.8 33.4 62 70 60 130 64 70 62 132 115B 33.0 39.7 70 70 67 137 72 80 69 139 128B 41.7 50.2 83 90 79 147 85 90 81 149 NONE - - 21 25 22 116 23 25 24 118 m 116B 13.9 16.7 42 45 42 133 44 45 44 135 co MED 113B 16.5 19.8 46 50 45 136 48 50 47 138 m 114B 27.8 33.4 63 70 61 149 65 70 63 151 a 115B 33.0 39.7 71 80 68 156 73 80 70 158 128B 41.7 50.2 84 90 80 166 86 90 82 168 NONE - - 23 25 24 131 25 30 27 133 116B 13.9 16.7 44 45 44 148 46 50 46 150 HIGH 113B 16.5 19.8 48 50 47 151 50 50 49 153 114E 27.8 33.4 65 70 63 164 67 70 65 166 115B 33.0 39.7 73 80 70 171 75 80 72 173 1286 41.7 50.2 86 90 82 181 88 90 84 183 NONE - - 15 20 15 79 19 20 20 83 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 36 40 35 96 40 40 40 100 119A 36.0 34.6 58 60 55 114 62 70 59 118 goo NONE - - 15 20 16 83 19 20 20 87 N MED 118A 18.0 17.3 37 40 36 100 41 45 40 104 in n 119A 36.0 34.6 59 60 56 118 62 70 60 122 NONE - - 16 20 17 94 20 25 21 98 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 38 40 37 111 41 45 41 115 119A 36.0 34.6 59 60 56 129 63 70 1 61 133 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 91 Electrical data (cant) Carrier���--- �' 9.I Muted Team*gm 50HCQ*09D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR _ NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX USE DISC.SIZE USE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 46 60 47 236 49 60 52 240 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 73/77 80/80 72/76 258/261 76/81 80/90 77/80 262/265 STD 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 87/94 90/100 86/92 269/275 91/97 100/100 90/96 273/279 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 110/120 110/125 107/116 288/296 114/124 125/125 111/120 292/300 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 129/142 150/150 124/136 303/313 133/146 150/150 128/140 307/317 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 156/173 175/175 149/165 413/440 160/177 175/200 153/169 417/444 NONE - - 49/49 60/60 51/51 278 53/52 60/60 55/55 282 ci 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 76/80 80/80 76/80 300/303 80/84 80/90 80/84 304/307 M 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 91/97 100/100 89/95 311/317 94/101 100/110 94/99 315/321 co MED 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 113/123 125/125 110/119 330/338 117/127 125/150 115/124 334/342 N 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 132/145 150/150 128/139 345/355 136/149 150/150 132/144 349/359 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 159/176 175/200 153/168 455/482 163/180 175/200 157/173 459/486 NONE - - 51 60 53 292 55 60 58 296 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 78/82 80/90 78/82 314/317 82/86 90/90 83/87 318/321 HIGH 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 93/99 100/100 92/98 325/331 97/103 100/110 96/102 329/335 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 116/126 125/150 113/122 344/352 119/129 125/150 117/127 348/356 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 134/147 150/150 130/142 359/369 138/151 150/175 135/146 363/373 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 161/178 175/200 155/171 469/496 165/182 175/200 160/175 473/500 NONE - - 21 25 22 118 23 25 24 120 116B 13.9 16.7 42 45 41 135 44 45 43 137 STD 113B 16.5 19.8 46 50 45 138 48 50 47 140 114B 27.8 33.4 63 70 60 151 65 70 62 153 115B 33.0 39.7 71 80 67 158 73 80 69 160 128E 41.7 50.2 84 90 79 168 86 90 82 170 NONE - - 23 25 24 139 25 30 26 141 c 116B 13.9 16.7 44 45 43 156 45 45 45 158 `"' MED 113B 16.5 19.8 47 50 46 159 49 50 48 161 114E 27.8 33.4 64 70 62 172 66 70 64 174 v 115B 33.0 39.7 72 80 69 179 74 80 71 181 128B 41.7 50.2 85 90 81 189 87 90 83 191 NONE - - 24 30 25 146 26 30 27 148 116B 13.9 16.7 45 45 44 163 46 50 46 165 HIGH 113B 16.5 19.8 49 50 48 166 50 50 50 168 114B 27.8 33.4 66 70 63 179 67 70 65 181 115B 33.0 39.7 73 80 70 186 75 80 73 188 128B 41.7 50.2 87 90 83 196 88 90 85 198 NONE - - 17 20 17 97 21 25 22 101 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 38 40 37 114 42 45 41 118 119A 36.0 34.6 60 60 57 132 64 70 61 136 m NONE - - 18 20 18 108 21 25 22 112 c'?N MED 118A 18.0 17.3 39 40 38 125 43 45 42 129 119A 36.0 34.6 61 70 58 143 65 70 62 147 in NONE - - 18 20 18 108 21 25 22 112 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 39 40 38 125 43 45 42 129 119A 36.0 34.6 61 70 58 143 65 70 62 147 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 92 . Carrier 50HCQ*09D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER.SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX • MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 50 60 53 241 54 60 57 245 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 77/82 80/90 78/82 263/266 81/85 90/90 82/86 267/270 STD 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 92/98 100/100 91/97 274/280 96/102 100/110 96/101 278/284 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 115/125 125/125 112/121 293/301 119/129 125/150 117/126 297/305 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 134/147 150/150 129/141 308/318 138/150 150/150 134/146 312/322 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 161/178 175/200 154/170 418/445 165/182 175/200 159/174 422/449 NONE - - 54/53 60/60 56/56 283 57/57 70/70 61/61 287 0 ro 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 81/85 90/90 81/85 305/308 84/89 90/90 86/89 309/312 0 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 95/102 100/110 95/101 316/322 99/105 100/110 99/105 320/326 MED 111A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 118/128 125/150 116/125 335/343 122/132 125/150 120/129 339/347 N 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 137/150 150/150 133/145 350/360 141/154 150/175 138/149 354/364 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 164/181 175/200 158/174 460/487 168/185 175/200 162/178 464/491 NONE - - 56 60 59 297 60 70 63 301 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 83/87 90/90 84/88 319/322 87/91 90/100 88/92 323/326 HIGH 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 98/104 100/110 97/103 330/336 101/108 110/110 102/108 334/340 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 120/130 125/150 118/128 349/357 124/134 125/150 123/132 353/361 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 139/152 150/175 136/148 364/374 143/156 150/175 140/152 368/378 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 166/183 175/200 161/176 474/501 170/187 175/200 165/181 478/505 NONE - - 23 25 24 120 25 30 26 122 116B 13.9 16.7 44 45 43 137 46 50 46 139 STD 113B 16.5 19.8 48 50 47 140 50 50 49 142 114B 27.8 33.4 65 70 63 153 67 70 65 155 115B 33.0 39.7 73 80 70 160 75 80 72 162 128B 41.7 50.2 86 90 82 170 88 90 84 172 NONE - - 25 30 26 141 27 30 28 143 0 116B 13.9 16.7 46 50 45 158 48 50 47 160 co 113B 16.5 19.8 50 50 49 161 51 60 51 163 A MED m 114B 27.8 33.4 67 70 65 174 68 70 67 176 a 115B 33.0 39.7 75 80 72 181 76 80 74 183 128B 41.7 50.2 88 90 84 191 89 90 86 193 NONE - - 26 30 27 148 28 30 29 150 116B 13.9 16.7 47 50 47 165 49 50 49 167 HIGH 1138 16.5 19.8 51 60 50 168 53 60 52 170 114B 27.8 33.4 68 70 66 181 70 70 68 183 115B 33.0 39.7 76 80 73 188 77 80 75 190 128E 41.7 50.2 89 90 85 198 91 100 87 200 NONE - - 18 20 19 99 22 25 23 103 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 40 40 39 116 44 45 43 120 119A 36.0 34.6 62 70 59 134 66 70 63 138 m NONE - - 19 25 20 110 23 25 24 114 M MED 118A 18.0 17.3 41 45 40 127 45 45 44 131 in Lo 119A 36.0 34.6 63 70 60 145 66 70 64 149 NONE - - 19 25 20 110 23 25 24 114 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 41 45 40 127 45 45 44 131 119A 36.0 34.6 63 70 60 145 66 70 64 149 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 93 Electrical data (cant) Carrier , 'a muted Teetnl&o tes 50HCQ'12D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE OR DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR HACR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA BRKR FLA LRA NONE - - 46 60 47 262 49 60 52 266 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 72/76 80/80 71/75 283/286 76/80 80/80 76/79 287/290 STD 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 89/95 90/100 87/93 296/302 92/99 100/100 91/97 300/306 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 133/146 150/150 128/140 332/343 137/150 150/150 132/144 336/347 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 159/177 175/200 152/168 443/471 163/180 175/200 156/172 447/475 291A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 176/166 200/175 167/186 471/503 180/170 200/175 172/190 475/507 NONE - - 49/49 60/60 51/51 304 53/53 60/60 55/55 308 Fif 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 75/79 80/80 75/79 325/328 79/83 80/90 79/83 329/332 M 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 92/98 100/100 91/97 338/344 96/102 100/110 95/101 342/348 N MED 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 136/149 150/150 131/144 374/385 140/153 150/175 136/148 378/389 N288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 162/180 175/200 155/171 485/513 166/183 175/200 160/176 489/517 291A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 179/169 200/175 171/189 513/545 183/173 200/200 175/194 517/549 NONE - - 62 80 65 324 66 80 69 328 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 88/92 100/100 89/93 345/348 92/96 100/100 93/97 349/352 HIGH 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 105/112 110/125 104/111 358/364 109/115 110/125 109/115 362/368 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 149/163 150/175 145/158 394/405 153/167 175/175 150/162 398/409 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 175/193 175/200 169/185 505/533 179/197 200/200 174/190 509/537 291 A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 192/182 200/200 185/203 533/565 196/186 200/200 189/208 537/569 NONE - - 23 30 23 125 25 30 26 127 289A 10.0 12.0 38 40 37 137 40 40 39 139 STD 292A 16.5 19.9 48 50 46 145 49 50 48 147 295A 33.5 40.3 73 80 70 165 75 80 72 167 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 88 90 84 230 90 90 86 232 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 83 90 93 245 85 90 95 247 NONE - - 24 30 25 146 26 30 27 148 o 289A 10.0 12.0 39 40 39 158 41 45 41 160 1O 292A 16.5 19.9 49 50 48 166 51 60 50 168 `) MED ci 295A 33.5 40.3 75 80 72 186 77 80 74 188 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 90 90 85 251 92 100 88 253 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 85 90 95 266 86 90 97 268 NONE - - 31 40 32 156 33 40 34 158 289A 10.0 12.0 46 50 46 168 48 50 48 170 HIGH 292A 16.5 19.9 56 60 55 176 58 60 57 178 295A 33.5 40.3 81 90 79 196 83 90 81 198 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 96 100 92 261 98 100 94 263 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 91 100 101 276 93 100 104 278 NONE - - 18 20 18 95 21 25 22 99 290A 10.0 9.6 30 30 29 105 33 35 33 109 STD 293A 16.5 15.9 37 40 36 111 41 45 41 115 296A 33.5 32.2 58 60 55 127 62 70 59 131 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 70 70 66 179 74 80 70 183 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 66 70 73 191 69 80 78 195 NONE - - 18 20 19 106 22 25 23 110 Fe' 290A 10.0 9.6 30 30 30 116 34 35 34 120 MED 293A 16.5 15.9 38 40 37 122 42 45 42 126 N. 296A 33.5 32.2 59 60 56 138 62 70 60 142 u' 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 71 80 67 190 74 80 71 194 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 66 70 74 202 70 80 79 206 NONE - - 25 30 26 118 29 35 30 122 290A 10.0 9.6 37 40 37 128 41 45 41 132 HIGH 293A 16.5 15.9 45 45 44 134 49 50 49 138 296A 33.5 32.2 66 70 63 150 69 70 67 154 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 78 80 74 202 81 90 79 206 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 73 80 81 214 77 80 86 218 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 94 Carrier C 50HCQ*12D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA SINGLE STAGE COOLING WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE OR DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR HACR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA BRKR FLA LRA NONE - - 50 60 53 267 54 60 57 271 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 77/81 80/90 77/81 288/291 80/84 80/90 81/85 292/295 STD 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 93/100 100/100 92/99 301/307 97/104 100/110 97/103 305/311 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 138/151 150/175 133/146 337/348 142/155 150/175 138/150 341/352 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 164/181 175/200 157/173 448/476 168/185 175/200 162/178 452/480 291A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 181/171 200/175 173/191 476/508 185/175 200/200 177/196 480/512 0 NONE - - 54/54 60/60 57/56 309 57/57 70/70 61/61 313 €9 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 80/84 80/90 81/84 330/333 84/87 90/90 85/89 334/337 MED 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 97/103 100/110 96/102 343/349 100/107 100/110 101/106 347/353 N 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 141/154 150/175 137/149 379/390 145/158 150/175 141/154 383/394 0 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 167/184 175/200 161/177 490/518 171/188 175/200 165/181 494/522 cm 291 A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 184/174 200/200 177/195 518/550 188/178 200/200 181/199 522/554 NONE - - 67 80 70 329 71 80 75 333 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 93/97 100/100 94/98 350/353 97/101 100/110 99/102 354/357 HIGH 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 110/116 110/125 110/116 363/369 114/120 125/125 114/120 367/373 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 154/168 175/175 151/163 399/410 158/171 175/175 155/167 403/414 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 180/198 200/200 175/191 510/538 184/201 200/225 179/195 514/542 291 A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 197/187 200/200 190/209 538/570 201/191 225/200 195/213 542/574 NONE - - 25 30 26 127 27 30 28 129 289A 10.0 12.0 40 40 40 139 42 45 42 141 STD 292A 16.5 19.9 50 50 49 147 52 60 51 149 295A 33.5 40.3 75 80 72 167 77 80 74 169 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 90 90 86 232 92 100 88 234 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 85 90 95 247 87 90 97 249 NONE - - 27 30 28 148 28 30 30 150 o 289A 10.0 12.0 42 45 42 160 43 45 44 162 `9 292A 16.5 19.9 51 60 51 168 53 60 53 170 T MED 0 295A 33.5 40.3 77 80 74 188 79 80 76 190 v 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 92 100 88 253 94 100 90 255 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 87 90 97 268 89 100 99 270 NONE - - 33 40 35 _ 158 35 40 37 160 289A 10.0 12.0 48 50 49 170 50 50 51 172 HIGH 292A 16.5 19.9 58 60 58 178 60 60 60 180 295A 33.5 40.3 84 90 81 198 85 90 83 200 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 99 100 95 263 100 100 97 265 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 93 100 104 278 95 100 106 280 NONE - - 19 25 20 97 23 25 24 101 290A 10.0 9.6 31 35 31 107 35 35 35 111 STD 293A 16.5 15.9 39 40 38 113 43 45 43 117 296A 33.5 32.2 59 60 57 129 63 70 61 133 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 72 80 68 181 75 80 72 185 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 67 70 75 193 71 80 80 197 NONE - - 20 25 21 108 24 25 25 112 mo 290A 10.0 9.6 32 35 32 118 36 40 36 122 `� MED 293A 16.5 15.9 40 40 39 124 44 45 43 128 n 296A 33.5 32.2 60 60 58 140 64 70 62 144 u' 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 72 80 69 192 76 80 73 196 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 68 70 76 204 72 80 81 208 NONE - - 27 30 28 120 31 35 32 124 290A 10.0 9.6 39 45 39 130 43 45 43 134 HIGH 293A 16.5 15.9 47 50 46 136 51 60 51 140 296A 33.5 32.2 67 70 65 152 71 80 69 156 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 79 80 76 204 83 90 81 208 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 75 80 83 216 79 90 88 220 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 95 Electrical data (cant) Carrie _ 'Wilted Iechnehr ies 50HCQ*07D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA TWO STAGE COOLING WITH TWO SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 33/33 50/50 32/32 165 37/36 50/50 36/36 169 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 50/52 60/60 47/50 179/181 54/56 60/60 52/54 183/185 STD 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 60/64 60/70 57/60 187/190 64/68 70/70 61/65 191/194 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 75/81 80/90 70/76 198/204 78/85 80/90 75/80 202/208 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 88/96 90/100 82/90 253/266 91/100 100/100 87/94 257/270 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 102/112 110/125 95/105 275/293 106/116 110/125 100/109 279/297 NONE - - 36/35 50/50 35/34 195 39/39 50/50 39/39 199 m 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 53/54 60/60 51/52 209/211 56/58 60/60 55/56 213/215 `? 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 63/66 70/70 60/63 217/220 67/70 70/80 64/67 221/224 N MED 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 77/83 80/90 73/78 228/234 81/87 90/90 78/83 232/238 0 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 90/98 90/100 85/92 283/296 94/102 100/110 90/97 287/300 a 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 105/115 110/125 99/108 305/323 108/118 110/125 103/112 309/327 NONE - - 41/40 50/50 41/40 230 44/44 60/60 45/44 234 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 58/59 60/60 56/58 244/246 61/63 70/70 61/62 248/250 HIGH 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 68/71 80/80 66/69 252/255 72/75 80/80 70/73 256/259 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 82/88 90/90 79/84 263/269 86/92 90/100 84/88 267/273 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 95/103 100/110 91/98 318/331 99/107 100/110 96/102 322/335 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 110/120 110/125 104/113 340/358 113/123 125/125 109/118 344/362 NONE - - 17 25 16 81 19 25 18 83 265A 6.0 7.2 26 30 25 88 28 30 27 90 STD 266A 11.5 13.8 34 40 32 95 36 40 34 97 267A 14.0 16.8 38 40 36 98 40 40 38 100 268A 23.0 27.7 52 60 48 109 54 60 50 111 269A 25.5 30.7 55 60 52 112 57 60 54 114 NONE - - 18 25 17 97 20 25 19 99 c 265A 6.0 7.2 27 30 26 104 29 30 28 106 `"� MED 266A 11.5 13.8 35 40 33 111 37 40 35 113 267A 14.0 16.8 39 40 37 114 41 45 39 116 RI. 268A 23.0 27.7 53 60 49 125 54 60 51 127 269A 25.5 30.7 56 60 53 128 58 60 55 130 NONE - - 21 25 20 114 22 30 22 116 265A 6.0 7.2 30 30 29 121 31 35 31 123 HIGH 266A 11.5 13.8 38 40 36 128 40 45 38 130 267A 14.0 16.8 42 45 40 131 43 45 42 133 268A 23.0 27.7 55 60 52 142 57 60 54 144 269A 25.5 30.7 59 60 56 145 61 70 58 147 NONE - - 14 20 13 68 18 25 18 72 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 36 40 33 85 40 40 38 89 299A 28.0 26.9 48 50 44 95 52 60 49 99 o NONE - - 16 20 15 81 20 25 20 85 `'? MED 118A 18.0 17.3 37 40 35 98 41 45 40 102 in N. 299A 28.0 26.9 49 50 46 108 53 60 51 112 NONE - - 17 20 17 95 21 25 22 99 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 39 40 37 112 43 45 42 116 299A 28.0 26.9 51 60 48 122 55 60 53 126 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 96 Carrier =1= 50HCQ*07D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA TWO STAGE COOLING WITH TWO SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX NOM. CRHEATER Nom FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSEOR DISC.SIZE OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 38/37 50/50 37/37 170 41/41 50/50 42/42 174 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 55/57 60/60 53/55 184/186 58/61 60/70 57/59 188/190 STD 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 65/69 70/80 62/66 192/195 69/73 80/80 67/70 196/199 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 79/86 80/90 76/81 203/209 83/89 90/90 80/86 207/213 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 92/101 100/110 88/95 258/271 96/104 100/110 92/100 262/275 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 107/117 110/125 101/111 280/298 110/121 125/125 105/115 284/302 0 NONE - - 40/40 50/50 41/40 200 44/43 60/60 45/44 204 (0 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 57/59 60/60 56/58 214/216 61/63 70/70 61/62 218/220 M o co MED 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 68/71 80/80 66/68 222/225 71/75 80/80 70/73 226/229 a 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 82/88 90/90 79/84 233/239 86/92 90/100 83/88 237/243 N117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 95/103 100/110 91/98 288/301 99/107 100/110 95/102 292/305 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 109/119 110/125 104/113 310/328 113/123 125/125 108/117 314/332 NONE - - 45/45 60/60 46/45 235 49/48 60/60 51/50 239 264A 4.9/6.5 13.6/15.6 62/64 70/70 62/63 249/251 66/68 80/80 66/68 253/255 HIGH 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 73/76 80/80 71/74 257/260 76/80 80/80 76/78 261/264 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 87/93 90/100 85/90 268/274 91/97 100/100 89/94 272/278 117A+117A 15.8/21.0 43.8/50.5 100/108 100/110 97/103 323/336 104/112 110/125 101/108 327/340 110A+117A 19.9/26.5 55.2/63.8 114/124 125/125 110/119 345/363 118/128 125/150 114/123 349/367 NONE - - 19 25 19 83 21 30 21 85 265A 6.0 7.2 28 30 27 90 30 35 29 92 STD 266A 11.5 13.8 37 40 35 97 38 40 37 99 267A 14.0 16.8 40 45 38 100 42 45 40 102 268A 23.0 27.7 54 60 51 111 56 60 53 113 269A 25.5 30.7 58 60 54 114 59 60 56 116 NONE - - 20 25 20 99 22 30 22 101 0 265A 6.0 7.2 29 30 28 106 31 35 30 108 `9 MED 266A 11.5 13.8 37 40 36 113 39 45 38 115 m 267A 14.0 16.8 41 45 39 116 43 45 41 118 wr 268A 23.0 27.7 55 60 52 127 57 60 54 129 269A 25.5 30.7 59 60 55 130 60 60 57 132 NONE - - 23 30 23 116 25 30 25 118 265A 6.0 7.2 32 35 31 123 34 40 33 125 HIGH 266A 11.5 13.8 40 45 39 130 42 45 41 132 267A 14.0 16.8 44 45 42 133 46 50 44 135 268A 23.0 27.7 57 60 55 144 59 60 57 146 269A 25.5 30.7 61 70 58 147 63 70 60 149 NONE - - 16 20 15 70 20 25 20 74 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 37 40 35 87 41 45 40 91 299A 28.0 26.9 49 50 46 97 53 60 51 101 m NONE - - 17 20 17 83 21 25 22 87 MED 118A 18.0 17.3 39 40 37 100 43 45 42 104 in 299A 28.0 26.9 51 60 48 110 55 60 53 114 NONE - - 19 25 19 97 23 30 24 101 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 41 45 39 114 45 45 44 118 299A 28.0 26.9 53 60 50 124 57 60 55 128 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 97 Electrical data (cunt) 'Carrier, __. ;y,muted ieebnmedies 50HCQ*08D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA TWO STAGE COOLING WITH TWO SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 39/39 50/50 40/40 195 43/42 50/50 45/44 199 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 66/70 70/70 65/69 217/220 70/74 70/80 70/73 221/224 STD 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 80/87 90/90 79/84 228/234 84/90 90/90 83/89 232/238 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 103/113 110/125 100/109 247/255 107/117 110/125 104/113 251/259 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 122/135 125/150 117/129 262/272 126/139 150/150 121/133 266/276 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 149/166 150/175 142/157 372/399 153/170 175/175 146/162 376/403 NONE - - 40/40 50/50 42/41 199 44/44 50/50 46/46 203 m 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 67/71 70/80 67/70 221/224 71/75 80/80 71/75 225/228 47 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 82/88 90/90 80/86 232/238 86/92 90/100 85/90 236/242 o el MED 111A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 105/114 110/125 101/110 251/259 108/118 110/125 106/114 255/263 0 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 123/136 125/150 118/130 266/276 127/140 150/150 123/134 270/280 a 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 151/167 175/175 143/159 376/403 154/171 175/175 148/163 380/407 NONE - - 44/43 50/50 46/45 249 48/47 60/50 50/49 253 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 71/74 80/80 71/74 271/274 75/78 80/80 75/78 275/278 HIGH 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 85/91 90/100 84/89 282/288 89/95 90/100 89/93 286/292 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 108/117 110/125 105/114 301/309 112/121 125/125 110/118 305/313 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 127/139 150/150 123/133 316/326 131/143 150/150 127/138 320/330 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 154/170 175/175 148/162 426/453 158/174 175/175 152/167 430/457 NONE - - 19 20 19 97 20 25 21 99 116B 13.9 16.7 40 40 38 114 41 45 40 116 STD 113B 16.5 19.8 43 45 42 117 45 45 44 119 114B 27.8 33.4 60 60 58 130 62 70 60 132 115E 33.0 39.7 68 70 65 137 70 70 67 139 128B 41.7 50.2 81 90 77 147 83 90 79 149 NONE - - 19 25 20 100 21 25 22 102 0 116B 13.9 16.7 40 40 39 117 42 45 41 119 co c"� MED 113B 16.5 19.8 44 45 43 120 46 50 45 122 114B 27.8 33.4 61 70 58 133 63 70 60 135 a 115B 33.0 39.7 69 70 65 140 71 80 68 142 128B 41.7 50.2 82 90 78 150 84 90 80 152 NONE - - 21 25 22 125 22 25 24 127 116B 13.9 16.7 42 45 41 142 43 45 43 144 HIGH 113E 16.5 19.8 45 45 44 145 47 50 46 147 114B 27.8 33.4 62 70 60 158 64 70 62 160 115B 33.0 39.7 70 70 67 165 72 80 69 167 128B 41.7 50.2 83 90 79 175 85 90 81 177 NONE - - 14 20 15 79 18 20 19 83 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 36 40 35 96 40 40 39 100 119A 36.0 34.6 58 60 55 114 61 70 59 118 m NONE - - 15 20 16 83 19 20 20 87 ei' MED 118A 18.0 17.3 37 40 35 100 40 45 40 104 n ,n 119A 36.0 34.6 58 60 55 118 62 70 60 122 NONE - - 16 20 17 92 20 25 21 96 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 38 40 37 109 42 45 41 113 119A 36.0 34.6 59 60 56 127 63 70 61 131 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 98 Canlel- ' 50HCQ*08D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA TWO STAGE COOLING WITH TWO SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 44/43 50/50 46/46 200 47/47 60/50 50/50 204 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 71/75 80/80 71/74 222/225 74/78 80/80 75/79 226/229 STD 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 85/91 90/100 84/90 233/239 89/95 90/100 89/94 237/243 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 108/118 110/125 105/114 252/260 112/122 125/125 110/119 256/264 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 127/140 150/150 122/134 267/277 131/143 150/150 127/138 271/281 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 154/171 175/175 147/163 377/404 158/175 175/175 152/167 381/408 NONE - - 45/45 50/50 47/47 204 49/48 60/60 52/51 208 0 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 72/76 80/80 72/76 226/229 76/80 80/80 77/80 230/233 Mo 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 87/93 90/100 86/91 237/243 90/96 90/100 90/96 241/247 in MED 111A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 109/119 110/125 107/116 256/264 113/123 125/125 111/120 260/268 CV112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 128/141 150/150 124/135 271/281 132/145 150/150 128/140 275/285 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 155/172 175/175 149/164 381/408 159/176 175/200 153/169 385/412 NONE - - 49/48 60/60 52/50 254 52/51 60/60 56/55 258 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 76/79 80/80 76/79 276/279 79/83 80/90 81/83 280/283 HIGH 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 90/96 90/100 90/95 287/293 94/99 100/100 94/99 291/297 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 113/122 125/125 111/119 306/314 117/126 125/150 115/123 310/318 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 132/144 150/150 128/139 321/331 136/148 150/150 133/143 325/335 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 159/175 175/175 153/168 431/458 163/179 175/200 158/172 435/462 NONE - - 21 25 22 99 23 25 24 101 116B 13.9 16.7 42 45 41 116 44 45 43 118 STD 113B 16.5 19.8 46 50 45 119 47 50 47 121 114B 27.8 33.4 63 70 60 132 64 70 62 134 115B 33.0 39.7 71 80 67 139 72 80 69 141 128E 41.7 50.2 84 90 79 149 85 90 82 151 NONE - - 21 _ 25 22 102 23 25 24 104 0 116B 13.9 16.7 42 45 42 119 44 45 44 121 `9 113B 16.5 19.8 46 50 45 122 48 50 47 124 `? MED 114B 27.8 33.4 63 70 61 135 65 70 63 137 a 115B 33.0 39.7 71 80 68 142 73 80 70 144 128B 41.7 50.2 84 90 80 152 86 90 82 154 NONE - - 23 25 24 127 25 30 26 129 116B 13.9 16.7 44 45 43 144 46 50 45 146 HIGH 113B 16.5 19.8 48 50 47 147 49 50 49 149 114B 27.8 33.4 65 70 62 160 66 70 65 162 115B 33.0 39.7 73 80 70 167 74 80 72 169 128B 41.7 50.2 86 90 82 177 87 90 84 179 NONE - - 16 20 17 81 20 25 21 85 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 38 40 37 98 41 45 41 102 119A 36.0 34.6 59 60 56 116 63 70 61 120 m NONE - - 17 20 17 85 21 25 22 89 MED 118A 18.0 17.3 38 40 37 102 42 45 42 106 in r. 119A 36.0 34.6 60 60 57 120 64 70 62 124 NONE - - 18 20 19 94 22 25 23 98 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 39 40 39 111 43 45 43 115 119A 36.0 34.6 61 70 58 129 65 70 63 133 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 99 Electrical data (cont) (Ca` rrier) uUitea iecM1eme9res 50HCQ*09D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA TWO STAGE COOLING WITH TWO SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E. (pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 47/47 60/60 49/49 233 51/51 60/60 54/53 237 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 75/78 80/80 74/78 255/258 78/82 80/90 79/82 259/262 STD 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 89/95 90/100 88/93 266/272 93/99 100/100 92/98 270/276 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 112/122 125/125 109/118 285/293 116/126 125/150 113/122 289/297 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 131/143 150/150 126/138 300/310 135/147 150/150 131/142 304/314 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 158/175 175/175 151/166 410/437 162/178 175/200 155/171 414/441 NONE - - 49/48 60/60 51/50 259 53/52 60/60 56/55 263 0 m 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 76/79 80/80 76/79 281/284 80/83 80/90 81/83 285/288 `o 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 91/96 100/100 90/95 292/298 95/100 100/100 94/99 296/302 co cil MED 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 114/123 125/125 111/119 311/319 117/127 125/150 115/123 315/323 CS/ 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 132/144 150/150 128/139 326/336 136/148 150/150 132/143 330/340 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 159/176 175/200 153/168 436/463 163/179 175/200 157/172 440/467 NONE - - 51/50 60/60 54/53 283 55/54 60/60 58/57 287 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 78/81 80/90 79/81 305/308 82/85 90/90 83/86 309/312 HIGH 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 93/98 100/100 92/97 316/322 97/102 100/110 96/101 320/326 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 116/125 125/125 113/121 335/343 120/129 125/150 118/126 339/347 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 135/146 150/150 130/141 350/360 138/150 150/150 135/145 354/364 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 162/178 175/200 155/170 460/487 165/181 175/200 160/174 464/491 NONE - - 22 25 23 117 24 30 25 119 116B 13.9 16.7 43 45 42 134 45 45 44 136 STD 113B 16.5 19.8 47 50 45 137 48 50 47 139 114B 27.8 33.4 64 70 61 150 65 70 63 152 115B 33.0 39.7 72 80 68 157 73 80 70 159 128B 41.7 50.2 85 90 80 167 86 90 82 169 NONE - - 22 25 23 130 24 30 25 132 0 116B 13.9 16.7 43 45 42 147 45 45 44 149 `9 113B 16.5 19.8 47 50 46 150 49 50 48 152 `1) MED 114E 27.8 33.4 64 70 62 163 66 70 64 165 a 115B 33.0 39.7 72 80 69 170 74 80 71 172 128B 41.7 50.2 85 90 81 180 87 90 83 182 NONE - - 23 25 24 142 25 30 26 144 116B 13.9 16.7 44 45 44 159 46 50 46 161 HIGH 113B 16.5 19.8 48 50 47 162 50 50 49 164 114B 27.8 33.4 65 70 63 175 67 70 65 177 115B 33.0 39.7 73 80 70 182 75 80 72 184 128B 41.7 50.2 86 90 82 192 88 90 84 194 NONE - - 18 20 19 99 22 25 23 103 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 40 40 39 116 44 45 43 120 119A 36.0 34.6 62 70 59 134 65 70 63 138 m NONE - - 19 25 20 108 23 25 24 112 MED 118A 18.0 17.3 41 45 40 125 45 45 44 129 N 119A 36.0 34.6 63 70 60 143 66 70 64 147 NONE - - 19 25 20 108 23 25 24 112 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 41 45 40 125 45 45 44 129 119A 36.0 34.6 63 70 60 143 66 70 64 147 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 100 Ca�rrer i.'United Technologies 50HCQ*09D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA TWO STAGE COOLING WITH TWO SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR OR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA HACR FLA LRA NONE - - 52/52 60/60 55/55 238 56/56 60/60 59/59 242 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 79/83 80/90 80/83 260/263 83/87 90/90 84/88 264/267 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 94/100 100/100 93/99 271/277 98/104 100/110 98/103 275/281 STD 111 A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 127 125/150 114/123 290/298 121/130 125/150 119/128 294/302 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 148/ 150/150 132/143 305/315 139/152 150/175 136/148 309/319 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 179/ 175/200 157/172 415/442 167/183 175/200 161/176 419/446 NONE - - 54/53 60/60 57/56 264 58/57 70/70 61/60 268 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 81/84 90/90 82/85 286/289 85/88 90/90 86/89 290/293 V 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 96/101 100/110 95/100 297/303 99/105 100/110 99/104 301/307 M 118/ 0 MED 111A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 128 125/150 116/124 316/324 122/131 125/150 121/129 320/328 01 0 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 137/ 150/150 133/144 331/341 141/153 150/175 138/149 335/345 CV149 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 180/ 175/200 158/173 441/468 168/184 175/200 163/177 445/472 NONE - - 56/55 60/60 59/58 288 60/59 70/70 64/62 292 117A 7.8/10.4 21.7/25.0 83/86 90/90 84/87 310/313 87/90 90/90 89/91 314/317 110A 12.0/16.0 33.4/38.5 98/103 100/110 98/102 321/327 102/107 110/110 102/107 325/331 121/ HIGH 111A 18.6/24.8 51.7/59.7 130 125/150 119/127 340/348 124/133 125/150 123/131 344/352 112A 24.0/32.0 66.7/77.0 159/ 150/175 136/147 355/365 143/155 150/175 140/151 359/369 112A+117A 31.8/42.4 88.4/102.0 166 S/ 175/200 161/175 465/492 170/186 175/200 165/180 469/496 NONE - - 24 30 25 119 26 30 27 121 116E 13.9 16.7 45 45 44 136 47 50 46 138 STD 113B 16.5 19.8 49 50 48 139 51 60 50 141 114B 27.8 33.4 66 70 64 152 68 70 66 154 115B 33.0 39.7 74 80 71 159 76 80 73 161 128B 41.7 50.2 87 90 83 169 89 90 85 171 NONE - - 25 30 26 132 26 30 28 134 c 116B 13.9 16.7 45 45 45 149 47 50 47 151 co `�' 113B 16.5 19.8 49 50 48 152 51 60 50 154 m MED 114B 27.8 33.4 66 70 64 165 68 70 66 167 a 115B 33.0 39.7 74 80 71 172 76 80 73 174 128B 41.7 50.2 87 90 83 182 89 90 85 184 NONE - - 26 30 27 144 27 30 29 146 116E 13.9 16.7 46 50 46 161 48 50 48 163 HIGH 113B 16.5 19.8 50 50 50 164 52 60 52 166 114B 27.8 33.4 67 70 65 177 69 70 67 179 115B 33.0 39.7 75 80 73 184 77 80 75 186 128B 41.7 50.2 88 90 85 194 90 90 87 196 NONE - - 20 25 21 101 24 25 25 105 STD 118A 18.0 17.3 42 45 41 118 45 45 45 122 119A 36.0 34.6 63 70 61 136 67 70 65 140 m NONE - - 21 25 22 110 25 30 26 114 MED 118A 18.0 17.3 43 45 42 127 46 50 46 131 La Lo 119A 36.0 34.6 64 70 62 145 68 70 66 149 NONE - - 21 25 22 110 25 30 26 114 HIGH 118A 18.0 17.3 43 45 42 127 46 50 46 131 119A 36.0 34.6 64 70 62 145 68 70 66 149 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 101 Electrical data (cont) r 50HCQ*12D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA TWO STAGE COOLING WITH TWO SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR NO C.O.or UNPWR C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE OR DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR HACR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA BRKR FLA LRA NONE - - 48/47 60/60 50/49 259 51/51 60/60 54/54 263 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 74/77 80/80 74/77 280/283 77/81 80/90 78/81 284/287 STD 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 91/97 100/100 89/95 293/299 94/101 100/110 93/99 297/303 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 135/148 150/150 130/142 329/340 139/152 150/175 134/146 333/344 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 161/178 175/200 154/170 440/468 165/182 175/200 158/174 444/472 291 A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 178/168 200/175 170/188 468/500 182/171 200/175 174/192 472/504 NONE - - 49/48 60/60 51/50 285 53/52 60/60 56/55 289 o 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 75/78 80/80 75/78 306/309 79/82 80/90 80/82 310/313 `? 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 92/98 100/100 91/96 319/325 96/102 100/110 95/100 323/329 N MED 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 136/149 150/150 132/143 355/366 140/153 150/175 136/147 359/370 N 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 162/179 175/200 156/171 466/494 166/183 175/200 160/175 470/498 291A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 179/169 200/175 171/189 494/526 183/172 200/200 176/193 498/530 NONE - - 62 80 65 324 66 80 69 328 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 88/92 100/100 89/93 345/348 92/96 100/100 93/97 349/352 HIGH 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 105/112 110/125 104/111 358/364 109/115 110/125 109/115 362/368 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 149/163 150/175 145/158 394/405 153/167 175/175 150/162 398/409 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 175/193 175/200 169/185 505/533 179/197 200/200 174/190 509/537 291 A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 192/182 200/200 185/203 533/565 196/186 200/200 189/208 537/569 NONE - - 24 30 24 124 25 30 26 126 289A 10.0 12.0 39 40 38 136 40 40 40 138 STD 292A 16.5 19.9 48 50 47 144 50 50 49 146 295A 33.5 40.3 74 80 71 164 76 80 73 166 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 89 90 85 229 91 100 87 231 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 84 90 94 244 86 90 96 246 NONE - - 24 30 25 137 26 30 27 139 0 289A 10.0 12.0 39 40 39 149 41 45 41 151 iO 292A 16.5 19.9 49 50 48 157 51 60 50 159 MED 295A 33.5 40.3 74 80 71 177 76 80 73 179 m `T 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 89 90 85 242 91 100 87 244 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 84 90 94 257 86 90 96 259 NONE - - 31 40 32 156 33 40 34 158 289A 10.0 12.0 46 50 46 168 48 50 48 170 HIGH 292A 16.5 19.9 56 60 55 176 58 60 57 178 295A 33.5 40.3 81 90 79 196 83 90 81 198 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 96 100 92 261 98 100 94 263 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 91 100 101 276 93 100 104 278 NONE - - 19 25 20 97 23 25 24 101 290A 10.0 9.6 31 35 31 107 35 35 35 111 LOW 293A 16.5 15.9 39 40 38 113 43 45 42 117 296A 33.5 32.2 59 60 57 129 63 70 61 133 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 71 80 68 181 75 80 72 185 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 67 70 75 193 71 80 79 197 NONE - - 20 25 21 106 24 25 25 110 c 290A 10.0 9.6 32 35 32 116 36 40 36 120 49 293A 16.5 15.9 40 40 39 122 44 45 43 126 `7 MED n 296A 33.5 32.2 60 60 58 138 64 70 62 142 `n 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 72 80 69 190 76 80 73 194 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 68 70 76 202 72 80 81 206 NONE - - 25 30 26 118 29 35 30 122 290A 10.0 9.6 37 40 37 128 41 45 41 132 HIGH 293A 16.5 15.9 45 45 44 134 49 50 49 138 296A 33.5 32.2 66 70 63 150 69 70 67 154 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 78 80 74 202 81 90 79 206 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 73 80 81 214 77 80 86 218 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 102 • Carrier C 50HCQ*12D UNIT WIRE/FUSE OR HACR BREAKER SIZING DATA TWO STAGE COOLING WITH TWO SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR(cont) WITH PWRD C.O. ELEC.HTR NO P.E. WITH P.E.(pwrd fr/unit) MAX MAX FUSE DISC.SIZE FUSE OR DISC.SIZE NOM. CRHEATER Nom OR HACR V-Ph-Hz IFM TYPE ****00 (kW) FLA MCA HACR FLA LRA MCA BRKR FLA LRA NONE - - 52/52 60/60 55/55 264 56/56 60/60 59/59 268 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 78/82 80/90 79/82 285/288 82/86 90/90 83/87 289/292 STD 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 95/102 100/110 95/100 298/304 99/105 100/110 99/105 302/308 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 140/153 150/175 135/147 334/345 144/157 150/175 140/152 338/349 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 166/183 175/200 159/175 445/473 170/187 175/200 164/180 449/477 291 A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 183/172 200/200 175/193 473/505 187/176 200/200 179/197 477/509 NONE - - 54/53 60/60 57/56 290 58/57 70/70 61/60 294 0 0 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 80/83 80/90 81/84 311/314 84/87 90/90 85/88 315/318 M roi MED 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 97/103 100/110 96/102 324/330 101/106 110/110 101/106 328/334 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 141/154 150/175 137/149 360/371 145/158 150/175 142/153 364/375 C 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 167/184 175/200 161/176 471/499 171/188 175/200 165/181 475/503 N 291 A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 184/173 200/200 177/194 499/531 188/177 200/200 181/199 503/535 NONE - - 67 80 70 329 71 80 75 333 288A 7.5/10.0 20.9/24.1 93/97 100/100 94/98 350/353 97/101 100/110 99/102 354/357 HIGH 291A 12.4/16.5 34.4/39.7 110/116 110/125 110/116 363/369 114/120 125/125 114/120 367/373 294A 25.2/33.5 69.9/80.6 154/168 175/175 151/163 399/410 158/171 175/175 155/167 403/414 288A+294A 32.7/43.5 90.7/104.7 180/198 200/200 175/191 510/538 184/201 200/225 179/195 514/542 291 A+294A 37.6/50.0 104.3/120.3 197/187 200/200 190/209 538/570 201/191 225/200 195/213 542/574 NONE - - 26 30 27 126 28 30 29 128 289A 10.0 12.0 41 45 41 138 43 45 43 140 STD 292A 16.5 19.9 51 60 50 146 52 60 52 148 295A 33.5 40.3 76 80 73 166 78 80 75 168 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 91 100 87 231 93 100 89 233 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 86 90 96 246 88 90 98 248 NONE - - 26 30 27 139 28 30 29 141 o 289A 10.0 12.0 41 45 41 151 43 45 43 153 �' MED 292A 16.5 19.9 51 60 50 159 53 60 52 161 c 295A 33.5 40.3 77 80 74 179 78 80 76 181 v 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 92 100 88 244 93 100 90 246 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 86 90 97 259 88 90 99 261 NONE - - 33 40 35 158 35 40 37 160 289A 10.0 12.0 48 50 49 170 50 50 51 172 HIGH 292A 16.5 19.9 58 60 58 178 60 60 60 180 295A 33.5 40.3 84 90 81 198 85 90 83 200 289A+295A 43.5 52.3 99 100 95 263 100 100 97 265 292A+295A 50.0 60.2 93 100 104 278 95 100 106 280 NONE - - 21 25 22 99 25 30 26 103 290A 10.0 9.6 33 35 33 109 37 40 37 113 LOW 293A 16.5 15.9 41 45 40 115 44 45 44 119 296A 33.5 32.2 61 70 59 131 65 70 63 135 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 73 80 70 183 77 80 74 187 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 69 70 77 195 73 80 81 199 NONE - - 22 25 23 108 26 30 27 112 m 290A 10.0 9.6 34 35 34 118 38 40 38 122 M MED 293A 16.5 15.9 42 45 41 124 45 45 45 128 n 296A 33.5 32.2 62 70 60 140 66 70 64 144 1e' 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 74 80 71 192 78 80 75 196 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 70 80 78 204 74 80 82 208 NONE - - 27 30 28 120 31 35 32 124 290A 10.0 9.6 39 45 39 130 43 45 43 134 HIGH 293A 16.5 15.9 47 50 46 136 51 60 51 140 296A 33.5 32.2 67 70 65 152 71 80 69 156 290A+296A 43.5 41.9 79 80 76 204 83 90 81 208 293A+296A 50.0 48.1 75 80 83 216 79 90 88 220 See Legend and Notes on page 79. 103 Controls ` Ca�--`er, UMted Tech-Ni gmes Cooling, unit without economizer Two compressor models: When the thermostat calls for heating, terminal Wl is energized. Defrost Board de-ener- Cooling (single speed indoor fan motor) — When gizes both reversing valve solenoids and reversing valves thermostat calls for cooling, terminals G and Y1 are ener- gized. The indoor fan contactor(IFC), reversing valve sole- move to Heating position. The indoor fan contactor is energized; indoor fan motor starts. Outdoor fan relay is noid (RVS) and compressor contactor are energized and energized; both outdoor fan motors run. Compressor con- indoor fan motor, compressor, and outdoor fan starts. On tactors C1 and C2 are energized; both refrigeration circuits 2-Stage 07 units, Y1 allows compressor to operate operate in Heating mode. unloaded at 67%of unit capacity. For all units,the outdoor fan motor runs continuously while unit is cooling. If Stage 1 heating does not satisfy the space load, the Two-stage models: If Stage 1 cooling does not satisfy the space temperature will fall until thermostat calls for Stage 2 heating (W2 closes). Terminal W2 is energized. Defrost space load, the space temperature will rise until thermostat Board issues an output at EHEAT. Heater contactor 1 and calls for Stage 2 cooling (Y2 closes). On two compressor heater contactor 2 (if installed) are energized; all electric units, Defrost Board activates Stage 2 Compressor. Re- heaters are energized. versing valve 2 switches to Cooling position. Compressor 2 contactor is energized; Compressor 2 starts and Circuit 2 When space heating load is partially satisfied, thermostat operates in Cooling mode. On 2-Stage 07 units, Y2 ener- terminal W2 is de-energized; heater contactors are de- gizes the loader plug, allowing compressor to operate at energized and all electric heat is terminated. Stage 1 heat- 100%in cooling mode. ing continues. On two compressor units when Cooling Stage 2 is satis- When the space heating load is fully satisfied, thermostat fied, thermostat Y2 opens. Compressor 2 contactor is de- terminal W 1 is also de-energized. energized; Compressor 2 stops. Reversing Valve 2 remains Reversing valve solenoids remain de-energized until the energized. On 2-Stage 07 units,the loader plug is de-ener- next call for Cooling mode is initiated. gized and compressor operates at 67%. Reversing Valve Cooling, unit with EconoMi$ere IV, X remains energized. When Cooling Stage 1 is satisfied, thermostat Yl opens. When free cooling is not available, the compressors will be controlled by the zone thermostat. When free cooling is Compressor 1 contactor is de-energized; Compressor 1 available, the outdoor air damper is modulated by the stops. Outdoor fan relay is de-energized; outdoor fans stop. After the Fan Delay period, the Indoor fan contactor EconoMi$er IV, X control to provide a 50 to 55 F(10°to is de-energized; indoor fan stops (unless Continuous Fan 13 C) mixed air temperature into the zone. As the mixed air operation has been selected). Reversing Valve 1 remains temperature fluctuates above 55 or below 50 F(13° to energized. 10°C), the dampers will be modulated (open or close) to bring the mixed air temperature back within control. Reversing valve solenoids are energized in Cooling modes. If mechanical cooling is utilized with free cooling, the out- Each solenoid will remain energized until the next Heating door-air damper will maintain its current position at the mode is initiated for this circuit. time the compressor is started. If the increase in cooling Cooling (2-speed indoor fan motor) —Per ASHRAE capacity causes the mixed-air temperature to drop below 90.1-2016 and IECC-2015 standards, during the first 45°F (7°C), then the outdoor-air damper position will be stage of cooling operation the VFD will adjust the fan decreased to the minimum position. If the mixed-air tern- motor to provide 66% of the total cfm established for the perature continues to fall, the outdoor-air damper will unit. When a call for the second stage of cooling is close. Control returns to normal once the mixed-air tem- required, the VFD will allow the total cfm established for perature rises above 48°F(9°C). the unit(100%). If optional power exhaust is installed, as the outdoor air Heating, unit without economizer damper opens and closes, the power exhaust fans will be Upon a request for heating from the space thermostat, ter energized and de energized. minal W1 will be energized with 24V. The IFC, outdoor If field-installed accessory CO2 sensors are connected to fan contactor (OFC), C1, and C2 will be energized. The the EconoMi$er IV,X control,a demand controlled ventila- indoor fan, outdoor fans, and compressor no. 1, and corn- tion strategy will begin to operate. As the CO2 level in the pressor no. 2 are energized and reversing valves are de- zone increases above the CO2 setpoint,the minimum posi- energized and switch position. tion of the damper will be increased proportionally. As the CO2 level decreases because of the increase in fresh air, If the space temperature continues to fall while W 1 is ener- the outdoor air damper will be proportionally closed. gized, W2 will be energized with 24V, and the heater con tactor(s) (HC) will be energized, which will energize the For EconoMi$er IV, X operation, there must be a thermo- electric heater(s). stat call for the fan(G). If the unit is occupied and the fan is When the space thermostat is satisfied,W2 will be de-ener- on, the damper will operate at minimum position. Other- wise,the damper will be closed. gized first, and the electric heater(s)will be de-energized. Upon a further rise in space temperature, W 1 will be de- When the EconoMi$er IV, X control is in the occupied energized. mode and a call for cooling exists (Yl on the thermostat), the control will first check for indoor fan operation. If the fan is not on, then cooling will not be activated. If the fan is 104 Carrier ; on, then the control will open the EconoMi$er IV, X If field-installed accessory CO2 sensors are connected to damper to the minimum position. the PremierLink controller, a PID controlled demand venti- On the initial power to the EconoMi$er IV,X control,it will lation strategy will begin to operate. As the CO2level in the take the damper up to 21/2 minutes before it begins to zone increases above the CO2 setpoint, the minimum posi- position itself. Any change in damper position will take up tion of the damper will be increased proportionally. As the to 30 seconds to initiate. Damper movement from full CO2 level decreases because of the increase in fresh air, closed to full open (or vice versa) will take between 11/2 the outdoor air damper will be proportionally closed. and 21/2 minutes. Heating, unit with EconoMi$er2 controller, If free cooling can be used as determined from the appro- PremierLink controller and a thermostat priate changeover command (switch, dry bulb, enthalpy When the thermostat calls for heating, terminal W1 is curve, differential dry bulb, or differential enthalpy), then energized. The PremierLink controller will move the econ- the control will modulate the dampers open to maintain omizer damper to the minimum position if there is a call the mixed air temperature setpoint at 50° to 55°F (10° to for G and closed if there is a call for W1 without G. In 13°C). order to prevent thermostat from short cycling, the unit is If there is a further demand for cooling (cooling second locked into the heating mode for at least 10 minutes when stage — Y2 is energized), then the control will bring on W1 is energized. The reversing valve solenoid(s) de-ener- compressor stage 1 to maintain the mixed air temperature gizes and switches position. setpoint. The EconoMi$er IV, X damper will be open at On units equipped for two stages of heat, when additional maximum position. EconoMi$er IV, X controller operation heat is needed, W2 is energized and the electric heat (if is limited to a single compressor. used) comes on. When the thermostat is satisfied and W1 2-Speed Note: When operating in ventilation mode only, is de-energized,the IFM stops. the indoor fan motor will automatically adjust to 66% of Cooling, unit with EconoMi$er2 controller, the total cfm established. PremierLink controller and a room sensor Heating, unit with EconoMi$er controller When free cooling is not available, the compressors will be When the room temperature calls for heat through termi- controlled by the PremierLink controller using a PID Error nal W 1, the indoor (evaporator) fan contactor (IFC) and reduction calculation. heater contactor no. 1 (HC1)are energized and the revers- The PremierLink controller will use the following informa- ing valve(s) de-energize and switches position. On units tion to determine if free cooling is available: equipped for 2 stages of heat, when additional heat is • Indoor fan has been on for at least 30 seconds. needed, heater contactor no. 2 is energized through W2. • The SPT, SAT, and OAT inputs must have valid read The economizer damper moves to the minimum position. When the thermostat is satisfied, the damper moves to the • ings.OAT must be less than 75°F(24°C). fully closed position. • OAT must be less than SPT. Cooling, unit with EconoMi$er2 controller, • Enthalpy must be LOW (may be jumpered if an PremierLinkm controller and a thermostat enthalpy sensor is not available). When free cooling is not available, the compressors will be • Economizer position is NOT forced. controlled by the PremierLink controller in response to the When free cooling is available, the outdoor air damper is Y1 and Y2 inputs from the thermostat. positioned through the use of a Proportional Integral (PID) The PremierLink controller will use the following informa- control process to provide a calculated supply air tempera- tion to determine if free cooling is available: ture into the zone. The supply air will maintain the space • Indoor fan has been on for at least 30 seconds. temperature between the heating and cooling setpoints. • The SPT, SAT, and OAT inputs must have valid read- The PremierLinkm controller will integrate the compres- ings. sors stages with the economizer based on similar logic as • OAT must be less than 75°F(24°C). the three routines listed in the previous section. The supply • OAT must be less than SPT. air set point (SASP) will float up and down based on the • Enthalpy must be LOW (may be jumpered if an error reduction calculations that compare space tempera- enthalpy sensor not available). ture and space setpoint. The reversing valves will be ener- • Economizer position is NOT forced. gized. Pre-cooling occurs when there is no call from the thermo- If an optional power exhaust is installed, as the outdoor air stat except G. Pre-cooling is defined as the economizer damper opens and closes, the power exhaust fans will be modulates to provide 70°F(21°C)supply air. energized and de-energized. When free cooling is available the PremierLink controller If field-installed accessory CO2 sensors are connected to will control the compressors, energize the reversing valve(s) the PremierLink controller, a PID-controlled demand venti- and economizer to provide a supply air temperature deter- lation strategy will begin to operate. As the CO2 level in mined to meet the Y1 and Y2 calls from the thermostat. the zone increases above the CO2 setpoint, the minimum If optional power exhaust is installed, as the outdoor air position of the damper will be increased proportionally. As damper opens and closes, the power exhaust fans will be the CO2 level decreases because of the increase in fresh energized and de energized. air, the outdoor air damper will be proportionally closed. 105 Controls (cont) Carrie united TethAolopes Heating, unit with EconoMi$er2, PremierLink At the end of the defrost cycle, the electric heaters (if controller and a room sensor installed) will be de-energized; the reversing valves switch Every 40 seconds the controller will calculate the required and the outdoor fan motor will be energized. The unit will heat stages (maximum of 3) to maintain Supply Air Tem- now operate in the Heating mode. perature (SAT) if the following qualifying conditions are If the space thermostat is satisfied during a defrost cycle, met: the unit will continue in the Defrost mode until the time or • Indoor fan has been on for at least 30 seconds. temperature constraints are satisfied. • COOL mode is not active. Automatic changeover • OCCUPIED,TEMP.COMPENSATED START or HEAT When the system selection switch is set at AUTO. position, mode is active. unit automatically changes from heating operation to cool- • SAT reading is available. ing operation when the temperature of the conditioned • Fire shutdown mode is not active. space rises to the cooling level setting. When the tempera- If all of the above conditions are met, the number of heat ture of the conditioned space falls to the heating level set- stages is calculated; otherwise the required number of heat ting, unit automatically changes from cooling to heating stages will be set to 0. operation(with a 3°F deadband in between). If the PremierLink controller determines that heat stages Continuous air circulation are required, the economizer damper will be moved to minimum position if occupied and closed if unoccupied. Turn unit power on. Set system control at OFF position. Set fan switch at ON position. The indoor fan contactor is Defrost energized through the thermostat switch and the indoor When the temperature of the outdoor coil drops below fan runs continuously. 28°F (-2°C) as sensed by the defrost thermostat (DFT2) Emergency heat and the defrost timer is at the end of a timed period(adjust- able at 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes), reversing valve sole- When the switch is on (thermostat is set to the EM HT noids (RVS1 and RVS2) are energized and the OFC is de- position), compressor circuit and outdoor thermostats are energized. This switches the position of the reversing bypassed, and the second stage of thermostat energizes valves and shuts off the outdoor fan.The electric heaters(if the indoor blower and the electric resistance heaters. installed)will be energized. RTU Open Controller (Factory Option) — For details The unit continues to defrost until the coil temperature as on operating 50HCQ units equipped with the factory- measured by DFT2 reaches 65°F(18°C), or the duration of installed RTU Open controller option refer to Factory defrost cycle completes a 10-minute period. Installed RTU Open Multi-Protocol Controller Controls, During the Defrost mode, if circuit 1 defrosts first, RVS1 Start Up, Operation and Troubleshooting manual. will oscillate between Heating and Cooling modes until the Defrost mode is complete. 106 Guide i r 4Q.e specifications y_• ___- \/United Technobgies Note about this specification: These specifications are written in Part 4 —(23 09 13) Direct-digital control system "Masterformat"as published by the Construction Specification Institute: for HVAC Please feel free to copy this specification directly into your building spec. 4.01 (23 09 23.13) Decentralized, Rooftop Units: Rooftop Packaged Heat Pump A. (23 09 23.13.A.) PremierLinkTM controller: HVAC guide specifications 1. Shall be ASHRAE 62 compliant. 2. Shall accept 18-32 VAC input power. Size range: 3 TO 10 Nominal Tons Carrier Model Number: 50HCQ*04-12 3. Shall have an operating temperature range from -40°F (-40°C) to 158°F (70°C), 10% to 95% Part 1 —(23 06 80) Schedules for decentralized RH (non-condensing). HVAC equipment 4. Shall include an integrated economizer con- 1.01 (23 06 80.13) Decentralized Unitary HVAC Equip- troller to support an economizer with 4 to ment Schedule 20 mA actuator input and no microprocessor A. (23 06 80.13.A.)Rooftop unit (RTU) schedule controller. 1. Schedule is per the project specification 5. Controller shall accept the following inputs: requirements. space temperature, setpoint adjustment, out- Part 2 — (23 07 16)HVAC equipment insulation door air temperature, indoor air quality, out- door air quality, indoor relative humidity, 2.01 (23 07 16.13) Decentralized, Rooftop Units: compressor lock-out, fire shutdown, enthalpy, A. (23 07 16.13.A.)Evaporator fan compartment: fan status, remote time clock/door switch. 1. Interior cabinet surfaces shall be insulated 6. Shall accept a CO2 sensor in the conditioned with a minimum 1/2-in. thick, minimum space, and be Demand Controlled Ventilation 11/2-lb density, flexible fiberglass insulation (DCV) ready. bonded with a phenolic binder, neoprene 7. Shall provide the following outputs: economizer, coated on the air side. fan, cooling stage 1, cooling stage 2, heat stage 2. Insulation and adhesive shall meet NFPA 90A 1, heat stage 2, heat stage 3/exhaust/ revers- requirements for flame spread and smoke ing valve/ dehumidify/ occupied. generation. 8. Unit shall provide surge protection for the con- 3. Unit internal insulation linings shall be resistant troller through a circuit breaker. to mold growth in accordance with "mold 9. Shall be Internet capable, and communicate at growth and humidity" test in ASTM C1338, a Baud rate of 38.4K or faster. G21, and UL 181 or comparable test 10. Shall have an LED display independently method. Air stream surfaces shall be evalu- showing the status of activity on the communi- ated in accordance with the "Erosion Test" in UL 181, as part of ASTM C1071. cation bus, and processor operation. Part 3 —(23 09 13) Instrumentation and control 11. Shall include an EIA-485 protocol communica- devices for HVAC tion port, an access port for connection of either a computer or a Carrier technician tool, 3.01 (23 09 13.23)Sensors and Transmitters: an EIA-485 port for network communication to A. (23 09 13.23.A.)Thermostats: intelligent space sensors and displays, and a 1. Thermostat must: port to connect an optional LonWorks* plug-in a. have capability to energize 2 different stages communications card. of cooling, and 2 different stages of heating. 12. Shall have built-in Carrier Comfort Network® b. include capability for occupancy scheduling. (CCN) protocol, and be compatible with other CCN devices, including ComfortLink and ComfortVIEWTM controllers. 13. Shall have built-in support for Carrier techni- cian tool. 14. Software upgrades will be accomplished by local download. Software upgrades through chip replacements are not allowed. 15. Shall be shock resistant in all planes to 5G peak, 11ms during operation, and 100G peak, llms during storage. 16. Shall be vibration resistant in all planes to 1.5G at 20-300 Hz. *LonWorks is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. 107 Guide specifications (cat) Care' United leeenaieg,es 17. Shall support a bus length of 4000 ft (1219 upgrades through chip replacements are m) max, 60 devices per 1000 ft (305 m) sec- allowed. tion, and 1 RS-485 repeater per 1000 ft Part 5 —(23 09 33) Electric and electronic control (305 m) sections. system for HVAC B. (23 09 23.13.B.)RTU Open protocol, direct digital 5.01 (23 09 33.13) Decentralized, rooftop units: controller: A. (23 09 33.13.A) General: 1. Shall be ASHRAE 62 compliant. 1. Shall be complete with self-contained low-volt- 2. Shall accept 18-30VAC, 50-60Hz, and con- age control circuit protected by a resettable cir- sume 15VA or less power. cuit breaker on the 24-v transformer side. 3. Shall have an operating temperature range Transformer shall have 75VA capability. from-40°F (-40°C) to 130°F (54°C), 10% to 2. Shall utilize color-coded wiring. 90% RH (non condensing). 3. Shall include a central control terminal board to 4. Shall include built-in protocol for BACnett conveniently and safely provide connection (MS/TP and PTP modes), Modbus** (RTU and points for vital control functions such as: smoke ASCII), Johnson N2 and LonWorks. Lon- detectors, phase monitor, economizer, thermo- Works Echelon processor required for all Lon stat, DDC control options, loss of charge, applications shall be contained in separate freeze switch, high pressure switches. communication board. 4. Unit shall include a minimum of one 8-pin 5. Shall allow access of up to 62 network vari- screw terminal connection board for connec- ables (SNVT). Shall be compatible with all tion of control wiring. open controllers. 5. Shall include integrated defrost system to pre- 6. Baud rate controller shall be selectable using a vent excessive frost accumulation during heat- dip switch. ing duty, and shall be controlled as follows: 7. Shall have an LED display independently a. Defrost shall be initiated on the basis of time showing the status of serial communication, and coil temperature. running, errors, power, all digital outputs, and b. A 30, 60, 90, 120 minute timer shall acti- all analog inputs. vate the defrost cycle only if the coil tem- 8. Shall accept the following inputs: space tern- perature is low enough to indicate a heavy perature, setpoint adjustment, outdoor air frost condition. temperature, indoor air quality, outdoor air quality, compressor lockout, fire shutdown, c. Defrost cycle shall terminate when defrost enthalpy switch, and fan status/filter status/ thermostat is satisfied and shall have a posi humidity/remote occupancy. tive termination time of 10 minutes. 9. Shall provide the following outputs: econo 6. Defrost system shall also include: mizer, variable frequency drive, fan, cooling a. Defrost Cycle Indicator LED. stage 1, cooling stage 2, heat stage 1, heat b. Dip switch selectable defrost time between stage 2, exhaust reversing valve/high fan 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Factory set at speed. 30 minutes. 10. Shall have built-in surge protection circuitry c. Molded plug connection to insure proper through solid-state polyswitches. Polyswitches connection. shall be used on incoming power and network B. (23 09 33.23.B) Safeties: connections. Polyswitches will return to nor- mal when the "trip" condition clears. 1. Compressor over-temperature, over-current. 11. Shall have a battery backup capable of a 2. Low-pressure switch: minimum of 10,000 hours of data and time a. Units with 2 compressors shall have differ- clock retention during power outages. ent sized connectors for the circuit 1 and cir- 12. Shall have built-in support for Carrier techni- cuit 2 loss of charge switches. They shall cian tool. physically prevent the cross-wiring of the 13. Shall include an RS-485 protocol communica safety switches between circuits 1 and 2. b. Loss of charge switch shall use different tion port, an access port for connection of either a computer or a Carrier technician tool, color wire than the high pressure switch. an RS-485 port for network communication The purpose is to assist the installer and ser to intelligent space sensors and displays, and vice technician to correctly wire and/or trou- a port to connect an optional LonWorks com- bleshoot the rooftop unit. munications card. * LonWorks is a registered trademark of the Echelon Corporation. 14. Software upgrades will be accomplished by t BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE(American Society of Heating,Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers). either local or remote download. No software **Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric. 108 Carrier 3. High-pressure switch: 3. Unit shall be rated in accordance with AHRI a. Units with 2 compressors shall have differ- Standards 210/240 and 340/360. ent sized connectors for the circuit 1 and cir- 4. Unit shall be designed to conform to ASHRAE 15. cuit 2 high-pressure switches. They shall 5. Unit shall be UL-tested and certified in accor- physically prevent the cross-wiring of the dance with ANSI Z21.47 Standards and UL or safety switches between circuits 1 and 2. ETL-listed and certified under Canadian stan- b. High-pressure switch shall use different color dards as a total package for safety require- wire than the low-pressure switch. The pur- ments. pose is to assist the installer and service 6. Insulation and adhesive shall meet NFPA 90A technician to correctly wire and/or trouble- requirements for flame spread and smoke gen- shoot the rooftop unit. eration. 4. Freeze protection thermostat, evaporator coil. 7. Unit internal insulation linings shall be resistant 5. Automatic reset, motor thermal overload pro- to mold growth in accordance with "mold tector. growth and humidity" test in ASTM C1338, Part 6 - (23 09 93) Sequence of operations for G21, and UL 181 or comparable test method. HVAC controls Air stream surfaces shall be evaluated in accor- 6.01 (23 09 93.13)Decentralized, Rooftop Units: dance with the "Erosion Test" in UL 181, as part of ASTM C1071. A. (23 09 93.13.A)INSERT SEQUENCE OF OPER- 8. Unit casing shall be capable of withstanding ATION Part 7 - (23 40 13) Panel air filters 500-hour salt spray exposure per ASTM B117 (scribed specimen). 7.01 (23 40 13 13)Decentralized rooftop units: 9. Roof curb shall be designed to conform to A. (23 40 13 13.A) Standard filter section: NRCA Standards. 1. Shall consist of factory-installed, low velocity, 10. Unit shall be subjected to a completely auto- throwaway 2-in. thick fiberglass filters of corn- mated run test on the assembly line. The data mercially available sizes. for each unit will be stored at the factory, and 2. Unit shall use only one filter size. Multiple sizes must be available upon request. are not acceptable. 11. Unit shall be designed in accordance with UL 3. Filters shall be accessible through an access Standard 1995, including tested to withstand panel with "no-tool" removal as described in rain. the unit cabinet section of this specification (23 12. Unit shall be constructed to prevent intrusion of 81 19.13.G). snow and tested to prevent snow intrusion into Part 8 - (23 81 19) Self-contained air conditioners the control box up to 40 mph. 8.01 (23 81 19.13) Small-Capacity Self-Contained Air 13. Unit shake tested to assurance level 1, ASTM Conditioners (5 0 H C Q*0 4-12): D4169 to ensure shipping reliability. A. (23 81 19.13.A) General: 14. High Efficiency Motors listed shall meet sec- t. Outdoor,rooftop mounted,electrically controlled, tion 313 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007). heating and cooling unit utilizing hermetic scroll 8.02 (23 81 19.13.0 Delivery, compressor(s)for cooling duty and heat pump for ) storage, and handling: heating duty. A. Unit shall be stored and handled per manufac- 2. Factory assembled, single piece heating and turer's recommendations. cooling rooftop unit. Contained within the unit B. Lifted by crane requires either shipping top panel enclosure shall be all factory wiring, piping, or spreader bars. controls, and special features required prior to C. Unit shall only be stored or positioned in the field start-up. upright position. 3. Unit shall use Puron® (R-410A) refrigerant. 8.03 (23 81 19.13.D) Project conditions: 4. Unit shall be installed in accordance with the As specified in the contract. manufacturer's instructions. 8.04 (23 81 19.13.D) Operating characteristics: 5. Unit must be selected and installed in compli A. Unit shall be capable of starting and running at ance with local, state, and federal codes. 125°F (52°C) ambient outdoor temperature, meet- B. (23 81 19.13.B.) Quality Assurance: ing maximum load criteria of AHRI Standard 1. Unit meets ASHRAE 90.1-2016 and IECC- 210/240 or 340/360 at ± 10% voltage. 2015 minimum efficiency requirements. 2. Units are ENERGY STAR* certified (except for 04 single phase models). * ENERGY STAR is a registered trademark of the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. 109 Guide specifications (cont) Carrier) B. Compressor with standard controls shall be capa- 4. Base rail shall be a minimum of 16-gauge ble of operation down to 30°F (-1°C), ambient thickness. outdoor temperatures. Accessory Low Ambient G. Condensate pan and connections: controls are available if mechanically cooling at 1. Shall be a sloped condensate drain pan made ambient temperatures below 30°F(-1°C). of a non-corrosive material. C. Unit shall be capable of simultaneous heating duty 2. Shall comply with ASHRAE Standard 62. and defrost cycle operation when using accessory electric heaters. 3. Shall use a 3/4-in. -14 NPT drain connection, possible either through the bottom or end of D. Unit shall discharge supply air vertically or horizon tally as shown on contract drawings. the drain pan. Connection shall be made per manufacturer's recommendations. E. Unit shall be factory configured for vertical supply and return configurations. H. Top panel: F. Unit shall be field convertible from vertical to hori- 1. Shall be a single piece on all 04 to 09 models. zontal configuration. No special kits on 04-09 sizes. Two piece on size 12 models. Size 12 model shall require a supply duct kit for field I. Electrical connections: installation. 1. All unit power wiring shall enter unit cabinet at a G. Unit shall be capable of mixed operation: vertical single,factory prepared, knockout location. supply with horizontal return or horizontal supply 2. Thru-the-base capability. with vertical return. a. Standard unit shall have a thru-the-base electri- 8.05 (23 81 19.13.F)Electrical Requirements: cal location(s)using a raised, embossed portion A. Main power supply voltage, phase, and frequency of the unit basepan. must match those required by the manufacturer. b. Optional, factory approved, watertight con- B. Control Panel SCCR (short circuit current rating): nection method must be used for thru-the- 5kA RMS at Rated Symmetrical Voltage. base electrical connections. 8.06 (23 81 19.13.G)Unit cabinet: c. No basepan penetration, other than those A. Unit cabinet shall be constructed of galvanized steel, authorized by the manufacturer,is permitted. and shall be bonderized and coated with a pre- J. Component access panels (standard): painted baked enamel finish on all externally 1. Cabinet panels shall be easily removable for exposed surfaces. servicing. B. Unit cabinet exterior paint shall be: film thickness, 2. Unit shall have one factory-installed, tool-less, (dry) 0.003 inches minimum, gloss (per ASTM removable, filter access panel. D523, 60°F): 60, Hardness: H-2H Pencil hardness. 3. Panels covering control box, indoor fan, indoor C. Evaporator fan compartment interior cabinet insula- fan motor, and compressors shall have molded tion shall conform to AHRI Standards 210/240 or composite handles. 340/360 minimum exterior sweat criteria. Interior 4. Handles shall be UV modified, composite, per- surfaces shall be insulated with a minimum 1/2-in. manently attached, and recessed into the panel. thick, 1 lb density, flexible fiberglass insulation, neo- 5. Screws on the vertical portion of all removable prene coated on the air side. Aluminum foil-faced fiberglass insulation shall be used in the heat corn- access panels shall engage into heat resistant, partment. molded composite collars. D. Unit internal insulation linings shall be resistant to 6. Collars shall be removable and easily replace mold growth in accordance with "mold growth and able using manufacturer recommended parts. humidity" test in ASTM C1338, G21, and UL 181 8.07 (23 81 19.13.H.) Coils: or comparable test method. Air stream surfaces A. Standard Aluminum/Copper Coils on all models: shall be evaluated in accordance with the "Erosion 1. Standard evaporator and condenser coils shall Test" in UL 181, as part of ASTM C1071. have aluminum lanced plate fins mechanically E. Base of unit shall have a minimum of three locations bonded to seamless internally grooved copper for thru-the-base electrical connections (factory- tubes with all joints brazed. installed or field-installed), standard. 2. Evaporator coils shall be leak tested to 150 F. Base rail: psig. Pressure tested to 450 psig and qualified 1. Unit shall have base rails on a minimum of to UL 1995 burst test at 1775 psig. 2 sides. 3. Condenser coils shall be leak tested to 150 psig. 2. Holes shall be provided in the base rails for rig- Pressure tested to 650 psig and qualified to UL ging shackles to facilitate maneuvering and 1995 burst test at 1980 psig. overhead rigging. 3. Holes shall be provided in the base rail for moving the rooftop by fork truck. 110 Carrier' B. Optional Pre-coated aluminum fin condenser coils on 2. Optional Pre-coated aluminum fin condenser all models: coils on all models: 1. Shall have a durable epoxy-phenolic coating to a. Shall have a durable epoxy-phenolic coating to provide protection in mildly corrosive coastal provide protection in mildly corrosive coastal environments. environments. 2. Coating shall be applied to the aluminum fin b. Coating shall be applied to the aluminum fin stock prior to the fin stamping process to create stock prior to the fin stamping process to cre- an inert barrier between the aluminum fin and ate an inert barrier between the aluminum fin copper tube. and copper tube. 3. Epoxy-phenolic barrier shall minimize galvanic c. Epoxy-phenolic barrier shall minimize gal- action between dissimilar metals. vanic action between dissimilar metals. 4. Corrosion durability of fin stock shall be con- d. Corrosion durability of fin stock shall be con- firmed through testing to be no less than 6000 firmed through testing to be no less than hours salt spray per ASTM B117-90. 6000 hours salt spray per ASTM B117-90. 5. Corrosion durability of fin stock shall be con- e. Corrosion durability of fin stock shall be con- firmed through testing to have no visible corro- firmed through testing to have no visible cor- sion after 48 hour immersion in a room rosion after 48 hour immersion in a room temperature solution of 5%salt, 1%acetic acid. temperature solution of 5% salt, 1% acetic 6. Fin stock coating shall pass 2000 hours of the acid. following: one week exposure in the prohesion f. Fin stock coating shall pass 2000 hours of chamber followed by one week of accelerated the following: one week exposure in the pro- ultraviolet light testing. Prohesion chamber: the hesion chamber followed by one week of solution shall contain 3.5%sodium chloride and accelerated ultraviolet light testing. Prohe- 0.35% ammonium sulfate. The exposure cycle sion chamber: the solution shall contain is one hour of salt fog application at ambient 3.5% sodium chloride and 0.35% ammo- followed by one hour drying at 95°F(35°C). nium sulfate. The exposure cycle is one hour C. Optional Copper-fin evaporator and condenser coils of salt fog application at ambient followed by on all models: one hour drying at 95°F(35°C). 1. Heat exchanger shall be of the tubular-section 3. Optional Copper-fin evaporator and condenser type constructed of a minimum of 20-gauge coils on all models: steel coated with a nominal 1.2-mil aluminum- a. Shall be constructed of copper fins mechani- silicone alloy to aid with corrosion resistance. cally bonded to copper tubes and copper tube 2. Burners shall be of the inshot type constructed sheets. of aluminum-coated steel. b. Galvanized steel tube sheets shall not be 3. Burners shall incorporate orifices for rated acceptable. heat output up to 2000 ft (610 m) elevation. c. A polymer strip shall prevent coil assembly Additional accessory kits may be required for from contacting the sheet metal coil pan to applications above 2000 ft (610 m) elevation, minimize potential for galvanic corrosion depending on local gas supply conditions. between coil and pan. 4. Each heat exchanger tube shall contain multi- 4. Optional E-coated aluminum-fin evaporator and ple dimples for increased heating effectiveness. condenser coils on all models: D. (23 81 19.13.I.) Coils: a. Shall have a flexible epoxy polymer coating 1. Standard aluminum fin/copper tube coils: uniformly applied to all coil surface areas a. Standard evaporator and condenser coils without material bridging between fins. shall have aluminum lanced plate fins b. Coating process shall ensure complete coil mechanically bonded to seamless internally encapsulation of tubes, fins and headers. grooved copper tubes with all joints brazed. c. Color shall be high gloss black with gloss per b. Evaporator coils shall be leak tested to ASTM D523-89. 150 psig, pressure tested to 450 psig, and d. Uniform dry film thickness from 0.8 to 1.2 qualified to UL 1995 burst test at 1775 psig. mil on all surface areas including fin edges. c. Condenser coils shall be leak tested to e. Superior hardness characteristics of 2H per 150 psig, pressure tested to 650 psig, and ASTM D3363-92A and cross-hatch adhe- qualified to UL 1995 burst test at 1980 psig. sion of 4B-5B per ASTM D3359-93. f. Impact resistance shall be up to 160 in.-lb (ASTM D2794-93). g. Humidity and water immersion resistance shall be up to minimum 1000 and 250 111 Guide specifications (cont) Carrier A,United iecbnelapfes hours respectively (ASTM D2247-92 and f. Compressor shall be factory mounted on ASTM D870-92). rubber grommets. h. Corrosion durability shall be confirmed g. Compressor motors shall have internal line through testing to be no less than 6000 break thermal, current overload and high hours salt spray per ASTM B117-90. pressure differential protection. E. (23 81 19.13.I) Refrigerant components: h. Crankcase heaters shall be utilized on all 1. Refrigerant circuit shall include the following models to protect compressor with specific control, safety, and maintenance features: refrigerant charge. a. Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) shall F. (23 81 19.13.J) Filter section help provide optimum performance across 1. Filters access is specified in the unit cabinet sec- the entire operating range. Shall contain tion of this specification. removable power element to allow change 2. Filters shall be held in place by a pivoting filter out of power element and bulb without tray, facilitating easy removal and installation. removing the valve body. 3. Shall consist of factory-installed, low velocity, b. Refrigerant filter drier on each refrigerant throw-away 2-in. thick fiberglass filters. circuit. 4. Filters shall be standard, commercially available c. Service gauge connections on suction and sizes. discharge lines. 5. Only one size filter per unit is allowed. d. Pressure gauge access through a specially G. (23 81 19.13.K)Evaporator fan and motor: designed access port in the top panel of the unit. 1. Evaporator fan motor: e. Suction line accumulator to provide protec- a. Shall have permanently lubricated bearings. tion in all operating modes from cooling, b. Shall have inherent automatic-reset thermal heating and reverse cycle switching. Stan- overload protection or circuit breaker. dard on each refrigerant circuit. c. Shall have a maximum continuous bhp rat- 2. There shall be gauge line access port in the top ing for continuous duty operation; no safety of the rooftop, covered by a black, removable factors above that rating shall be required. plug. 2. Electric Drive (Direct Drive) X13 — 5 Speed/ a. The plug shall be easy to remove and Torque Evaporator Fan: replace. a. Multi-speed motor with easy quick adjust- b. When the plug is removed, the gauge access ment settings. port shall enable maintenance personnel to b. Blower fan shall be double-inlet type with route their pressure gauge lines. forward-curved blades. c. This gauge access port shall facilitate correct c. Shall be constructed from steel with a and accurate condenser pressure readings by corrosion resistant finish and dynamically enabling the reading with the compressor balanced. access panel on. d. The plug shall be made of a leak proof, UV- d. Standard on a1104-06 models. resistant, composite material. 3. Belt-driven evaporator fan: 3. Compressors: a. Belt drive shall include an adjustable pitch a. Unit shall use one fully hermetic, scroll com- motor pulley. pressor for each independent refrigeration b. Shall use sealed, permanently lubricated ball- circuit. bearing type. b. Models shall be available with single corn c. Blower fan shall be double inlet type with for- pressor/single stage cooling designs on 04 ward curved blades. 07 models, single compressor/2-stage cool- d. Shall be constructed from steel with a corro- ing on 07 size, and 2 compressor/2-stage sion resistant finish and dynamically balanced. cooling models on 08-12 sizes. e. Standard on all 07-12 size models. Optional c. Compressor motors shall be cooled by on all 04-06 3-phase models. refrigerant gas passing through motor wind- H. (23 81 19.13.L) Condenser Fans and Motors: ings. 1. Condenser fan motors: d. Compressors shall be internally protected a. Shall be a totally enclosed motor. from high discharge temperature conditions. e. Compressors shall be protected from an b. Shall use permanently lubricated bearings. overtemperature and over-amperage condi- c. Shall have inherent thermal overload protec- tions by an internal, motor overload device. tion with an automatic reset feature. 112 Carrier meg Technologies d. Shall use a shaft down design on all sizes. Vertical return modules shall be available as 2. Condenser fans: a factory-installed option. a. Shall be a direct driven propeller type fan. c. Damper blades shall be galvanized steel with b. Shall have aluminum blades riveted to corro- composite gears. Plastic or composite blades sion resistant steel spiders and shall be on intake or return shall not be acceptable. dynamically balanced. d. Shall include all hardware and controls to I. (23 81 19.13.M.) Special features, options, and provide free cooling with outdoor air when accessories: temperature and/or humidity are below set- points. 1. Staged Air Volume System (SAVTM) for 2-stage e. Shall be equipped with gear driven dampers cooling models only: for both the outdoor ventilation air and the a. Evaporator fan motor: return air for positive air stream control. 1) Shall have permanently lubricated bear- f. Standard leak rate models shall be equipped ings• with dampers not to exceed 2%leakage at 1 2) Shall have a maximum continuous bhp rat- in. wg pressure differential. ing for continuous duty operation; no g. Economizer controller on EconoMi$er IV safety factors above that rating. models shall be Honeywell W7212 that pro- 3) Shall be Variable Frequency duty and 2- vides: speed control. 4) Shall contain motor shaft grounding ring 1) Combined minimum and DCV maximum to prevent electrical bearing fluting damage damper position potentiometers with by safely diverting harmful shaft voltages compressor staging relay. and bearing currents to ground. 2) Functions with solid state analog enthalpy 2. Variable frequency drive (VFD). Only available or dry bulb changeover control sensing. on 2-speed indoor fan motor option (SAV): 3) LED indicators for: when free cooling is available, when module is in DCV mode, a. Factory-supplied VFDs qualify, through ABB when exhaust fan contact is closed. for a 12-month warranty from date of corn h. Economizer controller on EconoMi$er X missioning or 18 months from date of sale, models shall be the Honeywell W7220 that whichever occurs first. provides: b. Shall be installed inside the unit cabinet, 1) 2-line LCD interface screen for setup, mounted, wired and tested. configuration and troubleshooting. c. Shall contain Electromagnetic Interference 2) On-board Fault Detection and Diagnos- (EMI)frequency protection. tics (FDD) that senses and alerts when d. Insulated Gate Bi-Polar Transistors (IGBT) the economizer is not operating prop- used to produce the output pulse width mod- erly, per California Title 24. ulated (PWM) waveform, allowing for quiet 3) Sensor failure loss of communication motor operation. identification. e. Self diagnostics with fault and power code 4) Automatic sensor detection. LED indicator. Field accessory Display Kit 5) Capabilities for use with multiple speed available for further diagnostics and special indoor fan systems. setup applications. 6) Utilize digital sensors: Dry bulb and Enthalpy. f. RS485 capability standard. i. Economizer controller on EconoMi$er 2 g. Electronic thermal overload protection. models with PremierLinkTM controller shall be h. 5% swinging chokes for harmonic reduction 4 to 20mA design and controlled by the Pre- and improved power factor. mierLink controller. PremierLink does not i. All printed circuit boards shall be conformal comply with California Title 24 Fault Detec- coated. tion and Diagnostic (FDD) requirements. 3. Integrated EconoMi$er® IV, EconoMi$er 2, and j. Economizer controller on EconoMi$er 2 EconoMi$er X standard leak rate models. (Fac- models with RTU Open controller shall be a tory-installed on 3-phase models only. Field 4 to 20mA design controlled directly by the installed on all 3 and 1-phase models): RTU Open controller. RTU Open controller a. Integrated, gear driven opposing modulating meets California Title 24 Fault Detection blade design type capable of simultaneous and Diagnostic (FDD) requirements. economizer and compressor operation. k. Shall be capable of introducing up to 100% b. Independent modules for vertical or horizon outdoor air. tal return configuration shall be available. 1. Shall be equipped with a barometric relief damper capable of relieving up to 100% 113 ( Guide specifications (cant) Carrier 4,untied ixhne7epies return air and contain seals that meet e. Shall be equipped with gear driven dampers ASHRAE 90.1-2016 and IECC-2015 for both the outdoor ventilation air and the requirements. return air for positive air stream control. m.Shall be designed to close damper(s) during f. Ultra Low Leak design meets California Title loss-of-power situations with spring return 24 section 140.4 and, ASHRAE 90.1-2016 built into motor. and IECC-2015 requirements for 4 cfm per n. Dry bulb outdoor air temperature sensor sq ft on the outside air dampers and 10 cfm shall be provided as standard. Enthalpy sen- per sq ft on the return dampers. sor is also available on factory-installed only. g. Economizer controller on EconoMi$er X Outdoor air sensor setpoint shall be adjust- models shall be the Honeywell W7220 that able and shall range from 40 to 100°F (4 to provides: 38°C). Additional sensor options shall be 1) 2-line LCD interface screen for setup, available as accessories. configuration and troubleshooting. o. The economizer controller shall also provide 2) On-board Fault Detection and Diagnos- control of an accessory power exhaust unit tics(FDD)that senses and alerts when the function. Factory set at 100%, with a range economizer is not operating properly, of 0%to 100%. per California Title 24. p. The economizer shall maintain minimum air- 3) Sensor failure loss of communication flow into the building during occupied period identification. and provide design ventilation rate for full 4) Automatic sensor detection. occupancy. 5) Capabilities for use with multiple-speed indoor fan systems. q. Dampers shall be completely closed when 6) Utilize digital sensors: Dry bulb and the unit is in the unoccupied mode. Enthalpy. r. Economizer controller shall accept a 2 to 10 h. Economizer controller on EconoMi$er 2 Vdc CO2 sensor input for IAQ/DCV con models with RTU Open controller shall be a trol. In this mode, dampers shall modulate 4 to 20mA design controlled directly by the the outdoor air damper to provide ventila RTU Open controller. RTU Open controller tion based on the sensor input. meets California Title 24 Fault Detection s. Compressor lockout temperature on W7220 and Diagnostic(FDD) requirements. is adjustable from-45°F to 80°F, set at a fac- i. Shall be capable of introducing up to 100% tory default of 32°F. Others shall open at 35°F(2°C) and close at 50°F(10°C). outdoor air. t. Actuator shall be direct coupled to econo- j. Shall be equipped with a barometric relief mizer gear. No linkage arms or control rods damper capable of relieving up to 100% shall be acceptable. return air and contain seals that meet ASHRAE 90.1-2016 and IECC-2015 u. Economizer controller shall provide indica- requirements. tions when in free cooling mode, in the DCV k. Shall be designed to close damper(s) during mode, or the exhaust fan contact is closed. loss-of-power situations with spring return built 4. Integrated EconoMi$er2, and EconoMi$er X into motor. Ultra Low Leak rate models.(Factory-installed 1. Dry bulb outdoor air temperature sensor shall on 3 phase models only. Field-installed on all 3 be provided as standard. Enthalpy sensor is and 1 phase models): also available on factory-installed only. Out- a. Integrated, gear driven opposing modulating door air sensor setpoint shall be adjustable and blade design type capable of simultaneous shall range from 40 to 100°F (4 to 38°C). economizer and compressor operation. Additional sensor options shall be available as b. Independent modules for vertical or horizon- accessories. tal return configuration shall be available. m.The economizer controller shall also provide Vertical return modules shall be available as control of an accessory power exhaust unit a factory-installed option. function. Factory set at 100%, with a range of c. Damper blades shall be galvanized steel with 0%a.to 100%. composite gears. Plastic or composite blades n. The economizer shall maintain minimum air- on intake or return shall not be acceptable. flow into the building during occupied period d. Shall include all hardware and controls to and provide design ventilation rate for full provide free cooling with outdoor air when occupancy. temperature and/or humidity are below set- o. Dampers shall be completely closed when the points. unit is in the unoccupied mode. 114 Carrier ' p. Economizer controller shall accept a 2 to 10 8. Condenser Coil Hail Guard Assembly (Factory- Vdc CO2 sensor input for IAQ/DCV control. installed option on 3 phase models. Field- In this mode, dampers shall modulate the out- installed on all 3 and 1 phase models): door air damper to provide ventilation based a. Shall protect against damage from hail. on the sensor input. b. Shall be louvered style design. q. Compressor lockout temperature on W7220 9. Unit-mounted, non-fused disconnect switch: is adjustable from -45°F to 80°F, set at a fac- tory default of 32°F. Others shall open at 35°F a. Switch shall be factory-installed, internally (2°C)and closes at 50°F(10°C). mounted. r. Actuator shall be direct coupled to economizer b. National Electric Code (NEC) and UL gear. No linkage arms or control rods shall be approved non-fused switch shall provide unit acceptable. power shutoff. s. Economizer controller shall provide indications c. Shall be accessible from outside the unit. when in free cooling mode, in the DCV mode, d. Shall provide local shutdown and lockout or the exhaust fan contact is closed. capability. 5. Two-Position Damper (Factory-installed on 3 e. Sized only for the unit as ordered from the Phase Models Only. Field-installed on all 3 and factory. Does not accommodate field-installed 1 Phase Models): devices. a. Damper shall be a Two-Position Motorized 10. Convenience outlet: Damper. Damper travel shall be from the full a. Powered convenience outlet. (Not available closed position to the field adjustable on single phase models): open setpoint. b. Damper shall include adjustable damper 1) Outlet shall be powered from main line power to the rooftop unit. travel from 25%to 100%(full open). 2) Outlet shall be powered from line side or c. Damper shall include single or dual blade, load side of disconnect by installing con- gear driven dampers and actuator motor. tractor, as required by code. If outlet is d. Actuator shall be direct coupled to damper powered from load side of disconnect, gear. No linkage arms or control rods shall unit electrical ratings shall be UL certi- be acceptable. fied and rated for additional outlet e. Damper will admit up to 100% outdoor air amperage. for applicable rooftop units. 3) Outlet shall be factory-installed and inter- nally mounted with easily accessible 115- f. Damper shall close upon indoor(evaporator) v female receptacle. fan shutoff and/or loss of power. 4) Outlet shall include 15 amp GFI recepta- g. The damper actuator shall plug into the des with independent fuse protection. rooftop unit's wiring harness plug. No hard 5) Voltage required to operate convenience wiring shall be required. outlet shall be provided by a factory- h. Outside air hood shall include aluminum installed step down transformer. water entrainment filter. 6) Outlet shall be accessible from outside i. Not available with Staged Air Volume the unit. (SAV1M)models. 7) Outlet shall include a field-installed "Wet in Use" cover. 6. Manual damper: b. Factory-Installed Non-powered conve- a. Manual damper package shall consist of nience outlet. damper, air inlet screen, and rain hood 1) Outlet shall be powered from a separate which can be preset to admit up to 50%out 115 120v power source. door air for year round ventilation. 2) A transformer shall not be included. b. Not available with Staged Air Volume(SAV). 3) Outlet shall be factory-installed and inter- 7. Head pressure control package (Motormaster®): nally mounted with easily accessible 115- a. Controller shall control coil head pressure by v female receptacle. condenser fan speed modulation or condenser 4) Outlet shall include 15 amp GFI recepta fan cycling and wind baffles. des. 5) Outlet shall be accessible from outside b. Shall consist of solid state control and con- the unit. denser coil temperature sensor to maintain con- 6) Outlet shall include a field-installed "Wet densing temperature between 90°F(32°C) and in Use" cover. 110 F(43°C)at outdoor ambient temperatures down to—20°F(-29°C). 115 �Carrier Guide specifications (cont) c. Field-Installed Non-powered convenience enthalpy sensor, the unit will provide differ- outlet. ential enthalpy control. The sensor allows 1) Outlet shall be powered from a separate the unit to determine if outside air is suitable 115-120v power source. for free cooling. 2) A transformer shall not be included. 16. Return air enthalpy sensor: 3) Outlet shall be factory-installed and inter- a. The return air enthalpy sensor shall be used nally mounted with easily accessible 115- in conjunction with an outdoor air enthalpy v female receptacle. sensor to provide differential enthalpy con- 4) Outlet shall include 20 amp GFI recepta- trol. des. This kit provides a flexible installa- tion method which allows code 17. Indoor air quality (CO2) sensor: compliance for height requirements of a. Shall be able to provide demand ventilation the GFCI outlet from the finished roof indoor air quality(IAQ)control. surface as well as the capability to relo- b. The IAQ sensor shall be available in duct cate the outlet to a more convenient loca- mount, wall mount, or wall mount with LED tion. display. The setpoint shall have adjustment 5) Outlet shall be accessible from outside capability. the unit. 18. Smoke detectors (factory-installed only): 6) Outlet shall include a field installed "Wet a. Shall be a four-wire controller and detector. in Use" cover. 11. Thru the base connectors: b. Shall be environmental compensated with differential sensing for reliable, stable, and a. Kits shall provide connectors to permit elec- drift-free sensitivity. trical connections to be brought to the unit through the unit basepan. c. Shall use magnet-activated test/reset sensor b. Minimum of three connection locations per switches. unit. d. Shall have tool-less connection terminal 12. Propeller power exhaust: access. e. Shall have a recessed momentary switch for a. Power exhaust shall be used in conjunction testing and resetting the detector. with an integrated economizer. f. Controller shall include: b. Independent modules for vertical or horizon- tal return configurations shall be available. 1) One set of normally open alarm initia tion contacts for connection to an initiat- c. Horizontal power exhaust shall be mounted ing device circuit on a fire alarm control in return ductwork. panel. d. Power exhaust shall be controlled by econo- 2) Two Form-C auxiliary alarm relays for mizer controller operation. Exhaust fans interface with rooftop unit or other shall be energized when dampers open past equipment. the 0 to 100% adjustable setpoint on the 3) One Form-C supervision (trouble) relay economizer control. to control the operation of the Trouble 13. Roof curbs(vertical): LED on a remote test/reset station. a. Full perimeter roof curb with exhaust capa- 4) Capable of direct connection to two bility providing separate air streams for individual detector modules. energy recovery from the exhaust air with- 5) Can be wired to up to 14 other duct out supply air contamination. smoke detectors for multiple fan shut- down applications. b. Formed galvanized steel with wood nailer 19. Horn/Strobe Annunciator: strip and shall be capable of supporting entire unit weight. a. Provides an audible/visual signaling device c. Permits installation and securing of ductwork for use with factory installed option or field to curb prior to mounting unit on the curb. installed accessory smoke detectors. 1) Requires installation of a field-supplied 14. Medium and High Static Indoor Fan Motor(s) 24-v transformer suitable for 4.2 VA and Drive(s) (04 12): (AC) or 3.0 VA (DC) per horn/strobe a. Medium and high static motor(s) and drive(s) accessory. shall be factory-installed to provide additional 2) Requires field-supplied electrical box, performance range. North American 1-gang box, 2-in. (51 15. Outdoor air enthalpy sensor: mm)x 4-in. (102 mm). a. The outdoor air enthalpy sensor shall be 3) Shall have a clear colored lens. used to provide single enthalpy control. When used in conjunction with a return air 116 Carrier Untied tecenalegtes 20. Time guard compressor delay control circuit: 2) Heater assemblies are provided with a. Shall prevent compressor short cycling by integral fusing in the single point box (if providing a 5-minute delay (±2 minutes) applicable) for protection of internal before restarting a compressor after shut- heater circuits not exceeding 48 amps down for any reason. each. Electric heaters other than b. One device shall be required per compressor. CRHEATER113B00-116B00 use 24v control side break/auto-reset or line- 21. Condensate Overflow Switch (for units with break/auto-reset limit switches to pro- electro-mechanical controls only): tect the unit against over-temperature a. This sensor and related controller monitors situations. CRHEATER113B00- the condensate level in the drain pan and 116B00 electric heater applications use shuts down compression operation when a combination of 24v control side overflow conditions occur. It includes: break/auto-reset, line-break/non-reset- 1) Indicator light - solid red (more than 10 table "one shot" limit switches to protect seconds on water contact- compressors the unit against over temperature situa disabled), blinking red (sensor discon tions. All heaters use magnetic heater nected). contactors (24 v coil) and terminal block 2) 10 second delay to break - eliminates all mounted in electric heater control nuisance trips from splashing or waves box (minimum 18 ga galvanized steel) in pan (sensor needs 10 seconds of con attached to end of heater assembly. stant water contact before tripping). 23. Hinged Access panels: 3) Disables the compressor(s) operation a. Shall provide easy access through integrated when condensate plug is detected, but quarter turn latches. still allows fans to run for economizer. b. Shall be on major panels of filter, control 22. Electric Heat: box, fan motor and compressor. a. Heating Section 24. Display kit for variable frequency drive: 1) Heater element open coil resistance a. Kit allows the ability to access the VFD con- wire, nickel-chrome alloy, 0.29 inches troller programs to provide special setup inside diameter, strung through ceramic capabilities and diagnostics. insulators mounted on metal frame. Coil b. Kit contains display module and communica- ends are staked and welded to terminal tion cable. screw slots. c. Display kit can be permanently installed in the unit or used on any SAV system VFD controller as needed. 117 Carrier; Carrier Corporation•Syracuse,New York 13221 11-17 Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue,or change at any time,specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Pg 120 Catalog No.04-52500135-01 Printed in U.S.A. Form 50HCQ-4-12-06PD Replaces:50HCQ-4.12-05PD DAIKIN Job Name: Tag# Submittal Data Sheet FTK18NMVJU / RK18NMVJU 1.5-Ton Wall Mounted Cooling Only System r ,` Efficiency Y • f� l� z�, .G yr, ... ---1 :�s W W�: • y. Complete warranty details available from your local dealer or at ;. � '�" ��:: °': ;;;':. " ' e.a..' www.daikincomfort.com.To receive the 12 Year Parts Limited Rated Cooling Conditions: Indoor:80°F DB/67°F WB Warranty,online registration must be completed within 60 days of Outdoor:95°F DB/75°F WB installation.Online registration is not required in California or Quebec. *With field settings and wind baffle If product is installed in a commercial application,limited warranty period is 5 years. Electr•Cal Indoor Specifications 208/60/1 230/60/1 aa , System MCA 18.3 18.3 4 w,, System MFA 20 20 Airflow Rate(cfm) ';,' _ , ,', 4,-, Compressor RLA 10.0 10.0 ' p I � .° Outdoor fan motor FLA .45 .45 ` ` ° 'f% • Outdoor fan motor W 69 69 Sound(dBA) y '" y:` may' Indoor fan motor FLA .30 .30 H/M/L/SL "'� j' %%r Indoor fanmotorW 46 46 Dimensions(H x W x D)(in) 11 5/8 x 39 x 10 3/8 MFA: Max.fuse amps MCA:Min.circuit amps(A)FLA:Full load amps(A) Weight(Lbs) 27 RLA:Rated load amps(A) W:Fan motor rated output(W) Outdoor Specifications Compressor Hermetically Sealed Swing Type Piping Refrigerant R 410A Liquid (in) 1/4 Factory Charge(Lbs) 2.49 Gas(in) 1/2 Refrigerant Oil PVE(FVC50K) Drain (in) 5/8 � x�3"": �w Max. Interunit Pi in Len th ft 98.4 x p g g ( ) Airflow Rate(cfm) Max. Interunit Height Difference(ft) 65.625 "' Chargeless(ft) 32.8 -'" , vy sM '. ., � Additional Charge of Refrigerant(oz/ft) .21 Sound Pressure Level(dBA) 54 Dimensions(H x W x D)(in) 28 15/16 x 34-1/4 x 12-5/8 Weight(Lbs) 97 Daikin North America LLC 5151 San Felipe,Suite 500 Houston,TX 77056 (Daikin's products are subject to continuous improvements.Daikin reserves the right to modify product design,specifications and information in this data sheet without notice and without incurring any obligations) Submittal Revision Date:May 2018 Page 1 of 4 7 a O 4- 0 t O ar w m w a .0 lo v litTHE MARK(a)SHOWS PIPING DIRECTION AIR FLOW(IN[1O3R# o ei REAR (B�mm) //ra/�/r'�r//r//,//- ,ir/,7C/ ///®rf rir,./✓/ + ...7,, `/// r//////ter LEFT [ I I RIGHT 73 N CO L.0� NG )i MOONING PLATE1' 10.7116 265mm) ...I 1 -5r. ,, N 10-3/8(?63mm) 1-15116(50mm)MIN � ir1 1 1511 i(50rr1m7 MIN c -GENERALRATING (SPACE F)R REQUIRED SPACE o o MAINTENANCE) (SPACE FOR N NAIs1)i1�LA'TE MAINTENANCE") 70 - TERMINAL BLOCK =o --gyp o 1 °� WNTH EARTH o a m ■ ( ■ - '1r:__ TERMINAL 1-, a "` GNSIE)E) �� 7 -70 0 BOTTOMI 1 i "' o c' FRONT GRILLE:IXING SCREWS E ! + + Cr a CO (INSIDE) E UP ANDDOWN WIND DIRECTION CONTRA.BLADE MOVABLE RANGE v DRAIN HOSE v FLAPS ABOUT 1 3f4(400r11m " o GAS PIPE 0112(012.7tmn)CuT.perGAS PIPE CO E 7u ABOUT 15d16(441k€tml , L10UID;PIPE 14 o c SIGNAL RE€FIVER BOUT 18-3,'"0(6tllelm). s o iffirikallill.111111 C}PERATION LAMP LA m_c .10 -- TIMER LAMP \ r"""rrrrear i- IL) .3 (0 " w INDOOR UNIT ON/OFF SWITCH °HAIN HOSE LIQUID PRE 114(�s.4mm)CuT �'` -_ __ • c Q l� C ROOM TEMP,TH RMISTOR ILooD. o9/CT)NG PAIN 1.L1; 139f16(4114011) ABOUT 14-$+164 +nml .5 Z v (INSIDE) O.D.t0`8(06 t1m) ABOUT 14•,8(365mm" Q u MODEL NAME PLATE E v o E ABOUT 17-3.14(450mm( c E c SIGNAL TRANSMITTER39( mo BLADE ANGLES a • o 1-T (48mm)mosom 1 16 Via} r Q UP/DOWN{AL)TOMATIO -.._....__ m if28 18(TAe trn)) S(126,Smm) c (�) COOLING DRY FAN �. a a,a) it 15' I ULIJ t. E .c:::41 25 g D RIGHT/LEFT NMANL 4L): i 7/8(48s't ) L HOLE FOR(motto WEDDED PIPING HOLE24/8(fit rttitt 11 WALL HOLE o --' 01/8(680mtn)HOLE -° 0 > STANDARD LOCATIONS OF Witt.HOLES ^' WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROLLER A v + 3[)©9178 _ g (ARC48tiA ) N o ii zto O 00 M C V O H 1-1- Y 0 7 N 3 a - 0 3 m a a, O0 v 0 t a tn HANDLE 9116(14: 34-1/4(870) 2.3/4(70) 1/4(7) I° 12-5/8(320) 1.3/18(3cTOUTDOOR AIRTHERMISTORLc t . BRAND NAME PLATE ELECTRIC WIRE INTAKE ,fC «.lw=fie . c irr ' i"T , a'eta }T O -w ,.. eirwr .rrr .-",ui-i rr�Mrr ws rrrr . IVA • MANUFACTURER3LA81 L c c t o c is v 941(19) '; n «'.. •s assay :sans " ♦.. X tf0i .1 mwrc wry erree;MN a.,w MO awisv - ~ t rV r erc 2rrr 3r iiii x ( M o a i� ir`rrrt�rrtirlierteex,as 4. C. �eia = µ: .. �Iter �[,,,,,,,„ ® = m tii en � on 4-HOLES FOR FOUNDATION BOLTS 9/15(14.5) 718 �,. $ ( 18 OR M10) 23 5 8(600; 4 1 116(125 13 Cu8 f � 7115(11) aP c (INSTALLATION LEG 2- c .c -- '.� ,,, PITCH) LL c O 7 ja 0 Z 14.1/2(368) n o c !' € d'J ''t -c O k. GROUND TERMINAL O a 6" 44 Cs WALL HEIG1iT PAIR OUTLET SIDE v l s a o .. 00 MINIMUM SPACE FOR AIR PASSAGE, aLES1 THAN 47-1/4(1200) co J 4"D • t . s^ V H C STOLIQUID VALVE 21t 11!I i(525) E a, V a 1 401 t4(WA)CuT) BRAIN OUTLET I# S 0 D 05'8(015.0 HOSE FOR xZ STOP VALVE OONNEGTEC31 Vi+ITM DRAIN Jt31NT) /s1 ( 12?}CUT( �' p =I) Y o -0- us w �• - ): 0 c r , _- E SERVICE 1-16/18(50) '43 4-15118( 0) II t 1.15/16(50) a, c5 aEa) PORT . 4 iHil 1`,..`•E +- _„..r,,,,,„tx,,,„„/iissrr,,,,„ f irrrirr,,,,,rrr„i„:+ .t. r N D fry * c • tp &-13116(173) , IN CASE OF REMOVING UNIT:Ind1(mrxl) N > STOP VALVE COVER'ANDa, co c TERMINAL STRIP COVER C:3DEI9 224 2 G • °1 z a r. o CO c o 5 'A- 2 we,' a c I. Y co N r r Optional Accessories BRP072A43 Wireless Interface Ada'ter S21 Ada ter Included .. fen't �d=+� :�Ils:a.ar $'z,��,�<asa,_r�. t•a �e� ..,......,,.a%%�-:=.. >,/..�.r�,.' ';.!!��, BRC944B2-A08 Wired Remote Controller kit Ada.tor Re.uired �,,,;,. i , .. ....:,:.,:,:..;i,. �='.. � � ' , / /s' mr.. a luded iii .:�;�R. .:'�, .,�;�-"„:..,.. : ,/�. � Remote ntrrctll�rt�abl$ 258 BRCW901A03 Wired Remote Controller Cable—10ft r. q 1.1111111 a i $9a$ $ :.,.,$+.35f i. */.$�L.�.�;��.L8 KAF970A45 Titanium a.atite .hotocatal is air-.uri inr filter WITH frame K97 : .. n.DACA-CP 1-1=OM ;% ,gyp KRP928BB2S+KRP980B2 Interface Ada.tor for DIII-NET tcl ., Part Numb /. s ., DACA-WB-1 Powder-Coated Wall-Mounted Bracket �,...�,,.. �,/rne_ �. �.:...�/. �//:; , tea, ,,, ��-;, /, KPW€1b3A4 ///. , KEH063A4E Daikin BML Drain Pan Heater Large RX18,24&RXN18 24 KKG063A43„ Side protection wire net(18&24) �l:�ntt Daikin North America LLC 5151 San Felipe,Suite 500 Houston,TX 77056 (Daikin's products are subject to continuous improvements.Daikin reserves the right to modify product design,specifications and information in this data sheet without notice and without incurring any obligations) Submittal Revision Date:May 2018 Page 4 of 4 • , ♦ �' j x Whisper-i R aM P 0 4 1 edeet'" r�A� VENTILATION FAN i si; Specification Submittal Data /Panasonic Ventilation Fan Description Customizable Ventilation Fan shall be low sone ceiling mount rated for continuous run.Fan 4" or 6" duct shall be ENERGY STAR®rated and certified by the Home Ventilating Institute(HVI).Evaluated by Underwriters Laboratories and conform to both UL and cUL safety standards. Motor/Blower: •Enclosed DC brushless motor technology rated for continuous run. 1;,,,, \ :o •Fan ventilation rates shall be manually adjustable for 50-80-110 CFM. ` ' ..1 �! ., •Power rating shall be 120 volts and 60 Hz. /i iv e '-\ — •Fan shall be UL listed for tub/shower enclosure when used with a GFCI protected circuit and f .,'' ,: used in insulated ceiling(TYPE I.C.). 0 C '�. •Fan equipped with a thermal cutoff fuse. F s ,F„�,./, f 1( N °Q '- •Removable,permanently lubricated,plug-in motor. '•J• P'z�.' `,, Housing: •Rust proof epoxy and polyester resin coating,26 gauge galvanized steel body. ./ 1 •Integrated dual 4"or 6"diameter duct adapter. ` •Built-in metal flange provides blocking for penetrations through drywall as an Air Barrier,and '""/lx a` assists with the decrease in leakage in the Building Envelope during blower door testing. "^., ,- •Built in backdraft damper. •Articulating and expandable installation bracket up to 24". ,'" t .��. Grille: Sys «.. ▪ e •Attractive design using Poly Pro material. ������ ▪ s •Attaches directly to housing with torsion springs. r, •Includes a motion sensor cap for use as a cover when the motion sensor Plug'n PIayT"" `-,, module has not been selected" -- Warranty: �7 / ''`- •ALL Parts:3 Years from original purchase date. DC Motor:6 Years from original purchase date. Architectural Specifications: Customizable Ventilation Fan shall be ceiling mount,ENERGY STARC rated type with multi- FV-05-11VKS1 speed control(0,30-100 CFM,in 10 CFM increments)that shall be built-in with a high/ low adjustable delay timer and activated by a wall switch,Motion Sensor Plug'N Play' module or Condensation Sensor Plug'N Play'"module.Features a built-in speed selector. Select from 50/80/110 CFM and no more than<0.3 sone as certified by the Home Ventilating Performance Curve 4"or 6"duct Institute(HVI)at 0.1 w.g.with no less than 53/82/113 CFM and no more than<0.3/0.4/0.8 0.80 sones at,25 w.g.Power Consumption shall be no greater than 3.2/5.5/9.8 watts at 0.1 w.g. '011111111111111111 and 6.5/10.2/16.1 watts at 0.25 w.g.ENERGY STARS rated with efficiency of no less than a7o 15.1/15.3/11.5 CFM/watt at 0.1 w.g.and than 8.1/8.4/7.2 CFM/watt at 0.25 w.g.The motor _ .. iffilNIIIIIlv o.so - shall be enclosed with brushless DC motor engineered to run continuously.DC motor speed „,.,�,_ _' shall automatically increase when the fan senses static pressure to maintain selected CFM. j o.so � i ' ,,,m -90CFM Power rating shall be 120v/60Hz.Duct diameter shall be no less than 4",inclusive of anMN ` ' -•°CFN --)OCFN integrated dual 4"or 6"duct adapter.Plug'N PlayTM modules provide up to two additional 0.40 IIIMIENTA� i —600FN features.Select from Condensation Sensor,LED Night Light and Motion Sensor.Fan shall BOCFN l be UL and cUL listed for tub/shower enclosure when used with a GFCI protected circuit.Fan oso oasis —3� can be used to comply with ASHRAE 62.2,LEED,ENERGY STAR®,IAP,EarthCraft,California 0.20 Illirl.nry FM Title-24 and WA Ventilation Code. 11111F41M1111... DC Motor Technology: I i 4, When fan senses static pressure,its speed is automatically increased to 0 20 40 60 so 100 120 ensure that the desired CFM is not compromised,which allows the fan to Airflow WV 1' �A perform as rated. For complete Installation Instructions visit us.panasonic.com/ventfans Model Quantity Comments Project: Location: Architect: Engineer: Contractor: Submitted by: Date: igriA Whisper eeeet' - 9Y# i VENTILATION N Performance �r • Plug 'N PIayTM Modules Plug 'N Play' modules provide up to two additional features (multi-speed is already built-in to FV-05-11VKS1). Select from Motion Sensor, Condensation Sensor and LED Night Light. FV-VS15VK1: Multi-Speed with Time Delay- N/A for this Fan, already built-in. 10„:_ Allows you to select the proper CFM settings to satisfy ASHRAE 62.2 continuous ventilation requirements. The fan runs continuously at a pre-set lower level(0,30-100 CFM, in 10 CFM increments),then elevates to a maximum level of operation 3� > • (50-80-110 CFM)when the wall switch is turned on,or when the motion sensor or Condensation Sensor module is activated. 4 A High/Low delay timer returns the fan to the pre-set CFM level after a period of time set by the user. ,F , FV-MSVK1: Motion Sensor Automatically activates when someone enters the room.Once the settings have been applied,the fan becomes truly automatic. VP • This module also activates a 20 minute delay off timer for the fan. FV-CSVK1: Condensation Sensor Helps control bathroom condensation to prevent mold and mildew.Sensor technology detects relative humidity and temperature to anticipate dew point,automatically turning the fan on to control humidity.Built-in Relative Humidity(RH)sensitivity adjustment enables fine tuning for moist conditions and for satisfying CalGreen requirements.When the condensation sensor is used in conjunction with multi-speed functionality,the fan will kick up to high speed when the condensation sensor detects moisture in the room.This module also activates a 20 minute delay off timer for the fan. FV-NLVK1: LED Night Light A photocell automatically turns on the 1 watt LED night light when darkness is sensed in the room. High/Low brightness switch enables you to fine tune the photocell to work in conjunction with the darkness level of your bathroom.This module also activates an automatic 20 minute delay off timer for the fan. 'ANC Fan Specifications WhisperGreen Select':FV-05-11VKKSi Static Pressure in inches w.g. 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 0.1 0.25 Air Volume(CFM) 110 113 100 106 90 95 80 ;82 70 71','', 60 66 50 53 40 43 30 33 Noise(sones) <0.3 0.8 <0.3 0.7 <0.3 0.6 <0.3 0.4 <0.3 0.4 <0.3 0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 <0.3 Power Consumption(watts) 9.8 16.1 8.0 14.0 6.5 11.7 5.5 10.2 4.3 8.6 3.6 7,8 3.2 6.5 2.7 5.7 2.4 5.0 Energy Efficiency(CFM/Watt) 11.5 7.2 13.0 7,9 14.5 8.5 15.3 8.4 17.2 8.7 17.5 18,8 15.1 8.1' 16.3 8.2 14.2 7.6 Speed(RPM) 931 1205 895 1179 852 1146 814 1131 772 1112 750 1107 747 1072 731 1073 718 1062 Current(amps) 0.10 0.16 0.09 0.14 0.07 0.12 0.06 0.10 0.05 0.09 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.03 0.06 MAX.Current(amps) 0.27 Power Rating(V/Hz) 120/60 ENERGY STAR rated Yes 0.25=Installed Performance Panasonic Eco Solutions Company of North America red Most Efficient Eco Products Division ®2016 Two Riverfront Plaza Newark,NJ 07102 1=2 www.ene5ysuerer us.panasonic.com/ventfa ns AZN ly us Panasonic rsEFX;vS�/.n VF16008SS0116 _ ♦ APEx72 (s ''').',$/;11:!,01f,..i'A' r� Rom, Via: L%4 '''1'- ' ": N' ' . 8�=c » �, �; '' ,u''' . „ . . !-.3 -° it .s� .. ...... ... .. {i%%y �' ��V,.\ ,�,yam .. ."E II,--;F Bring warmth to your room without sacrificing living space. `` - . :.... Our new Apex72 heater is installed high on your wall, so ir, ; you're free to place furniture where you like, and the heater is 1 out of reach for little hands. The quiet fan efficiently spreads warmth throughout the entire room. it ARCHITECTURAL- ENGINEERING INFORMATION Fan forced electric air heaters are ETL listed,factory field rated at 120V, 240V and 208V,dual field rated 208V/240V.An orient ring, and a powder coated 20 gauge wall mounting can with six knockouts and 34 cubic inch • Gain up to 9 extra square feet wiring compartment are required. Each complete heater is of unitized con- of living space with higher struction, is self-contained, and completely separate from the wall mount- placement on the wall ing can. Element construction is a coiled nichrome heating wire sealed in a 4 Contemporary look blends steel sheath with steel fins brazed to the sheath. Heating unit includes a 16- seamlessly into any room amp rating at 240V, high temperature manual reset limit switch.A two stage • Cover secured by strong magnets, centrifugal blower is driven by an impedance protected motor.The motor yet detaches easily for cleaning is totally isolated from the heating chamber. Hexagonal or louvered metal • Outlet grill is available outlet grills are of one piece,constructed of 22-gauge steel and finished in two designs with a powder coat paint system. Decorative, high impact, high tempera- • Recommended cleaning every ture, non-metallic cover attaches with neodymium magnets and optional 24 months, compared with six months for most wall heaters cover screws are available. • Easy to install orient ring assists TECHNICAL INFORMATION in a level,flush installation of wall can UL safety standards require the heater to be placed a minimum distance of Enjoy lasting warmth,thanks to 72 inches from the floor,6 inches(15.2 cm)from adjacent surfaces,and 10 durable sealed heating element inches(25.4 cm)from the ceiling. Maximum distance from bottom of wall can Includes high temperature safety to floor is 90 inches for ceilings 9 feet and higher. For ceilings greater than 9 shutoff feature feet,a ceiling fan with a cooling thermostat is recommended for optimum performance. Install horizontally only.This heater is not approved for vertical or ceiling installation. Electric wall heaters and thermostats work best when CADET ./ installed on an inside wall.We recommend installing the heater assembly after walls are finished. Heater must be cleaned every 24 months minimum. INVITING WARMTH cadetheat.com P¢E j1 P TTIIaa us c EIV 855.CADET.US \USA` 35 Vancouver,Washington #*+ t EAR/ Intertek iii . . APEX72 CADET :II INVITING WARMTHCover: 12"Wx8-1/2"H x 1"D • Rough-in: 10"Wx7-7/8"l4x4"D Heater assemblies require orient ring, CC or CCSM wall can, decorative cover and electronic wall thermostat(sold separately) PART MODEL DESCRIPTION WATTS VOLTS AMPS BTLJS WTILBS 65402 HWC101 K Complete unit with orient ring,CC wall can,TH114 120 8.3 65403 HWC102K thermostat,and ACL decorative cover 1000 240 4.2 3415 10.1 65316 , :.HW051 Hater assembly without thermostat 500 120 , "`.4.2 1710 "" 4,7 65314 HW101 1000 120 8.3 3415 4.7 65315 HW151 1500 '. 120 12.5 5120 4.7 65305 HW052 " 500 240 2.1 1710 4.7 65304,.. HW082 800 240 3.3 2730 "„4 ;;,. 65303 HW102 1000 240 4.2 3415 4.7 65302.? ,.,;hlUV132 1300 240 s, :. 5A ,:.:4440 4,7 65313 HW038 " 375 208 1.8 1280 4.7 65312 " ,.,. .h1W058 ,, 525 208 2.5 <1795 65311 HW078 750 208 3.6 2560 4.7 65310 HW 108 1000 ". 208 4.8 3415 4.7 65309 HW128 " 1200 208 5.8 4095 4.7 65308" HW168 " 1600 208 7.7 5460 4.7'' 65301 HW162 1600/1200 240/208 6.7/5.7 5460/4095 4.7 67061 `' CC 2.8 Wall can for model HW,single or 10-pack 67060 CC10 22.5 69110 CCSMB Surface mount wall can for model HW,single,black or white 4.4 69111 CCSMW 67129 ACL .7 Decorative cover for model HW with louver outlet grill,single pack or 5-pack,white 67131 ACLS .. ...,_. 3.6 67130 ACH .7 Decorative cover for model HW with hexagonal outlet grill,single pack or 5-pack,white 67132 ACHS 3.6 67051 OR Orient ring for model HW,single pack or 10-pack 1.9 67050 CR10 11.2 Side Decorative Cover Wall Can Side IIIIIIIINIIIIIIPlir - 7.17Z:%". I + 445cm 3 3 I y : 10"Minimum , " 7/ ,, y/�r from ceiling • IS:0',7, 21.59cm 20 00 /// ` ' 1. t0, > 1o.16cm I AO 40 6"Min.•►,1r I.-.I I 12" '1 �, 't �'- 1• 30.48cm 1 .. � „S 2.54cm wall Can Bottom /4„,// ,c_.. ./ : D I" za.2scm r 8'ceiling:bottom Fri n ;r' t' of wall can to floor »sxi i:; �'�, ���: minimum 72" `/;-.y. += maximum 78'� ;,, 9'or greater ceiling: z41 i„r4 Z c ;,, bottom of 1,/� �.,��t wall can to floor 3.tacm s'} i minimum 72 10 �1 Ka- / maximum 90'1 25.4cm Orient Ringr "; # 44 y; 25Acm - /... 28.26 cm _> " 7'4" W ROUGH-IN:10"W x 7-7/8"H x 4"D , I � .17=/d• 1 44.13cm Q22016 Otak Letter of Transmittal Date: August 29, 20188 Project No.: 17052.002 To: City of Tigard Project Name: The Fields Apartments Address: 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 We Are Sending You: Transmitted: Transmitted By: ❑ Plans/Drawings ■ For Approval ❑ Mail ■ Specifications ❑ As Requested ■ Courier ❑ Samples ❑ For Your Use ❑ Will Call ❑ Other ❑ For Comment Copies: Description: 5 Mechanical Cutsheets for Apartments 1 Mechanical Cutsheets for Clubhouse Remarks: Ca " : CJknA t'rOU From: Christina Kwiecienski- 503.415.2324 , Christina.Kwiecienski@otak.com cc: documentI 808 SW Third Avenue, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97204 Phone(503)287-6825 Fax (503)415-2304 otak.com r FOR OFFICE USE ONLY-SITE ADDRESS: This form is recognized by most building departments in the Tri-County area for transmitting information. Please complete this form when submitting information for plan review responses and revisions. This form and the information it provides helps the review process and response to your project. City of Tigard • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT , . N . Transmittal Le tter 1 ,c A R n 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.718.2439 • www.tigard-or.gov TO: 1 DM DATE RECEIVED: DEPT: BUILDING DIVISION ��bb AUG 2 2013 FROM: [.�tt ✓d sz i-i Ai d �(l i;Al 51<,1 COMPANY: 7 Ta f< ,. PHONE: "' tit 3-- 2 g oZ y By RE: M r- P71irIGL.S -i it �'"�%l7 /4Z(`',2b/g-06 (Site ddress) (Permit Number) tWi kt ro( ject name or subdiviAon name an n lot number) ATTACHED ARE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: Copies: Description: Copies: Description: Additional set(s)of plans. Revisions: Cross section(s) and details. Wall bracing and/or lateral analysis. Floor/roof framing. Basement and retaining walls. Beam calculations. / Engineer's calculations. 0Z Other(explain): �IIG-%Q17f/6 7 e2!-G t-- /5LI z REMARKS: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Routed to Permit Technician.: Date: (Z-)1- )o4, Initials: 11 Fees Due: ❑Yes ]146 Fee Description: Amount Dub: $ � $ $ $ Special Instructions: Reprint Permit(per PE): ❑Yes No� ❑Done Applicant Notified: V-47, Date: OR 494 Initials: Ar- 1:\Building\Forms\TransmittalLetter-Revisions_061316.doc