2003 - Tigard Beyond Tomorrow - Tigard Vision Update T0
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2003 .Annual Report
Where we've been Next steps
A remarkable event happened in the Tigard community in The major goals for Tigard Beyond Tomorrowwere last
the fall of 1996 and throughout 1997. Residents,government updated during 2000. Periodically it is important to revisit the
professionals,business people,and community group leaders direction for the community's future to ensure it is still valid and offer
volunteered to work together to determine the community's the opportunity to modify or adjust the direction where situations
future. Adopting the name"Tigard Beyond Tomorrow,"they have changed. The citizen-based Vision Task Force will work with
established a process that would define a vision for our the community to again update the Vision during 2004. All citizens
community. Then they identified the resources for implement- will have the opportunity to share comments and suggestions
ing that vision through a partnership of individuals and through a city-wide survey which will be published in the June/July
organizations. Cityscape.
The Tigard Beyond Tomorrowprocess has now
completed its sixth year of working toward the community's What's i n this report?
long-term goals. The city,fire district and school district have
taken the lead in carrying out some of the action plans. The Vision Task Force didn't just develop a direction for the
overall community,but developed direction statements
Other plans have required the involvement of local
for each of the six areas of review as noted in the
businesses,non-profit agencies,volunteer
groups,churches,and the community at large. Urban and graph at left. In the next several pages,the
Every person and organization that takes Public Services reader will find information on 2003 activity
part is making our community's vision a and achievements in each specific target
reality. area and the adjustments to the goals.
Character and
Quality of Life Schools
Transportation Education
Where we're going and Traffic and understand theirresponsibility to
What will Tigard look like in 2017? In participate as members of the community.
1997,the citizen-based Vision Task Force There are a variety of opportunities for
developed the direction for our community and citizens of all ages to access education programs for
goals to be achieved by 2017. These principles life-long learning. Our community recognizes and
continue to be the overall direction for our community. Following accepts the responsibility each citizen has in promoting and
is our community's vision statement. supporting quality education.
We,as citizens of the Tigard community,are committed to Small and local businesses thrive. Business owners are
shaping the community's future in agreement with the direction involved and take responsibility for the impacts their businesses
given through this on-going vision process. This process relies on have on the community.
citizen involvement and participation,and coordinated actions by A community value"to respect open spaces and natural
the community's decision-makers. features"encourages access to these by our citizens. Many leisure
Tigard is a safe,dynamic community supported by coordi- time and recreational opportunities are available for our commu-
nated and efficient public services. Funding for services is stable nity.
and recipients pay their share. All of these elements work together to promote and protect
Citizens are educated about how to access public services Tigard's individual identity and quality of life.
- Tigard Vision Update -
Community Quality of
Direction Statement: 2003 Progress Statement:
Tigard citizens are involved in their community. Involvement is Progress was made in all goal areas.Communication methods are
citizen driven and citizens have the tools to communicate effectively continuously reviewed as the City explores cost-effective and efficient
with community-wide decision-makers. Volunteer spirit has been means to provide information to a busy and diverse population. The
maximized through community-wide coordination of volunteers. Our volunteer program is growing and more growth is desired by providing
community supports its volunteers with appropriate training and additional activities and welcoming new volunteers. The downtown
volunteer recognition. Tigard encourages local,regional and commu- area business owners and City staff are coordinating efforts to prepare
nity events. City funding priorities go to events,which move toward for the future commuter rail station.A number of successful events
financial self-sufficiency,and new community-wide events. Business were planned and held this year. The Balloon Festival was canceled;
owners,property owners,and residents of the Main Street area display however,plans are underway for the 2004 festival in June. More than a
strong leadership,ownership,and commitment to downtown develop- thousand volunteers participated in events and activities in 2003.
ment. The Main Street area is seen as a`focal point'for the community. Community artwork has been identified for the downtown area and the
A clear direction has been established for a pedestrian-friendly next step will be to find funding to make these proposals a reality.
downtown and is being implemented. The Tigard community has a
defined,proactive vision for community aesthetics.
Communication- 1. Citizen involvement opportunities will be Community Events- 1. Develop overall approach for sponsoring
maximized by providing educational programs on process,assuring community events that establishes balance
accessibility to information in a variety of formats,providing opportu- among popular or traditional standing
nities for input on community issues and establishing and maintaining a events,requests for support of new events
program of effective two-way communication. and limited City resources. 2. On-going
Volunteerism- 1. City will maximize the effectiveness of the community-events are financially self-
volunteer spirit to accomplish the greatest good for our community. sufficient long-term.
Central Business District- 1. Provide opportunities to work Community Aesthetics - I. Identify 6 0 4
proactively with Tigard Central Business District Association(TCBDA) projects and activities designed to promote
businesses and property owners and citizens of Tigard to set the and enhance defined aesthetic qualities valued
course for the future of the central business district. by those who live and work in Tigard.
Growth • • Growth Management
Direction Statement: 2003 Progress Statement:
Tigard continues to grow. Growth is accommodated while Considerable growth has been seen over the last year,especially
protecting the character and livability in new and established neighbor- with residential development. All development meets land use
hoods. The City encourages and supports private sector programs to standards called for in the Community Development Code. The
maintain diverse and affordable housing. Urban services are provided Affordable Housing Set-Aside assists affordable housing providers by
to all citizens within Tigard's Urban Growth Boundary. Recipients of offsetting permitfees. The Public Facilities and Services Plan for Bull
services pay their share. Local and small businesses are encouraged as Mountain was completed,setting the foundation for the preparation of
an important part of our community and our economy. The City of the Bull Mountain Annexation Plan. Washington County has developed
Tigard is an active participant in regional issues. Its citizens are a Parks Systems Development Charge that would become effective with
educated about issues in our region and take advantage of opportunities adoption of the Bull Mountain Annexation Plan. The City continues to
to participate in decision-making processes. be actively involved in the Chamber of Commerce and other civic
1. Growth is accommodated while protecting the character additional units and preservation of affordable
and livability of new and established areas while housing are encouraged and supported by the City
providing for natural environment and open space and the community.
throughout the community. 4. Local and small businesses are encouraged as
2. Urban services are provided to all citizens within p. an important part of our community and economy.
Tigard's Urban Growth Boundary and recipients of 5. The community is able to effectively participate
services pay their share. v in decision-making processes because they
3. Partnerships for advocacy for development of "' understand the land-use system.
Tigard Vision Update -
Public Safety
Direction Statement: 2003 Progress Statement:
Tigard is a safe place to live,play,and do business,with efficient The community residents,business owners and public safety
public safety services coordinated by police,fire,and emergency service providers have worked together through such programs as
management providers. Citizens and businesses are well educated Neighborhood Watch,CPTED,ESP,Downtown Merchants;and
about public safety services;Tigard's citizens understand their role and partnership agreements to prevent crimes and enhance safety,with
responsibilities for the safety of themselves and their community,and communication being a primary tool. The Police Department and Fire
businesses take a proactive role for their responsibility in protecting District have received grants to assist with funding needs and have
their investment in the community. Public safety service providers plan introduced processes to reduce costs in a variety of ways. The City
for their service delivery in such a way as to minimize the negative and TVF&R have participated in county wide emergency prepared-
impacts of the regional populations that travel to and through our ness drills,and have provided regular updates through the City's web
community each day. Stable funding provides uninterrupted public page and the Library. Tigard received a CERT grant(Community
safety services at desired levels. Emergency Response Teams)which will be used to train citizens to
assist others in their neighborhood in emergency situations.
1. The community residents,business owners,and service providers 3. The community is trained and prepared for
understand their roles through effective communication to successfully emergencies. s
enhance public safety and emergency services.
2. Develop long-term,stable funding sources to ensure efficient,
uninterrupted public safety and emergency services.
Urban • • Public
Direction Statement: 2003 Progress Statement:
Basic urban services(such as access to parks,recreational The building of a new library facility,approved by the voters in
opportunities and libraries)are provided to Tigard citizens through 2002,is making steady progress,ahead of schedule and within budget.
property taxes and fees for service. Citizens are charged for enhanced The failure of the Washington County Library Levy(WCCLS)required a
services on a cost-for-service basis. Expansion of the infrastructure reduction in service hours and tightening of the materials budget.
necessary to serve growth is paid for by growth. In an effort to facilitate WCCLS is planning another Operational Levy for the May 18,2004
the most efficient delivery of basic urban services,partnerships with ballot. The use of citizen volunteers in the Library continues to serve
businesses,special interest groups,and other communities are as a helpful and productive supplement to the Library's regular staff.
encouraged. Citizens are educated about basic urban services,and how Public Works'efforts include educational programs about wetlands and
to access and preserve the services. open spaces presented routinely to elementary-aged children. Picnic
shelter and playgrounds have been installed in Woodard Park along
Goals: with improvements/restoration at Fanno Creek Park,Summerlake Park,
Library- 1. Library will have a stable funding base for the provision of Bonita Park and Cook Park. in water and storm water areas,Tigard
basic services. 2. A wide array of opportunities for life long learning cannot be an active partner in the Bull Run Regional Water Initiative
are available in a variety of formats and used by the annnumity. because Portland withdrew partnership offers to numerous entities.
3. Adequate facilities are available for efficient delivery of life-long Tigard continues to work with the Washington County-basedJoint
learning programs and services for all ages. Water Commission(TWO to develop stronger partnerships there. A
Parks&greenways- 1. The City educates and supports citizen feasibility study was completed and Aquifer Storage and Recovery
efforts to understand the importance of floodplains and how the areas (ASR)system for the water service area is financially attractive and will
are managed and protected. 2. Open provide positive results in water capacity and quality. During 2004,
space&greenway areas are preserved there will be two new wells drilled. Conservation and reuse of water
and protected. continues to be a strong message shared with school age children.
Expansion of reclaimed water at Cook Park was completed. Rebate
Recreation- Partnerships provide a programs are underway for citizens conserving water in their homes.
wide range of leisure and recreation Visit the City's website for more information on the rebate programs at
opportunities that are coordinated and
available for the Tigard community.
Water&stormwater- 1. Actively
participate in regional development of drinking water sources and
adequate,innovative funding mechanisms to develop those sources for
Tigard users while exploring local options for water reuse and
groundwater source. 2. Stormwater runoff is effectively managed.
Tigard Vision Update -
Schools and Education
Direction Statement: Goals:
Tigard area residents have access to good quality public and 1. Schools,City government,and other service providers successfully
private schools. Residents of our community,whether or not they have work together to provide a community-based recreation activity
children in the school system,understand the importance of education program for young people.
and how they can help promote education of our community. The 2. Educational opportunities for students in Tigard-Tualatin Schools
public schools have stable funding through state and local funding will be maximized.
options. Curriculum and extra-curricular programs are important and 3. Schools and city government effectively work together to maximize
are well supported through volunteers,local funding,and increased efficiencies and develop alternative support options.
partnerships with business and government. New development assists
4. Government policies will permit the Tigard-Tualatin School District
in paying for new education infrastructure required by growth in the to prepare for growth and maximize the quality of services it provides
community. Public schools and students.
governmental entities in ours.
5. School districts ensure effective two-way communication to the
community actively partner in day-
to-day operations and other costs toentire community by regularly providing information about school-
facilitate the most efficient delivery ' related issues.
of services. 6. Schools encourage a variety of opportunities for citizens of all ages
to access education programs for life-long learning.
2003 Progress Statement:
Partnerships between the City,Tigard-Tualatin School District, League(PAL)stepped in to offer expanded after school programs atone
service clubs and businesses continued to be strong in 2003• That Tigard Middle School with the goal to expand the program throughout
cooperation on the Mayor's Youth Forum facilitated the formation of the the District. In the coming year,the Mayor's Youth Forum will facilitate
Tigard Youth Advisory Council whose mission is"To empower, the identification of community,school and city facilities that can be
improve and connect the lives of Tigard's youth." The Tigard-Tualatin made available for youth and life-long learning programs and activities.
School District made good progress on the construction projects for The City and the Tigard-Tualatin School District continue to pursue ways
new and renovated facilities that will provide for existing students and to maximize the community's resources by sharing facilities,equipment,
accommodate growth in the years to come. The Police Activities and maintenance costs.
Transportation • • Traffic
Direction Statement: Goals:
Tigard takes a proactive role in regional transportation planning. 1. Improve traffic safety.
Funding sources are diverse,include regional resources and are 2. Improve traffic flow.
adequate to build and maintain our transportation system. Each type of 3 Alternative modes of transportation are
street safely handles the traffic it is designed to serve. Local traffic is available and use is maximized.
served by a well-connected street network that minimizes traffic impacts n
on neighborhoods. Tigard's arterials and major collector streets 4. Identify and develop funding resources. 1
accommodate through-traffic reducing the impact of regional traffic on
local neighborhoods. Alternative transportation methods are affordable
and available. Use of alternative transportation is encouraged.
2003_Progress Statement:
Progress was made towards achieving all goals.The construction projects targeted high volume deteriorated areas to enhance traffic
project to reconstruct and widen Gaarde Street from Highway 99W to safety and provide better traffic flow through the improved areas.
1215`Ave.began in early 2003 and is expected to be completed in late The City is improving Hall Boulevard along the new Library and
summer 2004.The Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Fanno Pointe Condominiums frontage in conjunction with those two
proposed a street maintenance fee to focus on the street maintenance developments. In addition,approval by environmental agencies is
element only linking the revenue to be collected to the street corrective currently being sought for the construction of Wall Street to provide
and preventative projects proposed for implementation during the next joint access for these two developments. The City is submitting some
5 years. The fee was established by Council on November 18,2003. major transportation projects in the Washington Square area for
The resolution to set the rates will be submitted in February 2004 and inclusion in the Metro Regional Transportation Plan Update to ensure
implementation is expected in April 2004. The fee will provide a eligibility for future federal funding. The City is working with TriMet
stable source of revenue for maintenance of the street infrastructure. and the Downtown Task Force to develop vehicle and pedestrian
Bonita Road was reconstructed and built to accommodate the heavy circulation improvements in the Tigard downtown area in conjunction
traffic flow for the next ten years or more. The pavement overlay' with the Commuter Rail Project.
- Tigard Vision Update -