Resolution No. 20-05 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON TIGARD CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 20-05 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE FY 2020 SECOND QUARTER BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL INCLUDING BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS TO PUBLIC WORKS, POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION, AND COMMUNITY SERVICES. WHEREAS,the city acknowledges those items that were unknown at the time the FY 2020 budget was adopted;and WHEREAS, the city recognizes approximately $1,527,350 of unanticipated budget in operations and transfers; and WHEREAS, the increase in budget is offset by unanticipated fund balance, miscellaneous revenue, reserve for future expenditures,and contingency. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: SECTION 1: The FY 2019-20 Budget is hereby amended as detailed in Exhibit B. SECTION 2: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage. PASSED: This S day of 9,Aggwl 2020. Ma-yer-City of Tigard ATTEST: #- City Recorder-City of Tigar RESOLUTION NO. 20-05 Page 1 1/7/2020 CITY OF TIGARD - BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL FY 2019-2020 Quarter: Z Item # Department Fund Division Request Title Request Funding Total Amount Detailed Description Source Q2CM01 City Management MULTIPLE 1200-Risk Management Insurance-WC Retro Premium NEW Unanticipated $ 153,000 For the previous three fiscal years(FY17, FY18,and FY19),we moved our Workers'Compensation(WC)insurance from a high cost Payment Fund Balance guaranteed rate plan to a retrospective rate plan, which has resulted in annual overall savings of more than $100,000. Under the WC retrospective plan,the city pays a minimal up-front fee for the policy, but pays actual claims costs as they occur over a 5 year period, called a tail. Due to the tail cost portion of the retrospective WC model,we've built a reserve in the Insurance Fund to cover such claims. The current balance in the fund is enough to cover the remaining 5-year tail periods. This supplemental budget request is to cover the current premium expenditures which were not budgeted, $153,000. Effective FY20,we have moved away from this model and back to the guaranteed plan, so will incur no additional expenses after FY25 for the Retrospective WC policy plans(Plan years from FY17 through FY19). Q21FIS01 Finance& MULTIPLE 3100-Building Pay Equity Adjustment Entry- Move NEW Existing $ - Moving a portion of Pay Equity Adjustment from General Fund to Building Fund to reflect the staff allocations. Information from General Fund to Building Fund Appropriations Q2PD01 Police 100-General Fund 4200-Support Services Police Vehicle Replacement NEW Miscellaneous $ 34,100 Police vehicle#18-072 was damaged during an incident in September.An officer(detective)was the first to respond to a crash and while Revenue staging his vehicle to protect the driver,was hit from behind by a third vehicle driving by the incident. No one was hurt, however,the car was declared a total loss. CIS paid the City of Tigard$34,100 to cover the full cost of the replacement vehicle as well as the costs associated with the removal, evaluation and deconstruction of the vehicle. Q2PD02 Police 100-General Fund 4100-Police Operations Federal Grant recognition-annual NEW Miscellaneous $ 12,750 Request to recognize overtime expenses and revenue reimbursement related to the following FY 2019-20 traffic safety grants. Grants are traffic safety grants Revenue administered through ODOT: DUII high visibility enforcement,Safety Belt enforcement Blitzes, Pedestrian Safety Enforcement, Distracted Driving Enforcement and Speed Enforcement. All grants are Federal funds and reimburse the City for officer overtime expenses. Q2PW01 Public Works 630-PW Admin Fund 6000-Public Works Public Engagement/Outreach NEW Contingency $ 50,000 Public Works is experiencing a significant increase in need for the Public Engagement/Outreach. Issues such as rate increases,water main Administration Contractual Services breaks,weather events, recreation events, etc., are putting a strain on the department's availability to engage and outreach to the citizens. This funding will allow the department a flexibility to contract with engagement/outreach firms as needed. Q2PW02 Public Works MULTIPLE MULTIPLE Public Works Engineering Standards NEW Unanticipated $ 60,000 This request will allow Engineering to hire a consultant to assist with the update to the outdated Public Works Engineering Design Fund Balance Standards.The current standards have been in use since 1998. In addition, upcoming needs for light rail,the Tigard Triangle plan implementation,the Clean Water Services requirements,and the internal workload require us to seek consultant assistance. Q2PW03 Capital MULTIPLE MULTIPLE CIP 95048 Roy Rogers Road NEW Unanticipated $ 25,000 Internals actualizing higher than anticipated due to additional coordination required with the County. Improvement Fund Balance Pronram Q2PW04 Capital 460-Transportation 8000- CIP 95065 Pacific Highway Street NEW Multiple $ 105,000 Many intersections on Pacific Highway do not have sufficient lighting making it dangerous for drivers,cyclists, pedestrians and transit Improvement CIP Fund CIP/Transfers/Contingency Lights(SFLP Grant) users. Pedestrians are particularly difficult to see and are vulnerable road users. CIP 95065 will install street lights at unlit quadrants of Program intersections where they do not already exist along Pacific Highway through the City of Tigard. This project will be primarily funded with a grant from ODOT using the State Fund Local Project(SFLP)program. This is a new CIP project starting in FY2020 and continues thru FY2022. This is request is for FY2020. Q2PW05 Public Works 530-Water Fund MULTIPLE CIP 96054 Emergency Street and NEW Unanticipated $ 615,000 Water experienced a main break on Greenfield Drive on November 23rd.A consultant has been hired and staff is working to design the Water Greenfield and Gaarde Fund Balance necessary repairs.Amount requested is for FY2020 only,the project will continue into FY2021. In addition,due to the severity of the damage,a significant portion of the roadway will be closed to traffic(roughly 500') until repairs can be completed. The Water Division had to purchase barricades,signage,and fencing to close the impacted street, $15,000. Q2PW06 Public Works 530-Water Fund MULTIPLE CIP 96051 -Water Rate and System NEW Existing $ - Removing Water Rate Study from CIP 96051 and moving it into Water operations. Per GASB 34,rate studies do not meet the definition of Development Charge Study Appropriations the capital asset. This is a budget neutral request. 1of1 Exhibit B Total All Funds FY 2020 Q2 Revised Total All Funds Revised Q1 Amendment Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 141,788,162 $ 710,000 $ 142,498,162 Property Taxes $ 19,507,041 $ - $ 19,507,041 Franchise Fees $ 6,254,627 $ $ 6,254,627 Special Assessments $ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 Licenses&Permits $ 13,319,103 $ - $ 13,319,103 Intergovernmental $ 15,760,617 $ 107,750 $ 15,868,367 Charges for Services $ 47,840,386 $ - $ 47,840,386 Fines&Forfeitures $ 1,655,957 $ - $ 1,655,957 Interest Earnings $ 2,634,000 $ - $ 2,634,000 Miscellaneous $ 662,076 $ 34,100 $ 696,176 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 26,564,061 $ 675,500 $ 27,239,561 Total Resources $ 276,036,030 $ 1,527,350 $ 277,563,380 Requirements Community Development $ 6,020,460 $ - $ 6,020,460 Community Services $ 26,231,046 $ 46,850 $ 26,277,896 Policy and Administration $ 14,392,040 $ 153,000 $ 14,545,040 Public Works $ 29,969,226 $ 197,500 $ 30,166,726 Program Expenditures Total $ 76,612,772 $ 397,350 $ 77,010,122 Debt Service $ 11,659,000 $ - $ 11,659,000 Loan to TCDA $ 1,000 $ - $ 1,000 Work-In-Progress $ 22,997,566 $ 657,500 $ 23,655,066 Transfers to Other Funds $ 26,944,061 $ 675,500 $ 27,619,561 Contingency $ 3,604,624 $ (50,000) $ 3,554,624 Total Budget $ 141,819,023 $ 1,680,350 $ 143,499,373 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 134,217,007 $ (153,000) $ 134,064,007 Total Requirements $ 276,036,030 $ 1,527,350 $ 277,563,380 Exhibit B General Fund FY 2020 Revised General Fund Revised Q1 Q2FIS01 Q2PD01 Q2PD02 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 21,829,986 $ - $ - $ - $ 21,829,986 Property Taxes $ 17,121,416 $ - $ - $ - $ 17,121,416 Franchise Fees $ 61254,627 $ - $ - $ - $ 6,254,627 Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ - Licenses&Permits $ 1,186,521 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,186,521 Intergovernmental $ 7,347,865 $ - $ - $ 12,750 $ 7,360,615 Charges for Services $ 253,702 $ - $ - $ - $ 253,702 Fines&Forfeitures $ 1,654,498 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,654,498 Interest Earnings $ 500,900 $ - $ - $ - $ 500,900 Miscellaneous $ 215,470 $ - $ 34,100 $ - $ 249,570 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 292,900 $ - $ - $ - $ 292,900 Total Resources $ 56,657,885 $ - $ 34,100 $ 12,750 $ 56,704,735 Requirements Community Development $ 3,853,272 $ (17,180) $ - $ - $ 3,836,092 Community Services $ 26,079,981 $ - $ 34,100 $ 12,750 $ 26,126,831 Policy and Administration $ 1,089,773 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,089,773 Public Works $ - $ _ $ _ $ - $ - Program Expenditures Total $ 31,023,026 $ (17,180) $ 34,100 $ 12,750 $ 31,052,696 Debt Service $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ - Loan to TCDA $ 1,000 $ - $ $ - $ 1,000 Work-In-Progress $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfers to Other Funds $ 2,671,977 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,671,977 Contingency $ 1,319,734 $ 17,180 $ - $ - $ 1,336,914 Total Budget $ 35,015,737 $ - $ 34,100 $ 12,750 $ 35,062,587 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 21,642,148 $ - $ - $ - $ 21,642,148 Total Requirements $ 56,657,885 $ - $ 34,100 $ 12,750 $ 56,704,735 Exhibit B Gas Tax Fund FY 2020 Revised Gas Tax Fund Revised Q1 Q2PW02 Q2PW04 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 2,975,984 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 3,000,984 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - $ Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ 65,965 $ - $ - $ 65,965 Intergovernmental $ 4,381,236 $ - $ - $ 4,381,236 Charges for Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - $ - Interest Earnings $ 82,400 $ - $ $ 82,400 Miscellaneous $ 62,818 $ - $ - $ 62,818 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 158,000 $ - $ - $ 158,000 Total Resources $ 7,726,403 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 7,751,403 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Works $ 3,793,100 $ - $ - $ 3,793 100 Program Expenditures Total $ 3,793,100 $ - $ - $ 3,793,100 Debt Service $ 577,230 $ - $ - $ 577,230 Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ - $ - Work-In-Progress $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfers to Other Funds $ 2,147,400 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 2,172,400 Contingency $ 189,380 $ - $ - $ 189,380 Total Budget $ 6,707,110 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 6,732,110 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 1,019,293 $ - $ - $ 1,019,293 Total Requirements $ 7,726,403 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 7,751,403 Exhibit B Transportation Development Tax Fund FY 2020 Revised Transportation Development Tax Revised Q1 Q2PW03 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 10,529,970 $ 25,000 $ 10,554,970 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ 1,400,000 $ - $ 1,400,000 Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - Charges for Services $ - $ - $ - Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ $ - Interest Earnings $ 253,900 $ - $ 253,900 Miscellaneous $ - $ - $ - Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ - $ - $ - Total Resources $ 12,183,870 $ 25,000 $ 12,208,870 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ - Public Works $ - $ - $ - Program Expenditures Total $ - $ - $ - Debt Service $ - $ $ - Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ - Work-In-Progress $ - $ - $ - Transfers to Other Funds $ 1,425,000 $ 25,000 $ 1,450,000 Contingency $ - $ - $ - Total Budget $ 1,425,000 $ 25,000 $ 1,450,000 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 10,758,870 $ - $ 10,758,870 Total Requirements $ 12,183,870 $ 25,000 $ 12,208,870 Exhibit B Building Fund FY 2020 Revised Building Fund Revised Q1 Q2FIS01 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 8,021,235 $ - $ 8,021,235 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ 2,322,956 $ $ 2,322,956 Intergovernmental $ 8,281 $ - $ 8,281 Charges for Services $ 7,000 $ - $ 7,000 Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - Interest Earnings $ 150,500 $ - $ 150,500 Miscellaneous $ 500 $ - $ 500 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 250,000 $ - $ 250,000 Total Resources $ 10,760,472 $ - $ 10,760,472 Requirements Community Development $ 2,167,188 $ 17,180 $ 2,184,368 Community Services $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ - $ $ - Public Works $ - $ $ - Program Expenditures Total $ 2,167,188 $ 17,180 $ 2,184,368 Debt Service $ - $ - $ - Loan to TCDA $ - $ $ Work-In-Progress $ - $ - $ - Transfers to Other Funds $ - $ - $ - Contingency $ 250,559 $ (17,180) $ 233,379 Total Budget $ 2,417,747 $ - $ 2,417,747 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 8,342,725 $ - $ 8,342,725 Total Requirements $ 10,760,472 $ - $ 10,760,472 Exhibit B Transportation CIP Fund FY 2020 Revised Transportation CIP Fund Revised Q1 Q2PW03 Q2PW04 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 820,000 $ - $ - $ 820,000 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ - $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental $ 1,153,200 $ - $ 95,000 $ 1,248,200 Charges for Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ $ $ - Interest Earnings $ - $ - $ - $ - Miscellaneous $ - $ - $ - $ - Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 4,105,200 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 4,140,200 Total Resources $ 6,078,400 $ 25,000 $ 105,000 $ 6,208,400 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Works $ - $ - $ - $ Program Expenditures Total $ - $ - $ - $ - Debt Service $ $ - $ - $ Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ - $ - Work-In-Progress $ 5,358,400 $ 25,000 $ 105,000 $ 5,488,400 Transfers to Other Funds $ - $ - $ - $ - Contingency $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Budget $ 5,358,400 $ 25,000 $ 105,000 $ 5,488,400 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 720,000 $ - $ - $ 720,000 Total Requirements $ 6,078,400 $ 25,000 $ 105,000 $ 6,208,400 Exhibit B Sanitary Sewer Fund FY 2020 Revised Sanitary Sewer Fund Revised Q1 Q2PW02 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 4,903,060 $ 15,000 $ 4,918,060 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ 92,200 $ - $ 92,200 Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - Charges for Services $ 3,255,811 $ - $ 3,255,811 Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - Interest Earnings $ 110,300 $ - $ 110,300 Miscellaneous $ 42,100 $ - $ 42,100 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 317,750 $ - $ 317,750 Total Resources $ 8,721,221 $ 15,000 $ 8,736,221 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ - Public Works $ 2,321,995 $ - $ 2,321,995 Program Expenditures Total $ 2,321,995 $ - $ 2,321,995 Debt Service $ - $ - $ - Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ - Work-In-Progress $ 1,280,500 $ - $ 1,280,500 Transfers to Other Funds $ 659,200 $ 15,000 $ 674,200 Contingency $ 393,904 $ - $ 393,904 Total Budget $ 4,655,599 $ 15,000 $ 4,670,599 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 4,065,622 $ - $ 4,065,622 Total Requirements $ 8,721,221 $ 15,000 $ 8,736,221 Exhibit B Stormwater Fund FY 2020 Revised Stormwater Fund Revised Q1 Q2PW02 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 6,622,618 $ 15,000 $ 6,637,618 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - Charges for Services $ 3,892,188 $ - $ 3,892,188 Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - Interest Earnings $ 139,900 $ - $ 139,900 Miscellaneous $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 704,000 $ - $ 704,000 Total Resources $ 11,363,706 $ 15,000 $ 11,378,706 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ - Public Works $ 3,019,778 $ - $ 3,019,778 Program Expenditures Total $ 3,019,778 $ - $ 3,019,778 Debt Service $ - $ - $ - Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ - Work-In-Progress $ 2,502,500 $ - $ 2,502,500 Transfers to Other Funds $ 385,550 $ 15,000 $ 400,550 Contingency $ 183,064 $ - $ 183,064 Total Budget $ 6,090,892 $ 15,000 $ 6,105,892 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 5,272,814 $ - $ 5,272,814 Total Requirements $ 11,363,706 $ 15,000 $ 11,378,706 Exhibit B Water Fund FY 2020 Revised Water Fund Revised Q1 Q2PW02 Q2PW05 Q2PW06 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 30,861,424 $ 15,000 $ 615,000 $ - $ 31,491,424 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ _ Franchise Fees $ _ $ _ $ $ _ $ _ Special Assessments $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ Licenses&Permits $ 170,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 170,000 Intergovernmental $ 15,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 15,000 Charges for Services $ 22,405,446 $ - $ - $ $ 22,405,446 Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ _ Interest Earnings $ 500,700 $ - $ - $ - $ 500,700 Miscellaneous $ 50,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 50,000 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ Transfers In from Other Funds $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ Total Resources $ 54,002,570 $ 15,000 $ 615,000 $ - $ 54,632,570 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ _ Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ _ Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ Public Works $ 10,289,657 $ - $ 15,000 $ 72,500 $ 10,377,157 Program Expenditures Total $ 10,289,657 $ - $ 15,000 $ 72,500 $ 10,377,157 Debt Service $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ Work-In-Progress $ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ Transfers to Other Funds $ 10,705,600 $ 15,000 $ 600,000 $ (72,500) $ 11,248,100 Contingency $ 495,422 $ - $ - $ - $ 495,422 Total Budget $ 21,490,679 $ 15,000 $ 615,000 $ - $ 22,120,679 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 32,511,891 $ - $ - $ - $ 32,511,891 Total Requirements $ 54,002,570 $ 15,000 $ 615,000 $ - $ 54,632,570 Exhibit B Water CIP Fund FY 2020 Revised Water CIP Fund Revised Q1 Q2PW05 Q2PW06 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,530,000 $ - $ - $ 1,530,000 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - $ Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - $ Licenses&Permits $ - $ - $ $ _ Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - $ Charges for Services $ - $ - $ - $ Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - $ Interest Earnings $ - $ - $ _ $ _ Miscellaneous $ - $ - $ _ $ Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 4,394,500 $ 600,000 $ (72,500) $ 4,922,000 Total Resources $ 5,924,500 $ 600,000 $ (72,500) $ 6,452,000 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ - $ _ Public Works $ - $ - $ - $ Program Expenditures Total $ - $ - $ _ $ _ Debt Service $ - $ - $ _ $ _ Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ _ $ - Work-In-Progress $ 4,394,500 $ 600,000 $ (72,500) $ 4,922,000 Transfers to Other Funds $ - $ - $ - $ - Contingency $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Budget $ 4,394,500 $ 600,000 $ (72,500) $ 4,922,000 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 1,530,000 $ - $ - $ 1,530,000 Total Requirements $ 5,924,500 $ 600,000 $ (72,500) $ 6,452,000 Exhibit B PW Engineering Fund FY 2020 Revised PW Engineering Fund Revised Q1 Q2PW02 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 541,296 $ - $ 541,296 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ 800,000 $ - $ 800,000 Intergovernmental $ 145,128 $ - $ 145,128 Charges for Services $ 2,920,852 $ - $ 2,920,852 Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - Interest Earnings $ - $ - $ - Miscellaneous $ 86,152 $ - $ 86,152 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 640,718 $ 60,000 $ 700,718 Total Resources $ 5,134,146 $ 60,000 $ 5,194,146 Requirements Community Development $ - $ S - Community Services $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ - Public Works $ 4,357,158 $ 60,000 $ 4,417,158 Program Expenditures Total $ 4,357,158 $ 60,000 $ 4,417,158 Debt Service $ - $ - $ Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ - Work-In-Progress $ - $ - $ - Transfers to Other Funds $ - $ - $ - Contingency $ 97,162 $ - $ 97,162 Total Budget $ 4,454,320 $ 60,000 $ 4,514,320 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 679,826 $ - $ 679,826 Total Requirements $ 5,134,146 $ 60,000 $ 5,194,146 Exhibit B PW Admin Fund FY 2020 Revised PW Admin Fund Revised Q1 Q2PW01 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 316,216 $ - $ 316,216 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - Charges for Services $ 2,262,895 $ - $ 2,262,895 Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - Interest Earnings $ - $ - $ - Miscellaneous $ - $ - $ - Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 48,336 $ $ 48,336 Total Resources $ 2,627,447 $ - $ 2,627,447 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ Policy and Administration $ - $ - $ - Public Works $ 2,315,101 $ 50,000 $ 2,365,101 Program Expenditures Total $ 2,315,101 $ 50,000 $ 2,365,101 Debt Service $ - $ - 5 - Loan to TCDA $ - $ - $ - Work-In-Progress $ - $ - $ - Transfers to Other Funds $ $ - $ - Contingency $ 9.3,587 $ (50,000) $ 43,587 Total Budget $ 2,408,688 $ - $ 2,408,688 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 218,759 $ - $ 218,759 Total Requirements $ 2,627,447 $ - $ 2,627,447 Exhibit B Insurance Fund FY 2020 Revised Insurance Fund Revised Q1 Q2CM01 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,117,330 $ - $ 1,117,330 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - Charges for Services $ - $ - $ - Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - Interest Earnings $ 26,500 $ - $ 26,500 Miscellaneous $ 39,000 $ - $ 39,000 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ - $ - $ - Total Resources $ 1,182,830 $ - $ 1,182,830 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ 67,975 $ 100,000 $ 167,975 Public Works $ - $ - $ - Program Expenditures Total $ 67,975 $ 100,000 $ 167,975 Debt Service $ - $ - $ - Loan to TCDA $ $ - $ - Work-In-Progress $ - $ - $ - Transfers to Other Funds $ - $ 53,000 $ 53,000 Contingency $ 21,501 $ - $ 21,501 Total Budget $ 89,476 $ 153,000 $ 242,476 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 1,093,354 $ (153,000) $ 940,354 Total Requirements $ 1,182,830 $ - $ 1,182,830 Exhibit B Central Services Fund FY 2020 Revised Central Services Fund Revised Q1 Q2CM01 Q2 Resources Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,773,564 $ - $ 1,773,564 Property Taxes $ - $ - $ - Franchise Fees $ - $ - $ - Special Assessments $ - $ - $ - Licenses&Permits $ - $ - $ - Intergovernmental $ - $ - $ - Charges for Services $ 10,032,008 $ - $ 10,032,008 Fines&Forfeitures $ - $ - $ - Interest Earnings $ - $ - $ - Miscellaneous $ 131,036 $ - $ 131,036 Other Financing Sources $ - $ - $ - Transfers In from Other Funds $ 289,721 $ 53,000 $ 342,721 Total Resources $ 12,226,329 $ 53,000 $ 12,279,329 Requirements Community Development $ - $ - $ - Community Services $ - $ - $ - Policy and Administration $ 10,613,565 $ 53,000 $ 10,666,565 Public Works $ - $ - $ - Program Expenditures Total $ 10,613,565 $ 53,000 $ 10,666,565 Debt Service $ - $ - $ - Loan to TCDA $ - $ $ - Work-In-Progress $ $ - $ - Transfers to Other Funds $ - $ - $ - Con_tingency $ 122,427 $ - $ 122,427 Total Budget $ 10,735,992 $ 53,000 $ 10,788,992 Reserve For Future Expenditure $ 1,490,337 $ - $ 1,490,337 Total Requirements $ 12,226,329 $ 53,000 $ 12,279,329