Cityscape 1997-01 ■.■f
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Vol.XV No. 1 The Official Newsletter of Tigard January 1997
Mayor's Corner You are invited to a
On December 17,1996,the City
Council voted unanimously to Special Council Meeting
change Comprehensive Plan and
Development Code provisions for
the Tigard Triangle. This action January 14,1997-7:30 p.m.
culminates years of community effort Tigard City Hall - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard
to address the changing nature of the
Tigard Triangle.
City staff,with assistance from a
team of consultants,spent the last
year working with a task force made
up of residents,property owners,
business owners,developers and Meeting Highlights:
representatives from Metro and the • Oaths of Office-Councilors Paul Hunt&Brian Moore
Oregon Department of
Transportation. ■ State of the City Address by Mayor Nicoli
■ Executive Summary by City Manager Monahan
The resulting plan took into account
t • Elect Council President-City Council
he concerns of all interested parties.
Citizen involvement was critical to ■ Reception to follow...come visit with your elected officials!
the success of this project.Without (Cablecast live on Channel 27)
such an open process,the plan would For more information,please call Cathy Wheatley at 639-4171,Extension 309.
not have gained the support of all the
people and agencies involved.
Council remains concerned over how
the Triangle is developing.As a
result,building design and street
standards will be considered by the Come visit us on the Web....
task force.Council will consider final
action on these standards on Tigard's website address
February 25,1997.
Stop by and learn more
about YOUR city.
James Nicoli,Mayor
CIT Agendas for January ACCIT
CIT - Citizen Involvement Team Graoorooto Neighborhood-Booed
When: Tuesday,January 7, 1997 Where: Mary Woodward School
7 to 9 p.m. 12325 SW Katherine Street
7 p.m. New Schools on Bull Mountain?What does the district have planned?
Mediation-What is it? How does it work?
8 p.m. The Development Code Review-What's the best way for Cit's to provide input?
Citywide Services-How can we learn more?
When: Wednesday,January 8, 1997 Where: Tigard High School
7 to 9 p.m. 9000 SW Durham
7 p.m. How does PGE service new development in Tigard?
How can we mitigate the impacts of new development?
8 p.m. Let's brainstorm ideas for possible locations for a new sports facility!
Update: Cook Park Expansion.
Note New Day
When: Thursday,January 9, 1997 Where: Tigard City Hall
7 to 9 p.m. 13125 SW Hall Blvd.
7 p.m. Peer Court-How will it impact juvenile crime?
Mediation-What is it? How does it work?
8 p.m. 79th/99W-Does ODOT support adding a right turn lane? What's next?
Update: Hawthorne Villa
Information on past CIT actions and activities is available at
the Tigard Public Library in the Community Information Center.
�■�� �� rim �
Locate Your CIT Area!
For more information,
call Liz Newton at 639-4171008.
Shelf ' ' Lif
News from the
-- Tigard Library
Don't forget our Look what's happening at the
winter cozy storytimes ` library in January!
Programs run from January 6
through February 27. anuary 1 Library closed for New Year's Day
Week of January 6 Winter sessions of Craft Time,Storytime,
preschool storytime and Toddler Time begin
January 12 12:30-1 p.m. *Training on WILI,the Library's automated
Starts January 8, system
Wednesday 1 p.m.
J anuay 9 January 18 9-9:30 a.m. *CD ROM Training
Thursday 10:30 a.m. January 19 12:30-1 p.m. *Internet Training
(No sign-up required) January 20 Library Closed for Martin Luther King Jr.
January 25 10-Noon Tigard Area Preschool Fair at Town Hall
Family storytime January 26 12:30-1 p.m. CD Rom Training
Starts January 8,Wednesdays 7 p.m.
(No sign-up required) *To sign up for WILI/CD ROM training and Internet/Netscape training,
call 684-6537 and ask for Circulation.
Craft day All library programs are free.
Starts January 7,Tuesday 10 a.m.and
11 a.m. (No sign-up required) _
Toddler time
Starts January 6,Monday 10 a.m.and Preschool Fair'
January 8,Wednesday 10 a.m.and
11 a.m. (Preregistration required) Representatives from preschools in the Tigard area will be available to
answer questions regarding their facilities. '
Parents interested in selecting a preschool are AL_
encouraged to stop by.
When: Saturday,January 25,
10 Noon
QUESTIONS: Where: Town Hall Meeting Room
Call Terri at the Library,684-6537. Next to the Tigard Public Library
Sponsored by the Tigard Public Library
Family reading matter
Two:Lord Kirkle's money.By Avi. mystery.By Betsy Byars.Juvenile
A New Year. A new Juvenile Fiction.Continuing from Fiction.When super-sleuth
challenge. Book One,Maura and Patrick Herculeah Jones discovers a
O'Connell travel,with the other poor mysterious letter hidden in the lining
Make a difference in your souls in steerage,across the of a secondhand coat,she knows it's
treacherous Atlantic.Laurence,once a clue.Could the message be a
community! a young lord--now a stowaway in the desperate cry for help?If so,what
The Tigard Public Library has lower hold-befriends a rat,and above happened to the person who wrote
openings in its volunteer corps for: all,learns to survive.Meanwhile,in it?Other clues point to the site of the
richer quarters,scoundrel Clemspool abandoned Cole mansion.Why is
Shelvers-replace returned books connives,and Toby Grout is haunted that sinister-looking black car
and magazines to circulation. by his criminal past.On shore their following her?Mysteries do seem to
Shelf Readers-take responsibility destinies intertwine like ivy in the follow Herculeah wherever she goes,
for keeping Your"section of shelves new society of Lowell, but until now,they've never tried to
neat and in proper order. Massachusetts.Bigotry,unchecked run her down...
industrial drudgery and greed test
Searching-do some detective work their bonds of friendship and kin.
to locate books that have strayed. What does happen to that thousand
Children's Room-prepare materials pounds stolen on a London street?
for crafts and story times. %IN
Most volunteer commitments are for
two hours a week,arranged for your G.R.E.A.T. program
convenience.For further information
or to register,call Jean Lindsay, A new program kicked off this year targets 5th graders to say"No to
Volunteer Coordinator,684-6537. for Tigard-area 7th graders at Fowler Drugs."
Middle School.The program is called
To date,over 800 officers from 47
G.R.E.A.T.,or Gang
Resistance Education states have been
Hunter education trained to present the
And Training.
class core curriculum in
The G.R.E.A.T. Junior High and
When: February 4-27 program began in Middle School
Tuesday and 1991 when classrooms.The
Thursday Evenings: representatives from instructor for this
7-9 p.m. Alcohol,Tobacco program in Tigard is
and Firearms(A.T.F.) Officer Rick Boothby.
Where: Fowler Middle contacted various
School,10865 SW By the end of January,
agencies in the
Walnut Street,Tigard Phoenix,Arizona 300 seventh graders
This class is required for hunters area. will have completed
the class and it is
under 18 years of age not hunting on
their own property.Pre-registration The Phoenix Police Department,in heralded as a GREAT success,with
is required.To register or to ask cooperation with surrounding valley no pun intended.Well, ...maybe just
questions,please call Mike Miller at agencies,developed the curriculum a slight one.
245-1497 or Paul Blasko at 248-0612. based upon a goal of reducing gang For further information,please
contact Police Chief Ron Goodpaster,
The program is similar to the 639-4171.
successful D.A.R.E.program which
-5 -
Update: Cook Park Task Force What happened to the
The Cook Park Task Force was The meeting with Metro is scheduled survey I filled out on
formed earlier this year to determine for early January.Metro's citywide visioning?
the feasibility and recommended involvement is critical to the success As you will remember,the survey
uses of an expanded Cook Park if the of this project since the property they was intended to get your input about
City decides to purchase land are purchasing(a portion of the the future of our community.You
available adjacent to the Park.The Thomas Dairy)is ideal for any were asked in November to share
Task Force is composed of two wetland mitigation that could result answers to the following questions:
elected officials,representatives of from expansion elsewhere.
the Tigard Youth Soccer and Little y What issues are important to
League organizations,and three No meeting date has been scheduled you?
for the Task Force.Staff expects that
citizen representatives. the next Task Force meeting will be ~ What are your concerns?
To assist the Task held in late January or y What are your priorities?
Force as they work early February. What an overwhelming response!
toward How can the public The City received 868 written
recommendations, get involved?The responses to the survey and 400
the Council approved
a project to develop a work program for the phone survey responses.Out of a
Cook Park Master Cook Park Master population of 36,000 people in our
Plan.The last Plan calls for two community,there was a total of 1,268
meeting of the Task lug open houses.At the responses to the questionnaire.This is
Force was September first open house,the 3.5%of our citizens responding.
Task Force will
18,1996.At that present their Did you know that when a public
meeting,it was opinion poll is taken nationally that
recommended that all preliminary work typically only 1,000 people are
plan for public review �
work by the surveyed.
consultant stop on the Master Plan and comment.The Task Force will
Project to allow more time for use these comments to finalize the How can I learn what the results of
inter-agency coordination and the plan to be presented at a second open the survey were and what will
house.Upon completion by the Task happen with the information?
completion of studies related to the
Force,their recommendations will go
Plan. Mark your calendar.There will be
to the City Council as a report from two community openhouses held to
The Task Force agreed that Mayor the Mayor.In addition,the City share the results of the survey.Please
Nicoli,Council President Hunt and Council will hold a public hearing on stop t and see what the results were
city staff meet with both Unified the Master Plan.Notice of the public and learn more about the citizen
Sewerage Agency(USA)and Metro meetings will be provided in advance
committee that will be developing
to discuss their respective interests in in the Cityscape or the Tigard Times. priorities and goals to achieve action
allowing the City to either purchase If you would like your name to be in all the issue areas.
or use portions of the former Thomas placed on a mailing list for notice of
Dairy property that USA and Metro these meetings,please call Duane Thursday,January 30,1997, 5-8 p.m.
agreed to purchase Roberts or Jerree Gaynor at 639-4171. Water Bldg.Auditorium-8777 SW
The Mayor,Council President and If you have questions,please contact Burnham Street
staff met with USA on October 28 Community Development Director Saturday,February 1, 1997,9 a.m.-
.m:and discussed the possibility of the Jim Hendryx at 639-4171,Extension Noon City Hall Council Chambers-
City purchasing a portion of the 405. 13125 SW Hall Blvd.
Thomas Dairy property.USA,at this
time,is willing to sell property they If you have questions about the
will not need.Details are yet to be community open house or the
Visioning process,please call John
worked out. Williams,Liz Newton or Loreen Mills
at City of Tigard,639-4171.
City response to Measure 47 Outstanding
As you know,Measure 47 was revenue losses will be allocated to the management award
approved by voters at the November taxing bodies.Many of the sections The Oregon Recreation and Park
election.The Oregonian and other of the Measure require legislative Association recognized the City of
publications have been reporting on action before the full impact of the Tigard for its outstanding
state and local governments' measure can be determined. management to reconstruct Cook
responses to the measure.Many Park from the devastation of the
passage citizens have asked what the City voters in 1994 approved a
p g $1,700,000 increase in the City tax "Flood of'96"by creative
of this measure means to the City of base.Measure 47 is rojected to maintenance and dedicated work by
Tigard. volunteers and parks maintenance
eliminate this increase by reducing
The City Council and City staff have property tax revenues by$2,000,000 staff.
met several times to discuss how the in 1997/98.The City's Long Term In a recent newsletter,the ORPA
measure may affect City Services and Financial Plan which contemplated acknowledged the City of Tigard
how the City should respond to the the addition of 18 Police positions Parks Crew with congratulations for
projected loss of property tax through the year 2001 could be dedicated efforts and outstanding
revenues. severely underfunded making it maintenance management of a crisis
The Council approved an immediate
impossible to carry out.The City with limited resources!
Council and the Budget Committee
hiring freeze.All unfilled positions will work through the spring to
funded by the General Fund will devise a financial strategy to Water color
remain vacant indefinitely.All h 2001.
departments were asked to reduce maintain core services through On December 12,1996,Channel Two
current expenditures as much as The 1997/98 budget process News reported on the effects of high
possible.Several projects have been promises to be a challenging one.The turbidity levels(amount of
put on hold including an expansion committee will be dealing with a suspended particles in water)on the
to the Police station and significant reduction in projected tax Fater treatment process during times
improvements to the feed store revenue and many uncertainties that of high river flows.The City of
property on Main Street. may not be settled by the Legislature Tigard is currently purchasing
until well into the budget process. 75-80%of its water supply from the
The 1997/98 budget cycle will begin The process is designed to encourage Bull Run system,4%from our own
in late December.The hope is to public participation.All Budget well production and the remaining
avoid reductions in the current level meetings are held at City Hall, 16-21%from the City of Lake
of staffing in Police and to keep the advertised and open to the public. Oswego.The City of Lake Oswego
Library open during current owns and operates a water treatment
operating hours.Much of this will Please call Finance Director Wayne plant that processes water from the
depend on the results of the 1997 Lowry at 639-4171,Extension 345 if Clackamas River.Unlike the
Legislative session as lawmakers you have questions or would like Clackamas River,water purity from
establish the procedures by which additional information. the Bull Run system is some of the
highest in the nation and only
requires disinfection and not
Oasis inter-generational tutoring filtration.Any color in Tigard's water
OASIS(Older Adult Service and Information System)sponsors a tutoring supply is a residual effect from the
program to help high-risk students gain from extra one-on-one support to alder leaves and fir and cedar needles
increase their language development and self esteem.People 55 years or older dropping into the Bull Run
are teamed with 1st,2nd or 3rd grade students for weekly sessions. Reservoirs.The water meets and
Tutors commit to one hour a week with a student and have ongoing training at exceeds all Safe Drinking Water
monthly meetings at the school district.
Standards as set by the EPA and the
Oregon Health Division.At no time
For more information about upcoming informational coffees,please contact during the recent rains was our water
Maggie D.Michelitch,OASIS,241-3059 on Tuesday,Wednesday or Thursday supply threatened or
between the hours of 10 a.m.and 3 p.m. microbiologically compromised.
- 7-
Here is a review of the City Council Meeting highlights for the last month:
■ Conducted a workshop and public ■ Awarded bid for construction of ■ Denied a request for a
hearing on the Tigard Triangle 79th/Durham traffic signal. Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Comprehensive Plan Amendment. n Discussed impacts of Measure 47 by Dr.Davis/Foreign Mission to
change designation from a low
■ Reviewed budget line items to on annexation. to
determine where to cut back,delay commercial/professional.density residential tial
or eliminate expenditures, ■ Heard a report on the mediation
p program;Tigard contracts with the (Property is located Southeast of
anticipating reduced revenues
when Measure 47 is implemented. City of Beaverton for this service.
SW Oak Street,east of 95th and
p north of Highway 217.)
Future Council Agenda Items:
❑ Mayor to deliver State of the City ❑ Continue to review policy areas ❑ Conduct a public hearing on a
Address;Councilors Hunt and for preparation of implementa- Comprehensive Plan Amend-
Moore to be sworn in;election of tion of Measure 47. ment to change use from medium-
Council President for a two-year high density residential to
term(January 14,1997) ❑ Receive an update on the Vision- community commercial for an 8.5
. ing Project. acre parcel.Subject property lo-
* Review the findings of the Neigh- ❑ Receive an update on Metro 2040. cated west of SW 135th Avenue,
borhood Traffic Management south of Scholls Ferry Road,and
Plan(tentatively scheduled for east of Old Scholls Ferry Road.
January 21,1997)
For additional information or if you have any questions about any of the items listed above,please contact City Recorder Cathy
Wheatley at 639-4171,X309.A copy of Council packet information can be found at the Library for the last year.Audio tape
recordings of meetings as well as video recordings of most meetings are also available at the Library.
All meetings at Tigard City Hall—13125 SW Hall Boulevard,unless noted.
The Tigard City Council meetings City Council: Library Board: Intergovernmental
are cablecast live at 7:30 p.m. on January 14*,21,28 2nd Thurs.,7 p.m. Water Board
the second Tuesday of the month
February 11*,18,25 2nd Wed. 5:30 .m.
on Channel 27. Replays air at 6 Y Planning Commission: 1?
p.m.on the second Thursday and -6:30 p.m.unless otherwise 1st&3rd Mon.after 1st Tigard Water Building
at 10 a.m. on the second on posted Sun.,7:30 p.m. 8777 SW Burnham
Channel 21. *Cablecast Meeting
Paid for by: BULK RATE
(503) 639-4171 PORTLAND,OR
FAX No.684-7297