Ordinance No. 19-21 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON
WHEREAS, Tigard's existing residential parking zone program in Tigard Municipal Code 10.28.175 has been
difficult to implement and has not adequately addressed parking concerns of residents;and
WHEREAS,representatives from the City met with residents at a public meeting on August 28,2019 to discuss
proposals for a new residential parking zone program;and
WHEREAS, based on the feedback provided at the public meetings, it is in the public interest for the City to
create a new residential parking zone program to address safety concerns and livability issues in certain areas.
SECTION 1: Tigard Municipal Code 10.30 is adopted as shown on the attached Exhibit A.
SECTION 2: If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance
is held invalid, such invalidity does not affect the other provisions or applications of the
ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application,and to this
end the provisions of this ordinance are severable. This City Council hereby declares that it
would have adopted this ordinance irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion
thereof and intends that the invalid portions should be severed and the balance of the
ordinance be enforced.
SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be effective February 1,2020.
PASSED: By ZL i2000LI Y Z 06m— vote of all council members present after being read by number
and title only, this 3 rd day of 4e(,e° G .___ ,2019.
Carol A. Krager,City Recorder!
APPROVED: By Tigard City Council this .?IS day of Del-EM-der ,2019.
App ved as to form: Tascli :. Snider,Mayor
City Attorney
ORDINANCE No. 19-02/
Page 1
Exhibit A
Chapter 10.30 RESIDENTIAL PARKING 10.30.030 Establishing Residential
ZONES Parking Zone
Sections: A. Residents may apply to have an area
designated as a residential parking zone through a
10.30.010 Purpose community-initiated petition submitted to the city
10.30.020 Definitions manager. The petition must be signed by a
10.30.030 Establishing Residential resident from least sixty percent (60%) of the
Parking Zone addresses proposed for inclusion in the residential
10.30.040 Zone Renewal or Revocation parking zone, limited to one resident signature per
10.30.050 Permits address. The petition must include:
10.30.060 Signage
10.30.070 Violations and Enforcement 1. A detailed description of the
10.30.080 Appeals parking problem or livability concerns justifying
creation of a residential parking zone. Such
10.30.010 Purpose concerns may include, but are not limited to,
blocked fire hydrants or crosswalks, inability to
The purpose of this chapter is to address safely enter road way from driveways,or inability
safety and livability concerns in residential of waste haulers or mail carriers to access
neighborhoods caused by non-residential sources. property.
10.30.020 Definitions 2. The cause of the parking problems
or livability concerns.
A. "City manager" means the city manager
for Tigard, Oregon, or the city manager's 3. A map showing the proposed
designee. boundaries of the residential parking zone.
B. "Resident" means an individual who 4. The type of parking restrictions
resides within a Residential Parking Zone. A requested, including prohibiting unpermitted
resident must be the legal owner of the property or parking during specified hours or limiting
have a legal right to occupy the property. unpermitted parking to a specific duration of time.
C. "Residential Parking Zone" means the 5. The proposed maximum number of
identified geographic area, approved by the city resident and guest parking permits per resident.
manager, designated for parking by residents and
their guests, only, during all or some identified B. Upon receipt of a complete petition, the
and posted hours of the day. city manager will determine whether the affected
area is eligible for a residential parking zone.
D. "Residential parking zone plan" means Incomplete petitions will be returned.
the guidelines for a residential parking zone, as
described in TMC 10.30.030.C. C. If the city manager determines an area is
eligible, the city manager may propose a
residential parking zone plan. The city manager's
proposed plan must include:
Exhibit A
may not be modified except by the process in
1. The boundaries of the proposed TMC 10.30.030.A through F.
residential parking zone. 10.30.040 Zone Renewal or Revocation
2. The type of parking restrictions A residential parking zone will automatically
proposed, including prohibiting unpermitted renew annually,unless:
parking during specified hours or limiting
unpermitted parking to a specific duration of time. A. The city manager receives a petition
signed by a resident from least sixty percent
3. The maximum number of resident (60%) of the addresses in the residential parking
and guest parking permits available for purchase zone, limited to one resident signature per
by each resident. address, requesting termination of the residential
parking zone; or
D. The city manager will mail the proposed
plan to all residents within 500 feet of the B. The city manager finds it is in the best
proposed residential parking zone, along with interest of the city to terminate the residential
notice of a public meeting to discuss the proposal. parking zone. Prior to termination, the city
The city manager may refine the proposed plan manager will send notice of a public meeting to
following the public meeting. all residents in the residential parking zone.
Within 30 days following the public meeting, the
E. Within 30 days following the public city manager will determine whether to terminate
meeting, the city manager will prepare a ballot to the residential parking zone and provide notice to
be mailed to all addresses within the proposed all residents of the decision. If the city manager
residential parking zone. One resident per address terminates the residential parking zone, a
is eligible to vote on the proposal. Ballots must minimum of one year must elapse before a new
be returned to the city manager on or before the proposal may be initiated for the same or similar
date specified. area.
F. For the city manager to approve creation 10.30.050 Permits
of a residential parking zone, a minimum seventy
percent (70%) of the ballots must be returned, out A. Once a residential parking zone is
of which a minimum of seventy-five percent approved, a resident may apply to the city for an
(75%)must be votes in support of the proposal. If on-street parking permit or guest pass, as provided
such requirements are met, the city manager will in the residential parking zone plan. An applicant
notify all residents within the residential parking must show proof of residency within the
zone of the approval and effective date. If such residential parking zone and proof of vehicle
requirements are not met, a minimum of one year ownership of vehicle(s) registered to that address.
must elapse before a new proposal may be A permitted guest has the same rights and
initiated for the same or similar area. permissions as a resident.
G. Residential parking zones in effect as of B. The cost of each resident and guest
February 1, 2020 will be allowed to remain as parking permit will be determined by resolution of
adopted. An adopted residential parking zone City Council.
Exhibit A
C. A resident must reapply each year for all vehicle other than the resident's vehicle for which
parking permits, on or before January 1st. All the permit was issued.
permits are good for the remainder of the calendar 5. Sell, transfer, purchase, or
year, regardless of when the permit was otherwise acquire for value any permit issued by
purchased. Costs for permits may be prorated on the City of Tigard.
a semi-annual basis.
6. Use,or allow the use of,a permit in
D. Parking permits must be clearly a manner inconsistent with the terms and
displayed in the front window of the vehicle at all limitations of the permit or this chapter.
times when residential parking zone restrictions
are in effect. B. Violation of this chapter may result in
the immediate revocation of a resident or guest
E. A permit is not required for city-owned parking permit and, upon conviction, be
or publicly-owned vehicles operating in an official punishable by a fine set by resolution of the City
capacity or when authorized by state law or city Council.
C. The city may tow a vehicle for repeated
10.30.060 Signage violations of this chapter or if a health or safety
risk exists.
Parking restrictions in a residential parking
zone will be identified by signage. 10.30.080 Appeals
10.30.070 Violations and Enforcement The decisions of the city manager with
respect to any of the foregoing are final and not
A. It is a violation of this chapter for any subject to appeal. ■
person to:
1. Park on-street in a residential
parking zone for more than two hours without
displaying a resident or guess parking permit.
2. Provide false information in
connection with an application for a resident or
guest permit.
2. Fail to surrender a permit, when
requested to do so, when the person is no longer
entitled to the permit.
3. Use a permit when the permit
holder is no longer entitled to the permit.
4. Use, or allow the use of, a
residential parking permit in connection with a