ZIL2019-00014 APPROVED
ZIL2019- 00014
Center ZIL
City of Tigard
October 30, 2019
Housing Development Center
Attn: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder
847 NE 19th Ave. Suite 150
Portland, OR 97232
Re: Zoning Inquiry Letter— ZIL2019-00014
11157 SW Hall Boulevard
WCTM 1S135DA,Tax Lot 04600
Dear Ms. Lindgren-Schreuder,
On October 23rd, 2019, the City of Tigard Planning Division received your inquiry for a
Zoning Analysis Letter regarding 11157 SW Hall Boulevard (WCTM 1S135DA, Tax Lot
04600). The subject property is zoned Mixed-Use Residential 1 (MUR-1) and located within
the Washington Square Regional Center Plan District.
The subject property was developed with a residential use pursuant to land use approval
SDR2000-00021. "Group Living"and"Household Living"are both allowed uses in the MUR-
1 Zone. Therefore, the existing residential use on the subject property is a conforming use.
Despite being in the Washington Square Regional Center Plan District, the existing
development is subject to the MUR-1 Zone development standards for the applicable
residential housing type that was built, which in this case was an apartment. Apartment
standards are located in Chapter 18.230. The existing apartment development met all of the
standards in the Community Development Code (CDC) at the time of land use approval.
However, several standards have changed since that time, and the existing development no
longer meets all of the standards in Chapter 18.230.
Minimum density is an example of a standard that is no longer met. As stated in CDC Table
18.230.1, the minimum number of dwelling units currently required in the MUR-1 Zone is 50
units per acre. The subject property is 0.84 acres, which means a minimum of 42 units are
required. Since the existing development contains 26 units, this standard is not met. Other
standards you may be interested in reviewing are off-street parking requirements, which are
located in Table 18.230.2 (attached).
13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503.639.4171
TTY Relay: 503.684.2772 • www.tigard-or.gov
Development that was legally built but no longer meets standards is allowed to continue and
may be modified subject to the provisions in Chapter 18.50 Nonconforming Circumstances.
The original land use approval (which includes approved plans) can be accessed online at
http://publicrecords.tigard-or.gov/. Click the "Community Development (Building,
Engineering & Planning) Search" link, and then enter case number SDR2000-00021. Our
online system works best in Firefox.
Please feel free to contact me at (503) 718-2450 or SamuelC@tigard-or.gov if you have any
levnivizt c6ticotsm_.
Samuel Copelan
Assistant Planner
Attachment 1: CDC 18.230 (density and parking)
Attachment 2: Zoning Map
Attachment 3: CPAH Village Zoning Form
Chapter 18.230
18.230.010 Purpose
18.230.020 Applicability
18.230.030 Application Type
18.230.040 Development Standards
18.230.050 Design Standards
18.230.060 Accessory Structures
18.230.010 Purpose
Apartments are a type of attached housing within single-story or multi-story buildings. Apartment
dwelling units may share common side walls, ceilings, or floors. The purpose of this chapter is to provide
standards that promote quality development and enhance the livability, walkability, and safety of the
community. Apartment development is intended to achieve the following:
A. Increase the number of affordable housing units;
B. Provide for a variety of housing types that meet the needs of Tigard's diverse population at all stages
of life;
C. Facilitate the efficient use of land through higher-density attached housing; and
D. Support and complement transit services by providing ridership density and proximity. (Ord. 18-28
§1; Ord. 18-23 §2)
18.230.020 Applicability
A. The standards of this chapter apply to apartment development in the R-12, R-25, R-40, MUC, MUE,
MUE-1, MUE-2, MUR-1, and MUR-2 zones. Additional standards apply in the River Terrace Plan
District as provided in Chapter 18.640, River Terrace Plan District. An applicant may elect to apply
the approval process and standards of this chapter or of Chapter 18.280, Rowhouses, when proposing
rowhouse development.
B. Apartment development in the MUC-1 zone is subject to the standards of Chapter 18.620, Bridgeport
Village Plan District.
C. This chapter does not apply to apartment development in the MU-CBD and TMU zones. Apartment
development in these zones is subject to the approval processes and standards of Chapter 18.650,
Tigard Downtown Plan District, and Chapter 18.660, Tigard Triangle Plan District, respectively.
(Ord. 18-28 §1;Ord. 18-23 §2)
18.230.030 Application Type
Apartment development requires a site development review application. (Ord. 18-28 §1)
Apartments 18.230-1 Code Update:12/18
18.230.040 Development Standards
A. Base zone development standards are provided in Table 18.230.1.
Table 18.230.1
Apartment Development Standards
Standard R-12 R-25 MUE R-40 and MUR-1 and
3,050 1,480 1,480
Minimum Lot Size sq ft per sq ft per sq ft per 0 sq ft 0 sq ft 0 sq ft 0 sq ft
unit unit unit
Minimum Setbacks
-Front 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft loft Oft Oft
-Street side 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 10 ft 5 ft Oft
-Side 10 ft loft loft loft Oor20ft Oor20ft Oor20ft
[1] [1] [1] [2] [2] [2]
-Rear 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft O or 20 ft O or 20 ft O or 20 ft
[1] [1] [1] [2] [2] [2]
Maximum Setbacks
-Front None None None None 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft
-Street side None None None None 20 ft 20 ft 20 ft
Minimum Height O ft O ft 0 ft O ft O ft 2 stories 2 stories
Maximum Height 35 ft 45 ft 45 ft 60 ft 60 ft 75 ft 200 ft
Maximum Lot 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 85%
Minimum Landscape 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 15%
80%of maximum 80%of 25 units 50 units 50 units
Minimum Density density None max.
density per acre per acre per acre
Calculated using the 25 units 40 units 50 units
Maximum Density method provided in None None
18.40.140 per acre per acre per acre
[1] Where the site abuts an R-1 through R-12 zone, an additional 1 foot of setback is required for each
foot of building height above the maximum building height of the abutting zone.
[2] Minimum side and rear setbacks are 0 feet,except the minimum side and rear setbacks are 20 feet
where the site abuts an R-1 through R-12 zone.
B. Landscaping and screening. All required landscaping, including landscaping used to meet screening
or tree canopy standards, is subject to the general provisions of Chapter 18.420, Landscaping and
1. The minimum landscape area standard is provided in Table 18.230.1. Landscaping standards are
provided in Section 18.420.040. Any landscape area that meets the L-2 standard and any required
common open space area may count toward meeting the minimum landscape area standard.
Apartments 18.230-2 Code Update:12/18
2. Screening standards are provided in Section 18.420.050. Screening is required as follows:
a. Service areas and wall- and roof-mounted utilities must be screened to the S-1 standard.
Service areas and utilities are also subject to the standards in Subsection 18.230.040.G.
b. Apartments that abut an R-1 through R-12 zone must be screened to the S-3 standard along
all property lines, except street property lines.
c. Surface vehicle parking areas, loading areas, and drive aisles within 20 feet of a street
property line must be screened to the S-4 standard. Screening must be provided directly
adjacent to the street property line,except where access is taken.
3. The minimum tree canopy standards for the site and any off-street vehicle parking areas are
provided in Section 18.420.060.
C. Common open space.
1. Common open space is required. The minimum total area of required common open space is 10
percent of the gross site area or 750 square feet, whichever is greater. More than one common
open space area may be provided to meet this standard, but any area used to meet this standard
must be a minimum of 20 feet in width and depth.
2. Apartment developments with less than 20 dwelling units must provide at least 2 different items
from the list below within areas identified as common open space. Apartment developments with
20 or more dwelling units must provide at least 4 different items from the list below within areas
identified as common open space.
a. Playground equipment or play area for children,
b. Sport court,
c. Playing field,
d. Lawn or garden,
e. Covered seating,
f. Swimming pool or water feature,
g. Plaza or courtyard with permanent seating,
h. Gazebo,
i. Club house,
j. Workout room,or
k. Other similar item as determined by the director.
Apartments 18.230-3 Code Update:12/18
3. At least 50 percent of the dwelling units in a development must face outdoor common open space
or a public street. This standard is met when the front door or a window from the kitchen, living
room, or dining room of a unit faces the outdoor common open space or a public street.
4. Building facades, including accessory structure facades, that face outdoor common open space
must meet the 15 percent window area requirement in Subsection 18.230.050.B or be screened to
the S-4 standard as provided in Table 18.420.2.
5. Common open space may not be located in the front setback or include sensitive lands.
D. Private open space.
1. Private open space is required for each dwelling unit. Each private open space must be a
minimum of 48 square feet in area and a minimum of 5 feet in width and depth.
2. Private open space must be directly accessible from the interior of the dwelling unit that it serves.
3. Additional common open space above the required minimum may substitute for some or all of the
required private open space at a 1:1 ratio.
E. Pedestrian access.
1. Paths must provide pedestrian access from public sidewalks abutting the site to all required
building entrances on the site.
2. Paths must provide pedestrian access between all common open space areas, vehicle and bicycle
parking areas, building entrances, and service areas designed for use by residents. Paths within
parking areas or along drive aisles are subject to additional standards in Subsection 18.410.040.B.
3. Paths must extend to the perimeter property line to provide pedestrian access to existing or
planned pedestrian facilities on adjacent properties, such as trails or public access easements.
4. Paths must be constructed with a hard surface material and have a minimum unobstructed width
of 5 feet.
F. Vehicle and bicycle parking.
1. The applicable provisions and standards of Sections 18.410.010 through 18.410.060 apply to
apartment developments.
2. The standards in Sections 18.410.070 through 18.410.090 do not apply to apartment
3. The minimum and maximum number of off-street vehicle and bicycle parking spaces are
provided in Table 18.230.2. Any fractional space requirement is rounded up to the next whole
Apartments 18.230-4 Code Update: 12/18
Table 18.230.2
Off-Street Vehicle and Bicycle Parking Quantity Requirements
Apartment Size Vehicle Minimum Vehicle Maximum Bicycle Minimum
(Zones A and B)
500 sq ft or less 1 space per dwelling unit
1 bedroom 1 space per dwelling unit 1 space per 2 dwelling
None units
2 bedroom 1.25 spaces per dwelling unit
3 bedroom 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit
4. Apartment developments with 10 or more required vehicle parking spaces must also provide
additional vehicle parking for guests. The minimum amount of additional parking spaces is 15
percent of the minimum vehicle parking requirement as provided in Table 18.230.2. Guest
vehicle parking must be clearly identified with pavement markings or signs.
5. Apartment developments with 20 or more dwelling units must also provide additional bicycle
parking spaces for guests. The minimum amount of additional parking spaces is 15 percent of the
minimum bicycle parking requirement as provided in Table 18.230.2. Guest bicycle parking must
be located within 20 feet of the street property line and be visible to pedestrians from the public
sidewalk in front of the site. Bicycle parking may be located in the public right-of-way with
approval of the City Engineer.
6. Apartment developments with 20 or more dwelling units must provide all required non-guest
bicycle parking spaces inside a structure or under a roof. Required bicycle parking is exempt from
the location standard of Subsection 18.410.050.A but may not be located inside individual
dwelling units.
7. Surface parking,detached garages,and attached or detached carports may not be located closer to
a street property line than the building closest to that street property line.
8. Parking areas may not occupy more than 50 percent of the total length of each street frontage as
measured 20 feet from the street property line. Drive aisles without adjacent parking spaces do
not count as parking areas for the purposes of this standard.
9. Attached garages may be attached to any side of an apartment building. If attached to the street-
facing facade, they may not be located closer to the street property line than the apartment
building facade and the facade must include at least 1 entrance for each proposed garage that
meets the standards of Subsection 18.230.050.A. Driveways associated with attached garages that
take direct individual access from a public or private street must meet the rowhouse location and
access standards in Paragraph 18.280.050.E.3 and Subparagraph 18.280.050.E.2.a.
G. Utilities and service areas.
1. Private utility facilities, such as transformers or control valves, that serve a single development
must be located below ground unless the functional properties of the facility require above-
ground placement. If located above ground,all facilities 1 cubic foot or greater in volume, or with
any one dimension greater than 2 feet, must meet the following standards where not wall-or roof-
mounted or located inside a building:
Apartments 18.230-5 Code Update: 12/18
a. The facility may not be located within 20 feet of any street property line; and
b. The facility must be dark in color and painted or wrapped with a non-reflective material.
2. Service areas, such as waste and recycling containers, outdoor storage, and mechanical
equipment, may not be located within 20 feet of any street property line, except where located
inside a building.
H. Lighting.
1. Minimum illumination levels are measured horizontally at ground level.
a. The minimum average illumination is 1.5 footcandles for paths, except those within parking
areas, which are subject to the lighting standards in Subsection 18.410.040.I. All points of
measurement must be a minimum of 0.5 footcandles.
b. The minimum average illumination is 3.5 footcandles for required building entrances and 2.0
footcandles for any non-required building entrances. All points of measurement must be a
minimum of 1.0 footcandle.
2. Maximum illumination levels are measured vertically at the property line or sensitive lands
boundary line. The maximum illumination is 0.5 footcandles at side and rear property lines,
except that the maximum illumination may be increased to 1.0 footcandle where the development
abuts a commercial or industrial zone. The maximum illumination is 0 footcandles at any
sensitive lands boundary line.
3. Lighting must be shielded, with a cutoff angle of 90 degrees or greater to ensure that it does not
shine upwards. Lighting sources, such as lamps and bulbs, may not be directly visible from
adjacent properties or sensitive lands.
I. Apartments are subject to all other applicable requirements of this title including but not limited to
standards related to streets,utilities, sensitive lands,and signs. (Ord. 18-28 §1; Ord. 18-23 §2)
18.230.050 Design Standards
A. Entrances.
1. For dwelling units with internal building access, a minimum of 1 entrance per building must be
visible and accessible from a public or private street or outdoor common open space. Additional
entrances may face drive aisles,parking areas, or service areas.
2. For dwelling units without internal building access, a minimum of 1 entrance per dwelling unit
must be visible and accessible from a public or private street, outdoor common open space, or
drive aisle that has a curb and path adjacent to the unit.
3. A required building entrance must be at an angle that is no more than 45 degrees from the street,
common open space, or drive aisle that it faces. A required building entrance to an individual
dwelling unit may exceed this standard where it opens onto a porch or stoop provided the angle is
no more than 90 degrees from the street,common open space, or drive aisle that it faces.
4. A required building entrance must be covered, recessed, or treated with a permanent architectural
feature that provides weather protection for pedestrians. The required weather protection must be
Apartments 18.230-6 Code Update: 12/18
at least as wide as the entrance, a maximum of 6 feet above the top of the entrance, and a
minimum of 3 feet in depth. The required weather protection may project into the minimum front
B. Windows.
1. All building facades that face a public or private street must include a minimum of 15 percent
window area.
2. The minimum window area standard does not apply to stories with sloped roofs or dormers.
C. Facade design.
1. All building facades that face a public or private street or outdoor common open space must
include at least 2 different architectural features from the list provided in subparagraphs a through
j. An additional 2 different architectural features per facade are required on all buildings with 20
or more dwelling units. This standard may be met by including different architectural features on
different facades of the same building. Buildings that do not include dwelling units are exempt
from providing architectural features on facades that face common open areas, but must provide
at least 2 different architectural features on all street-facing facades.
a. Facade articulation. A wall projection or recession that is a minimum of 6 feet in width and 2
feet in depth for a minimum of half the height of the facade and with a maximum distance of
40 feet between projections or recessions.
b. Roof eave or projecting cornice.
i. An eave that projects a minimum of 12 inches from the building facade; or
ii. A cornice that projects a minimum of 6 inches from the building facade and is a
minimum of 12 inches in height.
c. Roof offsets or dormers.
i. A roof offset that is a minimum of 2 feet from the top surface of one roof to the top
surface of another roof as measured horizontally or vertically with a maximum distance
of 40 feet between offsets. See Figure 18.230.1;or
ii. One dormer for each top floor dwelling unit that is a minimum of 4 feet in width and
integrated into the roof form.
Apartments 18.230-7 Code Update: 12/18
Figure 18.230.1 Roof Offset
2' min. roof offset
1.1 /‘
/ t
d. Accent siding. A minimum of 2 different siding materials are used, and one siding material
covers a minimum of 40 percent of the building facade.
e. Distinct base and top. The ground floor is visually distinguished from the upper floors by
including a belt course and at least one of the following:
i. a change in surface or siding pattern;
ii. a change in surface or siding material; or
iii. a change in the size or orientation of windows.
f. Window area. A minimum of 50 percent window area is included.
g. Window shadowing. All windows include at least one of the following:
i. Window trim that is a minimum of 2.5 inches in width and 0.625 inches in depth;or
ii. Windows that are recessed a minimum of 3 inches from the building facade.
h. Balconies. Balconies are included on all upper floors that meet the dimensional requirement
for private open space provided in Subsection 18.230.040.D.
i. Covered porches or recessed entrances. All ground floor dwelling units with individual
entrances include at least one of the following:
i. A covered porch that is a minimum of 5 feet in width and depth; or
ii. An entrance area that is a minimum of 5 feet in width and recessed a minimum of 2 feet
from the building facade.
Apartments 18.230-8 Code Update:12/18
j. Enhanced entrances or awnings. A building that provides internal access to dwelling units
includes at least one of the following:
i. A building entrance area that is a minimum of 8 feet in width and is either:
(A)recessed a minimum of 5 feet from the building facade,or
(B) covered with a permanent architectural feature that provides weather protection. The
architectural feature must be at least as wide as the entry,a maximum of 6 feet above
the top of the entry, and a minimum of 5 feet in depth. The architectural feature may
project into the minimum front setback; or
ii. A permanent architectural feature above all ground floor windows, such as an awning or
series of awnings, that are at least as wide as each window, a maximum of 6 feet above
the top of each window, and a minimum of 3 feet in depth. The architectural feature may
project into the minimum front setback.
2. The following building materials are prohibited on all building facades, including accessory
structure facades, that face a public or private street or outdoor common open space. They may
not be used collectively on more than 35 percent of any other building facade.
a. Vinyl PVC siding,
b. T-111 plywood,
c. Exterior insulation finishing(EIFS),
d. Corrugated metal,
e. Plain concrete or concrete block,
f. Spandrel glass, or
g. Sheet pressboard. (Ord. 18-28 §1; Ord. 18-23 §2)
18.230.060 Accessory Structures
Accessory structures are allowed subject to the following standards:
A. Accessory structures are prohibited in the required front or street side setback;
B. Accessory structures may be located in the required side or rear setback provided they are a minimum
of 5 feet from the side and rear property lines and a maximum of 15 feet in height;and
C. All accessory structures, including structures required to screen utilities and service areas, and all site
improvements, such as fences, walls, signs, and light fixtures, must use materials, colors, and
architectural design features that are similar in scale and appearance to those on primary buildings.
Chain link fencing and unfinished concrete blocks are prohibited. (Ord. 18-28 §1;Ord. 18-23 §2) ■
Apartments 18.230-9 Code Update:12/18
rL en uI I;1 131350A02400
Vicinity Map 13135AD03200 ZI L2019-00014
Tiarc' City of Tigard, Oregon
Y'I 1513513A00100 Maintenance Responsibility
— City of Tigard
1<I — 000T
- I�I — City of Portland
^ Washington County
- Plan Districts
19135D A02402
Zoning Classifications
R-1 Residential Low-Density
rr. R-2 Residential Low-Density
R-3.5 Residential Low-Density
^ ( R-4.5 Residential Low-Density
13135DA 00200 R-7 Residential Medium-Density I
R-12 Residential Medium-Density
15135 DA02 500 R-25 Residential
R-40 Residential High-Density
- MUR-1 Mixed Use Residential 1
I MUR-2 Mixed Use Residential 2
■ MU-CBD Mixed Use Central Bus Dist
Oa C-C Community Commercial
13135DA04800 C-G General Commercial
j 3 C-N Neighborhood Commercial
MU R-1 I :;i If F fit R-1
P. C-P Professional Commercial
1313 SDA 00300 i MUC Mixed Use Commercial
MUC-1 Mixed Use Commercial 1
• TMU Triangle Mixed Use
MUE Mixed Use Employment
f7 MUE-7 Mixed Use Employment 1
MUE-2 Mixed Use Employment 2
I-L Light Industrial
.. ■ I-P Industrial Park
• I-H Heavy Industrial
• PR Parks and Recreation
■ WA-Cnty Washington County
oat.is tlerivea from r, Itiple sources.The City or Tigard
makes n nty,representation,or guarantee as to
"r&. the content w accuracy.timeliness Or come letene as Of any
f tho dote provided herein The City f Tigard shell
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o liability for any omissions
Inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of
j au
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1S135DA00500 , - qP
1E11350A02200 � _
1S135DA031100 avgq o .5rrIMM
Scale: 0.02 Miles
City of Tigard Si
181350A02100 13125 SW Hall Blvd
18135DA00700 Tigard, OR 97223
Map Created: (503) 639-4171
10/23/2019 www.tigard-or.gov
• You must use and submit the below zoning form to provide proof of zoning. You will need to have your local
zoning agency complete and sign the zoning form below. The Department will not accept zoning approval in any
other format.
• The Department will not accept application for Projects that require zone changes or annexations.
• The original of the Certificate must be placed in the original application.
Local Government Verification that Development is Consistent
With Zoning and Land Use Regulations
Project Name: Village at Washington Square
Project Type and#of units: Residential Multifamily Affordable Housing—26 units
Project Location: 11157 SW Hall Boulevard, Portland, OR 97223
Acreage of Project Site: 0.84 Tax Account#(s): R2077395
Assessor's Map&Tax Lot(s): 1 S135DA-04600
Certification (Must be completed by local jurisdiction)
1. The zoning for this development site is: Mixed-Use Residential 1(MUR-1), located in the
Washington Square Regional Center Plan District. The development conformed with land use
regulations in place at the time pursuant to land use approval SDR2000-00021.
2. The number of units (not buildings) [density] allowed for this development site is:
Minimum number: 43 Maximum number: None
3. The number of on-site parking spaces required per 500 sq ft or less= 1 space/dwelling unit,
dwelling unit is: 1 bedroom= 1 space/dwelling unit,
2 bedroom= 1.25 spaces/dwelling unit,
3 bedroom= 1.5 spaces/dwelling unit
4. Check the applicable box. (Check only one(1) box):
The proposed use is consistent with the above referenced zoning and applicable land use regulations.The
jurisdiction requires no additional land use approvals.
The proposed use will be consistent with the above referenced zoning and applicable land
❑ use regulations upon obtaining of the following land use approval(s):
,or resolution of the following land use issue(s):
Applicant submitted the required application(s)for review: has has not
❑ The proposed use is not allowable or cannot be determined to be allowable with
the above referenced zoning and applicable land use regulations because:
I certify the City of Tigard has vested in me the authority to verify consistency
with local land use regulations and I further certify the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
�. Cid' 10-30-19 (503)718-2450
Signature Date Phone
Samuel Copelan Assistant Planner
Print Name Title
Samuel Copelan 1 LMq-oOO i 1
From: Samuel Copelan
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 3:15 PM
To: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder
Subject: RE:zoning for 11157 SW Hall Blvd
Good afternoon Lynn,
I will create your ZIL letter and also complete the form that you submitted. There is a fee to be paid, please
see the information below:
Your permit is ready for fee payment. You can pay the fee online by clicking this link:
https://aca.accela.com/tigard/, go to the "Planning" tab, search for record number ZIL2019-00014. Then,
go to the "Payments" tab and click "Fees" to submit your online payment. Please note there is a 3% service
charge for all debit and credit card payments.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sam Copelan
Assistant Planner
City of Tigard; Community Development
13125 SW Hall Boulevard
Phone: (503) 718-2450
Email: Samuelc(a,tigard-or.gov
DISCLAIMER: E-mails sent or received by City of Tigard employees are subject to public record laws. If requested, e-mail
may be disclosed to another party unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. E-mails are retained
by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules"City General Records Retention Schedule."
From: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder<Lynn@hdc-nw.org>
Sent:Wednesday,October 23, 2019 9:47 AM
To: Lina Smith<LinaCS@tigard-or.gov>;Samuel Copelan <samuelc@tigard-or.gov>
Subject: Re: zoning for 11157 SW Hall Blvd
Caution! This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender I Block sender
Thank you for completing the form attached in the email from Lina. It is required for a submittal for project funding.
Please let me know if there a cost to complete the form?We need it the form by Monday.
Thank you,
Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder
Construction Project Manager
Housing Development Center
503-335-3668 x111
From: Lina Smith<LinaCS@tigard-or.gov>
Sent:Tuesday, October 22, 2019 3:35:12 PM
To:Samuel Copelan <samuelc@tigard-or.gov>
Cc: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder<Lynn@hdc-nw.org>
Subject: RE: zoning for 11157 SW Hall Blvd
Hi Sam,
Can you please help Lynn with this (please see e-mail below)?
Lina Smith
Assistant Planner
City of Tigard I Community Development
13125 SW Hall Blvd.Tigard,OR 97223
From: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder<Lynn@hdc-nw.org>
Sent:Tuesday,October 22, 2019 3:33 PM
To: Lina Smith<LinaCS@tigard-or.gov>
Subject: RE: zoning for 11157 SW Hall Blvd
We are submitting for state funding and need the following document completed. Can you provide this for us over
email,or is it best if we come in in person to have the document completed.
Is there a cost to have the zoning review provided?
Thank you,
Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder
desk:503-528-5191 main:503-335-3668 X-iii
From: Lina Smith <LinaCS@tigard-or.gov>
Sent:Thursday, October 17, 2019 4:03 PM
To: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder<Lynn@hdc-nw.org>
Subject: RE: zoning for 11157 SW Hall Blvd
2 to 3 business days. Please keep in mind our office is closed on Fridays.
Thank you,
Lina Smith
Assistant Planner
City of Tigard I Community Development
13125 SW Hall Blvd.Tigard, OR 97223
E-mail: LinaCS@tigard-or.gov
From: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder<Lvnn@hdc-nw.org>
Sent:Thursday, October 17, 2019 4:00 PM
To: Lina Smith<LinaCS@tigard-or.gov>
Subject: RE: zoning for 11157 SW Hall Blvd
How long does it generally take to receive a response?
Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder
desk:503-528-5191 I main:503-335-3668 X-iii
From: Lina Smith <LinaCS@tigard-or.gov>
Sent:Thursday, October 17, 2019 3:53 PM
To: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder<Lvnn@hdc-nw.org>;#CD PoD<CDPoD@tigard-or.gov>
Subject: RE: zoning for 11157 SW Hall Blvd
Hi Lynn,
Please mail us a formal request for a zoning inquiry letter to City of Tigard Planning Division, Attn:
Planner on Duty, 13125 SW Hall Blvd, Tigard, OR 97223. The fee is $121 —you can include a check with
your letter, or if you prefer to pay online, we can e-mail you a link once we receive the letter (please note
there is a 3% service charge for all credit or debit card payments). Make sure to specify the information
you'd like us to verify in your letter. Here's an example: http://publicrecords.tigard-
Thank you,
Lina Smith
Assistant Planner
City of Tigard I Community Development
13125 SW Hall Blvd.Tigard, OR 97223
E-mail:LinaCSC tigard-or.gov
From: Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder<Lvnn@hdc-nw.org>
Sent:Thursday, October 17, 2019 2:57 PM
To:#CD PoD<CDPoD@tigard-or.gov>
Subject:zoning for 11157 SW Hall Blvd
am working with Community Partners for Affordable Housing.The owner's of Village at Washington Square, 11157 SW
Hall Blvd.
We are preparing an application to obtain funds to repair the project. We need a letter from the City of Tigard
confirming that the project is in compliance with zoning codes. Can you provide information on how to best obtain the
letter from the city.The application is due at the end of the month.
A quick review of the property indicates that it is Zoned MUR-1, confirm with City Planning. The project was constructed
in 2002.
Overlay Information 1S135DA04600
JursG:a an: Tigard
City Zoning(updated 412016): la—(c
Annexation Proposal/Effective Date I Action/F,;e: BC2344/03/30/19871
Within Urban Growth Boundary: Yes
Within Metro's Urban Service Area('Updated July 31st each calendar year): Yes
in Urban Road Maintenance District(Updated July 31st each calendar year): No
in ESPD("updated 3ufy 31st each calendar year): No
Ground Water Resouce Arae: Not touted within a Grc
Service District for Lighting Assessment Area/zone: Not in an Assessment A
Sanitation District(`Updated July 31st each calendar year): •CWS
Water District('Updated July 31st each calendar year): TVW
Fire District("Updated July 31st each calendar year): TVFR
Fire Management Zone: 5939
Park Otstnct: Not In Park Distract
Lynn Lindgren-Schreuder
Construction Project Manager
Housing Development Center
desk: 503-528-5191 main: 503-335-3668
Development HDC•NW.ORG
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by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules"City General Records Retention Schedule."