PFI2019-00188 City of Tigard • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0 1 0 1111 i• 4 Request for Permit Action T I(i/1 R n 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 503-718-2439 •www.tigard-or.gov TO: CITY OF TIGARD Building Division 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 Phone: 503-718-2439 Fax: 503-598-1960 TigardBuildingPermits@tigard-or.gov FROM: ❑ Owner DA Applicant ❑ Contractor ❑ City Staff Check(1)one REFUND OR Name: INVOICE TO: (Business or Individual) Mailing Address: City/State/Zip: Phone No.: PLEASE TAKE ACTION FOR THE ITEM(S) CHECKED (1): CANCEL/VOID PERMIT APPLICATION. ❑ REFUND PERMIT FEES (attach copy of original receipt and provide explanation below). ❑ INVOICE FOR FEES DUE (attach case fee schedule and provide explanation below). Permit#: Pf l 2.Crt-00 t 58 Site Address or Parcel#: SSta Jji ( (419 Project Name: N W Niati 1,UO,I Subdivision Name: Lot#: EXPLANATION: V'4i114 WAS done tum P4I20IC1- 00r7 5 Signature: )-U Date: Ce a.1-1 19 Print Name: NCS L4 (— Refund Policy 1. The city's Community Development Director,Building Official or City Engineer may authorize the refund of: • Any fee which was erroneously paid or collected. • Not more than 80%of the application or plan review fee when an application is withdrawn or canceled before review effort has been expended. • Not more than 80%of the application or permit fee for issued permits prior to any inspection requests. 2. All refunds will be returned to the original payer in the form of a check via US postal service. 3. Please allow 3-4 weeks for processing refund requests. Route to Sys Admin: Date By Route to Records: Date Aa /5 By Refund Processed: Date Al /i By Invoice Processed: Date By Permit Canceled: Date,P 9 By Parcel Tag Added: Date By I:\Building\Forms\RegPermitAction_120518.doc Agnes Lindor From: Forge,Jamison <Jamison.Forge@nwnatural.com> Sent: Monday,June 24, 2019 7:04 AM To: Agnes Lindor Subject: RE: Permit Request - 12860 SW Watkins Ave#POOL, Tigard -Job#3578797 Caution!This message was sent from outside your organization. Allow sender I Block sender Good morning,Agnes Yes, the cancellation as you stated below is correct.Thank you! Th< NW Natural-Technical Coordinator 503.226.4211 x4542 I nwnatural.com From:Agnes Lindor [mailto:agnesl@tigard-or.gov] Sent: Monday,June 24, 2019 6:43 AM To: Forge,Jamison<Jamison.Forge@nwnatural.com> Subject: [External]FW: Permit Request- 12860 SW Watkins Ave#POOL,Tigard -Job#3578797 CAUTION: This email originated outside NW Natural. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Jamison- Just want to confirm that you want to cancel PFI2019-00188 (please see attached),and keep PFI2019-00173 as is(not cancelled). I will get this processed once you confirm.Thanks Agnes Lindor I Associate Planner City of Tigard I Community Development 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone: 503.718.2429 Email:AgnesL@tigard or.gov From:Agnes Lindor Sent: Monday,June 17,2019 7:28 AM To: Forge,Jamison<Jamison.Forg_tPnwnatural.com> Subject: FW: Permit Request- 12860 SW Watkins Ave#POOL,Tigard-Job#3578797 Hi Jamison- Just want to confirm that you want to cancel PFI2019-00188 (please see attached), and keep PFI2019-00173 as is(not cancelled).Thanks 1 Agnes Lindor I Associate Planner City of Tigard I Community Development 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone: 503.718.2429 Email:AgnesL@tigard-or.gov From:Wood,Jennifer<Jennifer.Wood@nwnatural.com> Sent:Thursday,June 13, 2019 3:10 PM To: ROW Permits<rowpermits@tigard-or.gov> Subject: Permit Request- 12860 SW Watkins Ave#POOL,Tigard -Job#3578797 Hello, Please see attached permit request. Thanks, Jennifer Wood I Technical Coordinator Engineering Department NW Natural 503-226-4211, Ext. 4317 Fax: 503-273-4822 jawnwnatural.com DISCLAIMER: E-mails sent or received by City of Tigard employees are subject to public record laws. If requested, e-mail may be disclosed to another party unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. E-mails are retained by the City of Tigard in compliance with the Oregon Administrative Rules "City General Records Retention Schedule." 2 VO ! RECEIVED City of Tigard JUN 1 3 2019 PFI#: C3001 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY OF TIGARD Iiitfig Public Facilities Ihirf8%iiriFIV (PH) Permit PROJECT INFORMATION TYPE OF WORK Project name: 3578797 17 TYPE 1—I,'ranchise Utility Work Brief description of project: Cutting 1/2"poly pool service in right of way where it performed In'NWN, ;F:, or utility iigeney connects to parent service. One 4 X 5 earth cut will be made. E TYPE 2— AV Sidewalk/Drivcway/Scwvr Work performed for the purpose of: • Sidewalk installation or repair • Driveway approach installation and repair SITE INFORMATION • Sanitary sewer lateral installation and main Location (address if available): 12860 SW Watkins Ave#POOL,Tigard line tap E TYPE 3—Full Seale 1)evelopment Work g9t. P99 performed with land use approval which includes any of the following: • Subdiviiiiiins ir Partitiiins APPLICANT INFORMATION • Street widening Name: NW Natural • Mainline installation for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, Tigard water, :old Tigard Mailing address: 220 NW 2nd Ave wares service area city/state; Portland OR Zip: 97209 TYPE 4—Small Cell Technology TYPE 5—Tigard Trianoe Phone: 503-2264211 law@nwnatural.com phone: 800-882-3377 NOTE: Type I and 2 applications may be emailed to rowpermitsgtiyard-in-vw. Contact name: Jennifer Wood Phone: Same Email: Same CONTRACTOR INFORMATION L": Same as applicant Name: Same CCB Number: Mailing address: City/State: Zip: Phone: Email: ENGINEER INFORMATION Name: Rich Girard Mailing address: Same City/State: Zip: phone: 360-921-0314 r2g©nwnatural.com ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Estimated value of work is required(if over$5,000):$ (within the public right-of-way) Is work related to a LAND USE DECISION? LI Yes I No Case number: City of Tigard • 13125 SW I tall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-orgov • 503-718-2421 • Page 1 of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE: Person specified as ` 3lnplicant"shall be designated"Permittee"and shall provide financial assurance for work,if required by the city pursuant to'TMC 15.04.1 0_ \L'hh the eacclation of a utility opertting pursu;uu to a valid franchise or license with the City of t igard,when the owner and dte applicant are different people,the applicant must lac rhe purchase of record or at lessee in possession with written authorization frcntt qtr owner or an a£rnt of the owner. "t'he owner must sign this application in the space provided or •submit a written authorization with this application. FFranehised or Licensed Utilities are not required to obtain the owner's signature on the application. I,the applicant,certify that: • "I'o the best of my knowledge,all the information provided within this application package is complete and accurate. • The above request does not violate any recorded deed restrictions that may be attached to or imposed upon the subject property. • If the application is granted, I will exercise the rights granted in accordance with the terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the approval. , , i,'J= ,�, Jennifer Wood 6/13/19 Applicant's or authorized agent's signature Print name Date Property owner's signature (if required) Print name Date STAFF USE ONLY case No: � — rtnit fee- Received by: ® Date: (e / 1 9 Approved by: Date: Notified by: Date: City of Tigard • 13125 SW Ilan Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • v vwtigard or.gov y03-%18-2421 Page 2 of DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING FEES Public Facility Improvement(PH)Permit: INITIAL PFI PERMIT FEE Part 1: Required submittal fee is 10%of the Net PFI Permit Fee.See below for calculations.Minimum of$300. NET PFI PERMIT FEE Part 2: All non-water system improvements engineer's estimate X 7%(less the initial PFI Permit Fee). WATER LINE CONSTRUCTION FEE Part 3: All public water system improvements engineer's estimate X 12%. FOR STAFF USE ONLY FOR STAFF USE ONLY TYPE 4: SMALL WIRELESS FACILITY TYP1;1 —3: DETAILED SUI;MITTAL CHECKLIST REQUIREMENT'S AND TYPE 2-Must include.a:sketch?` Does apphcant'have a right-o£way license? Yes No., _ :c •showing: , Under the wireless facilities standards,is the proposal L.Dimensions considered?(check all that apply): Small Cell Macro [ Street Name How many install sites are proposed as part of this permit C`Site Address application? TYPE 3-Must provide 4 sets of plans(sized 24 x 36 or 22 x 34)and an electronicversion of all submittal The proposed equipment is located on which of the following: items. The plans must that include: Public Right-of-Way Private Property L Cover--Site,Vicinity,Abbreviation,Legend If equipment is to be located on private property,describe the L General Notes(City,Water,Sewer,etc.) type&use: L Street(Plan,Profile) C Water;Storm and Sanitary(Plan Profile) L Water Quality Facilities L Grading L. Landscaping/Tree Plan C Composite Utility Plan(Electrical,Phone,Gas,Storm, Sanitary,Water,Signage,Street Lights,etc.) C.Details C'Traffic Sight.Distance L Signing and Striping C Street Light Plan and Photometric E Engineers seal/signature E:Sheet label,(project land use name,revision and plan log block,dates and sheet numbers.) C' Engineer's Construction Estimate Additional Submittals (per land use conditions,if applicable) C Traffic Report C Storm water Drainage Calculations C'Geotechnical Report L Preliminary Access Report(Sight Distance) C Proposed'Plat C Pathway besign C Water Provider Approval City of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 3 of 4 9 SIN- "Y '* Rt Edge of Pavement 41----- Ditch —0"- Streetlight (--- . . ....„......._•_•_--•-•-;.;;-r- ... /•i. ...,. , ,, ...r, ,,„ 1 . - t,„, L" M.:"'"' I iT—riTinreirgAwrilnnr-- ! .6° I I CHI.) 0 . Existing House , I va 1 Existing 1 Is . Driveway II .-, - r• t 1 ibi S 'Cr. es. 0 1 . •(0. I a.1 -01 i i ..,.> #is i i i I l!' o I I Existing Shop i ..= ..--. PowerpoleI -t.'- i'" \ I izD • ' --.......... i' 95' I 1 P P Line I I Fire Hydrant(FH) It i I I i I i 1 1 1 I TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2: MINIUM SKETCH REQUIREMENTS (Put N/A if not applicable) North arrow Property lines&dimensions Existing utilities locations (sewer,storm,water) Street& street names All existing structures Proposed work Existing curb or edge of pavement Utility&street light poles Existing S/W or D/W apron Slope of property Trees City Of Tigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • MALIN:tigard-oLgov * 503-718-2421 • Page 4 of 4 i CROSS SECTION DETAILS Paving Symbols AC--Asphalt E-Earth C--Concrete G-Gravel ti PkIE-PliNe:UtdftY Ea,s,„001' 01 RO,,N--Rignt-04:4VeY,E'OP-Edge q Pity !tty_t p.L.-001. 11 ._,.....„. w,,,,,o#.3578797 : 2... i :.,,,f, 50! ROW -----i , WEST ' c.-1 EAST Isittmr of cuts: l 4'X5 MAIN IS ON 8 I .. i 1 . sae of Out(s).:: - 1 EARTH ROesi nlain 1 - Over Other utilities 14' 1 '1'1' 1. 1' 14' WATKINS AVE ..: . E 1. AC AC E Ditectott Fame,X"North _dist 1 _ - F-8039((3t3011-0) 1 i o as oo • � � iV J �`0_ •.\ SII p, \ W at i' / (7.0) U I a ' , Opp x 'l,, so i g N x- x g 8 r�44, ¢ Yilti Sc, f x �� t �? —._.�._ """" gam ) f Page 84 2011 Edition 04 Stationary Lane Closure with Flagging Diagram 320 Diagram 320 covers total closure of one lane of a two-lane, two-way ~b roadway. See the detail inset for the layout if using a single flagger to control both directions of traffic on low volume roads(less than 400 ADT)with good sight distance as discussed below. 1. Use truck-mounted flashing warning lights on work and protection vehicles. See Section 4.3—Lights and Lighted Signs for exceptions. 2. For added visibility,a truck-mounted arrow board or PCMS in caution mode may be used. 3. Flaggers at each approach are required if any of the following conditions exist: a. Night Operations, b. Work space is over 200 feet in length. c. Sight distance is less than 750 feet from each approach through the lane closure. d. Traffic volumes are greater than 400 ADT. 4. The length between the Flagger Ahead signs shall not exceed one mile. Use Diagram 340—Lane Closure with Pilot Car if exceeding one mile. 5. Cones should be used to outline the work space when curves or other roadway alignments prevent clear direction for the motorists to pass the work space safely. 6. Cones along the work space are recommended when posted speeds are 45 mph or greater,when working under heavy traffic or when travel lanes are narrower than 11 feet. 7. Extended queue signing (see Diagram 5-4)should be used when traffic queues extend beyond the initial advance warning sign. 8. When flagging near an intersection,the"Flagger Ahead" (CW23-2) sign should be visible to traffic entering from any side road. Additional advance warning and Flagger Ahead symbol signs may be placed on the side road(s). S. Sign set-up and flagger placementshownmoybeumedforintennitten full road closures of 20 minutes or less. 1O. The"ONE LANE ROAD AHEAD"(VV2O-4) sign |soptional and should be considered on high volume or high speed roads, or when extended queues are expected. Chapter 5 December 2011 ������ 2011 Edition Page 85 ta Stationary Lane Closure with Flagging Diagram 320 .fo se 00 I c o . ...= T. ri• . 0 4t. R 2 a. .... 0 a V CC 0 0 0 $1, I 115 0) .. 0) c:i at 1 t 1.1! UJ CL LU t)3 to a 03 O. =.. 0 c •0 a• c-c to I •ra, '016 . .' 1 t a) ' a) ca a) a ... a..1-- 1.- ,.. I ... IF a s c o. ca 10 *4:5' LC,S ca k- i, a co 0 •. • clE ' 11 , 0)>v a),...,,.,... 01 ock ii C7 CD if)8 CC° 0) C v .,... a. I MI Sign Spacing and Buffer Lengths(feet) $ t V ia Posted Spacing Setwoen Signs Buffer Specd A : C: Spae 20 50 0 25 100 100 100 75 30 100 35 125 0 Ne 9 350 35350 40 0 150 6 ES 9 45 180 cc R 50 500 500 500 210 55 250 December 2011 Chapter 5 City of Tigard, Oregon • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard, OR 97223 TIGAIZD 07/23/2019 Casimira Tadewaldt 2950 NW 29th ave Portland, OR 97210 Re: Tree Removal Permit Record Number: TRE2019-00033 Dear Casimira Tadewaldt: On 07/23/2019 you submitted an application for tree removal at 7225 SW VENTURA DR. Your application specified that: 3 Red Alder is/are proposed for removal. Based on the information supplied on your application, this is a simple tree removal permit request. City staff has reviewed your application and based on the relevant approval criteria in the Urban Forestry Manual, your application has been: Street Tree Replacement Required Approved with conditions: The applicant shall plant a replacement tree for each tree removed in accordance with the Street Tree Planting Standards in Section 2, part 1 of the Urban Forestry Manual. Existing trees may be considered as replacement trees if they meet all applicable species, size, condition and location requirements in Section 2, part 1 and were not already required to be planted or preserved by the Tigard Municipal Code. This decision is final and valid for a period of up to one year after issuance unless otherwise specified. Nothing prevents you from submitting another tree permit application if the conditions and circumstances surrounding this removal have changed. If you have any questions, please contact us at arborist@tigard-or.gov or 503-718-2421. Please be sure to reference record number-TRE2019-00033. Best regards, Community Planning Division City of Tigard RECEIVED DocuSign Envelope ID:A54A3AA3-1953-4A5D-BA19-72A0ED4523AB JUL 232019 City of Tigard I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF TIGARD 1111 Tree Removal Permit Application PLANNING/ENGINEERING , TIGARD Solicitud de Permiso para Remover Arboles PROPERTY ADDRESS I DIRECCION DE LA PROPIEDAD 7225 Sw Ventura DrTigard, Oregon 97223 REQUIRED SUBMITTAL Address (Direction): ELEMENTS REQUISITOS PARA APLICAR APPLICANT I SOLICITANTE Casi mi ra Tadewaldt Owner's Signature/Written Name (Nombre): Authorization Address (Dirección): 2950 NW 29th Ave Portland, OR 97210 Firma del dueno/Autoriraci n por ito Phone(Tel): 503-226-7143 Email: admin@urbanforestpro.com er Le Site Plan (show location& Marilynn wieneke species of each tree,2 copies) Owner(Duero): 111Same as applicant Pp ) (Igual al solicitante) Croquis(Indicar ubicacion y especie de CONTRACTOR/ARBORIST INFORMATION cadacaarbol,2 copias) INFORMACION DEL CONTRATISTA/ARBOLISTA L9' Documentation (from removal Company(Compania): Certified Arborists Portland LLC criteria) Cas i mi ra Tadewal dt Documentation(del criterio de Contact person (Contacto): remotion) ISA/CCB#: / Expiration(Expiration): PtApplication Fee (complex only) Address (Dirección): 2950 NW 29th Ave Portland, OR 97210 Pago (solo para elprocesocompljo) Phone (Tel): 503-226-7143 Email: admin@urbanforestpro.com TREE INFORMATION—to be completed by applicant INFORMACION DEL ARBOL — el solicitante debe completer esta parte Alnus rubra (Red alder) FOR STAFF 1-SE ONLY- Tree NLYTree species (Especie del arbol): Stilt,para uso del personal #of trees (# de arboles): 3 REVIEW PROCESS Tree location (Ubicaczon del arbol): 7225 Sw Ventura DrTigard, Oregon 97223 y4 Simple 0 Complex Fee(complex only): Reason(s)for Tree Removal I Razones para cortar el arbol Case No.:T E 20(GI - 003 I. SIMPLE REVIEW PROCESS I PROCESO DE REVISION SIMPLE Related Case No(s): ❑ Tree is a hazard as determinedX❑ Tree is dead(Athol este muerto) Application accepted: by an Arborist(El arbol es un J� pelzgro Begun to determinado por un ❑ Removal required for approved land use or By: 1✓ Date: 7//- arbo/ista) building permit(Necesario para la aprobacion de un permiso de uso de suelo o construction) Ap.lica;on determined comp`' te: ® Tree is in an advanced state of /�� Date: r �✓ decline (Athol este en estado de ❑ Roots are causing damage By: P/,- ► i deterioro avantado) (Las raices estan causando dano) Translated: ❑ Thinning necessary to protect other trees ❑ Conflicts with TSP Project (Corflicto con un proyecto de (Es necesario ralearpara proteger otros drboles) By: Date: transportation TSP) ❑ Location does not meet planting standards 1:\Community Development\Land Use Applications\02_loans ❑ Species is on nuisance tree list (Ubicaci6n no rumple con normal de plantation) and Templates\Land Use Applications Rev.09/2018 (La e.cpecie estd en la lista de arboles ❑ Recommended by fire marshal problematicos) (Fue recomendado por el mariscal de incendios) ❑ It is infested with pests or disease ❑ Tree has sustained physical damage (Estd infestado con plagas o (Athol estefisicamente danado) en,fermedades) For complex review povicess see nextpagc I Pow elItrxeso do txr fcacioll compli/o tore ii pn2EimaMciiia City ofTigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • www.tigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 3 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:7253503C-9035-4033-9DD5-03C40FF003D6 TREE REMOVAL PERMIT APPLICATION II. COMPLEX REVIEW PROCESS (check applicable reason and provide brief proposal summary) PROCESO DE REVISION COMPLEJO(Marque el motivo aplicabley de una explication breve) ❑ Blocking views or solar access ❑ Undesirable species ❑ Other (explain below) (Bloqueo de vista o acceso solar) (Especie no deseada) Otro (explique debajo) Please leave blank for staff I Dejar en blanco para el personal THE APPLICANT SHALL CERTIFY THAT: EL SOLICITANTE CERTIFICA QUE: • The above request does not violate any deed restrictions • La solicitud anterior no viola ninguna restriction de las that may be attached to or imposed upon the subject escrituras de la propiedad que pueda ser conectada a o impuesta property. sobre la propiedad en cuestion. • If the application is granted,the applicant will exercise the • Si la solicitud es concedida, el solicitante jercera los derechos rights granted in accordance with the terms and subject to concedidos de acuerdo con los termines)sujeto a las condicionesy all the conditions and limitations of the approval. limitaciones de la aprobacion. • All of the above statements and the statements in the plot • Todas las declaraciones anterioresy las declaraciones en el plan,attachments,and exhibits transmitted herewith,are croquis, los documentos ad untos,y muestras trasmitidas,son true;and the applicants so acknowledge that any permit verdaderas;y los solicitantes asi reconocen que cualquierpermiso issued,based on this application,and may be revoked if it is concedido, basado en esta solicitud,puede ser revocado si se found that any such statements are false. encuentra que alguna de estas afirmaciones es falsa. • The applicant has read the entire contents of the • El solicitante ha leido todo el contenido de la aplicacion, application,including the policies and criteria,and incluyendo laspoliticasy criteriosy comprende los requisitospara understands the requirements for approving or denying the aprobar o negar la solicited. application. SIGNATURES of each owner of the subject property required. FIRMAS de cada dueno de la propiedad en cuestion requeridas. DocuSigned by: taSi Itataiatif Casi Tadewaldt 7/11/2019 Applicant's s so(Einiva del solicitante) Print name (Nombre) Date (Fecha) r—DocuSigned by: W, l Mari 1 ynn wieneke 7/5/2019 Owner's signs W9E9e42F wa del dueno) Print name (Nombre) Date (Fecha) Owner's signature (Firma del dueno) Print name (Nombre) Date (Fecha) Authorized agent's signature Print name (Nombre) Date (Fecha) (Firma de agente autorirado) City ofTigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • www.tigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 4 of 4 4 - .4:*$ift, Obi H M lift A IL a . rAk '' monmaimo 7225 SW Ventura Dr X II 4:,.. „„ _ " .. 1-,41.00.1.` '47,%•'.., le . 'w „ re '4, ** 1, ig III, ,,. , I 1 40191 ,40 4 94 -? '11 1%. -4 .* 4. ' - - ts 4 10 2.41 . 0 4 # - 001 )1* 40 7.)... . •. 11 A 4?4„•,4#11"'. W. A# ilk *..„. 444.4 01 :" IP 44114. ' .4d. 7225 SW Ventura . Dr _ f* It .,...e.„110. • . ,.. 41' :16: **4*'A6r 1... . _ -4 attak. 4 . , ... ' A 9. # *4:Acr.0 11.11r4 * 1# A. ..4 V 0 4410.01 * .*11411 ,II,- ,,,,., , ',,,04. 0 * r,.„0. -11,.. #1 ' * *e 1 4, Aso, 13 C * .- .... a* , • 4.4. it - ' * s P•ra"„44.‘*: . #' a t 04 7225 SW Ventura Dr 7225 SW Ventura Dr, Tigard, OR 97223 Vicinity Map a17 MapTitle Beaverton ri ... — Tigard Eti0 City of Tigard, Oregon i '4,r mow. Goal s Sgnificant Habitat Areas Tualatin highest Value Habitat ;,' Moderate Value Habitat ` ,,. i Lower Value Habitat gp ii TAP, I.•, C)'Q g i m d . 1 . 1�-'1 by`, 5 ri `f I i contcy limelpnens or completeness of any of Iheas. accu.ase herein t City of Tigard shel, rot` eaaaa,eo ea n tna assume no Ilatulity no.,aaaaaa. d. ene a a,s or for eny errors ornossrona or 1 e e' ! I EMI Scale: 0.01 Miles City of Tigard III a +, 13125 SW Hall Blvd s'4 Tigard, OR 97223 Map Created: (503)639-4171 u... ° 07/18/2019 www.tigard-or.gov TIGARD r,•0,,,dd t..-,,, . , ,.. ... , , 4, ,,,,r-,, ., ..,:„.. ,. —Al, ' ' : ".'‘t, 4. t'iri 1,^,2.,', y y� 1 S i 'n �1� io S` •41^1 r "74,0 1 4,;,,,,'`, VN-"' $,'Clec i 4''' ''•t '' ' A -,'''1\ /4 $ , 1,,, *NI T k...1 . * ' "t' '-.• -'k. ...-• ,*-- ' • , , . f. ,t QFC 7 6x ICY r.1�1 • S. > t ! x`+.+. i‘',/,.:7- 7 -s.tOt. 8+ r!�'..� o r),, i4i ,y44... t;i1i R_ `:, Rf "`,u�A `Ak .�, x T br l \, „',�Nryii. t � i �� t � -^�` )r '., ' ! as *. :#. ,3;. « ,. 4-, t Y..„ t + �'TXY ' '.'.: r 5 a•.r. ..,r 1�' iT _a »bw ",�r[rt� �»t f •,y4�y `,cy * � c4 111i 4. 1 `a.. ` 1 ', ,p��\•� c4n n'«, lR: .,, Yt.''. ' M :,+ , :'Cr�. �R• , 1, -.• 4 �, ,V,It� T • . yM?1 `r ,I19;x•,/ k ,� •'�'+c f S ' y Z' a. e n ti, J / � ,nrt f p .�� �� G'��{t4 j "\ �``� d'�''C� j ' • �x t ? .. f�S' } .,r= 't F is♦ ►'' 'it^..YRr , ri04‘...' lti ; , .. Y -,� "�. �. 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Should you need additional validation please contact Joan Morley at joanmorley@comcast.net Marilynn Wieneke 2019 Chair,WSE HOS Inc. Mwieneke@comcast.net Sent from XFINITY Connect App Original Message From:admin@urbanforestpro.com To: Me Wieneke Sent:July 18,2019 at 1:16 PM Subject: Permit Hi Marilynn, The city of Tigard sent back your permit stating that it needs an email from HOA saying that you are allowed to remove these trees since you are apart of the Washington Square Estates. If you have their email or contact information I can contact them for you or you can do it yourself.Which ever way you would prefer. Mikayla Urban Forest Pro 2950 NW 29TH Ave Suite 400 Portland, OR. 97210 503-226-7143 admin@urbanforestpro.com 1 DocuSign Envelope ID:A54A3AA3-1953-4A5D-BA19-72A0ED4523AB City of Tigard I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Submittal Requirements - Tree Removal Permit Application Ti GAR D Requisitos para Aplicar- Solicitud de Permiso para Remover Arboles Please review this page, and then fill Por favor lea esta pagina, y despues out the permit application. Ilene la solicitud. REMOVAL CRITERIA CRITERIO DE REMOCION For a simple review process:applications must address Para una revision simple:el solicitante debe declarar sobre uno a one or more of the relevant removal criteria for the type mas de los criterios de remotion apropiadospara el tipo de arbol of tree you propose to remove. The removal criteria can que propone eliminar. Los criterios de remotion se pueden be found in the Urban Forestry Manual as follows: encontrar en el Manual Forestal Urbana en estas sectiones: • Street Tree:Section 3 • Arbol en la calle:Section 3 • Median Tree:Section 5 • Arbol en un medio publico:Section 5 • Sensitive Lands Tree:Section 6 • Arbol en tierra sensitiva:Section 6 • Development-required Tree:Section 7 • Arbol requerido por un area de desarrollo:Seccion 7 • Urban Forestry Fund Tree:Section 8 • Arbol requerido por el Fondo Forestal Urbano:Seccion 8 • Heritage Tree:Section 9 • Arbol Monumental:Seccion 9 • Documentation of the conditions described • Documentation sobre las condiciones declaradas debe ser must be included (e.g.arborist report, incluida (ejemplo—reporte del contratista arbolista, photographs,site plan,tree risk assessment form, fotografias,piano, evaluation de riesgo del arbol, etc.). El etc).Tree replacement is requiredunless reempla�o del arbol es necesario excepto cuando lo contrario otherwise stated in the approval sea indicado en la aprobacion. **The Urban Forestry Manual is written in English. Please **El Manual Forestal Urbane esta escrito en ingles Por favor contact the Planning Department ifyou need the information in /lame al departamento de Plani acacion o mande un correo another language at 503-718-2421 or email electronico para obtener la information en otrn lenguaje a1503- tigardplanneronduty@tigard-orgov. 718-2421 o tigardplanneronduty@tigard-orgov** APPLICANT For your application to be considered complete,you will need to submit ALL of the REQUIRED SUBMITTAL ELEMENTS.When the owner and the applicant are different people,the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a lessee in possession with written authorization from the owner or an agent of the owner.The owner(s)must sign this application or submit a written authorization with this application. Please contact the Planning Department with questions at 503-718-2421 or via email tigardplanneronduty(a1tigard-or.gov. SOLICITANTE Para que la solicitud sea considerada completa, necesita entregar TODOS los ELEMENTOS NECESARIOS PARA APLICAR. Si el duenoy el solicitante son personas diferentes::el solicitante debe ser el comprador de registro o el inquiline con autoriracion per est-rite del dueno o de an agente del propietanio.El dueno a agente debe firmar esta solicitude dar autori jacion por escrito. Por favor contactanos en el Departamento de Planificacion con suspreguntas 503-718-2421 opor email tigardplanneronduty(dtigard-or.gov. City ofTigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • wwwtigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 1 of 4 DocuSign Envelope ID:A54A3AA3-1953-4A5D-BA19-72A0ED4523AB City ofTigard • 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • www.tigard-or.gov • 503-718-2421 • Page 2 of 4