12/08/1981 - Minutes r TIGARD CIVIC CENTER SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING DECEri8FR 8, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 8 :10 by Chairman Gary Fox . Members present: Gary Fox, Gerry Edwards, Howard Duffy, Yvonne Burgess. Absent: Steve Alexander. Non-voting Member Present: J. B. Bishop. Absent: Floyd Bergman. Guests Present: Irene Ertell (City Librarian) , Linda Sargent (City Staff) , Dr. Samuel , Madalyn Utz, Walt 14unhal1 , Mayor Bishop, and Dennis Brun of Brun, Moreland and Christopher Architects. Mr. Brun reviewed progress on the professional services contract. He has met with City Administrator Bob Jeans. Changes in hours, deletions of services in some areas and recalculations have been made to cut costs in order to get the fee down closer to the budgeted amount. Mr. Brun read to us the basic services as defined in the scope of services and additional services as defined by Bob Jeans for additional site studies and development plans and for field trips to review civic center com- plexes, such as the-Salem Civic Center. Some areas of the contract will be redone tomorrow and Linda Sargent will have the final contract so that the committee members may look it over. The contract agreement is for a nine month period without changes in fees. Mr. Brun reminded us that the goals of a civic center complex would have an impact upon which site is chosen. It is possible that none of the sites submitted would be suitable. The architects should not be tied to those selected by the subcommittee. The land use of the area around any site must be considered. The next item of business was to review the sites that have been sub- mitted. Guidelines set for judging the sites were: 1 . Minimum size. 2. Within the urban growth boundary. 3. On or near a major arterial . 4. Accessibility to public transportation —current or future route modification. 5. Complementary environment. A motion was made by Howard Duffy that for a single site complex, min- imum size should be 2.5 acres (the size recommended by Mr. Brun) . The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. This minimum will not rule out selecting smaller sites for decentralization. The subcommittee agreed that the architects can better resolve the question of centralization vs. decentralization, determined by costs and other factors. Each site was presented by Chairman Fox, considered and judged. There were 18 sites previously submitted and additional suggestions were also considered. All but the following five were eliminated : 1 . Crow site 5 acres - $1 ,250,000. 2. Public Works site - 3.2 acres - city owned (85% out of flood plain) . 3 . Christ King Lutheran Church - 2 .5 acres - $525,000. 4. Air King - 5.16 acres $850,000. 5. Hall Blvd. at Hwy. 217 - 2.47 acres -$485,000 (Possible additional acreage) . SUBCOMMITTEE 12-8-81 Page 2 Following discussion, the voting members agreed upon three sites for consideration by the architects. 1 . Crow Site. 2. Public Works Site. 3 . Air King Site. Because of the location, the Crow site will be considered in combination with the public Works site, and the Public Works site will also be considered as a single site. Mr. Brun told the subcommittee that there are specific urban planning design rules that are used for making judgments that estponsesuitablfactors such as cost. The architects might find none of t 99 and another site to be the optimum. The field trip to review the Salem Civic Center has been set fo rHallTuesday, December 15. Bob Jean has chartered a bus, and it will 12:30. The meeting was adjourned at 10:23 Respectfully submitted, Yvonne Burgess, Acting Secretary