01/26/1982 - Minutes MINUTES
Tuesday, January 26, 1982
The meeting was called to order by Gary Fox at 7:35 p.m. Members present: Gary Fox,
Howard Duffy, Gerry Edwards and Yvonne Burgess. Absent: Steve Alexander. Non-voting
members present: J.B. Bishop. Absent: Floyd Bergman. Guests: Linda Sargent, City
Staff; Bob Jean, City Administrator; Chuck Samuels, Civic Center Committee Chairman;
Bob Adams, Chief of Police; Irene Ertell, City Librarian; Walt Munhall, Library Board
Chairman; Holly Johnson, Journal reporter; and Dennis Brun, architect.
Review of Space Needs
Linda Sargent compared the needs estimated by the City staff with those prepared by
Dennis Brun.
Original estimate Architect's estimate
Police Department 11,000 square feet 13,656 square feet
Library 11XDO-19,000 18,895
Administration & Finance approximately the same in both cases
Public Works Operation hadn't been included previously, but Department Head Claire Mead
suggests remodeling the existing two buildings into one larger two-story building.
Police Chief Adams reviewed the specific need for an indoor fire arms training range
for his department. The cost of this specialized area and equipment to be amortized by
1991. An on-site range would eliminate the increasing costs (overtime and travel ex-
penses) presently incurred in taking the tests for qualification standards at sites in
the Portland or the Washington County firing ranges, because testing must be scheduled
during off-duty hours. The training program for officers would be improved with our
own firing range.
Irene Ertell asked about the two meeting rooms for the library, 500 and 1,500 square
feet. Dennis Brun explained that different-sized rooms would allow for different-size
meetings at any one time. There is also the Council chamber for larger meetings. Irene
would like an assistant librarian's office to be included.
Discussion of Site Analysis
Crow-PW: Dennis Brun explained that the sub-committee should be aware that there are
about three acres available land out of the flood plain on the combined Crow and Pub-
lic Works sites. Bob Jean reminded the sub-committee that a proposed lake in the park
will Xffect the flood plain favorably. Dennis assured us that all the land use in the
contiguous area is compatible with a Civic Center. He doesn't feel a straight street
through the Civic Center is desirable; curves would be more desirable and would also
lessen the probability of high-speed traffic. Bob Jean said the City Council is sup-
protive of ideas to slow down traffic.
Air King: The site is close to an industrial use area where major improvement invest-
ments have been made and are not subject to change in the near future. In contrast,
the area nearer Main Street is a major improvement package with smaller buildings all
adaptable to change.
Neither the Crow nor the Public Works site is large enough separately. The combined
sites will have enough buildable land, and the flood plain line can be relocated by
restructuring the elevation. From a practical standpoint, the Crow-Public Works site
is best. Air King could be acceptable, but it doesn't do anything for the redevelop-
ment of the City. Dennis cannot recommend the Air King site.
A motion was made by Howard Duffy and seconded by Gerry Edwards that the Air King loca-
tion be dropped from consideration for two reasons:
1. the noise factor
2. bordering long-term, permanent industrial buildings
The motion carried unanimously.
Howard moved that Dennis consider the redevelopment use of additional property between
Burnham and Public Works, which includes the Police Station, Miller's Automotive, D.W.D.
Builders, and include this area in footprint and design. Gerry seconded the motion and
it carried by a vote of three in favor and one against.
Discussion of Campaign and Financing Strategy
Timing: Bob Jean reviewed possible measures on the 1982 May and November ballots.
May: City Charter changes
Loaves and Fishes Senior Center tax and levy
Fire district
Gas tax
iCgs i,eJ�
November: School di trict
City operating tax base
1'% property tax initiative
Abolish Metro (?)
Bike path levy ends 182-183
County road levy ends 182-13
Bob emphasized what passage of a 1'% tax limitation would do if a bond isn't passed
prior to November.
Bob recommends a June 29th special election. He believes May or November would be
suicidal because of the other money issues on the ballot. For inclusion on the May
ballot, the completed resolution must be presented to the City Council by. March 8th.
Bob and Dennis agree it would be impossible for the sub-committee and the committee
to meet the time frame for a May election.
For the June ballot, the latest date for presentation to the City Council for approval
would be May 10th and to the County by May 11th for inclusion on the ballot.
Bob provided an example of the financing possibilities and taxes needed for a Civic
Center complex costing $3,500,000. (See attached example. ) He feels the City could
build a complex for $3,500,000 to $5,000,000 and keep the total City taxes under $2.00
per thousand assessed valuation.
Civic Center Committee Chairman Chuck Samuels commended the sub-committee for the job
it has completed as charged. This is the last meeting of the sub-committee for this
phase of the project. The sub-committee will be suspended after the committee meeting
Thursday. The sub-committee's services WaW be needed later for new charges.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Burgess
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