9524 SW WASHINGTON SQUARE (1) 9524 S W Washington Square Road 1S1 ?6C tenant/ BN Genius Space H-8 61261 3/;/6 6' IMINIIIIMIIII -• - - . `"�' 612 c�t ' WASHINGTON COUNTY +' , - � ' DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION LAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION PERMIT NUMBER 1150 NORTH FIRST AVE. HILLSBORO. OREGON 97124 I1} BUILDING PERMIT P.C.NO. APPLICATION- OCCUPANCYTYP _ F� .5-G� .C,k Lf R5i • - DFVEDISNST.1( APPLICANT TO COMPLETE NIH YD. F 5 R -- OVERHANG, PROJECT ADDPFSSiy-t _�'��a- 111-4-Vic- 4fL 5 ITEM APPR. •Y DATE NEAREST CROSS STREET _ P.C. WA. ^ c„.,C TAX MAP TAX LOT_`TRA T ST RUC.ENGR. NO 9LDG. F.M. Wale±', 1_ SUBDIVISION NOM ON LOT OWNER 4//14/4/ SSIVICATION � C/1 . FIN ADDRESS FINAL INSP- rf „f-•-- PHONE 63'!- gD ke USE ACTION -- ARCHITECT/ _ ENGINEER -7k. 41.14p.1 Cr), ILocat ie..; COMMEVT Ahi,yeclk Yid%VS r ADDRESS o�CC` _ iJ?./I St _`' VIN`:r_ _ t 1-pP.r✓" s C h' `!%y 7 7 SNNE � tli, GEN'RAL / !_ e_,/ iia:.. -��E: _ CONTRACTOR_.1L Ic•1 Kr n en. n 44't,'i' r ADCKENS VC31,.t )4ore is tGAYAL ---- -- C`lR S?gel _ PHONE SI ZJrS C'tk..) - DESCRIPTION OF WORK - --- ❑NEM CJ ADO AALTER Li REPAIR ❑DEMO. --' BLDG. SIZE I? /C'C' SO FT. BASEMENT SIZE 50.FT FEE VALUATION Qe,v ) NO. BEDROOMS___- NC. BATHROOM NO. FAM'LIES om.,C ITEM PEE r USE OF STRUCTURE Re' fLI ig3 7S `� �a.P g� uu PURSUANT TO ORS 70'.055 MY REGISTRATION IS IN - M P4Li FULL FORCE AND EFFLCT. q ST.TAX ! / 3'-'— s,ATE LIS.. NO. 627 S Y 11;1. DEV.COMPL. • -- —_ S.D C. ` --_- ALL PROVISIONS OF LAMS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK W � ILL SF COMPLIED WITH WEIMER SPECIFIED ADDRESS i HEREIN OR NOTJ /, /"� APRON/SIDEMALK Amly/wT / c C--1-`_ - /• ' SIGN ---- SICN;TUR(+ ` /.. - LOTHEP •INSPECTIONS 64e-5751 1 (AFTER 4:30 640-3561) FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OFFICE OF FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION NOTICE OWNER )._ DATE _� ^(i. OCCUPANT _ _ OCCUPANCY `r .,1.i^!::'., 4 i`14. LOCATION L1 +OVA •'•EN"ON 'I CALLtO 'O 'Nf 'OLLOSING .••t S•rI•v OEP,C,ENC-,ES. . _ - - r• Lull' '0 CO••[C' '..t •PO 4IT CONO'"OHI A'',.•, r+••S wil.'_ M••[ •O„ L,•PI E tO r•0•fcG„ON I..tv, • ' •(IUL• •AOM IUC.+ CO,” ' ONE YOU •AAv •E l'ASLE r0• OAMAG( 'I0 ')N• 00 I •ON•••t• I4NC1• 0•O4,• ,•.S -' O.9 179 ••O By - WASHINGTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT M1 FIRE MARSHAL 20665 S.W BLANTON STREET ALOHA, OREGON 97006 6498577 PRESENTED TO room •nC •^ FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU OFFICE 07 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION NOTICE OWNER __ - DATE �r ___..� OCCUPANT____ 1� = 1 _ ,_ OCCUPANCY , LOCATION Jk, - "t - F You* A'•IN•'ON ,I CALLIO •O •,.t,OLLO*'NG 0.011 9•0I'v OI.ICItNC•t•, .E ••opt co..o„ o•.• 0•••4 .. +01.01 w'I . M•MI .o, L [ r•e v -AN n•culr ► •t .A,Lu•I 'O cOO•tc' — 'OP 0AM•GE• 'O •t••O^rt< �r • •I v u t• •00 v,/,O••9 O• PIMA. •0104 11000 coNo�.,oNs .ou PM* •c 1...P111.11 ,'T✓J //�{t / 0•S •'• ,9^ 9V'- - 7�,, FIRE MARSHAL WASHINGTON COUNTY FIRE I ISTRICT 01 20865 S.W. BLANTON STREET PgESENTEO To ALOHA,OREGON 97006 649.85:7 II 0004 •00 •n ... AIN WASHINGTON COUNTY INSPECTION CARD 2__� DEPARTMENT Of LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PERMIT NO. CI I eV MI INSPECTIONS CALL: 640-1'661. 24 HOURS � FCR lNFORMAT:GN CALL: 04(1 34T0 (s.40- 347 0 UAl t Z - i A.'- X 6 ADDRESS w0.4..//‘. 10a .25 - PERM!TEE Wv•A 1r n En t/rp, DIRECTIONS_ (3. Al G C n t k S _ PHONE NO. CIS- - S5 2 3 INSPECTIONS: ESTRUCT 0PL.U* 0K []ELECT Ira rfx i vim? - - CALLED IN BY 1 nAPPROVED. 04 le_. -- C -Al'Y ji]REQUESTED INSPEC TION APPROVED /1 f f (- / 4C.-4.‘ LA-, / HOWEVER NOTE: /" NOT APPROVEQ 'REPAIR OR REPLACE I,ND RE-INSPECT: - - nSTOP WORK UNTIL:n - _ - DATE INS PLL 1UR C- i , AL_ - - t' WASHINGTON COUNTY INSPECTION CARD "1 DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION PERMIT NO. •UR INSPECT It r :. r,40-1561. 24 H011l+ S_•j1,3 FORc�INEORMAT ION .ALL. b40-3470 / 5-02y 4 h) /?-&s/, Sq DATE I '.4 ', eV\ ADDRESS fT c.-- Ca, 2� eo (-!w& '/- PERMITEE L3e-ACIL 1 DIRECTIONS PHONE NO. '-.L.-K--4.-Li- 22_, I INSPECTIONS: STRUCT CRUMP Mi rH 0ELEC1 ^,,y1„LZ...,._ CALLED IN BY L -c... :.` ' 1 ' `- 5tr'~. /k APPROVED. n,REQUESTED INSPECTION APPROVFD HOWEVER NOTE. r-- NOT APPROVED: LJ REPAIR OR REPLACE AND RE- 'ASPECT t l STOP WORK UNTIL �� DATE I!4S PEC _ •-- — �L, ,/, WASMP(3TON COUNTY O INSP. ulC" DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION F.M. ❑nr Frit NON-STRUCTURAL `°m. • per via: PLAN CHECK BUILDING Washington Square Mall - BN Genius ADDRESS 95o5 S '. Washington Square load OWNER Winmar Pacific Inc. , Ron Roberts Ma• aner PH.NO. G39 G860 ADDRESS ARCHITECT/ENGINEER The Amundson Associates PH.NO. 74( 3231 ADDRESS 20Q South Mill Street. Sorir^„Meld. OR 97477 FIRE PERMIT # L'/ (f _PLAN CHECK # 5844 OCCUP. 6-2 CONST. VN DIST. Wash. Cty 11 LOCATION ON PROPERTY: North South East West STREETS: North South! East West REQUIRED FIRE RESISTIVE RATINGS: Exterior Walls MATERIALS: Structural Mtmbers Existing Roof Exterior Walls Cover Interior Walls ',2,osum Wall hoard _ Ceilings Susuenuee Acoustical Floors Caroct, Ceramic Tile BASIC MAXIMUM AREA: Max. Height Max. No. Stories Max. Increase for Yards Sprinklers lhroughout TOTAL ALLOWABLE BUILDING USE: Retail Sales - Soace H BN Geniur, Occupant Load 60 BUILDING AREA: TENANT Basement 1st Floor ' ' 2nd Floor 3rd Floor _ AREA SEPARATION HR RATINGS OPENINGS HR RATINGS OCCUP.SEPARATION HR RATINGS OPENINGS HR RATINGS CORRIDOR CONST. 1-hour ATTIC DRAFT STOPS FLOOR CEILING DRAFT STOPS STAIRS WIDTH ENCLOSED OTHER VERTICAL SHAFTS ENCLOSED EXITS REQUIRED: No. 2 WIDTH 6 feet 0 inches EXITS PRO,IDED: No. 2 _WIDTH 1.S feet fl inrhec EXIT ILLUMINATION REQUIRED Yes SEPARATE CIRCUITS EXIT 'SIGN REL. Yes ILLUM. Yes SEPARATE CIRCUITS TWO POWER SUPPLY HANDICAPPED ACCESS REQ. Yes ELEVATOR RAMPS HEATING Existinc FUEL COOLING SYSTEM integral • The plans for this project were received by this office on i/22/36 and examined for the non-structural , fire and :ife safety portion of the plans review on 2/7/36 . Listed on the back of this sheet are the items we find to be in violation of. or for whIcn we find no provisions for the requirements of the 1982 Edition of the State uniform Building Code. Contractor: Western Enterprises (303) 345 0063 9/83 90332 Shure Lane, Eugene, OR 97402 (OVER PLEASE) '1 Plan Check #5844 Page 2 1 ) Doors must be fitted with a type of locking or latching device which will permit the opening of the door from the inside without the use of a key, special knowledge or effort, except that exterior exit doors may be fitted with a keyed locking device which is readily distinguishable as locked and there is a 2adily visible, durab e sign on or adjacent to the door stating this door to remain unlocked ,luring business hours. 2) Pirestooping consisting of 2-inch (nominal ) lumber, gypsum plasterboard or ,!qui valent material is required to cut off all concealed draft opening; (both vertical and horizontal) and shall form an effective barrier between stories and between a top story and roof space. It shall be used in specific locations as follows: a) In all wood-framed walls and partitions at floor and ceiling lines. c) At maximum horizontal intervals of 10 feet in the case of double stud walls, partitions and furred spaces. d) Penetrations made in this prescribed firestoaoing to accommodate wiring, plumbing, duct work and similar utility runs must be packed, in a manner, which will effectively maintain the ;ntegrity of the firestepping and cut off all concealed draft openings which could afford a passage for flame. Reference Section 2516, S.B.C. 3) Complete mechanical system plans for the HVAC equipment and duct work must be submitted and approved by this office prior to such installation. Reference Section 302, S.M.C. 4) Plans for the installation or alteration of the automatic sprinkler system must be provided to and approved by Washington County vire District #1 prior to such installation or alteration. 5) Subject to the above listed items the plans fo- this project are approved for construction, insofar as the ..and Development Services D; vision requirements apply. Donald W. Howick Plans Examiner s