10226 SW WASHINGTON SQUARE ROAD ANIIIIIIIMEMENIII 1022.6 SW Washington Square Road 151 26C tenant space (Sandy's Building C Space C-11) 58204 „/,,41601 / "tcy r 4 07:.4000111114 0 582041WHITE In ecto, CoOv E LI OW Perrnottee RRMIT NO. PINK Tsmporery Ede APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT GREEN C,rcul.tlon WASHINGTON COUNTY ADDRESS DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING BUILDING DIVISION LOCA LIT / 541,1 A r�. IV 0 INSPECTIONS 6488761 Al-I TI H 4 30 M034611 NEAREST CROSS ST lEINIMINIEMINIEW FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN /CENSUS 17 TrPE ZONE HU,LOIN, //�� 7 `,,' / ITR. �I j��CONS ADDRESS �(J `.2b SW- fA,I�jEI/(I`�N SqT. MIN/SE TSACK �i S f 11 APP'D BY DATE I EGAL DESCRIPTION + ZONING - —� PLAN EXAMINATION ,y� —i/-1/1 i:y AREA OP LOT No OP SLOGS STRUCT.ENGR. ! ` /j NOW ON LOT I EXEfO1NG BLDG. TYPE OP SANITATION AI a Ai J l/LJQ�s OWNERfl �IQ4 Z�M3 L../3A_M DRIVEWAY PMT. /Y Rea I - - --- Iro v 7- —— AODRESStrSS" lwA L//yim_ S4 q%t rtr i _ 'Alr'i 4 1't .'v I /4 1 f 221 COMMENTS � s AirAir.. e c_., AHCPIi/TEECTQ, TEL. / of ENGINEER _ AP- 10.1641,0 NO. 4G -1/ ADDRESS�I 4. Sw Mpos I�1Bt c (ONTRACTOIA si61pee Cop OL .._ AnORESS POO( 5'E. 300040.1 Clem . 6Lvd •r -- cur v 4,1 191b't lIc.Stat, DESCRIPTION OF WORK NIpIL� Q ADD A, 'I H REPAIR DEMOLISH, t Ppiik ___ VOR tS FAMILIES NO.BEDROOMS � ,All OP BATHROOMS _. -- RE USE OF STRUCTUget All _7pia , (VALUATION$ l0 FEE FOR AMOUNT RECEIPT NO. DATE ;f /MT '� 1EEt• K y Si— ZONING COMPLIANCE FEC{ i![{��� • J I HERESY ACKNOWLEDGE •THAT SHAVE READ THIP ie.) /�s w/f f APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE AB VE I• COR FIRE MARSHAL 2�� I , ` / RECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL COUNTY OR ` DINANCES AND STATE LAWS R[GULATINO BUILDING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CONSt UCTION AND LICE ING. _ . - ---�- PE SIGNATURE OP _ . _ I ADOr1 5s FINAL INSPECTION A{_ DATE • ey/ PLAN CHECK VA!(DATION CK M.O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M.O. CASH 1 RECEIPT NO DAIf RECEIPT NO. //J IJ_ DATE/,,' g` ` ...________. -it )1(6.1- 0 , 90 WASHINGTON CCUNTY BUILDING/PLUMBING INSPECTION CARD Department of Land Use A Transpo—rtaron 648-8761/8:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. 640-3561/4:00p.m. to 8:00a.m. '21 2 )32.411, tis Address 1a`A.2 "EL •i? .1111 sff A f 3 d Mg I Called 1y NW Old, / 3 3 WD — --p a„I 144111_ 'Res Id Coll Mtscellimeous P1Ynb1nq ORsId. 00'1 CI wellAPPROVED mobile Rowe ground rain Irate rt9 pest/beam �r �• sr wren wood ttOve post/beam ttMm {evR► b ""� Idn grow iter.. t tela. ileal wItd•ia siae tns�l /"itwsl 'as test top �I 0NOT APPROVED y - — _ – INSPECTED 4r OAT[ WASHNOTON C .MTV 0 i is►. trIIKM. PL AMINO DEP APTMENT - SULDNO DIVISION NON-STRUCTURAL 0 c .` T. "`� PLAN CHECK OATS oviao///atf jar BUILDING BUILDING "C" SPACE 11 SQUARE TWO ADDRESS 1022Fi SWJelashinaton SSr„,re Road OWNER Fringe lance Oregon (Jeaniene Fyllingness PH.NO. 639 8860 ADDRESS 4585 SW ks1511ingtod Square Road, Portland, oft 172z3 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER PH.NO. ADDRESS , FIRE PERMIT 0 ` ' ,: / PLAN CHECK N 4498 OCCUR. B-2 CONST. VN DIST. Wash. Cty#1 LOCATION ON PROPERTY: North_ South East West STREETS: North South East West REQUIRED FIRE RESISTIVE RATINGS: Exterior Walls No Change MATERIALS: Structural Members Roof Exterior Walls Cover _ Interior ',kills — Gypsumboard/Steel Frame Ceilings Su .hended Acoustical Tile Floors Concrete BASIC MAXIMUM AREA: Max. Heicpt Max. No. stories Max. Increase for Yards Sprinkl:•rs Yes TOTAL ALLOWABLE No Change BUILDING USE: TENANT - SANDY'S FILM EXPRESS BUILDING AREA: Basement 1st Floor /OH 2nd Floor 3rd Floor AREA SEPARATION None HR RATINGS OPENINGS HH RATINGS _ OCCUP.SEPARATION None HR RATINGS OPENINGS HR RATINGS_ CORRIDOR CONST. None-Rated ATTIC DRAFT STOPS FLOOR CEILING DRAFT STOPS STAIRS WIDTH__ ___ _ENCLOSED_ OTHER VERTICAL SHAFTS _ ENCLOSED EXITS REQUIRED: No. _ 1 WIDTH 3 feet 0 inches EXITS PROVIDED: No. 2 WIDTH 6 feet 0 inches EXIT ILLUMINATION REQUIRED Yes _ SEPARATE CIRCUITS No EXIT SIGN REQ. 29 ILLUM. SEPARATE CIRCUITS TWO POWER SUPPLY HANDICAPPED ACCESS REQ. Yes ELEVATOk RAMPS HEATING Not Shown FUEL COOLING SY:TEM • The plans for this protect were received by this office on 10-31-84 and examined for the non-structural , fire and life safety portion of the plan; review on 11_ -84 . Listed on the back of this sheet are the items we find to be in violation of, or which we find no provisions for the requirements of the 1982 Edition of the State Uniform Building Code. 9/83 (OVER PLEASE) Plan Check 04498 Page 2 1. Doors must be fitted with a type of locking or latching device which will permit the opening of the door from the inside without the use of a key, special knowledge or effort, except that exterior exit doors may be fitted with a keyed locking device which is readily distinguishable as locked and there is a readily visible, durable sign on or adjacent to the door stating this doer to remain unlocked during business hours. There shall be floor or landing on each side of a door. The floor or landing shall be not more than 1/2 inch lower than the threshold of the doorway. Wher d3ors ^pen over landings, the landing shall have a length of not less than 5 feet Reference Section 3304, S.B.C. 2. The wall which will separate the service corridor from this tenant space to the main corridor system must be of construction having not less than a one-hour fire-resistive rating. The door must be a self closing and latching smoke and draft control assembly having not less than a 20 minute fire-resistive rating, gasketed along both sides and across the top to provide a seal where the door meets the stop. The tenant service corridor must be arranged so that the main corridor syste- maintains the required maximum dead end length of the corridor to 20 feet. Reference Section 3305, S.B.C. Glass used in doors or in glazing located within 12 inches of the nearest vertical edge of a door or in areas subject to human impact, shall be tempered or of an approved safety glazing material . Reference Section 5405, S.B.C. 4. In lieu of submitting an engineer., design, suspended ceilings and fixtures shall be supported as specified in U.B.C. Standard 47--18 and shall he laterally braced as shown on the attached cross section. Additional information of standard requirements is available if needed 'ipon request. 5. Plans for the installation or alteration of the automatic sprinkler system must be provided to and approved by Washington County Fire District 01 prior to such installation or alteration. 6. Subject to the above listed items the plans for this project arc approved for construction, insofar as the Land Development Services Division requirements apply. Jim Schroeder, Plans Lxam'ner S Ir 1 J 41 File. 7r T OlV c,\ WASHINGTON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 • hi20665 S W. Blanton St •Aioha.Oregon 97007•503x649-8577 \SIS.Vii' November 9, 1984 0 Mr. Carl Brown 714 S. W. Washington Street Portland, Oregon 972U5 Dear Mr. Brown: Re: Sandy's Film Express (PC 4498) 10226 S. W. Washington Square Road The plans for the above-noted tenant improvement at Washington Square Too were referred to this office for review. Accordingly, we offer the following convents. 1. Plans showing all intended modifications to the automatic sprinkler protection system must be submitted to and approved by this office prior to any modification taking place. 2. If any modifications are to be made in the heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems, plans must be submitted to and approved by this office prior to any modifications taking place as well. 3. In the case of the rear door of this proposed occupancy, we must deny your proposal to create an access to the existing corridor until such time as the existing cor- ridor is cut off from the remaining corridor not further than 20 feet from the cross corridor. That is to say, corridors wi,i. deadends are permitted when the deadend does not exceed 20 'ret in length. (ref: Sec. 3305 U.B.C.) Please he advised that we have talked to the Washington Square Management and infor,ned them we will allow your proposal subject to these conditions. 4. Approved numbers or addresses must be provided for the building in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. (ref: Sec. 513 U.B.C.) STOP FIRES -SAVES LIVES ( •" --__-_ _� - - A. -- - — -�4 I 11 sw Mr. Carl Brown November 9, 1984 Page 2 5. All insulation materials including facings such as vapor barriers or breather papers installed within roof-ceiling assemblies, walls or attics must have a flame-spread rating not to exceed 25 and a smoke dens.ty not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 43-1 (Steiner Tunnel Test). However. the flame-spread and smoke developed limitations do not apply to facings, provided that the facing is installed in substantial contact with the unexposed surface of the ceiling or wall finish. (ref: Sec. 1713 U.B.C.) 6. In any walls utilizing wood construction, firestopping consisting of 2-inch nominal size lumber, gypsum wallboard or equivalent materials must be installed in concealed spaces of said stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, at the floor and ceiling levels and at 10-foot intervals along the length of the wall, as well as the interconnections where the drop ceiling would meet the wall. Penetrations made in this prescribed firestopping to acco•rnodate wiring, plumbing or similar utility runs 4 which may afford a passage for flame must be packed after the installation of said utility runs with approved nor,- corbustible materials. (ref: Sec. 2516 U.B.C.) 7. The exit door must be openable from the inside without the use of a key, special knowledge or effort. However, this requirement does not apply if there is a readily visible, durable sign on or adja,.ent to the door stating "THIS DOOR TO REMAIN OPEN DURING BUSINESS HOURS." The sign must be in letters not less than 1 inch high on a contrasting hack- ground. The locking device must be a type that will be readily distinguishable as locked. (ref: Sec. 3304 U.B.C.) 8. Approved plans bearing the stamps of the Washington County Building Department as well as this office must be main- tained on the job site during all phases of construction 1 for review by local building and fire inspectors upon request. (ref: Sec. 303 U.B.C.) 9. Please call for inspections prior to the covering of any interior framing element and again prior to the occupying of this project space. 'ref: Sec. 305 U.B.C.) 1 10, i 4 4 J L Mr. Carl Brown November 9, 1984 1 Page 3 4 • 10. A Certificate of Occu^ancy or other written instrument of acceptance must be obtained prior to the occupying of this space. (ref: Sec. 307 U.B.C.) We trust this will clear the way for you on this project. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information. Sincerely yours, WASHINGTON CO NTY F E DISTRICT NO. 1 1!;