10/21/2002 - Minutes Library Steering Committee
Meeting Notes
October 21, 2002
Members Present: Margaret Barnes, Greg Berry, Gus Duenas, Jim Hendryx, Bill
Monahan, and Craig Prosser.
Members Absent: John Roy
The October 28, 2002 meeting was canceled.
Review of meeting notes and follow-up: No comments.
To Do List Review: The Environmental Assessment report has not been finaled yet.
Gus will check with the attorneys to find out when the report will be completed.
Also, the contaminated area needs to be shown on the site plan so the group can
visually understand its location to the building.
Greg noted that the contaminated area is not a problem if no digging occurs.
Bill asked if the contaminates were dumped on the site. Greg responded that the
contaminants were most likely not dumped, but were air borne.
Gus stated that if digging in the area occurs, the City will be required to remove all
contaminated dirt, as it would be considered hazardous materials.
Steering Committee Status: The group reviewed its understanding of the purpose of the
Steering Committee. The purposes are as follows:
■ Meet to discuss decision points
■ Review and set completion dates for outstanding items that need to be
■ Provide positive "peer pressure" so everyone stays on track
The group agreed that it should continue to meet until all City elements related to the
project have been completed. This will most likely not occur until Spring/Summer 2003.
The group agreed that it would continue to meet weekly until January 2003. The
meeting schedule will be reevaluated then to determine if biweekly meetings would be
more appropriate.
Tree Moving: This item was held over until the November 4 meeting, as John Roy was
not present.
Community Meeting: Margaret stated that the event went well. There were many
positive comments and some new attendees. The next community meeting will be on
December 11. Margaret noted that the architect provided three building shape options
and the majority of the group liked Option B, which was a rectangular shape.
Margaret stated that the Library has started an art contest. Participants will design their
dream library.
Margaret noted that she took the building shape options to the Tigard Farmers Market
over the weekend. Most of people liked Option B.
Margaret distributed a list of the citizen's comments and suggestions from the meeting.
There were many questions about the Community Room. The Community Room will
continue to be set apart from the Library.
Margaret noted that there were some experts on floodplains at the meeting and they
were comfortable with the placement of the building.
Greg asked how high was the base floor in relation to the floodplain. Margaret
responded that the base floor would be 4 to 5 feet above the floodplain.
Jim noted that the meeting did satisfy the neighborhood meeting requirement for the
land use application process.
LEED Energy Credit: Craig wanted to verify that the Library was not going to pursue
the LEED silver certification. The Council decided that the silver certification would cost
too much to obtain. The architect had told Council that there would be additional
--. construction costs involved in meeting the silver certification requirements. The group
discussed this statement and decided that it wasn't completely accurate. The RFP had
requested that the cost of obtaining the silver certification level be included in the total
project cost. Therefore, there could be some cost savings, since the certification will not
be pursued.
Gus stated that the new library will not meet all the silver certification standards.
However, the architect will be keeping an unofficial scorecard to track points. The
project team does not want to be locked into any requirements that would limit project
design flexibility.
Greg noted that some of the LEED requirements counter safety concerns. The new
library will have lighting for the employee entrance/exit at night. Under LEED
requirements, the lights would have to be on a timer and turn off before night staff left.
Margaret did some research on the web and distributed several handouts regarding
green buildings and LEED certification scorecards. Margaret noted that to achieve the
certified level, the project would need 26 points. The SRG provided LEED scorecard
guaranteed that the library project would obtain 23 points at a minimum.
Bill stated that Council had directed staff to register the library project and obtain a
green workbook. The cost for this will be approximately $1,500. The group was unsure
who should register the project. Gus will discuss the.issue with the project team
and report back on November 4.
Margaret noted that the LEED program is going to be reformatted and simplified in the
new year.
Council Update: This item was covered in the LEED discussion. The group wanted to
know Council's feedback on the tax credit.
Hall and Wall Street: Gus stated that the intersection application has been submitted to
ODOT. ODOT has 30 days to respond. Gus will report back to the group when he
receives ODOT's answer.
Margaret asked if this meant Wall Street alignment has been set. Gus responded that
the ODOT application only included the intersection point.
Margaret requested a map showing the Wall St. alignment and proposed building site.
Bill stated that City staff had met with the Zander development group on Friday, October
18. At this meeting, the City agreed upon the Wall St. alignment. Wall Street will
eventually veer on to the library property and go through the man-made pond.
Bill noted that there was good news on the ponds. Clean Water Services wants the
ponds to be eliminated as they negatively impact the creek. Elimination of the ponds
would improve the water quality of the creek. However, the City and the Zander
developers will be required to do wetland enhancements/mitigation to improve the site.
Weekly Project Meeting Update: Gus stated that Charlie Bahlman prepares minutes for
each meeting. Gus will distribute copies of the minutes to the group.
Gus distributed a revised project schedule, which shows a completion date of August
2004. Gus will notify the group if any changes are made to the schedule.
Once the design development is completed, the land use application can be submitted.
Gus noted that the Division of State Lands review project timeline is for Wall Street and
not the library project. Margaret asked why it was being included on the library's project
schedule. Gus responded that the library would be responsible for extending Wall
Street to the final access point, once the Wall Street project is approved.
Margaret asked if the library would receive some type of credit for the extension from
the Wall Street development. Gus responded that if the library doesn't pay for the
extension, it would be assessed under the Wall Street LID. After discussing the
possibility of a credit, Gus determined that the issue needs more investigation
and that he will work on it with the project team. Gus will report back on
November 4.
Now that the project schedule is completed, Craig and Gus need to do the cash flow.
Craig noted that even though the project completion date has been pushed back, the
OECDD bond requirements will still be met.
Gus noted that the City would take ownership of the property by the end of October.
Public Information: Margaret stated that the Library was continuing promoting the new
library through the question of the week, Digging in the Dirt, etc. Will begin publicizing
the community meeting on December 11 on the website. The sign at the site will be
changed, so no longer says proposed. Margaret is working with Public Works staff to
create overlays for the signs at the site. These overlays will contain meeting dates and
other relevant information.
Other Issues: Jim asked what the expectations were of the staff that would be attending
the partnering meeting on Wednesday, October 23. Jim will be sending a memo to his
staff that will be attending the meeting. His expectations are as follows:
■ Staff have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in regards
to the project and land use application
■ Staff needs to convey to other parties that the project will be reviewed under
the appropriate City timeline
■ All parties involved must follow the land use process
■ No exceptions or special treatment will be given
Bill agreed with the expectations listed. However, he wanted make sure that
appropriate staff will be available to work on and expedite the application within
standard timelines. Bill does not want staff absences affecting the application process.
Other expectations discussed by the group were:
■ Staff needs to commit to raising issues when they occur
■ Staff should communicate requirements, timelines and appropriate
turnaround times for specific items, i.e. — accounts payable
■ Staff should encourage an earlier site plan completion date
■ Staff should reiterate that there will be no leeway in interpretation of codes
Bill stated that he had received a letter from Rose with Rose Construction. Rose is
interested in buying the white house. When Bill has spoken with her previously, she
had also wanted to buy the property. Bill had mentioned that the City might be willing to
give the house away if someone will bear the cost of moving it. Bill stated that he
would talk to Ed and Liz to determine if they still want the house and what their
plans are.
Margaret stated that she would be meeting with John, Gus, and the architect on
October 28 at 11:30am to review the preliminary floor plans. This meeting is in
preparation for the Citizen's Resource meeting that night.
The Park Master Plan RFP has been sent out. The closing date is October 28 and
interviews will be held on November 5. This RFP includes the new library park piece.
At the last meeting, Craig had distributed a brochure from a deconstruction company.
This company is a 501(c)(3) organization, which deconstructs buildings and takes
recoverable materials to sell at their NE Portland location. The benefit to private
--� companies is that they get a tax donation write-off for the recovered materials. Craig
noted that the company does charge for its services; however, he doesn't know how
much. The company will assess the building and provide a bid. The company's rates
are supposed to be competitive, possibly less, than other deconstruction companies.
This might be option for tearing down the houses.
Bill responded that he did not see an advantage to going with this company. Also, he
did not want to get in the same situation the Chamber did with the Tigard Feed Store.
It appears that a board on the front of the white house is missing. The group decided
that the house must be documented/photographed, so the City can make sure that
pieces aren't being removed and the house isn't slowly being vandalized.
An updated Budget v. Actual Expenditures summary was distributed.
The estimated TIF Credit of$39,000 is not shown on the summary. The reason for this
is that the credit will be reflected in the actual expenditure versus the budgeted amount.
The encumbered project manager fee needs to be reduced by the amount of the actual
Margaret asked when the usage of credits, remaining funds and the contingency would
be discussed. Margaret does not want credits being rolled into the contingency. She
would like the credits applied to specific projects. The group decided that credits and
their usage would be discussed when they arise.
The group could not remember what entitlement services are. Craig will investigate
and report back to the group on November 4.
Margaret stated that Curt Nichols, Senior Energy Manager with the City of Portland,
attended the community meeting. Mr. Nichols had expressed interest in sharing energy
saving measures for streetlights with the City. Gus will email Mr. Nichols with the
City's planned energy saving streetlight changes.
■ Results of partnering meeting
■ Site Security