01/07/2002 - Minutes New Tigard Library Construction Committee Meeting Notes Monday January 7, 2002 The meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. The Committee members present were: Kathy Sleeger, Lonn Hoklin, Brian Douglas, George Burgess, Joyce Patton, and Elaine Heras. Staff present were Bill Monahan, Gus Duenas and Margaret Barnes. Vice-Chairperson Lonn Hoklin asked the Committee to review the meeting notes from November 28. A motion was made by Joyce Patton and a second by Kathy Sleeger to approve the notes. The Committee approved the notes. The Committee reviewed the presentation calendar and verified when different members of the Committee are making presentations to various groups in the community. Committee agreed to take the architectural model of the proposed new library to Little League sign-up's that are scheduled for Saturday, January 9 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Saturday, January 19 from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The four themes of the information plan for the proposed new library were reviewed with the Committee. The four themes are: Communicate reasons why Tigard needs a new Library Demonstrate how current Library is inadequate Communicate benefits of new Library Encourage people to go out and vote. The Committee also discussed the possibility of conducting some type of poll. Lonn Hoklin spoke about the benefits of conducting a professional poll. City Manager, Bill Monahan spoke about the possibility of working with a professional to develop questions and have local community members make the actual telephone calls. He mentioned that the City of West Linn had conducted this type of phone polling and found it to be successful for a recent bond measure for their City. Councilor Patton suggested the Committee consider some type of postcard or other mailing to poll people. After additional conversation the Committee agreed to discuss polling in greater detail at a future meeting. Given that the Council has authorized a bond measure for the May 21, 2002 ballot, it is unlikely that the City will conduct professional polling between now and the May election. There was discussion of the Site Master Plan Community Meeting. Bill Monahan suggested that this meeting be a facilitated discussion offering community members an opportunity to give input about the proposed new library site. Some of the topics people may wish to discuss for example are: the expansion of the Fanno Creek trail system; transportation; parking; wetlands; and questions about the library. The Committee discussed the format of this community meeting. Joyce Patton reminded the Committee that the bond measure would pay for basic landscaping of the site and that the Master Plan will assist in the planning and development of the whole site. Such a plan will take several years to implement, similar to the Site Master Plan for Summerlake Park. The Committee agreed to host the Site Master Plan meeting on Tuesday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m. in Town Hall. An outside facilitator will be contacted to assist with this meeting. The Committee quickly reviewed the latest PowerPoint presentation about the proposed new library. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.