BUTLER TERRACE SUBDIVISION (2) 9- 11-SI. ,ems "b . (� I� CITY Or- TIFAR® No. 16483 12755 S W ASN (?!e >-6 \ P O BOX 23397 ate TIGARD,oR 97223 ` �t7 Name Address Lot Block/Map SubdivisionlAddreas 1 Permit N's Bldg Plumb Cash Check Sewer Other Other Rec. By / Acct. No. Description Amount 10-432 Building Permit Fees 10-431600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10-431.601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10-230-501 State Bldg. Tax 10-433 Plans Check Fee 30 443 Sewer Connection 30-444 Sewer Inspection 51 448 Street Syst. bev. Charge 52449.610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge x2.449-620 Parks It Syst. Dev. Charge 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev Charge 10-430 Business Tax 10.434 Alarm Permit 10-227 Bail 10-455- Fines - Trafflc1Wsd1Parking 10.230- CPTA Traffic/MisdlVic. Asst. 10-456 Indigent Defense 30.122-401 Sewer Sevvice/USA 30-122.402 Sewer ServicelCity 30% 30-123 Sewer Sevice/Cit Malnt. 34125 Unmatched 31.124 Storm Drainage 44475 Bancroft Prin. Pymt. 40.471 Bancroft Int. Pymt. a(t► I M PLEASE 1AKE 1HIS TO THE CASHIER_ FAIL A Rt:C1.IP1 MAMF .- ` �e int _ DATE: E.'• �v��Gr 'Teri�c-e. S�►.r• --- �.- _.. __._..___ ._ --� _ AMOUNT DESCRIPTION . _ACCT ----- 10--220 _— Refundable Performance Bond Deposit f. LO-435 511n Permits ------- HOP-------TU -- o� Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection fee 10-436 _ Public Stora Plan Check/Inspectionea 10-436 - - Public Improvement Fee S /�S40• 10-436 _ Street Opening Permit s 10-440 Subdivision Applications: -- -- ---— S- MLP ---- ------ --- s 10--441 Zoning Applications : ZC CPA ZOA PO Misc SCE CU SLP V S 21 -442- -- Street Light Fee _-- _ -- _ f_ 2Z(o• 6 10 451 Document Sales ENrg. Planning 10-451 Street and Traffic Signs 10-•451 _ Land Use Actions/Fees: SDR f_... TOM. (1045P) September S, 1986 CMCW TWARD Mr. Samuel A. Gotter III OQ��N 1110 SW Gentlev66ds Drive Tigard OR 91224 25 V!M d Service 1961-1986 Re: butler Terrace Subdivision Dear Mr. Gotter: Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Perfo!mane<, Bond for said project. After signature thereof by the princLpal(s) and no( ,ti \ and. in the case of the bond fora, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgn%•nt , copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder . Subsequently. thereafter, the approved public improvement constructioie pl.tnM can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 2,258.08 ; being the said agreement (therein eetiete•Ji deposit/fee(a). Yours truly, 2 ohn S. Hagma Engineering Technician JSll:pjr 131?5 SW Hail Blvd.,P.O Boot 23397.Tigard.Orogm 97M (503)639-4171 - SU90IYISIOt6 CDIVA IAPNJ AGRI[mi.Nl THIS AGREEMENT slated the day of ( between the CITY d' rr(;ARD, a eatnLr.ipislity of St,kt.P of Ohereinafter regc►n, ermed tthe and Samuel l_. (;cit t er I I I hereinafter termed "P,rtitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to tle City for arprovail f(►r filirq in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as Mitler 'Cerrace 11 , Township 2 South. Range 1 West Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has adoptiod tho Standard Speciftcations for Public Worts Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, stormy drain, stricture and related work, and Unified Sewerage agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by profPssional engineers for subdivision public improvement development; rnd WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in Petitioner' s development are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in thie subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospeqective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by 'legally enforceable assurances that public improvements will be installed as ruired and completed within the time hereinafter set forth NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLUA: (1 ) Petitioner shall proceed with development, with the inters. and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street tree-j of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner agrees to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifications of the City of Tigard, to comply with all terms and provisions specified thereinregard this improvement by the Concil and Planning Gowission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, or as may be specified by the Community Development Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as xray by required by or approved by said Department. Petitioner shall piovtde certification of installation conformance and one as--built mylar, both stamped by a regist►►red civil engineer , to the r►tv prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City ( nnd►tional and final arc apt on, v consideration (2) To assure compliance with the Cit,"s requirements and the prrv1:1, n- hereof. Petitioner will tender. on requeAt , to the City ; surety bond appi .­ A by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 5011800.00 or in an am►niliit equal to the cost of incomplete performance work plus the normally require+ maintenance amount prior to recording of the subdivision plat . (3) In the event ~that Petitioner shall fail., neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion wit'-tin the t itne limits, uporl ten (10) day+t notice by the City to Petitionot anct Petitioner's sureties, and sucrt default and failure tc proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have t'►e work competed and chargv the costs hereof against Petitioner a-v3 Petitioner' s Sureties and in the event sane be not paid, to bring an action on the laic; bond to recn1tp► the amount thereof In the event such acticn be brought, Pet•ttionur .wnd Petitioner's Sureties promise and agrer to pay, in addition to the 4m ,unts accruing ani a.11owab'e, such sunt a•, the court shall adjudyi- reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in t.h(r Trial Cot.rt and Appellate Court., if any, or the City may, at its option, bring procoedirvpk to enforce against. the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's ',uroties soerific performance of the contract and i.ompliance with the subdivision stanclards and orclinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event., in like mtinner, the Pity shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjuAgo ro,asnnablo ,its and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in Iht- Trial t:nu► t +itd Appellate Court, if any (A) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall deposit with the► City an amount estimated to equal polo and luminar maintenance fops, for st-eet lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Port ldnd Cenoral Electric Schedule #91, Option "B" , together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the, date of initial energizing of said lights Said amount being s. 226.08 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final insppctions which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith III consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribed inspections fop, M (6) the City agrees to install street identification and trafftt , itin� within said subdivision, ir consideration of payment in the amount of s n/a (7) At such time as all public improvompnts oxcept sidewalks and ,tit-t•1 trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the. City ' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for conditi,,nal acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been wept , the Petitioner ,ill submit to the City a food and sufficient guarantee bond if nut already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the t.1ty to provide for correctior of any incomplete work or any defective whet, i,► maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after condit acceptance of the public improvements by the City (9) Upon receipt of certification from the DQpartmc-nt of Community Development that all requirement-a have boon met, and a One Year Gui+r,antoo nond, the City Council agrees to conditionally ac( opl the public improvement subject to the requirement of complet.ion of all work and cor►,,ctiorl of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year, (9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements tit, City' s Subdivision Ordir+anr.o and the provisions hereof, Petitiotior bIttd+ iIt.spIf to conform to the followirxl rpquI--oments, schuduI Irtq and Iimitwt i11i„ *Project Fee S 1_54U_00 Sewer rep S 452_00 7 MMMMoomoomp a (a) None of the lots of Pat:itionpr' s subdivision ay dwi( rikwd may he occupied for residential purpose!% until an c cufancy permit is issuod under authority of the City a.:-t no occupancy pc,-mit shall be i-sued prior to conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the stree, for each cle-veloped lcat proposed to ba occupied, is installed as a part of ter dev,rlopment; provided that all sidewalks as required by tha plans and subdivision rode shall be installed i:hroughout said suldivision not latei than three (?) years 'roar the date of tt is Subdivision Compiiance Agreement (b) All ianascaping treses on that portion of each lcit betweer the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area), if requires, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and Lisuance of ciccupanci permit for each such lot: in the subdivision. Provided ,:het fins' irspecetion and alPlie.ation for occupancy permit occurs within any c,iliRndar month from October tc April of Ariv year, st—h plantings may be deferred until othp noxt following growing gea% cn In any event. all requirc-d lanio;f mping and tr -es ;.n a,11 or-pas sh, 11 bc- plmri- vd and in plarc, within the entire sukxlivision within tired (3) years from iii, data of this subdivision improvement om'Iract . (c) After corw1it conal City acceptau_e of the public improvement r, the Petitioner agrees to place an ;rsph.altic concrete overlay )n all ►t,.+c1 - within the development; plat Pment schv.duling t be approvac by tho City (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said suMlivision dc.,-.lopment by the Council and the Planning Commission of lhV City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classificati.on and, also. n, the approved plat(s) and plan(s) (e) Petitioner agrees to correct any defective work arid to porform any maintenance, upon notification by the City, arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. ( 10) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shill notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon cer'tificatio,) by the Department of Community Development that all raquirements of the ,ity have been mkt , the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee band (11) rhe parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference rtusdP a part hereof, and Petit.iona► agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or p► for Iii the t unit this agrpempnt is executed on behalf of the City . Petitioner further agrees it, maintain said bond in full force and effect until otherwise authorifad by the City in writinq ( 19) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall far .ell purposes by included as a part of the obligation secured by the afores,atd performance bond and the City shall by entitled to recourse thereto ir, ItIv evenl of default on the part of the Petitioner with r espac t to any requ i comer- thereof 3 IN W1INISS WHEREOF , Petitioner acting by and through it.s duly authorized ►dersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City act irK3 pursuant t.o motion of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the day of 1 19 has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. Samuel A. Gotter III Hy — THE C 1 i Y Of 1 I LARD, ORt GON Mayor Recorder_ _ (Attach Notary W knowledgement hereto) Return signed copy to Samuel A. Cotter III 1110 SN Gentlewoods Dri .,e ILS&Wd OR 91224 i (00ius) f i r Subdivision pERfORMANCF BOND Bond Pie. KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that ANO( Samu,al A. GnU&r 1,17 as Principal, and a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety bt.'siness in tha State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto tie City of Tigard, Orogon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of S 50.800 , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which w,.?, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly ,and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND 001IGAIION IS SUCH, that the P► inc ►pals are constructing and platting asubdivie_iorz je[� ae Butl, Terrace_._ . located in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and have (in tarod into a Subdivision Complian,:c Agreement with respect to tknot,IV development and improvement thereuf, a copy of vaid Agreement is stlachod hereto, and by reference made a part h,?reof; and NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and t my observe and comply with all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to 5e performed under said Ayroement and under all ordinances, regulations and conditions of the Obligee applicable to said development and improvcrment, and shall promptly make payments to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work proyAed b; s.+id agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or iarosocutianed against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, ctherw`.se to remain in full force and effect In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder tc enforce said contract or to recover under t.-Nv. terms of this bond, in additiun to all other rights and remedies hereunder , the City, in the event it shall prevail , shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have cau'ied this bund to be executed this day of 19.86 Samuel A. Gotten III Principal By By (seal -- — -- -- -- _ U (A trop copy of the Power of Attorney must be stlachoW to the original of Surety thio bond ) Aitornoy in Fact (0921P) 1 OT CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FEE \\COMPUTATION SHEII Project. Title: %,Mev _C�Irt-zlcc ` �bd��. Imprv. pe: Computed By: _ — Date: 1 PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T M.0 18. 164. 150) A. Improvement cost estimate, r less sanitary sewer. . . .$ 362 .50C ("AIL; . . ..–r.+ B 0 04 x s -36, 50C� `� _ Ito (Adjusted Cost) 2 . SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CFcf_CK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord, No 85-02) A Contract surcharge applicable yes, no (agreement name) �D 9 Sewer Improvement cost estimate f /20300. (sewer est . ) (sewer estimate) (fee) Lor] $100 00 min. , whichever is greater _ �'9 3 STREETLIGHT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 130 (x) L 3 08.010) A. P.G.E. Schedule No. - C_�)'L_, Option No. Type of Lamp AZ/=7-S, ,. + .w'watts ---; Type of Pole �G. Height �! B. $ 4, 4 1 M z = $ —4_. _/mo (monthly rate) (no of lights) (monthly rite) (no of polas) o E $_�. h+ + C'�. ?�' x 74 months (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. 'TRAFFIC–PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T.M C. 18 164 030(u) . A. Stop @ $ $ (number) (each) (subtotal ) B. St Name: C,. Combo: @ $ $ D No Park incl @ $ $ $ Sign(s) Total 5 GRAND 1O1At (FFF 'S DUI ) Roraipt No �(0'4s3 nate Paid CT I5/IF& , w 0920P vavoo •�, �'b a"Al <A,:340-\3r\aQ, �r TECHNICAL ENGINEERING e CORPORATION 8835 S.W. CANYON LANE SUITE 405 PORTLAND, OREGON 07225 15031 287 - 3721 September 2, 1986 BUTLER TERRVE Engineer's Es`imate 1. Street Construction i..c.�b ova���.,> $ 25,000.00 2. Sanitary sewer Construction 12,300.00 3. Water System 4,100.00 4. Sidewalks +6@w6h ew}y) 'j.x 1 ,300.00 5. A.C. Pathway 1 ,500.00 I 6. Street Lights (2) 1 ,400.00 7. Utility trenching ( P.o,L. , r,.T.E., C.T.V.) 1.000.00 ff -PIT TOTAL ESTIMATED COST >> ; ENOIhE1�RINd PLANNING SURVEYING I r U.S.A. - D.E.-Q. COPX APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCT,ON ISSUED BY DATE (CITY OF TIGAr?f) • lot 'on DEV LP SE RV DEP'' BY uA'E _-- -- OPERATIONS DEPT 6r DATE CJTY ENGINEER BY DATE P G E.CO. By DATE TEL CO By DATF STORE R CABs E CO B DA TF APPROVED UNIFI SEW E- NV NAT c',AS CO Br DAT,E BY g. 0 - e6 aST BY ;a _ LI IF SEW 44GENCY BY DATE J • C1 Y OF TI6A M OREGON „ �. c' \,5 veon o7 Service JQ� k. �Sl 191 1986 R E: ,BUTL EJP TZ k-RAV C� Dear 7-Q,� Attached please find owe copy(s) of a public improvement plan Said plan needs to be circulated through the below noted agpncips for rev►pw acknowledgement and, subsequently, returners to this office Very truly, /JohZnS Nagma Engineering Technician • (JS& sb45) / PGE Company /- Northwest Natural Gas Co. 14655 SW Old Schools Ferry Rd 220 N W Second Avenue Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97709 SEE: Jim Johnston, 643- 5454 SEE Ron Polui , 276 4211 / �General Telephone Co & Tigard Water District 12460 SW Main Street 0941 SW Commercial Street Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97273 SEE Donna nonaldson, 620--0373 SEE Bob Santoo, 639-1554 Metzger Mater District L'7 Tualatin Rural Fire Protection Dist 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road W-S SW Elligson Road Portland, OR 97219 P.O Box 127 SEEJesse Lowman, 245-3331 Tualatin, OR 97062 SEE Gene Birchall , 692 2601 I 13125 SW Nall BW-,PO Ek)x?.3.397 TIgord.()regm 97223 (503)639-4171 / Firs? District No 1 / 1/ Storer Cable 20665 SW Blanton 14200 SW Brigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97062 Beaverton, OR 97V05 SEE Bert Parker, 649-8577 SEE- K. J. Strvfat, 644 -3188 /q Tigard Post Office / / State Highway Division 715 NW Hoyt 2131 SW Scho'.ls Ferry Road P.0 Box 3047 Beaverton, CR 91005 Portland, OR 97209 97608 SEE: lee Cunderson, 229 5002 SEE: Mike Krygier, 294 2380 (JSH sb45) ,9/Sc�7 ��c' s t ftrre�tc+ifs+ �i4 le se•)h c �e �i4Cru`SP_ //f A1111fL..ICI Tec�v+tc 121 ►n05tv+CWr,%ACCOOP • MR?AS S. J. C j v% 1 ,t ( -Ic_405� T>,. 11..d 10.. -, -1 z z S • ANN . N1�, Taws ArN6`r a1 Rd° �SUTLEit IERRAI`F Sb�V. Dear Attached please find ov%c set(s) of public imi rovi•ment congt rui-t ion said plan(s) having been provided to the City for preliminary review. Our comments are noted thereon. Please make all necessary revision(s ) and, then, submit %ix sets) to this office to commence the "formal" circulation and final review process. Also, attached hereto, please find a handout which further describes the aforesaid circulation and review process. Very truly, V%COY ell cc: file i l i 1 Pop' 1 14 Wit 1f w e- ST _ - __1► ,� - t-r S� %iti. JC�✓Cr i ..� nI 1 AA; J -7e- Me e- 290 O F� ` N pLAN i I - - j 270 i • . .t ) art � � •�,�r•• ��.�. ` • .L l — �ks �!' st last 8 sApuar- Aw'. of txtv16+ 'rs"ac at .- „ � +w► -+is'D ter• SvrQ', ani b�u�F� . . �Q!( f w 01 fid . mast 'O t sTe ix: { _ ' Tata�+a11+, a� �► wtwr� AvA ? ,4 �1[ i 'j3+t b tg. 1�� �►M" must es -s►.:e at fp*}•ox h*te1 y 90 --..;; � � rt= _ �T for to 3f 3 #A3N J ' m - 5e -_auee�t !'Calf f "m �l d'gc 1�e �4. s? t3'`� - 1 I nsta t 1 411 ev"Of sr m sc" twi o- to 7i" $`` = �'�JeR.•n be 3 t ion , tang"tot Al 1 a01 se T 4ard miter fi3 as CDSU- �!! oss , av�r4+b>�. asin stratiort 3a��1tg, etc, , est: et_. . - _ I 1 prs+l3ls "ter: i t;SL 1�r�+�t t yt 1' !'Lt� tt hQZ ► ► , ! !�•' it s. illM '� Qct' '.st r cog WIP61 s b A. 4%*ta1' An Wer ti 0 UmC'-."r Pos1t1 ae�io! 4PP 1 :•.. $� '�'�4���, � �'t t,= -101 ii� C ' ._2•".tt own a tea. --� ppro �A�o��b+s" 11 be iwo- =* a tvv Z'i;f by Ow Ceveiooer`3 Enqimeor 7rter• to %e L"itS atC*o rioc.. t�:C L vim_ 1 � e g < < �� s ,� � �i rtti.�, t ir►t` � t���i Ot Gov�htt �ov� Co, Avt� } dw� occ T - � ARAP 06 4. # t it 4+liie , - . ;� _ . •fes • � .'} ►'as►ped' �r ;�''�� _ c• a w . my- cowl OL 11� -mmwv ' swl - • 4 ;_ f fry " 311i IT '• 4w +� is '� �R o"Irus t4b w! ry day i -3�. �ar ■._. �a S X*i� :ate �:�_ _ ti. r ._ ,. _ �� ,� •,e'1 f _ �=. �....� ■ v v l 91TY Of TIGARD Washingl.on County , Oregon NOT[C1. OF f MAL OA11F'N PY Pi-ANN I t : ',OMMI SSIO11 1 Concerning Case Numh•ns•(s) : S t�-86 and V 1-8s 2. Name of Owner Samuel A. Getter SII 3. Name of Applicarlt: Same Address 7710 SW Gentlewoods Dr. City '[igard, State OR Zfp 97224 4 . Location of Property: Address Between the western . nd of Inez. Street and SW 97th Tax Map and Lot No(s) . 2S1 11BA lot 1400 S. Nature of Application: Request to divide a 1 .37 acre parcel into 6 lots with a minimum size of 7,500 s t. and to allow a cul-de-Qac of 600 ft. in length where a maximum of 400 tt. is required. 6 Act on: Approval as requested XX Approval with conditions Denial 7 . Notice: Notice was published in the nevespaper, posted at City Hall and ma11Pd to: X The applicant 6 owners XR owners of record within the rs•yuit .•d distance XX Thc affected Ne ighborhoud 111ataw i rt, 1 bran i it i oi, Affected gover•nmPntal agenri. +Ir N :;IIAI I 11,F F"INAL (IN :in lil, I" u• tr"1 I.0 I: 1 '1.1.1 ;rl -41 t tnd 01F.s' UU Iact , 1• < 1t,iota, .1: ,.1 ,,t vtit I Vol,t 1 III I ,ttlr t . .alit , 1 .t I •, . n '4 , r t tht M" tr'ion n..iy I'IH•n! t 'it! d#­ t-,n 1w- ,IdA•. • i � ! t i.•ii> 11 YOU hate Ugly 11t1Pt1t 01 It 1.14•Al," it i I t,i• r':t v ► f 1 F'lannlnj, Depart niell I 61'1 41 ►1 i J C 1TY OF TIGARD PLANNING COt"ISSION FINAL OPUR N6. PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDIW33 FINDINSs AND CONCLUS:[ONS WHICH Al"'PROVES AN APP -ICATION FOR A SLIBD!VESIOIY (S 8-86) AND Vf1RIAN(;F (V 9--86) It1W,ESTED BY SAK)EL GO-TER. The liclalyd Planning Commission reviewed tho above application at a public hearir►g on May 20, 1986. The Commi-tsion based it-s dvcisi'.)n on the facts, fin(tir+ds, and conclusions rotc'd below A. FATS I General Information CASE. Subdivision S 8•-86 6 Variance V 11 •66 REQUEST: To divide a 1 . 37 ar:re parcel into 6 lots with a minimum sire of 7,500 square feet and to allots a cul-de-sac of 600 feet in length where a Maximum length of 400 fe(?t is required. COPIPREHENSIVE PLAN Df_3IGNAVION low Densi'.y Residertial ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5 (Restdrntial 4 . 5 units/acre) APPLICANT: Samuel A Cotter III (*INI'R Same 7710 SW Gentlowoods Dr Tigard, OR 97224 I 101'AlION: Between the western end of Inv/ biroet arid 97th AVenut) (WCTM 2S1 I18A, T l 1400) Background y !(imt lar Fl►•C�po�al t(\ ( CP(.4t(' d '.(',l( � il ". „` 1114` 1111( ( t pr lllllY (� 1•.•s doniad by Planning r,(lmmt . 1(''\ '' ,' /V I I,r.) 1 Vi( inity Informmtt(1n .1 ,fir l"4 on tj1C (`t.4'it Side Itf 97th rt,lrl,.r4 (. R 4 ', rmd lrn hidob stmt lar 11 4( re,411D parcels Lu ill(, 11`'r 1h, • ir(ll(' ! I ly r(•sidori( 1`, un 8,()1►O to 1. ( " •qu(•►(` f not )rt % ((1 1114` (•.+at (+r1('1 lw(.41 11 ,, Ioni(r► Iligh "( ho"] to 1114 11 Tho land un tho w(•st s 1('I of 41t h Av(`r j. Is ,-rlyd R- 3 5 (R"sidont ial, i •, untttlarre) and it ertn(tist- r`4 a rnmt,in.+tinn (if small m-reogo tractot and singlo family ►°psidor.( ws . ^i tr 1nf(n m,.t t(1n .+r`d !'►('I.( ` ,' 1 , 1!' " , In upon t y is un(iPU4'1` ll"A ,.11'1 ! „ i1 y1` 1 r r(`•, t r 1111` 1-,1"t.4 rn pr(1pel t l (rlo, If t 1•, l 11111`1 ( d Y!1 t jorderi ar vo 111e I 'rr(4in slopet d((wn clr.+duelIV f•, m lav%1 to 1 t A it`n f(1ol wido strip E1r(1vides the only front(+ge (\r1 41th Av(`nue arxi !Iii ,( 1:' h('+•.torr, r(lrno► of the 4141' abuts the ter-minul; of Tru`., :tr'(`ot The applicant proposes to extend Inez Street, forte a 600 foot long cul-de-sac, and create six lots 'foF single fancily resiclerces . A portion of the street PKtensio,, will ut:.lizo an existing 40 foot aide street right-of--way which lips between the subject property and the ,junior- high school . The remaining right of 1,Iag will be vacated. I' 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following convents: a. The eight foot wide padestrian-bike path should be installed from the proposed cul -de--sac to 97th Avenue. A twenty foot wide public right-of--way should be reserved for the path or a .oublic easement should be rroatod . b. The applicant should be responsible for initiating proceclures for vacating any remaining portions of the Inez Street right-of -way. C . Due to they ,4mount of school age children needing safe access, the absence of a sidowalk on the south side of Inez is not recommended unless an appropriate alternative can be developed with the school district the RuOdintl Inspection Division indicates that the method for providing sanitary and storm sower facilities should be clarified. NPU M6 has no objections to the frroposal The luNlalin Ru►,41 lire Protection District has no objection to the requc, t I No other (omnu rlt a heive bvvri r,ac e+ved A 1 1 NO l Nr:'`; AND CON ,I i\,r, , If ►, are 1igard Comproh—• i \„ 1'' 11 i , 111 ie!, 9 1 1 , I I A 4 4 1 1 , R 1 1, ,.rut 11 1 1 1 1 .+p1 1'r-, IR ',r►, 1R .q 1 '1 ",r1 11 1r, 1 arl'! 1H 104 of the Communtt � Dovulf-I 'It code flo P1annil'3 '.orunl .,• 1,,1 conc.loll( y Ihat Ihr (Iruputinl I� 11nc, '.1 ,• ,t with the rel,,V ,h� t ,•,I „r iI ('.r,n,1v , 11, r,•.1VL' {�lNtl i4al.t`r] ,11„11 t11• f ,„tli, ,1•. r,,,l.,'d (-;f Ied hr( au..v 111c N, i91i11or1 si)d 1,1„r.ninq (►r�l•,ni. +llon ,wti %urroundinl propP►ty ownors were givon noti( e ui the Twat inq "rid ,cl ,ll;'or turlity to Comm -0 on the iippl is atit ' ,, li►opusdl I, ,• � � : „ ,;,. , „Illy 1 , 1,�1,1 i.,; ,1, ,.,, I m,.•,1 � r"l ' 111)1 1, y 1 1 / / .1 1 i 14 4 or r 5,+1 1,•,f 11.0 ho(auKc adoq,1 0 n aol at s,41wor , sturrn ,i1 Nill":j►' 1a( 1 I I t is s Are av,4i 1Hble to My dr velullmrt,l Ifso Apl\litant Al• ,1 irrii(,.if r.s lhat th(l-if- faciIilies will I:,, pr%vldod w i l h i rl t h(' hub<I l v; 111111 W, r erlu i t r,ri by t h,, c i t y O ar,d,ard s d. Policy 6. 1. 1 is satisfied becatse th* proposed cul-de-sac will provide for a safe and efficfieht transportation system by providing a terminus of this portion of Inp; Street which meet. City and Fire District standards, except for cul ole-sac length whi(-h is discussed below, In order- to provide adequate access to the residential area north of the school , the City ha!, followed a policy of having Inez, View Terrace or Moontain View extended west to 97th Avenue when development occurs. From a traf 'ic circulation standpoint, at least one of these streets should connec '. with 97th Avenue The applicant has provided justification for a cul-de-sac on Inez Street which is based primarily upon two factors . First, there is a short, but rrrlativ@ly steep 310;10 immediately east of 97th Avenue which would requite A significant amount Dunt of cut and fill The i extension of View Terrace or Mountain View would riot face this difficulty . Also, a preliminary plat approval, which has since expired, included an @•tension of Mountain View to 97th. Second, an intersection of Inez a,;d 97th would occur in close proximity to a marl driveway for the junior high School which would result in a Traffic safety hazard. e Policy 6, 1 . 3 will be sati, ,fied whet, tha conditions of approval relating to street improvements are completed. f, Policy 8.4. 1 calls for t.-le provision of safe and convenient bicycle and pedestrian access to all portions of the city . A bi1•ycl@/pedestrian lane i-i in place on the rest side of 97th Avenue anti eventually such a facility will be in place on tha east side as well . The bicycle/pedestrian path shown on the plat is consistent with this policy and is atip►opriate given 1ht siynificant amormt of bicycle and pedestrian traffic generated by Twality Junior- Nigh school and Templeton Flementary School . The Planning Cnmmi,,sion conclude- that thr proposal it consistent with thE• r'•lnv,+,11 portions of the Cnmm.nity Dnvnlopmorlt Ccde bAiori upon Thr } nr` rl'11ed bviow I (11,4pters 1N Y) (k 4 .5 nrno) anti Ili q7 (()ens,, cnmlull,tt inn' 1 tri •:at isfi"d hnrrrusn Path int r ln'Pl ilt•, with I+: min,'•.'Im Int 1:r %tandtard t1} /,S00 squa►c feel r,t„apt or 18. 1 x,11 t it "1• R(`mUVal 1 nr111i, ^4 11t,ai 1,11 y III.-It nV.a1 11,. yr aril ed bofnr r any It 1•1119 w1 111 tamvi t•1 1f t, 1•, t.• Irnatl'r Stan of it)” 1 100-3 •411 t Ili mast t•r n erid of t,11, need 1 o he romuved but 19 exp• t 1 Nd that t he ;lax imum number n1 1 r a► gill bo retained for buffering I•nrrposes , 11 1H If,( it a1 a1 !11V , '• 1 1: ,'te' I dl '1) 1 ',a, 1 `. 1vd 1.1 ' it 1,un t 111 "" naax lnunl 74-11111 ,1f flit ­ 1 (14 na, (400 1 Thatra are sper Tal rite um�l,ant t•� n1 r nnrl►t inns . I f n, 1 inti + l,n property which tare unus'jaI tend pncnll,4r ,n tho lar►c as rnmit I"rI,(' to r)1her hands .imiIar•ly %itt,a1 . (1 b. The variance is necessary for the groper design or function of the subdivision The gran U ny of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the rights of other owners of property ; and d. The variance is necessary For the preservation and enjoyment ►f a suu+tantial property eight tecause of an extraordinary hardship which would re a It frost strict compliance mith the regulation of this ordinanc,a. When Penrose Terrace subdivisi( n was developed, it was apparently intended that Inez Street world be extended into the subject property, possibly to 97th Avenge. The length of Ine! Street fron► its intersection with 93rd Averue and the subject property is 130 foot . The propoyed 600 foot long cul-de-sac is necessary Vo provide proper access to the subdivision. A street connection to 97th Avenue is a second alternative which is not as desirable because of the l relatively steep grade adjacent to 97th Avenue and the close 1 proximity to a driveway to the south which serves the j,lnit,r high s c hoo 1 . The subdivision would probably function properly with either a cul-de-sac or through street, but for the reasons noted above, a cul-de- sac is preferable. Also, appropriate emergency access car, be provided. The variance will not be detrimental in any t.lay and the additional length over required 400 foot standard contained in Section 18 . W .U30(k) is justified 4. Chapter 19 164 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) 1 satisfied except for Section 18. 164 .030(k) which is the subjott tf the varla nt r proposal noted abt,ve a-id the 600 foot Ior►gt h , appropriate In sun►mary, tht ptopo•,t41 suhdivi- ►01, will Liv consi ,tent i&-11. prnlicip, +t),i .I antia•tis 1f mi,dif od .4% d►,tiussod ,ahcut esttential that trio develnpar wort, ( lootoly with the Tlgtapd l Distrirt. to pr„vide appropr Lito bicyl to t4nd pedoytr(,4n t_„nn, 1 i”, bat wv(rn the schtw l and ad j t,i n i nq ne i 3hbor huo,4 + as' R I •�•�x • 1; 111 (A -I(IN Har(•d upm, 'h(, f end i og,, an('! t„. 1k .1,,, ,1► ,V,`, IIs^ I'lar,t►I h,4 ( '11,. opprt.vos S 6-96 And V 9 -R6 sutt)et.t to Iho ftillnwir,lj 400tittiutt4 I OW;S 011t RWI'.I N,,1I H, At I Corm 11(,r, "dill I I!I r+ I pt, r' RI(.0Rf11NG 1141 I MAI PI 01 i •1nndard t ret 1 I1111vI'vc:11 rIt*, i' Curbs, rt+nlps , sttut,lIights, drivew, y t•,r,,r, , . It.. m d►•Aln.,-10 uti1itfor shall be 1r,I+talled alonq 0r prt,f,,t,ed ( til dr 9A( r, Said improvemont-k shell be huilt to vity lt,tal itrout. atatldar,l. tonft,rm to 1 he r41 tgnmer,t of ox i st inq nil j.1, „ret imps„t „In„nt 1 ” ,I r,, .11 R NO ,1h R V .I At ! . 3. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvemknt construction plan! and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by &Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval . 4. Sanitary sewer domestic water and storm sewer system plan- profile details shall be provided as part of the public imprnuement plans . 5. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans . The Sections will require posting of a 100% Performance bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with t.hP issuance of ,4pproved public improvement plans . SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDOUT_ GIVING MORL SPECIFIC INFORMATION REGARDING FEE SCHEDULES, BONDING AND AGREEMENTS. 6. Street Centerline Monumentation a In accordance with ORS 92 .060 subsection (,2), the centerlines of all street and roadway rights-of-way shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement . h. All centerline monuments shall be plact,d in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway . C . The following centerline monuments shall be stet: 1 ) All centerline-centerline intersection Intersections created with "collector" or other oxisting streots, shall by set when the centar l ine alignment of said "collector" or othor strrct has been est,+bli-shed by tr fur tho City, 7) C� r,trr c,` ,411 cui dr- Fill i rit r,pr/irlt s p'11rr1 s ,it inl r•r-sm 1 ­,n (P I ) wh( r) their posit lnr fall% inside tl., llr.,, f , 1' Thr I,,iv„•mwnt f,therwise boginninq drid pnafinq point-; tH 1, old I 1' ) 4 ) Ai f.., y �4'q1 t-it n it 411 1''r, hrr Oat rd in pr,, l h at du tt„t r ' .r ' . .r r r l r alit or l ine 8 A•i 8 tart whit 11, yr Iv/pair .t► ian path, ,and 41 t ,ytrn, 7t► f(vot wide 1r-1h1 lr I',f ' r, oil i I),• it {,u, ri t1.P Irr'd U A qdcw,+lk h,+11 t trr .t.+t1 d rall11ig th ,r t, i Inti ;.lr4,v which moist City si.urdar(is T liru r,t th1r, fr an alternate mc,tslid of torminat inq 11,4 vitiitf ing :.(,tit hl it', '•ilk, which is Al + rpt.+hl, 1,--. 1hr 1 1(1,41 %4 `=t t1+t,s1 1)istriilip►'wr-ri by thr II,Ui• ir, tt=! , t). rhe unused portion of the axisti,;g Inc:z Str>Qet rt.ght-of-way shall be tacated and said vacation sKa11 be initiated by the applicant Seo toreen Wilson at City Hall for further- information 11 A trop cutting parmit shall be obtained prior to the removal of any trees with a trunk dinmet.er of 6 inches or greater. 12 . After review and approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer, tho Final Plat shall be recorded with Washington County . 13 . This approval is valid if exvr( i within one year of the final decision date noted below. I It is fur•thar ordered that the apili ,-A-t bu -,t tfivd )f tho Entry of this ordor PASSED: thisday of May, 1966 by thr �'I,+ rainy C( mmt �sion of the City of Tigard. Z-2 1,"C'Z'I 9q&-r� A. Donald Moen, President Tigard Planning Ctssmission (2563P) I I C:TY OF TIGnRD Washington County, Oregon NOTJCP OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COV14SIDN I . Concerning 1:aae Nurter, s): S 2-86 V 1-86 1 �7 2. NamIe of Owner: B1iz. ibtth Butler, 13080 SW Howard or. Tigard 3. Name of Appl scant : Samuel A. Gotter III Add rebn 7710 SW Gontlew'oods Drive CityTigarci State OR ZSp 97224 4. Loca ion of Froperty: Addr se( s Between the weatetend of Inez and 97th Avenue. lOn Inez) Tax p and Lot No(s). / 2S1 11BA lot 1400 ',. Nat a of Applicatio 'Tv divide a 1.37 acre parcel into 7 lots with a minimum v ze of 7,500 s . t„ and to allow a Cul-de-sac of bl7U teet fn length where a maximum iengtf� r 4.uiJ rr_et is requtrea. 6. Act on: _ Approval a9rrequested Approval r,Zndittons Denis],-/ 7. Notice: Notice vis p lishrd in a newspaper, posted at City Hall and nailed to: XX The pplicsnt b ovne a �_�_ t r• of record wit in the required 1lstance XX a affected Neighb hood Planning Organization XX_ fected gelverneownt 1 agencies Final Decision: HE DECISION . LL BE FINAL ON April 4 , 198 UNLESS AN WEAL IS FILED. The adopted f ndings of fact , decision, nd statement of condition can be obta ed from the Planning Department Tigard City Hall, 12755 SW Ash, P.O. ox 2339 Tigard, Oregon 97223 9. Appeal : Any party t the deciaton nay peal this decision t Ace rds,ice with 18.32.290(A) d Section 18.32. 0 which provides the a writ en appeal may be filed wl in 10 days aft notice is given and nt . The deadline for ft Ing of an ppeal is 2:30 PM A it 4 , 1986 10. Questions: If you ave any questions, pleas call the City of igard Planning partwent , 639-4111. (02 5 7 P) --- —'�J t CITY OF TIGARD Washington County. Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY PLANNING COMMI> SION �TJJ 1. Concerning Case *ivber(s): S 2-86 V 1-86 2. Name of Owner: Elizabeth Butler, 13080 SW Howard Dr. Tigard 3. Name of Applicant: Samuel A. Gotter III Address 7710 SW Gentlewoods Drive City Tigard State OR Zip 97224 4. Loca for of Property: Addr as Between the western end (if Inez and 97th Avenu- . (On Inez) Tax p and Lot Fo(s). 2S1 I1BA lot 1400 S. Nati a of Applicatio To divide a 1.37 acre parcel into 7 lots with a minimum s ze of 7,500 sq. t. and to allow a cul-de-sac of 6UU tee` in length where a maxitmim iengty f vUU teet is required. ` 6. Action: Approval a requested Approval editions Denials 7. Not ce: Notice vim pl/4+lished in t e newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: � X): The pplicant 6 ovne s -TT- re of record wit in the required diotance XX a affected Neighb hood Planning Organization XX fected gov.rnment 1 agencies Final Decision: HE DECISION . LL BE FINAL ON April 4 , 198 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted f oiling• of fact, decision, nd statement of condition can he obta ed from the Planning Deprtrtment/Tigard City Hall, 12755 SW Ash, P.O. ox 2339 , Tigard, Oregon 91223 9. Appeal : Any party t the decision way peal thisXonacc rdance with 18.32.290(A) d Section 18.32. 10 which prwrit Pn appeal may be filed w! in 10 days aft notice is R The deadline for ft Ing of an s'ppeal is 2:3098610. Questions : If you ave any questions, p City of igard Planning partment , 639-4171 . 757P - CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. 86- 07_ PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH DENIES AN APLICATION FOR A SUBDIVISION (S 2-86) AND VARIANCE (V 1-86) RE94JESTED BY ELIZABETH BUTLER. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public hearing on March 4, 1986. The Commission based its decision on the facts, findings, and conclusions noted below. A. FACTS 1 . General Information CASE: Subdivision S 2-86 6 Variance V 1 86 REQUEST: To divide a 1 .37 acre parcel into 7 lots with a minimum size of 7,500 square feet and to allow a cul-de-sac of 600 feat in length where a maximum length of 400 feet in required. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESI(014ATION: loo: Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R--4.5 (Residential 4 5 units/acre) APPLICANT: Samiel A. Gotter III OWNER Elitabeth Butler 771.0 SW Gentlewoods Dr 13080 SW Howard Or Tigard, OR 972.2.4 Tigard, OR 97723 LOCATION. Between the western end of Inez Street and 97th Avenue (WCTM 2S1 119A, T L. 1400) 2 Background No previous land use proposals have been reviewed by the City regarding the subject property . 3 . Vicinity Information Thi area on the east side of 97th Awk,Ciue is zoned R- 4 5 and includes similar small acreage parcels to the north, single family residences on 8,000 to 12,000 square foot lots to the east and lwality Junior High School to the south. The land on the wait stde of 97th Avenue i!+ zoned R-3 .5 (Residential, 3 . 5 units/acre) and it. consists of a imbination of small acreage tracts and single family residences 4 . Site Information and Proposal Description The property is undRVPloppci and except for a number of lama trees near the eastern property line, it is covered with grass and a garden area The terrain slopes down gradually from w9st to east. . A tan foot wide strip provides the only frontage on 97th Avenue and the southeastern corner of the parcel abets the terminus of Inez Street rINAI ORDER 86 07 PC (S 2 An & V 1 06) VAGI I The applicant proposes to extend Inez Street, form a 600 foot long cul-de-sac, and create seven lots for single family residences. A portion of the street Extension will utilize an existing 40 foot wide street right--of-way which lies between the subject property and the junior high school . Tho remaining right--of.-way will be vacated. The ten foot wide access strip is intended to be combined with adjacent properties and not be made .% part of the plat. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineoring Division has the following comments: a. NPO M6 should be allcw+ud to comment regaraing the design question of a cul-de-sac vs a through street. for Inez as well as View Terrace and Mountain Vier to the north. b. An eight foot wide pedestrian bike path should be installed from the proposed cul-de--sac t-) 97th Avenue. A twenty foot wide ,­blic right-of-way should be reserved for the path or a public easement should be created. The applicant should be responsible for initiating procedures for vacatir,K3 any remaining portions of the Inez Street right-of-fray . d . Due to the amount school age children needing safe access, the absence of a sidausalk on the south side of Inar is not recommended unless an appropriate alternative can be developed with the school district The Building Inspection Jivision indicates that the method for providing sanitary sewer should be clarified. NPO M6 has no ohjections to the proposal, but indicates that input from the Tigard School Distri.t and surrounding property owners should be taken into account. The Tigard School District has no objection to the proposal , provided the cul -de-sac does not encroach upon the school property and sufficient room is maintained for sidewalks and greerwray . The Tuala! in Rural Firu Protection District has no objection to the request No othei comments have been received B FINDINGS AND (XMCF US IONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2 . 1 . 1, 6.3 3, 7. 1 .2, 7.3 . 1, 1.4 4, 8 . 1 . 1 , 9 . 1 .3, and 9 . 4 1 and Chapters 19 .50, 19 92, 19. 150, 18. 160, and 18 164 of the Community Development Code. The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal is only partially co.isistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the finding• noted below F I NAI OROF R 96 07 PC (S 2 86 ` V 1 86) - PAGE 2 1 A. Policy 2 . 1 . 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity tc comment on the applicant's proFasal. b Poli.-,y 6. 3 .3 is not met because the single family residential deveiopment is not c.ompatil)le with the character of this "established area" . The proposed lot siz�as �are smaller than those in the adjacent subdivisior which average approximately 10,000 squama foot. c Policy 7. 1 .2, 7.3 . 1, and 7 4.4 are satisfied because adegvate water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities are available to the de:olopwmnt. The applicant also indicates that these facilities will b,? provided within the subdi-ision as required by the City standards . d. Policy 8 . 1 1 is r.,)t satisfied bPcausr. the proposed cul-4e- sac will exceed the maximum aitowable length of 400 feet . e. Policy 8. 1 3 could be satisfied when `he conditions of approval relating to street. improvements are completed. i f. Policy 8 . 4 . 1 calls for the provision of safe and convenient bicycle and pedestrian access to all portions of the City. A bicycle/pedestrian lane is in place on he west side of 97th Avenue and eventually such a facility will bo in place on the east side ass well . A bicycle/pedestrian patio as suggested by the Fngin4.ering Division would be consistent with this policy and would appear appropriate given the significant amount of bicycle and pedestrian traffic generated by Twality J,jn,or Nigh School and Templeton Elementary School The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal is not totally consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Oevelopment Co►+e based upon the findings noted below- 1 Chapter 18 .50 (R 4 .5 zone) is satisfied 2 Chapter 1f .92 (Density Computations) met b-icause the lots comply with the 1,500 square foot standard 3 Chapter 18. 150 (Ire* Removal) requires that City approval must be granted before any trees with r trunk diameter of 6 inches or greater. Some of the trees a;. the Pastern end of the 3ropprty will need to be removed but is expected that the maximum number of trees will be retained for buffering purposes . 4 Chapter 18 160 (t_arad Division-Subdivision) is not satisfied because Section 1P . 160. 120 which contains the following criteria for granting a -.ariance to the maximum length of a cul-de--sac (400 feet) F INA( ORDER 86- C7 PC (S 2 86 6 V F 86) MG1 1 a. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the pr%party which are v;casual and peculiar to the larot as compared to other lands similarly situated; b. The variance :s necessary for the proper destgr, or function of the subr+ivision; C. The v,, ant i ng of the variar,.o will riot. Ge detrimental to the puGlic health, safety and bielfare or injurioas to the rights of other owners of property; and i the variance is nacqssary for the preiervatio nand «njoyment of a substantial property right because of an extraordinary hardship which would result from :-trict compliance with the regulations of this ow-Ylinance. When Penrose TerracR subdivision was devei,,ped, it boas apparently intended that Inez Street would be exte used into the subject property, possibly to 97th Muenu.•. The lenyth of Inez Street from its intersection with 93rd Nvenue .and the subject property is 330 i feet. The proposed 600 foot long cul-de--sac is excessive and does not appear to be necessary. A street connection to 97th Avenue is an alternative which is not as desirable because of the relatively steep grade adjacent to 97th Avenue and the close proximity to a driv.vway to the south which serves the junior high school . Nowevor, a street connection to the north has not been evaluated 5 Chapter 18. 164 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) is satisfied with the exception of the 600 foot length which is inappropriate. C DECISION Basod upon the findings, and conclusions above, the Planning Commission denies il 2-86/V 1 .86. It is further ordered that the applicant b-e notified of the entry of this order. >t� PASSED: This .20 day of March_ 1986, by the Planning Commission of tho City of Tigard A. Donald Mopri, President Tigard Planning Commission (KSl_ pm40) F INAI t-,RDE:R !6 D j_ PC (S 2 86 & V 1 86) PAG! 4 BUTLER TERRACE Schedule of Prices Jot, No, 86-311 SCH':CULE A STREET CONSTRUCTICN 1,..em No. Est. Quantity Description Unit Price Total Pace 1" 1500 C.Y . Ex.-a-ration A Embank- ment S_ :lam $ ,631,1-'a 2• 35() C.Y Base Rock (2"-0) and r Leveling Course (3/4"-0) V ` ,S^J 3' 1250 S' ". 3" AC Surfacing, a 585 '�. l..F. Stm;ard Concrete Curt) � . 0 .1 TOTAL S,r� r1►�,�,_1J in place measure SC4ECULE A - STRE..T UNSTRJCTICIV S � „2 .2 SCHEDULE C - SAAI TARY SEWERS S'HEDULE D - 'MATER SfSTEM S g fo TOTAL 9' 3 `T•,r*'l~t ;H!i ,�1 LVC. r,111TILEIR 1FRRACf Schedule cf Prices Job No. 86-311 SCNFOULC r - 'SANITARY :'EWERS Item No. st. Quantity Description Unit Price Total Price u ?� 1 31: L.F, furnish and install F" P.V.C. - plastic sewer pipe -omplete including all excav ,tlor, rock backfill and testing. � O 2 1 ;', L .F Furnish and i,istall 4" P.V.C. plastic pipe complete including all excavat+.on, rock backfill and t.estinc;. 1 bC L.F. Furnish and install 4" P.V.C. $ /S- $�>� . ' _ plastic pipe complete including all excavation native backfill and testing. Furnish and install manhole $ 19 .7�, '� $ », com,)lete including standard fr;me and cover. ; 4 ca. Furnish and install B" x 4" $ Y J ),_ ,Ir , o tees. TOTAL .l BUTLER TERRACE. Schedule of Price!. Jot No E6- 11. SCHEDULE D - WATER SYSTEM Item No. Est. Qu_ntity Description Unit P-ioc Total Price 1 265 L.F. 5" ductile iron pipe zom- Flete including all fit- tings and other .eppurtances. All excavation , backfill , testing and disinfection. 1 Each 6" date valve complete1p !r S � 3 1 Each ?" blo +off unit complete S h0, .23 0 TOTAL S ___ CITY OF TIGARO, OR OE%ELOMENT SERVICES DEPT <�\ANCAV . UEVEL-OPPWIl1- PROJECT GVNERAI_ INFORMATION SHEET 1. PROJECT W. : II. "ROJEGT NA4E 'S1.T �_. �t.s Y of t' �LI�fOV III . PT(MIING (TLTI-C) : dated: IV PLAT (1'ITl .;1 : dated SI' E tOCATfOY: VI PRIM.IPALS: (1) OEVI:Lt)PE:R: `jam �° _ �, 9 C I�,41 S I !z elf x�l�' F. (s* Address Phoria No. 'f+- (2) DI VEt OE►EPS SURETY AGENC Y Addross Phone No Pond �No - - `—r--- --- -' EKp. Oate___/ (3) EkGrIl.EER:! t��14_�1�:.t�g 'StIAp Address , , e�2 zg` Phone No -_372 I (4) INSII:CTOR: Addrese t `ror.r No. (5) I'R IMi: OONTRACTOR Address Phor,.r No (6) CC►NTRIM:TORS SURETY AG'NCY AddrF-is Phoma Na Bond No __.y-- - --- E sp [late ( 1) rUfl CONTRACTORS O116S I dmj