07/01/1980 - Packet 0
C Phone 639-9511
12568 SW Main•Tigard, Or. 97223 LIBRARY BOARD
Agerida for July 1980
1. Call to Order
2. Introduction of New Board Members
3. Reports
a. Minutes
b. Monthly Report for June
4. Old Business
a. Building Plans
b. Library Policy: Revisions and Additions
5. New Business
a. Lost .Material Charges
_ C Phone 639-9511
12568 SW Main.Tigard, Or. 97223 MEMORANDUM July 14, 1980
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, June 1980
1. Administration:
a. Librarian attended three sessions at Washington County Cooperative Sp-rvices
(WCCLS) , as a committee member for drafting the Intergovernmental Agreement for the
county-wide automated circulation system. After approval by Citizens Advisory board,
the agreement will be forwarded to the participating cities.
b. Library Board held .regular meeting June 9. Minutes are attached.
c. Tigard Public Library hosted a WCCLS Information _and Referral training session.
This special project was developed during the past year as an extension of library
service to provide users with information on local services and resources. Claire
Sheldon, staff member, was on this committee and contributed to the successful com-
pletion of the project.
d. At the June 23 City Council meeting, the Librarian outlined to Council the
mounting difficulties with maintaining 59 open hours. By concensus, Council approved
Librarian's proposal to close on Mondays, beginning July 7.
e. Librarian attended WCCLS professional board meeting June 25. Of interest:
A member of the Citizens Advisory Board objects to the paragraph in the Intergovern-
mental Agreement (for automated circulation) concerning confidentiality of patron
and circulation records. WCCLS board passed unanimously to support this statement
on confidentiality.
f. Librarian has begun re-writing job descriptions for all staff members.
Growth of the library plus additional training has enabled staff to assume a different
level of expertise and responsibility for library service.
2. Personnel:
a. CETA library aide, Cliff Mendes, has been terminated after failing to appear
for work, beginning June 5. He will not be replaced.
b. Volunteer hours totaled 122.5; daily average 4.9.
c. Court referrals worked 10.25 hours.
3. Statistics:
a. Total circulation 9274
Books 8707 Magazines 289
Adult 5730 Audio-Visual 156
Juvenile 2977 Other 1_6
Interlibrary Loan 106
For Fiscal Year 1979-80:
Total cir.:u1�tion 99,149
Tigard Monthly Report, June 1980 - page 2
3. Statistics: continued
b. User cards 402: in town 191; out of town 211
c. Story hours 115 total; 14.5 average
d. Materials added 194
e. Materials withdrawn 235
f. Money received:
Fines $34.50
Lost Books T31.33
Donations $2.00
4. You*h Service - KathyTremaine
The summer reading program began' June 23. One Hundred -Fifteen have registt,�reu for
the reading club and 92 are signed up for the Friday Read-a-thou events. The two story
times continue through the summer to include children through eight years old.
The young adult section is being used more. New paperbacks have been added and a
section of sofa has been placed to provide the young adult area a distinctive and
inviting look.
The Library will enter a float in the annual Tigard Town and Country Days' parade.
This year's theme, "A Little Bit of Magic", is reflected in the Library display window--
a fairy waving her magic wand with the slogan, "Magic in Books."
The WCCLS children's librarian will conduct story hours at the Washington County
Fair again this year. Tigard will participate August 5.