04/01/1980 - Packet TMARD
CPhone 639-9511
12568 SW Main•Tigard, Or. 97223 LIBRARY BOARD
Agenda for April 1980
1. Call to Order
2. Reports
a. Minutes
b. Monthly Report for March
3. Old Business
a. Friends of the Library Building Fund
b. Ccoputerized Circulation
C. County-wide Bond Issue
4. New Business
a. Staffing
CPhone 639-9511
12568 SW Main•Tigard, Or. 97223 MEMORANDUM April 7, 1980
TO: Library Board
City Council
FROM: City Librarian
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, March 1980
1. Administration:
a. Library Board held its regular meeting March 10. Minutes are attached.
b. Librarian attended five sessions of the Washington County Cooperative
Library Service (W=B) cauterized circulation cmnittee. Bids were reviewed,
discussed and evaluated. A vendor has been chosen and the consultant will begin
contract negotiation.
c. Librarian attended W= cable television committee meeting. A statement
has been sent to the developers of the county wide Request for Proposal outlining
IN= interests and requests.
d. Friends of the Library building fund committee met March 13. They outlined
a discussion to be held with City Council at a study session on April 21.
e. Librarian attended a public hearing on the State Aid per capita legislation
passed in 1979. Proposed administrative guidelines for distribution and use of the
monies were presented. It is anticipated that the funds ($.208 per capita) will be
earmarked to promote sane particular aspect of library development rather than for
non-specific operation.
f. Librarian was invited to speak to the Tetrapolitan Kiwanis on March 24.
Subject; What goes on at the library?
g. Librarian attended WC= professional board on March 26. Of interest:
Coordinator, Donna Selle, presented a memorandum outlining a countywide capital
improvements project to include buildings, equiFrwnt and a computer. Funding could
cake through bonds or a levy. Librarians will study this proposal and be ready to
begin discussion in April.
h. Librarian attended City budget ccnmittee meeting March 26.
2. Personnel:
a. Cathy Chase, CETA circulation clerk, resigned March 15, to take a permanent
position with University of Oregon Health Sciences Center.
b. Clifton Mendes, CETA, has been hired to fill the circulation clerk position.
He will begin April 1.
C. Volunteer hours totaled 150; daily average 5.75. Andrea Asbell, outreach
volunteer, worked 60 of the total.
3. Statistics:
a. Total circulation 9042 (347 per day, 26 days)
Books 8437 Magazines 362
Adult 6233 Audio-Visual 207
Juvenile 2204 Other 36
Interlibrary Loan 90
Tigard Public Library - Monthly Report, April 1980 - 2
3. Statistics: (continued)
b. User cards 411 - in town 213, out-of-town 198
c. Story Hours 100 total, 12.5 average
d. Materials added 143
e. Materials withdrawn 142
f. Money received:
Fines $13.00
Lost Books $14.15
Donations $9.75
4. Children's Service - Kathy Tremaine:
Circulation of children's materials is increasing noticeably. Display areas in
the children's roan are popular and seem to attract more readers.
March story-tunes focused on nutrition. One session included a nourishing "no-
bake" cookie. Story-time attendance is also increasing.
During Spring vacation, films were shown on two days, featuring "Elsa and Her
Cubs" and "The Cat and the Fiddler." Staff member, Karrin Hawes, displayed her
collection of cat figures and artifacts in the large case. Attendance at each showing
was very good -- 20 average.
Tigard Public Library is an active participant in the WCCLS children's committee.
A circulating puppet bank has been a project for this year and should be ready May 1.
This will greatly enhance story-time variety and quality.
'.arch 25, 1984
TO: Wz�r County Cooperative Library Services C.00rdiimtor
FROM: Tigard Public Library Librarian
S[1A=: County-wide Bond Issue
At the rema" mselUncr on Mare 13, 1980, the Board caonsiderad the question
of a countywide baud issue to build libraries and stTport installation of
a county-wide oomputerized circulation system.
Concern was expressed regardina the following:
1. Equitable apportionment of modes raised by a successful bond.
2. Determination of needs arxi prioritizing.
3. What effect on a local bond issue would possible failure of a county
issue make? (There is some possibility that Tigard might consider a bond
to build a new library, but it would likely have to be later than a county
4. County involvement in Tigard Public Library.
The Board has asked me to convey their "qualified i fied intexest" and "particular conaerns,"
while "reserving judc3mei t for the present.,,
Irene % ^tell
City Librarian