02/01/1980 - Packet a
C Phone 639-9511
12568 SW Main.Tigard, Or. 97223
Agenda for February 1980
1. Call to Order
2. Reports
a. Minutes
b. Monthly Report for January
3. Old Business
a. Building Plans
b. Computerized Circulation System
c. Leave of Absence for Board Meabers
4. New Business
a. State Aid Funds
C Phone 639-9511
12568 SW Main-Tigard, Or. 97223 MEMORANDUM
February 11, 1980
TO: Library Board
City Council
FROM: City Librarian
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, January 1980
1. Administration:
a. The Library Board held its regular meeting January 14. Minutes are
b. Bad weather, ice and snow, forced early closure (5 PM) of library on
the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 31st.
c. Plans were made to move the book processing activities into the non-fiction
roam to alleviate some of the congestion and poor working conditions in the front
room. This activity will be located next to the Librarian's office. Movable
partition will screen the area from the rest of the roan. The area vacated will be
used for tasks associated with the circulation activities, relieving the congestion
behind the desk and providing a quieter area for these tasks. Work continues in
upgrading of the careers/education and business reference areas. As a further means
Of upgrading reference service in the library, record is being kept of unusual and/or
difficult questions. During each weekly staff meeting these questions are discussed.
If it is determined that the collection is weak in a particular area, notation is made
in the order file.
d. The Friends of the Library Building Committee held its first meeting on the
24th, at the library. Members are: Norman Allen, Dee Capaci, Donna Hammersly,
Clarence McLaughlin and Madalyn Utz. Primary concern was expressed concerning
Possible location, whether or not a new library would be part of a civic center and
building costs. The group decided to look for several more committee members and
to explore feasibility of using modular units. Members will also bring fund-raising
ideas to the next meeting. Madalyn Utz announced that the Friends of the Library is
now established as a non-profit organization under required state law.
e. Librarian attended regular meeting of Washington County Cooperative Library
January 30. Of interest: It was announced that the Request for Proposals for a county-
wide computerized circulation system has gone out. Bids should be in by March 7.
f. A Gaylord checking machine has been leased to improve the accuracy of check-outs
and, hopefully, to reduce overdues. Check=-out times have been extended from 3 to 4 weeks
on regular materials and 10 to 14 days on new adult books,
2. Personnel:
a. Interviews for a new CETA position, circulation clerk, were begun January 31.
Increased circulation has made it necessary to have someone responsible for the circu-
lation activities during the busy times. This person will work 40 hours a week, Tuesday
through Saturday.
b. CE-2 student Spolestra oanpleted a job exploration.
C. Volunteer hours totaled 139.6, an average of 5.4 per day. 75 hours were
worked by Andrea Asbell, outreach coordinator.
d. Kathy Tremain, Library Assistant for Children's Service, is attending a
reference course at Portland State University. She was awarded a scholarship by
the Oregon Library Association.
Tigard Public Library - Monthly Report, January 1980 - 2
3. Statistics:
a. Total circulation 8833 (340 per day, 26 days)
Books 8145 Magazines 296
Adult 6075 Audio-Visual 220
Juvenile 2070 Other 32
Interlibrary loans 135
b. User cards 579; in toam 296, out of town 283
(scene of these are renewals)
c. Story Hour 64 total, 9 average
d. Materials added 113
e. Materials withdrawn 32
f. Money received:
Fines: $15.50
Donations: $6.76
4. Children's Service - Kathy Tremain:
Story-time attendance has increased with attendance at some sessions of over 20.
Puppets purchased by the Washington County Cooperative Library Services children's
ccezmittee will circulate throughout the county and add a new dimension to story telling.
A beaver puppet named "BJ" will be the summer reading mascot this year.
The displays this month focused on the Chinese New Year and a collection of young
adult books that have been made into movies.