03/01/1979 - Packet TIGARD PUBLIC LIBRARY
12568 S.W. Main St.
Tigard, OR 97223
Library Board
Agenda for March 197()
I . Call to order
2. Introduction of new Board member
3. Minutes
4. Reports
a. Monthly report for February
b. VISTA update
5. Old Business
a. 1979-80 contract for WCCLS funds
b. Budget update
c. Computerized circulation system
d. Suggestion box
e. Volunteer for public relations
6. New Blisiness
a. Library closure
b. Oregon Library Association Conference
7. Announcements
a. "I Love Libraries"
b. WCCLS meeting March 28, 1979
12568 S.W. Main St.
Tigard, OR 97223
February 12, 1979
TO: Library Board
City Council
FROM: City Librarian
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, February 1979
1 . Administration:
a. Librarian attended all day workshop on management techniques at Long-
view Public Library, Washington, on February 2. Session was productive in
that if focused on management problems related to libraries.
b. Librarian has begun regular attendance at the weekly computerized
circulation meetings. Of interest: Using specifications developed by Eugene
Public, Library, the committee is writing specifications for a computer
circulation system for public libraries in Washington County. One meeting
as a tour and demonstration of the CLSI system which Multnomah County uses.
Two other meetings included update demonstrations by Gaylord and CLST.
c. Library Board held its regular meeting on February 12. Minutes are
d. Librarian attended publicity meeting at Sherwood Library on Febraury
13. Wanda Moore, tri-county library consultant for publicity,
met with several librarians from the smaller libraries to discuss specific
problems encountered with small staff and limited budgets.
e. A suggestion box soliciting book purchase suggestions was instituted
and is beginning to get good response. Jim Sidey submitted a release to the
newspapers regarding the need for a public relations volunteer.
f. Librarian attended Washington County Cooperative Library Services(WCCL ,)
professional board meeting on February 28. Of interest: Steps are being taken
to see how much reciprocal borrowing is being done at present between Clacka-
mas and Washington Counties with a view toward toward formalizing and developing
the practice so that it will provide for a wider sharing of materials and im-
prove service in both counties. It was announced that as a part of the April.
"I Love Libraries" program T-shirts and' buttons with the logo will be avail-
able as part of the promotion. There was a report regarding regional.
library development indicating that Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas have
been formed into a region for purposes, of sharing LSCA grants designed to
foster cooperation over regional areas rather than individual grants to
particular libraries.
2. Personnel:
a. Volunteer hours totaled 116, averaging 5.3 per day.
3. Statistics:
a. Circulation 7106
Adult 4830 Magazines 280
Juvenile 1752_ Audio-Vis 1 143
Interlibrary Loan 84 Other 17
Note: In January materials loaned perworking day averaged 282. In
February the daily average was 323. In January 1978 the daily
average was263 and in February 286.
b. User cards issued 156 In Town83 , Out of Town 73
Tigard Public Library - Monthly Report, February 1979
c. Story Hour 11 average (Wed and Thurs preschool.)
Start Rite day care16 average (Tues morning)
d. Materials added 361
Adult Fic 54 Juvenile Fic 61
Adult NOn-Ffc 114 Juvenile Non-Fic 14
Adult Paperback 42
Large Print 6
e. Materials withdrawn 282 (many of these are books that have been
missing more than a year)
f. Money received:
Fines $6.50_
Lost Books $5.89
Donations �Td0
4. Programs:
a. The Friends of the Library held their monthly meeting on February 1 .
Jackie Stone, food demonstrator for 7-UP, presented the program.
b. On February 24 the Tigard branch of American Association of University
Women held its organizational meeting.