01/22/1979 - Minutes Minutes Tigard Library Board Jamuary 22, 2979 Call to Order The regular meeting of the Tigard Library Board (having and Roll Call: been postponed from January 8 because of weather) was called to order by Chairman Betsy Chick at 7:35 P.M. All members were present. Reports: Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Librarian briefly reviewed the monthly report. VISTA The Board expressed their satisfaction and delight in reading Debby Smith's VISTA quarterly report on outreach to shut-in senior citizens. Old Business: Librarian explained that recommendations of the Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) Administrative Administrative Guidelines Committee are being incorporated into the Guidelines Committee 1979-80 contracts covering the new Serial levy, enumerating participating libraries and WCCLS responsibilities. Library Board Librarian announced that Mr. Jim Sidey had been inter- Member Appointment viewed and recommended to City Council to fill one of the Board vacancies. One vacancy still exists. Selection Policy: The Board agreed to leave the Selection Policy as it is, except for placement of paragraph .3, Gifts, to follow the first two sections and precede the appendices. Circulation Policy: The Board decided not to revise the circulation policy because as soon as Beaverton goes on the Computer all libraries in the county will begin revising their pro- cedures so as to evolve a county-wide system. However, the Librarian requested and was given approval to eliminate the requirement for a personal reference in addition to address verification in enrolling users. Budget, 1979-80 The Board reviewed the first draft of the Library budget for 1979-80. The Librarian announced that Tigard's share of the levy for the coming year will be $76,724. It was agreed that the City would be asked to maintain its level of support from 1978-79 at $32,000, for a total of $108,724. Major changes from 1978-79 include: absorption of 14 CETA and hiring one 2 time person; a doubled book budget of $20,000; carpet and shelving for children's room, $5,500; shelving for non-fiction room, $11 ,300; doubled periodicals budget, $1 ,000; microfiche of older periodicals, $500; rebinding of books, $1 ,000. It was pointed out that personnel costs, estimated at $62,000 could vary one way or the other requiring adjust- ment of all figures. It was also rioted that the Community Services program element is receiving the largest share of personnel and capital expenditures. New Business: The matter of Tigard's adopting a computerized circulation Computerized system was very briefly discussed, the consensus being Circulation that close observation of Beaverton would provide more information with which to work, since it will be two to three years before Tigard will be ready. Building Plans This matter was postponed until the next meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Res npectfully Submitted, Irene Ertell. Librarian Approved: Approved as corrected: