01/01/1979 - Packet Tigard Public Library
12568 S.W. Main S.t
Tigard, OR 97223
Library Board
Agenda for January 1979
1 . WCCLS Administrative Guidelines Committee
2. Library Board Candidates
3. Selection policy
4. Circulation policy
5. Budget, 1979-80
1 . Computerized circulation system
2. Building plans
January 8, 1979
TO: Library Board
City Council
FROM: City Librarian
SUBJECT: Monthly Report, December 1978
1 . Administration:
a. The regular meeting of the Library Board was held December 12, 1978•
Minutes are attached.
b. December 18 Librarian attended meeting of the WAshington County
Cooperative Library Services Computer-Circulation Committee. Of interest:
The Committee has been observing various systems in Eugene, Multnomah County
and Tacoma, WA.in an effort to determine which type of system will best serve
WCCLS libraries. Work continues on devising a county-wide circulation policy.
It is planned that Beaverton will begin converting and setting up by July 1979.
One problem will be the initial expense of conversion and a means of cost-sharing
by all libraries is being considered.
c. The WCCLS professional board meeting was held 18 December. Of interest:
The Guidelines for Receiving Serial Levy Funds was presented and discussed.
Greatest contention developed over the wording of the job description for a
Community Librarian. (One who would be hired for a library in a non-incorporated
area. ) Two board members felt that an MLS should be a requirement. Compromise
was reached by requiring an MLS or equal combination of training and experience.
The new contract incorporating the general guidelines was presented. The only
significant change was in specifying that WCCLS will provide continuing education
as a service to county libraries. Other points follow closely the draft that
was attached to last month's report.
2. Personnel:
a. Staff member Kathy Tremaine began maternity leave December 4. With
added volunteer help the Library is able to remain open 59 hours per week with-
out hiring additional help. Full time staff are working the extra evening and
week-end on rotation.
b. Volunteer hours totaled 113.5 hours, averaging 5 hours per day. (Holiday
closing and bad weather reduced hours somewhat. )
3. Statistics:
a. Circulation 5739
Adult 4177 Magazines 208
Juvenile 1129 Audio-Visual 136
Interlibrary Loan 81 Other 8
b. User cards issued 117 IN-Town 49 Out-of-Town 68
c. Story Hour- _ 8 average (Wed and Thurs pre-school)
Children's Christmas party 23
d. Materials added 288
Adult Fic 24 Juvenile Fic 15
Adult Non-Fic 79 Juvenile Non-Fic 7
Adult Paperback 145 Juvenile Paperback 5
Large Print 13 Audio-Visual 0
e. Materials withdrawn 66
Monthly Report - December 1978 - 2
f. Money received:
Fines $4.00
Lost Books $16.36
Donations $12. 10
4. Prorrams:
a. Friends of the Library held their monthly meeting on December 7.
Members discussed means of raising money in addition to the annual book sale.
It was decided that a "craft fair" in the Librarywould be held, with the Friends
renting tables to local crafts people. (Librarian was asked to check with City
Administrator on feasibility. Approval was granted. ) The Friends concluded
the meeting with a cookie exchange.
b. A Christmas party for pre-school story time attendees was held December
21 . Besides games and refreshments, the 23 children and 4 mother-helpers
made Christmas decorations.
c. During the maternity leave of Kathy Tremaine, the two story hours each
week are being conducted by a group of four mothers and staff member Claire
Sheldon. This is proving very successful and some very excellent programs have
been enjoyed by the children.