01/09/1973 - Minutes Minutes of the Tigard Library Board Meeting January 9, 1973 PI-esent at the Meeting were Don Jacobs, Ann hicks, Rosanna Peterson, ,M t'Ry -T—FL�'I�N t and Jeri Cundiff. The minutes of the last meeting were read; there were no corrections or additions needed. Under old business it was learned that Mary Slemens has served her four years. The board has to select two new members. Those named were : Ed Carlisle, Lynn S'Scroggins, Mrs Samuals, June Young, and Yvonne Burgess . Under new business Ann mentioned that she recieved a -ohone call from the Beaverton Library and they were upset because of something the Oregon Legislature is going to do to the libraries. They are having a meeting on the 20th at Aloha. Don Jacobs was asked to attend the meeting with Ann. Ann also re-oorted that this Saturday( Jan. 13 ) Tigard will be holding their priority meeting from 8 :15 till 4 :00. Jeri Gundiff was asked to attend v,:ith Ann. They will give a report of the meeting to the next Board Meeting. Ann Suggested that the wooden bookcases be re-_,laced 1.A.7ith metal shelves in the childrens section. Also she would like to purchase some new bjoks . Don moved that Anne ex,-)enses be a -proved. It was seconded and passed. Jeri tokd the board t-'at the Friends of the Library want to buy a new bookcart for the library, and they are going to create a Library Bullitin to ex3ose the public to the Library and its hours. The meeting was then adjourned. Res--_'ectfully submitted, Jeri Oindiff, Board Member