03/13/1973 - Minutes Minutes of the ripard Libr,:�,ry Board 11,,_'-eting March P, � p 1073 Present at the MeetinC rr m=ere Dori Jacobs, Ann hicks, 'osanna Peterson, Mary slemons, and Jeri Cundiff. `phe minutes of the laft mcetin�- were reald ; there weze no correction-, or a,'_'ditions needed. Under old bus 4Lnes-_P, Ann and Don -r-ave a re-cort on the meeting -� I - vac -acscd . they attended In Forest f I Love . Hili s�,Oro I s "ud,(,et 1"hey Will be having another meeting . Under nes,, bu.-�iness It ,,-as announced that the AdT ini s- trator has resined. Questions were asked of Ann as to 'wheather o, not the ne,- library would be on a bond issue this coring , .iron _­eoorted that the bond issue was -premature and n--t to count on it as yet . Ann re -,orted that Mr. and Mrs . ('irod had donated the Christen Science Moniterto the "library. Also under new business, Rosa-nna turned in in a lette;-, of resit7nation sayinE7 was not able to be chair an of the 1-o,,rd s,.n,,Ion-7er . Jeri Cundiff 1_1 - - "L take ove1r, secr!Starial Wall, 101000IJ-ted t--I,e nc­- Ann v-ill " dutter. T- e next meeting will be lCth at F :Cc) P.Y. 11,1-e will be alternatinr evening andl mornings to sc,:)Tmadate those ,-To ,,..-,ork at -onflictinr-, times. Ann announced J: y and1 Febuary recol-d breakinr, months for the library. -756,00 and were checked out ;,Iurinr- these busy months. The meetirnp t-r-len adjourned. Res,�cctfully submitted, Jeri Cundiff, Board 1%rember A