10/18/1973 - Minutes M1 i LI!,' --RA2Y X-RD KE1=3 OCTOBZR 18,1973
Leetin7 was called K order at 8:00 PE by the President. Those
atter airy were Yvonne Surgess, Mary 512mons, Len Carli0e, Jeri
Cundiff, and Anne Hicks. The r-inutes were read and alprove].
Cites for a new liarnry vere discussed. Among these war the lot
on 3uInd n, th, Jost Gffice, and Fowler junior High.
The hioruri3n "nnouaced that t library =V no- be cpen on
2uesu y niohts and the tours dere changed to 11 to 8:30- Londay,
2ucsday and -ednesday to acct =date thcse tart work.
2he mantis- at the Eenvertan hisrar, ras discussed and a motion
waz made and gassed that Dan jacobs mo=ll go sith the librarian.
23E purpose of th< meeting w, to talk amut tae aictory of
4«shiwton County.
10iss Neva Wat's bock on the "History of ?ice rd" was passed around.
Then, tha meetiny wao adjcurned.
neopectfully zuLmitted;
Anne Hicks, secret