11/13/1973 - Minutes C -TA `regi 1e: o,-3erred tie eetin- a'-L, 10: C� -d" --ji';pith Yvonne Eurgess, - 0 4,,, -,le :ons, Don acobs, U'eri -'-"und--ff, an tirme .ricks cresent. '2he rdinutes "vere read and .-.j---:rcved 5-I's c1-1,:---idcd. ;he yiUr<<ri«n mentioned tai-,t the ': e:-tvertone --d---I u-. at I_-- - :.11i IdGYO in 4-he evel . -' one. "o-I-h-n-, fa�� acco:,,i,'Jched --inC, s�c eXCeL4- that a anot, :e k.neetin,- ic'le,uIed toL ,r-shin;,ton Vounty llistoricai museui.: curator in v--nuary. Joint L'ur- C:,�'-ie Of bo,;k,,: ,-!aturned 6.0,;'! -cued-,USe elcn had hL- own source. i.c-'uisiticn c' ]- nd 4 sced ..-!it! no :-30luticn in -»=-ht until th-.- Council --.cts. I'elen C.-iristensen's ,-ift of 'JO'-.rds for tii;-- c-at-I-o,-- ca,,nyere a—d-'fired, and roved tnat t--e .rt:sident send a you' note to or e .,er tl-;ci) -Fitfulness. The 'Librarian tc1d �.:1cut the -,ea,7ue Of Crc;-in Cities i�,�,eellinl,- in w,ii a Univers ,l reference -3ysteri for jeople :.rith prob"Lems eras the to-oic. h mels c.:-c4-c-- o' loc -tJor , ras t, , 7�br---ies. �n-p re3cived '-ul , ht ':J=_:" ci.-nted. 1-cluld Jeri mentionbd that the Aut'iors a 3uc�,ss -,-jitfl over 700.00 S " - 4 ,CI-I 0 4 Ct-e 1�"brary Fr ends i -de over 2010. ---L - -- - .11 letter -c �cunci."L ;;i'n su ),;:,estiois for next yc-a:L-- in tri: -Jlbr-ary U ,las e,,:ii- rfted wL. iti- .-Ie --card `iona"n;-- treir idea,,s. Jeri -s to It saq riuved and seccr,,�ied 1,-iat taerie be ----o meatim;-, in Decerniber. "'ne -.,jeetin; 1,azt'.-Jen adjourned. ries -ec t ff'U,"ly submii ted; .'.ane -Iiclks, -ecret--ary