11/12/1974 - Minutes L�. . ,..::r' E, " 1 .. r;v j ._. _._. 12,1974 ''he `reside t, -rry -;undiff, opened the rireetin at ]_O: ii:. 2h,e minutes were read and approved aj read. ine librari-n re orted that the increase If fees resulted in a slow-down but more people were buying 1/2 year cards. alked about ti.e rneetincr,Gctober 23r:J in Millsboro :•pith Jean accom��..,wnied Anne and meeting; ,vith t-,e other librarians to discuss the comin,7 of virs dalton. _Donna .-alle offered to be the Mason officer. alked about 4 ict 30*-� meeting v;`,en -en attended at the `'i-ard Library i ith the otl::r libraria- s to find out :.That ,,rs. dalton h•;d in mind for a flan of attack for :ash Co. Yvonne ":ill ;o wit!1 _anne to the "ov 1-0 meeting for all liorarians and board members. ."ew mousiness; discussed the three days 14rs. j:alton ill be v1,4iting the 2i;ard :rea- ,vhat to do .:itis her? ..ccei.-ted the oil pjrintin_; by : Gardner brit:-_ adr,iration. Changed story hour to two 1/2 hour pro,;rams. .)iscussed the advarta,Me s and dis=.dvanta:res of usin owler,cost 7ffice,etc. for new library. voted to ado-pt a wait ani see. iscussed -hat to buy -.'!i th tha memorial fund for ".'argery Davidson. Decided to buy the day : tkeson books, etc. because the z.,. _etures are sc good for p:ainters. `:eeting was then adjourned tAI I ILIA? ES =C_R ,IB? .:.ZY T C0.iRD 1`..__ IT `ry * NOV 12* lO s oo zM Tae vresident opened the meeting. `hose present Frere Don Jacobs, Yvonne Burgess, .�,nne Hicks an:.', the "rresident Jeri. Cundiff. The minutes were read and approved. Under old business, Anne discussed the meeting -in rillsboro. Jean Carlisle :vent wit . Anne to set dates for the Consultant '-s. -)alton to do the county. Donna Selle offered to be the liason officer and Tigard was given the three days before Thanksgiving to entertain and educate *irs. .,Jalton. The author's .pair was discussed- everybody to come. Yvonne agreed again to go with ':nne to the Nov 18 meeting. The memorial fund is growing and a special shelf will be set un with the large picture books such as'Oregon' will'. be purchased. "eetin-; was then adjourned.