12/01/1974- Minutes 1.13h D:uCJl"-1JJ1 1974
president opened the imeetit,,T at 8:Pi 'hose present bene .16xy
alemons, Yvonne -jur;ess, "en arlisle, "eri C;undiff, and trie
librarian,::nne z-icks.
Under Old liusiness - Yvonne and :tune reported on the meeting
with .irs. Talton and the libr,rians. i)xs. -)alton suggested
either taxin{; through the .l:.vD, �-oanty, or USA. districts. She
also discussed book:-:.obi les and books y mail- advantages and
�,e,orted on the authors -air- a -faround .40 profit.
Answered tie question about the Xerox machine- they are having
trouble .ith ta= coin boxes.
Under ,e,r 15usiness- Jeri and the Librarian went to the final
meeting of ti:e °-t.e.rin7 committee and iirs. Dalton -.;ao did
mention that T-1 iiouly coorer .te as fully <�s tney could.
She also re.i,uested that everyone contact :lis Comeris.sioner about
the need for library service countyreide before she returns the
end of January. Yvonne want ed to know if cities were to be
t!--xed also?
The librarian announced t:_at we had enough money in the memorial
fund of Davison to alio buy the -'ncyclopedidL of .. rt.
.';elcome "wagon made us a -ift of ;75. an' we started a talking
book cassette library (10). Lsistened to a few.
The story -:our has been ch�nred to one session of 45minutes
because of parent complaint.
i'=eetin, was ad4ourned.