05/13/1975 - Minutes s LIBRZRY BOARD MEETING ON MAY 130 - 10:00 The president opened the meeting and the minutes were read and approved as amended. Thmse present were Yvonne Burgess, Don Jacobs, Jeri Cundiff, Mary Slemons and Anne Hicks- librarian. Under old business, the Washington County Library Grant was discussed. So far the grant money is only half available. The other half will be as soon as the Legislature has passed an emergency measure. It was established at the special meeting in Medford that the extra money that was available was to be used to help defray the State Library expenses instead of going to the grant applicates. There are no building funds after a111 this year. But the wine-tasting party had around a 250$ profit. The Friends of the Library got us the aquarium for the gerbils. Under new business discussed the possibilities of writing foundations and grants for money to build. Also the possibility of utilizing the room beyond the children's room to expand. Budget meetings are going on- and so far the library budget has not been cut. Meeting was then adjourned.