09/09/1975 - Minutes LIB2___<Y O.,Lii7 .'B 9th,1975
The resident opened the meeting and the r inutes ,were read and approved.
Board members pre :ent were Jeri Cundiff, Jean Carlisle, Yvonne Burgess,
and Don Jacobs.
Under new business t-,ie changes in the Gre,-�ron 6t,;.te Library La-,,vs ,sere
discu--sed. They ,were. 1. the librarian must be or can appoint the
secretary; 2. the deli, nation of pre ,,ident an.) vice-pres-dent are to
be ch^nved to chairman and vice-c.�airman; 3. the teri._ o�, office is
to be ch-inged from Jan 1 to July 1 to coincide with the fiscal year;
an... 4. no member may serve r;iere tl.an two consecutive ter:lis- but may
be reappointed after an absence of one year.
The neer c:_il.dren's libr-.Irian gill be 11eitha Ldum and ,rill start --ept
19th- riday- with = full day of ci_ildren's programs.
`de will open one r fare night/hursaays in tae nt ar future.
BeavertonLibrary now rias nex hours- 31 per .reek- and ne,v fees- ;10.
he Friends of t1-•.e Library will be meetin,- soom. ihev cid not have a
book_ sale this .u ,ust.
Concerning; the Network. 11,ultnomah Library sold a bock-Mobile to the
,ashington County for -1.00 which ai.11 be used as a stationary branch
in unserved areas. he Books-By-I%:ail is in operation to the rur.-i1 and
handicapped residents. Flan. are in action for cassette libraries and
players in each library.
e arding the annual report- the 'ig :.rd :Abrexy checked out over 62,000
books a?zn materials, aurin- 74-5.
Future pl..n�, for ti.e new room, were discussed.
Yvonne ,-ill be �-oin , to the net.vork meeting wit"i _-nne in Oct. 7vhen .irs.
:Dalton will be here.
The meeting was t:.-en adjourned.