12/15/1975 - Minutes J LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES FOR DECEMBER lg at 1:30 The Chairman opend,d the meeting. Present were Jeri Cundiff, Don Jacobs Jean Carlisle, Yvonne Burgess and Anne Hicks. The minutes were read and approved as read. Under OLD BUSINESS- the back room was discussed with the possibility of its opening late in January. The Tigard Junior Women's Club re- leased their donation from the building fund so that it could be used to purchase a heater if necessary. The Wash Cty Network sent some of the cassettes and a holder to the library. Also 3 cassette players for general checkout. The 'Parking Sign' came during the meeting and was admired before the men put it up. The Friends of the Library meeting of the cookie tasting was mention6d as a complete sucess. Many people, many cookies. Under NEW BUSINESS Jeri and Yvonne received letters extending th6ir terms for an extra six months to comply with the new State laws. The levy for the countywide library services will be in May on the primary ballot. We do get a CETA position for the rest of the year. Meeting was adjourned