01/13/1976 - Minutes i
Meeting opened with hri Cundiff, Yvonne Burgess, Ken
Carlisle, 111,ry Slemons, and Anne nicks present. The
minutes were read and approved.
Under CLD BUSINESS- we should have 1/2 of the new room
by the end of Banuary. But Pacific U says no on pur-
chasing a book counter.
Jeri asked about clippings on the library and whether
they were being kept on file.
Under NEW Business- the Library Board authorized that
a counter be built by handy volunteers in order to save
money. (See Al Chavez)
The library is now open on Thurdday nights also. It is
being manned by our CETA person, Karrin Hawes. We have
gone to a three week checkout period to enable us to do
more catching up on our other work.
With regard to the County Netwurk and County Board, their
are 5 nominated from this area of Tigard, Durham, Sherwood,
Metzger, Tualdtin, and Garden Home. One of these will
be selected to represent the area by the County Commissioners.
Jeri was requested by the librarian to write a letter
to the Council endorsing the passing of the resolution backing
the formation of a county library s•,stem. The resolution
The Friends of the Library will be having a patchwork quilt
demonstration on 15 for anyone who wishes to attend.
Meeting adjourned.