04/13/1976 - Minutes .LIBRARY BCARD M ETIN3 APRIL 13,1976 1:30
The meeting was called to order. Those present were: Don Jacobs,
Jean Carlisle, Yvonne Burgess, Jeri Cundiff and Anne Hicks.
The minutes were read and approved.
Under CLD B,3INESS the steel bookcases finally arrived and were due
to be installed the 14th. The question of when the new part would
be finished came-lup but no answer could be ;miven.
Under NE 'SIN::SS Anne tolld about the meetings that she had attended
that week. The !-�otary :inns gave a donation to buy a used sectional
couch and to start our own large print book collection.
The Clackamas County meeting resulted in the formalizing their net-
work Xt in the pattern of ours.
Multnomah County costed a seminar on the lona range plans for Oregon
libraries asking for priorities.
Hillsboro hosted an all day seminar to instruct the binding of books
use of displays and children's programs.
PNLA held a meeting to find ways to better their program. ''o far
the dues are too high.
Flash County 'ib Network held their monthly meeting at the Tigard
Library. Extremely well attended and the :Mate Aid Bill was discussed.
Anne spoke at Chas F Tigard School to 5th and 6th grades about boo-'-,s
and libraries. Then on vacation for a week,
Anne explained the Library Levy- Board members will pass out brochures.
The library checked out 6,200 books in the month of i'iarch-a record.
Anne will attend coffees to explain levy.
gine tasting, party 7:30 Fri ;`lay 7 :j2.0,` Profit to library
CLA convention - end of month.
Tannesbourne open house.
Plants, new a- uarium, fish, new display of old books & mags.
"ieeting adjourned.