06/08/1976 - Minutes LIBRARY BOARD MEETING*** JUNE 8,1976 The meeting was called to order. Those present were Plary, Ken, Yvonne, Jean, Jeri and Anne. Minutes were rdad and approved. No old business. Under New Business Anne explained that the city had cut our budget from 32,000 to 16,000 because the library levy had passed ( in the city 2 to 1). Between John Cook and Floyd Bergmann the budget was raised to 26,139 which should take care of the extra people. Anne passed a letter around for the Board to X%&.approve. Beaverton Library will open to the county. Our library has been deluged with people from both city and county. The library will be getting two projectors (16 & 8) plus other things. Anne left for a meeting while the Board thought up things for the money to be spent on. See attached list. Meeting then adjourned until fall.