Chapter 10.28 PARKING 10.28.185 Parking for Persons with
Sections: 10.28.190 Application of Parking
Regulations to Persons with
10.28.010 Definitions Disabilities
10.28.020 Repealed by Ord. 93-21 10.28.200 Repealed by Ord. 18-01
10.28.022 Purposes for Which Parking Is 10.28.210 Removal and Impoundment of
Prohibited Vehicle Unlawfully Parked in
10.28.025 Vehicle Sales on Private Space Reserved for Persons
Property with Disabilities
10.28.030 Truck,Trailer,Bus,Camper,
Motor Home, and Boat 10.28.010 Definitions
10.28.040 Removal of Parked Vehicle A. "Parking" or "parked," for purposes of
from Fire Area the city motor vehicle code, means the standing of
10.28.050 Required Precautions a vehicle,whether occupied or not, otherwise than
10.28.060 Parallel Parking Requirements temporarily for the purpose of and while actually
10.28.070 Space Markings engaged in loading or unloading property or
10.28.080 Repealed by Ord. 18-01 passengers, or in obedience to traffic regulations
10.28.090 Two-Hour Time Limit or traffic signs or signals.
10.28.095 Repealed by Ord. 02-14
10.28.110 Fifteen-Minute Time Limit B. For purposes of this chapter, the
10.28.115 Four-Hour Time Limit definitions of the following terms as used herein
10.28.120 Sunday Restrictions shall conform to the following ORS sections
10.28.125 Repealed by Ord. 18-01 (2017) which by reference herein are made a part
10.28.130 Prohibited at Any Time of this chapter:
10.28.135 Permit Parking Only Zones
10.28.136 Loading Zones 1. "Camper" is defined as set forth in
10.28.137 Repealed by Ord. 18-01 ORS Section 801.180.
10.28.138 Permits for Construction Zones
and Temporary Loading Zones 2. "Highway" or"street" is defined as
10.28.139 Permit Parking set forth in ORS Section 801.305.
10.28.140 Violation—Mode of Charging
Defendant 3. "Motorbus" is defined as a
10.28.145 Violation—Parking Time Commercial Bus as set forth in ORS 801.200.
10.28.150 Violation—Penalty 4. "Motor home" is defined as set
10.28.160 Authority to Impound forth in ORS Section 801.350.
Improperly Parked Vehicles
10.28.170 Parking Prohibited in Specified 5. "Motor truck" is defined as set
Places forth in ORS Section 801.355.
10.28.175 Residential Parking Zones
10.28.180 Definitions for Sections 6. "Trailer" is defined as set forth in
10.28.190 through 10.28.210 ORS Section 801.560.
10-28-1 Code Update:4118
7. "Travel trailer" is defined as set 10.28.030 Truck,Trailer,Bus, Camper,
forth in ORS Section 801.565. Motor Home,and Boat
8. "Truck tractor" is defined as set
forth in ORS Section 801.575. A. No person shall at any time park or
leave standing a motor bus, motor truck, truck
9. "Truck trailer" is defined as set tractor,motor home,boat,vehicle with camper, or
forth in ORS Section 801.580. (Ord. 18-01 §1; trailer, whether attended or unattended, on any
Ord. 99-28; Ord. 93-21 §1; Ord. 70-41 §1) improved public highway, public street or other
public way within the city limits, for a period
10.28.020 Repealed by Ord.93-21 greater than 30 minutes, between the hours of 12
a.m. and 6 a.m.
10.28.022 Purposes for Which Parking is
Prohibited B. A camper, travel trailer or motor home
may be parked on a public street longer than the
No person shall park a vehicle on the right- period allowed in subsection A if-
£of-way of any highway, or upon any public street
or public way within the city limits for any of the 1. It is owned by the resident or guest
following purposes: of the resident of the property in front of which it
is parked;
A. Selling or offering merchandise for sale;
2. It is parked on the public street
B. Displaying the vehicle for sale; adjacent to the lot of the resident; and
C. Washing, greasing or repairing such 3. It is parked on the public street no
vehicle except as may be necessitated by longer than 10 days in any calendar year.After the
emergency. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord. 93-21 §3) 10-day allowance, the vehicle may not be parked
or left standing for a period greater than 30
10.28.025 Vehicle Sales on Private minutes,between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.
C. Such vehicle must be parked in a
A. No property owner, unless in manner which does not interfere with traffic or
compliance with the provisions of Chapter 5.04, create a hazard by obstructing the view of drivers.
Business Taxes, and in further compliance with all No feature of the vehicle may create a hazard to
applicable zoning codes, shall allow more than pedestrian traffic, including, but not limited to,
one vehicle to be displayed for sale on his or her slide outs,canopies and retractable steps.
D. Tractor Trailer, Truck Trailer. No
B. Violation of this section shall be a Class person shall at any time park a tractor trailer or
1 infraction and shall be subject to the provisions truck trailer as described in Section 10.28.010.B
of the civil infractions ordinance, Chapter 1.16 of unattended on any improved public highway,
this code. (Ord. 87-40 §1) public street or other public way within the city
10-28-2 Code Update:4118
E. These restrictions shall not apply to any 10.28.080 Repealed by Ord. 18.01
city-owned or public-owned vehicle that is
operating in an official capacity. (Ord. 18-01 §1; 10.28.090 Two-Hour Time Limit
Ord. 01-23; Ord. 93-21 §4; Ord. 81-86 §1; Ord.
81-84 §1; Ord. 79-109 §1; Ord. 76-57 §1; Ord. No person shall park or leave standing a
76-30 §1; Ord. 70-41 §3) vehicle of any kind or character, whether
motorized or not, and whether attended or
10.28.040 Removal of Parked Vehicle unattended, continuously in excess of two hours in
from Fire Area any area designated as a two-hour parking zone
during the times and days specified by signage,
Whenever the owner or driver of a vehicle except with a valid construction zone or
discovers that such vehicle is parked immediately temporary loading zone permit issued pursuant to
in front of or close to a building to which the Fire TMC Section 10.28.138. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord. 02-
Department has been summoned, he or she shall 14; Ord. 99-13; Ord. 95-31; Ord. 92-27 §2; Ord.
immediately remove such vehicle from the area 87-05 §1; Ord. 86-45 §1; Ord. 84-03 §1; Ord. 82-
unless otherwise directed by police or fire 75 §1; Ord. 81-87 §1; Ord. 80-65 §3; Ord. 79-108
officers. (Ord. 70-41 §4) §1; Ord. 79-10 §1; Ord. 77-36 §1; Ord. 77-5 §1;
Ord. 76-53 §1; Ord. 70-41 §9)
10.28.050 Required Precautions
10.28.095 Repealed by Ord. 02-14
No person having control or charge of a
motor vehicle shall allow it to stand on any street 10.28.110 Fifteen-Minute Time Limit
unattended without first fully setting its parking
brakes, stopping its motor and removing the No person shall park or leave standing a
ignition key and, when standing upon any vehicle of any kind or character, whether
precipitous grade, the front wheels of the vehicle motorized or not, and whether attended or
shall be angled into the curb. (Ord. 70-41 §5) unattended, for a period of longer than 15 minutes
in any area designated as a 15-minute parking
10.28.060 Parallel Parking Requirements zone during the times and days specified by
signage. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord. 95-30; Ord. 86-59
No person shall stand or park a vehicle in a §1; Ord. 71-33 §1; Ord. 70-41 §§10, 12, 12A)
street other than parallel with the edge of the
shoulder or curb when present, headed in the 10.28.115 Four-Hour Time Limit
direction of lawful traffic movement, and with the
curbside wheels of the vehicle within 12 inches of No person shall park or leave standing a
the edge of the curb, except where the street is vehicle of any kind or character, whether
marked or signed for angle parking. (Ord. 18-01 motorized or not, or attended or unattended,
§1; Ord. 70-41 §6) continuously in excess of four hours in any area
designated as a four-hour parking zone during the
10.28.070 Space Markings times and days specified by signage, except with a
valid permit pursuant to TMC Section 10.28.138
Where parking space markings are placed on or 10.28.139. (Ord. 18-01 §1)
a street, no person shall stand or park a vehicle
other than at the indicated direction and within a
single marked space. (Ord. 70-41 §7)
10-28-3 Code Update:4118
10.28.120 Sunday Restrictions Ord. 75-51 §1; Ord. 74-44 §1; Ord. 71-32 §1;
Ord. 70-41 §14)
No person shall park a motor vehicle of any
kind or character, whether motorized or not, 10.28.135 Parking Permit Only Zones
whether attended or unattended, in any area
designated as a Sunday restricted zone during the A. The City Council may, by resolution,
times specified by signage. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord. establish permit parking only zones. Such zones
70-41 §13) will be for the exclusive use of vehicles with valid
permits, issued pursuant to TMC Section
10.28.125 Repealed by Ord. 18-01 10.28.139, during the days and times indicated by
10.28.130 Prohibited at Any Time
B. At all times other than those times
No person shall at any time park or leave designated in the resolution establishing a
standing a vehicle of any kind or character, particular permit parking only zone, such zones
whether motorized or not, and whether attended or are available for general use. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord.
unattended, in any area designated by signage as a 75-19 §1)
no-parking zone. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord. 14-07 §1;
Ord. 09-09 § 3; Ord. 02-14; Ord. 99-12; Ord. 99- 10.28.136 Loading Zones
11; Ord. 98-23; Ord. 98-09; Ord. 96-01; Ord. 95-
32; Ord. 95-25; Ord. 95-23; Ord. 95-17; Ord. 95- A. The City Council may, by resolution,
07; Ord. 95-06; Ord. 94-22; Ord. 93-27 §§l, 2; establish loading zones along any street for the
Ord. 93-26 §1; Ord. 92-28 §1; Ord. 92-17 §1; purpose of permitting the loading and unloading
Ord. 92-11 §1; Ord. 91-29 §1; Ord. 91-25 §1; of merchandise and persons. In establishing
Ord. 91-24 §1; Ord. 91-23 §1; Ord. 91-09 §1; loading zones the City Council shall give
Ord. 90-42 §1; Ord. 90-36 §1; Ord. 90-35 §1; consideration to the volume and nature of
Ord. 90-34 §1; Ord. 90-33 §1; Ord. 90-32 §1; business within the area under consideration, the
Ord. 90-31 §1; Ord. 89-12 §1; Ord. 88-30 §1; traffic demands upon the street in question, the
Ord. 88-05 §1; Ord. 88-04 §1; Ord. 87-53 §1; nature of the need of the adjacent business or
Ord. 87-46 §1; Ord. 86-67 §1; Ord. 87-06 §1; businesses and of the needs of other businesses
Ord. 86-55 §1; Ord. 86-54 §1; Ord. 86-45A §1; within the immediate area, the width and surface
Ord. 86-13 §1; Ord. 86-04 §1; Ord. 84-53 §1; of the street, and any other relevant information.
Ord. 83-50 §1; Ord. 83-46 §1; Ord. 83-29 §1; Loading zones will be marked by signage.
Ord. 83-28 §1; Ord. 82-82 §1; Ord. 82-76 §1;
Ord. 81-80 §1; Ord. 81-57 §1; Ord. 81-46 §1; B. Loading zones are reserved for use by
Ord. 80-65 §§1, 3; Ord. 79-60 §1; Ord. 79-107 §1; commercial vehicles loading and unloading
Ord. 79-113 §1; Ord. 79-114 §1; Ord. 79-39 §1; persons and commodities during the hours
Ord. 79-9 §1; Ord. 78-45 §1; Ord. 78-68 §1; Ord. designated on all days except Sundays and
78-39 §1; Ord. 78-38 §1; Ord. 77-93 §1; Ord. 77- holidays. No person may stop, stand or park any
92 §1; Ord. 77-78 §1; Ord. 77-77 §1; Ord. 77-73 vehicle other than a commercial vehicle within the
§1; Ord. 77-61 §1; Ord. 77-40 §1; Ord. 77-39 §1; designated area between such hours, except that
Ord. 77-36 §2; Ord. 77-6 §1; Ord. 76-56 §1; Ord. noncommercial vehicles may use such zones
76-38 §1; Ord. 76-33 §1; Ord. 76-31 §1; Ord. 76- while actually engaged in the loading or
20 §1; Ord. 76-8 §1; Ord. 76-7 §1; Ord. 76-6 §1; unloading of persons or commodities.
Ord. 75-47 §1; Ord. 75-38 §1; Ord. 75-34 §1; Noncommercial vehicles must, upon demand,
10-28-4 Code Update:4118
give way to commercial vehicles whose drivers park a motor vehicle or to block off a parking
desire to use the zone for loading or unloading space or spaces along the curb for such work may
purposes. Commercial vehicles using loading apply for a temporary loading zone permit.
zones are entitled to the use of a loading zone only Application for a construction zone permit or a
during such time as may reasonably be necessary temporary loading zone permit shall be made in
for the loading and unloading of persons and writing on a form provided by the Community
materials and for so long as such activity actually Development Director. The director, or director's
continues. Loading zones may not be used by designee, shall make such investigation as he or
employees of the business or businesses for the she deems necessary and, if he or she is satisfied
benefit of which they were established, for any that the applicant has a reasonable need for the
purpose except the continuous loading or permit, will issue a construction zone permit or a
unloading of persons or materials. temporary loading zone permit.
C. At all times other than those times B. Term of Permit. The term of a permit
designated in the resolution establishing a will be determined by the director and entered
particular loading zone, such zones are available upon the permit,but may not exceed one year.
for general use.
C. Fees. The fee for a construction zone
D. The City Council may consider creation permit or a temporary loading zone permit will be
of loading zones upon application by any resident determined by resolution of the City Council and
or property owner, and if, after consideration of will be paid at the time of application.
the factors identified in subsection A of this
section,the City Council determines that a loading D. Display of Permit. Whenever a vehicle
zone should be created, it will create such loading is parked as authorized by such a permit, the
zone by resolution and direct that the loading zone permit shall must be legible and visible from
so established be marked by appropriate signs. outside the vehicle.
The city may require the applicant to pay the cost
of the necessary signs and poles and the cost of E. The purpose of this section is to permit
the labor necessary to install them. (Ord. 18-01 use of the public streets for parking in
§1; Ord. 76-10 §1) circumstances in which parking would otherwise
be prohibited or limited as to time pursuant to the
10.28.137 Repealed by Ord. 18-01 ordinances of the City of Tigard. (Ord. 18-01 §1;
Ord. 78-75 §2)
10.28.138 Permits for Construction Zones
and Temporary Loading Zones 10.28.139 Permit Parking
A. Provision for Permits. Any person who A. A vehicle parking permit allows:
finds it necessary to park a motor vehicle for
actual construction or maintenance work or who 1. The parking of a permitted vehicle
finds it necessary to block off a parking space or to be exempt from the posted time limit under
spaces along the curb in a zone in which parking TMC Section 10.28.115 where permit parking is
is controlled, shall be entitled to a construction designated by signage; and
zone permit. Any person who finds it necessary in
connection with the conduct of a commercial 2. The parking of a permitted vehicle
enterprise or in the construction of a building, to in a space identified by signage as being for
10-28-5 Code Update:4118
permit parking only in a permit parking zone 4. Fails to surrender a permit at the
established pursuant to TMC Section 10.28.135. city's lawful request;
B. Any person is eligible to obtain a 5. Duplicates or attempts to duplicate,
vehicle parking permit. by any means, a parking permit authorized
pursuant to this chapter, or displays such a
C. A person desiring a vehicle parking duplicate permit on any vehicle.
permit must apply for same with the Community
Development Department on a form prepared by H. In addition to any fines or other
the city and pay applicable fees. Permit fees and penalties that may be imposed, upon conviction
changes to permit fees for permit parking for misusing a parking permit, all permits issued
authorized by this chapter shall be by resolution of to the offender and the right to apply for or
the City Council. display a permit shall be suspended for a period of
three months.
D. A permit holder shall notify the
Community Development Department of loss or I. Misuse of a parking permit is a violation
theft of a vehicle parking permit within three punishable under TMC Section 10.28.150.
business days. The permit holder may purchase a
replacement vehicle permit by paying the J. Display of a vehicle parking permit does
applicable fee, as set by resolution of the City not convey any privileges other than that of
Council. exceeding the posted permit parking time limit or
parking in permit parking areas. It does not
E. A parking permit is valid until authorize parking in any other restricted zone and
expiration, surrender, or revocation so long as the is not a defense in enforcement of TMC Chapter
permit holder and its vehicle remain in 7.60.
compliance with all parking area regulations.
K. Nothing in this chapter shall limit the
F. The city may revoke and may require authority of any city police officer from requiring
the surrender of a vehicle parking permit held by a or causing the removal of any parked vehicle in an
person or business who commits misuse of a emergency or where the vehicle is subject to
parking permit as defined in subsection G of this seizure or removal according to law. (Ord. 18-01
section. §0
G. A person commits the offense of 10.28.140 Violation—Mode of Charging
misusing a parking permit if a person does any of Defendant
the following:
A. In all prosecutions for violation of city
1. Displays a permit on a vehicle for motor vehicle parking laws, it shall be sufficient
which the permit was not issued; to charge the defendant by an unsworn written
notice if the same clearly states:
2. Displays a permit that is expired,
suspended, or revoked; 1. The date, place and nature of the
3. Obtains a permit from the city by
10-28-6 Code Update:4118
2. The time and place for defendant's 10.28.160 Authority to Impound
appearance in court. Improperly Parked Vehicles
3. The name of the citing officer. A. When any unattended vehicle is parked
upon any street, alley or public way of the City of
4. The license number of the vehicle. Tigard in such a manner that it is unlawfully
parked in any prohibited or restricted area; or is
B. The notice provided for in subsection A unlawfully parked for a length of time prohibited
of this section shall either be delivered to the by ordinance or resolution of this city; or is
defendant or placed in a conspicuous place upon parked in such a position that it constitutes an
the vehicle involved in the violation. The notice obstruction to traffic or creates a danger to travel
shall serve as the complaint in the case. In all upon the street, alley or public way; or is found
other respects the procedure now provided by law abandoned in any street, alley or public way; or in
in such cases shall be followed. (Ord. 18-01 §1; the event that an operator of a vehicle is arrested
Ord. 70-41 §15) and placed in custody and is not in condition to
drive the vehicle to a place of safety and there is
10.28.145 Violation—Parking Time no other person present who may properly act as
Limits agent for such operator to drive the vehicle to a
place of safety, such vehicle is declared to be a
A. It shall be unlawful to park a vehicle in public nuisance and subject to summary
violation of the maximum time limits applicable abatement,removal and impounding.
in any time limited parking zone. The time limits
mean the continuous aggregate of time in which a B. Both the owner and the operator of a
vehicle is parked in a time-limited zone. This shall vehicle impounded pursuant to subsection A of
not prohibit removing a vehicle from the above- this section shall be legally responsible for
designated area and returning the vehicle to said payment of the costs of towing and storage. The
area after expiration of one hour or moving the towing and storage charges shall be established in
vehicle more than 300 feet from its original advance, pursuant to an agreement between the
location. police department of the City of Tigard and the
towing and storage firm or firms called upon to
B. Subsection A does not apply to vehicles conduct such business. No charges in excess of
in a 4-hour parking space displaying a valid those previously agreed upon shall be levied
permit pursuant to TMC Sections 10.28.138 or against the owner or operator of a vehicle towed
10.28.139. (Ord. 18-01 §1) pursuant to subsection A of this section.
10.28.150 Violation—Penalty C. The towing service called upon to
impound a vehicle and finding the owner or driver
Any violation of the provisions of any thereof present shall release the vehicle upon the
section of this chapter or any rule or regulation presentation of proper identification of the owner
therein stated, shall, upon conviction, be or operator, and upon the owner or operator's
punishable by a fine set by resolution of the City signing an authorized receipt in duplicate (except
Council. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord. 70-41 §30) where exclusive orders are given by the police
department that the vehicle be impounded), and a
service charge not to exceed one-half of the cost
for the towing of the vehicle shall be made, that
10-28-7 Code Update:4118
charge to be paid by the owner or operator. The c. Vehicles described in
duplicate signed receipt shall be given to the subsection C.2 of this section include, but are not
operator or owner of the vehicle, and the original limited to,the following:
signed copy shall be recorded by the towing
service in its ledger of releases. (Ord. 77-98 §1) i. Vehicles with darkened,
shaded or curtained windows,
10.28.170 Parking Prohibited In Specified
Places ii. Vehicles modified to
eliminate side window(s)and/or rear windows,
It is unlawful for the driver of a vehicle to
stop or park the vehicle, whether attended or iii. Vehicles with visibility
unattended, except when necessary to avoid through windows blocked by parcels, packages or
conflict with other traffic or in compliance with freight,
the directions of a police officer or traffic control
signal,in any of the following places: iv. Pickup vehicles of less
than six feet in height but mounted with a canopy
A. Within an intersection. or camper with limited visibility through it,
B. On a crosswalk. v. Panel trucks(except those
with windows on both sides of the rear portion of
C. Within 50 feet of any uncontrolled the truck, and also on the back of the truck);
intersection or any intersection controlled with
side-mounted stop signs, side-mounted yield d. An uncontrolled intersection is
signs,or side-mounted signals,except: one where there are no traffic-regulating signs or
1. On one-way streets leaving an
intersection; D. Any other vehicle not identified in
subsection C of this section, within 25 feet from
2. On streets otherwise signed if: the intersection of curb lines; or if none, then
within 15 feet of the intersection of property lines
a. The vehicle is over six feet in at an intersection within a business or residence
height, or district.
b. The vehicle is less than six E. Within 15 feet of the driveway entrance
feet in height but by manufacture or modification, to any fire station.
obscures the vision of:
F. Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant, save
i. Any official side- and except taxicabs occupying properly signed
mounted traffic control sign or signal, taxi zones.
ii. Intersection traffic,or G. In front of a private driveway.
iii. Any pedestrian in a H. On a sidewalk or parking strip.
10-28-8 Code Update:4118
I. On the roadway side of any vehicle authorized city personnel only, without the
stopped or parked at the edge of a street or consent of the city, if there is in plain view on
highway. such property a sign prohibiting public parking or
restricting parking.
J. At any place where official signs, curb
paint, or markings have been installed prohibiting R. Within any city park or part thereof,
standing, stopping or parking; provided, however, during the time the park, or the relevant part of it,
driver-attended private passenger motor vehicles, is closed to the public.
taxicabs or other public conveyances may stop for
not more than 30 seconds in such a tow-away S. In a marked bicycle lane.
zone for the purposes of loading and unloading
passengers. T. Within 20 feet from a crosswalk at an
intersection. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord. 87-70 §1; Ord.
K. In front of the entrance of any post 78-76)
office or other place where mail is received; or
within 10 feet of a mailbox during the hours of 10.28.175 Residential Parking Zones
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A. The City Council, pursuant to TMC
L. In any street, alley or lane, so as to Section 10.32.010, may establish residential
prevent the free passage of other vehicles in both parking zones. The purpose of residential parking
directions at the same time (except on one-way zones is to prohibit parking by nonresidents
streets), or so as to prevent any vehicle from during specific time periods within specific
turning from one street into another. geographic areas used predominantly for
residential purposes. The City Council resolution
M. In any emergency zone. which establishes the residential parking zone
shall clearly define the geographic limits of the
N. In any loading zone, except as to a area affected by the zone and the hours during
commercial vehicle when actually engaged in which the parking by nonresidents will be
loading or unloading goods, wares, merchandise prohibited. Residents within the parking zones
or materials, for a period not exceeding 20 may obtain a permit from the City Manager
minutes; and as taxicabs when loading or pursuant to subsection B of this section to allow
unloading passengers or merchandise, for a period for the parking of vehicles within the zone during
of time not exceeding two minutes. the restricted hours.
O. In a bus loading zone, except a motor B. The City Manager shall establish
bus or taxicab actually engaged in loading or procedures and standards for the issuance of
unloading passengers or merchandise for a period permanent and temporary permits to residents that
not exceeding two minutes. will allow the residents and their guests to park
their vehicles within residential parking zones
P. In any construction zone, except by such during the restricted hours. At a minimum, the
vehicles as are actually necessary to the City Manager shall establish rules which establish
construction work being carried on. the criteria for issuance, surrender and revocation
of permits, evidence of proof of residence and
Q. On city-owned or city-operated property vehicle ownership, terms of the permit, standards
designated for use for motor vehicle parking by for display of the permit, and allow for the
10-28-9 Code Update:4118
issuance of temporary permits to residents for the 10.28.180 Definitions for Sections
parking of nonresident vehicles for temporary 10.28.190 through 10.28.210
periods upon a showing of reasonable need for
such permits. As used in Sections 10.28.190 through
10.28.2 10 unless the context requires otherwise:
C. The City Manager shall cause to be
installed and maintained, pursuant to TMC A. "Disabled parking space" means a
Section 10.32.020, official signs for residential parking space that is on private or public property
parking zones which clearly identify the parking and is marked or signed to provide parking for
restrictions for nonresidents and the exception to persons with disabilities.
those restrictions for permit holders within the
residential parking zones. B. "Government building" and "public
building" have the meanings given those terms in
D. It is unlawful for any person to: ORS 447.210.
1. Provide false information in C. "Marked motor vehicle" means a motor
connection with an application for a permanent or vehicle conspicuously displaying the decal,
temporary permit. insignia or plates issued under the provisions of
ORS 487.925.
2. Fail to surrender a permit, when
requested to do so, when the person is no longer D. "Person with a disability" means a
entitled to the permit. person who permanently suffers from any of the
following disabilities:
3. Use a permit when the permit
holder is no longer entitled to the permit. 1. Loss or loss of function of one or
both legs or significant limitation in the use of the
4. Use, or allow the use of a permit in legs;
conjunction with a vehicle other than the vehicle
for which the permit was issued. 2. Inability to be mobile without the
use of a wheelchair or other assistance device;
5. Use, or allow the use of a
temporary permit in a manner inconsistent with 3. Loss or loss of function of both
the terms and limitations of the permit. hands;
4. Loss of vision or substantial loss of
E. The City Manager is authorized to visual acuity or visual field beyond correction;
revoke any permit when the permit holder is
found to be in violation of the provisions of this 5. Respiratory disability that makes
section, and, upon written notification thereof, the use of walking as a means of transportation
permit holder shall surrender the permit to the impossible or impractical; or
city. Failure to do so shall constitute a violation of
this section. (Ord. 03-08; Ord. 91-26 §1) 6. Cardiovascular disability that
makes use of walking as a means of transportation
impossible or impractical. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord.
80-58 §1)
10-28-10 Code Update:4118
10.28.185 Parking for Persons with C. A person commits the offense of
Disabilities unlawful use of a disabled person parking permit
if the person:
A. A person commits the offense of
unlawful parking in a space reserved for persons 1. Is not a person with a disability and
with disabilities if: is not transporting the holder of a disabled person
parking permit to or from the parking location;
1. The person parks a vehicle in any and
parking space that is on private or public property
and that is marked or signed to provide parking 2. Uses a disabled person parking
for persons with disabilities and the vehicle does permit described under ORS 811.602 or 811.606
not conspicuously display a disabled person to exercise any privileges granted under ORS
parking permit issued by Oregon DMV or another 811.635.
D. A person commits the offense of use of
2. The person parks a vehicle in the an invalid disabled person parking permit if the
aisle required by ORS 447.233 regardless of person uses a permit that is not a valid permit
whether or not the vehicle displays a disabled from another jurisdiction, and that:
person parking permit; or
1. Has been previously reported as
3. The person parks a vehicle in a lost or stolen;
parking space that is on private or public property
and that is marked or signed "Wheelchair User 2. Has been altered;
Only" as described in ORS 447.233 and the
vehicle does not conspicuously display a 3. Was issued to a person who is
"Wheelchair User" placard or decal issued under deceased at the time of the citation;
ORS 811.613.
4. Has not been issued under ORS
B. A person commits the offense of 811.602;
blocking a parking space reserved for persons
with disabilities if the person: 5. Is a photocopy or other
reproduction of a permit, regardless of the permit
1. Stops or parks a vehicle in such a or status; or
way as to block access to a parking space that is
on private or public property and that is marked or 6. Is mutilated or illegible.
signed to provide parking for persons with
disabilities; or E. Subsections A through D of this TMC
Section 10.25.085 do not apply:
2. Places an object or allows an object
to be placed in such a manner that it blocks access 1. To a vehicle that is momentarily in
to a parking space that is on private or public a disabled parking space for purposes of allowing
property and that is marked or signed to provide a person with a disability to enter or leave the
parking for persons with disabilities. vehicle.
10-28-11 Code Update:4118
2. To any disabled parking space that 10.28.210 Removal and Impoundment of
is subject to different provisions or requirements Vehicle Unlawfully Parked in
under city ordinance if the different provisions or Space Reserved for Persons
requirements are clearly posted. (Ord. 18-01 §1) with Disabilities
10.28.190 Application of Parking A vehicle parked on private property in
Regulations to Persons with violation of Section 10.28.185 is subject to the
Disabilities provisions of Section 10.28.160. (Ord. 18-01 §1;
Ord. 80-58 §4) ■
A disabled person may:
A. Park a marked motor vehicle in any
public parking zone restricted as to the length of
time parking is permitted therein without
incurring the penalties imposed for overtime
parking in such zones; and
B. Park a marked motor vehicle in any
public parking zone with metered parking without
being required to pay any parking meter fee.
C. The provisions of subsection A of this
section do not apply:
1. To parking in zones where
stopping,parking or standing of all motor vehicles
is prohibited;
2. To late evening or overnight
parking where such parking is prohibited;
3. To parking in zones reserved for
special types of motor vehicles or activities; or
4. To parking in zones where parking
is permitted only for 30 minutes or less.
D. A person other than a person with a
disability, as defined in TMC Section 10.28.180,
and who exercises the privileges granted to a
person with a disability under this section,
commits a parking violation as provided in
Section 10.28.150. (Ord. 18-01 §1; Ord. 80-58 §2)
10.28.200 Repealed by Ord. 18-01
10-28-12 Code Update:4118