Letter from COP to City Administrator 5-18-1992 MEMORANDUM
TO: Patrick J. Reilly
City Administrator
FROM: Ronald D. Goodpaster
Chief of Police
DATE: May 18, 1992
SUBJECT: Residential Parking Permit Survey
In October, 1991, the residential parking permit zone around the
high school was established by ordinance, posted, and enforcement
Since that time, we have issued 104 parking permits resulting in
$1, 040 . 00 in revenue and have also issued 31 parking tickets that
have been through our court system. The fine on the tickets is
generally in the $20 . 00 range, and we have had some repeat
offenders but no cars towed.
On April 28, 1992 , we distributed a residential parking survey form
to all residents affected by the zone asking specifically if there
were any changes they would like to see in the zone, or if they
have noticed things improved, unchanged, or worse in their
neighborhood since the zone, and if they had any comments regarding
the zone.
We have received back a total of 45 of those surveys, 38 of which
indicate that the neighborhoods have been improved by the creation,
of the zone, and 7 indicated unchanged.
In some of the unchanged survey responses, there are some positive
comments about the effect of the zone, and the improved survey
forms have numerous positive comments regarding the effect that the
parking zone has had on their neighborhood.
We even have one survey form from a person who said they were not
originally in support of creating the residential parking zone and
voted against it; but now that they have seen it operate, they are
happy that it was initiated in the area .
Positive comments include statements such as :
• not as many kids standing around
• fewer cars
• a lot less litter and congestion
• fewer high school students in the neighborhood
• fewer speeding cars in the neighborhoods
Patrick J. Reilly
May 18, 1992
Page 2
• high school kids not cutting through yards to get to school
• younger kids not being hassled by the high school kids
• fewer strange cars driving through the neighborhoods
• considerably less loitering by high school students, etc .
The cost to initially sign the area was about $3 , 500 which will be
recouped through permit and parking forfeitures in the next 2 1/2
to 3 years .
The principal at Tigard High School has agreed to continue the
funding for the first 100 permits in the next school year, and we
are reviewing the boundaries of the zone and will possibly be
eliminating approximately 15 houses from the zone that are
currently at the farthest point from the high school .
Attached is a copy of the Residential Parking Survey responses . I
think the responses speak for themselves in regards to the
tremendous support for the continuance of the zone, and also for
the very positive affect it has had on both neighborhoods next to
the high school .
If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to
contact me at your convenience.
of/rdg05l8 .m