ALBERTSONS ............I x: kk,�, k "W "g, "Olt 0� V 11 WWMT'111'�Iim"�� A IN 0% RM, �W* owil; ON 11 gg't 4 4FRI'S sw wok kft" t 7 k k- 4... .. ........ T , a T ......... ......... i aw 61 -00 NOW, 'k, 46! V, nO ov V,"I 't "I-V "T 41 V "ARN" 11 V �kk 0 0 W"*#XjJA-4** A40 004004#0 or v* "copt r, A "'74, 4 T"") to, UlWAIWO-1) 10 1A 'A V i4t !AAW wl, m Oft"'ki" to' '. VWT1k, IN N't k, T qo# '10, A M f4fl"TT*,*& Os*k ftr 4 WA "t-44" -41" 14TI 1"I001Affl, t W Wt I�M V A I"MA lo w, m"'t g V1 WOO N, I iltk ""Ar t 'S v k Ai lk At N , ", t i 1, r"VIA W Al w 4, "i, T11 q7 k� tv"'O'A 4, INC*, tho j 'V ol*x A,%,11 ll��Alkl kt, xlwto vl� t*aT1j,"v k"jKJvV1' # E w-'t, VOOTY MAP U JP7 PLAIN LT 40 to 40 130 Poo WORK tm WIWI 120 N En ........... NOTESwo***# POLE DATA LUMN- MM SICNAL AWA ANCHOR SIGNAL ARM DATA "c" BOILT 7-- TOP 01). X 0A,!X 04). CATALOG NUMBER A MAMUAL ORC AKDOWN Lv4GT" 1.04014 cuslesil #*Aft. *T*ri 4#*~ ewt c;� SIZE F END O.D. X 0AW 0,011 *K 1w l%K AK V4K L U 4W IOVK�, �l j Z"* A 141%io" PI zp 1w...... Z" 40" NO"* .............. -INC XI '415 45 '214 z"T #oll 4* tAAx#Avm 4AA" 4*1**� .qw x if ty Ilk 'A A — **#Ok 0 1 u 4 2* * 46" 0 .0 40 + x 41w* 24�OP- ui** wWIVt)4 *Otto(., iw��Os 4 19— ot vt0*Agv* Is Z *4#a 445 w 1 v1s, 4 (A,0(� ow w � mwqo 4 THK, MA_TeV4*0� A"VO*t.4 10 A4461VO V*4414jtt;� MOUNPN4 J4jFj4#jT, .1*'HOLE THRU POLE WALL� 2,31 i 01A�HOLE$'ARM POLE t S I 4AIND ()(POSED 1*40LF, TH190 POLE WALt, fOq WA$4 rt*M AOO FW#ft A4PA A-S& CORNER$ Of It$ FOR WIPE 6AV 0A*It I,# A, PA �qjAj�T�JN;7 -s�Di PIPE' osom SLEEV POLE SHAFT 0#49*ft 00-14# AMM A-WZ� (REF.) LUMINAIRE ARM DATA THK *� Wftv* To sw 4"Aw p/w'' w E 040 O�D. x 9Asr Ox* x r14K. f0m, too 2 7*sw tT0P60TT0V # SjDE$ ............ L0*IT0'V VM W04-4*10I fW 1�* 4,V*A^*A0 1/2" PROJ. 0 .0 Aw r*0044'. VK4 p A THK. -4 4 4" X 6-1/2" u G 5 FOR 6%0" .140;* 10' OVIT w"v wql4 (REF.) HANDHOLE RIM P�AT�T I *�t s, *.5 I/Z** PL. X 20 WIDE) *1�0 V�o pi JA0* 7�k tj� V TYR I INC I I*KH, HANDHOLE COVER 4 x .1w 4 1 f4wt V110 6000012*0 flf�4 A­ T� LOCK it v (1/4'* PL. X l* X 5-3/4##) AILL A CWLF. OPILL U#1� I-- I I I J Ae4wfmAwf, W" A040-"W, ARM (4 1/4"-2nNC X 2" LG. WELD DETAIL 4fwIjat , LUMINAIRE ARM CONNECTION FLAT HcAD SOCKET TAP POLE HANDHOLE IOVER CAP SCREW ASP 1p;ooff w 44040", t)04104 1000 W401411y HANDHOLE DETAIL r04* oM;** "vosotp Jill PL X 1 W DE 841 4' *W)K 40 CAP SCA m4p H A I liiA BACK-UP RING 0,01 *Okxt) Wtm A"t �om POLE$0#40�, LUMINAIRE ARM LENGTH Molt,49vt"ITI, t�u T" *"'IN /1� ro AWL"*3 040 3 5 1 2* _4 aE_:=_ THK. 2** SCH.40 AfW LOWP4 RISE oRAIN 140 �TfAv r**4PjlW A4w A VWW*4 *It># ISO 1/4 20 SCK40 PIPE ROVNO COOES mo*sim-w L�.E#4p.FOA�WIRC 7/16** DRILL PROTECTION 4 — OSUP" Af" MvtlTt"v Oly llj� THROUGH fit fff BOTH WALLS Typ 1 4 1 41604AL A010K A, V64P L^*P VAUW OF" TlHK_ 409OLT 0IA­+,l"-DIA,-HOL E s 40 �jr 4 tsoo444.er. wo oKv w fOA H-S-SOLTS IN ARM MID — MOUNTED TENON DETAiL TAP POLE TOP, 190TTOM ��Es THK. T4V 40k'4vt^Tl0f4 4w Vic cowe*, IL to "W" 0" "A*A; 4A V* m V4 (.11015 WELD DETAIL 1`0$� 40,"T REMOVABLE 2* TENON WfITIV�l;r, t"p-u SIGNAL ARM CONNECTION STEEL CAP (SEE DETAIL) o4rl 4#4 r 1/4 POLE 4* Nkl size 4* X 6-1/2" 1 /2'*-13NC TAP 1____� s peewy HANDHOLE RIM FOR GROUNDINC go"lutol g I/f" PL X 2** WIDE) I .+1 1/40 PL. X I AND COVER T­ SI'CNAL BACK-UP RING ANCHOR BOLT SICNAL (10 GAGGE) ofliiilil�q - PAs r ARM MOUNTIN4 W94CO �*�Tvjr(. 0aw THREADED ON 3 HEX. NUTS AND THICKNESS OF BOTH ENDS 2 PLAIN WASHERS FILLER' RINO H0614T ipevloo Ut 7A (TYPICAL) REQ*D PER BOLT (IF REQUIRED) TO MATCH DIFFERENCE IN TAPERED TUBE FOR LENGTH AND DIAMETER, -Jr THICKNESS *LIA-6F D B SEE "ANCHOR BOLT SIZE* SQUARE COLUMN IN POLE DATA TABLE x i WIDE PLATE V4 *t* ANCHOR PLATE. (TYPICAL-4 REO'D) GE) A*A HOLE 1,,D. EQUALS ASTM A-36 *135" THK. (110 GAUGE) BASE O.D. MINUS 3 " 1*004 (TYPICAL- 21" X 3,* Wl 0 E 21.=\+10*) by 4 REO'D) BACK-UP RING t HOI-t SIZE EQUALS (Typ.) .............._,, ANCHOR BOLT DIA. *tzro� VMS 1.4 PLUS 1/4# TACK STANDARD TA OOLT CIRCLE (TYP, PROCESS JUL 13 19, Al I'll in"It"x n, BASE DETAIL ANCHOR 130L]" DETAIL SPLICE DETAIL T, l 14 U!"I'l 1!7l_*t Al, 1',4, CIR, '4_," .......... ~00 Oft"m 011"""* Ow"O" o fts*WWI i4iw -s tssis momoo,"',�, vt Now �'mw, 0"r 7,177-- _41 .......... 0, '00, "A 'NK j \ z v a 3 v mugs �s t tt `t CC VIA n was t.0M Ano cs, a,. most"m } t OK ME \ v z e Z t ,. 1 lK Pls l� 3 46 V l g t � � ss �h 424yl ?_ \ An No, Ts i S 2` 3' Q11 C. NAM i 3 September 3, 1991 of TO WHOM IT MAY CO , This is to acknowledgo that effectivethis date, street, sanitary and storm sewer public inVrovemont facilities installed within the following develo projects t hereby accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation sn4 maintenancet 1 . i Mallard Lakos Subd'viaion 2. 108th Avenue Sanit*ry Sewor 3. Morning Hill (Lots 53) Subdivision 4. Morning Hill N . 2 Subdivision 5. "llo's Vineyard do 6. Dover Landing (Phase No. 2 Subdivilsioti 7 . Ari Green Subdivision 0. Genesis No. 2 Subdivision 9. North Dakota Street Sanitary Sower oxtension 10. Mornino Hill No. 3 Subdivision Tiqard EastSanitary & Storm Slewor Relocation 12. ExodusSubdivision 3. Cotowald No. 3 Subdivision 14. Swop n' ww PhiSubdivision 5 108th Avo-/Vurhom Road loprovownt 16113th Ave./Durham Road Improvement 1 . Albertsows Sanitary 4 Storm Sewer Extension 11 restore Subdivision 19. Clydesdale Sanitary Sewer Exteasion 20. Tony's Place Subdivision 21. ftrbeeCourt Subdivision 22, Winterlake Subdivision 23. Cr k e, Subdivision Cty noon � O "6 . Q1 O f U July 17# 199 r Westwood Cr ration# Ince 3030 SW Moody Ave Portland, 201-4897 E (Tigard Tow Square) Unitary Stogy S A nc Dear Mr in thor of, the one h ndr d thirty-one thousand one hundred, t dollars ($131,102.00) f n # ` two Westwood Corporation# Developers and Contractors, loe. and The American insurance C ny and the City f T rr n this is t 'serve as writtou acktowledgemont that th' City 'hno further intorest in said Performance n and, thorofore, declares that this assurance obliqation is void; all work assured thereby is it you bavo Any questions regarding this matter, ploase contact John Ra , n at 3 -4171 S ,ncy# Randall ft. WOOIQY lay City ftqinoer t 3 l pl: 11 , i+ i rel Jfi7f.,,d;'d ✓fi I �lull///1 l�/`1"'W�w%k��'+j„ `/rJ�": �"s. �1r,i / '. 6�:un,,.:.�5 ,.; �r' ,Y::.�.,_.��✓�.,�.�� .�. .,,.:., ,,. `i i;t iy t; - � i j July IC, I 6'rmo toy 310,3110 Ow", ( ' old , bathe Roald/1413011, A► µ Door N F' to, - rho h un d t " hun tv C � and, h; d ftt toon, fu ut d'o Chit Attu I � it I l ` ' � r 0; 4 7 i THEMPEWCA I II SUPA CNC COMPANY 0 NATIONAL iJ C04PORA 'I ON ASSOCfAYCO I EMNI—Y CORPORATION FORM STATUS ItsOU* OW Oomt e u r of offooloo our NAW114, our 6" {rjttribo ' of 60* if s t if t IR , i OWN of tomoolo" work Id iir Ofoo . ..z . �u It fjoOk-40 uNcompatto, poof .0 mm v a00 V60 know Of utwoow 60th tot 1#60f of mtjf*q I it, . l rkI¢�AFI` k is iar +10 fait t 3 FIREMAN'S t' PUND # NY 0 THCAMCOICAN IC t:,bMPANY C I ASCO CMNITY COOPOPATION 0 AMMCAN aA TOM00A It MOURANtt COMPANY 2 004MAL M4M STATUS IN WY if 1 I tC04MITM MAU SIAM a NO cootoo ffk# " 04 poow"#of Ofoffof*#t0000fmoo 00*40 kftow 4 *ofivow hilitff 1f or m0folol , w.. . F m ofiowlott "r tit, .., w � i 7-le N r elt u 40.,-04,wx :µ tee %, , Tot CA DWI Ct tNCWStD ARL COMM MXRIMON T"tSt ARE N a 0 � — ALMARM C Y oo, rv... U r & ry Y. �S couo Ws s too r .,, 7 ENCS , APE- COMES MC PE:COM` RIP THESt ARE O * tot Your U COQ ." 0', MOW" ENONMONQ IINCI a a ... "w ....� MOM moo, to, MX 3 #"' `" # s j "t TIOttrd qu J V*"th Ot w " ecourtod #4000t a A at burmo k *oP h x * *u' * 210#11100 h* "tt ' h *t f 1 ~, with t ' .otbs to to th# do*mtol' 04 *oto tho y v* art,, woti r1. 210 1000 + , Ot � ► " to tom 0"11 b* "or tho *tot* 4taift w"0110 tbo oft" ttAo or Ouch stottoo hr * �y �y �0 urh �� b* i est `... h ,,t " t ..t-0 o ' o MOpow 4IR #k loth 4*too A4q. 2401044 b* ftwo"tion h* a l *AY bo obo b# ottu tjoh vitt Our : 1 4" *", It . bt*N h . ." ` , * ho hit A " Oyur OOmtAwt it you UVO *by ac lye, w "* qty it i' t : r' THC AMERICAN INSI)AANCC COMPANY (3 NATIONAL SU"0:'ty'(':0P0ftAT10N 0 A%S0(,;WrLU INUILMIl#t OHP014A IO CINUAL f0#M A $ 114,12U*1 �� TM out 44f,4 arctic t of* atarara mow. _ 41d1a " 1 tight roffftfifto out Q1 lift' mo4t r 6,4f4w atm as ' # w �1tt t grow 1149 404 w1* ll It COWOACt 004ftettD, pttA$t 40004#404 of wtwk ger 11061t It to WMA10 ff00"a kstow 04 vmypow oats for 1046t at r a#ail,, 'art' ... .. a . 0*04#1 43r t 01*y)- Noft tooth #141 Thl# 104utty to � ta1t .� . �" a ' 13 NATIONAL SU$49TY COAPORATION 0 ASSOCIATCO INDIZMNITY COQ TION „ 1 0 AMCtOCAN AUT0M0ftftjtINSURANCE COMPANY 0048M, fOW STATUS INWOY t.IV .,, t v� � * � �� o —15 Wit I t� � r rl t Of ti tart 116600 Vftd t rrt b Mt to I I t Il Irw 1"f 6s Is now 1106w , All 1" 44U.S. � t �ho I tot* , EASE R(SPOND. WE WED THIS WORMA SON "0 a I R FILE CURPERT. THMK YOU. It CONMO ftftfo� PRASt SIAM IIr am000f of co"Itoftobo rw � .,,. k" tty ot*oww wl$fat t bot of . t to f , m ry Of Y0, 04#60 * I att I t owl Von- #4#00 s #0 IIt t# offolhat of this 104,olry .972,04 ' A ASSOCIATED IN0,19M,41TV COR.. FWt `N Out 004 �a y 1044t,u'tt tloc*tY*"*46 0004*410 t A1r T"V4 ttvIf Cootroct withow otoluditIA4 your right or 040tun ,ut liability vodor 60f 14044(x) 4#s4flood *jw0v#,, opotovoto wh 04 tft 4011OW414 V*Ify tr ttr All ! 01t U. R o f f f ..r t tt 1 I. It C()W**Ct "1t), POW $10t f I rlttt ref w0tk lot ftatt tir 11k *fes c"000 ti Mft , uic t . t t t(toilet 6movot of comratt t t t tf or1 00 V60 kviow of 04V twooid tsitit tot 10bof or m t rt t c ) .N..., . ,..wlt t �tf , p4oto ttotalo th 4, Wowl , c cif ar #Nth of i this l"Vity tofits Or. 97200 h u ORION6 to's 4 1 # g# "'I 14 tit Wfit AN } a s ,:q::t 0. :1171,ffi 3 Om�il 14,c m. { q a } 4+ 37 x 4 f ' t i r 1 .i a 3 K � 3 MOT- 41 IT 1&AW 1)1, a, 11 Lot, a, r a t . NO «. 3 � 4 t f i s A 40 . m o a, cc CUT1 oil v ... g Lk s I 6-If Lh i a _ .7 i ILI MAP $ g3i e rill", a ,k a I €1 im 40 i ... z sit . r zoo IlIzol - 41411 TOW," kt4 XV4 ON it 4%, WO\lt% .......... LJ SHE AMERICAN A N #NSU"AAS COMPANY cis " e� .z � O £ #bVi� 4Y., �E d�td 006;tdlX tBtA°k$NU t,.11 -47223 Qr scripti o of caofraet ,�t4iv, tic strmt Uvrowimntsp, 2i __, . MWA_O t Lot*1,0#4 A40 OWN#" Without r vdt l your test sttr4 our S,abilify 0"dor our band(t) Asr b b t * , to 9 pfi o s 6t # tbo�t tt sits ittire�Itrtart 6s ritdAst � `fir fret *fur ; All t r� It A. t l rt t mint b int t p Surety Deparbtmt ANt S FMD INStAWrr, Atoptosimoto dot*of mpt tidrtt of r�tk lot r,, .s6 st�Iavrc�t ppt *1 t 0 t ft *40tit Not 00afrott#tit* �tpr� iisst rrtt r rttstlrtr drrta0ur3t ttt t, Ittttr3 a:e>sr,.l#sp�r, a� 00 yoro know of any unpaid bills fat jabot csa ,at r4rrt(Cbof� t� s -lit stet, pitme #fat" In 4, b t 4t1 fit any) s tusk tdlrtr al i t of this Wtvity t 97 0 Y' C k CWF. AMERICAN INSU IANCC,COMPANY )W � .u � 00f mod No, w It + of� r# #�.� .. w ._, is Stroet bVrOvOrOntsCoo fwf P+i —,Jl ,36. , ,. ..e � ,44) 346,om (Naive . —julY without r i in yout tight of off,#HM9 out 40bilify uhtW out "alt) *,Cgaol f l f th f tt 6 a lrt r ti t� s is Dyad"Lig. a�? 04air,, ,ill t U, . � tt0 t Iti t� .r tot* i* t Suret t It CONTOACT COMPMM MAU STATC i P r I tot t0owlel" t (of l"01 ti t ) 1Lt4SQWAXUD. MAO VATE pmt �� � r �st(atr a�exraaraF f r r�ttw� i aarttai���riPi��a.,i4 r �t jt taaas a1lt la,�a dL�a�i �r�tr�aC� ifs € t��a yif yet Pl € al itof `Lit th4ulty to title 90208 , i:. P"IRKMAWS PUND l u -°COMPANY A 0 NATIONAL SURETY CORPORATION THE" MEW INSURANCE COMPANY OWfOW, tr t o r , r f « „R z. a .� ��. �ow j out �et�ip�irt t► fit...:," , . �,." . � � ,°. �8i t rr q1 htq your flout of oftoolt our liability v#W#f out Ot t) d*%tr1'h'# 01mvtr Wo � i s i is p vai'li p��i� ra€ t Cit i ry it # {fit ** with W � 4WAt� � � 0# *0vy 04*04. �. i lit A 0" 01"0 WASE STATC Ap i t # 010440 Of W04 too intra€tido H,. PLEASE RtSPOt4D. WC you. 7- ,e- It CONtOCT W KEW STATC, ittF twr tititarrrt tr#rtt rpttirr unooij WftsF t lobo*of t t r: i g ire t j ' r t,fit ?qr3*fur# �� Ott tiettiroat itpars fi tiff t .., .. 3825* ftkt 9720 mien THF.AMCRICAN INSU14ANCt COMPANY 0 NATIONAL SURtTY COAPORATION 0 ASSOC1 1ICOWWO"ATION .0CAN AUTOMOSILIE INSUIRANC11 COMPANY M 4TATUS 40M our torts . t(,*Cts,,,., mstting-_. c..stmt- , ;. n v..ti, , ff� f0*041cittv your right Or .fi r 1106arty ow1w oar bo (s) d*scfib V ,, 1 r a t fE r ri at It ho N OV6041*101 V#rye truly your AM A� vort*otm AV*#t4##W##b#Ill doff. two w0h o ". * #t *441 ty PIRM"'S 1 1CONUAOI COMPIMO. 0111ASt STATE. °p# 1 . ltot*of of W#tk lot . s iv rv)" *0W0A1 f#000#000 or #I r r rr1t f r Pr06 f rr I f rf r 1r r a you kovw of 0hy vftpowhall*for 1 bor or thot ri 1 tch#ref No -40 f *901010 to 1 4*04 �tit 1" fr1 1 f try 11irr f f �! fry party t 97208 NATIONAL SURKly CORPORATION AS,6(>ClATtD INOIC 9# ITY Coop(11' `ION Su CC COMPANY AL fORM STATUS oho..Nblia ' iw�, sow. ....� „� h H....,� :. ., t t e:k.vo Lee*'f P0(1 A#46 awr4tw 4 co tfo t 't kuj4 F "Judwoo Our d0f or 0000104 our h all der 0 h d0) d*std bo**, wo would "14such of l 11 la !!Manor It hot# ll l ; r lrrrllr y� tr , All **toUg U.S. t tf4I art d tl Rm t ", compmy If b elf COMOM D, WASt OATC _ d l44,44 of t0*010jon of w*4 for Anol d 0vo . .�.,.. .0. ftVtA WASE STAM f dollar 6*0vto of comtod totholotod Of rl##lvrr , you khow of xray oftoolo 6114 for lr ot arrrelal jltlr . ,., K.. .....,.,.. ..,,,.u.i , dl0 **001ji In 4. lOrr , #t tit w a 19'� v f"** UWA 04#1*al of This loutulty To !Irl 971 r H �„� � � � � �'�� � " -„ �, ,., �" �, �� ��. � z �� � �� � � � �'� ;; �g � �r� s� � a a .. 3K�� UNIFIES AGS AGENCY 00 N. POW Avv" HU$8000� WON !9 {, TO s Dostription � k E) os you toomw I* yow 00004 tw 1 �. w o. August 29* 1908 v4stochToo. 3411 25th Strout sit std ", 91302 AM Stu Tigard (113th A i To oUrify your qutotiono rogardlug tho paviog of 113th # ty toaOrds shoe C CO. first lift t Asphaltic 0 on Sopt#*b 2 , 1981# 444 the oocoud lift oA Sept for 1ht tot a tot. t ,4loth##. Mthough this 104 taches of Outb wspoourow tho f lift vill bo plocod by othors esus tho wtot *id* of 113,th to + p*4. Tho" plattA port pf tout "tfe#4 tho theO ► , around n, sty i ,)poor# to be c 1he troun trAtiattifro* 113th to ftthtm #load* P o p of bofort the " O p sonata. Attach pp stl lftoptttor Attoehttnt :. ;,. F August 3 Ra. Utty W0014m, Project west Corporalou 3030 SW Moody Avotloo Portend* OR, 97201 t# a bill from W461hinston 0 fa for motoring the g S.W. e0ftAttuttlo" of the Albortboift## site In T Sr br/62930 C r i ., . 41 * t At COO F { �b ... bi.. "i ' 4-4 APPRO Vto POR or CITY T I } 04, SIA, I 0 WAY n k ' 1 I 4 4 Y Is dy 1"a 0 suito 244 is k » �g ih i f✓ II a Il Y/"✓.A " / „ ":I lr '; `r( �� / / r �N/r,IMrMMnMyWNMYW�WN ,A�I/ d(Mi f fw+ „ » �'1 / f � ' .,rr n`I/ f/��..,,:, i Y 7 / i1IIN✓ �� i /r P w'� I ' �'�i�Niµtt irtYV✓or`r�;�,�,,�,?'�r,, tt 7k%�vl1J�)� r}!tot\\1s�rt} �, rrti!, 4�t,r(J ?,`,)tlst�rl}a,?( f 1/Vv t(!�•� tli',I Ill(.+;/ 4,rr r i j��. I +i�4 npw rt itu 1 a r ss", �nf eh � i (}any�S w,th(s vo q, is A, IWL s is J" uul uuimhPud I,I r is is pi 0000 ,J i y, v �Y lyt d is Al 00 �flthiY(� ^t')sh add°�� Ir'�t ��`���' ` „� y � i°° Illkhl �� y'V ti :. �✓ �, J A" �.w+rxvr�l;�i s � i � Wim' u+a+W'»+ +'yx'«�u�.,,w,mkwaadtnWr,wwaaa�. nNpUvw x4MlWnwv w:a,�bW rRv„�,q'' JN }w � atarr ttia�� t{ t u Y r r- n ;r (t t 1 � � � a ,i41 I,<,,.,,.. 4lauW'S�Ywfffiatllsda rW.w4�,auavd l4 tags ru'nw.,,' vu ucr aaJac•.auSil�v e,. ,,,, ' .� e � w � a k� x wj 10 a ". 041, is it { � v w a,, a s�x b x a � � 3W SA,MomAwonuo 04 t 1 wv t 13125 S,V. flail Olvd. ' , Ore . 22 VEANSMI ' 0 Attached 0 OMO r t r Vii tow following Ams: 0 shoo craw, . 0 plit"Sm 1 !firm copy of Low 0 etw000 Orow copies WE NO, m .. lltll Sitio Plant Deism of Brunn wall 1140V Aft For r ! 0 Approisodrr r itt d 0 Rosubmit Coplek for i For your us* 0 Aoprovod, as ootod sobmit Goole for srtrllrta 0 At roquostod 0 i tur d f0teoffectiom 0 #eum cwrwod 44" for rovi#w vidcorp rpt , mwalosouf r rPlo4se reviou and het c a wisto r IUL COPY M *WWOOO 0, , gy c4noack" MTIFTN TO NOMEOWNUS July , 1908 V An (04'97M.819i Dear H occupant; This lattern oMpliauce with our Washinqton County tacility Permit #87489 to Install a culvort abovo the oxitsting culvort the 16500 block of SW 113th An 113th Avonuo will bo clogodfor tr i hours on July i )980, to vohioularaces install the culvert. Hours of closuro will bo fro* 7100 We would like otter tho use of our parking lot at Tiqard Towne Square to you July 17th and l8th. Wo will not be responsiblot th* v*M01#8 and will not havo securitydorm this time poriod. At your own risk, you are velcoifte to park n our lot. The Tualatin Fire Districtproviso one manned OnOnO Cotpany and onenn cue vohiclo to the ragidonts tho south i tho culvert during tht installation prod Thank you for your coop tin with tho jj. ,tajjatjon of this work. Construction Proioot Maoaqor r r` ect Tualatin fir# Di8trict Joe Groulick WAshinqton County Tabic supe: n frau r VAiiY PaOitic Con troch Toy lovy Washington County pick MOt City of Tiqard Randy Cin , John gaqaan 4 t f„ r A TEAR ARSOR CULTU a 'SOvists ift the o4fe CONSULTANTS of tree't, 0110, t t".TOONW,oft Mo .tom may I 1 1988 Mike Hilae City of Tiqard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard# of, 97223 Dear M . Mike Mills* I have inspected tho arca whore the proposed water line is to be put Jot talked to tho oxcavatorand inspectod tho two fir treos which will be Involvod in the trenching. In, talking with the oxcavator he aad me that ho would dig tho trench half way botwoon the two fir treos in question* Tho two fir trues are very healthy# with flood structure and have been fortilizedf therefore I do not believe that the trench# which will be approximatoly 12 foot away from each tree, will have little or no impact* The main thing at this writing is to make sure that the tronchingl is kept halt way between the two trues, If there aro any further questions on this mottor please call MO rightaway "'ore Y e Jos so. o1 44 CASE FILE . 4-00 TO aid LeTTER OF TRANSMITTAL . E ARE SENDING YOU, C] Atta,004 Lover f0110069 it#*$* /survey 0 pl#fts tj Copy of letter prints Dote" 0th ITEM a "Of AAC TONSMITTEDchecked belowl approval 0 Appto*#4For your us# Approved as noted For reviow and FOR BIDS mic m a� �1;o ----------MX MCI jOWS W h44 r Amp v. -7201.4*7 1t 1000 City f Tiqard - - WX 23397 Tivard# Oroqon ow AQ 113th HOMO MAW Tir War y tht culvort in tali tion. WPM of Ka p raitt bond aid Mnqion cut lettor aro toclosod. have until A""Ust It 0 to 0 " n l fin- 40 40 WON tO haVO the work dons botoro thiot and vo ar x0parinqto starth n th V*A . or poralta. Wo art w itch for r r woother si"00 VO havo t OOMPION KO Wst&10tion k all in on# day. a bot tNu DOVOW&O"t 000rdinator /1 cot R.A. Sandaroock ,. fiii .,�.� `Ci. J' iuiuWimuummiullug9iiuimuuUUlgllillllqfMlJl, FEE: PERMIT NO.Azn.. DATE � �ILITY tw#'6' RMlT d �.� i_. � e �r � il�iiililo`'�l ai lul li.11l II II iiiuQiilliq cilli VIII IIIgI IIIIIIUUUI i.Ulilm mlmi �� .. "' APPLICATION AND PERMIT TO OCCUPY 09 ADDRESS 8 PERFORM OPERATIONS WITHIN THS. RIGHT- OF-WAY Or COUNTY AND DEDICATED ROADS ROTE4- THIS IS a UTILITY PERMIT PHONE 'o ' fCA APPL I CANT HEMY APPLIES TO THE WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE' AND TRANSPORTATION FOR PtRIMISSION TO PERFORM T14E FOLLOWING OPERATIONS WITHIN NIGHTS "SAY UNDER WASHINGTON COUNTY'S, JURISDICTION. TYPES Ot OPtRATION AND LOCATION ARE AS L TYPE OF WNL: 1 ADDOESS OF WORK,� x THt APPROPRIATE GENERAL PkDVISTONS CONTAINED IN "WASHINOTON COUNTY# DEPARTMENT OF LAND USE AND TRANSPORTAT100# RULES & REGULATIONS FON POLE LINE, BURIED CAOLE, PIPE, LINO AND MISCELLAKOUS OPE " NSA FACILITY PWITS JU Y� " AS UP M N CC ANS MODMED OY THE ATTACNC STANOAMS AND NC FOLLOWINS SPECIAL PRMSIONS, SHALL APPLY kTO THIS PtRMIT# AND OY T141S RMAEKE, ARE MADE A PART KREOF. IT SHALL BE Nt A " N OF 'THE APPLICANT TO OOTAIN SAID RULES A RESULATIONSTHE DEPART NT Of LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION AND TO DETERMINE V04104 OF TflE YAC US P4OVtSjDNS ARE, APPLICOLt NCC NC COMMMEMENT Or WOflX UN .P THIS P ; CONTACT SAM POWtLL P0109 TO WORK E,4 PgWtCT. T"IS PEMIT IS SUCt) OY YNt DEPARTMM Of LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION SIMJtCT TO THE TCN AND PROVISIONS CONTA NC RERUN ANO/00, TAC"Et) PERET0. THIS PtAMIT IS ACCEPTU AND APP OM 6Y APPLICANT SUDJECI TO SAID URMS AND P4,,0Y ONs C ASSURANCE AMOUNTO APPLI 3Y . Y S14 EXPIRES :, � � AND TRANSPORTATION WASHINGTON mm OREGON rktwayour000Y of th* . od public for o S.W. 113th Av~ r"uir*dCit 41-4"-". 1 vould 100 tO to,*# thasu *plot# 0000 of th* Vill 4,00w to tansy to cow0tifto you'rb fk1.4# is tho dot# ouot bo you �1 N + too envy , * you h obtatood . I's , fou coftaot, 000PUt* your tor of ptrogropff MA. *"y r"Uoot for treat thio otitcot # t It Y40 W"4 0 portiol, of ot tu#40 for vork olroowy porfor**d* b t * * of reset h Nv a . ' + TTLC# tot tho vort *00#pt#4 b tho to whoa you tool yourt"w0v#*"t aftuat thio 04 I eh* . t * I v h' o It th* Ooto tottily * I *ill of *11, t U you h r Ito koft "° A 0119 '; d4ff No. �3 Distributiom Cloy$ Offict ASWAMO PrOvider, r1* * of Lan US# & Transportation thisOY tr t 1 M#O and t fAW WtW*00 WASHIN410 CO d day of March i d % fdrrf+ 'rd to #S oCoq0tya, 0,4d' n ars+xi} E, Y n (g a1'`T Y()N x k & and THE $° 't aK l v CUMPANY S, W- M004Y A�Pnue rndr1 , .a box { ddr1 dr1 oregon �i (city, stats a lip) c (503) 222-2000 (503) 226-3761 nrinft rfrrddt " ; nfl ftdrrfrrd tO 4S #Assurance rdid 1Mn* A. Apolitatit has 400"Od f r AM V440d r d'1 for d 1 t known ' . �dtd Oty. . . di t t "I �r� t t"h# PrO0004Sf TDA 1t d . 104 1 d r t1 fapproval � i � r f n rt tlnn " to ft t rnn tr t Md ltd all r n r d * t of' Sue* 11 f t 1"dt 11,f i t 11 and repair all eft .. itt Amor t C. fart" t to to# COWAftityv#10Pt COO in efftet on this dx t , tot fn11 1 t hO11 1n t 11 d 1 rd OCd with nt t rlf r t nt Vr*vim Plaw I' 0. A00000t dft1r � nt ar t � i' l ' ` � € ..0 with d cot m r t t to 'lr t ift t� t f 1n with $did f t "r" r Ott f �d CDC M 1 � � � RNT O 1t1 f'"d bY 4Mbotowo th* p#rtj## OS ft1 : A. T 11 t """'SOrd 11" f th1 rtrt And 1 1f1) f rr " Itft 00. 1 Of , PROJECT N . . To in t ll and eamOlsto 411 imb"v~ts roquirod by s4id CDA 340 No. € - 1 - , in accord "co with utity Staft4aros And jloifitioo and r r o o and o" trust f filitiu . Wi'tirio add o f d# said dovolopma"tv Whith aro damp rosolt of th# dovolopwt. Allot tido 404 repair0, is to bt 4040 io a good 404 vorkwliko 044000 in o , with uplio to County lags and as show# more p rtioul rly on tho toostruction 014"s for said develoomont which h4vo heretoforo uoo prose"tod to tiro County for �ouptrsoo C. To MaintAin with Asturaftte, PrOvidtr Ori Wtptablo 6 ur 'ty rio it rti 40"sistilog Of _, �,. iioort '1 # f aro ", *11rrov000 to Lett o i c o t ble form of AS404'"ce) for t urrofit Of urty it ion ir"tor of LAM Uva ami froprttioo, to its f NO �Harrh o , 1968 until k t io 1 r iI.D. log it aliv, i d o orio'i io whir o o Nu r trr o u ull i" int ly 'Ai t l to County to tomnlote too improve t , tooploto all of uu lic ivrov of o filo m or X11 oui tioov ou o f ott 000u t ry to oily with tho ro uir pts, of tho aformid CDC oo or beforo tho litdAY of a st1 . E. To rovtorr 411Y momsont er#tted or a ou for the purpose of dosivostioq Survey m4rkr or bov0dary of any town, trtt, plot or p#root of I'lod which 1000000"t, is broker' ,. r r tr yod' uric the pour o of Wow Zvi for or otic u y this toot ott, wht or W6400#41 or of r i o' by tho p lioo"t or his/her o rrt , 40010Yw or, i p o of 000trattor . F. Th#t if work on the subjttt iWo"moots of this contract is Aba"doned, ion Pluto or d0ficWt in Orly dorto After u.utt i , lose County 04y oolloot tho Wurtfto lostritod io 0 71MMM totmr of Such lour 4movot as is ftocemry for Covoty to briftj said oo of io covii4fteo with tyre requirmoots of 113. 4rW 0. 0e. G. Thitt 4001icm and a0plicaot's prioti lv ar,# uvor lly 4#4 ,loi'otly liable for 44Y orW Ali loss or d4 o rotultio froto too failure to " loth tho p lir imoro oto io fmor ftce With It,,# 4ol D. vot iftlu io� the ovosos# t bring tho i rove of into Brio reit ML and D. oboyo. Bo of furtii WOOS t t i fr t of t t 0 t+fit or ti oir i Yr u y County to uriforro MY 0100 004 of thiS coot of or to It M. � �� �lp � loolu iog oy suit of 4ttioo to ot10 rlov of tourity , :rro ilio porty N11 bt ooitl r' colo 4mmofo#t at trial ono On 400#41. yuouo for any Seth 40tion X411be th# W Trio t o Lvoty i triot or irruit Court. this Ajrt000t is in ortitioo t * oft ftot in lieu, of Any otiror enforce of inion Avlkilahlo to County iftlu lie 0 it rovottion,and titWon. ", TO h014, 114MUSS 4ftdto ify tb'# Cuuuty, it offi i l , 4loots and toy t for any 11 'low by third oitftios AW AH1049 fro 40lioot odor 401ioot't offiuil , #"Ott Aon 0*1000t 4ets or otsistions to Acti to olwforftfto of this Ott, f i�ot tell o uiru li ility io urur o with e "fnot 1 t= *1001 � with tho County as A mod o nitiootl iftsvred# th# iri orwu Shall not be ouK011#4 nolo t uoty is provid#4 with not to thAft thirty t30l 44YS ootid of o lluti r+. Tho 400144tnt thall provido 0411 rty with Proof of iotur r u as ro uir n rift. I. That trait 000troot 0#11 to Vidinj oo the applit#ot ##d thelit t uteu or i inter t And i eet r into i order t ompl with t� ti It foruotiorrd CDC 404 CDA Itft M. A. to Wot io th# 00"sAid assurooto io trio, amount of f r -t *46jott 40volopoot with fire tWo mW nriority to o o€y. That of the total iuourity o"Sit hot be## tllotot for time 0 int Ofb fof 7141, TIRfr> �'.y, 7 �tri@,`T «i"^(�"''S'",^fm^�m'�iy�2 wt 1�'l "S Y�➢ r.,( fr rvt�Y�,3` qr r, t � js N Aws,I 101:01'w r � 001#41 W ` . € s s I Sao 4' US ons it Its, 00, Jits 40 w ii w, a nrrii ��iG i (i F vi ; ,'; ��' °�Y� Iii,r �•,,�u° P 0 tom .. " �l44 00 pt it � it to �� :5 oll'I, Oto 441 to041 � Mk toWlop � 4 50 is t new wONi O m If ohm# }� SOto 001, ot t 0' " A*, Rto trot s ` � ' s' " W t € 'i s } ,, ' 00, ✓ :✓i✓ WAIM"Corl tAo olletiot euro - ofostoto to to 0,004,04"1 this sty Of Ao leo Nl Y , Of ii' ), . � "o � ofto a 00 vo of ; I; o oi 00 w , Woo oo o f t WAY } WrTl x Val Ulf 4101 oll wart r., S} W. (s'iLxa�u,'Liwaduuuk'�''b 6Js'Awkui,.,, ,,:,.",&a, 4alwvfas(d',s�Wh4x' ••,.,.. , ,,,..0, ,.;,, ,�„„ ,:. ,,:,," "�vlo3u'au-t.a `aC�iex 't'',twe:�dluS�tutiw���(ustiia�� .,sar.✓,<a Js u,mrd<wA,�,i,�, n, »« I»fit'. r 3 �.. r i � o �, � <, 1010001000010 op ���� . a + »a w PAD, °C" a.» 4 NORT14WEST NATURAL f COMPM,Y ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MT& 2* 5 FITTINGMAMI TON ° AI Ar I m� t I � 3z wcoa W- » IGCITYIMI , t CIT ,. tt ffts6uw" 3 Duo PAD 400M,4 X'RA00 109V ftl \ owl - p d� x >,wm:x»wwcacw„ yn" ' g �' "� .. I >r « l�I� iL�11NNlk N1�IMN€14N L ayNt JF 34* Rol Ok1 FITTING AT - T It W111% « � - €tea i,8. 9 t:,*$ ? 4 WSW a�U s W _ lb ". , ,. afw . J 'V t ) 41 W,� 4 ASO MAW » Awftn x =a 5M 1t c,,c-sxvv « ft tWl Oak tovo$�w WOW Via» i « 3 r It i 3 k n t err, ts, * i m « r a y„ ""'N"", N'I"r -,"'w ............ pp,--.7,7,mr-rk,,T�pi .........7" ............ ........... ............... "7 T T kl­,,,� ......... "'it",il,ki; k A it ..................... k"I .......... k k' 'kkk� kikk 0 y it,"i, j l ki kit ;kI''k, M", 7f�WWW777 V, I "k, ''I"c 's o TO' ', 0, woo'0 vlwl P 7 S ov, ko,k�o k 00;T-frip"" I"M k" Pf kt, ow 44 Of 44 pop" 5� 0001 kl wl, �vtk' kv k, kI, A A, k r f, *1 11" i'll, 7— $41*4 ow �........ ........... W, 011� "I'll),t #V A, . ...... + k ".............NN.......... A 16 "110101101000 000 00 0 00 "J 'T77 ........... 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N, k k, 01 W kJ NN t)VIV, qki kk fl Nk 1 wo#�4 klllllkllk� k, 114 4040000 40�4" 40 A �ki��c ;k,, tg k/5 ... .......... At.,104,DRI,SON 9 "kii, X 4 OP" k 77W7 W, kid", ki, f, 5� M, M, k� V k �tk, 41 7M, k-kk;'I T� k N k.............. ......... M, ...... ................. ....... ........... ........... k, k "0" gw........ k", �"kk, . .......... 7 Xlk�, Kenn= m k; m N m llig .......... kl I., m wl,\ I We 1,"R, . ,0, "'s, ................5",M-N'm gki'g, k'I"""'I"I"' "Y", " 'M, P, iti""", � - , �','N� z IM-0 it ......llkkllkl� N 17" kll� k'' k, . .... . M-1 �k, k t k A, fi k,i, k k kl� ktkkI,'kt� f" 0 k� "'kkikkk ........... i { t4 � G TA`s OF OWN AY j sh i^T`l 00*044 1l" 0%4144, thA 6,0004*" �go to 0# NA rpt 41 Gilt to bo hot +�tl 1 tisk rr o r�� Won W tO t will a - dtyOf #A# WAIS4,14 , tooty0,44 ' ' ul , , ,.: . w this W0sy � "ALO hChboto O fr " ' , to � k, Orlyw It Ott 100 ' 61 0406, E f," Ot 'N � - fit' h #d $ Of tj to j i; ` s F4 N4 +dyc6 Krx ':; a � ' , •`�'LtN�NS'�m�wWeU.��tJr:�aGu2mWauabu�NeY�Wuwfuum,aw:antl,>ili��h�ww4sa m}teulc�e nia.nw,w�,ui" . > , . . - .. . . . . . . � \ . . . »\�� . . . . . /� 22?» .\� . ��2\2y . 2�\ . \ � • \ \ /hy:\\ , /o, ?«. : . � �^ a yy N moody Avonur, ^3 4a ' to", hts ,.., ���` ,A.'r,A, �:, "si r „ i-iN r r,rr 6 ho, P` dic # Ti ~ fir %Pocificatlurs while, s r nd3 And taiec i t:ot t -} a # .._ atC1 Vit' n` +tx Pp )vol dt z no he pP'i h.> 199,ioriv or Tlhisi project 'r*cilitv 0#�rmit. Which must ho, the Lorid D#vvioptpintb n, "ho ^r_a o.,o v to r l r t4 C r:, ) krr )t� tr ) .if, siva cty tt,,a cotn v bm R I tRovt D ° i t ag wF �gf,': CI AJ Tf3hortr Stott 4* sn . ^.�..�. ,i i JiS4" lyr i"PAI i vostwooA, corpoutiou's tot 3030 OW ` 1201 O1 M # 4,,Ot*ld M# toy 1 u"Ooo' * 4, , 0#4 both* rtotd, strootItAhttox OsAt ploy' s t tot too"tolUttolft of strootit' sh"to tot toot p o ot'd Ull *to atod'Itoot,04o ° to wtat s y 06 #144 tot 0,00 104hts vile too 000 h� ` 000, tho too yt 'sits" Atob you tot 4040 vtth t , Oout Otwo 0004 yout tosittAtto to Pott l t ........... i ittiviw 06 Ud"hor ' # tit i t 2� ;, Amu f 42RB c 3443 3- - 24 . tVHt 00nGst City of Tigard cl stoWt t t la PO Box 2339 a OUND 0404f TiqaW, OR 9722 L fovict SW 1143004v W u hm �d, ' c am MAO COCKS In's one PG( co tt POP YOuk Pty Wit. Y ttt t t t � THIS JU tt YM#4t°IS Y Mitt WAS(WN0 f Nll*t 441 4 PAYING N Pt#NO# a k i 1 1 MrCh a# 19AS WNW, N . Betty 3030 .w. 1 1 PA: Durham Road stroot Dedication ty ploftw f v its "Oftasary to t S.W. l t sign, thoir 00 44 Soon as bl L� Jz' ,. . ClArno C OttM 40 41F I P.O. liox 2339 Iltard* Ori Ott 9722 # i 00'4 U"d#(OPW#t#COW Vii tete followl"o it rrtt i rrt i i ti C f Lotter h , tdor OAT( rWi1 Survely Map 2/26/81 Rllkht-of-way De4jeation liescription - Westwood 2 ftW t 004jc#tjoaDonee),tionAliter,tocifts tOANOWM0i FW 1 0 Aoprovod*s lubmittodit C i t for 400rovol dor y0of tM 0 Apofovftlt0d 0 Submit C4, 00S for distribution As r fW 0 f4tur"od far wrwloot 01#04 tj r ri goo Ifo$our r Alb opt Wil 1 0004este COPYTO, �! �� Devotoptent Coordiftator + "nt�ymmar� 1°rlt"nfiF, 4 , ik 1r y tuia �i t ' h u, 004 etw,, W1 04, dots "to to NOW tui � 0A Oo' a U * t# tw wt 00, WA W thts AwtAttiot U tu � � tMoot", it o, tOWAA044 46044404 001A00 *004 OutoWit t Www ty Ot VON Il t ja OWWWWAi 0401, ot, ti C; ri yt �y�ir�ix~r �fb i�iil � � Y �Iw'rt it '� . +� �Ait o to t*w otoowo the { �f t , 1i 1 7777] I" r N4' 4" 'ft tot A'Aotx M00's 'tat# f 000t,04'Ot to, 1,00 tNt � dotflot Oo 4"tk 00tt' t I, Ot of 44tso" 0* t w 4,00# vo the -l O 0066 goat they, Otte.64th", ; Th "046 h 041 Jl 000 0t06W 241090 tootj, lu's ` th t 00tot Not f; lot South ft4,04 It W Of 4 W,400 (Obt ftAlv* Ourvo to t tut 1, foot t 1 Olo +b iot #00, s, � �; foot,) i t"Ots o " 1; %Afto Oot th � #10,09.11 t " 1 t 06*1ttuft 1 00, f"'Oot4titt,40, Ott *At* o 00ii O i g64,„ k �t j}k V t y t ��t av�i?vSi�y��us�wUuua�I�.u.G�rnua �iwra�,tt�vvuuus��u V>Cuwwvva�1 :uY�ilu4�"`�dw11'�au'visa 11 tI„` also V v � A i t t OM *As IS 1* - 4 E Q 'i At zo 0t E At I �s w jto 4060 55 t z Ar0O s ir f �. nm ,77771 uy; M �yy , the 0 1 J? ?c OttAdhOd fthtOftMP i 'o l4 ?ib* * * " *o W *4 tsou vo ' 'tj' t 'Ut to tot o0wo 044 w h*"t%* " ot000d, the o b t s" ho *y" o s tt the to ANN 00,04's O the. is UV* Ii"ob to sunt s 00 h* tt * } owwot, **t4 tot thts wttu'sow itm two 00400#*oootwottolk be# 40OW tuto 40" 444"uttott " w0+ ok tA of R tit, " ���t' � " " 00 o 00, � . 000000 � �� Won �itwf 4 177-7 ". , W 400tovot #4 to low 000wottooo of of ' e, , f 06000 ", , 0" f G �,� hl It #A'* male 0eveription torr Wootwood corpotation Additional Tight-cif-Cloy bedlc tion oar Durham Ilegioning at the Quarter Cornor oo the North Ito# of gattjan 1,3, TOw"01Ah 1 "Guth, ota0o 1 West of tho 1'111o*otto �tertdfntA ih ##Mo to" County, Oro tela ThOuce North O 1" 1#° Cost along tho North line of "id tetfO t, 201-11 tt tt hO"00 South 00*02'34o toot 43.00 foot to the TPVE P004T Of bv71R#jj4a4 Thento Vorth 04037*3111 9#4t par#1141 with tho north J OA0 of I%td onion 15, o di t attto of 403.44 toot; Thonto southoo4torly ajong tho are of 0 23.00 foot rovilus taro to the right (tho chord of 1th hoar# South *0a lt4 Dot 3$.32 toot) iotonto of 39.11 foot to 4 Potot wbith to 30.00 toot Wont of the toaatOttitio of S.W- 1130 Avoaui4 Tho to tooth 0*0440t porollel tth said S.W. 113th Avonuow sw Atstanto of 4*16 foot; 1%' ttt otth of or1y along the are of o 33. ii toot ro0taa0 tutto th0 lett tho chord Of Uhich h4or# North 004416211 Vont 33.71 toot) o i0to0to of 3 . g foot; tlukittt South *40156 Wont 340,22 root; 3hoaato South #q*Sj'gjo Wo#t 33.00 (*Ott Thoatto Motth 00003130,1 WIqt 11.0 toot to the point of he- gioning andtootoihlot M9 Square toot of Iota , Not# or 1#00. kms. ( , s 00 „ 4*01 PT _. i JA 4 ` uuodu"'/uu Y £ to S'TAM, �T & NOME NON Tigard Active, � s wt*004 IM W � � .. February 9. 1988 . APPLICABLE REGULATIMS A. Section 2022 (Tyne 11 Proteduresl 9. jection 2076 A C. Section 421 Plain 4 Draisi#q# Hd Aron D A. The applicant isregoostiftPlain and drainage hazard fi it) SW 113th Averwe. Th# Oroposal is to install an additional 44 loch culvert over ao existing 10 inch u . This pr000sal is requi"d heriuse of tho ron-off jeftorateti by a recently 400roved 000009 Center that is ifisideO limits of tho City of Tigard. 3. The proposed altoration is rwcessitattd botause the )(fisting ct io Sw 113th A"we does not hAve Mequate caostity t otti"Iy OASS stogy t g rat ill tho ut "= m dg basin. 3 TA$ MAPlL0TMA0Wg* 2Sl 15 270 � ,ix -489- 270 d 2104 2703 414 Aci t 00 2000 It I „tea ' 700 2301 2309 9305 I CITY OF TIGARD 000CAOLE LANG U69 , .AMMAKA fwvww 41ANOA406, , V!MR l` (RESIDENTIAL 5 LINITS PER K W DM'R ` (RESIMNTIAL 9 UNITS PEP RE) 87-489-FP Section 202-2 Tyne 2022.1 Tyne 11 land use actions are prpurdto b Appropriate io the District. They generally involvo uses or development for which reviow criteria are reasonably ubjuj� ruuiru O"lY liMitOd drui. IMPUtS on n#arby proour + may be aSsociated with these uses jobb may necessitate imposition ofpu Conditions of approval to Minimize those imacts or unsure compliance with this Code. STAFF: This proposal is b049 processed as a Type It procpduru A public notice was S#ut to surrounding, prnppry Owoors. Staffreceived eight letters in ruppnSe to the public notice. Primry Cobra raised weret I Will the "Creased rune-n ' "Wash nut" Sw 113th Avenue at the culvert. What i4vact will the run-off from the Sh00004 center haVO on d ' rm WAter qu4lity. Will vehicular and emorqency access he provided to hotoes South of too Culvert during the construction Pro Will the County roquire the apolicaot to uprdu SW 113th Avenue as 4 result of this 01*000sal. The abovo meutioned concerus will be #ddressqd in this r000rt. p . tion 207-6 Conditions of Approval# 201-6. 1 Thu Review Authority ou Conditions on n or III Ovelop#wnt a0provol. Such Conditions 0411 60 dosigood to Orin .t the Public from pout ver # impacts of the proposed ate or dovoloomentor to fulfill an identified ud for public sorvices within the conditions ShAll nut rtrt densities to less that) thot Authorized ky the dOV01000#0 stvw4rds o( this Codc p S . tion 421-4 USts Allow#d Through a Tyo# It pry uru 1111loss so'OtificAlly pbbtud to the applit#blo c nity Plan* A 40voloo"rat p t ppro"Vud tho Flow Plain nr OrMn 1400tbrouqb TYO# tt Orotoduro fort fd owfq $. -489 £ Page 421-4.6 Establishment, tr t nteoAnte or, t r atio" of Public or private tr t * sewer and water r lilies* OlectHtal and trans-trafts- mission lilies, telelihone slid telovision trm lines* and drainago systems togother with 04cessary minor 4,CCOSSOry trtr STAFF: The applicant's Oroontal iS to in'Stall a 48 inch culvert Over n existing 30 inch Cohort in SW 113th Avenuo n ardor to increase the carrying Capatity of the lCombined culvert$. §421 eeoont Standards., Pr011osed flood plain and drainage hazard arca development shall demonstrate that: t 4*11-6. 1 Tho proposal will tint change the flow of urt oe water during flooding such as to catise off-sitendln flood hazards r hhng t direction r � ity of flood water flow; APPLICMT.* The proposed culvert installation will tithn e t flow of rt` water drin ` the 100 . Ow. The l r flow n this area ltn by the Tualatin giver. The Mth v n e vert is designed for a 25 year storm. lsp4cts to unstream Proverties will be reduced dorm the dell n Storm as a result of the culvert in t �l on* here will he no Ch4oge in the dig* tion of floodwator flow. 421- i,2 rol will not, along or n nnrtinn with existing or future US'es'O reduce the Capacity of the flood plain or drine hazard area, or increase the flood sarface elevation on upstream or downstream top r le . All fill must bo StructurAllynd and do0good to avoid erosion. All fill shall b# occomoanied by aneg nt of cut or toe. Future uses Shull be determined based pnlull development envisioned in the Co#mnity Plan. APPLIGAN.*, The pr000sed culvert i"stallWoo does, not r in e the capacity of tho flood plain of drainage hazard Aron or lord flood sorbet# d"letnn nh onstream or d tri properties. 421 . That the edlrp tit art the dlthnpe or alteration of riparian wildlife rd Vegetation has Well Oioiloizod to the extent prtlrhle. tnhnnt of rrn hehltt throuqh plaotinq of, other such iMOrOV##*fttS t#ay be rpgnlr d to 00tlg to ad"r$# offocts,, Page 5, $i9nificant features such as a4for l goods, largo trees and eod n ere v etetion shall he protected when possible. APPLICANT: The dein of the culvert installation is such as to minimize the impact on riparian vegetation to the Maximum extent poise. Only those shrubs or trees which are require to be r ved as h result of the culvert installation will be moved. The plan shows for replanting of the area: to ro tore it to its natural condition. Drainage Engineor for the Washington County qeprt nt of Land Use and Traosportattoo has reviewed the pr000 el a W rocomooded Approval of the rogoest subject to conditions 1 ttac nt "A"). The report is includod as findings herein. G. noted previously io this report, concerns have been expressod by persons iectod by this request. The existing culvert under SW 113th Avenue is inadequate. Development in tho up t reora drainage basin "Cessitat#s the installation of An additional culvert. As note in Attac nt " * without A0 nddiionoi culvert, e 26 year flood ovont1potentil over-top 113th Avenge. The installation of t odditionl culvert is necessary to assure that the road is not flooded atW destroyed. Tho ourpo e of this review is to 4sSure compliance with Section 421 of the Washirt9too County Communityevelod nt CoOe. Section 421 is sp#cific to the impact of rood development on flood plains, primarily with rogard to flood surface elovation . washintoo County dnfora to the State op rt of of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in IWAtters coocerninq th# discharge quality of draioago and waste tors. The run-off wtiter generatod by tho uptroam shopping center Ovolopmont mast #*at OEQ standards. Enforcement of that Standard is the resoonsibility of DEQ and tho Citi of Tigard, the jurisdiction rspooihlo for the rovi#w of the shopoiog rentor, const tion. The Tualatin Piro District has Agreod to orovido ooe monood online co any and one "a""Od rescue "hide to the residents on tho South Sid# of the culvert dorm the io teiietioo proces 441 iiii, ocoot# of the d th of fill nor the colvort, additional ri t of-wor 000# #00ftott are wfissary to feoiliteto road ideoirm. The ore, the road tort bo widootid At this time. The County will 400i if other improvtooiott cap b# 4ttommmat#d at thi t i 87-489-FPr , Page DECISION RAW on tho findings above and t ri l included in the it this r#4u#st i h4reby 400rovedurb t to the following conditions- 2 A The applicant shall oxecutoo notarize and 'Mord a 30ticoof Flood Plain Alteration Permit with the washirultn ROCOMS and Eltinrra, Rood Records, within thirty 3i days of the. tin" Of the Planning DireCtor. A cooyof the recorded anti Shall be provided to the De0artment of Laud Use and Transoortatioo fur itS record. Within thirty 3 days ltinn of tbn project,,t j , the alicart abll aribrit to this it vritiatinn drat all inl gradingand sit# rvtatin bav bn Coatoleted. L Prior to any nn t tion, th# an li ant 0411 $#CUrO 4 POrMit to work in the SW 113th Avenue right -way. The O#rmit may b obt4in#4 frorothe Traffic Cogitteeri"q Division of th# Depart#Olt of Land Us# and Transportation. The ap liant shall nntit + ill ai rrt ors one week prior to installation of the culvert. The or000sod culvert shall he specified as Alumi"Um or n r t , not steel. RiPrA0 Ott SIOPO scall be called #s grouted ri rap duo to steep is Dia*nsioos for ri rao shall be callers on clans tori foot eath Sid# of Culvort. H. Crrt rightof-way alit nt from that shown on an l The #00licaot aball asSuro that on# ftnood engine c0#0any anti one *aonod r s "hicle ar# available to the residents south of the ronstr tin site during th# constructionrocs IV. Aroval rbval with Conditions D#041 �i trOtt 0 r nortior is attached to this r000rt; as, Attochowint 114# Albertson" , 101COrPOrAted z 250 Parkeenter ba Soise, Idaho $372 3anuary 1 , r E sections. The geotextile should have an equivalent opening size between standard sieve sizes 60 and 100, and "old preferably be non-woven. Placement of such 4 geottxtile will significantly reduce the overall Pavement thickness required. Two alternate aSPhaft Concrete pavement sections are recommended. One section would be suitable for light vehicle parking areas (automobile and light delivery trucks), assuming a traffic index of 4. The other area Is for heavy traffict Including main access drive and loading and maneuvering areas for trucks, assuming a traffic Index of 6. ver"O"t g Co 0r g Thickne s sAIn. Brent hum. titan l �hto kmt Asphalt crate surface 2. Crush(�dRock ( % in minus) 6.0 too Aw" Heavy Traf fict Asphalt Concrete Surface 3.$ Crushed Rock bast (I h-in. minus) 6.0 too Crushed Rock Subbase(3-m.rums) 6.0 91 ora Asphalt Concrete Surface 3.5 Crushed Rock Subbase (3-m. minus) 10.0 ASTM 06-98 We recommend that the truck maneuvering area just In front of loading docks be Portland cement eoncrete with a minimum thickness of 7 inches, with a numinum crushed rotk st.,bbase of 4 Inches. This subbase coorse# like that for ASI)h4lt Concrete pavements, should be 3-Inch minus material which passo$ Oregon State DOT sperificatloos. According to the U,� S. Soil Coosety4tion Service survey for shin tura County# ortgoof the surficlaj silt soils are QuataM4 $*rtes with typical ra"ps of PH Of 1-6 to 6.0 (MOdIUM Amid)With a Moderete risk of totrot-lori for Untoated st"I and normal co"rete. Ow *0**so**AUM0 a 06" Wtftt AWY W% *W—Utd **W, WW 4 Of 34 *W0000au owO' kmiq a *000**"Olt two"potoothil. ATTACHMENTs WASHINGTON COUNTY nate January 220 190 To ROSS V40 Loo, w 1 + Rid pao ° "490 n WESTWOOD CORP.* S.W. 113TH AVENUE VE TUALATIN RIVER FLOOD PLAIN* - Rp have reviewtd the plan, calculations, and drain# a workmaps by WESTECR r #bring. on JAou4ry IT# IM0 1 visited the site to chock d the plan tod conversations with parties C "+gid. The pp install an odditionalCMP culvort over the 3 -inch culvert. The drainago study provided is adequate and appears accurate. The deSion flow for th# 26 year Storm of 160 cfs is cornett for future dovelopmont, in th# basin. Rot# that a 25 year storm with the existing 3 -inch Culvfrt and land would probably over-top th# rO#d# depending on the down StreAM wAtOrlevel. The combination the proposed 48 inch and existing 30-inch culvtttS would provide A water Surface uPStr0AM at elevation 134 foot* qjv#n a 100 yoar flood elevatioo of 129 fo#t downstream. This decreAses the 26 year Mod vd y than assuming # top of road elevation of 138 40t- This improv#ment is considorod interim until this crossing is wideoed to County st4ndard. This soction of 113th Avenue is not Maintain0d by M0 " County. The culvert ` v proposed was a coodiflood on the devolopor by thoCity of Tigard, This is out a road or $00ty improv00#0 only # culv#rtdd by tho city. C".4.4 d d ppov pp pvdd the ddd to the Construction pI proposed culvert be spetifiod as aluminum or toftret#od rIN b) Riprap oil slopt 4:401 404 ri #pduo 1 0for riprap bo C'41144 00 plan 10 feat O#d Si4# of pipc Right-Of-0y shown is tot co - OOVO Log Ol u his #pplitotion is for a j:olvort joprovowt. Ih# tolvortwork proposod will mpro" o*jo upstross of tho cro * whilo mWaizingd rbA + h And Adjacoot voototioo* Ths to"struetion PIRA should bo corroct*4 As Outliftod 4bovo #ad won Copies suboitt*dto gogioseriog boptmofttof LAW Us# 40d POW0" + r OPPrOvAl persits. I' w ATTAC14MENT Of LAW USA *40"W~Ayoo to teva a40" r roa ave APPEAL PERIOM 14 2/26/ +aa a Data ORmATION Attached is a COPY Of the Land Use and Transportation artraarit'a Ravi+ Authority decision on your request for a Develooftot Action. This da i i a rti teat (i.e. !s it a may, be Appoillod and a public hoorin hold by filing 4 petition for raviv (appeal) within' l I Calendar days 01 the data written notice of tht decision it provided. Only those persons who vada an aaraa of record are entitled to file a petition for ravia (APP#61) Of tht decision. A motion icor Attoosid#rttioo also may be riled (Article 11� SOttion 208) bot does ftot atop the anal period from running and i vailala 001Y at as extraordinary reftily for when a mistake Of 14W Or fAtt has occurred This detision will be final if 00 apaal iS filed by the due date, and a ti for recdaidaratir is not granted by the Review Authority. The Complete fila is available at the COU"tY D#PArtM#nt of Lard Use and Trans- portation for review. petition for review (appeal) must coot#io the following: 1. the a of tiir applicant ani the County cast file avmerl 2 The name of the petitioier tiling the petition icor f#vi#w (appeal); 3* A a'tat rt of the irterat of the etitiar The data the notice of decision Was Seat as pi `iad i thea notice, , S. The at re of tae d+ ci i e and the Specific grounds for #PO#41 (the aPaal ia; lieited td the taciic iaa raised ie the atiti for review units$ in the caaa of guard review th titiontr, requests a full or a partial do "Ovo has h and no " of 200 for Type 11 Attila or t o fee 0t 1330.00for Type III Actions plus the tort of the complotto transcript. Fr t rther APPW iAfoVMtio0 t ntut APS � � � at the Washington C- 4 part t Lahti Use a� franc or a ° on. F 004 O � � � t�► qVII 3491 26th St$1. O)IF VMAMGUDVV&tL SAUK ORCOON 9130,2 TO a WE ARE SENDIN41 YOU tt b 0 Ututor Worst* y vjA f0 shoo wit Platte `` CAVY of Lott+ ChoOrdor 000 04CIM Aft TRANSMITTED st th#t�#d for t 0 Awovsd Os submitrodfor #Poft#1 for aoted Submit for ttt tui As mqui C"I Rotomod for to tion 0 "#tUm-cOrwt#d OfItAs 0 for r#v (w Ommont t" 0 tuft MOS our,. t t,] P"MtS OCTURNO) AMR LOAN TUS O A � k � AA ot �ti t Wama 4mt INC. January is, ioss Mr. Miko Mills cid of Tigard 131 5 SW Hall X 23397 T , 09 97223 ARt Tiqard Town# Sqoare Dear Mikot Rot to our Dace*bar , 1987 letter rn Tigard Town* aro. nc the following Information as roquostod in order for you to close-out this projoett ` . UnqinoWs Certification of Completion. Drawings. A OOPY Of Paq# 12 of tho Soils Report prepared lSquior & Associatoo (Ploase Notet The City halorovTously rOctiv6d a fall COmPlOte Copy of this r p t) Wgich doals with the PH of th $oil. I Plans for oulvort replacoxent on 113th Since this culvert is I hingh County, review and approval of tho culvert r lac n o through Choir probess. f there aro n nooded frbA tho City of Tq for work done In Wasgingtoocntyt p CAll Us it you havo any quostions or nood furthor info i . a rely, BCH x ienf#C* n Oct CSRQA Woetwood Corporation 101ft4 It ,v° � � t ', , , 91223 tom ) �06' U00 Of with .0. .0�*. *O 11.00.1. 4, tut tho tollAwtas too *,v* 00011*fto with tho Cfty*# subolv1*10#1 fee l #04 that tho foil a* ** loco to 04+00#4 viM h 4wov" ** # 404 o#v*4ItIw1*, to Ottyi orf* t" to *4tt 404 Utility Oystout Otte V* # 0 * art t P 44010*4 Ott of a d 1 tf MO Of TA*4%WYT*t err ' ., DATE 1/5/88 City of Tig#rdrrr n 13125 S.W. Hall alvd, Tigard Towne Square Tig#rd* Ottt 97223 WE TRAM IT, UAtt t,*d 0 Uwe w0afsto eov#f vii the followi"o itomc 0 shop rvvit pts oumplos tj Swifirations DCopy of Letter 0 Cast*0fdor tilEUA't9!Teta+ it 12/30/87 Tualatin fire District le��,ter r t tom` 0 od v For aporoval U Aporovod as subtnimd P#sUbmit C00its for v. twat of your p r v0d as noted Suhmit Copio&tot distribution As roquestod 0 0stumedfor corwtionstura art r tri 04*1% For rev "d commoots Imre copy m Devotopmeot Coordinator IN, (100 tt S tib 00t SSIONS tO-V(Vi i AW411* %V 0-0-00K 10 VAtAY#K0000WAI 041 30, 19f7Washington county DOPArtm*nt ot Land Use and Transportation 150 North Pirat Street Rro Oregon 91124 Atte*# Mr. Ross Vanlioo h4v# boon in recent coamunjoation with h W08tWood Corporation ctoncnnq the need to incr*460 the culvert ajz# of the natural drainago which crosses southv#st 113th in Tigard. The argcy servicou problem ottondant to this projiovt is that residonts On tho south side of the culvert installation 113th would hO vithOutair servicos during the time tram* that the 00V culvert. installation tk c . have aqroed vith the Westwood Corporation that tho Tualatin Rural rice Protoction District will provido One Aannedangina company and one MAnned rescue vehicle to the residents On th outs side of the culvert 1 " sit* throughout the *a the culvert i0st#114tiOft is in progress. We aro coMittod to uaintaininq this r service until such time that southwest 113th is aaj" pas able. sinceroly hope this agreement is Satisfactory for all concerned. of courao# our desire to cooporato in any way that we can th inter-agency public works qoals. I Thanks very much, gaa* for your understanding and cooperation in this *after and it any further questions remain pleas# do not haataa to ens Y# yfn" h R. Moral Division t/Pre Marshal X . Ik cc: Chi0f Pittard A.C. schwArtt W06twOod Corporation f PWU)d x btu FC"t C 3rber 31, 1987 jc o 114,gutan City of Tigard O box 23397 Tij ,jard 04 97223 fir° johot The 4treetlighting proposal for this projoct calls for 3 200 /2 ,00 mon aft4 3 100 t *500 Woes high preasore sodium roadwayluminaires M ountod on I 35-foot StAlWatd wood polo and 5 - existingPUK liftopoles, ch Inditatio8 the locations to onelosed* and maintoftanceluminaires ovaed ano installod by theustower) of the current tariff i 100 W/9.500, L RPS roadway lu*ida�rvs 4 $4.58 vach ,74/t*)atti t 5-f t %taodard wood polo 0 $2.58 eac�* 2*58/w lltft line poles 0 $0*0'0 each r Total tiosithlyhr JobAs yoo vxpressod thecity`# dettro to hkavv POE "at and $oil bAwk to he city the 4troottightiog equ # W voold hill you for the actual cost of she /polo and the labor for inn* The aot to exceed cost woold bo $2,210*8 * John, It thts proposal imaota with your ap rovil , 1,ilease retarti A signea cop AA Aothortzatloo for I ngtat tilt toil* o'Oerll Nov o Approval .N, e } Olt C1 416153 w wr�t v000nt,, P'6, S(A*dh f-cory ksao Auwiwovt alt . ` ,' v :; J2i Rv: w J JAx 4 ,s ppyy, w �a IS J� w� N ic ka' „' I ON 44, h ! lit p ,7 i% �uywW au 4wa�c'+P'k' btu u l � wtti bb nw n w� ,1 m � JA �k Pw AM a �7 Zt, r t� hf t,WaaM'p h 11 Vt (kyr 4;i r J Docarber 24, 1987 M 1ty Woolam, Project jest ager Wostwwd Corporation 3030 S.W. Moody Avomue, Portland. C* 97201 In insPmtiOn was ducts Of the 1xiblic bVrovemonta for the Tigard Umn Square project on Oe22, 1987. stOve war wA jim Camboll Of h bVineering, John Ghigli 1 tevy of valley pacific , Inc., aAd Mike Mills vita i* City of Ti Ttw-, following listing# as a result of said inspection, prizes item Which r in to be cmpleted or mrrectedt CmVlete sand/oil separator mnholes Crimnove teMprary WVd and instill ptqvr tm iil Also, ssu4nit mainterW" agree- ment. , *016 ,pit lakca tbat tOTIns mi north side of private road off it Ave* mi ll 10" culvert ing and rip rap outlet) *0005) Flush grout i sanitary stvor as roil on T.V. (Kinhole 6 3 to m , l 10 08) C:t ins ,� l l Ali q .rfmili(Pub' ler Plans. e brrken and unstable pav. tit. from shouldert side of 113th. Place rock as required for ill tma to *06 Straighten north end of qu, rd rail and stAbilize posts, * till settlki trt;nch from mntroller to JurftAon box NX corner of txjrhxo Rd. & Suvwvrfieldll . C*meral cleans Particularly ignl )vie @ NSE. corner of SX tiro i ld Dr. Also, alonq mike path mi '0 sit* of tXirham Ail# and all di cl 9. OKI i Provide gine certificate, of OaVletion and mylar i i t*8i9n TM 9i at 1l provide hien certification that $Oil P.H. -w o city xtan&rd for pipe material. >OqOn97223 (5()3)63941171 Lotter to Wttty Wolam, m, 24, 1987, Page, SitAimit plans for replammmt of culvert on 113th for - review mA appmtal. Please call this office if you haw, any questions Sincorely, Mike Mills Qmstruction Inspector mj h gh9ineering, Inc Valley Pacific Construction, Inc. 1 MCH LIST I!iqard Town* era AC t Station 211 + 00 At th# And of ajdow*lk I. construct ra*P a popair orodod area frolo Ourb Vh0ro wotor P1400- por the drains. 2. Popair I** aroa at PA01fic ffigh'AY StAtiOn 216 + 00 the driveway Vith At' *$Ph*lt fill - 3. CO3*Pjet# all j#odq0Apjnj and tjoish qradinq 41009 Pacific HighVAY. 4. COXP*Ct irriqation troochos babied aidawalk alonq PACitic Highway. S. Orade area around fire hydrant adj4Ct to Pad a. peaoVA $#Ctjon of iron pipo located alonq t1*4 cUrb 6. drivevay at Station 200 +'85 And ourh Poad. he palge 0*tCh baoin at station 203 + 00 (1-0- th* ftUbl* tUrO Ian#) to qrade and in$tAll solid cover per the plAns- a. tlydroge#4 all expo#ed slopes as per the to and sp#c*st left turn lano *t P8ciffc Partioulorly on th* (100blO Highway* 9. ovorl#y p*v#aont #dqo whoro tho OOV PAvft*#0t 'r,60ts tho Old AV "t at th# southeast cor of Durha* Road W14 PAcif ic lliqhway. 10. Pop1*00 demajod xiqnal control box#$. I noted that thore wore at 16*4t tbr## In th't fi*ld- 11. cj#Aft-up 14toscaped aroa on th# "Orth side of Ourha% Road taut of sum*ortield- Q0 ., . 21 40brio *,low biko Path *tA 400h 110 oh, '#. i ! 11` O"mt 1040 at "t boo* *tom � � MM AIM M'lP �'� Ott t + go4 toAO *00 on 00 Vis; I u ' s4vout to *00404row V1400 flrovoc 0401 0140 Ot 113 ' «" lftt4kll OUIVOt60000 4; I *Y th t '* ;: to protoeto to be Inas r troos. bAyliot out tho bAftit 0 h w wtbo of t *" statlob r I + 00 ? Vast, Oblo +fit ' (iobtis hitt Ot Otftot 44, " { -Ott* ,a n t 604ti b4obwoo, tho 1600thoast h y 0, tbo #jOttVA, drjkjhWith ' ; '" t - hof out6o tbo ftito, Otoutots iso ,fit {i t t �- y 25. CZ A40 area behim shops Cm x4jor X . 2 to Provi4o Positivo ftain*jo to Culvort orossinq ftivovay beIIJ04 th# stores. 26' P160's "0 Pork"W Otrq A* ih4i0*t*4 por tho plans. 27. ronainq has not been co"Ietod to 46to. 20- AdJust ShS A fire service ;1 ion to 29. Mark, end of 411 utility stubs with a 2 X 4 Paintod white. 30. Provi4o va,ults for fire hydrant *0"0tj0jft* backtill an4 pave aro a bohind Major X . 1. 31. C1040 all store sower pip#. w# not* stAndinq I vator in tho stora sower pig# at the southoast cornet of major X . 1. 32- LOOAtO AM 64just storm tanholo to qrado b6hind Albortoons, 33. Cra4o *11 pads for a saooth fret-4raininq surface. 34. IROPAit l0 to crock p4rallel With tho roultOnq voil on the South SWO of the PioJect. 64nIt*tY *AM010 to qraft at Station 91iminato bir4bath aroun4 th# *,anhoje. I 3C MAndicapped parkihq stalls to h#v# sjq08 as requirod by $tat* cod#. WA, hOt#4 thAt several Of thO catch b4sihs h#4 papor tubing through tho catch hasill wall. Tho Papor is now doterforoting an4 couI4 plug th# pip#. All tubinq is to be reaov#4. Contractor to verity that the pipa is octually stubb#4 Into the V,*11- 30- 8401tAry SO~ n*ods tO b# of qrout. ........... ....................... \ +s,rlcrl!!A4r ?hn I1�,i�;!(u��i�i�✓ x 4 {aro+G,Uah�1t+ ;V loftolo toilot - l at, thos , z y�y ., ; 'lam `; 400" + t'. o "OU" to 411WA"o404401 4t tho 410ab to, j t I' ?r ," :t sot,do of t; �? or w At# to "bitoy otow in tamou *t stotsoft; I's f *I**# " o '` tiltsoft" 110014 s 44+ WO� 00 tho toot Ot tAo' laot 010INtor .o, trout of th C* * of o oil shot - ill 4"A' # ` t #took pUt pot f.. 4 6,04wit it 'Ov Coir tt to 00000tho + otty Olt ft"N liate dt w t; v i i i i'> p w�r +e 3 nw a3 s� .. 771 Decomber 3, 1987 Ms. Betty Wollats, Project M Westwood Corporation 3030 SW M000dy Ave. Portland 09 97201 rot Traffic Jignal at Durham R . Summerfield . Dear Ms. Wom On Docembor 1, 1961 the signals worn testod by OS14D tachniciahswith tho controller in the cabinet and placed in tho flashing mode. As a result f the tasting and hcn a list of 4#fJcJ_##*J## wore noted as followat 1. Phase I backloop, phase 5 backloop, and all of phase 2 and phaco 6 loops ate inoperettive. EV sensor is inoperative. . Loops loading into the cabinet aro not marked with loop numbers. What is the status of the unr4arked and unused fire pre-emption cable in the bottom of the cabinet? Cabinet wiring is not orderly and neat as required. These items worn forwarded me by Allan Troyer f OSHD. "a has agre0d to discuss the particulars of the punch list with h ` contractor* "o can be reachody phono at 653-3097. It you have dna questions, please contact this office at 639-4171. Sincerely, Apt � � Michael Milli Coach Inspector cel Marine Industrial Electric C . Wostoch roinag, Inc. Lae Oundorson, 08"0. MM/JdO 13426 SW Wd.PO Om 23W DoOd OMQOA 9M3 6., y 4 s :�� ',,m&;�_�" ,. va, e ��•,,; � ,<�..�.:,,�1 �<� � �a � Asa�a� +r� .,� „a, '�'" � ' 3. {R�v F 4 } g fr A, Irk e t , ,a. e i C' '0 RENDER SEAVICE/MAT"11ALS UH hu. 00 OR � WAI� fUl, .. �w �V.� " �,��w �.0 ".,u kqq X66 6 U1041 Il ..� �Aft A V IMAM MUM 23397 TJL A m 9722 r ;A(A zfa3 W(d � F k # TOTAL LOCATION AND OESCOWTfON OF$fAVjCf/MATffftAtS COST' ITEM COST t; Otato HigNoym o Wkwide JWwted ; .. for Ot thAl 843JOCt State to irrIWO tho abloct, tr4ffik miquxt into thaix ., t x c) bo ba , i i ..,3 . t 00 NOT1f, IN 4, SPACE ............... ................. ...................... ....... .......... ............ .......... .......................MAI ... ...... .................W", Act, 01171 Fill oop. .......... twoo W; , ~O""K40,VO 04 ....................... Y"lops 101110000 IOM0000000 14000 1"s.......... 1111k L U............ .................................. ........................... . ......I................. 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CAL,gqoAA GAYS PROMTM OAU YMS Nome is 4kru. � itis omotoo wu TW4 mAwa A twOlSONA NME MION A04A A � I ALL 090$0't4$ WHO O1416 to >. 6 AW Ott LANG USIt 400 A "A " by - .M� ON f, iOAUL { raw .e T` j � , t MAY W. AM V ONLY OY f40 M"$0#0 WHO OWSPOW#4 WMT04 � . AND P- AW0#494 Aft AC A - #WCV'VL- Vy 4 THE COWLM A IC ,A~A,#Ltl 4TANDAMSAND At THS IASof V*00Of AND NOME to M0,ft'T0A49t* ILMN14OLD110# raft FoOt"V14 00M410 . VENOM O 1.1M.A Ross Vo" ` WA04144t"O t 0W' ' 1 140 9.- AA- ` T� ft W f4A - .. i l 'i r, i i^. a t n,- 0O � � 00 ,. i r t } "Ice A #tot'# Wouo Ot, the 0001, Owtu t t i to*,,t wo too. *160 t ► OtAft t U" Aon tbAt two Aft 4tvAlo 0 *404 into tV * " O tt yy to O""totloo *W00440 h 4` 3'' o. } C `` Ot 4r WLSIVM 9"ONtstmat ONVOIN ENC41NEEM&MANNERS t "AXVIXP V 1 6,,i 1987 M . John 11490 City of Tland P.O. x 2 397 Tt 09 97223 Ut Tigard Tovhe Squaro 0 #1160.00040 Dear John: 90olosed is Rosolutiondr O . 5 rod with Waahinqton County which p mains to the eas000nt we wish to vacate at the northwest corner of the sit . YOU Will note on p4q4 454 that the vacatod road was reserved for a utility COt us it you havo any further quo tions. Since. y ' UCH, INC. on ocur Com. `"ft O#k*, UZIMM, , $04�M �� "4 jf 0 ,°. 100 WW *,&4W f%31*W44* `>s 1011 '1111 WII 0,011,111000WOO, l.i A", ,T, ]1) P,/) sottot of the Itst,401totmeot, of) tho cot*, wWihio d « Not, i Gouty s Otosoa. +T lot, f th yy �y y�y�p {�:, y�y ,r7 1014* by 414 ' ,"' w thiso - ' 4"odatOA t o ' o oft iA O f r - mo i h, '! ', + + of Co #0 N�« 0, and the o�rtaul - oil 0ty 0, � th l,. too Ohich this ; l s o o n 444 t 4 o #$ "' of the 4, Soo 4Ot C fa 9044 14 � v4 1 "t the o �� t s h o * 0t�sa t so h 0 OO- � 00 31331 otow"Otot 4,440 '4; 4 the #gid b the a �+iIt Oppoottfig to3 o o f wt t7 140« 1 r d « Ss « °Ordot the o it lotea's, 0,04rd tbottiro 000,0to of f * d coc� y 0044 « „ O, t tosdv ti otos 6( 4, ri d o t for h pf to $11s aoif OWd st tops. , - O 4 * s phot putoutot to tho po t000 o w 6� ,0 Apt Aoditotod tot wt o PAItt I 00A 110 0 60 It opooittoo, to th 11004 tt it I to toy } � 4, t r r 7M 17711,11,117", tittotct,oel And It appoarlog to tit# board that tit# d0scripttoo of the ttottiott Of County good No. 429 to o ototed as # t#ottlt of tiro to cotttttttttttt tttt tOr� ptct o�+� Road No. 2261 to an fort commenctog of tho 1/4 totrtot of tit# #oath ttoo, of Section tt # t 1 � tiottt 0009*23" 20.00 toot to POW On t oath r1 t of-u# 1t.+ # of C.R. No. 429; tit#rtt+ N * 'r V follovt"g ##14 right-of-vay Iloo 99.96 foot to the is t#r#+ ttt0a otth tit# soothwestorly ti ht of 1100 of trot o #d C000tY Road No. 220 otter tiro tato otot of tho it#ittootogt titoote coottoutog N 49055020" W along the ooutir rt int f )too of coonty )food No. 429" 223.30 t #t to the trttot e ttlory vtth tho # #t+ rl tt in ctf # line of $tat# itl itwolr No. it thence N 0"30*000 9 followlog ##td rt ltt of # line 42.66 f#ot to tit# grit#to#ttton vitt, titer "Ortiz rtght-of-voy 11rt# of C000ry good No. 429; tit#000 it st" i"" g tot ,lowtug ##td rignt-of-voy ltrto 99. 16 too to the trtt#tort t etrt ,tit tiro ooutit�r#otorl rIght of o lute of Proposed Cott"t Y 904d No. 2261; toot# S 69*30,001, c fottoving ontd rtght-of- wAy ltrt# 91.g, tett t1a#tit ru ,ottoolog along said right of # ,In,In# follewIng tit# are of # 521.46 toot radio tory* to tit# t+ tt t t# long c loIrc of wirtch tetr # ht*org 6 `tt " E 24.34 foot) 24.34 toot to tho treat# point of tt# 1rt0trt . tto trltttloo urttt#rt ,tor survey No. 15422, and It ttit #ortrt to tits Hoot that tiro ro#tlt�o rood# to o st# ttolto * + otttt P044 c No. 2261 1# ;taut On Survey No. 15422* " rtit tri ton COOOtY Nttt#tt tot° o *04t r# Particularly Jescri od to Exhibit " "t OttAched icor+ to ood by title t t'+ tortto tit or + t#ted horotrr t #o 1t Appeattog to the gourd that tato above-dentrtbod Porttoo, of 0000ty 40*4No. 1# too tit#r1 #o ro a #di 360.540 reserving 60 # '# tit tot o tstto .$utilities along and tocludlog all of #Aid VO4til ort l It appeartog to tit# board that the Aforosald #treat, count 1(04No. 2261 to oat by tit# traveling ptri ltt And attic tt#o #rte of lrcgr #o and ogre#a to the Ptopetty aittttt in sitar#uta" oott h## ;teen gr# # * tock#"1 Atte; tro odk to 0#t tit# to t too4 St#" ant* oo is of 6#0#ftt to th# traveling oi�ttt at large Aod shouted b#C # Part of tit# tutu rood aotoi ooei it #pp##tjog to tit# goard tit#t oo o , ottt o or t# 1t#tr##t#o vote todo 04#1,00 t the #oto haft ut, of the Ahovo-ttoocribimi ott#et of the 4bove-406cribod flow AtW 014to* fat it##clog ## i And Patio tot . of N 21,61 70 s -4** .4 , k:, twP-'#arl"A to t tie ltord 0A*t uult ttx Illnod ror rrdo to thto sottitovvo** r oboItted tuu tluoe t,>'000uuoty Coutlael for Ill's loot + u<atloru uorrud Cuero th ro*tt r tnap tt ul, o rto loin by 14m; it I's hereby ,"OLVEO ANO 0"ER D Hulot said road as lbtr+ luouu uouuuuo described hat uuuudt lou -410 b#reby Is, e'xPr0#*1Y OCCOPtOd tud 000114110d 00 a touuurtt ' rrr d; not Wa htoo touut u of a orego", ;prod h r l o tttr to bo dootgnatod as County uo ,d No. 2261, provtd#4 hoV#v#r Satd 08tobttallmont doon uooat lru lrude provtoloo for aurtao# water drainage nod the tocilitloo thorefore which ate out-41dout-41do this right-of-vay boreby eatubtlabod or cul Ich Are to excoss of tlu t o0cesoary to prov1de for sortaco in ter drainagou cteAt+ d by 4Aod h4tUtAlly luottdent l to the trututtt+ uo out a roadv4y exctou4ive oot the d e opm#,Ot out property bouttluog th t#too; #ad it j# tuortlrtr AND ORDEKED Moult 0000 Portion of C000ty Road No. 429, boo mid h0robY are,, v ocated as provided by ORS368.540, reserviog an #4900#ot tour #xj#tjtjg uutl l t t It 410119 40d loclodtog all of #aid r uudt #ad' it to tuuttlo r RESOLVED AND DEREI) that dots m#tter bo tuuttrtd to tho d uurtu l at tlutrt rd 1 and tt to t'uortlu r RESOLVF40 AND MERU that th# jilrector out puubllt work# of lt# loth t u► ouutrut , OrO o", be, anti h0reby Is, outhorlzeJ sod directed to memort4ltte arts net on tht Plot%, maps and records out W#ghtogtnn county* or#goo h `i` ll this 28tlo d4y of Jartu4ty, 1,91 110,00 OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS PP1 Vjb FORM b �y a � Y + 1 WA r rrtruur l Recording tttet r C Page tib 2bl ) 459 a ,r l � x rr f d * n r d t rod Vit*W. It tt It O Otoira� � . . at Itttatta t tt�t 114 tot tt tett as ttt It"o# tttt tt*t�v .M. at ttatt �tttt"tt A. W too 0, "*to*polot W Itt(tt� tea°� g *oo0o*tattt * % t"*9 ty `00ttt 4# Ott tt t Ot tot ttattt of t t �# T. ##*,A * 'tlthttt"* #tit t to t**A 4#4 04. t J trtataRtttt ttt at t tt that# tttt tA* t ttrtt !� tt+t tett *at t t t tt ttt to tttt ttttttt tttttt#tttttt*t#t 110 14' t4**,, +t *+th"Of`t atatwtt * t tMW taut*#,t attatc tt 1,1C l't tttt ".44WO t * 0014 t t i. t' taa�+ttts AVO t * 00"*ttt o.to,t t t#**t#0f tight Wt tt t * * NOW Owy; t1 tt tt tt t 0*4 t"tttttttt tt"tt atttttt t w * t t t °W-C 110*00*t tKttttt t+ttat rtt?at t t"tt tt4-040 t * *".t Ilk* "t t t tt tt tt g tt *** 44.10Y't t tot#*, tttatr"tt; attta t tttt**e of*4ttt„ate* t Ott as tttttt t tit tttt d totaat at t#Attaat*#01# of " tai Y IV*%#ttatO of rtttt+ttt t tt -10 * 10'*-t lt4. "ttst*tt ttt« of t * *t t as ##tot of tt t � tt+ tta * #t Off" fl". 0.00, *0 t� a�00 tt� C S.W.�t�'" tt C.A. ttt *ttttw tta�*r tttwt ath*tt tttttat att ttt att+ ttt tett toIC 00 +tt t t� ta4ttt t aut tt tS'.010 w *10"to tttt tt tttd tett tow IWS t 4 1*4 t t I 14 k B* Or on State Highway Division DISTRICT 2A MAINTENANCE U RV 'tPO BOX 60,KAVEATON,0AFG0N 07076.0666 P#40NE . ' `g ottouiar 28, 1987 Joan Hagman City of Tigard P.O. sox 23397 Tigard, Oregon 17223 Sart t Agreement r urh#m Road/Summortleld Drive Attached is a draft tet an Order to Reader Service for your reviev, This to the far t used in setting yap t tett n n th traffic signal at Matta and Stoffins, t 12,44 at car n, and at 400004 Perry Road, The subjOet Signal to different from tato aforeatotionod to One rospect. That being that it to cap#bj# of b#itj# tnt r sin rt to the State Systook on 99W. This capability Prdvtdts th# OPPOrtutlttY for the Durhax/Suftartiold trttffie signet to opor4te tit it coordtfiatodten r vtth the traffic signal at Derham and Tb# City tatj attat WIY time tat t tett n nr of the subject int and tho other signals mentioned, hovever botause Of tete f"t0rco0nect and tier to amara betveen our system and the Durham/gum#rftold signAl t lr StAte wilt h#ve to rtt control of tet# i.ntrtttart system Portton of tete Vurtt rf told intrrtit , t has teem %y oxperience thAt hears, a lefts duplication Of Offorts andexpenditureof both ftney and manpower vhen one jurisdiction retains co"trol of the systeto, David A, WilIttitt,� P9 tt . � . i 9;4 Nk,? } i 1 14S .w 01400 TOM1,014 SOAVII" 4 ,. ,Nff Wa1Vh ':'. dilWlw,dVM `�� �WA kl� wr�4ix,:lwNrn'..: ,.' ";:. RtlF� ,yyyryr , ' �%{WMY' www'nwnWywN'.,+a'\,w:, ,wJIMWW W* 'kWNWYptlpY�tdMn�"N1WMpzfN� �. ft AW `wwra'Wwr.,�,umwMu ,a'w�M+eWw: Maw'wwowx�,,,wnw,wJ�wxs.+�aw,wr,.wa;N�.,r�'xw,nv,,,wa ' � ,�„ w,w.wN>.w«:w..w.awAswwnrtµwM, wvMw wuw ' � ' ''� w>M-<a,-+,«.war ra,.•aw,w,w.w,.w,ww,w'r»;w.+w�o ww,w.ww,w,,warwnwex, �.rvw,.a,,, ',nywwr vw,+M '.. wwuww.., ,awNww a„raw , ,.wvw rn„w x � , t , 1 ',.. '; aYm�w,aw.ww9 vaaw+Mwnw>.*�.vaa+xwui�w'w+,'M,'w»vnww'aw�ww,wM,.Yrn w,aa,.wvwwrrM,ta,r�wt ,„_ „,,,,„„, X, 2 LOCATION ANS'OWAIPM4 Of SOVIMMAUMALS ` awuww,wxaawNnw,4lwuwW<w�awwuuaoa ,;wwaruNWarrs«„,wwu„xmrr�wm„wxx,.+evr,A'weNaardw.W%wwµY.a'a'rwwpwwsww�wwww, :..'..huanirwwwrxrw+aw.., /',J:,,,.=- / :. w,wrxrouwvwl+w, a , r,,,�xnww.�+.m x.,wxw„www.,wv+Nwuwaw y to 4,044 at suloottioidcity of ttprd, t* , �bivistoo to provi,40, #6ot d Ad'o r b for 'r 4 ;y of * ttottic, 'Oto"al at b ` ”' „ '.. of o d b --' , j% r(; s, >rr > f (t 1 � 91 t, t YU�v;�v r t daih,;ah� t iaa,,,ajl! y rstiaM;,�rat W his 4 t, l ,. i 1641 7, t � ° E �f, r,,r�:,i•YI /.,r',�,;"'Iv"«„�,,,4 v Xr~YI" fl.Fi" Y.4/:I,UIII Y YS, i�fl t)y'4 t\ 1 rr;iS g, a 00 ou 4j , r � a f ( Int Tviolttillol sift"It"Allr o' d0 ; h" - 04 "4 RP if i, #i # o t 0 000 0100 ,l+ � � N � s { !� ' ` t' t}J' 't , ttio, f` A 04 Alto' au to, h , A it - - � , 4*0100 4� ioh {, filo It) 6, VII t nR wdd t r;ar,\nn nYt�Yniku��vga i\ i2{ Y 't � Y4 u�P r n �,aM xkwd)svtiW�,4�, h b xh ,nwa (\r /nY+y xm+wo ti tib&'an' ...... 4'l`J�)1?il s I j f UNIFIES SEWERASE File M "ENCY MOST AVEWW Prt t,L , $40-6691 To CITY OF TIGARD �. Ti rd, Oregon q7223 t October t , t . The Performance Bond can now be released when you receive Malt 10/16/87 a One set of pia built and sent to the Engineer for him to create the fortal El for yow awovai El F aft #011, tft" $Pttttt �t-4th October 16, 194 Lavern# 41shop (loots PO boas 41„54 Moolo Urk, CA 94026 City of Tigard, 1 County, Orogon Tat2$1 15A, Us Lot 1700 To Whom It MAy Cofteerot t�rvet isprovesoots to Durham Rood and to 113th Avonuo has created 4 si#ht disteuto tr0fic hazard for sotorists turning left auto fro* th 4 obo and #*All trees at 1t%*rthv**t corner of Lot 1100 roquiroo1 1h tihoad into the ottot ad, both** ttoad troffit Itoo to 0#0 thobound tr4fffe. The City of T k4 is wifilog ' , requirod Ohottiottl000 sod do the not000try elosa-up. Although f the life is to the public ri , I htiftel000d Mght of lKetry 1 for it to be mAd roturttod to soon Thio 1 d11n needs be 'etted without dolay. 1t you have 4001 , P10440 call called 639417 ,, 4n4 ask for 4tko ells or kAft4V C Slot t .. �.. - < � _ 4,W ., ' ;' ', 13125 SW l ,.3 23307 X116310„4171 i %sa.;# a:;a¢ o#'411IM �}} „b➢ 1$? Ba tt ; @ a4 tsaftat tt ,, �`m � ekfSta,a rtt t 3 i tk ¥ a'3Fr 4 $ 5 t c 8 ofit I' 1,d: t. (¥ +, '4* Mop No' I ,, :Aor' tllO At t At hsld INAP perk is mot to tw constrood as a grant of I a n ' but Xtra r t rio forth it) r°� Nw Inq rogr41 rr 1 of Ptop#rtv Ors i w y x, aaw LO NE 4 i. SECTION 15 T2R w . SLC MAP WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGON r ODC SCALE 200' Dug"AM ub . ROAD 1 t t w $ 1800 040 ?w3 404 r ' 2 Mof 4000 t At '78 . * irk s z 7 t` 110 5 704 9 r :t ! 3{ , 1 r rr- i sh ikt,*44000 Which, stloot to, to 'The pi-OV104001 of Sit Me thall. o fr r 0"), o l 1, 40,4,0 16,pkkko-tvt,, r r�ry t 1, 'rMt r Mara t +a t,M M MM t M r"r�M ' rM;0 rtrd�do l t� WAN ofrottvrow0 , MV09 41ti twill 'A M;,"M tM ,v M'M'E" MSMm, theMmare `rI OWN Of CIMPL Or It 120, 300 0 1 ovo lopmo t °rev w,r`,� ; io do not d"Ity, the Wroctco, 0"1'4011, opor"Wo With Ir et oro- idOd by ,t; M;,M ; The 6001kant $hall 0404t a $itis l noftith ificl dov, Not ; 0ho' hotth't Of 6111 10400, tow, ploo , o 1 litruttum within tiro 0 0 0"so t4oafooto v o* 000 ' ink tc toy x otc lclot,040 00d ictocono, The Nvation, of x'11 attest point I,roj 1#4 ttrCM101,10" h, SMMAI IMMUMMI IMMIal A , Poduat Met wort, i ch 16 t ai and tolt=0101 }, aye �,y y p tht, A t cot M�MMPM tq M t oct M$' M W 4 Ott q j! 1,adb'�M xd98M 0 ufN §y'a.:,M , be tatai on the corners of �h ! tMr da�Pt>a t a�'Mi Eh,M w sM! 111 ' o eaon alp two strooto, 0 ""t, orof -at} twitr ad, Mrr clear ottlan wom SAM tootalm h" w0hit tea h0dyb t,MIM,MMP OR, " 'o ll tM9 I MMMUM Mtr"MP t, Ma'w 00 c op t NO an ut v«w t M M:M'r«wt t Witty tMN I V P M,M u,'ro ,, p t �rM �r��d'IN �`0M� frrr Cho two of It" IOU A �Miti,�i'r t toa td $ y M ' rt, M: trrM rM' NNtMMM;NNM, Mdra M� Mr 1wa ttF M v r'M;r r'+r r''tMMM M M4 M'r'+ Mott MM+ c 1;S'M; 14M pit m ,,p; r o a 0 CA t'M'N'h w 141 wM Ai °s t f, Y't MUM! t"MM MMMR:M aM:..in 411 144 t MN*,MtM M',Mr iaoo ii a K'.;M scall , w a 4 c t o-�,:, i Nk Mil t ' t Mr t 4# ii-** 4 Oar"141Mtttt' r t+ „ yM, ill t R, 4' Ca�td st ` .. M i ,,._;,., a tF , r .S�SwYu3tus'aedtysu'1 ` v';Swwar4atc" ,td` v pf,,r#p*ctv koop, Altsuch 114 orld a %OAitjht lino if"sit4jr4 tho t tett trr(t t t k trrts vA*It h r,(. fppt drttt:(r tra trrtr # t.trr rt� t frtr- ltrtrk + *Oasuroo *10"4 40th If"04, t 1 t'1 tte v Ar(-iA 1t r -rr(,r, f rat dd WA r e OW10 14 t`e t of More tri Width 40 comet tett 1 rr ttt E trt(t tr pt tho ero l tAtt t4h(O Arra $Pall not ` lott tf**h 35 toot tart oath"sido of ttt trtt `r rttr rt. 10 1(wow Tho visvo1 *r#o for sttevt ttroot *Od *Cross t t r tto , *rw stroot or r*flroad trek l(ttr r t,tt Sr 1r hr 1 1 tart 24 fOOt t(l 14t tt 11 that tri rq t1 r r rt O*torts 1 foot 10'r4 OW tr(Vt rt trtr lift({ trt bOt tr rtt� t� t, trrtor int Ott t. °t' ;,i t t r r rtt a (k trr Ott € r fou€3 IV ro.,I t'rwY, kA r W t 4 0 of bA4,t t�t�� rr�t�r�r t ! kt�r� �srr �tl +�f fry=r tdt�e�� fit" rs•, 5 toot th width, a 51, a� { i q 4 kk 4 t 3 ...� .,v<< ...,,. ,..,.s.a, w..�.eu.e .,.u,..,,.,... ' m...,..u`w� `ws�°aa'1un�`✓Yau`r".�' .,..ilYLvm* y,-r-,n.i �._,.. i\ ....a,.� .:... e 1 plow Soli-9414 TO (WOTLE 4 w�vw.'aw'wkx w.ww+.iaw.�swa2uwrvta..�+w wwKua ,'. maw ' MEQ wt ARE SENOINO YOU moomtuitoo C I utwot moolmo t-*w *4 Itow 0 COPY Of twof WOWS OATt Rol I's owkod t� 12 sit 0� �� R . m jt tot . 1 a Cl As M40OW tj Oourhw fo( c, for totow#04 om"Wo o, MO 0104 OU0 IWS (#'W#kM AM# LOAN � . in10 w.namb:.� Z,.na.�a3x..4�itua^uu�t�avm�sa�.du4iw�„ ,,•••„�, �, `• ".•.• `1 rgr,n ti COY OF T2140410 WON 1 ate /{r "i i1 t 41 'a of 'City, jcOu"hoilIt, Wl r- r p o, "M 04d -ion, #tWow hut now coioolot ikooewsifttoly 50, a sf f,4"N tt * * #, * lost wook by teff W Wortwith 0,tq Offj i Is 4 *4 0# shote *fit O *"-sit# storm 4,06im4o s s #C Oto haas so for 004#44 to, 1*044tto in Ouch a t how 40,6#4 0* cif* #Av 010 N + +� 144 " tom* vo oftr4* Oih teoffit *A * 04, 440m, Ott + � 0 X40 a � ,I 4 w� � f°. c 0001 (* ` ' w h Y soe# 0001to0#6 0*1 #0w Ove t, 0,10,000.0 is bo,", s; *soplfeotto to wathir4t0h, county foe tho } city, ti *0-4 # t * 0ik 400041#14 for w * f 0,60,4 #wt 60, to fito Opt how 0 000 w -H, .,..,.,.. y PAIMOKKE CORRECTIONS, LIST PROJECTENGWE LOCA N CONTRACTOR g DATA No r , project oR for releaso Maioteinance items completedrr Repsit's item # 4. k 9. w Si 9flR �t e +w t r a 54 f Of 50 146 142 (: ORE. 3 VEHICULAR VOLUME SUMMARY STJT. F1 I� + . l DIRECTION Of FLOW10, OF LANLES COU14m) ISI `WCATHCI + � ..�, wM WOO M SUN, # . .. w AllrA It AM o El A� n .1 „r w t# eye � a Amu- ti WEEK GRAN 'TOTALp g ,!Fg � ARE AORE WCCKfWe jt#(OAy aft. tOTAL 10A AV E WjEE,K0 Aq PEAK fW r yn WtXY PEAK OWE 1 } ” . coftivol#4 by : 1 . CITE' Of CARS ORE* VEHICULAR VOLUME SUMMARY uFlu o. oe�LOCATION , N DIRECTION W * "vy* LANE$ UNTE � COQNTEA O. ROAD/\qf.AT14ER t tw l SAS. WqAll w 4 -6 a 77 .. ��� ERAO WEEK CRANO TOTAL WEEKDAYWEEKEND kvEp &"'* Use a' .+�. '6 k � WEEKDAy GRTOTAL 3� PEAK 14 . WriEKDAY ft PEAK 14 Ssf s CITY Of OARO ORE. VEHICULAR VOLUME SUMMARY LOCATION L,4& ftp f E � + No, A COUNTEDDIR � �# COVNTER No. ROAD/WEATHIEN CONDITION i _ I Frill wco OATS SAT. N MON, Aaatw f Kr 4-6 , „ —j. 4 WEA"s„ WEEKDAY TAA WEE K Al' "Y :R AK HN, y PEAK O , oy ..�.�a � Ct ORE VEHICULAR VOLUME SUMMARY STA. FKA,14 low LOCAP004 4, r 01RECTION OF FLS ROAD We rR O I I� w� G r MON F � r l We a � h AV W ' . WF � . � W' g Ay $fj, -tO T WEEKDAY E C" i C A00441 400 1#04�0000/ 444, ,.; 440.*w Woo Jr 001 WA014414 i 000440 W4404 441 * *0* *1*. 4*,*/ moo ev s SOV t*ry 'Clotwo Of ours *044 CONTACT# '89 0091 lawdiate 0X##Ay Clornot 3 Our UWA will Im t10604 to through traffic for 040 k b "t*# 000� # 1"I. Th's elosuro to t*4utr#4 for f I f portion of thoroadv4y botw000 Su 113th 04out #M 11 1 . 14t #0100d to us# 01tor"otorout the 0* Ootour of*## 1 P104MO p#r4o# smy tot baro erotmeA by ro#4 closure. 3 ,�P 2 . 3 -4471 3WD S , � PWIAM,OR g7 1,407 Oatobor '7,# 1907 .,#. Ash A a or"m E TRANSMIT° tori Und r 1004fatt COVOr V4 the following i fnc Stop Drowings E3 Plant m * 0 soormeationt 0 copy of t tt t tj chl,"Ok ortiot �tt Ate WG, OeSCRIPT04 tittattovs"t soot to propletty ovoWs <0 113th. ....,.. rf K Af W As o400d botow" For approvAl Approval si qubmitted Resubmit ries for approvol For Voir U" Apptavitil st noted Submit -Copies For rf ttrbtrrrtt tr Ai riwouest#d Pettirmf for corf#ctiont Retton-.Comer tef plant For review and Comovott "7 vowel# UAfMc* POR 8105 DUE lg €COPY , "A" x sy ;nRt ,u.l ri(( � 'I"INp�Y" +�MWiW,WAIWWIMMMXMNiMIVIY. ///"A/� ITIAI'/�n, f �`"I"%; wu ,�iwuiaill4,n�i4guli�piti i1��;4 wit Y Y � r oAllyoto torth,,hoot *,ttl odl ft 00110440000 00,0"q# oropok, to*vitl boqimiaq, of o►, poift iA the sowthO-- 1 + whiou posh �$ t, oftho ' ' h ` s -I wiit of th, »Orb) lb"OO 11009thr M oilat on, oo0 ` w QW,of tows Illi ' '° 00 rw ' vw so t" f t is tom 44, #*4404 r r{ 0 � vtt tato" onsoo tot Orr + may. Y 'der Y 11 - ',; MA IWw"lot 1 ' ,DTICUA* va MAY it PAO of " ft ' t ! w Wost right-of-way lien of said S.W. 113th Avonuo, Of 675.41 feeti uv.� North 142* Wost 10.00 foott Thenoo North 001101'0211 West parallel with * S.4. 113h Avenue. a distanot of 625.05 foot] Than*# Northwosterly #Ion# the are of a 25.00 foot tho 1#0 (Ow chord f which bear# ftrth 0005151* West 3$.32 ) 3t#.22 foot; There" South 840SV210 woot Porallol with 0444 Durham Road. $44.56 toetr Thoraco 14orthwootorly *long tho or* of a 522. 6 foot radius curvo to the right ftho chord of which bears North $64431460 40.42 foot) a distaocoof $0.45 feet to the point of boqinninqcoutoininq 22,560 squaro foot of land, moro or loss. St 14 to Reed v x O ' 3 ' 12 "s r O "as WSW" � ' t � � —0i VI ' 40, "Al, toostiao 60 so, 00"to"toW o"ot U00 too With tho * *0 *r Ot 40,04* t w 000006ts f " 4004 " '00 tlkt owto*0oft ot ANON s *4 040 000000t tO, %**W tbo is o o ` oto All Ali'+ $O*t ' t olu � ot h *.wwuttt * 400 A l i x ** stoW lo "to 0 * W 0 # tho 404,400s, 1 40 040, MSN* t. to to, ot000tot * it's 44,7 to by i dowtsto 1*gip out 00 Ot i ' `mow it tht "" " �1 "t01 " ' SY 4"trot,-* 00 ., t ""` ,, a� �,W6�Siilta54v'& lxeuUuiueau dRdu,r,t.ua�tYevlrvbuti�.MVldtkLm1JvaM"tl �M w... ,xmp J�i i� Ael� r x l�r��w ,w�r� � ' ! --ww,ww►w wwwww lwwwrrww Www 14111 nythl o W this joitpumotq to, `lh,# tooto , ww�lth;w�i►�wdl�w w t r� � y raw rdAg Who lottrowlt ww+il or owhitowit tho 0 "iww '000otoa #ipw to ti�lll�� elll�ww,w!� Www r www of rwWwo *00 wdrw► providod Nut 6t muo"M *40 A fiviolUt to 04`6000's 0064 404 1h1 All tlwwrww 1` ww4 m4 thole t0tlkool *o*ott,wtwwwwoetot s *66 WIthlo tho d*$4s4hW wW~ 6) by Oftfoso., or 00tol"I *04fot. or 100~wrMArwwr�p liw�Mrwdrw` "` rw wwlww t o 000#rty 0 a000wo + r w«r lliw www w w rw O d www 4mo 00 thww A r It to too uso 6t 011; 0004so of tho AM& owoommotw #*uot wwhw* 0-040*04 his 04000#00, Orww KO Nor w 0000004, 400w o drwM *40 O *oot way r wo0we o rww toro,wlthth tho 04016*4 004 . , `1 ii"tio ra w rlw 11 oil 40 tl 4041V w wwrtto '*04 molotsi r rwewww�w www i l lwlww rli ,w wwil +►rwwwwM 000011 006mottv "Ie w#ww P wtof*'to 1 i 00l r oom w o *wy 0r1kol lot ti#406 be +w o'0 hwovowww woot Pion, 110M stoiloltt4s# boll41,00# ww44 othot os) r `i r w +wwwlwVlww a th'I"w *6 d rl w*%* l 00#4(s), vihl wir d(Aut*04 by tho 0oottNothmor oulmooslito of 0hotmeo i! or +'0000, or 004M 000411 too ot"Mom. i SO% 00A to too w"Oto; lot 140 i�000 miwt ,l) ' wwww r + 1 - � rww l 1lr�w wl rw ow omits o * WO r l w wrwkr r t r lww �i� l +w r twonowoloo of MY11 it, 10MM to iiw rr�wi j w� lwwl�wlww ww +�w«1 1 � +ww ++�r wwlw+��wlwww� l�` lwl�rl�+ew �f wwwllw ww 1 1 iwrR l�llwl l lwlw� ra w lw' r shill li w" 40#01too of, orrlwor 004MOM to 00"00001 ww a 000 , our r 1► wit6tow itwo � 1 !lw omoosoi W SAWN of too ww> rwi"0h* lM04 040r ut' 001*04wll,- hts llw* r '" -* ** 1004t 000006 SOON 040 A*"i *0000"i twoi tiod 0000 00 wwwow, } r r SANITARYPOAARMT thstmT 15.00 toot A $eras the coutorlOw dw- rib#A at fold of 4#4ittoing #tA point on tho tmotorlyright- - of S.W. Pacitto Utallway which Potot to 637M toot South * *11" WOO 004 South 00* " " s t 091.60 foot tiro O"rt*t coroor Ott th# North Itoo of soottoft hSouth* Ron Wont of th# Vtlj**ttt# W31" Vat 6SC42 toot; ThO'o *511210 toot O#r#11#t vith t Horth 1100 of #sMUettaft 13,, a Ot W"So toot to tho 00tat of t ift r C CIS 131 T1 w9" f .. .. � o" st OAS OP 000*0 J Ot Cow Ow", ; lopol 87030700 r mow Am mm AY T OA ALAUTS00 8 . � t 04 �t tta t 4011*,to 1.00 city of my of t td tt � � 4wriw Of sets o of Sobodulo X Att#ohed horoto an4 t. oot tttod hotoin by this ro orth'00* it is Sty b*t tit# "t tttht# tato or ionto tt tt t otpusolt tit* t # oot tth* t otosto Uwttots tt ftll t t t tt 004t wo"Vor, t o *out 4 4 obs "t t twat t* vith to * of t*b# fouut, of t #t + to couslu"Ams of tu uttos, t t it ttt tttt # tt to* tttt t to *two: *413 *ill tt tt le tt ' t tit tt tri to tho otwot*' tllttt *O04***4v* *" **#440 tt t t tit tth t TO MVR An TO 4019 tit tt t 144 #t *tom tit ort* tit of tt ' its tt*tit* t t town. Is WIt tett etwood t t to b4o tt t t :its duty ttt # t tt tttt tit ottiot V#1 " it to twlutiou ot tt of virottoro. The gasomont Addendumotachod horeto Is incorporatod herein by this tt t t� t*-vitt* too �ut STATE Of IDAHOtil rpt C000ty of Ads t� On this tit und*rsigood, Dubuc It ttt t od "Th"*# � #1410 #0 #* 1 to ter art th�ttwlot 'VItt �tltt the the 111111 thtt *torn t is los, M* thtt this *AIS Ittt #tet th* otwtt �l t ttt t tt t*t tla r* t� t t* 0ith stood t t they r* thorltod to tt ttt th# tail l"#t #fit *tkthe the *O#j #fl *t 1 t t titin tI of W4 torporow, WIThIM MY HAND rod tt Irl l 1 h#f#*0 #tilt t ter, path rod yot, It this t*rtltl fittt t f4tt x MY Oft til Ali 11141o, 1ho. t � tett , t of t U044 ell }u ,„, j, t�. OAA A -00 toot vu #tom , 000, t* ! to s*0 * � + ► woo w� - �Os � 0 to 0 trot o � - - i i r ;i "No 4 N r ?i '- A WIN Nam**& , 1. } 5. �u.t�<,awuiuu,t�aau �:.�utiusua;,ati�ruswv,� a w Orsrrtr't 1alwrwwa It too'* I` A,rryWtrlo# lo tit 1'ost+r�rrroot to tho toots ?� �� -rrtr�rW�llrr�i� �rrrrrtww 61tt r"Or000 two tnstrrrmoot01` r s ' J"Odoth"to iw* *A'lW s s to tho, diol-lt rlos 4#64100 r,w t. W Tho wwrw rrt r) hwwrrrlrr wrtirrm6rmwrr of 04 rrowl or* Oft0' ltur O'et"oo, wit rrtrr sho'll bo t to 4O#'"twwr'4 rusts satt Ow w 11 04 00# 040,04"t h4t wrlr r**Wr'WO oot w0000tt's 1 Wvltlrlat tho 410w+wrl w . rrt 60"(0) uy r rrrt rNr Or rwrrr "1r to"to Op O"o,44totssltt to this lir u 0 - %f*'Ottiol l , ll,, 616 t'b'Wp oarty OfOrwhrrtoo. Vit) rs'Attr #04 ttrr 060 00#10rrw r"*trrlrr th#,.00M, two full 0,06 0 u tho + efso# of, t w 0#4'el Otkomo#t O twtwt w 'sO* Oewvtos trlrw rW4'rovitwo pftoorty, p ld#4' ovrrr* 40#006f, will "O r1rvt *r bolkilfto br totlot rrrtrr tufo wrttlrlrr tlry dot rt w 00,4of t its + ww� twr thtkll ort 00, thwarts 0#41'1r 0r0% .#0 r wl tttrw stmt#«w Of"OtY Wrlttrlrr 00 440AW, woo* lrrwrir t ward shall prowly ftpsj�° 'rw ' 0'rw► Ito NOr r41tl rr 0ov, rvklrr 0 rrr t 0 lit 0010100 r lull s, . tri# woot 040 t o Isom t rw # 1a, w"00 m# Otlr r 0#10 tt �lrrw � Wrlttl WW1t11rW t11 t1 + t �w Ww �r 94 i; ltt r� by Ow O"steuttloo Or rr rl oo* of 4OWWO Vit+ Oy r rW w tlrrrll 0#4 to tt1 rr ltwr of tht Wwtt lrr O tett +Wrrr t rt+wltl 1 r rtr+t + » ttrwr t r**rt ' Ot Opsotoet Owts of t rt« tor► 1r woo" of 4000teotuoo of '64t'64tv 1 tilt 11 l t t rata rM tr1rr11r rt W rl l rttrw rrt w t * 01, rrrtrtrt rr 'ly 0464000 Wr1W1 �W rrrr�tt+wrM tr'lrrtt 1 ttrltr r* tlltll w111� rw�t�tr �1r�rrtr��t Ott t ��rrtrrtw ttr� t f; �Wrlltll wrtr rWrttr� WWttlttl t`1W+t ttr ,. , t'tt�t rlt ;i. 1trItot1r WWII rttwtl� rl�tr't � 11t1� tr ruty �t1,�trrsltl �rllrrtt *t ,, � �rtuwr1� � ,i ttlrl 0* ltttt. wtt tt i W%V" Mix 14 W*00 PC Octobor 21 108 city r Tigard P.O. sox 2339 Tiq*rd, OR 9722 RV T qTown* r J0 #1160.000 Doar Randys for nci 0 to tho storm *or design for T1 Ord T Squaro. Seation 300 of tho Plumibinq Cod# statooh d mt construction and o n h . *boll In cot ity with � 4 q pr to and all bo, of such charactor os to socuro tho r ult u h t tai by the h 4 q * a t d r v , ,# t h into" f t A y t � Agnitude of TJ r Town# aro be fog n tho Un for* u c ` . r d lqn 0010 the n ri coy i ° tion N "tnt of tho Pluabf"q to 00ae up vith an acceptablo end product. Please call us it you havo anyhayriling this vattor. r y i f AN � kA ISO), 204 . . lv TWO,60 9790,1 4 Octobor 1, 1907 Doan Roiqhbors on 113th: Attach#d is hi-liqhtod route of the SchOO1 busl " W#Stwood will havo opon Octobor 7, through Octobor 14, 1941 whilo DurhamRood is C10864 for construction. WO ud like to #Xtondto you tho use of this rout* as n alternative to traveling ovor tomporary surfaces At the intersoction of 113th and Ourhank Roa4. Tho lane marked with either conos or othor typo of markers. Construction will he going on Aroun4 this Ian and crossing this lane, so P caution: Tho lane is not a public road. We art providing use of thisroad as a courtesy so you may avoid the tomporary surfaoos And any injury or property dataqo resultinq from to# use-of this road will bo at tho users risk and, by their use, the . aqree to hold h#rmloaa and iodevoify the owoors from all resultiol liability 4nd dqm Sncl tA) r. Ai s bitty w M Project fna r W CC s � r It 0 � „ a t a ` �" t� d• , jo 400 Al Wt ir . " .. 'ei wo`. g A, .. �. r c s } " A, a °��. "��";, v. a Ceara „` c � ........... .I...... .................... �e-sst �sq ,.........,........I..... \,ssps, M et"lls,T, e, 7" .. . ......�7�ee, 'A e I ........... se; te'e,Rell", "s"I"': e I'V tI e Re"', Ie ........... V, ee,t,t, e f e e e"'I" III,Vee,�et� I . ..... t,eVe s �e es: ,RV,te s","I ell, f"t"se, Veese .......... ll�,:fl eel feIt tees se eItl e:e, E te�,,e "It, el, V s e, A J, V", �e, I s t-e te", sl� R ;Ve Is e LIIIL�e VI tet, ll�;�, 11 ,ez, e V- e VII 7 '77 teete'' P�I,W I"I Aw,4,t,#/# X0010, 40, 00f AN 4 MWA MET ��ee� ,I e rol "14"", JOY c00%", *4f#,4 (0) so. 0 T" YAO woo fstook O"OW) Ov 4 a WVWWOW MR t, "."OUP, �,-Jlww,*,O,, sw""""', I (0) 40* (V 400001 "0 eet"e" te, tit' ' $W144 to) 1000001 06OW"1400. tow,IT Of KAY'101000300-40, M, Pee It fell oolow" 'woo 00" 9w, 044-, %YW Alp" ....I Ott",0 00, 0, 00" 1110 "A** owl* AW "W Oumm ro"Moo, 'Ale, too 00 00WO", 'to Mu to M0,00 0" SACK W,YOO A lot too 000 *f"40 tow Ivoo 77 .......... *01 AO"M 410"WO 004 OO"%KLt#* w Ooftclttva now. 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"` �,, " " ;'„ 11 ,,, ,,. 11 VL.� 11 " „ , " „ ;,;" "'�;, �.' r. ;;J' i. l " ,.', {; ,.,Y ,.j `'v, .. 1" :, ,... . ...,. .. . . ..,,. .. ......... .. ........ . ......... ...... .. ,, ,,.,. ,a.,,..., ..uma,. .,,,.ava:.. ,.,,,, >vevvauaaw,vv.,.w ,.,v.,.fxi ay.,v. .a„ rV.va.,aa ., ..ua.,,,. ,,,m,,.a. „.�.,� ,:x.,,m.,...,: z.,.,c„ :w.w ' \il tivfuy,Y,,,a. m3 ilk, s£anr aww+wiwa ,swe`1ssai ,.4i',.„u.: •,iu3 a2 ...<a „<.: n\ ,.,,,,, .„.,m .,,. , -.. ,,.,, ,h ,. r R TIGARD CITY COUNCIL AT TIOARD TOWNE SQUARE 1. glizitates siltation it drainageway fro% parking lot to downstream proportios. ;. Mops all stroats clean of mud and debris created by construction traffic. 3# Allows access across site during Durham Road closure 4. Allows for controlling storim water runoff into onalte collection _y S. Prevents fro# flov runoffacross site to neighboring pp 61* Provents contamination rock ban#. IMACT Of RAVING T10SQUARV 1. Paving will Increase vator surfaceelevation at culvert only 2 2 inch## in tnty-five y e F� 1" a . i ENOINEER6.411 INC. LIEVIM 3421 26th'Vit. , , M4134 M 97302 T C M nWt ARE SENDING YOU Att h _ Under rat+ ov vs „ , ___th,0 following items: k; Shop drawings Ej Copy of letter COPIES 00r .� (fir R f ht �m w a .. W......... .......vim., ." .n www, ......��„�� ..,...v..a. �.,.,...x THESt ARt, TAtt° ` tied j x for appmyst APPtov#d of mitt €t «.. fir for opproval 'For your ost 11'11 ppr ,,,..,.. copi#s for rostra -_ As t rt x I R00MOd for r rr t€ ;` a t r ...,,,...w.w HM for w COM tat 1 e iA OWY ftitwit,OR oftni 31 a m * "to (w t. OA at : dot yw,�` i° 001" 010004"but ., �� x �tt. "fit� 1 b ttt1t t, t MAS �. OF ' 4 3/4'* STEEL PLATE W/ I DIA. V 121 t Y—Z. =PULL 14OLES CAC14 C140 rT oor W ,i �AInt to -* It y 0 It w u 3 toles fe t SECTION n un a� . „ t ( SOL-10 o"Allte CATCH WIN s , 40,4 r t 4 , 'r CA+e �1�4'�ar tr � 4 a At ss� „ « r ixw ua« m� oo� sM` r t x �a �... AL r � �u a i. , � r E ' 0 Jq IL ONO t L V4 , h 10 ST N jt 14 a v F 4 E w i x " w s VA- k N,4k*tY*l%AOk VA t" Al� ,44,� &A Oil, vlk k fk� k\lf I C A*1WV`a t 4101A lk,it (,A�A U44AA 4 -` F , 'CHILI WHILI YOU WT out MY" idoll, /* ­ftt AS, Tt L t f 41VINI V njo, ,ewe L t A(AN WANTS tO SH YOu VIA *-W, j le 4*4, # Hargarot and *urge Ueoz 16550 S.W. 113th Tigard, OR 97224 Septombor 2 , 1947 Tom Ori4n# Tigard City Council USArd City "all 13125 S. . "all . Tisard* OR 97224 Dear Mayor grunt This totter to to rogard to the Tigard d Comer's Oil for their .Point Soured ". the City of Tigard and WashiftAtOft COUAtY On the cohort on 113th, only to bo told by the DEQ that this systom will be totally inadequate. Tho time to curd this problem is now. This loner is to inform you that we gill hold the City of Tigard and Washington County Liablo for arty lost of our lights n And #11 dam to out Well , Irrigation System and out . Wo vitt tako APPropriato m #sums to proteetn . ra truly, George Aeoz 1 bill "O'"Ahan Tisa *mix City couticit a Date P-0. 40X 70343 Weather Eugone OR 97401 Time Contractor trittor 9�Cr4tor CITY/Distr ionSWX ,. Condition Sanitary,,-A-,,, Incompteto Condition f manhole (_— STORM----Reverso, run of manhole R 00 PC* type Join-t- no it "� �� TEE/WyeEM TAP .... FOOTAGE " EE/WYE, ��.v ." PE JOINT GROUT GAL FOOTAGE JOINT GROUT GAL FooTAGE 401 i0l ------------- `' EE/WYE w , u JOINT` PROBLEM (S),. SEP TE JOINT n.w(P)PROTRUDING, `AP. CRACKED WE 4RoX0 O Lt (g) ROOTS GA (1) INMRA " N 0 op Phone (503) � � nor ( 50 3 ) h6-A278 IAPF, P.O. bOX 7034 Eugeno OR 97401 Tim Coote O CI ` " � Condition � � do f manholo STORM Reverse ruo of manholo IVA ot �� no GE TEE/Wyo PROBLEM/ TAPE FOOTAGE TEE/WYE R EM TAPE JOINT GROUT FOOTACZ, 3010 GST CAL FOOTAGE T SEE WYE t 3 MT PROOLEM S SEPARATED JOINT P PR T U .v TAP C CRACKED PtPt ) UOKER WE 0) HO t, A TS 3 GRAVEL t Phone 503) 8 - 7279 or (503) '686-8278 cam. TELEVISION st,9PORT F Z '' - SOX 7034Voathor Eugiono 09 97401 Time Conaractore .,.. O CITY/Distr Condition Sy , OC condition Reverse run.of manhole— u, typo ng H" n FOOTAGE TEE/Wye a �� ���E MOTAGE TEE/WYE RETAPE 9 JWNT CROUT 0 FOOTAGE _ f -7-r y T `EE VYE J JOINT PR EM M SEPARATED NT P K TkUD N TAP CRACKED Piet IN PPE NOLO ROOTS GRAVEL NPUATI N p A ALIGNMENT (503) 648-7279 or7 ht TAPE KJIN ` P N . 40X 70343 Woother Eugono 09 97401 Timo Contractor U, ob rot 7 /District ov Condition, Sanitary knt C "clition f manholo STORM. R run—of 4,40hole M'H no PO typo jollitMH no MACS �� � RL TAPE � �� �� PROOLEM/ TAPE . x OINT P T TEE/WYE M JOINT PROOF S SEPARATED JOW TRU NG TAP CAACK90 PM MOKEN P pr #Ott 4 gooTg c GgAvtt 50 644-7274 o ;J 686-8278 TAPE fty P-0. SOX 7034 ZU8000 M 97401 Time Contractor � CITY/District � � Condition f manhole ST+ , ..... Rv f manhole r oat MH 0 torw%Poo - JOIE oRoUTrOOTAGE A TEE/WYE ( j0jNT pk #LgM D JOWwTRUDING MACKE PtPf: #X0KV# ptpt ROLE R f(OOT Phone 0)wi) (tas-7279 or TAPS SIN A f vow i dos 0) 4 n 3 r 0 "Its- s z � s 7 a � E U)MO 00 *1-4001 city ot 4 Wt TRANSMIT Aftat4d Und#f j0p##t0 cov#t Vi tate following itoms, 0 Shoo Dritwinooumpj#s 0 Swifitations COPY Of L tt r Cat,4000 Ord#r DATE It 9 JL3# 14s r Approvolr d 0 Subtflitttid bm0t Copies fofjoptovaj For your uSo Approved 41 noted Stjbffi't COOC,tOr distribution tj As roq " ttid cl Artur"Od for r rr tiatrit "Ott"" Cotrorted talent For r4 . FOO BID$ U ix trj 0411 00 Owo COPY'r � '' , Septomber 21, 1987 Leon and Mons Stool 16440 SW lith Avonuo Tigard, Oregon 97224 Mayor Orion atul Council Momberst Sevoral months ago I came before this 000noil about the oil/#and filter systam that Norwood Construction vat planning to install. We knew then that it was "totally inadequate". Wo informod you, the Council, the City of Tigard Ugineers# and we met with Westwood Construttion engineer about the Usigo. It has taken us this long to final, got one to say, "Yos� you are rotten". We have toot eted WAI& fe,44ral end state officials about our concerns. They ii ii reforro'd out coneos to the DEQ. On Septembot 17* 1987* the hoozo and we met with Abort P. Usumgartnoq, Point Sourea Specialist of Water quality Division fleontug and Nouttoring Section. Mr. baumgartnor informod us of DEQ's findings cng the filter syot being "totally in, doquatell during heavy rAtin period#. It was out uo4otut eoding in our conversation with Mr. Baqmgartuer that he had a lengthy convorsation with the engtoears and wto very o*plicit that it was "totally toadequare". 1 want to make you to of the Federal lav concerntt6 nth rmwater dis- charges which to set forth to Soction 4056 of the 1487 Cloan WAtor Act This law specifically pertains to municipal and industrial stet mw4twr discharges which this is. According to the Water Resources Departmont we have water rights and to good stao4tog. We have certain rights that pt teat us against upette"a Junior appropriators, It attributable damage occurs because of Wootwood DWIM00t, it would be a civil mattor� We also toot that the City of Tigard has tortain liabilities since they OK'd this project and thig filter sytton. We have just been informed that a car wath and filling station are botag 0000i4ar0d by Norwood Construetton for the Tigard Town Center. Wo ate asking vhore will this water gol Which *took do they intend to contaminate with their wasto watet? We are asking that the City of Tigard take a **toad took at thio projoet and not all Westwood to blacktop their parking lot or rode Durham Road uottl this ttot I* totally rosalvod. Itank you, M000 And en steel ............... a PREVIOUS Y . olww 4*4imit (its [ ST Mj ,. f f t^eUsi Mottoes A.N MON CHAW419 10. rad t l r rrtr p : br 17, 1907 FROM: Ron Hanson Lala irrt f 113th Avffluo Ay Wast `)turf Cc,,*n tr°roc t,l.rart t rcc1 rrrt rrt rcc tura r, i t l rrg of rr rr t aac cl G0ra t.r aac t l a rr r,,O c 113th Avonuo I Off0r' YOU thO taallc. irrg information, Mitre Mill cont r;trrct crag carat deet A90 roc r°ctl.rrg A rrcrttr,cr of lrr r° c°tl,crrr or c'it. tiOn for' Wotit acrd c t 0 tee arl r ra rattrt,,rr z ("Jo ir*9 of 113th rrc hick procb,irl ct tOo otailt�tpll err° ark without notifying t<ta trrllc� t to r°tur ret ro rAin 'ararjrarrc.:y Sorvices, I SpOkO Witt' MtkO Orad ;tohn Hogma t inforrlrrt t.h0-1rr that wo would frond to t r�40" 11 it<",094 tho violation ler ordor: to v,lto, The, statutog 1 rof rrod to at that t.trratr wery "Orcrrcara ttol racl Statue t33, t criminal ccxio 11 A tarn tr ,r tt earr MjAy ar r o t atIt'"" tarn r vara ttra rz ArIY cA r l mr r ct .,l t t= art pr racy. t,,)f luta PrIvato Visor°sari It tho privato arrr ort has robablc c ars t(a bOliovo tho err r°pa led true°Sari ct,,Amittod tura c°r.imo- neer )rd o lcaoirra at trrar,r r p t a ter 1, lea Committed ler neer tarest,*rrc e ter°wale to r so Poace otl'ic or� #*Ay atrvat upt"Wrt probobly re ek Only the f(A I( lrrt not committod t tr b l /trema ter° rrc, , 1 fuses of folonys Class Arrrlrra �rar 1, Rockloss driviruj C DrIving tjrWer tf,# lrrlrrrc ttr 1. :leg vAlt.l usporwtad t )Qlr4 Ot ttrarrrtat:l ret to oludo A, ural c r�r t lc°crr, Drl lrrt) WhIto a tr tatt m ffol t, Any trttr r° offoricot,xCt,pl tr&fTIc Infractions Owrp ter ter rt t. tr este t canal finp, fort ht) ur , uspon torr ear, revoc�: tlon cit llr rr ,,t POACO tit f i c o r s.,,4 a err entree r° cif, tiers 0#,090f, Stato pol jco Ur Short t t r finer tr tel. r Nf£shall, Municipal tacrl,if's n car° InvostiqAtof, of tient cr°t rlra l c,t #tcN tof tiro orcarr Stato, tl r°tt"rpt of Justico, ,. The offorrco of trloc irq 111th Asrorr o by Uwstwood Construction OrWlor its f ub(70 rt.r ctor pro faun in tiro Orogorr of k o tiodo, Tho violation trr otoo ' c�orrr oras 000 or, mor°o of tho follo irrq t trsto ,, AV W Vohiclo tiodo Soctian 010,430 wovomorrto of illogally par otf vok lock police officer who firms a votilclo parked or standing upon a highway in violation of 411 ,titrft, WSW or OIL= moy movo tho vohiclo or c au it to bo MOW, W OPS VOWS Code Soc tion 411 , 130 impeding traffic, A Porson commits the offon o of impodiog traffics if asst Por on drivos a actor vohicto or Wr irr tion of motor vohiclos In a Donner that impodos or blcwks the normal and ro too trl.o movomont of tr ffic;; 411 ,550 frloc:os Woro Stopping, a t ndin , and par k i ng frrotrltr ted Sub oc t i carr 17 "ors a t hor ouq "°, d, 411,S70 imProkhrly Positioni"I Parallot porked vohiclo violation if rtron f r :ing tlr t right hand cols aro not within 12" of tho right trey curb or shouldor i o Mills, John Hagman rroct l slid not witnoss tho traffic is infraction, nor did any chat r Erni to citkon om l« oo of tiro Citi fdon't know if our Police tiofrrac tsrront. was W i f for or trcrt . Givon this, I offer you crr°ogon Criminal cocio Sot t ion iii a 10 privAto person may c.osrs enc o action, complaint, orvic o of" ras ions , A privato por on mAy c;osrrrrsorrcv an oction for rr traffic cr `fvaso by c0rtil`001 to tho c,orrrfrl lot troforo rr magistroto, clork or doputy clork of taro court, the complaint must include a rvason blo boiiof that the pwrson c°itoc CO ' ittorf tfro CrWO/infrOWOM, ThiS rOMO Pr°`Oe.OdUr'cl iS U404 ors ru)u te'affir, situations, i ciao+ you Gond John's vs, Mr, (ienv rc— r. Nowth on VWro torso Court, I could not vorify t lro substanvo of tho i,)mtrl i rrt and as s i t ori Mr, john's in Signiug taro caorrrfrl fn , t did havo ttso identity of the fror°sson cr lroc,t.orl of a vi0tatiOn of tho Laity of Titeard Codo t',rr ore'rrrront Yetion 7,4W04004) coneorniot,'4 aoiftlfls disturbing, If o eats irlont.i f tyro ro on i tr t o f fr'. fa rr°t. in tho c1clsing of 113th rronuo, tho cos frl irrant could sign tho c oopl int, and frfro r} as tfroi ttrosIn wor t to GO facts of tho infrc t ioh (traffic), t 11 O Onc lose cOP10of Aln flagman's corro porrifonvo with Wort. :roc ikon or stion dotod somottwo aftot August 14, 1997 - tho allogod date of tiro tr of cfa i r°o incident, tto W tho body of tins tstrt;or°, john Addrossod tiro incident end clo ocf with "Ploaso taso stops to assuro that soch action doo net occur" Win" 10 now frcrr suP SO sighfutj of o complaint assn i sr»one e cif summons smatkof "Wo Ne crhAnged out rrricd , pro°ro ssooinq you in court:", ltoo"t; you agree? frloo adviso, cc: Ool R "O of1t tri"1€1^had Read Roost John liagman Of ,° 14t* Sttvou A. Ward, P.E. V000oh Rogttko#riag 3421 25th sit tuft OR, 91302 Tigard Tow## Squats t °tu Thlo t tt t to to r##pOtts# t Yout t t, 1987 t uu t t t City t tot t thyttt it t t t uu tt tt ttt t t ' t ' It for taut Tt# t u� t tjttu This 1044th tt tt tt ttperforoafto s000rsueost ho oht#1404tint tho tte uutyou thin oath t #tug W tt3ttu + uu phot t t ttu* tot * As thyguov t t t At t th currant t t uu 113t 44 0 i ttt f th ttu + tt A"tt t t to 100 M - hOttt *ftor thst t t thot t tt tt t�ttt SU , ttodtctt of 113t uu (County or City) hod th# aurhorityto I#su# trout o rott * tt of OW 113th uu to o4dor tho Jurt's4tetionof V4#htA4t0A C uu"tt. Ve tnfonwd both tvo" 4nd Vo#terh that th# City Ott authority fromth# Countyto j##o# tt t `tt t tt tttuu of Sw 113th Av#ftue ttut tho City h#d #mm*od. tto tit faprovtog tho colvort 00 SW 113th Avolftoo would hv## to bo issu 04 by tho cou0ty. Your "tttt"" for r"000"Ag OtAff tO t ot thio co dtt a tt tt tuu It uu COOOtY PoWt 4pprovol Ano do## suet ttY *ddt### tho ttk to dovO#tr#,#,* tit Pitt cWtUct 00 Aoutd ItOu 1h uutt ody S clartto .. , ttuut t t 06/0,43,0 eel 40th . . West000d corps WWM MOURNS Mt. C it TTU # NO$I t i Sapp r 16, 194 i Mr. Rand clarno cityof i P.O. box 2, 39 Tigard, OR 97223 Ut Ti9ar4 Towne Square ao #1160.000.0 Doar This latter will contim ourr ,, 1047 h convoy n. i our into h Road for griod not t c . t 7100 .am October 100 . . t r 14th. Pleas# call uo it you h y quoad a rogardinq this *atter. oroly* C" SU R W Oct wostvood Co oration valloy Pi f E w,1 �yy Aflu t4f,"D Y (;,fit 4 WRL CLL AGA* WANtS TO SEE YOU Bast# YOU W01 Out , . .... CALL YouP MA Witt CALL ACAIN a �t� My- soptolsbor tot �p �y t, Mot �t Dovolop*ortt ktojeot M* of Wvo O *tion 061-f"6 3030 Sw M004Y A Portl4ndt OK 91201-4897 . 1 ' i and Comer - viii of Ai BUST 87-05 Dear Ms. vollsot The Purpooe of this letter to ori status report regarding coadtttona Of 4PPt0vSI to the uni.i n , arousticai study and rti i ioti n n s si Stat r: Pit bo ))I city COOdU100 tho fty 6# 1#41t torso Decision t*4ui t , ii i otti i " #U*,, Tho otudy was suWttod , i 'but this 0*04 ot*t1loorlo rocowwond4tiotwoint ill i i � boou riscojv*4. tion# i ivill, tootut curio r W4 Plot #0 r"omoomtoti lin #4 *thodulo tot i Piot it you h,*V* *UY 4U#0tous. E i„ s 044 1 sl t{ 7,,?S S it R1 t(.rn t R8 ,:'Y 1, . 1. ,'M:1}}s 'y,l.0 2.?/),i9 tCt Y I..f\I:P r{n ti"e:.) r Y'"^T'A 1�".^fii", X n zm2`, @� Y° }N)7i t{'; (, ()t �i(y ( r t 1"')"?"I'll,.;,,f 411,;,rN s r/ ,(,'i ' {,ss�il'E/t)4 �� \f 4Xlrl�7 )f)t�3 r�}, 1,)fit' s\})s rflr(\f.;..( ')St trt �ir,r1111111` x f ) ( s )` r t ( trl� �); r V II , ( -;r ' \1175 y I , Is"s y}, kt T'i( f ly i}!' j),\ ,; ","'', " , , 3 5t4 �1 R" 2.{( d ,,, '}44 111I4 yo1 rIt( s{ t j, j. s)i ,' III IN itlfcf f! 11 t is tS\ V' 11 ttyf ), 1, to ',fS 1,ir- {u 1 \) S,�bP)n,u t�(f72 k5{ 5/ t i v t s !4) ' t 'it/ r t t>N yav, t , ,re{, J t(yr t Su MSSf'S7��.+�d4N1(u+Pl`itgR69jNi�1Su)v q a n' 11 , - 11 ttfr\ IN, d ((4 !t}i t jffjt% fl `��,,�, �',,,...... 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Prints 0 soovl" D SwM0004t C f later 0 Chow ordot, MX11 a,» z riT . ...� rot AOPMVOI 0 Apomv#d as submittodE7 it . uM,.w , 0t _ I i L) for LJ ApptovWcl t�. .. for distribotim for t t#w "d "*Ot »,. FOR MW our 19--Ll POINTS P(TOW0 AMR LOAD TO US F � � S 1 nS,,, C 7r.✓,k ) S:. n7nfEdr\R bif@sir s r r r:;�r rr j� tlfi +f+ t4 �t t� g4�sn41 u,, a t�Ekas r ile' 14 on; } r AAMILIA 1 \\ {{ t flow, t )(l t} y� { noa,t e # ahk j '7w! AA Am n y r: r i{i ` . r r s tt S i ( OW li 1001000401 pWo 4 i N r ('r (s WUM SOON AN f t , \ �m }?, t.Cr T+;`+� qn),::i )Y 1. :) Y Y i.r "' , ) R. 7<'''1, ,^'..A.i Hl r. r. »11' "r'f CR \.'f.^' 4 G 1.,1. T 2Y't r7\,.(sC. (4 (St SY ,7 7 r 9i'1 F7'7`R1?r"i. ry'R;.0 t'^!'t' ::> ? : ..Y"'Y r, .. }YS 3C,..f"!`.... , " :,,. 1 Pl t..>„("" "1l1'P ,7"i' ! ( 1 +^`+f^'T'2Y "i„. 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( 0-0 \h(> 1,0IJt f4,, rl )+}, fUWr r) f r r p(4 r ���t\4l\ }11,t,\\ f51>,7 tf , 1 ) 't 'f J; 1 Y 4. 1 , \ i ) f rr „'11111 11 11 t'; ( rf { , , , ,(} fi 1\ 1 ( ,)t 71 )f t1S\ t t l !t f i '+ \ f r;,1r , 1 i. ! ; G ,(�r > lfut +tP+f,s f.t ,i f J,,t lr rl f.,1,,.,.I,/,t,>>1 to)S 1t 7r1.n(5t f t 1,tt,1 ,. +r(.,I .,h..( a,?f�t>r r (,,1 u l.,:.>N,,t,,r4 i,.(. /1.f,Jl,( ,r1 7 i ,,(, / ;';;< y t is ,,,,�,A,\.fi Sr tN>r,r S,✓/t;r 1(,u\..1 da!l+ ,"1\,\,}tt\lt.4,tr,f.s7{✓fr t r.:,f c F«,o tSSl a�X rU Sf lI1('.tl 11tJ tS( r , , rt s ( t , s.,Iq\\ ' ! \t k 11. \ i S ,. > , 4 , r... , ,, ! , ( s , , , t; Ai S t „i > S ,., , �. }t+ n. .,1, t. .,. s 1..f.,,),l,.+n,i(e.,J )'( , t1t E".,1), 1,1. ,,s �) ) )rn.....,.ri fflaf. , is IuQ 4 It,.)..,,l,.tS,..r. vf. ?+r.,tt v ,( awrl.t\.{. n, xr ,',.F,,... r: <,.r lll ! \S S, J,$).\ �t4 Yl! h lE t YllyY rl(lt.§?.)lSrtr rllf Yft.ldr yJl�I (�,1,{fA ){4t(s i)A(,b tY'( ,f ,y} ,>,l ,5,:)Z rl tl. `1 txt 1(1.: \ 'y., ( 1 ':�\( A ' t(r...r+ ', r 3 \..n ( f �1< Vis. \ rf, (, tI ,l ;S,.ft f',i ,\) '.is lfl\ t i t s , :..i,.} 1 r ) Sif t tus t.:. t\St 4'r ) V.:.; I;.i;r, rtfj 1 f4tl(;?.} g;..tt..FrY� ! s ) l i)( ,i f.r':�. r. },slr {. } �, „I , t\ , SJ,a..f✓. IS I , r i ( I f.. 1. O S ,t' „r , , t , i ( t / ,, ,} , Q, r r r,t ((� � > t E , ) 1 ) rt ,4, 1.1 1 ! f ,r ,5 �r t $ n AD ,,re r> tr , t 4/ f , c , 1 } , } r .{.,, ., I(nW'. 4 t..,. 4 Y,.b 4� :.ti t. I.{y s t 1 d !+x\,nr / ! t 1..\ t,1 ( l t Y tt 1, v,,, rJ ut ,S t t 2 1.. :,\, .t ,( P \. t t ( 4. r, ). f � ah k. t I , \. t, t{ «\ v , 1. t ,{ i. i t.,, t „ , §, v n �, (. ,,r ! ,, 4.t,v ,t a )a ( a „r I , lA .7 ) r , , : t S r t ,'X \ ,£ ! tS t r 4 S w a a 'h, ft r } iii.: )) 1. �. 1. Ito 4.�,, t ,.> ,.), ,.r), i !, v 1, t.,.. )., t 1 r,r,1. �, l: , I ? ) } l,. e 5.,+. R i A tV�:.:a, 1)Y. f. ,. ,. `! ,..!\:, :t }l>Y�' , 1.. tt l 4 \, li ! ,h .f').. Y , hr,,r �,lP �.a..,�).lin.., !. {.. ) ,\,r. ,�n. ,A 4r 1„?..�. I Ua� s ,;:, s l � 1 ) �, {M1 , �t, l .\2, s ! 1 rY�NI: ( 1, b � >It yyn � 4, s �,t4� t. SR£ V f �f. iri ,i ..,....,, �.. ,.. f( ,t. r l.5. s3{..s {� . )l.. ,...a.h 51,., , t ' ,'�l. .S � ..w` ,...... u,r0(,41. �� l ,,,: 1 ,\,,, r i t,, ,� � le P t, ?� P a �V t , , t! \ z IC t �) t , \,1:.� ( 4 r f �� ,, ,. � �i >��h,,,t� i(! S t \ r r k ):� \ r r t 1 t r ,, It 1�1 ,r(r s � f 4,,: \\�4 t� v ! ', f )', , t 'h }. ,.. 1 t.' ,. ,.6 I ,. t l „ \.. �x , ( t ! f ,I l t 4, S t,,: I. t , ✓ l 1 3(i , \ A I t I � '4 ,. '.',f, t ✓,,( r. ,,� t). ,.. , ,. 1 t(:.,. t.s \,. I.: (..:� t,.,r., 1 t.. I s '.,,..,,it o : r t l t t 4 \ r \ t1 t 1,,1t , } , r 1 � ttr, 1. t � t. r ,' ! ,... } r.. i r' r :t ', ,. r 1"' ..,E 1., r l., '4 \ r t 1 v �, t , l ," �, { ,,r 1 t t ,. , r ,. ,, :. , R.. ,. ,( $.'1 l �, tt, r r.t� ,.s i. r t. ,. i s tr1.,. \ L, ,, { 4. , , s t s / i } ( t I tl,. t 1 i t , 4 I A t }1: 1S >, I 1.. , ,., t t 1 1'.l..rt Si\ f. .Ir \ 1. ..1. , r t: , , c., „tt l:f, z, ,, , �t. , V 2 , t,,t ,i f 1., ,�,v 2 l ,f I t ,L, ! t.. r rt , 1, 1,, r A s ,, \ 1, t, t s i, ( ) l„ Y f ,� (. 1,1,7 ,. 4,1 I ,' :! x,. ) t, F t {r t ) if 7 � f ) f.. �;, xY ,S/1, „1.,,, � ta} , i }.a. r,}„ � . Jrt, f r (, l ,.. ,tit, p r.),"., 4 >:,, } st t4 , ,1Y, !f �,), 'b,,\ i, 11 c✓+t,5 t,„n S,, t,"1 t4,d 4t ,{f IMM,.� # w, t,Y,of ,�.1,i.4u,Y >t),�}7 Jf? 1s, {, t� 1\ }, v ilu l U,e,(\l:,,t(,f, ,,, }}S, \Nlt F, ,.t. ft,J,,t.. 1 ri):r{ 4S,r,�\r�} f,.>n+r. ��` vjt,?�.,{,i,r }1 � },�u, a6+yltfl}s ,��,tt;i/��hl f'«!h 5'�1;\I�)b1}l,�t}1�or),,,t,i,ir{lE u ---- Septoobor 4t 1907 26 YOM 0(.*VWOO Mr. Stow# Wow wost#chE 3411 Isth stroot St , 09 91302 Tigard Squoro *moi fly lattOr of August 20, 1907, You soboittod a revioed etaicopta for Ourbam Road toprov000nts* Th wto lAlob "Prototrod Alton of Co. The concept v _ t Vitt tth# City coulmll 0'4 Augu#t , y pb traffic bot*0#4 eftstruetI04for , tAtIO4144 0#4 cootrol visa. 2 for Ow, Ourboot is 0Ott t ' 4. *tion for It for r000val of #dO S '``c , S#rule l4 "Agog 43426 sw . : Os 2330t owm 91223 -4177 �b W. ti. a WESIM9 INC. CONSU SING ENCINEERS, MANERS Wk Sopteabor 1, 1987 Mr. Rangy Clarno city of X 21,397 Tiqard, OR 97223 Rti Tigard T Square 30 #1160.000.0 Door Randy Enclosed i tch showing tho revised taper at the f 113th Street. Wo horoby roquost approval of this rovision in ardor to minimize any impacts to adjacent property owners. by griping a 20tl taper as shown, there is no impact to the tragi ling Ric by *along this phanqo. We tool the requost will be all * rovotent over the original doss n And n which s solutionafter r g tvani in the Ploase c411 us it you hove any quostions regarding this matter. rely, TrcR rR . ur In' ' n4c. #Von � . M03) X14 t IWO S W `W 9122"1 t '' WeSIUM ZKOI tef % INC R,I , P �. , 1947 Mr. Paul clarno City of igard * + BOX 23357 Tigard, Olt 97223 E: Tigard T square #1160.000.0 Doar Randy: Oh June 120 1907* n i wc, ud for T and Towno S t - h building Unc crd tho fOun ation for Albortsons and all privato fci .tios incd parking lot improv ntfor pry d hod rentor. t tom conditions worn *ado gcity n �h building p tn � of d t tO d4tO# we hAvO Z! d to all of those requiremonts. on July 151 ItV we received a riftitfor all public c . This included burham Roadsw tht ewer nd public water. One f the c n i , n those plans was that n could take play parkin lot until uc t was issued for tho 1131.h Avonue culvert replacement. Ma w4s a condition got forth by Public Works and was not A condition sot th the site devolopment process or through the budding permit prod We aqro*d to meet this condition Agsuainq W# could obtain acres t the Benz's to survoy on their property for said culvert, and Asru*inq the building pormit could be issuod shortiy after SUOMIttal of plans. TheCftK has indic4ted to us that they would Kandla all work throe h t county and the building t rcaa would a vela imply cdr . Subs oy we ave a Wa q � aunty require a flood p6ib dlptfor the work. blit notification are as requir �� � ' county eatimatoo a * Au weeks Will a nocessary to obtai" all necoopary public input. wo oatimat# the tits this pr0000s Is colftpletodt a parol will around Nave . 1987. b0cause of tho luno constraint, will bo it ossiblo for us t meet Public Works rr *end f a " " the Guar p prior paving. a haw of with the fi had have roceived approval to cow t th necessary topographic a y . w OXPOCt ub, to tho Count through thCity directed y our attic m tm t, , fir pts*bars Th unyl public otfca ion and ray ran should be 0 * tot near ud of t b . Wo a"ficipato b q "" q Pay �9 on tho projoet alto In aid- tuber. So f .Om*wl 9130« 501�*524'74 We hereby r met fr the P , nt be Works th roviow the C iton sot forth n th i paving could not c lot until b Avanuo culvert oonstruction foarmit was bt - CwIr reatons arm *gain oummarizod timing Of the construction peraft will not allow for thlob during this, Construction # t r d y nq the ontiro project until next ort which is unaccaptabl#. gthr tho alto plea review or 00,041tivelands conditions 4t ;P I t d any roquireaents of hAvinq the porait prior to beinq allow#d to pave the t . bd ft w by h City Dodding pr n i bout #aid nd t * Public Works desiqn, roview and permit covorsonly the public facilities. In addition to the above roasons.. wO by utd tho i*pact fi h h ons r prior c the culvert. Tho U taro ti Dot only h dui d vale for ando to d arca r calculation, ars sumaarized follow Q(2 so Its 64 CPS f o25 CPS We estivAto th *city f theexp ting Soo CX culvert to . bots n to t f level) and OV 6no backwater troo Tualatin) . Thorofore, th6 cube has tho papc itt #n 5 u yr . W bell " for th �td in r And d the culvert In t4r, thorn It Minimal risk to thof tx�n prod mins. W pr your cu id ration n this %Actor and d it P064WO to wo may procood with our achodule. #10640 call us it you hv , any questAos rogardinq this *otter. CA 191 1 INC. cc t R Woutwood Corporation STORM TOTING 113" MU Storm Plow Shopping c . TC 5 n. C UMOV61OP64 0.3 Area C Rosidential 0*6Aron is A C Shopploq Conten 0.9 Aroa 22 AC T91 MAL . .5 ig .is . . . i1 . h '. its 2.1 h . 9-M-1-cka.- 02 so crS,` 05 64 F 2 cps 2 p' ' 'Ito 1 1987 26 VOW Of SOAACO Wfttoch ring, Inc. 3421 25th S . S.1t. Sal 97302 Attn: M. Steven A. Wrd REt Albertwnls t With d tO Your 1 t 1987# wtwrein an alternative_ 1 City relative1 1tic Ow- crete overlay on SA, 113th A 'p1ease be **jsod that your alte'rnative Propo"I is not, wt*pted. It is our dostre th4t tho overlay on S.W. 113th Avemw w Co"ration 1n mmrdanm with item #8 of tho Sttwt De&cation11 * - Aqreement Mtod July 15, )947. In a related Iter, *. Also emlooWf proviovs ooresporulawe t tO thO S.W. VJr 1 y r nis unchmqea. - Ir Sincerely, 1 . n 97223 (660 -4474 Department of Environmental Quality *qr xtom, 3 11 5 w %j t�j AvfM , L )W (403 guar 24. 1987 r tfARI Mr, Tom Dixon Io City of Tigard P.O. so* 23 397 Tigard,, 97223 Rot City of Tigatd Door K ,, Dixots This is is response to wrist toy is you Submitted and to recent roptding proposod oil *tot #operation 40vieo# for tho TigoW Towa Contor . aptettlotIly, _ it *C0 of your #0hoittAlto a croso sottiolwl 4r#WiU# of a of fiord hole which ASO Bout fit Pitt# t**t tho 40twholo otir. Although thio 40444 W044 V 1, flo 1,44 o# elfish Oil ror due to it# #host roe 'ovoil# oathftot *CCOMWstious difficult. Gravity /watts loopttwors roly 00 0 loot quitstoot too# to 4110W of ri" to the surttoo of th# **tor. M I to 3 times looSor thm thty w . Coll oil# at# withor toutimmusly not hod rods of hith flow* RoC10004 you UI tiAA ok-etchos of ##Vortil soptr*tioa devites which f tutor for not bo owasidorod ' y thio vill bo of somo holp to you,, It you h n , plvase tool fro,# to cotitoet this offito at 220-5374. Sintorely Larry D. Ptarsen* loduatrittl Wtate togittoor Water q . . Diviolall LOP t WC21 46 Suci*our AUG 27 1987 CITY OF TIGARD DURHAM i m t, i#e}td> ' 9146400" NONATUCOMPANY 9. . E ` W e tMWO400AV"40W s Ook 639-1554 0* 0* 00 ow 39t7t 0 MIN 643-5454 X313 ovw 63'9-tooe 60 3 7 3 f c f-N Jowl& � CA 160 , t l* "**toom I t too 931 WO r _ fi-tt I W �� t ow t TH AVC ow 9umwlwleLv C AUquat 20 1987 10*11 WOstwood Cbrporation 3030 S.W. Moody Avmue Porti , 97201-4897 A Site ( .E. Cornor of Pacific niqlWay i This is to Verify, aas per your 'ot, that a mmicipal to ro"lation by the City of t Of v wlity will bo availablv on a first f 'Of Tiq"A ft0d - : f .m ty with capacity to Serve Toftacian 3 �� i r CITY Of TWA& MMOR tot Pbooroule mayor & city coufteil Aulgot 2 # 1941 Witt Lidex, So tot Plattmar SU SMA Ito,# h I#Vry Foy Tot-rill C011tor of 0011tot Wor Coro rogardlug the n tho Projoat Otto. f ty plata for tho requir,04 1000100 Of sty d Vxtit# tt qVoara tbtth j t ottachod plot 11tuatratoo tho WON# f tho **t*ttt* troop amA but ProPOW A tot mtotu Portiva of u M , 0110, thle arborj#q will 0001t Uo oubottttugr t trots propoitoi to by moved aad t list of t to h f the othor trots the . the Staff ouot appro" too Wort000 ovaly0t Prior to tho CROWD t: :. ..r -. 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A*x MA�NTAIN opfip�el ION, oll PJAINICA CON ... ........ T1, Rig,' im I Am "o wrt.... liq AT, 0/ 0!00, 0 0 0,00, -0 01 0 -12 —�v A 000* ......... 77 7'1 ............ CXTY Or TICARI), OREGON TO VWyor and City Coo"61 August 24, t987 F" Randall 0, Woolky, city Coqj"00 800JECT: Tigard Town* Squaro (Alhortson*s) The Dieettor's Decision approving the Tiq*rd Towoo Square dovolopmont inclodod a condition requiring submittal of an Updated traffic analysi$ prior to aPPrOvAl Of d#WtOd striplog and sigool plionsa Tho updatod traffic analysis was lut"ttt#4 it) MY, rrom that arAlysis wo dotarminod that tho original Pl^" did "Ot ProvidO suffici#0 stacking distw),cos for vobjejos Waiting, for th# Sig"^! 0M th# 00st APProach to Pacific "i9buoy, At p#ak hours, wostbound traffit- on Durh*m good might occasionally stock back into tho Sumoorflold Drivo i"t0r#0Ctf00 Whip w0icing for tho Pacific 109t*oy sigooL Tho d#v*jop#r'* 0pqj"0#rs havo pro #d sav#raj #It#r"Atjv0 dosigns for t00040r*tion, All but orae Altornativo has bo#o rojoct#d as unsatisfoctory do# to Capatity probloot or opor*tJon*1 %#foty probj#M# or boths It '*Ppoars that tho best solutio" is tho plan Show" by th'# applicant os Alter"ato "C" (copy Attochod). firwor this Altornato tho Wostbou"d loft turn tarw would be, oxtoodod lklmost to su"' Orflold orlv#, Era Wido"ing of Ourhom #oAd would bo notossary, noor sU#m0rfj#jd otivo in or to still b# ablo to provide an oikstboutW loft turn r#fuq# at SUW00rfj#ld oriv#, this d#$jq" appears to bo a good troffte solutfoo. U"f0rtuu*t0lY, th'0 aMT stt#Ot wid0iing will require tho removal of four #*t#U09 troos, Two of the four tr#04 would probably mood to bo ro*ovod onyw*y, do,# to thoir high potential to fall in a Wifid storml on# (if thorn It a doad "=u" Although W# hod boon ati"! to Saw* all romal"i"s trs, It app~# twat t1-00C c#PACttY is Of oven groat conto th*o tho troos, Thoref oro, wo pr000so to approve tho rovis#d st#-#,#t plan of Altlor"#t,# **C*, u"10,Ss teare is Counti) objoction, Wo will withhold approval utitil aft#r polust 11, 19#1, to, MkIlow on for Coutiril roviow00portu"ity Rocatuto of tho doloys isssociatod with this rodosil", tho t0flottutti0o tlosuro Of WrhAi* 004d will now probably occur aft#r tabor tiay. I would tw P10#40d to rospotw to any quottlorts you may havo about tho #o4ino"riml dostqo� CONSUOINGENGINEm 4 MNNE O,=X P August 20o 1087 Mrsn o City O X 2 397 Tigardo OR 97223 T bear Rndy Pot our aeotinq with you yesterday,, Onproli*inary dr*WlAq of thO protorrod1t rn for Vidoninq Ourha* Road, An *44itioual four troos will hovevort two of Aro r l r d for � jKoval.i t t t solutionj anyl Tutu ff k problems ou rb Road. We horoby request, our roviow wod approvalf this altornato so wo y rovi 0411 Us it YOu b'*'V# *ftY qU#atious r"OrdInq this tats sincerely, T Ise. z eaal Melo ur eel Mok Woolk Art . , .. , ;.. XO*A�'. .. oA4o4e, 0<1 Ile ,. 3^ 3 ..u � ,, 3,y • �� f ,3 if �. �.` � � ` � � _ drr` 5 vow n �! Ao F y� V. 4161 �? c 2rt- __ a IMINUMM INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS RANNE7 Aliquot 17o 1987 Mr. Ren n city 2397 Tigard, Mt 97223 Tiqord Towns Square Dear Randy Reforonoo is aade to our conversation last week r the Overlay Of 113th Avenue. rr n , the Contractor has budletod 3t t provide the final Trt of asphalt on 113 � vo discussedt we recormond in lieu of o tjnq ths 80000dlift in thorn 19841 Westwoodration the t h uo i Tho overly can cpt when f h r � . Two objectives c n be accoaplishodby tht City acceptinq thisproposal. I. The street can be overlayodattar it has t for ; poriod of time and axe sty of fur can repaired without tint t find hod Pr 2. The street overjoy will happen at the the revAindor of the otroot ig built oliainatinq any joint the pavemont and providinq for a saooth rid n uniform finished product. P10466 0411 t You have any questions reqardinq this request. Sincerely' lite. cc I CORO reo (903)50-2414 X14 I .n .r, *,. , " �, am �91223( )#64'"x 01401 C5 44$4 AUgust 13;, 1947 . Wooler cir i ark P* 2 397 Tiqard,, Or 972,3 RIt Tiqard Town ore Dear Randy: 90010 copy tri i� play slim with a r i rh � C n h constraint � i h t t 0 put forth, those aro bo the t appropriate altornativos for the pro we horeby roquost your roview and approval of 40y of th4 altornativot may r 010480 Call us it you have any questions r"ardinq this matter. Sid " l Oct Dick Woolk sWostwood Corpor#tion 10 *4"Of AM400 16016 SW 4004#4 Yorry IW goy Ok 91034 f p Pro* our WopfW40 cO*v*r#*ttOft r * I UU4#t#t,*jt4 your lottor of A ut rostrAtox 'Outkias ftotmwosboth f tit July 1007# Isnot to you * 1# 1401* t Wtd Otill ##,#d to bo, t th# City *411 t I for Duch** Ioad. k City eel ftp wod AUGUST 111, ,r X . Randy Wooloy City8091"Oor City of Tigard Tigard* O . 07223 1 Durham Road stacking distances 00ar Randy: This letter Is In s Out 0090in9 0090ti4tiona regarding m6ntioned #tacking + i n : . It YOU r0call Our c0Ov0r8AtIon at the 4une 7, 10#7 #ting i telephone conversations recently, i hav# ini4 that the stacking distanco calculations that Were provided to you, My V914y COQ Ai . y this l Mean that for the WORST CASE condition which will 00vet OCCu and one whote all tratfic w#t# its ono lane and only one lane* the distance that would be required Is approximat#ly 400 toot. l havo In is t d that based on my oxpotlenco# tho existing int nc t o summertiold and OOW Is in tact adoguate for the traffic proposed. So in order to n ti ly your onC n i have just r#c#iv#d 6 n capacity program developed by the Oregon bepartment of T n o t tion that fl4uroa storage lengths based on the new 1400VOY CAPACitY thud. Tboo# iigu os at# attached. Please notice that the storage lonqth roquired for the left and through traffic lsn , Is o i ' ly 400 toot# the same as i originally presented to you in early June. the only ditno 18 that this is for both the through and lett o n nd io was tot tho left turn only. the ODOT clultin not as consorvativo, as mine and thoy havo U$04 this program in mainframo votsion log many years. It you have any quostions# ploasecontact STOCIRSLyt AssoctAlfto TRAOSPORTATION 9001MIKSR100 A PLAUSToo" A RICHAM0 L. WOUX P.N. WPM Lem om'! ON Ono CITY Of TICA40 Oft" 'to "O"Orablo ftyOr and city COU" ii August 10, 1007` Randy Cit , i i . SOOJECT: Tigard TCO" r + i " U 'r �r tt i Ess#otially no chango, other than nor i conotruction progress, has s cvurrod with i; improvom#ots #Joico my roport last wook, Sanitary sowr, skwm drat"9c AtW r irq improve rets aro noor cowplotionTho Dopartmont o Er r i (0tit r. has roviowod tho privator r in syst,00i with r#speet to polluts"ti i tion #M will W soodiogrecoftondation soot*, Aft#r discussing tho Istuo with DEQ lost Wook, i r that toirvOr modifications to W#SU*xpro W/ ii 00parators will bo recd , for 4trovturos othoe n Alb#rtsoos will not bo issuod uh ii " kirk romaintog public i o ori *##,ur#d or Construct , (Primarily si stroot improvo"Ots to SW Mth AV0000 and OW Pacific iContinuod with i r r iota WOO. it n SW Our (rd a iMores$ Outstd# of the *inti iM Onto C#ttakifl traffic 'city rolstod issu#s or# ri Corp. i o MAke 1 "Otice of Wh#" thoy want to clot# SW Ourhom 40ad. "irri stn ' dr#j""# foorov*wnts topsistIlIth Av#ttU# CUIVOrt troth ii Within SW Ourhmo #OAW The r will rori. . dri t-004 ClO#ur,* ri iii h* itwir tip Liao SW 111th AV0404 Colvorti will bo Construct i in O � Oormitt for this Const i n yep 0 issuod, foil -- etftM bot ora r r+ i n , Cr , AM th# Ci i o Ottut on S, 1581, howavor, ArOA r i + n did nv*t Tho ftont's did SOM thOit 109#i ,n n i, r '3 n i t , i t r i Y dr T ii inu iu r o qui, approvals, storm drain i to dostIn t 111th Avo"00 rulilort Cors trot is i n, Stow Waw Wostoth Rogiatering, 13500 Sid 1144 Avonot Tigard, Ott 97123 Ut Tigard To~ Square a The origival tr0fitfor tho &1t*rtsoo#0 ShopIpUt Coutot d wa prop*rod by MP #a4 dated July# o opt Viso that Atte for the test , I v . o ott for tag of the t- * Tho *TV report *too that lyses o t the , fit statktug dtstaocos Could be prov1d*& bunt f Cho 40tollod 0040trutttoojunt of 1"10 vo r"atoted *44to to vyt1wta4ttk A �' ATO# tt *#Voatod to us tbAt the 0 4 t,4hYb64 40t U004 vttd* d * that you + with 6 . on August 5,, , you autoitt#4 a r#vtsod (Shoot 1961). Undot Cho rovtood Vigo# tttst4o the h, Urto on Duthat1,044 vould t* roqutrodloft 4t low. This d 1 # to ty optutou# prosouto an wwoctotoblo1 1 f0t drtvor eoufusion , hc # Aa uotte"t01 lovol of oofoty. Tho Uo# A1ch to tho through Ito* Upper $004#0 Potty 4 ft 1 (Over tvo 11+ loft-turo-ottly Una tit Cho ohort distatwo 4 114 1v* stW 99W* DrOors uefWlitrwith Cho %W000too tould%W0001 h000to 0040#04 #04 + fa *m1ouvero. the 11 ttv* *,#A M #44# to the potootttl f0t toofuotoo* thto 1 of the a6torUto at Ch1# 1we1 , 1G t for sift 1 h Ateh tml ho #'*#tly 004and qt 11ett*tftt 10 1 August 4 1#1 Cly toder# th# loogth of the g t- 1 1 * 1d oot pro*140 Cho otukto# do oto todUatmid ottlitt Ott A 1 * Oto- to Owtt boyood v Lo *r4 1987 ontr*oet to thoright-turn lane, th#raby bloektoss therij*t-tura *ad locre*siog the r#qulrod stack s theout tootorood thtt this pl#n provid## Ittat or no roto y to attomoodsto that trttflc srowth ohith to octurrinsww 10 tmf 0 * ts that #44th W1,04tog of OU Swoorttold brivowfll be roquirodw w W011000 wootwood t . a dF7 g t C '" d " ,*try volt ONNNW00 wtovood Corp» 30 Sw *004 * a64* Olt 91201-4891 Ut Tigtv4 Tofto S404to **toting tM00 (SM 01-05) 004r goy Ott July 13# # 1 #pprovodthe 14odoemptag for tho *'6*v* projoet. The plan outod that tht a a a h a bre o f 044 * While Wking vith you Ott tho 13t'h# roquostod thea this bo by tho U00 of ottkoo avA 6001#0000 i A * + 40t boo" a # ,Vy 04otpatat (tai# ' 1 stray) a ` th *# to rt*lay SUCh a nth *rad WAS OtOtOd *404404t to than r of bo rotoftod to th*tra a A of h* *ka s a uboh t* 0 atm 5 toc froo say of Y tutart vtouttoo* oill roovlt *SbAttory otop 0ork ardor for tho Thai tvo trot# a f *tai 1044 000"Y 041 40t bt ra YOU to d that h aaa oto U4000. * of h of other wttotUg troso olll h#v# h city-Cooettj. X11 ttoos ahown to ho pr000rv*4 S i 1 # '*/I* a p a s auto tpprovod by rho 4#4 thotai " _ jj. # f tot the t000vtl of tr000 to 40 a C thl Prim to tical aippbo �� aa� u " 4tot000 thlooo th LI Soolor, P ' a ". tip «- a a a a tj ae Vis` AOVP k.. ._. ._...,__ tea. .,... 1-e,00,0 IT r J,)as umm CIO P, IV I < � swn4voo f rtmont of Trao vrtatiootrrrr StatehV rat i4aro Erten Unit# P*O. got 14030 Pa0fic Roadwork WE' TRAMUIM JlAttsowd 0 Undot*0000 covo,vii # f flttr!it 4mv, 0 plaos 0 somows C3 Slwificktiom per of L tt t cholnot ofoof µ ., porait 4140kotoMnc000 Ott"ANOWTUO 04 ow"Od WOW Cl t #WUV#t C ApptovW s wbmitIvi 0 A submit C40its lot tiwovsl for your uw 0 A00rovWs t SubMit C0049 for distribution As mitmW E) 140urrred for correetions Cortottod o4os rv" r, rw comowlts Pop oto$our t 'l AA ##tty woumto ,, Mkt protMt� WPO (0 OFOANSSIOW4* M ' + ulw.84 KhOW ALL TNC$t pXtt * Tht Wo, /C wool Who* Oddros is prio'cipAlo 404 Ift"104 to do busiftss to thO Uato of or # rpt Surovo trsheld tod f 4 unto oa ttt4to# "i lari o". to tho smm of with t, wn and truly to . wo bind ourselvos# our heirs* oxocutors# 44minitt at o ueo tW tit* OF TRIS 04LUATIMM • from tiom to tib ths r� d oci l will b* ov#vw in WfOrOiftf Work 44thoritod by p#rmjt% j%$V d by th# Nim WAY 'Vit to WfOM OWWOtr#dj q t 1j" # i tgo' p#Vj"qO Olpt , b 400#1 WOO tNg/or Othw toW of wort the 4wisd tti t of tho hifhw4y Division Ow to totmoctloo t1wrOwjt4 mutt furnish t d to the highosy aivitioo. NOW Mtfw# if tho prifticipAl haroo ShOl tor* %#14 hlghwqriga of Way the iiitviti o swift#4 swiftin it voder whio this wwk it bi of then this Obligation Is to bts v td; Othorwizo# it tot)) restio to full #td f t' This Nwd bi ib# i frOO .A4441. ti WIMS Wallop, the tail Offolciost h4s hestuototot tho PriO0040's how sod tt� hAt 4t*# Ott# "*Ott to bo sirtod by its doly #ot, i offir-Ors OW its torportte toO to bo I"Woto OfiXOd this t Doty) �t totAet - CIN t. T*",,,, AMERICAN INSURANCE c m 'a 9NOW AU MEN 4 PUSICKMi That THE AWRICAN INSURANCE COMPANYY" Cot tw ul otoaoittil Anti tkoowt 004tr ttrt law*of At Sim# of Ntw jttsty, o1w hoit its ptiocipol Ott ttr tttt City ou"tt of SmA rm"16 u, Aati�ttrut�� �firs t. t;omfituft "d appoioftxl,ow doo by thoo ttt t tttt Stot(c tomolute few w ttt y °E Cox HAUIS PORTLAND, its out,tod lowful Att r ytt ttt y= is with toot ►� 04 kut ity � nt rt iu to d ct "dtt . 1cow ot, kfu °t $t ra tttti *ar tray tow s.t��tt40 or olhot wtitto obit t '+i.its tttt ttolutt ttot ----------------- ------ ow t bath t1whitt ttwttttby its natty ow to tht aun t otttttt Its it wh boos*w#*ftd by fl* aro' "*Jw*06 0*tw otwovo ttt th t�rti tt 4+tl`y+rusts by its%ftwivy. tt y ttttityitt *std othttttit atFt that tt hits Att tt E ► tt t ttNt r to tit Ott elk. apt of*twwy it«jbittiod owm*M to A" t!'tttk t )0*04 31 of icy-taAbtOKWAN INSVItANCE COMPANY itt tuft tot"#w 000, "* 'ltttt.Ajosohtfamt ttattf #04 A#1000040-hot atm tt to otot Lq#f hwm#04 lot*kt*Ajoboits,#*m,Sft0ob 10,, 3 j t Of M of *.th* t.44Y tfkt-yt "t ot oy by tht%W of a gqttyy�Ow #,� ato ot't ttot oyyyo of }tau ott. ttt # t ot,t�rahoy its t tyt y, h trt t to tett$ y 404 It otom# t Ut} i' 00 i d tttttt aaAtt ltnfylt�t Mew to ttwt tt9�t#t t #0 to ��wwf of Ow$ Rp} t tt OW A#eois to ttt tVtOOM�iklW Al in AWO R t+0 00 t t ttts b kt� tr, to a t ttty Of 0#4#00 A0WAaj So."stW. ttot - *d, 004 AtItott thlItt t h I# tk t attt0t t t t" try ara y ktat by " y be *d ttt tt y by t of tots aft by toy tC ww tpooiouwac- ' HEe " � � bye ` uZyt tt�w�byyut t, t*W*w sow 14*04two tAu 601 itmowkil of ", **y t r ,ty� 04It , of a�A� t oy this " t�� 4* t tis t Ott t .it y t at tt y, 00 my ik �� o.b> + y t y= � Y 664"sot Own , IN w"WE" "IFI1h .T"p.to tktw tAt INSORAWC COMPANY bit 0*4 tt WattrAt 10 b by bt k""W"t, 14th Aty Of fob �t 9 THC AMCAICAN INSURAWf.COMPANY SUM(W NI A� SAN ti by b y���cc � i�"" y ou 4p - �t,,#�,��Yyk� ,.y�. �a{� yi ,�w �¢ f� '0W t�Wf �.aa $'!W t"t *Ei akedwH �y"ti twt * t�4y ttt t �wQ6" \ 'k 4Tt � t 7'fi t�t `8 a f[tk4 t� foutufteot,tht he kho %tf*tot of owl cotovowc.tho it**0 itftiod to tht ow kviffumtot IN ttt sy ttt t yta %tits htkt kbov#woft", ANO Of SAN t tltAWW t rte `r �h � 't #y of 11 W0W t i h + y a t y `ty hk° � twy khy A t h� tify 00, �t *04 b �h 00of ac`s Nty t t�t' jW t.�t #> �� **4itt " art thtt tt 1. V111, $40-4 bt the Cht t#4 cry of so footivo,to ter ow try of w,� s 4 �4 0*0* t#t*t ttr%att t �. ytt� t� +t4ALf( I1011 - 11111„ 1 IMPHOW01:0111EXCAVAIION 0004NANCIE 010 4.1 + ► r ^"Oov "10y^0000vto 1 TY Of Tick , COQ rr mot r #40.4 tyre orr re"w"a^ 4"cv - A00io6ott Mot h*Vto-Atowd 1 'MIT 00.: w� � A 1 1J : y* (1) APPLICATION IS HCRESY MAOC TO EXCAVATE FOR ANO INSTALL t,°,4 3 APPLICANTGeneral Telephone n. of the N.W. PA Oox 23416 7 C 1 1 A Otti nn ru i n n - 12312 "i l r n PLANS 4Y 6 JA. Some et, . v r a ESTIMATED IM PRO � 1 1111111 � � ti eXC-ATIO"DATA ON.. S.W. I 3th, irk t#AOK0040 #4i # . ( SCCOR - SECURITY AMT. SURETY .# wo 4 * r HI AttWCA6r.0 bA? .. 1 1 1 , �t w 1� O#fir*Of t x'*tf 00vt"Ot.#4"t'**. 11 i #0*00V Ott * to MAS "t 4eft " e r ` y a MY MOON A , 1987 boar Electric 561 " " N. etc M Y Woodburn, OR 97071 tnt Mr. At Socker Bockori authorizationThis is to procoO, with open cot work, crossing S.W. turhm Road at the interawtion of S.W. Pacific Highway, in acwrdmm with State G niqhvay Division Permit No. 30137 and the following: y, shall, be, responsible fort whicha) dmage my occur as a result of this worki liability which may arise an a result of this b) advance notification too (via T .grd Police traffic flow tLelays during the proqross of work t C) Vaintena" of cmtinucMt safe, two way traffic mov"mnt, east aM west bound, along S.W. Durhm PUmd 2. Prior to ootmneing work each y* all traffic cmtrol devices ,, "traffic lays" Mreq signinq aM lam use control cows) and three traffic contrw flaqporw.,ou shall be in "itiont traffic cmtrOlO shall be, M- ustantIY Min- tained. 3 limit 5 nq , 9: a.m. shall n by 400 p.ro.# daily. y b authorized# cl steal, State be present site) throuOmt work hmrs, with accons to 0 signal omtrofter, toc-flitate, atnerqmcy action in evont of traffic siqnal disruptionthisworki said c (site/ , F p, . . n �, , f c*vmetwvmnt of work to the T .grd Police 0%mrtftnt. J3426:; #BNd,AO OM"V� "d OM001 9M3 (60)6310-44 Lettor to 8"r Sloctric Oo. August 4 1987 page 2 . Should a City or State intocity) it tho his duties c health,, safety or welfam int during the oourso of this vork, all work shall imw&atoly to tho satisfaction f said irmpoctor. 6. At the cime of each da y# the work area sMil, and somimd in such fashion that normal traffic flow is a fed# We hereby agroe to the aid om&tiom, pomitting said , ugthis y � t, 1987, Pear Electric Co. Wesb000d Oorporation City of Tigard* 00 WestwoodCorporation , t 'J E i 1 t } a �.. � � t oz M AvA r "Ilk /you WAI � � wwa 9 { '< ko t, �.�.. �..� �� To- n" 1 0 tot OU h _ rN s 6 rlf i Iulp*v t,:At�. WRL C,*i ted w$A , E to J(A 4 -:ro } tvo �P5 AC 40 _,1411 IMev 4;ee 149 tw 4 4e r 1511, A� t t, AU9, 08t 4s 198 , sear x1loctric CO 561 8" N. Pacific Miq4way Wbumt M 97071 Attot Mr. Al Rocker kers This Is authOrizatiOn tO PrOcftd with opon cut work, crossing s. ,, burhm hood at the intersection f S.W. Pacific Highway# in A000rdance with state H Y Division Pormit No. 30137 aM tho foil_ A tractors do y Electric Owpany# shall bo respmsible fort Y It of this work; liability vhUft my ark t of this worki t delays Poli traffic flow _ P ftintwumv f mtin . safe* tvo way traffic mOvMMIts, , , alaq S. I. mwhea 2. Prior y,, ate traffic "traffic . ad"MM wafting traffic = f " " all be in "itiont traffic omtrols sMil t t y 3. Work to ng at 9too 4.m, aM shall bo, p.m., daly. f * S "f9fAftY Divisico authort*W, tm bo p t work hmn, With to the SOMI Cantrollort to heli ." n f rrie siou'l di4ruption &*' to this wort M . (atter n% ,r omit be providod in 4dVMM of 0WOWWVMent of work to Tigard POIJ00 ` t. O,&A23397223 ` k; i4 h , k' tCY,, � uf, U t 4# 10010 w ordo , bo of ottho u-s d , ,* to thof M , ,. I , 000h U*ium", that bat aloftio o J , s 4'f ii c ' } rf, S ,f t t.ir,y SYrF }P�r ' r t,i r, r h•,:r „ y k r�� rr f r , rf n tn.� v W"Itt YOU Wl*l 00 i ,:,.. 4fTURNM YOUR t. i,. MU LAU ACS#fid � # WANTS 'TO ycjU l ■ e leat*IoA WO$ . F G.N pla- 3 o(SOWO wostoch ring, Inc. 3421 25th St. S.t. Salem, M 97302 tn . stwmn A. ward ' of 1 Dear Mr. Wardt This 4 clarify two itow related the aforesaid PtOJOct. htAt- it is our d"Uv that both ,lift# Of A-C- pav~t be placod on S.W. Wrhxh pvvtice to p lift Of P00mmt , first lift; f traffic omtjoj pommeat *ArkbW v0 bomme of imtAIlAt60ml fors,�p "id 461ay. w ivo *"&A** of roadway alov the oxistu"j#jw,,Kj within prior rior Placft"Mt Of the Af0t,*"jd final lift of t. Ih -esb*MibMtY of 'the % si y jow S. r c ". ��a i u�4w 0 7-1 ,4 >4, , } CITY Or MAIM, 00t" Worable Mayor arw City Council Augost 3, 1047 Randy Clarno, DovolOPMOAt S rVft !� ii E " . Tigard Town# Square Construction Updato ' ( rirrt coostruction is continuing +rr sanitary souor4 storm Mralo g and grading j"pvVv"mts, building pormitsMood dot* M for tiro Albortsool buildiog rri, . ii tiro remoining buildings rPosting porformonce ***Urantos and complotion of tottainr ii #treat anddMi4090 impeovomootv SiS poulogming lots) will mot bo aw#"Woduntil Swootew otorm v r improveommts at# eomplato (primary off-SIS) str##t i rpt# ar# contituir" on SW ii it Avooa+ , r rii i rr SW Whom Pood caro currontly Witod to Wat WSWW&W JOKOW roadway, i rr to tht* will A 0 UtilitY rol4tod troothi , that owl odor War this woo E Ma bolantoit rr Oui will oteor daring tho ooe wook rv*d elo*uro lator thl* month. SPOWN Wh0vo t yob boon rot for thic vlosuro, b - o Sportmont of Trop*pottation St irrood a por*lt for toprovo"Onts an OW WifitHighway south of SW Ourbool i is irk r ss. Signifitnt portion of public tr i ioprovofttlts h0vo tootploW, hoQovor tolvort cro'ssingsand 90 iiia yot to s tart. T . . 000d 000SW0000 MW with th* Md l ori+ 111th Avg t i will otter oar 01*0* Woo Wood r uin foovot NVONN adjocontrotttkots M-0 rO*0100d, curpo%tive offiviatoits area totideottP to Soh clod for kqost A�, 100, August 3. 1987 I� O(SOMCO 06145* wstoch t 3421 25th St. S.E. Salami, CO 97302 [ tt ( t A r ' Dear Mr. Wardtl This is wt to clarify boo itmms relatod the aformaid pvojwt. f It is our 4oslre that both liftsA.C. p S.W. Mwhm ftadj, lay. As you am Awaft it is our uffial practice to final lift of pavmmto tho first Uftt but# 4w to tho rood for AwodiAto twtAllatiooifs tiet of traffic oontrol pmwomnt mmkin" mA llama 100PO we dvoft to fomqo said delay. Tho other Item is that defective soctiom of y Moog islaM wlWn S.W. 04rho ftad ftot prior ply: the aforowad ami lift '_ wrk to the , of # x 3 *dV aci Ow z PO, 233 a i i- o-; i= SIF IrM98WOVINRIL 3421 2ft St, st 97 -2414 TO Wt ARE SENDING YOU Attachod r Uod r soporato covor via..w. � u.,�.h �_tt* following Itoms, El Shop dt**tv#s privol Cl Plans (i l Ll SWIfivations , Copy of letter ,',1 C11,40#0 +ardor rsr OAT! t r rrtr _ w. ..... m� THESEtl M",,t ltotlt 1 4 for apt raval tr rttt ub it�. ,.. ,hF�_v0piol for approval f"'J, for your us# €l Approvod t r..€ d:«,,,. „.,,,,, oPto dl tri , ion U1 As r"uoslled Ll 00urood for cormettoos ,: Room y r�.;��__corwtw tlrlrtt H for MV4W Arad ov 't LJ P BIOS k a.,a. t _ .A w,I I PRINTS, RMONEDAMER LOAN S PS ..... ..... � t tr TATE HIGHWAY 01VISION Permit Un P.O. sox 1 Room 212 A .jwT OF rt 0. 0IL7 Tho ootlosod pormit has Division* Thist is your authority am Obligation to Cavly w all of the tomis am conditions Hijftway rit my-* you Aist so th4t the follows" enclosed ff: whop you bay* sh docAftints* YOU "Ast st j, t loast 44 houn in a4n _, of b"imi"I your work, ad upoft UTILM PEWT SUMMOR cc se I` c 'i , c` z ,, July 2 , 1967 t+ o A* Ward, P*9- wooteth Itogiftooring* Inc., 3421. 25th 9* 26 Of swvoco #140, O 97302 1 tttl UgArd Town# Square Th# elo#ure of Durbi4a Road for # period #or to shred I teleost dttyoo as outtio#4 to your totter of July It 190, is #pprovod subject to the ll conditio4al 1. :t Contractor ll ootif7 the City logioeering Division of tho tlosure Utes t tons that 7 talendar 4#yo prior to the tt of tht closure, 2. The Contractor #hall provido sigulngo to tho *aoo suboAtted with th Jett 23# 1901# l tt t tto* Villov, Utifit Coustroction. All at### *h#11 tit or#### with black letters ttt Sign 2 ahs,11 bo *late with bUck lttt tt 2 #h*11 be pootodonly during the times tit Durham toad to setually closed* prior to the elosuro# the C tttt tt t *hA- 11 post sign# t th elosure loe4tfon re4ding 'ROAD TO #It CLOSM AUG, XX TO tt t tl t closure 4#too t t . The signs sh411 bo or4ngo with ( t l I t lottors. TV0 signsshall tlt for eastbound 44d one for wootbound ttttt 4. The Ctttt shMll motat4to 411 signs It good eoft4itfOn throughout t elosure period, S. Ate to SW 113th ikveotlell bt kallftt4ftodt Olt tt. 6. 1*440 000rdin4to the elosure through John 94404n of our 944tutering tit s ! ltttl t, C1rn c *#try ' ll tCotporolou 3,010r ttld, OR, 97201-4491 434260,4ow 23397,tfWtd,Orogon 97223 -4171 A ; W TO ROS 30137 AAW * AN 0 .00 r wostwood tpo 3030 S.U. MAvO"Ut otowl 9120, 50.00 x 0 Ott 04 0 229-5002 All utility #,ad roa4vork to be covorod by 010 boad OuPPU*4 UY the prim Cootr#ttor- 3_ for tr#ffit sip4lq tot 99V At buthto Road. TYPE 6 APPROACH "WAS 00 �W") It 04 Curb low * PLAN (r; a i �APO � nE %l�y��i4" !l'I 1'°Y;'yll� ✓d'a' u�0i m a � fiI�Y r1'w 11 tiµ MOM, Am ry?on ri gay, ;,. W600004 cov#otttiob $0'30S.W. vrrl ,G@ 1, i } MUM$ 00000 91201 w } , r 1� OWAN PA RR WIi dot ttatho s 4, * A tot M #t both#* 4 OPARsk lot,04004) f G` v r a i r' 14tish coot ar t �+ Son* sw 6 Invollwo cooW/ APPROACH TYPICAL SECTION Sk.Gutfor Wif PROFILE rim t , NOTE: it drivoway grodo lot 0 *too* gr0do 0 thort vorwl too should bik toostfuclodouttidt outtv liot so 0s to toofio# drot"04# 10 tho oattor polif CONCAVE owes WOUT104 cupfl 4 $UTTER ,.0 two �,` �tf " tyft -t ." W *fw ,*two Toft pot n Wt SIDEWALK RAMP z loo W 6 0:t; t � *W*ow Quo .Vw . ' asv� ti' oomww � a ^� 000* „ 4. ea AWN s 1 p j } w• Y ; o 'kd"wOM ^ g tb Ao 00 N'kN, `kdMYR`,�iy MWr kM wow vt W44 4 a""'1tad , w x ,«, wr« +` i f, r; w ,. wu d s ✓ '' m�t,��a n+� w,wab .,�� -. d,ar �x.„„..:„ ., air.+ da �'� a u. Ha+'y b" v< uayu� ,wxuiw `�,r,au aro +e + 'd +k.'"a" •` w a r i ,w r�,diWnu q sx ------------- ..................... ........... ........... ........... 0000, t DURHAM ROAD ------------ PAO ul) PAO W .......... rn ell e_� 0 lee- j PaQ Act- ;1A ,e e"e,- Ole t 01 0A, s 1101 'Ie 001 00, 25' 2 4` 2 4 24� 29, 24' 24f 24# 24� 24' 24t 24 24� 2 4 30 2A sw 96, LL.Ljo u 2W 4� �wc\�40,'*,,m 54" 48 c__1 mmmmmmm 12 ISO 120 4 SHOPS T t Ole 43*130 S.F. a 3600 S.F, 8o —————————————————— ——————————— —-I 12Ak 5400 S.F. mill, A "Aft 108, 58, 20, ISO, 81, 734� 44 SHOPS 24*600 S.F. _j S, 61 2 7"-0' CLR. A 55, -4# 70, 88, MAJOR I" 45,225 S.F, INK 40.0 251-011 CLR. W0114 A"*A4 t$4' #0 010 25 so too qFt=F== 4-4.4- .�#.............. 'A "Af 1,/",EF\'­1�',,,_ +4 ......&*�� MOO' 0 W, 4 777,7 "a, I loll 111 "m .......... of i + v F t = k i r � � til z pit, f s ttpp � t l x F 1 f s / ',',,, ,,, n,re,,:W.wbw+. ,.n„nw. wv.,,urw+•+«.�„�, m, ,n�:,mw:w ww•r,,.� ,.:w, ,,, :rv,.r:� •rmvw,� r. *,:w,+�W'.Yw�NkFYMNNWMN 010*W4 � 4r ray00 OA 04 �w,dr nu�,,b�a4 «r:.�'� /� �Y ,,.„ � w+w»,4", ., ' w,w•w•c ,� s:. "r aM a Tw,: 4n 'd,PN MiW^a4'KKw,YAh4.a!Wk'r')b(d'w ro„ „Wti+.z mow, ,*,wr»wwu,xw•,:»�^•kwfaw,;,• �.:'W.anrn�,yy'�&fi �•w ` giM�G "r a sr F �� a N , , :,. nw•nw wr,w my mm, r ......r. ......,,»mow».,rrv~n,,,,W, WAY 06 ...to .• ,,, N 00 ��� 5'' T K ;"p�k+Yr�1+a4�wn k+#t�� w „�•vl+ud :u wcw ti' +Nk<Mw,,aM,w„au+,sau �RmA � ; MIV ,W a h ,w wr % w 0 d ' , n,:m,c ,mN• ,w.,ie rn „,W in`W is,.A Va4..r4 rro,m.h,Y1tWu u`»�ute�wssePa.�lu�.a#dJ'iti�d�rmi,Y,�ma wauaGsa�mnF.»a�w�.uriSuaa�nGnh>w,uiu;�S:uUa��2u�u V AGENDA OF: _,ftM4At DATE, SOOMITTEW Lu l ISSUE/AGENDA °iTTLC� pp t#il O ACTION; PREPARED sy: WT HCAO OK_ CITY AWN 0X_ REWESTEt) BY: 0 at 6 0 at pt, CYJ ISAK Tigard ni ip rlCod* 3 20.065 " r rlit for cost incorrearul in making lcortain improvomonts at time of d itrpr rrt,f , ,C, provision was ropoolod offoctivo Y 1, 1941, howovor, thoso r qu t Y riotrrriopmont proposals in progress) initiated prior to `May 1, 1907 will still bo carr id r d, W, i the Tig4rd Towne Squaro projoct submitted appljcatjtn t(rr mite 1l rrlrap rent a Review approval in March of 1907, Subsoquontlr , the tar°ai et was e i err r ri it'ional approval on fty 54 1987, Conditions r,),f apprcwal irarirrdod thio I improvemoht of SW Durham Road and Pacific Highway which arra classified major colloctor and arterial stroots, rtr perttullY. pried on the, provisions of T�MX 3.20,055, any i*prrr e rrt r ra e a standardlocal trerat it to ri extra city, Tharoforo, **tra °city construction on both of thoso Stroets is roquirod, permits and p r r nrp *Ssuroncos hiAvo taeen issued for all construe t trte The total 04timated cost for tho oxtra capacity i rprra e rats i $107,92 (,so# attacheTotal(,so stropt S50C tees collect#d for thio project of the timo of situ grading pry it, was 3152,320, wostwood C rp r tine is roquosting A rofund of this total foo based on tho pro i ion of T,MX ,WOSS, 11 Approve Tigard' t*,sn Square ( tr twood Corp, ) rvquost: for, st rir r.. qystems e in nt rht r o rrrtrr of $152,320 issiod on thyo, tearrrretr° provisions ca N/A Tho Dvvelopmont ,Orvicos Divivion rer : rdai that t: CITY Of T1400, E T . 14000roblo Mayor and City Council y , 1947 FROM: r y C1* , 1 rpt Sorvitos $UDIEM ConstructionStatus of TigardSq Sanitary Complete its hovo boon issued and construttion is O*Poctod i within in few wooks* All public ni ry s0wor will b# ori—sit# and within 1 tho ri h y of Si Pacif it Hi y. { Pomits issuod for tho rotonstruttioln of SW 113th + and tons i is **pottod to beginthis irk Most rosidoott in the *t** P ` its have out b**" is*uod for thisrocOn4trutti0" Of SW Ourh" ROW And SW Pietifit Iii y 0*hdjhq rotoluttoo of troffictat Itoot. This i #* c*old bo resolvedWithin * COU010 of W00W " ire 1 Daily sot for tho mid4loAt Drainago Pomits havo boon issued And tooistrutti0o i *Potted tO beginthis weak. Mo#t of tho public storo drotn*q* y is locatod within SW 111th Avoous, That portion of thoystoo within SW OurhaoRoad will bo Pormitt for the roplot0000t of 00jor tolvoirt 01) SW 113th ova h*144 Out ri itsuod Ota i pa its for tho si a y " h*vo booni and wort i+ h is it Grodirq aod Paving co"Uto ri' i * + ivkuod for yha Albortsot #UlldloqOnly Staff t ,. i s 10 *ftunt of timolast Wook with orsorto riosidonts i p i s i t rst s tat ` y rain"# a " rKKa i comtruttiotj **y bo t i a iia t look At ha i s ` inti has a h canto i dotidod to Isolai *00ting this i i " iy1 e VOSIM HE 210*44 INCA ONS LPA ENGINEEW, &PLANNERS JUDO 19, 1947 MrsPAC City �i P,. . 2' 397 R 97223 DearRandy: goolosed is a sumary of thong cost for street and storm drainapr of T1 Mrd T are. can zeet the og t V r are x h charqod to this prod would approciate our n the appropriatei the SOC ciredits may bo rival P106,46 call us It you have any quostions regarding this mattor. sin y 1919 INC. OVon l r Woatvood Corporation W MA ,,, �� 1i► 11 � t1t11#1 (OMCM00 041111 (MAO O1 vew*111) (OWOMW lof fit t L.S. 1 $10,000 . V OCC, /w, 40 OW L« . 1250 $10,000 4. t. . 1152 S. Alt. PAvtN4 MSt WK IM IW 0 4 4 1111 "1 1',114 $ 4,000 . SM"Ift C.Y. 743 0 5 0 $ 3,115 2,41S $ 1.30 . KAVA .t. 1 ,; 3,945 $ 2.600 10. Ot t.f. 014 4 5 s 4'sm s g,rm $ 1,00 11. SAUMI'M . 11A 0 11, 1 . ttolpt . 60 L. 1 . too L. . n 6 s 1 t 1 L. . 1U4,160 1 . *4 CAT 111 W I a $00 s3'soo 14. x;0114 Wpt. 1,000 15. ~ OLIO MOMC3. 5,000 1 . Imff It Mot L3. 1 W,000 111 , TOM tstlootto tot$ $141, � ,� MOM 1'1111 00"INVO ( 1 T1M) (WIT) 11 IAO 0111.0s") (10 mills) (00#412104) 1. MWOUTIVO 4 oft L. 4 1 # ' ss'000 . AX. sw Oft 161 0 ! 9� LJ. * . 31 WOO Ow. 1 L.P. 1d T. L.P. lit 4 2 350 k )t. . WIN 1 1100 11111, t4m 4100 4 1.50 1114' to, 1, 411l Soo 1`30 a 11 Is, *Wvt cy. 2SU 11 1111' 1 # 2,30 14. 000 11"It 01011 1 L.1. 1 11 1 LA 41 a 40 . 111 L. . lls 4 90 0 4,1100 L1M 1111000 SO" Owow 1 . is X11. 2 # 11ths 3,000 f . PON 0010alt,. . 1T. 1 L X11« A 0 1` ` 1 . tufft 1 t.$* 1 *41000 01,500w, TOM OtOofto ONTOX1 1 rv. ri77777 4 ,r r r , } 4 wt {�'&� si(lkm'Inst„un7,r\✓nerd7Mtwrmdpr,,\r,�i�t14��+rinta7(dYti;�=� �'abwu;���. i V } Moo t os t owt) AMU) o, %i 4. 00, fir' 4 o" 0 i 2 aw" 00 0 10a t OW of 1► t 4 IIAV } " ow to 400, 0, Mo, 00 4 � ..; " iC to, i it. sw~ ill it 004 04 tor '! 4 ON tow oke; r AIL WMAto OW# ' s r ,t r; r; E 42 }t { I d Sr i : vg14 o: t i" 0"t4 f: r 104 F: R` R, r t 3 }r if ,s 31 Y T 0140^v"r, Wtm Ott 4, 4000 N r ' r a.W*04 ft040AUt, 1 ,s tN " rpt ,Ott Nda tw ftN mi"t # t'Q,fems4000'r(A#40' p "At OfA40*0*0tuaa+a " '" t 1.,*fCA *Vfft 40 Ldp N t iKS+til )tnii , ' a1„ tX 0 t w"*tt,0,oN+ July t 1987 Westwood: � oration 3030 S.W ., Moody Avonuo Son 07201 ATTENTIONt Vicki 0. bays# Pat " i .. are (Aid n Dear Mo. baylesat I As writing You On bOhAlt Of my clionts, Goorqo and Marqarot Danz,, Who own proporty situarod at 15s S.W. 113th Avonuo in Tigard. On J iY 14t , ' , i wrote Westwoodoration lottar with rpt to th# 8,#nz## interost in that proporty. subsequently x i ars fro* ay clients that Westwood tay t * pt tO Ontor onto that prop ry to do work with respoot to a out j locatod un4or the road. Piss** b* Advi#04 that the coubty road portion of s.w. 113th Oxt0ndt Onix About rt i down that road fro* S.W. rh Road. it io MY olionts, beii ' that the County road end botoro mashing that portion of the road 6bove tho Culvert. my cliOnts PUt in that culvert 404 h " O 41WAY4 *AIntainodthe road Ab Ovit. C Un r air# and iant ,0S.W. nowt oxo n t tportion h road. 104,644t County road survoy offioi4ja *dvis#dthat this part of tho road y bo rit , And Randy Gismo, City rnqinoor, City of Tigard, also i * h this Portion f th road day b prix « We t currently io the prootas of obt*j"jnq a title rh, which shouldiilo noxa woAk. it the is Moft prit poraitf tho county would bo n##dod to work, n the road, by his i `ttr, pitaso co"#jd#r W##twood Co #tion n roAd above the oi , will T� tho Absonoof a validlyIssued ifi i ft ��ninth C � cni . . ttposs n pri t r p r y, sod t ny �i �ty With ro t to s s, i �lffac2l���)A�rk�'t1�r�ryEewni,1,14;"lt�lY&hzlbsa�4r>}4n�+n�as"t���\�`ti�«�`�1ztM1�s�i}��rn� a7t'�`�4I?a�G?�l,�rtr�,sf�ril+,}�itts��i vox # too r {' I � oq bo lido r olt i your, put' ii , o A's towto Vol 't" tt wig r, VOA t fk, 4'# thold 'Yo tot r n, s varqur►� , t; 4 f' E ; ``r i „ , on N July 17, 1987 25 Yoos of,, ' Mr. Tom 110alowr Wgineoring/Surveyinq Division Washington y Hillsboro, 971,23 Rot Jurisdiction of SX 113th Avmuo south of s. As we diaotwskl an July 150 1987# the City is gooking to "#Un* the reopmSibility for : of public j#Vrm"*nt pomits on S.W. 113th City will bo roquosting, full juria- dictim of SA, 113th * o" the oatVleto right-of-way th of .W y to 43426 SW HOI ONd,, t), 23397,Towd,Ot000n 07223 -401 WANTON COUNTY OREGON July 1 , 1987 Mr. goody Wooley* P.E. City Engineer City of Tigard P.O. Oox 23397 Tigard, 97223 RE** 113TO AVEMVE - TRANSFER OF OURISDICTION This letter is in response to a July is telephonenn rs#tion sod a letter frOW the City St4tiogthe City's intent to transfer rri di i n of 113th Avenue South good. As discussed# all suture roadway improvemots n 113th Aveou# within the city limits (i.e. the Alberts-on's store i roe ' nt tho City of TigarO should take tho 104d in the Plan f0view, Wtitting #od iospectioo process. As a courtolY# the County should receive d set of spprove4 1n until each time a the jurisdiction traosfor otcufs. Should you hove soy questions or tofteftts# pleas# Contact h Thow F. Tushoor tftqio##,ri"V section Supervisor 9404Y C1no City of Tigard to*ry Morko/14iko Ilorresto Stott King/Paola Calvin Jerry fir000 toqioo#Ho9 ReviewFilo 00 oodm nt bf Lamd LamUse And I r mart 0oft. rr tri rd�is cr� � r r� 1150 Nafih First Avopv# Hillsbora,Ot000n Olt 24 1644-87$1 t NAME c 0AT' t � - s t i p t .w.w CCJ f()-A 3 60j n Chock res #.tion f .,, 00 43600 Stroet 10-43601 strptC r raf f t�; flarl arm 71-44200 10-41700 Subdivision Applications, S MLP 'i 1014,3000 Zoning Applicstionst M CPA ZOA PO Mile 10-44000 C t i r Ptanmtrq SOR Non refundablo portion of App#al Foos 10-22000 Re f uMAt)j,,.p . 51("M Documont tales, wr. 10-43000 torr 1 TOTAL 430601 € ' TT w� za` i 1131126 . M.HALL `O. _. CrrYOF 23983 PA sox zw 00 O � Lot tVs µ� l C) r i -. Vii, s X ALL N OY 'HESE 04COMM, that WO corporation duly doth+ rtt" to ± .vjr t * 0" rat wr° ty bu#itwoss in tho toto of Ori"oo, as urr*ty, at* Jointly M #0visfally hold 60und utrto tho ity o ttvw* Or"O", a mu"icipolity of tho tot* of O , horol" t ra utatto1 tho Oblivoo, in the sum of l to l monoy of tho Unitod ttittes of Aft' rica. icor* tho pisyoopt wo, 00 irt"Otpal. rw *0 Suroty. jointly *tw sovot*lly bind utsol out suotitstors and ***tjo# firsslyy th*so peesonc 114C OWITT(WSor T140040 ANO 0OUGATM to SU04. that tho ri" i l it . o �havo witeroijinto+ .tth tespott to ti Ol W i th+ ", + urt Wd Aqroostoot i *ttathod by roforontoh W)W# . it tho pts*ipal har*tti Oholl 41thfolly #M teuly 06wV0 OW to"Iy with +alt t # of tho r~t . *hall wall and tfuly all *Attar* aid thirw uOdo t * to bo Oorfa t%lor said ii rt of ao uod*t all lati iti of tho hti9#0 avolitabto t ►i air l of twovowt, Ow shall sly MOO P*Y#*tlt$ to all r't #Ispolyttq l06or or *Atortol for wq of th rt "Vii0od Iq O*tai Ogf*~t. *04 shall t pomtt My U00 li O to bo Mod or tt atoO Via 064060, thao tht# oblioatiot* shall bo Void, Oth#fvi*O to e to i llfotvo trot,. Its th *Vora of Outt or ovttoo 60 Mad by tho Obligoohors#unO r t 0"fore to tt t t or to ria thew to this( hond, to t t to dtl Othor rights atw dio# ht qtr' tho pity, in th# Ovont it hitt p ill shalt bo ontitlod to fttovisr it+ th #uo# *# tho Court 04Y ad ud r* t l+ s for tt y' ft* tM V tN r°tid# hot it ha taus th # 1 M t Oisotutod thtt " tr day of . It t t to t� ir rpt ip* Contractors _ V8t .. . l tfv# too* of tho owr of Attornoy oust bo Atiteh#4 to tho rtji fr° tt Vytlotte G., H r,'i U MIEN OV TNEW f w AMERICAN INSUIkANCE COMPANY,4 Com,d�wt d tar a�r�+t sod w*4640 06def the loof tlost Statt ot Nsw Itmy. vW4 its ptiftilml officw to 4h#City w*W C0004Y Of S*w �t � �» i w�, � " . coosfiloltj *#W stt tl�ow d"s Ity th ott towitc +t tw iftil stoptoto PoRn"Dw ost ft t iwwtl Alto"* - �.� toy! w it tort tt w t wQ ,t tx + � w1a ." ; w� dw1 w tt�t�tttlt ' . +wt 'of tt , to it* th+t(+tot �w�m --- to tlwe tv#y row thw w ww •t it: Iz 00 tlwt w wt�t w� tltw wt �itw by tot i i*sit u t + w1�1 a t t' t wit. `*A P~opt+wttww w Iw"*W otowo to Mti tr Vill.I01it t►)0#o4 it of -big of T14C Alq MO AN INSUAANCE COMPANY 00% to toll "A V ll,A000"Moott 04A##Ao*AU t ,460 AtW00-60440 tit#0 0 tsM**#A tw e+ w art OW 11004 Ofit t w k# t #0010 l tis l Ow ww 0* ON wort w;t sol � , .t t t� i�u; �t t *W tar ttlw* t to*"oomw ow wit tot w 00 wwr of tht cotwoosoo slow Awl$to Wolof Iwo twit w***w"ttwltw tot*tw I.44#44 ttth Of Wh II wttt Al ttttt 6"i A#*#t*owl tot*#prourfloodto the wtvitoostowl #V00440#wk eww #*y josgo losioloositoofts 00 jostootoy#ft#W t I sooty IN wAto tit SOY twt soy Of 040410ft Ot ttY W Iw as l0" W40 00 by t t it of tit t tip lw t tett tt � t MIC 4114 �1 CIS PANY wt w " oil to ' wtwd l Ott tltt Illtl� It of t ow . l Ittwotwo hot t boto } Ik"lity of tms � t+� tot tit tft t _0ot 00 ��w 114 I° VMWOIP.Ift AMERWAN INSMANCIR.COMPANY 6" 0001 flout OW""tO bar tt low i tr t wwlww wrtwu t w1+0t I TOC AM 1 lCA I» UItANC M A Y t v Ott lit 011 �� � ' Itwt�wtia � �wtllw �t� � tlwt� ��Wit*lltt twttwtw'n Oft 11AIL WAIL w r Now Wv t A l t MCOI A 11 1 ' 4?COMPANY, t NFA't1t 1 ts+�rwti �. "►` t'hw 1 ` ow t � t J* 4tv r ** twt tort*w04 t � , 1d8 w#W tuttW� tw, t"t Vill ,- t" l � ""t 44 t tit of jtt�of lith loth* " t t Atm t, *Ow tom r4d w 0**#At tots city*#W City of Ua ftwtko'owd t t � f x' .. pm THIS AGR EE " d*t d this ItSth doy of 07 b0t;WI the CITY Of TIGARD, arri Polity of ttIrr�t*r1%0d tho "City", and IM 11,11 111 + orot" t torood `"PoUtir rr r as WHEREAS, Potitionor has appliod to tho City for approvol for d dic ti rr of f4 str#ot to be known asR # rr h r + ; 404WNL „ REAS, thO City of Tigard requires Potitionors for street dedications tin to irr t 11 strWS. Sidowalks, stroot lia fttirrg , , storm sowors, sanitaryr , underground utilitios lkod othor public fciliti for the dovolop#wot of tfar strOOt Ond r#4uiros t rrt of t nd MASS tho City hos adoptod the Standard Specifications for Pnblic, Wirks C rr tructt Or"00 a Ch t ANA, for stroot, storm dr#j", structure and rotated wcuk, arrd Unified S rage Agency Standards and Spocifications, for re t r° r rr t ctirrwr prep r° d by profossiorval ngirr r° , forRr blic t t i Rr4 tand WHEOCAS, ter# Public imProvoMents to be constructed to the said stroet, Are iftomplota, and R Citi rr r has nomothoj#ss raquostod the City to permit it dedicattions of th# PrOPOrtYtc th# Public aod tho partiesr re irr mo#oid desire to protect tho public ifitorest g000rally by 1"ally onforceablo assur*oco tin t. Public i Rrr rrt will bo installed as roquird and coo l t d within tfr t i horoinaftor tot t r,th, t R f" Rt, irk cOn id rt.ion (,t the forogoing promiset the Covenants and agroomonts to h# t Rt and p rdr°prod by ttrd fr t i t i n r and i t s urs t , It IS "Moy AGN'f fi rot WWSa 1< titi rr r4 Ooll procoad with the int nt ond purpoto to c *pla t; al l public i0provomonts as shown on the improvomont pliI at opprovod by the City of iar"d, Rico r" A�irr Said i(APr0v*M0"tS to bocoopletod no l t r tfian on i f i ypsr froM tho d tr of this r° rrt, And R titi n r hereby ars to comPly withttknd ar 40#Cifitiktions iss adoptod by the City, or as athorwioo 4v or have, boon APPro"dbythe rt . rrt Of rVm 009#10PWOot, to coftly with #11 t r°ro PrOvisions spociffod h#t ir)r° rd tufa i rfrrov#M rrt by tiro Couocil rrd Rl rrrrri (10ftl0ii inrr Of thO City of Tigard,r°d, Or rr, aind to uto dryly such t ria l dod to follow such 00st9fts #4 oky bt, re4ufrod to c rr rth rotoa Witinrr rx shiott provido cortificsition of installation coofo manc > art at-,built r l r, boar t mp d by a r° a i t r§a d civil ormt600r, to tb# city otiot to City inspection of fartitirirrrri ter°ra rut work forCit t tri ti And 6" l cc t rico cyan idort ioo e td COMOlia"CO with thO 04** f rnt nd tht, provisions E rn s t, R ttt„ioo r# totwors horowlttt to tho City a lurotytrove <d form *petnvodby ' aro, City,, with UAW,litin if)# aisount of j%o � a topy Whoroof i ar tottochod And by this ra t r#n d rt Roti _ r ' tontrottor shall bo lit rr dd, borwod "d fri ur4 d, 1 E i;. ,Jy y t 11h the ove"i that tho potitionor w� 1 NO, tiogloct or Woo* to p0d,6With t� rhe rw #A oroy► " rr vr within th# timo ltsitodo 0,000, trwrrw (10) 0"yo' 0 by tho city to, t t t i wore + r ' the 0#00000#06 ovf*t 'O mw 0,00h, 40foult o0w ai l'Ar o f pry o r"r ou "0 the the City *Ay at $ o optlo w oha th r r�k, ok chs" tho 400s, t f t th 4titt 04 h pots iottoe's, Ou'roy awry rr tho Ovoot the ow paid+ to br,00 Orr tho #*td bom to r000 or" the N'eOOf h U the o'rrorr ' "tit ut% a t oti s, be brought y he, po o" r Allow, tho Potitio"Or's ra shall bo e luo rro Or 04'r#0 to 00y► i" 04441 rrrr o the rr o rw ruerr a4 lowoblo, outh oto as the, ourM ot% ,a ' +" J' O are * rray l'o to#e wo cott"s ifivarrod, by, tiro City, Uoth err tho TOW court Awd 4000110to Oo , if any, or, t,ho City O*y Ot its a rr a"rr irq ipr"a + l rqs to O"Of r t alar' ho, io"Or 'A"tw"10#0 04tittotwe'ssurety *0#4ific,*0#4ipoa of the o and 0,0, 1 carr with the otw4(ortit Woptoii Oy the Citi: of ar r, r 0 #w,y a oo , 01 0, liko r" rr, tiro, city, shall bo Dart to eotovor o w h ras a he coort U490 r ors o tot, the ity,# attorney's too$, O posts� both iti tho, r io' Courtw�" l, ' rr'sww , 4, Oo i orrrwrh, 'Covittirrorvt With the Oxotution h # shall d sit Witt) the city ars t Osti sodto Oqual polo a0w lumt ro rwarrfoot for of an 6 toqoth# with, 0 fur hor° suo oqu,,*l to the Ostiowstod cost of 'o o eawl hioV, to a� iso the t 1 tth i 1, oM for 4, OOo two the Oittaw Op t f raid l i h ' h ho Gigs '4o Oaf proviot poeiooit arw ft "l totoottioOls whith tar, the i'00,0*0 aro dos r'410 to oisouro coopliatwo, hay "h, i", -orwsido aar w% r f the PoOtio o sholl O*y tho Oroseribod ifi'sspoots"Ovi too f tho tot*1 ostitAtod coot of tiro totes ru tarp; Laid foo boirq w 'the Foote 'a, frrrr h rh oqroos to itistakil, i" ti(pWitotioti, wArWrw atw tr0ficO foo. i tr� " arm sews to err o ,twin sol" r� y off rr rOl *00OUr° w err H M# 0,10 a r� :rwr40 tootrol Owur'O'sr a toa i i'0 art'0 d la, , 0# to4mteO4' y Cho, City , 11 Ot outh, at tho 04614c, Worovo0oh"t"S h0vo, booh totem er1. a a� rfr U t 9r Owl r i s a +�+ o #gyral 0 a r rr01001,100,06 as a rr 'rho ;< "Oy o f of i; #,"OodioOto toe *t4oiO " 044 i aw * thea, Ur 0rr ootificotioh by tiro O000ftowlt of y Oo a "'woot thottwo r aqui rrr rr ho City have h ' ' o s tiro, 'City it, 9604, "d "rr' ° t rr D arer ' , i *10, with, tho Oorfomoaoto �� totso, vido for ao ,aar of Owy dotottloor rr a 0' too or O'e s wito"O' t oot Oft4w t*otativo "Oootww* of tiro 0461st rar city,r h wrw foot of ri "000o oftwo,00,101110"to a! th 'fir" "t-00't to Owto0 Oft (i) firth err , arr+too vl Orr 0 4 (""oretalovi 4-000' 'ttlivo yyy 0001#10 too, (4I4 0* tat NOW 4(r( 1 hppi" j i �r 10. At- ' fit RNs " ' �' to f9l�'? oo ` Mit �4 04't� tt� o 4 t' '0:0 bow+ sot* rr W o tho ' , s t*'' * owutw thi:0" ours to o 04,01h, Of thom t , c y0"F s tl; f'. a i; r (AtU h 00tory hokm*10410"ot horoto) 00tom I a a j+, s A:WOW sooftoll4b, Aft, to botolro 00 thio y " ot tot,', ' f" Y' 4" t 1 1'- it f" A$' bi ) tit # � f {{ 4F t 4 100 n � 10 k s � # � tolls „ e 'VxMe r JA 0, At tit �r. Ile ow illomm, 71 � F ol ivok I F t n miss 100001 ,,*4 } 40*6 g} j, I")I ot,4 4' y .z fit # t i g „ "I � .cy44* vo " t a y� . XtO2.1plel/ieew � �' lie**,e-- /b- Atollo 0 `xe " a -F w f'' � 1�'' � � �, �.,.. � � . � � r�� �.. {, } �� ,�'° OF VWAGWIMAL HE M sw vams 1-11 tf 723 Tf TO WE ARE 50401 YOB )iftacftod C, u,� fOOOWjfk# Items, u� IJ Shop C , c"I prinu tj pians 13 Umpt" G Softiflamotis " (Ofet ; Change order M$ h THM AREANSMITT(O os dw od below, As " t`:) Aotuttiod for t' C"I" _ C..:C FOR N'DS DUB (J PRINT$ AFT .ww N TO US u Sm s COP MITCHELL, N S r.n a' « *600 Ic a Baa a r say 000 140, " *Ito* t v * 40th as.' t*f t* 0* 3 xt 8 x 004, *4 *' " # Baa coir* e *` #a « A* Y , 1987 �� Westvood w',. foody Porten , OR 97201 R1 Tigard ToWno Square I Gentlexont l represent 060r90 and Margaret Benz, whO Owt and roside of property locat#d at 16550 81W 113th Avenuo in Tigard. I at writing you on their b half with respect to thodevelopment of Tigard Towne Square, which is 1 c t d in Tigard at the intorsoction of P40ifiC Highway 4nd SW Durhax Road, not far from mY cliOntal proporty. It MAY Of this yoar W68twood Corporation, rpa approval fA SOnsitivtbd Permit for a ShOPPinq center on 19.3 acros Atth d acrid velopmen approval, 48 it related tothft issUe of drainage, indices d that improvoments wOUld bo required alOnq SW Durham R04d And SW 113th AvotueThi approval also required they atom war d6t4ilg bo provided e f the Public Improvement tetb The 10cation and capacity of #xistinq and Props ed future) Iih*0 Whall e wide . 0 The 80nsitiVe Lands Portit approved a roquost tO fill and grade a drainage that bOcCftas a ravino at tho bouthoastportion of the site# The ravino is Spring Crook, which flOwsthrough culvort On SW 113th and through xy cli#nts, property. TV0 conditions of tho SOntitive Land# re r rop1ac*jft#rjt of the cul rt at SW 113th with At Onlargod Culvert 000 of perxittinq fro# and uhobstruct#d flow; atd 2 PrOvisiOn Of e h e PIUtdt r duction tochbiqu# b#10v tho site,# WA P tor rut-off dchare point ih order to reduce aureed '# n7 the t Th ae 00nditions aro of tr � ffom rt to ty 0en , ince Whatever e you take these ZAtters will dr cy aft tt their property, MITCRULL, LAxc, Wtd Corporation I July loo 190 cPago For your info n, tho culvort, at 113th Avonuo is locatod n proporty owned by zyclients. that culvert are a d0*66tic V611 and a pond that is home to fish# bird and other wildlife epodes. In 1950 t *Wtin raft for : irrigation wator fro* Spring Crook. The aonz,a _so h4v $tat# Wr Aoaource for tho ponds 1978. These perxits for urian and pond purposes are usedrely Any increase or chn a in tho quality and quantity of runoff rosulting Prot your to nt could have 6iqftifiO4ntadverso Impacts i MY cls n - SP60ific concerns includoral roduction in Vatar quality, orosiont increason in pond siltation, WlutiOn Of well water (which providos zy clionta, drinkitiq wad r) and potpotd contavAination. laacts fix, a rata ' pollutants art also a 'major concern. MyClients would like to discuss tboso zattors V th you t tpractical 401utibhs ,t be roochad. specifically, sh y art interostod it diNCUSSing tha f6asibilitY of 41tornativo drainaq* routtat altornatives to proposed unfor auto-rolated ponos ail ati b, omi t, and the Vantity of runoffs including PO%sibilitY Of Siltatiot p n a and vator divorsiot around thou ponds and othor galavant tatters. MY canal son, Frail bott, in an ani"aar vho doos work with drainago i4guot gay r and who hat Studied the spocifics of your proposal. I SU916st that *06ti0q be arranjod vhich itcludoe trod Rent and your enqi000r, to wr b0caust the drains a isaut is of importances to you, rotlootod in tho conditions Of tht S bait n $ Pormit, at b6caust th *Pas of your dovoloptont aro pot my 6arit "sal to Ifty clionts, its r , I sugg#st that guch *00tinq tooscri aboVe bo hold at tho soon#st soonpractical tip MY client# look, forward to that *toting and place you on by this later, f their apacf�o cow rhe � � Vary truly your oct Tigard City c Pandy Cl rte CITY CW TIGARD, DATIRt July 13, 1987 Tot Brad Roast, Building Official t ParAy Crt , SerViCel$ lmanaqew REI Tigard Square Building Pe- its An you k .. p P with all i forth in their Sensitive Lvids w,4 Site moevolopmnr Review apprwals. Aocety building only. bill d I discussod theirre<;twst the o0wr day aM felt that sufficient progress had bow ma& to grant Owir rwp*at. prior to issuo" of future buil& 'g ditionr, from bow aWrovals mst be oatixfted WM� Monahan Keith L John H vel. July 13,E 198 26,YOM Of$OA400 Owstruction 3030 S.W. Moody rtl , M 9720 tny I' M Albortsm*s S \ ill (f for said projwt. After sigMtUrO thOrOOf bY thO PtiuCiPal(8) wo ry * in thtt ono of the bond forms by the murety,, turn for fiml pto . Afton City t it oupy will be trwonitted to you# for your filet by the cid SubsoVmtlyt tber"tt*rt the aWraved public inprovemmt OOtWtrUctiOO p1wo can bo issued upon rweipt of a in favor of the City of Tigard, 4Vwft/feO(S) . Sinoorelyi, V!-S. PAWan u July 13, 25 V004 of$*vi,> 06lm 1086 Stew Ward Wootech gogineoring Inc# 3421 25th Streets St Sales, P. 97302 E ; Tigard Tom Square bete ' As we, 41stusseA to ourmeet July 2od, before wo. canepprove the traffle signal phos for the project tho followingtte meat be completedt 1hov all stgual pole bete cleat of the sidowalk or est why they cannot be, clear of the sidewalk. 2. Itt th# lo##M ou PlattSkeet 17, otplitinl bted sign bole. (OSAL And I! C3. Correct orrava for south eeb at Summerfield/Ourhat fatersection i; on Platt Shoot 18. i , Provide edeeee tbt OOOT approves of the signal design At I)orh4*/99W# dee of tho signal rote tl t and voulA b able to *a1utato the Sutoo#rflold/Ourham slgn#1 upon osotuttoo of t appropriote C t O T Agroosent for I t e l,ee eta It this Addition dtell t b t tt eedll R. W . .t Rt "eek ROten/0,0410 RAndy C1 o, City of Tiqard f Dick Wolk* ATTIC 7—k.s x July 130 19$1 Mch*rd * Woolk# hiss cTr*uoporwtoa to a * lot, 16016 SW 11004## lorry Road Lake Oswego# Olt 97035 j Itt i r4 Tovu Squaro Wbortsoul Your totter of July * 1947* provMoa *44ittooal iolotuttott ou owkiaS Ustoft** 04 Durho t4forutiou provtd*d for thest 4 to Oath**/49V, it app#ars thot * toulk stauto of ?IS foot for tho left *o"* (40 foot for left ploy lA lot too., ii WI N to 4t*ft#o thio r z Zw y MIS Nouso wAt wow v im U* wtooktw to" 10Oft* or U" twomit 0040#a MU� 4.0 It #0111 * 10 11 MAL OW 0 ~tw *A** ot (M MIN Nomwilk lNO WT MOON July 10, 1987 wstvood corporation 3030 S.W. Moody Portland, 00 97201 t Pet * (SanitM Stom Sewer Work) Dear Ws. Wollamt3 fW the OmVlimmmtmot aM Perfonftnf for said project. Aftor sigmture thereof by Ow principal(s) n t.11w omw of the bw4 fog y* please return both f f p r City � d n a copy a will bo tratmAttod to you, for ymr files by the City Rewtdar. p f a check# in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon t the am of 5*244.08 d agrommt W*rein ) Sinm,rely# jdm S. wqmn ftVinftring Technician i 4312 � n . SPO m2m.t 91"3 (w3), � 'h { ew y �o-F fi m a +yN 0s d 4 f b tS3 F mwwta � TOTAL. °° 0 10421 \. i < �\ �>m . mom z� ( ` xwm ALL , towo t ►rt 1 � $ duly wf #W� to EMR llf4 /I kt # t* f r"Oo, ► suftty, r* jototly OW hold Lwow unto th* jolty o t , (W"O", * Owtoto*Itty of tho nato , hArot 'tor *1104 th It ot. to tho suo of Uwful f th* (Jottod ttwtoo of for tho *od 4 to t , Jointly ood oovor*lly bOws tv*S of t " 0*04"s firoly by thoto "#4mt. TW MONS TI 0000 ANO 00LIOTIONt SMO. th*t tho Ort tools ttt� "I +� +�tty ►+ ttwl #Ad + mw toto with + 00 t to ttooty f sabi Aoto~t to cwt it tht #'t tO* h#r*tft *Wl Wthf#Ally OW tVVlY t oath oil umo, of tt Ow ovoll °tt truly all *Att tht f* ~o to w pof **- um*t #11 Or4im"w**, uttoftitto" tho 061to" "OU00141 t "to dovtt t 'V t" Ow Owit pr000tly soko "Yo"tt *t ou"lyt"# two1w Ow 00tiort4ol for th r* O"W140d by i j rpt, W4 *Wt Imot t y ttml or v1*00 to bo 1tO"*otutt000d tt" t t tom" thit tt+ #h*11 bo ootid, Oth*fwito t t taw Full tortio t t tht Ovoot of * tt oe sittionMod by tho tt " t f rvv 4414 ht *4A at to too thoo t t t* bbod, to 040itto'O, t tt Othor rfghts OW rA40dios horou"dior, tho, MY, 1t* t it *holt rov*11, th*tt bo o"tittodt of t t owy for Ott y, #, th* t h* t t t to to tt �tOft E yyy `nh LYS to G, Harris 2- 24ti.I.1C i *. t th* ttt .. MOW tt to too owk1j1,n*1 of turoty, tt ti t h y d tod this day of botwoo" tho CyTY 0 MOO, Muftiotoolity of the $t t 0"90o, h0r i irtOr tea this o ityo hor t t r t **+Mitt r r' WHEREAS, A tition r h t applied to tho City for *pprovalof con trutti n of pubtit i"ltrr t r►it ry ood storo s0wors, to 60o �ir� rithtr� the brdr#t r� �, the ttth+d t hibit "A", and by r f r onic rt haroof, vvi Wit tAS, the City of Tigard requires pplicant for construction Of Public + r , argil appurtononcos th r t , to submit to construction Plea rovi0w, tonstrutti n inspection ood t stir , and, furthor, to provide truer rrtt a turat t, to great public oasomonts *rW to romit poyowent of r'ol va"t, tri arw Charges$ arrd WWREAS, this City hos approved akod odoptod tho Staodrd SPecific*tIMIS f r Public Works coast tti ti Orr chaptor APWA, for tr t, t rate , structuro JWnd rl ;td Work, arw Urttd rrty gitritary sowor,090 rut*$, rogulationt and ti it ti for samitory t to Ht oc Y tt ntt thereto; ood MAS, th public towor i. ott to tw to"Structod by the titin" r ' *to trot+ l t , titi n r htrt th l tt requostod that tho City pormit grik"ting of rrtt to th# publit, aril th rti t h+ r irr r4owii dostro t protan the public int"rias orw *stir that thb i rpt will 60 inst ll d as required tltd within tho timo, hor*iftaftor tot forth, t"CatFORC, in tt"tid r ti n of tho forog ing prootio and th covonants sk"d *9r*Q#WotS to 60Copt *tw oerfome,4 by tho petitioner and A tits rr rt Auroty, IT TS 14 C y CEO AS tO t . t, Potitt000r shall procood to cow*loto all PU61ic stwor t r utt shown on t` i t Ala" *pPrOVO4 by this City of Ti rd prop*rod by Wegtech inge r 1 cid lofprov0000t to bo t lot lata hitt 000 i1 year t the d of of thit reg rpt *rid Potitiotior h r by rocs to comply with All real $, r U1 ti t afw spotitit iti rrt I#t forth by tho City ard, to us# otily t th t rt*lt *M to follow t th diesignt at to r gitr d to cooform th rttr AAtitt r th ll id t rtittt tt of stitc h*tion t ofo oto end on# t tit yl r, berth tt by r"ittorod ti it 0hotA00r, to the UtY Prior to city i"spoettoo of potittof*r* i Wot work for City t iti 1 *ttoptaot# tootittoriwtioti,. to *Star# toopliiynco with tho City's it r€tt *rW tho provisioot thoroof, irati.ti rrbr root to obt*to, otovid# aod tt r to tho City, a t r ty 1 1 in triro *"f-ovod by the City, with 1t bi1ity it n tt girl to tho contract crit# of , i t to city tttVret of Ad it Or *Pprovod coott ttio for t tt tti " of std .* t ` rat#, 0t i t i ttor't t rrt resat t r th 11 bo lit rrt , iirtr : ' ---------------- ovoot that the Potiti000r Shall fail, ""loct or rofuso to proceed with this work to of) orderly and Progrossivo miaonor to asw# complottoo within tho time Spotiftod, upon too (10) days notice by tho it to the Petitioner and the Potitto"Or's surety, a"d oath default and faito to w4torid coati ng thereafter. this City 00Y at its Option Prolcood to have the wot� cooplotod " tharjo the costs thereof against the Petitioner and the P01"'40, 1110r*$ surety WW fin the OVOot thQ SAMO be not P*id, bring an Akttioo 0#1 said bond to rolcovor the a#kouot thereof'. To tho ove"t that such, awtion be brought" the Potitt000r and the Potitio"Ws Suroty lsh*ll be roquirod to Prootso and agroo to pay, in Wdition to tho Amounts accruing 00d 011000014, SOO W# *4 the court $Ihall Adjudq# r4ason*blm as *tt0rh#Y'* 404 *od rest i"turrOd by th# City, both to the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if ony, or the City may *t its option tiring pr toodingt to orf rt against tho Potitiorear *od/or Potitionor's surety, tpocific Porforma"Ite of tho Contract and compliahco With tho tar and ado too by tho City of Tiqakrd, and in any evont, in * like mannor, tho City shall be ontitloj to recover such sums as tho court may adjudgio roaionablo for thin City attotroq*s fool *"d icost birth in tho Trial, Court anti and App*0 t , Court, if airy 4 Potitt000r, coort urroort with tho o*ecutjon hor#of, agroes to pay tht following foot and thargos" A plan thock end Inspection fee to cover tho cost of City r#viow of public wotoltfto coristruttion plant orid, to tho City's intorost, poriodic iospection of mot"Itne Construction (wept building, comoctions) to tho W400unt of $J5�244�Q§_,_, b, A corgi noctiors p#r*it foo to t tho cost of fir ocossing huildiog Sair itAry towor coonaction Pomit applic*tions AM Porfo in i"SP#tAt0" Of buildt" CO"00ctiotl(s) , Said feo to by dotor*inod, loviod, and Poid prior to noir thin of building Sowor's to (this) public mi*initoo tower, A surch*r90 to counott directly --i-41--ml (Itrire inapplice blo word) to *m 0*istirfi public imoinlino S*Mltary '40wor which we$ imstall 0d without cost to thin Potitioner, Said surchorge to bo dotorotri od, toviod, *rW paid (by tho Potitionor) in ottord with trii of m9roemoort botwoo" the City a"d d A momthly *#war rite eh*rqo for us# of tho Public samifi*ry Bogor Systom WhtlO the City aoos to riodic inspoctions as in thv jud"orit to nocottary to Atssoro co*pTianco, tho P#titionor Agrool, to PrOVOO C#rti6C*ti0" th*t th# i*Pr0V##Wnt h*S b00n iMStall#d f0 A(kVrd With, pity std and *nd tho *pbrov0d f*provemont plan, i*td tortiri(,ition to bo Signod by a roqittorod civil ongineer th# Potitf000r "roos to Pf'ovido the City with 40 nour ri rrr.rr motico of c(~Mtometit of torr ttart"tiotl *rvd, Also, i2 hoot, a0vi"4rice flotiti, of f,oquostod ffold, tutpoetio"S tho Potitiotlor *Or##* t o insore t potitioriof 's 0"gio0of 440 A ifv� *ttur*to **-,built ffold) construttiott rotords of Said *#war in#WlAtion *o4I. *11#0. ""** to tuwr* that the City is farina NW with ono *tBoa*to **40th *41er t *od. farther, with *tcurato 1 dwrtotiort* of all "#e#*#mtVrt 4At suth time 04 *It public twovomotIts havo boon CO#Wlot#d to ottoram"00 with tha, City's rodutrowots, Petitt000r *hall submit tho oforosaid "tortifte0o of inst4Motto" tooformantoo to tho City to notify k City of road'inoss for cooditionot *t00Pt*"C* lir spottion off, thorn 000" notifitatio" by the Department of Co"WrWity 00"W#100"ot that the r"Otro"Ats of tho City hoeo b"o mat, tho potitiohior will sobott to t1ho City a good OW suffittoot quorsAto"o bond. If Mt *Ir*ady provided with tiro porformanco bores, form opprovod by tho City, to "Vido for coy rOtt, W, of any foloomplot# work, or *ny 400ettuo work or #Aiotoisaoto *Pparoftt or orisi" Withio on# (1) year oftor conjitional *Ceoptaoto of tho public f4provomoots by th# City. 9pon rocolpt of certification fro* th# 04portts""t of Community oovolopaont that all roo*ots have boon mot, 'And at on ye r° auora,"t## 00nd, tho nts subjoict to the J, City agroos to tooditionally *ttopt tho public i"rov000 of all work and corroctloo of dofitioncios, and r#quir0000t of tompletion mointon*oco, for a p#riod of on# yoor, 10, potitionor Agroe% to corroct any d0fottivo work and to porfors any maintonanco, upon notification by tho city, *rising drein g tho poriod as horoi"Ivo sot forth, Ile At such timq a% #11 public improvoisonts how# boon co*plotod in atcorda"co with tho City*# ro4uirowmts, Potitionot $hall notify tho City of po roodift#*# osPott for fiftol lion WW U00o Wtific*tf0t! by th# 00 rt#*"t Of Community tiovolop"ot that all r04uire o*,#oto of the City havo boon mot, tho, cou V0000ts, for op*rotioo and "Aintoosisto"til "too$ to accopt $*id impro roso"sibility, and rotOAt* th# P#tftA01%r'$ 9U*r*"t## bo0d, 12. lhot Potitio"Or, it) considorotion of City approval of ilio applit stion to con4troct public m#j"Jino, sowor within tutu bound*riot of oas000"ts hold 6y or to W hold by tho, City, do#$ horoby COV0000t WW Ogre# to **V0, hold hor*loss *tW fnd*#0itfy tho, City, its offit#rs, agoot# *od omployoos. for aod froo all claim#, tf***od*, 4dos, and o4ch *rid' ovory rhor obli"tioo thot can or could art*# from tiro ""lott of Potitionf , hit officors, 09#flts, controctorl atw #*ploy###, or frost trotposs upon proporty outside of tho oars rut aroc iotludin g *ttorhoyls foot and cost*. if *try, ri#cossarfly Ifiturrod by tiro City in 40yng "iWiftst 10th cl*ift, with tho jtit#tjt *tW puroo## that the City *hall be MOW# Wholo with r*tpott to wq **oUnt* it May bo ro4uirod to pay or bo hold Bolo for in conootti0o with #*#etj*a of r#*j or *#,su*W pirivil"os affordo'd Potitiorwor for 00wor con'struttion puroo##,I lrtios ho Wool th# it ofoerf-or""co bond, COPY WhOre0f is horeto *tt*ehod o"d by rofoeonto ftdo A Pat"t hlof-oof, a(W PotM000'r "re"A to c*u*# to h*v# #*44 hood #s#tot#d *od ffl#4 with tho City tootortontly with tho #*Otutton of this too rut st or prior to tho ttoo this 44toomorit is osotutod Oft bohalf of tho City, potitio"Or fuirthor Sqr*#S to oatist*i" *Aid bond to full fort# arw offoct until othorwiso okothoritod by tho City ift wrttit4, to wimss wKiwor, eve this 09re0*0"t PUT-400"t to t o o,, CITY or Tilawt e Oiroctlor Of C N Two t. " stlosm"m #00 swam to wltwo 00I twA loth Notary .t Ow1 mOr y Of t signori copy Westwood ��. por-t ae, &rK 9720 I I'll"I I, _11111-1`1111-7111111-", % lll'�11'1`11;1117:I­`­­I,-"��%`77"Ill"T":7-� - 7 I-1,7-_111WI�11'11,Nr`-1 _11V'11'1111�11__7­­,"�,_',�,I-11 111�7­."',�,­��,7"�l�,7��-,7-1,'��­...1"�M'l, I,�71,­I ­ -","11---7 1,I;I 11 I I 11 11 11 I v I I I,11 I I I-,,I,�111,1,;1:1�­7�,,,­-7,,�,,"7,-1 "��T��,",,,­',"'n'�,"'r,"'7'�"""'��,�,��,�-,-,�,�"""'�"'-"�\\\�"-\',',I I I I I,1"11 1�--I 11-111 I I 11 I I ­_ ----,-,,,,r,,,,,,,,,,--l""""�7���,,-,,�___ , , � , I I 11 11 � I I I I I" I ,I I I I I I I I I I ,I :�,,,, , I I I,, I "'"I I� I I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I '� , " ", 11 I 11 , , I I I I I I , , I I , I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I , , I I , I I I I I, I , I I I" , �,,, , , I I I I,I I I, , I,,,, I I � ,�, I I I I I I I I I I, I, 1 , , I I I I I � "�, � ,,I I I I I ,I ,, I I, I I I I,,, ;, I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,�� ,,, I I I I I ,, I ,� I I, 11 I ,,,,,,, �,� I , I I I 11�/," ,, 1,I� , , �I I I 1�1 I I,,,,/,I I �,�, I 1 11 I I ,, I , , I I I I I I, I,I , , I 1,:�, I I I I , , , I I �l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I I I I �, �,, I , , , ,� I ... , , I,I,�, ��,,,,,,I,, ,,;, � I I , ,�,�I,,,,� I I I I 11 I 1, ,,, , �l 11 11 , I I I ,,I,1 f/I I I I,, .I,I�,I I I, I I �,�,, ,,;, , l, ,, I I ,�'�,�, ,"�,�, , , I I 11 ,,� I,I I ,,,,,,,,�,,�,�1�,�,I"'��',1,,/, /, ""',,I, I� 1 : I, 1"I ,"" 1,I I,�,�l I�11 I I I I I ,I, , ,��, I,, " � ,,,�, ,, I I I,, I , , ,, 1 , I," , I ,, 1,�, I ,,�,,""':, ,,,� ,,�,",�, ,, I I I I I, I I I , ,I � ,, � � , " ;,�,,��,,�,,,,�,,,,,, ,,, , l I , I , , I , , I 11 11 I, ,,�l",, , ,� I,,, I ,� I I I 11 ; �,,,,, I , I I I, I ;,'�,,,, f ,,,,,,,, , ", � � I I I,,: � I I % I 1 I I I I ,I t, I ,�,,, I I I I , I I I 11 I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "I I ,�� 11 11 I I I I I, 1�, I I I I I �'I", , ,, I I I I ,I I I I I I I I "I" I/ I ; 11 " I, I I I I I I I I �I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I �l I I I I I / I I I I I � , � ,",, , , , I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I,,, I I I I I I I I I 1,I I I I I I I - 1,10000,00010"O"--,100,I i I 1 1 1 1 lip!lmo#o"00#00!""_ - I I I 0 I 01 I 0 10101000 0 0000 I I I 10,000,00i"_00000"000 ____ il i 00 10,1000,! 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I' s k ss s e,"e"""k, s"I'le, k "iiii,10 00W iiw", e ee I,e e4s`sse,�, seek 4�;]Xk,'�7 Es, . ..I......I k w "s k�,,kle ee�s, se"'Ill N-4 lll,- t, Ake "e Is- sse, R's 'e", e' :tA k 00 s, j e�k ... .............. .......... Te ee k 7 V�, A ki s k,k er Is Isse e "'se's k"7 .....-P se"I'' el !�sk' ,e, V I's ''s, A e e e, se sis, .. .. ...... k# Te, ��j ell I At.",SEVel lell"ll-f lk", kksU,,&,&L I, e'eke", s, ele, W"'; 14 03F h `7`k7,'7"k �'kk, 7_ ssm", s k , ,I 7, W, It I I;'kj, 91 WIT s 777"" 7 7777"'�; 777`77' 'kkle�,")sei�, k 7`7 11"', ,,, ........... "Isk,ell �ke'J� .. ............ ow ii�*O""' o,,,w",,0" woloolse, oll 0"i-i- iwoo**1400414 o0o moo" iol e wo"O* A ow,0 ow "14041000 io ........... Is 77 I""'es s� kk) e,, ell .......... e, ke',�slk se Is's Z k, 'es"', eseks", ke 4 e "Ise ",sell, ......... se""", eq', �""kske,? M m ki'll" m e ei, "Iss, ----------------- "ke p e ekle",)I k"'es" 0 Al ses,, k, ee 1 - I , k es"'k; seek Is, . .......... .......... kkl�k;,,, e e's I"ek, �,',kkk",ps ICA 4,1111111, e: "ke, .......... sle el q k, ke R 'slse;�- s,� seek, s see e ks, e ee 1, se, e 7 "k, es, A, sk s", 777M 0ee kl,�skk�� ,'',�,,� s-- V, ee" ........... I�,,Ieskk�� cm. , �sk',ej� - I kekk% . I......I.. Vn 4s, 1.11, 1111.6 es", .. ...... ",es, "'e"I" v"kes"k,", WOO 1,000AN "loie ?0�0� 4ow Oil eo** 14. Ion Oregon State Highway Divis, DISTRICT 2A MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR PO BOX$0,SEAVEATON,OR90ON 07075-0646 PHONE 22"M GOV~ July 10, 1987 Stove Ward westoth togineoring 13500 S.W. 12od Avenue Portland, Oregon 97223 Subjeett both#*, Ro4d Albertson# The moot roco"t plant submitt#4 for the Ttgor4 Town* Square and taprovemoots to 99W and Durham Road still has probl#*# with the 4estgo of the double left turn from 99W to Durbaw Road. These thsngos are shown skatchod on Sheet 9 of 23 AttaeheC the changts itivolve sAiSoment of the southbound 99W lott turn lones and videning of the throat of S.W. Durham Road. To got# Saliems #pprovst for the tostallotion of the double left turn off 99W traffic data inforoatiou needs to bt provided by the Traffic Consultant. An agreemout between the ftotv and the Devolopor for the proposed traffic oigual oodifteationo ou 94W still "##do to he procossed. It to State policy for the state to de#tgu sod construct tither by State Portr# or hy coutract the traffic signal tiiot4ltatioas aod *odtfteatiotis oft the ftat# Rtghvay syato%. To facilitate the design the cousult,sot con provide the 1/20 victuity mtp to bo used as 4 b4so map for the signal detign. This 1/20 ohould Whow the intersection configuration ## t have sketched in oft the ottathed 9 of 23 #boot. Locatio" of the existiog signal apertures and utilittoo within tho area, The permits for the utility installations a"d the roadwork test of Station 205 can be loaned ott the piano submitted. As mentioned above, Short 9 of 23 must ho revised, for issua"to of the permit for tho coo#truetion of work east of Stattou 205, ny topy of this letter I *ilt be Tkotifying w4y"O' 80hulto our ftdorAl Aid Speci*list to 0,tttate the agreement pro##*#� r177 litottiet Mintoototo $uptrvtoor art Rody Vftt#y# Ofty of Tt#Ar4 V*yut seholto 44$4ot,,�eel Av MMMA"I R M p WWAI*0 July 100 CitY of Tigard 12755 S.W. Ash Avonuo Tigard, Oregon 972,23 Att"t Williax A. Monahan Director of Community Davelopment get Tigard Town# Squaro $04 87-05t M 47-02* V 07-05 Doar Mr. 14onahaht Dotty WOII*** 0"01OPMOnt PrOJOCt ftn*qor for wootwood, mot With Ready ciorno ##t#r4*Y 404 went over any it#a# tb#t "Ooded to bo oddroas CtOrt P*ruit* V#r# to bo issued. The tollowt" conditi"S Ot the 90tioo of Dooislon, were discus"d and 0004,04 to be cowpist#dt Its* 4. And it** 7t tiqht-Of-WAY 40diCations for ourhsa and 113th. Tho City **4 rocoiVed tho loqalo, but A'00444 tho oxocutod 400umonti. I hove 0"010404 tha 40cuto'"to With this lottor. Ito* 12 and Itse 13t 84nitArY Sower And Stora Draitoq* ftaomonto. Tb# City has those* but not th# #x#out#4 00pj##. 'ero'cs" with this I*tt*r U-0 090cut#4 COPits, as roquost#4. 15 1 ' tog abovinj 100*U04 Ot tir tro" that arm v*% At this tilt# an roloo#tjo" of landscaping duo to 4=4 st trees. Chris Pr"hl#y, th# I*M**P* Archit#*t# Isfil #Ubait this 4r*vjhj to Wth Ud" today. "to Only romaininq i"U# woo it#* 4 " tho gotio# ot #b*'j Order art i"i" to instAlli"o A otor* drainage lu* to V*tor fros* an 01wh Oat"" tros 0" LO tho mod W' T� rot*r# to, tho U0,40 ot to on'tal vow Tho att, tho lottor froa #"Uoh' tfiqfhoort*'�' 00"tructio" #04 #obodulinq or thio vork. WOW 0" that tho inotillition is do"* to tho 4101, �*ty of TO. k", Willi" A. city Ot 'rjq*r4 July 104, 1041 Pik" 2 With tho *x0eption ot tho abovo item*#, vostwood hA4 *at all tho 0004itions Ot , th* N*tio* Of 000ision and the Xotioa of vinal Ordor. Upon your rocoipt of tMa lott*r and th* onaosuros all 000ditions havo boon met. wo 0004 to obtain 'tho' AlbOrtoonts building poroit today* jj* poa#jblo. *a hAV* a t*Ouh4AtiOO P*r*it# but h6vo Wont as tar as wo can until wo r*O*iv* th* full Porsit. 909inooring is vorking 0" tho atroet and public utility porxits. klohn Rawn oalled our office YOStOrdAy and said tho dovolop*#"t Otqr*#a*jjt* aM Porrormatco bOft4 fOr,* will b* roady to pick up today,, Tho stro#t p#r*its or* to tollov shortly. Your 44014tamo In this projoOt io vastly approci*tod. Strworoly* ***"#Om 0040owto* ftatrootors 4*rAI4 Oirootor 0%"lop"At Projocts jWW' S"losur" 041*190011140 INC. - HECONSULTING ENGINEERS K KANNEk� P"E July 7t 1987 Mr. 11111114 woolay City Of Tigard aott-,"V4 4- P-0- BOX 23397 Tigard, of( 97223 At: Tiqard Town* square jC "KZ7 1% Dear Pandyt Thank al you for meetinq with me last ve#k to diseugg S#V#ral jasu## rog *d nq Tiqard Tovf* Squ*ro. Wo have discussed your Vroposal for stroot closures; Vith the 0ontractor and aro proparod to make the following 00"it*Ont r094rdiog the closures of Durhaa goad: I. DUrha% f(oad will be c108#4 on# tjA# only for a maxiaux 0106ure of 7 calendar days. 2' DUrh** 'Road W"' b# 01040d nO 800h0r tb'An AU9U8t 1, 1,987 and no later than Auquat 31, 1987. 3. Tho contractor will notify tho City and various Mile 49"c"s (Po"06f fire, Otc.) 4 OWXUA Of 5 days pr or to the cloofAq of ourhjo RoAd. 4. The eriqi000red tills# Store dr*inaqo and curb vork to *Ax'sU14 Oxt"t POSSWO will b# c000tructod prior to the closinq of Durham goad. S. The road will b# 010804 4 *AXi*U* of 7 day$ 404 under no circumstance will the closure l4st 40Y longor than the tite 6110WOd- It iftl6*00t, Weathor *rise#, the contractor will tako whatevor recautions n#C##SA Conatructio T q to Ptotoot the tiO"411Y tho contrac or will 40 whAtever is "#c084ArY to reopen tho r0Ad Aftor the 7 day period. C The 36" storm #ever will bo congtruct ,d rior to the closing of Durhaa goad. The crossfaq or ourl Cad with tho storm sovier will tAko place be I tV*O,ln tho hours of 9too a.*. and 300 P.*. Tht cootrattor Will he roquired to Mve AP f1' Aqq#rx, 8t0*1 PlAtOso OtC. ih ordor to 1A btain traffic. Th* 'AbOVO Is OY und'Orst*O&O9 of our discutialon r"ardinq tho ro*4 cjosuro* The contrActor hea road ant"I olreod to the t#t*s of the reed closure and to pr#psrs4 to jjV4 by 'ho Oove conditions. I VIM SW INdAw,P0*01 ..................... AV, P104ASa call us should you havo any qtwations rogar4inq this *Attor. roly, INC. 004 V*110Y Paoiric 0000, tructiott W#*twood Construction ca"boll ............... MMORAWAJM 124ite CITY OF MORO, OREGON TO: Mayor and cou"61 July 6, 1007 FROM, Raod*ll R� W0010Y SIJOJECT,� OUrbIAM 4044 C004trUCtiO(I As a Condition of dovolopMont Of rigard Towno S(VArQ, (AlbortSOWS), th" JOV010pors are r#4Uir04 to conttruct ifoprovomont% to Durham ROW, Tho improvomonts include rikising tho road grodo wost of Mth AV0"U0 to rotiuco th# dip in tho road and imorove 09ht 4istAOC-0, In order to WfOr% thO rOAd work, tho cootraictOt hJA% r04U0%tt,*d POrm'ss")n t'() cl�'*Stt On rhat" Rf'1444 bo twoon 113th Avonvo and SUMMOrfi#ld Drive fOr A POriod of Ono wook 1" O'Arl V A"Ust will p h If tho, road is clos#d, signirq and public "Courago t rough traffic to 000 "Clionald Stiroot 4*4 thp, Alternate route, Howovor, rositionts familiar with the oro* will no doubt us# Summorfiold Drivo and 99th Avisnuo ** a short#r dotoor rOutO, WO WOU14 0*00--t 4 Subl""ti*1 tf.*ff'c Votu##* 00 $Uwa#rfj#j4 0)qV# doring tho wook that Durh** Road is 100#04- If road clo#or,# it not allowed, th#" tho construction work will t*** ouch lanq*r to atoo"U#h� Tho ra0ult WOU14 W 0 lo"gor poriod of COMUWti0" nois,# #j*A torq#ttj"� tf traffic is owintolood during CoOlitruttiO0, 404t tooteol will be 0 qr**tor swobloo, Traffit dol*yl through th# t4s"'0rut"O" or#* would proba6ly load %any dfAvors to Ute SUV"Vr00l4 Dri" 1" s' detour #von if Ourt4w #oad woro koot 000n, for th### r###0o#, W# propo,*# to *pprovo tho ont-wook closurt Of 000*0 400id, at$ quickly *# Potsi0o in app"rs prof#rabl* to h*V0 the work accomPlith0d or,dof, to mfoisilro tho period of associatod noito, du#,t and tt#ffic PrOblOms prior to ally #tt-tat tjosuro, wo will, wOri( With th'O r-otidoots of 40004ffiold DrjV# afW of 111th Av#tw,# to wak# thom *M#r# of tho roasons fOr th-0 tl0*Ur* and its short dutotion, In addition, nowt t-010440* will *dvi" 00tor"t'd of tho closuro arw s"40st *lt#iKnt* routol via wC000#1d sttoot or Tualatin 90*' Th* 4#V01000tit h*V# *V*04 tO ""Urel *+"th Will ""re that th# *tr'VV1 -Iotur# is for ** tf*,j-t a duration *# 0o#stb1#, includf"q cooti"onty olitontog to *##of* thot r 14*t tjo" will t6*8tj"0# #V#n if thoy #*porioovo "6 such *# intl~t W"thor Or 4"ipiosot two,440WA wo *ro "kinq W*"rotfom to hov# *11 "Or041tary Oo hisfsd VW11 in a4va"e# of th# clotueo data, totluding 0qn04 of 4"V truv� OCOhifbi"O"* wfA'th thoo comotil, *W'OVO# 0'" MY k1th, th* 006lic l,*'01,ft, V*m, Wt# t*04 0"ViOd by tho 44voloporit *t thott. 0*0"**, No 0400, ii�4i 0*1"00044 #0f this 0"Jut, WPM* O"UNW, NO. L(Euirlr"I OF irmMONTMIL Sol nth St.ir $"#4 MOON 9130 pow*"S-12414 'to 'MEN: GENTLE WE ARE SENDIM YOO Attothod ['JI undor "Powto covor via Itoms, Shop drowings pri"Its Not 0 sof"Pift s1wifivok)"s t:'.") Copy Of 10"o 0 Change ofdo .............. D*tt "0 'THESE APE TRA44SMITTV) os obotJoW botow, C""") For oppm"I ff"I Appfovw as sow0w n" ftsubf"it-ic"'s for oppf'ovol Y, For your us* AWovW as mod "�) for diatriwtwo )(As r"oolf0i ftotu"*d folf cofffttions "Oum,-coftft-tw PH*$ rot, f4vio*ono to"Im*ft 0 foo olos out, 1], PIONTS f,,JU'fWfD Afnft LOAN TO US co" to___ A/� July 1# 10$7 Mr. Randall R. volloy* P.O. City of Tigard 1312 sw "All 4XV4 Tigard* Oregon 97223 46; Tigard Town* $quart ( Albortsools) $09 $7-0# 1461-02# V 67-06 beat Mr. volloy: I am to tocelpt of your lotter of Juno 29# 1907 604 1 Vill try to respond to your Com"Ots 44 044ttsood to your tartar. First* lot 0* say that I to no way Into"404 to oy Juno 70 19$7 lottot to taply thAt a Ist4ot bull4th? *ill taus# no toettast to traffic. Vhot I in4lcat#4 vas that the Impact of 644109 tho 0441tional square tootago to approximately equal to tho otl9toal proposal** Thtto Is 0 siqhttleant 41114reoco botwoth tho ttrob *no thettaso in tr*(ttC V010MOO and tho Iftmot ot 0441tional tt*ft1c boing av0to*1*At#1Y tho M cab bo set" tto* tht attach*4 trip qtnotatio" tot**# I havt 60ust#4 thost to account for tho thatsa#* to #quart to0t*j' *# tht actual toot**$* to 4ally trattle volu**# over tho otiginal Proposal to #00to*t0atoly $27 V*hfclos or A 1.6 * lootoas*. Tho 00 ptak hour trattir voluat tocrosso Is *ppto*jmet#jy 11# vohielts ovtt tho original ptoposal or an It* to ttattic* fthibit I to 3. As you 1041tata# thost voluoos *to not groat 0"001h to chaoq# tht pto#06*4 stvtot 4#61qn or laot 00"tigurations. tunibits 4 tod S 104104to an tt4uotioo to tht 0v#rAtio9 t*#v*1 of ottviet by tho addition ot this trotttc. I h*v# 410tibot#4 tho 4441tional traffic onto th't sottoU44109 0 44 , to4vtot#4 4k,04 hov# *hovh this 4tottiburto" on ttrott 0 tt ' 0 tho attatC41 oxhibit 6. 606, JEAN 00., LAKE OSWEGO, 041MON 41034 60"wobi MID Moo attooh*4 at* va,0*144410tod stoo-ki,o# tot all 4,00moboo, wahtrw tht, P's,0100C fboo* Wdt' 104i'to tho'""t swo, O'boo it"'00 tb* ot,19's"al ptoposal A,* swoo,"' O* ftao *0061, atiti�04 #011 Stlov b*191110 0, both** to" 0 to, 000t,00tsm"toly 4141#11, OW thol 0,11 of, voto V00,14 ooly to"quivo, 4,04, goot Of oet"Ost otot"40C th, 000,41tt tho stlwo t0#41*006"a' 't, vIAl bo 100"'s thoh, tho votot 00oo, O"oft'dAtoot $too# tho #44001 fU1400, 0#4 Oplit ot 400 1411i"t toth 1#416 tho is attual '01#0 aso *ad do, 00# th* 000091, too* *04 do hot staek tho to, *44to'so yoot 1"t potogg,00hl to k hous tt,#tt1* VOW*# Is, (AtUtho-4), 144110110tos tho 41110ttibuttlo"', ot tho *441 t s oft*I tt*ttl 0 Tht'sk disittibottook, to b000d ot'i th* tho toft 06t000t diott''11butloc liftm stookinq 410uhoo toqutt,04 tot all Oto 40ho's oto 0ho" to 4"WO I to 144, 1 bovo 4010464 tho otift''holl owtootttwo's 'got 0, 't"Woo AW too bo soo" it,00 ftoo 3 0,04*0# tho 40,600,00,00ift Wt 46 ot,0044 tot, tho t''440"i t,#4 stol too 4 11AU"twoo ot #110""oet tot '''o, ttattic t1ow''th Olt wil,1111 41,0100,041, 4,t*oily, Ott, *hot 111ho ot''tt" doos With tho 0*0 00ttit'" Ot to 14 "'ot to 060t t 00k to 460, t Out t"t *#so Y"to to 10 1 - s too w A *111 I " w otook"11,14 too* 406#0 but tot how :00ov t 040tAht## 0,000t,AM 0`40, 00000t 000100100 4 ftoofto# (UW,) Ott A Ar 10 ........... T;Alllvor4T;cN lke.-SWW t P�011461 INC TP'lf HMEWIDN 4401."18 f3i' OUITSONS ITE SECTI(it, USM r,I, TOW Uslis 1774 AW TUPf AN TRIP$ 4C% 0 TRIPS 1�13 L*1 237 IN 0.1 0.1 Z� (i�7*. 130 is oul 0.60 10 64 4#1***-*****#4***#*#*#4*********##**#t#*#****** (I F41 TRIPS M1, S.Sl 90 14 2.0 2A 241 471 lot OUT —00 2.0S 2�Cl !07 304 ha C, IS 0.3115 OJS olls IN 46 At 20 Ill 0 is 16 1(1 64 PA 1M '44 $44 lk's 10 #F4 90 1 10, 167 12 411 296 76 76 SO 304 nolost oup) gotsw(vito witlow) ORTIN Wit oil MAI, tot" OWY or Mt**Otto 04011#0 AN *I#*( wAt AN wo 1111"An Offt Offt#*4 om $0.4 W14 MA 401 ml A# of" #JI #.#i V* it tot to cso 0.00 coo 1" 43 a oot #.32 21 42 to Of" $.#I S-0 430 W to 1-26 1-44 1.44 113 M oot 2.30 2-SI 331 Oft OISM101410 OAS #43 #js ms 41 U 21 IN w 30 A It, it to ts 001 24 24 to to 41 42 ttft WO 03 44 104 4SY w Al 0 0 0 04 341 Art . 144 tM .44 1.44 34 out 2.3# 2.31 241 34 Is210 21 n 14NTt 23 44 V to 04 14 cz cis cis -13 28 op -13 fit 31 A 34 34 00 It 34 33 w t 10 mKints t . l t Kolat off ' tlo Ottsis tok AtOft Ill.# 4 it lt WOO "I MA( WIS 40.133 Ior Off OMMOOO Mwiloo w WAW AN 10 PA Offt Offt 0.4 0,4 Ott331 4%. MC 1 . . . 4 43 11.32 11.E -10 IN 4 1,14 . ! 1,44 21 34 tot 1.10 131 01141, CIS Is A 41 00004 r� 0 ._ - _ - �_____ 0[ _" ` _ ^ ' '_ , �~ °` ^~_` ` � �_,_ ~~~ ~�~^_ ,_ � t tt if 0 rAtM AM 410 Ott w 40. of k. of 00. of Nva. of so. of 0.4%. t r* ot.m. fit. ot#u,rkt Lsw fitm um t a t ! 1 .. ... ... t�rft #tot two tr two Tota 104 U1 243 t 02 411 It 004 tt 30 130 tt 1t to 0 v LW 0t 'tt00tt to sw# ttt #tt t t� tmtett tett tt toW *0. of bow t r Wt. to v4t. tri t** t to ' !000 vtw j14 #,, Of t1 WOO mit oft tont #Opwvw tw to 11 011 ,t ttt ice} too L ...... .....** ... .....*....... �������.� � � �� .� .... ..... 02 04 ttt t t t.t ttt St.t t 441.4 t 40 # �t t .1 It flit It . t 36 � tit t ti ttorto ........ ...s......... . . Its t molt 110 tt (0 It t0 AW tit sit 1#4 wooOtt tr il'ttttk t. Ott or 01MA *1000 1"wo 0*10- Ww't art ter*Owt 0 t t tot " t 140