Resolution No. 18-47 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON
WHEREAS, travel in the region's southwest corridor (SWC) is slow and unreliable due to roadway
congestion,and congestion has many negative physical,social,economic,and environmental impacts on
our community;and
WHEREAS, transit service to important destinations in the SWC is limited, pedestrian and bicycle
network gaps create barriers and unsafe conditions for transit access,and demand for transit is increasing
due to growth;and
WHEREAS,the purpose of the SWC project is to address these conditions by connecting Downtown
Portland,Southwest Portland,Downtown Tigard,and Tualatin with light rail to improve mobility and
help communities in the corridor achieve land use visions;and
WHEREAS, the SWC Steering Committee, which includes a City of Tigard representative, has
recommended a preferred alternative(PA) that proposes to extend light rail through the Tigard Triangle
to an area just east of Downtown Tigard known as the Hunziker Industrial Core, and then along an
existing rail corridor to Bridgeport Village in Tualatin;and
WHEREAS,the City of Tigard has multiple adopted plan and policy statements that describe the city's
land use vision for these areas which are consistent with the Metro 2040 Growth Concept for Town
WHEREAS, the 2008 Tigard Comprehensive Plan directs the city to: focus employment growth and
high-density housing development in its Town Center;maintain Downtown Tigard as its primary transit
center;and promote the efficient utilization of its employment and industrial lands;and
WHEREAS,the 2009 Tigard Downtown Future Vision,which builds off of the 2005 Tigard Downtown
Improvement Plan, describes community aspirations to see Downtown Tigard develop into a vibrant,
active,mixed-use urban village by building upon the historic retail location of Main Street and the area's
existing natural features,particularly Fanno Creek;and
WHEREAS, the 2010 Tigard Transportation System Plan directs the city to plan for a multimodal
transportation system that meets existing and future community needs and is closely coordinated with
existing and future land uses. It recognizes that transit service is an important part of a balanced
transportation system, supports high capacity transit service in the southwest corridor,and asserts that
high capacity transit should facilitate and complement employment and residential growth in Downtown
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WHEREAS,the 2012 Tigard High Capacity Transit Land Use Plan,which was developed to inform the
alignment of future high capacity transit service,describes the preferred station community concepts for
Downtown Tigard and the Tigard Triangle. The preferred station community concept for Downtown
Tigard identifies Main Street as the center of activity with a retained mix of uses,and envisions additional
opportunities for offices and housing.The preferred station community concept for the Tigard Triangle
identifies the areas east of 72"d Ave as the center of activity,includes a multimodal bridge to downtown
to connect both parts of the city's Town Center, and envisions additional opportunities for small-scale
neighborhood services and housing;and
WHEREAS, the 2014 Hunziker Core Infrastructure Strategy, which builds off of the 2011 Tigard
Economic Opportunities Analysis, describes the community's aspirations to "unlock" the economic
development potential of the Hunziker Industrial Core to meet the city's economic needs and goals.
According to the 2011 analysis,the city has just enough commercial,employment,and industrial land to
meet the city's needs and goals under an efficient land use demand scenario. The strategy for this area,
the first phase of which began in 2018,involves providing needed infrastructure in strategic locations to
spur development;and
WHEREAS,the 2017 Tigard Triangle Urban Renewal Plan,which builds off of the 2015 Tigard Triangle
Strategic Plan, envisions the Tigard Triangle as a dense and lively pedestrian district with a variety of
neighborhood services,goods, and housing options that is connected to downtown and the region by
multiple transportation modes, including a trail along Red Rock Creek and a multimodal bridge to
WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Charter requires a public vote to support light rail or to amend its
comprehensive plan or land use regulations to accommodate light rail. A vote in 2016 affirmed the
public's support of the Southwest Corridor light rail proposal and allowed the city to amend some of its
land use policies and regulations to accommodate the siting of light rail as proposed;and
WHEREAS, the City of Tigard supports the project's stated purpose to improve mobility in the
southwest corridor with the addition of light rail service and to help affected communities achieve their
land use visions;and
WHEREAS, the City of Tigard has attempted to mitigate its concerns regarding whether the
recommended PA is consistent with the city's land use vision for Downtown Tigard or the Hunziker
Industrial Core through the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Construction of the Southwest
Corridor Light Rail Project in Tigard City Limits ("MOU")with TriMet;and
WHEREAS,the City of Tigard has attempted to mitigate its concerns regarding whether locating a station
east of Hall Boulevard will:maintain Downtown Tigard as the city's primary transit center;support Main
Street's development as downtown's activity center; or help downtown grow into the urban village
envisioned by the community through the MOU;and
WHEREAS, the City of Tigard has attempted to mitigate its concerns regarding whether locating a
TtiMet operations and maintenance facility in the Hunziker Industrial Core is an appropriate use of the
city's limited industrial lands or a hindrance to the city's ability to meet its economic development needs
and goals through the MOU;and
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WHEREAS, City of Tigard officials, businesses and residents have participated and will continue to
actively participate in the project to ensure that the city's values and vision are considered and carried out
through the project's planning,design,permitting and construction activities.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that:
SECTION 1: To the extent the PA conforms to the authorization ordinance approved by voters
through the passage of Measure 34-255 in November 2016,and Sections 52 and 53 of
the City's Charter, the City Council of the City of Tigard expresses its support of the
SECTION 2: If the SWC Project terminates at Bridgeport in the City of Tualatin,Tigard and TriMet
will recommend to the Steering Committee that the Project will locate at least four light
rail stations in the City of Tigard as follows: (1)one serving the northern portion of the
Tigard Triangle; (2) one serving the southern portion of the Tigard Triangle; (3) one
serving downtown Tigard; and (4) one serving the 72' Avenue corridor. The final
location of the terminal station at Bridgeport may be an additional station in Tigard.
SECTION 3: With regard to the station serving downtown Tigard, the project must meet the
conditions below. The following concepts will be included in a draft and final
Conceptual Design Report to be presented to the City Council for acceptance:
a. Light rail station platform(s) will be located immediately south and east
of Hall Boulevard.In consultation with Tigard,TriMet will lead planning
and design studies to determine the optimal location of bus transit
facilities and park and ride facilities to optimize and pedestrianize the
downtown station area for Tigard residents, employees, visitors and
transit passengers,for consideration by the Steering Committee.TriMet
and Tigard willwork to jointly agree to the final location of such facilities
for consideration by the Steering Committee.
b. Pedestrian access and multimodal connectivity to the Downtown Tigard
station platform are important to achieving the goals of creating an active
station, fostering transit ridership, and facilitating connections to
residences and businesses. Design of pedestrian connections along and
across Hall Boulevard are of considerable importance to achieving these
goals and the parties acknowledge that Hall Boulevard,in its current state,
impedes safe and convenient multimodal use and crossing. TriMet and
Tigard recognize the need for clear,safe multimodal access to a light rail
station on Hall Boulevard and share this as a priority.The parties agree
to work together with ODOT on a redesign of Hall Boulevard in the
light rail station area, from the freight railroad to Hunziker Street, and
that the Hall Boulevard redesign will be presented to the Tigard City
Council at 15,30 and 60 percent of Project completion.Eligible Project
elements within the station area will be funded as part of the Project.For
other elements,TriMet and Tigard will jointly seek funding from ODOT
and others to include as Project betterments. The parties also agree to
seek a jurisdictional transfer of Hall Boulevard.
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C. Tigard desires transit-oriented development("TOD") to occur around
the Downtown Tigard station and recognizes that the construction of
parking facilities is a financial hurdle to TOD's feasibility. In
conjunction with a Station Optimization Study, the parties will
consider additional non-transit parking at the structure that supports
transit-oriented development. The parties understand that the FTA
will not fund parking facilities for non-transit uses and the funds for
any additional non-transit parking will need to be provided by sources
outside the SWC Project. Based on Tigard's findings,the park and ride
parking structure will be designed and constructed accordingly. Upon
adoption of the Land Use Final Order,the parties will begin negotiating
a Shared Use Agreement to be completed prior to the Engineering phase
of the Project,which will define the obligations of each party related to
the financing, construction, operations, maintenance, and use of the
structure. This proposal will be informed by the Steering Committee's
decision on the location and size of park and ride facilities along the
d. Tigard seeks to enhance urban design,redevelopment potential,and the
potential for station area density around the downtown station. To that
end, TriMet agrees to locate, design, construct, and operate any
Operations and Maintenance Facility ("O&M Facility") in Tigard city
Emits to maximize the redevelopment potential of the downtown station
area. The O&M Facility will be located and designed to complement
adjacent development and include physical and visual connections to its
surrounding environment wherever possible.
e. TriMet will help mitigate business impacts in the Hunziker Industrial
Core through standard federally required mechanisms in the Uniform
Relocation Act, and through the proactive development of an
Employment Transit Oriented Development District which TriMet will,
through its planning and design efforts,help to effectuate. The goal is to
achieve an overall employment density increase in the Hunziker
Industrial Core after the Project is constructed as compared to before.
SECTION 4: If the Project does not terminate at Bridgeport in Tualatin, Tigard and TriMet will
recommend to the Steering Committee three light rail stations will be located in the
City of Tigard as follows: (1) one serving the northern portion of the Tigard Triangle;
(2) one serving the southern portion of the Tigard Triangle; and (3) one serving
downtown Tigard. With regard to the downtown-serving station,TriMet and Tigard
will work jointly to agree to the design and location of an MOS station prior to Steering
Committee action in advance of the FEIS publication.
SECTION 5: TtiMet will demonstrate support for Tigard efforts to establish a multimodal Ash
Avenue crossing across the existing freight tracks by furthering Tigard's interest in this
crossing in Project negotiations with ODOT Rail and the railroad companies. This
may be done by conducting a study of the nexus of this crossing with the Project and
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considering inclusion of the new crossing in the Project's Rail Order. TriMet will
support Tigard's efforts to fund the new crossing as a Project betterment.Tigard will
identify up to two existing public crossings that Tigard will close at Tigard's cost as part
of an agreement with ODOT Rail.
SECTION 6: TriMet will study and design the Project to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian travel
to establish an active transportation connection between downtown and the Tigard
Triangle. This multi-use path will be a betterment and both parties agree to be co-
applicants for grants to fund the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.
SECTION 7: To capitalize on real estate value created by the light rail project,TriMet will work with
Tigard on a joint Development Project Proposal that focuses on significant residential
and employment(i.e. ridership-enhancing) development opportunities.
SECTION 8: The parties seek to preserve and develop affordable housing in the city limits in
proximity to the Project. TriMet and Tigard are both parties to the executed
"Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of Portland,City of Tigard,Metro,
Washington County and the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of
Oregon Regarding Southwest Corridor and Affordable Housing" ("Affordable
Housing MOU"). As parties to the Affordable Housing MOU,TriMet agrees to use
Project property to encourage development of affordable housing consistent with FTA
requirements and Tigard agrees work to implement the Equitable Housing Strategy,
facilitate construction of affordable housing, and work with TriMet to encourage
ridership in the SW Corridor, which the parties recognize as encouraging enhanced
transit corridors for streetcar and bus operations. Tigard anticipates using tax
increment financing and potentially other funds for the development of affordable
housing at or near TriMet stations.
SECTION 9: TriMet and Tigard will develop an IGA to define the scope and budget necessary for
City staff participation in Project activities.
SECTION 10: This resolution is effective immediately upon passage.
PASSED: This 3 day of 4, "v i'L'L�2018.
0— Al
May -City of Tigard
City Recorder-City of Tigard
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