10/05/2017 - Tigard Wins Award for Creating a Safe Work Environment - " City of Tigard
TIGARD Press Release
13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard,Oregon 97223 www.tigard-or.gov
Sharon Gavin
Communications Manager
City of Tigard
(503) 718-2740
Tigard Wins Award for Creating a Safe Work Environment
The City of Tigard's efforts to promote workplace safety were honored last week at the League of Oregon
Cities' annual conference in Portland. Tigard received Citycounty Insurance Services' (CIS) Silver Safety
Award to honor the city's employee safety record during the 2016-2017 fiscal year.
"This recognition is given to cities based on the low number of on the job injuries resulting in lost time
from work," said Jennifer Curran,Tigard's risk manager. "This is important because the award reflects the
city's efforts at creating a culture of safety—continually improving safety practices—and our concerted
efforts to return workers to the workplace as soon as possible after injury through our Early Return to
Work program.
"Taking care of our employees is the primary focus of our safety programs," Curran continued. "Having
fewer injuries resulting in lost time is beneficial to our employees while having the added benefit of
reducing costs to the city."
During fiscal year 2016-2017, the city recorded 18 employees injured on the job,with 12 of those requiring
no days off work. For Tigard, an employer with more than 300 employees, many in high-risk professions,
these are very good results.
The CIS/LOC safety awards have been given for more than three decades to Oregon cities with the fewest
number of lost work days from injuries. Cities are recognized based on the number of time loss injuries a
city records during a year and their duration, compared to the number of hours worked in a year. Gold
Awards are rare in bigger communities,with larger public works and police workforces where it is highly
unlikely for there to be no time lost due to workplace injuries, according to CIS. Tigard is the state's 12'
largest city,with more than 50,000 residents.
For more information about Tigard's core values,visit:www.tigard-or.gov/city_han/jobs.php.
More information about the CIS awards can be found at: https://www.cisoregon.org/About/News.
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