VAR6-82 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. .. ..,y.,....,,,,,,...,,,.,,,,,,, . ,','.,..-",,,t,,''-',,,,:7',.,,N:;;«+::;,4t,414;',4,,,V..4.,:,-,,,a,,,t::A,;t',,-;,4,,.t.,':,,,t.:;;...,.,..,a.,...,.,',..,P.,.1,-,-,,,,,,,,,,,,.4,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:1„,).4.44,74,2...;`,.,,,,,.:.., ,,,,..',...,,,Z:gg.:„.„,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,g;,,,,, r a. ,. . ,.,‘-' . . . ,,,, ., BBL AP ,INDUSTRIES V 6-82-- 7455 SW Tech Center Dr. Lot 1 ,.,:, ` Parr ;;. Tech Gentpr Business • 1 -- ...:.•... .-.,-,,.,.,,..�.-...we.+ir..........r.. .... .r-n,.. w4..-.:..,..t~»...t..I� -.,.«w.+.:w.::.«........n,.»,..;ri-+rnerr,r,.i.%;..m:;.„ix.r..-M�4.r,w.-w�..+,ra.- .i�w.,>:.-««I.wrr,.•,w.M.,._'.d,t..r.1�S.,-Ir�swl,..+r!.t / y. \, , . L !. 1 (( 1 .,1 I, ., 1\ V ‘\.1\ • t.r' r .r BEFORE THE HEARINGS OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE PROM SECTION 17.09.030 OF No. THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TO ALLOW ) '` ASPHALT INSTEAD OF CONCRETE APPROACHES V 6-82 TO A SITE LOCATED IN AN M-4 ZONE; Belknap Industries, Applicant. The above-entitled matter came before the Hearings Officer at the regularly scheduled meeting of May 27, 1982, at Which time 4-..he applicant or its representative was not present and the matter was continued to the regularly sche- duled meeting of June 10, 1982, at which time testimony and evidence was heard; and The application was for a Variance from the require--' Ment o f the subdivision ordinance, section 17.09.030 which requires concrzzte approachesb to allow the continued use of an asphalt approach constructed ii, violation of the ordinance, property more Specifically described as Tat Lots 700 and 800, 2Sl IDC, city Of Ti arde Washington county, Oregon; and zoned M-4, Industrial Park; and The Hearings Officer conducted a public hearing on June 10, 1982, at which time testimony, evidence and the planning p g department staff report Were received; and The Hearin �s Officer finds that the a" road g � pp h was coh Struded frbn asphalt as a time-saving and cost-saving measure but that the property will be best served by a concrete approach 1 . a as originally required. The applicant was unable to demonstrate r , 1 1 ' e l' ear ng Officer that the requirements ;y to the satisfaction of th 'i .` of theOrdinance be waived in this situation• in fact, it , . I;• lic.lant took unilateral action in an atm • . was apparent that the applicant action, in r 1 i poring thc' require-- • 11 tempt to save time and costs, deli g been attached to its development. It meets which had previously l t . claim a basis for special treatment that its own cannot nowy be sanctioned because it would cost too much to actiois should. do it right, such a decision would open the ordinance to abuse act a lications for variances and waivers; and r_ . ..•,;� and after tl�ie f �p �: 3 Hearings Officer adopts the Findings and Con.clu-- Y The a co of which is 1 . s loris conta ,ned watha-n the staff repos='t r p� r nor orated by ,~eference herein, and marked attached. hereto and, in p "Exhibit A" therefore IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: Variance 6.-82 is.. de _ied Y l $2 DATED thise, _,s., day Of June'r HEARINGS OFFICER APPROVED: ,,, .""° - , . . ,,------7. , ' . ETH BLOUNT R o-,'. . Page 2 V 6. 32; • .. :::� .••.•• •. ' . • et (I: • • CflYOFTIQAR • WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON June 3, 1982 Belknap Industries 7455 SW Tech Center Drive Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Sirs: This letter is to notify you that Case Number V 6-82 (Belknap Industries) will be I� ' timed at the Hearings Officer meeting on June 10, 1982 at7:00 0 p.m. at the Road,Durham Treatment Plant, corner of SW Hall Blvd. and SW Durham , Tigard, Oregon. p , , � Industries is This case will not be approved until a representative ttthe discretion of the I�earings PP present at the hearing, This ruling was given Officer. • If you have any questions, please contact me at 639-4171. • Si: cerely • , .•remy m Coursolle i-ssociet- Planner cv • • BOX 2339 T1GARDi OREGON 97223 PH 630,41,1 ' Wt -� rW . . • Y .. '.awr...,. .r... .x«,Aa...., a.w .,eA w-wx - •. < ,. ! a . u... p r .A A. iF Ma,iYaGS.YW Mr- 4...,..s 1 e 4 (/ - 1 . L ,,,,,,v, , CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING fi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN'THAT THE CITY OF TIGARD'S HEARINGS OFFICER, AT A MEETING ON Thursday, May 27, 1982 , at 7:00 P.M., IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF THE DURHAM WASTE TREATMENT PLANT, CORNER OF S.W. HALL BLVD. AND S.W. DURHAM ROAD, TIGARD, OREGON, WILL CONSIDER THE " FOLLOWING APPLICATION: FILE No. V 6-82 NPO .# 5 APPLICANTS Belkna industries OWNER: same as applicant I 4 7455 S.W. Tech Center Dr. Tigard, Oregon 97223 A request for a variance to theSection es 30 REQUEST: requirement in Se tion .7 i, of the Tigard. Municipal Code that all driveway 74a5pS.W. sc r l . be concrete for ro ert already improved . h. Center Drive (Wash. Co.pTax Map 2S1 1DC Lot 700 & 800) . 7 i • (See 1ocatiOr map on the re erse side) • THE PUBLIC HEARING THIS MATTER WILL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDhkNCE WITH THE PROCEDURE OF THE HEARINGS OFFICER TESTIMONY AY BE SUBMITTED+IN RULES O P PLEASE CONTACT T V PLANNING DIRECTOR WRITING 0 BE ENTERED INTO THE RECORD. � . ,. ,. . .•', .. �~ .: ..... ... ATI639-41/1G GARD CITY HALL Y8 LOCATED AT t FOR. FURTHER INFORRlATION': ZI i. THE CORNER OF ASi1, AND BURI-�AM STREET. y SW ASH A'vNUE TIGARD OREGON, 97z • u " u • ILI' m_ r—' Mil IA Mr ii [� iL SW HA ST I / * --""' **-.'''' ,.. ''‘.1:0> l‘t, \ I I , ,F.„ ' 4' lall Nal I Mill IIIII Mlle ti. 0111 EEr ' /7 I \ . r I y ►. 1111■■ ii / 1 ' sVII YARNS ,_ d:1,Y/kY t f 1-aIf f I V N r•••••••—...1 r y s m` PIR_ ST; �' • 1 ' -i\N" 1 CHERRY - arr,EE. sauoauR+ • ,'. I III « k STPEEe liIi_ r.,. S� WA y 1:, \\..........1 , ✓� .. 47lr f.k.Lafi3fJ4Rk „ta. f2 , v' 1 . .. • .1 ,,, ,,_•,...,. „, !�_�'. (ri sW MADo NoAD r .1c , rs., r� _ , ..... ,, y .j .,„,,, ir , _ . . , ,,,.0.,,,......,•1/4 ,_... \ ,,. .`..wirmE LOC ✓ 1 .,__.i J 1 _..�,. I j } ..,, aONITA ) �► nriA° e'.....""" -� Lei Ieal�Ird 4111111111.1 r:I 1. I • e y Y W ll'i' LL. i I MI IMU.., 11:; 11111 Ell i A. ® !/►% 11111 EM® IIII1 !1 iP .. 9* Mill I r \'' , , ft"'"."''',4,1 ..,.. .......- -1, = 1 ,,,,,,, , . , 4 (4<- '4, . „,.. d/f 'w,, x».« `v • Y 11.4.• `(.�`" u%.\NL! EsI x_1..1.,..1. w A x A 0,44L � ,� 8 :. �✓+ rte" I..,1\1 4n;" 1A• Iii AhN E ; .,«» ««..yam • + .........._. 1. A p imi g --4 1 fi I e",,.,,,,,,•, ,..___f • i r ...... I ..,„,,, ,,r.:, r .- 1 u .,� .i. t L Avr1Ut .,1. 1 ' J « / �. " <, , ,ji,,,,,..`r' +�:+.�,,: .i Ft:.«. .w, .,.oj,� 1 �.aI,it, . 1�y�-`fie tjI +gg� �� .. :.{ ''+ 1,-w .-- `+'-4 n p! , 4I. M.+w4 F sti .4" .i'„!�1j,: w I ...,. , ,......-,.. M c 'fi j STAFF REPORT „ . AGENDA ITEM 2.2 CITY OF TIGARD HEARINGS OFFICER I May 27, 1982 -- 7:00 P.M. Durham WaSte Treatment Plant Corner of S.W. Hall and S.W. Durham A. FACTS 1. General Information: Gasps Variance (v-6-82) . A .A Aw, r x,C.._.4 041 i Request: The applicant is requesting approval of a variance from Section 17.09.030 of the Subdivision Ordinance to allow ; , for asphalt approaches on the site. Section 17.09.030 I, . p,roaches , ,." reads as follows: Curbs, y approaches curbscurb-cutssandadriveway aa pproaches i Y' Gancrete verta.c , l; shall be constructed in accordance with standards specified in this chapter and in Section 15.04.080, as adopted by the t, city. Concrete curbs and driveway approaches shall be installed in all new subdivisions. (Ord. 79-96 Exhibit A (part), 1979). See Attachment A. r Recommendation:Recommendation: Based on staff's review, applicable policies and on-siteinspections, staff recommends that the Hearings Officer deny the proposed variance. ",, Applicant: Belknap Industries 7415 S.W. Tech Center Dr. Tigard;„ Oregon 97223 . j Location: The sub,lect property is generally located On the north side o f S.W. Tech Cettter Drive, just west of S.W. 72nd . AvenUe. (Washington County Tax Map 2S1 1DC, lots 700 & 800) Lot Area 5.004 acres present Zonitig besignat.ian: M-4 (Industria, Park twenty-six (26) sur Public Notices Mailed: Notices were mailed to rounding property owners. At the time this report was written no written comment had bee,. n receivodi NPO Comment: NPO #5 i8 currently inactive. 2 Pre 'ioub .Action; On ' May �.�.� 1931 thePiariii�.ttg Director approved a sibdiv�,s�.on (8-8-81)., : . iof also treated .ive. Tigard �3us Ines s Park, ch Center I�r .� . The subdivis eater Te On ► utie 30, 1981 the Planning DirecEOr approved a Site Design eview (SDR-14-31) for the proposed manufacturing structure. The constr0'Ction bythe applicant showed Concrete documents snbm�.tted to the Cit Co'lcret approaches as required iii Section 17.09.030. , .. 1 1 A f.l A rlw .+nv.Yr AB.I•.JwJprl. . n i.- .I" •, + ,-.:I 1 1•V N l( ' i.L d.tt.n l!"-n .!b � STAFF REPORT !!! V 6-82 Page 2 3. Vicinity Information;' ' The surrounding land uses are as ,follows The areas to the north of the site have been developed for single." , family residential usesand office uses and are designated as Suburban Low Denisty and Commercial Professional. ; acreas to the west,The south and east have been. developed for a � • • variety of industrial uses, and are designated as Light and Heavy . Industrial and Industrial Park. 4. Site Information ` currently, there is a 48,500 square foot manufacturing structure and approximately 32 parking spaces on the site. The existing approaches were recently constructed with asphalt. 4: B. APPLICABLE PLANNING POLICIES 1. LCDC Goal s ander elms g. is to Citizen Involvement Goal ��l The intent of this goal a. : involved l p pP .:., the ty for citizens tma�ledto all laphases insure planning opportunity Notice was property ,s within 250 feet of the site giving of the p �.ng shedta.nethe a0reton�an�and PTi and g. Hearing. A Public 'Noticetwto NP0as 1���5� because that organizaticin -is ; • Times. No notice was sen currently inactive. b. Land Use Planning . Goal #2 - All applicable LCC goals and policies, Tigard i .. . ed � Ta. and Municipal Code sections were consider NPO ��5 policies and in review of this application. 2 Section 17°10.020 - Findings: required. forw approving :variance: a. That there are special circumstances or, conditions affecting the pop erLy' unusual and peculiar to the lands or development. of the project involved as compared to other lands similarly sit- uated; /. the variance sought is necessary a. for b: That g . ofa substantial rope ri p and the m�nLmum required o.. and •.rotectio . i property interest the preservation of the petitioner to the degree that e%trao • ship would �'y .... , rcla:nary larc�sh�... C • particular i.,. ,. result from strict compliance to the articular subdivision, major or minor partitioning involved; c That the granting of the variance will not lie detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, but will be consistent therewith andshall not be injuriods to the rights to other property owners in the near vicinity nor constitute a departure from or be in vio- lation of the comprehensive plan of the cityy r I'l A STAFF REPORT V 6-82 Page i .cant's proposal for variance in, a subdivision or major ti. That minor land con.forms•to and is consistent oith all li this l . ., or land. partitioning other regulatory requirements of this title and Title y g rovision is made for traffic circulation, code, that adequate pvariance sought • and that :factors,, ` open spaces and similar recreation, P u .ic agenciesconicerased with fire � has been considered by other public as well as environmental water and other utilities, 4 _ + regulatory bodies as protection, sewer, _ S written comments of such reg Y rl factors, endsthe ubmitted as part of the record. (Ord. 79-96 Exhibit 1' ••. applicable i A(part), 1979) • '' f AnalZrsis: 1 of lrect the subject site a. Tr a are no special circumstances thatcompared to other similar et atroaches rather h that would create a need, to construct ayaff than the required concrete approaches, P es `goad continue. The required concrete approaches w would n t sone area. runiformity and function (concerning lands 7. a regulation j aid. throughout the industrial areas within Tigard.r �,•r. preserve variance sought is not the minimum variance necessary to The ;�nf ormed as to the requirements i a fully 11 b. a property. The P ., applicant was�hese requirements were denoted on the • onstructio applicant.) y nt the applicant constructionoapproach plans submitted bythe • plans See Attachment B.constructed asphalt approaches anyway. i es that the variance would be detrimental oaoh he p ub �.c heal£ , aft gasphalt a roa hes, ddue to .• . C. �h... safety The existing PP � health,, fety or welfare lack of structual reinforcement, will eventually �' the truclrs) and degradation (gas and oil) reinforced and can tolerate additional r • by stress (largeg, are steel rein£" roaches (usually the grade changes at app Concrete approaches . ' stress. Because of the more stress is placed on grade increases from street to property) asphalticpaved areas.fl sr the pavement, than in other k Additionally, PP within the p . iC tight-0f--way, thus, the roach is Aldi Ya , . � , . Y . _ ,t ., if: approach construction is u1 ( creating more 1abilities for the Ci y t substandard the develo merit have conformed or exceed the ortions of ,p... d. The retaining portions in the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances. ' r`eq�iremei�ts stated , SUMMARY: osecl variance does' not meet the . � � the a lican�di:ri nee • . : 3�ased on staff's i review,= pP S s.pplcable planning and subdivision o 1 0 i'r...eppied by r i 4 �ppra Je►emyG+Urso le brank A. Cuttie A socia .- Planner Planning Director • r I. w O y .s �' � to E( �' e• w w y. �G O ra : r� i ro ', W ' O '1 •t: a ` w m <o c:� ,a • v, ro • !i+ Id rn 3 ro vi o� w i '11 p llf tr.8, c .n -• ot. 'o ? r , Z rim.. I O to I L1 �p 5. E j # °' ti b m # p Y' tr7 •; . 1111111.' try w w • ' ' H- . co 0 i o' e( •W � rn '' C � n`p I o� • ( to 141, �7: p'f CL Y� g : - d w n • t]0 m 2 R' • a 1 w IN.) N: � 0 v. • i1 4i LEGAL NOTICE. is Y + , ,. {Plant,and He of 5 W, ort May 27; en realmti ut'hain and S`i�VV. ' ti T . in The foilovitng witl,be;aons[dered by the Tigard Hearings Officer . : .198 at 7.00 p.a.at Du Halt,Tigard,'Oregon.Fturther information'�riay Ie'Obtained from the,tanning f' Director at 12755 S+W. Ash Avenue,Tiga rd Uregon,,9723,or by calling 639- �� 9171, • ,. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: , Association)NPO#4 , .. the height • �� , 1�VARIANCE V 4-82 (Oregon Educationfreestand g Code for a , 'A request by the .. d Municipalce to _sign,e 16 of the Tigard • 1Oregon Education A,ssociatibn for a va anVVash� " ' Ines.Load ( } limit allowed in Title located at 6900 SAV,"'Ha • n is to be placed on property located ': The.51s-101 and Cu ax A lot . , g . T Map,1S1 36U , : 'NPO'#5 a I 2M•VARIANCE V 6-82'.�Belknap,Industries) 'the.regi�lreixtenf in . `''A-cao'u�t..iiy« 13eilcr►ap''lndiestr#e0,- al Code that all antes .for„ .nce roaches i 17.09.030 of the' i`gar Municip driveway app , . ,� 1�d a •S.W. Tech'Center shall'bealready improved at 7455 . , shall concrete for Propel. Drive(Wash.CO.Tax2S1 'DC lot 700'and,800)► o► air Map•2S1 3s CONDITIONAL USE CU 9-82.(Piiagans).NPO#2 . Conditional Use Permit to.locate a Beauty A reuest by John Olson fora Zone on propei'f located at 8820 SSW► ..: Center • el in a C-3Wash Co. Commercial 35DD lot 4900)es NPO#2 Street,(Wash,► Genera Tax_ Map 1S1 OS USE CU,10-82(Schoolhouse Antiques) Permit to atlo r for 4.CONDITIONAL quest by Schoothoib f�r�erchandlse tncidees for a utal to UteUan existing permitted outside display and,sales A re use in a C-3 General Commercial Zone.The property is located at 11875 S.W. `lax Map ISI 35AD,lot 900). Pacific Hwy (Wath.Co: ,. CONDITIONAL USE CU 8.82 (Skipper's)NPO#4 5 fort onst S,in, � ocated on thesouth side oY property A request by Shipper s inc.. an o�0itio Y l LjSe to c n n ?, a C-5 Higt��+ayi Cnimmercial ZWe78tp(�1�h►Co:Tax tU1ap 1�1 3GCA lot 100). • The'fAll are invited to appeal`and spear on arty public hearing item se' forth ` • • .178357 Publish May 13,1982► a f. II y. ., ;.,,. .,,,,„ . ,;.., .,, r...„,,..... _.,, . •�. ..v „ ,,. „ ,. .. :.m, - ., ,.I.. _t.Biu ..,,5.,.,.„,:.. .4 _... :. • • • • • • ASSOCIATIA y :` g Structural Engineers 3933 SW KELL AVE./PORTLAND,OREGON 97201 DATE 'I ✓( JOB NO, 60,7 (503)222'4453 . • ATTENTI • He; To c_ amz.157 • WE. ARE SENDING YOU X Attached 0 Under separate cover Via, the following items: Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIFI'iON 64— rer (Z tALVAted,41.Ja t't Il I SUV ` MSF 1 clTs ptsw THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below 0 For approval 0 ApproVed as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval p For your use 0 Approved as noted C1 submit. copies for distribution As requested CJ Returned for corrections 0 Return. .orrected prints O For review and comment ❑ .. 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 ._ .. 0 PRINTS, RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TC..M SIGNID: poop'utt fat iJ it.,oto ,1;ia.'oloti Si Oritlotativi bre hot O ed, notify oboe, • 11 • Fk` TIGARD a 1.,u 4WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON VanDornelen ; LQ Lio`tl CASE No. GENERAL APP ,ICATION ��ORM CITY OF TIGARD, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 RECEIPT No. -0(1C) 7a-e0 Tigard, Oregon 97223 - (503)639-4171 oc 1. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR STAFF USE ONLY: • PROPERTY ADDRESS _ .]� CenF-Ar ttirtivE Associated Cases: Tigard, Oregon LEGAL DESCRIPTION •LOT1, TECH CENTER BUSINESS PARK INTERNAL PROCESSING: Accepted for Pre-App. : SITE SIZE 217,962 sq. ft;5.004 AC. ; PROPERTY OWNER/DEED HOLDERBELKNAP INDUSTRIES By: ADDRESS 7455 S.W. TECH CENTER DRIVE PHONE 544-2583 Pre-App. : CITY TIGARD OR. ZIP 97223 _' Date & Time: APPLICANT* same .�....:�__—. ADDRESS same __PHONE_ am _....s_._� ________ Accepted for Decision: • CITY same_ ZIP same By: *Where the owner and the applicant are different people , the applicant purchaser of record or a `leasee in Hearing Dater • possession with u written authorization from the owner or an The written - I agent of the owner with written authorization. Hearing Reset To: ed with this application. Deca.s authorization must be s ion;.. filed & mailed submitted t 1:3_,:..g1.1__1::LjT1:_, 2. REQUIRED LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION IS• ATTACHED • 3 ' TRIS APPLICATION INVOLVESTHE FOLLOWING; APP. Accepted for Appeal: Comprehensive Plan Amendment FEE FILED PAID. from to By: quasi-,judicial legislative Date of Hearing: Zone Change from to quasi-Judicial legislative DESCRIPTION _.. .. Platnned Unit Development Comp. Plan Designation: • concept plan detailed plan -.".- Subdivis�.on NPO N4. Maj or Paztition . Minor partition ZoningoDistrict Design ReVieW Conditional Uae ..... ,y ,.. r Variance to toning Ordinance (Title 18) Variance to Subdivision Ord ' ► ' ' ai 17 oar x. j �.. BxAPF N C Se"tia�.tive Land Pe tiit Fh1oodplain6 Deainageways S tee"p dpe a S1 . • e �; Other a ...,..•.. -� .., i I ToTAL.. o. .. i ....,:,.ars. ''' CASk, I`Io. CENE4 AL APPLICATION e CITY OF TIGARD, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 Tigard., Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 i PROVIDED BY APPLICANT) FOR' STAFF USE ONLX LEMENTAL INFOR1,IATION TO BE SUPY NotLce _of Response • es o Yes 4 . DISTRICTS SCHOOL DISTRICT_ WATER DISTRICT Tigard 1111111 • FIRE DISTRICT Tualatin PARK DISTRICT No. 2 UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY -_ Sewer Available: YES 111OTHER 5. PUBLIC UTILITIES ELECTRICITY PGE NATURAL GAS Northwest Natural Gas , 1111111 TELEPHONE OTHER 6: PUBLIC TRANSIT (TRI MET) 1 °. NEAREST BUS ROUTE AND STOP No: 43 7. , OTHER INTERESTED AGENCIES (SPECIFY) I $. CHARA.CTER OF THE AREA VERIFIED BY STAFF " • . EI�IS'PING LAND US PLAN DESIGNATION ,, ZONE.- - • NORTH Es-DENTIAL• SOUTH MANUFACTURING EAST MANUFACTURING. C4EST RAILROAD •' .. ::'.. f.. ...,wrv. .f LI::wNL ...l,.f:,',+GW.n•.1JA.r :. r r s''F GCNERAE APPLICAT:ION l'OtR�... PACE 3 l CASE No • CITY OF TIG ARD, 12755 SW Ash, PD Box 23397 ~ Tigard, Oregon 97223 - (503)639-4171 . 9. CHANGES IN THE CHARACTER OF THE AREA WHICH AFFECT•THISAPPLICATION. Please Discuss: ,; HAS NO EFFECT ` 10. DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE Lot Area (acres, square y 11. EXISTING STRUCTURES ON THE SITE. Square Distance From Property''Lin Feet North South East West z . Use r .I 48,576 95' 120' 50' 195' ManufaCturing ( glass prod.) _ _ - • -' NATURAL CONDITIONS • 12. Percent Slope 10% 13. Vegetation Types; i`v'e» age ;DiameterPercent Of Each. Yes N0 5a.�a:,.Of Tre �'erSize:.. ---- , • Trees N/A Brush: N/A GiaS s• ......_-r-..-..--- , :. N/A ---- N/A ora much of: the site is in floedp azn'Z,. ` l�+ E1,00dplai5 " NQNF 15. Water Cottises What type'? .� i ONE 16. Mock OutoroPP g Ln s ,�,. Other: l8 Proposed Development. Please briefly` descri be the proposed deve1opmerit: , / CEnE11AL', APPLICATION FORM - PAGE 4 q CITY OF TIbAKD, 12755 SW Ash; PO Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223, (503)639-4171 * 19. The £o11:owing is 9 is noL fl req u .red.` o.. 20. Overall Site Development en Space Other Roads Total Residential Commercial Industrial OP No. of acres or square r feet peruse Percent o i, site coverage 21. Ty?e of Resi� tial Use and Characteristics # of Bedrooms/Unit �� of Units Proposed Density NM g . 'is EF1� �� Type o� Use. please explain . common areas and recreational '� p ca'ble , , pin how the open. a pl facilities will be maintained. • n bases please describe each phase of the profectr t o be c om 1e to d phases , 23 IF the project. is . ,P • • • ,, n ir � e.+;i�oh is to be coplctcd., c� Sta` f Will dent fY for You, whether this se ;. ,..• M. ..., w"r .gym ..... .. ,...., ..... ,\ I ' �, CASE No. : ERA APPLICATION FORD;µ: ' PACE 5 ' CITY OF TIGARD, 12755 SW Ash, PO Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 -- (503)639-4171 • , . REQUESTED BY THE APPLICAA.NT, SHALL BE NOTIFIED OF EACH HEARING. THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE, AS 4 Notice Stab (e.g. Attorney, Surveyor, Engineer) Report Decision of .'Review I�Iotice Name VAN DOMELEN/LOOIJENGA & ASSOCIATES •, Street 3933 S.W....Ke ly Avenue ,..._.. Ore Zip97201_________,______,:____,____________---„,,,,...................07 { Portland State City Name ., Street --- State Zig Name . Street ' Cite State Zip Name ..._ ..._.-�- ' ' Srp State Zi'p El • APPLICANT • OZER • , , m • k 1 3 1 ,. ., i,:... ..f..f ,,..f L,... . .G......, .b • r...y .t( C ,. . OF W , �' '. , lc ., ( ' WASHINGTON GpuNTVO UREA VARIANCE APPLICATION Title 18 r Case No. BELKNAP' INDUSTRIES t, Name of Applicant: 1, . •: Legal Description: Lot 1, TECH CENTER BUSINESS PARK I 45.00 ' 25111�c Tax Lot No. _ ___ 1; Map r • Assessor _ - • 1 TO FILE FOR A VARIANCE YOU WILL NEED TOs �r Application Form". x 1. Complete a General Application Form" 2. Complete this form entitled "Variance that . , property showing ,. x of a legal description of your p p 3. Attach a copy of an assessor's map '•' you have access to a public road or a copy showing that your property abuts a public road. or other survey map x 4. Thirteen (13) copies of the County Tax Map own the location of the property (copies of tax. `map may , e ,. showing purchased from the city) reduction 8 "x11" and one (1) P.M.T.* or photo copy x 5. Seven (7) copies , � g the arrangement. exist of each page of a site plan, drawn to scale, showing the airings, of the proposed development, and any adjacent ,� drainagefloodplans and sewer or water streets, utility poles, ways, mains attached. ort of your ' x 6. Thirteen copies of the "Written Narrative" in supp *'` application. 4 *A P.M.T. is a photographic reduction of an original drawing. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT THE APPLICANT ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARING & SPEAK IN SUPPORT OF YOUR APPLICAT ION & BE PREPARED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS WHICH ARISE. Decision Will sent to the applicant or the applicant's of Final � the applicant or theapplicant's Notice � - of Decision mustbe.signed by agent. The Notice agent and returned to the Tigard Planning Director within 10 days. No bail ing permits . engineering approvals will be issuet� Unless the signed acknowledgment or eng1 is returned within the time limit. WRITTEN NARRATIVE following cohdit ions are met Xou have. ('',he of the your request: You dust show burden of proving that each before the hearings body can considergranting • than .. .. �- .ing your property � _ tional or extraordinaryn the same zoneoor vicinity, 1. There are ezcepco ditions app y that do not apply generally o otherproperties ` are a result of lot size or shape, topography, or other � control.. Please describe the conditions ' � which condita-ons f� umstances over which you have no whrc to Your property The topography o the lot is a steep cl X10%) chop topth '� h The street slopes• si ,.,. y to the West. Vehicles entering slope to the 5otithgria.tican turn. off a down Slope onto another downslope Ces't lting in a erSe a The d ron to get v. the partially f the site m ,. ed entry ap .. .� ms.ti ated by a warp At e danger is best g tigsuper. r gtades to helpalleviate paving allows at��ttstrnent of �.., et minute kited. only p g thelastt' • �•ig A�Cy Also the til ties Were not cos s paved: r complete When this Site w�. Apave.......feted and mane it possible toto the curb. that Had ` the utilities were comp. of Mud between paved'. small strip these world have been a ed the ..,.. �.�ishedi :.. . .. .,.,�, du ou � lot beenntheecomp r'obiems with both.' roacheS Wereo t roc lot and sheet oatising P •• •ter and paved to preve4, the problem last winter. It w .d be a terrible waste to cut good A.C. paving and base, to replace with concrete at this time. ' r This variance,request is necessary preservationproperty 2., for the of a . right of the applicant which is substantially the same as is possessed by owners of other property in the same zone or vicinity. Please describe. ° All, other existing driveways in this area, are paved with A.C. 3. The granting of this request will carry out the purposes of the zoning ordinance as follows: A. The granting of the variance will not`be detrimental to the policy of promoting the most appropriate use of land because: • Land use is not affected. >a, B. Therantih of the variance will not be detrimental to the conser- vation and stabilization of the property values in the area because: Has no affect on property value. r ' C. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the provision is of ,fire protection in the area because: - Has no affect on fire protection except that it Will aid fire trucks entering the site. (Better contoured driveways.,) . The granting of the 'variance will not 'be detrimental to the provision of•adequate open space for light and air between structures because: }las no affect. ' E. The granting of the iariat1ce Will not be detrimental to the flow of 4' traffic in the area will notor , s ng a se Will �. �: ion because: cause increase congestion . t aid vehicles turning' into the site, thus reducing congestion �t on the street: c'. .. 7r V. w r , r F. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to development pattern in the area and will not lead to undue concentrations of population because: Has no affect. G. The granting of this variance will not be detrimental to the provision of community utilities and facilities such as water, sewerage, electrical distribution, transportation, schools, parks and other public requirement because: • • Has no affect. H. This zone in is request will not be injurious to other property in the which this property is located or in the vicinity of this property because: Has no affect. s other property in the h or in the vicinity of 4. The granting of this request willdnot be injurious to o hthis property zone in which this property is locate because: . Has no affect. 5. The granting of this request will not be detrimental to the objections of the citys comprehensive plan. Please describe how this proposal complies with the comprehensive plan. Has no•affect. a' . " q.,.` ed is minimum Variance thejprovisions of the variance requested est the p q 6 The varix ..: .. ,. .... toning ordinance Which , . • . Y , . h alLev�.ate the hardship,ordinance standards and�to�e�tplan 8 the applicant to look at the applicable zoning whthis isthe minimum variance that can be req n the opposite on the lot is ,. a as the street. The walk is o Paving side of with Aupha�.t Concrete, sant � P � � ry .,. for pp � . � involved... r..... , ...�. ,. phal t choi M1 cad. ce w�ien sic�ewa�.ks ,are. • t2e street Genera�.�. acoe ted avin m�ae� gals a roadhes are ei ex~ a5 . . te. Concrete taecomes the oily or concre There are no ohoioes other than conbrete or asphalt. n,,t �" his case the asphalt paving in place - and to tear it out Will result in' a lower quality end pro udt tothe los of the dity and the owners V . ..s-.-_-_. �- •. -, �:..._.-_ '- - _ -'- . rte.. _ _._ _... TT ,-.,.., w, ` _ }•--'''- 7 Via. T.c u-ice- - '',L1.......,1„___._:"-___—,7, • >:: �•�, -� 1 a Wit'-__h _ - i ,_ c. Tc�-•- - �T ^ e4n • , ,..=;„.,-,,_ ,;--- -,-,.•.--� �� I1 rr.:. - 1,canes- ...t ;j 1 u• ii 3ll C: i{ - _ _ r.e y_� }!I'J�H.t.�•_._:.:,_ sug �.. it�_`^_t 1..3 i.... i^`1'-- 3 .~ `. 1.t•�•.. ifhw-Awa. •f�- TI a �'- .cam .� 'rs T Y_ Jy ". .1.:.-w •'+.f14 b Yg Pm...Tows • i y - • "mss yqy `t ria .s+r.iY�+: .....:"_-•v. s. 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P ♦ is `. _. ___-_. . .: • i= i y_ - _' I E __ 6 e':, -.., 5 va tic s-CT'°w r 3:- m. 7...v.•••••=--•,-...- rw..c..res 14" a C • -1 4 8= vet..=oma — k, .tn=.u..r `' _�,; SCSI 4.i s ._ r_ •r<:�.....- ti nc1«ty rs�+V• --.-;-4----- ____ s; _ � • gas_ .G /�yy T+ s )1"-.• - - c t.. x. i z'.-.' - r! L9 fa- - V I ''•i wi- J . �:i _ ,• _ co f 1 ' t ��: a-�,.s Sac 3 ' a - t 6 Z ,- _° Yph� ..,.S.tnt, T.sGK G=N-�t=.2 p2CtL> a.. ._ -y V !r i :Jm .3u',, }' SITE PLFN { �� ice. i ' 8?6C...,.....-„,3 y.Z Ft4 L^s.^`-`pL.M� -liCrag • ' .EZ G.^ Cir.^! '. -, .- R: t 1Si i' 4 S iI tz - • ' z_<eCm po m i. o. s IN. , \ 3 '�v R L E . r � r � 5 • _ �4C t � \ 1 re - ''',„,,......:,,,INt.,„,,:::','•••:....„..... -----..,...,L1:---- _.....- - - -"'-. t. ..I. 11.1. ,r.-. 0 ,•• ."`"-- ."'-.. -..... -+-crs..4..t a -------r--,_ ---glil;. . 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Tt � yos.rT�a It " 4,ovTM '74 •ase rs.�. 1-^a, 4,0-10%4S....3 ai r �1Ao Qui paa -G:ss. Fla GPa o'9, r $ r si 1' 3.: - - -- • ...s .mea Y I } G-eNE L NUT may, t- ALL LoNi^rUCriOr; 61-4N-L-GONf` TO THI 9TPNLWt`� ANP`' D' SO1FITtoNr Q7HE'CITY oFTIGAf� t t..1. p" - `NP.TtaZ OtSTt=� T;,NOTIFY THAT OISTf�t�t rfLia 2 Tka vo,-T 5-f TcM WILL..to cest4N-e° ST Ti-1E Tr.-.,p I� TO WP-TEs-I.INi INSTALLATION CI: g.- `3: 6 NGH: MAt`1 OSN 8F# C?`P F.1 S.W: rGf Eiz 12-N0 AV GN 1E .GGE Over-Pia-MAI 217 O ; ELEv_..-22 oNLY_TNS 4. THE t OGATiaVA IONS c7F_At_L EXISTING UTtLtTt S 5E-AWN Af F ''t D -ra SNc.LI_vER-IF'C A41-4-:r1-ctLtTIEs IN PoraNTrp.t. GONFLtGT PPEAS PI`IDiz- To Cot,6TF-LC1.101 ' a: >+ t; p.ND NOTIF[e!•Q,:e --IMM✓OtA'vL:•}i.AN'r G8N'Li -rrOGGu2•• � . FF � E ;". WAi TONGOLNTT `-ALL 6 :NOTIFIEO PWOFL TOGNNFGTION' _ t � �._ Ca_aI . 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Lt- 5t t t fAt��ti.•TEP�tS b ENDS OF`P� 5t-IA _ k 0-:.-•TIO �` - ,-= I. pPtP{Tc0 - :al ' MPNH01..e!Heir,S-.P.NO UOS S`HALl. 13G-US O i IG - N Pt1i�l. w y*-7 MOVING [1-clLtTIES 15 THE { ESPrNssikt t:If ol="ft-ii: G SLO['EIz- 11 MO _ r_ , AND NA�/� V I IQ TAP><5 j AN SaNtTPl�'f �WEfL LiN .Tv-� - a��N�' . -t LL qt,-v-r. _ . . 0L TP .5(,1'65 wlt:L-. -t¢-ET Y�.l7EYi< ttV - :, ON fr2 Ho U t PEES..TO P - a 'oizCS t.,IVEN L�4Gif �r�1- _:.rr'ilfD�Li!' :' ..,,,_11_____.r fie. l�- 1,S-15411LT MYLAt s,TO 6e P t0ao To,GtT_;(-_ IJf�N %tUt< WNCri t'E� =1C �IFIt�A otJ - _ }. . `G I�s�?�Z;�T'LIGH'>�s To P�� {E�TALLED-13'C-o�`-�1'Eiz-iN P�`r�ot'C`NfGItY �F�'PGE• �.�'L T- F QUI<z - • Z t g i- t __,,.._, .....................› L eCPtJt PG' Orrr iMS VG Tom` I'J-NP•7 PS' 0I ', S CoCe QINPsT� FUTUt INGF�/tGl ` P L IEMT'( - _ - i =Dt VLOPE�"�+ t VE S Ei`1tN •Mi.J�1� t JTNEt`'t--t,1 foi or-New-irtW�WR'( - . Z �: � ; � N 1-Q'-GaT{� I.INE��Gam);�rAt�EL�� NG � [GaNrrtta aa�WA . • t..0. =_ vl't'I-1.�•DjAI�GN'r` OWN �CS?t:i'!?'t� To ii- TPLLP'�iON' OF k�O Y' _ -. '� � Z0 d zit a ,j 0 - z . d .. - LLI k �L s rte- i a g_3 7_ , .., - tJ 4 o 4 si- t-- _ — '-',. . IPX.45t4 reCti-A , - , pOrsi20\169 15%c CATT Ce7...2.45 ....3‘ itia: = ica_c.t-, g r--' . ) , 3n 1800 3300 rte, ATJTRY ('' EMS 7510 SW Cherry `' 13400 SW 76th Tigard, OR 97223 Portland, OR 97223 2S1 1DC 400 1900 4000 MAKSYM HERMANSON SIEMENS 7530 SW Cherry10385 SW Cascade 1 3565 SW 72nd Tigard, OR 97223. Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 500 2000 1100 GAGE WIDMAN COE MANUFACTURING • 13565 SW 72nd 7550 SW Cherry Painesville, Ohio 44077 Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 600 2100 1200 . SUPRINE LOGSDON FIELDS ,. 8350 NE Tillamook 7570 SW Cherry. P.O. Box. 23366 ' Portland, OR 97220 Tigard, OR 97223 Portland, OR 97223 1100 2200 1400 CIRCLE AW PRODUCTS STEYAERT STA RKWEATTNER • P.O. Box 117121636 SW Martinazz Modesto, CA 95353Cherry - Ta.gardW OR97223 Tualatin, OR 97062 1300 2300 1400 JOLLY TUKAHASHI Y(ITTLESON BROWN 7410 SW Cherry 7610 SW Cherry 301 NW Murray Rd Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 Portland, OR 97229 1400 2400 TORPLING_. MMEMORICH 7430 SW Cherry 7630 SW Cherry • Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 1500 2s1 1DC 3000 ,. STEWART EDWARDS 7450 SW Cherry Y. ..,, 7545 SW Cherry Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 1600 3101 TRUMBULL WORZRIAR 7470 SW Cherry 7495 SW Cherry Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 1700 ,,,�7 3200 • AL1 ERTSGORDOr1 7490 SW Cherry 7475 SW Cherry Ti acct, O Tigard, 8 .R 97223 OR 97223 3302 OTTo 7435 SW ger223hr " T�,gar"d, cs" .