Hearings Officer Packet - 04/23/1987 - Ben Franklin Development i P A % • A 1640 HEARING OFFICER DECISION 5/87 Benifran Development, Inc. S 87-05 and SL 87-03 • • ?4,� • CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER - BY HEARINGS OFFICER 1. Concerning Case Number(s) : S 87-05 and SL 87-3__ 2 . Name of Owner: BENJFRAN DEVELOPMENT, INC. 3. Name of Applicant: Same S- 295 Address 501 S. E. Hawthorne 'Jvd. City Portland State__OR_2ip__ 932.28-6400 • 4 . Location of Property: Address North of SW Walntu St. , east of SW 135th AVE. & south of Morning Hill 2 , 4, and 5 . • Legal Description_ (WCTM 2S1 4AB lots 4500k 4600, 4700: WCTM 2S1 4A lot 501 ) . 5. Nature of Application: Request to _divide a 38.4 acre parcel into _ 144 lots ranging between 7, 000 and 10, 00 __sq. ft. ].n size.anrl for Sensitive Lands approval to fill a portion of v dirainageway ort__ propercy zoned R-4. 5 (Residential , 4. 5 units/acre ) & R-25 (Residential , 25 units t.. Act_ion: Approval as requested acre. xx Approval with conditions Denial 7 . Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: _xx _ The applicant & owners xx Owners of record wi.l,hi.n the required distance xx_ The affected NeignbicTtood Planning Organization _ Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL B:s .?INAL ON June 8 , 1987 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can bc obtained from th" Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd. , P .O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Apnea l: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with j 18. 2.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 1.0 days after notice is given and sent. ThE deadline for filing of an appeal is 4:30 P.M. June B, 1987 . 10. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, 639-41 '1 . 0257P • BEFORE THE HEARINGS OFFICER FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD IN THE MATTER OF TIIE APPLICATION) FOR subdivision approval and ) No. S 87-05 , SL 87-03 sensitive lands approval on property zones R-4 . 5 and R-25 ; ) Benj . Fran. Development, Inc. , ) appli.can =. ) The above-entitled matter came before the Hearings Officer at the regularly scheduled meeting cf April 2.3 , 1987 , which was continued for further hearing at the regularly scheduled meeting of May 14 , 1987 , at the Tigard Civic Center Town Hall Room in Tigard, Oregon; and The applicant requests to subdivide a 38 . 4 acre parcel into 146 lots ranging between 7 , 000 and 10 ,000 square feet in size and to regrade a portion of a drainageway, property located immediately south of Morning Hill Subdivision Nos. 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 , and east of SW 135th Avenue and north of Walnut Street, property more specifically described as Map 2S1 4AB, Tax Lots 4500 , 4600 , 4700 , and Map 2S1 4A, Tax Lot 501, City of Tigard , County of Washington, State of Oregon; and The Hearings Officer conducted public hearings on April 23 , 1587 , and May 14 , 1987 , at which time testimony, evidence and the Planning Department Staff Report were received; and The Hearings Officer adopts the findings of fact and conclu- sions contained in the Staff Report, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and incorporated by reference herein; Page 1 - S 87-0.5, SL 87-03 NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT S :37-05 and SL 87-03 be and hereby are approved subject to the following conditions . 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT FOR ANY PHASE OF THE DEVELOPMENT. 2. The applicant shall provide the following street improve- ments : mprove-melts : A. SW 135th Avenue - two thirds major collector street improvements consisting of full half-street improvements plus 12 feet (minimum) of pavement section (travel land) on the other side for a total of 34 feet (minimum) of pavement. B. The applicant shall execute a waiver remonstran':e for the formation of a local improvement district that provides for improvements to the SW Walnut Street frontage along the subject property. C. Construction of all internal streets to local street standards. D. All improvements stated above shall include standard sidewalks, streetlights and underground utilities and conform substantially with the "Preliminary Engineering Report, 135th/ Murray/LID, " prepared by Robert E. Meyer Consultants and dated February 6 , 1987 . Any deviation from this report shall be approved by the City Engineer. E. Formation of a local improvement district that provides nor construction of a street to the standards specified above shall be considered as satisfying the requirements for that street. Page 2 - S 87-05, SL 87-03 F. The applicant may provide the improvement5. of 135th Avenue and Murray Boulevard to be made through joint agreements with the owners of adjoining property if the agreements provide for the improvements to be completed concurrently with other public improvements in the subdivision. 3. Addi+-ional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Public along the SW Walnut Street frontage to increase the right-of-way to 33 feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right-of-way centerline as established by Washington County. 4 . Direct access to SW 135th Avenue and SW Walnut Street by individual lots shall be prohibited. 5. One foot reserve strips shall be granted to the City at the termini of all streets that will be extended in the future. 6 . Street Centerline Monumentation In accor once with ORS 92. 060 subsection (2) , the center- lines of all street and roadway right-of-wa; s shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement. A. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards , and the :op of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway. B. The following centerline monuments shall be set: (1) All centerline-centerline intersections. Intersections created with "collector" or other existing streets , shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by cr for the City; (2) Center of all cul-de-sacs; Page 3 - S 87-05, SL 87-03 . . (3) Curve points. Point of intersection (P. 1_ . ) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C. ) (4) Ail sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. 7. The alignment of Franklin Street between 133rd Avenue and SW 134th Avenue shall be moved south so the northern most edge of the traveled portion of the road shall be adjacent to an existing irrigation pump presently located between platted lit 62 and 63. The costs of maintaining, protecting the irriga- tion pump shall be born by the City of Tigard or the City Park Board, and the applicant =.hall cooperate with the City in pro- tecting that pump during construction. 8. The applicant shall obtain a letter of serviceability from the Department of Land Use and Transportation of Washington County, to perform work within the right-of--way of SW Walnut Street. A copy of said letter shall he provided to the City Engineering Office prior to issuance of a Public Improvement Permit . 5. If. the SW Murray Blvd. and/or SW 135th Avenue Local Improvement District (L. I .D. ) is forn, d prior to recording the Plat for any phase of the development, the applicant shall develop a method acceptable to the City for dividing the LID assessment between the individual lots. 10. SW 131st Avenue shall be realigned so it connects with SW 133rd before entering SW Walnut Street. The applicant shall install appropriate signage as recommended by the City Engineer Page 4 - S 87-05, SL 87-03 for the City of Tigard, to maintain the residential quality of SW 131st Avenue through the proposed subdivision. 11. All public storm drainage and sanitary sewer lines along lot lines and outside of public street right-of-ways shall be encumbered by a 15 foot (minimum) wide easement granted to the City. 12. The applicant shall demonstrate that the storm drainage downstream effect on tax lot 102 Map 2S1 4AA is not significant or that drainage easements will be provided. 13. Sanitary and storm sewer details shall be provided as part of the Public Improvement plans. Calculations and topographic service area basin map shall be provided as a supplement to the Public Improvement plans , to demonstrate evidence of area - basin full development serviceability. The location and capacity of existing and proposed (or future) lines shall be addressed. 14. Following cursory review of the public improvement construction drawings by the Engineering Section, seven (7) sets oL plan-profile improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed ptt.blic improvements shall 1 be submitted for approval . 15. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The section will require posting of a 100% performance assurance, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/street fee. Also, the execution of a street opening f Pace 5 - S 87-05, Sh 87-03 L. . _ JAAMMIMINNEINLIMIENEIIIIIIMIIIMMINIMINMEIMIMMINIIIMININEMEMINEMI permit or improvement construction agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public imnprove- meat plans. 16. A fin. l grading plan shall be submitted for the site which includes justification for removal of all trees over 6 inches in diameter. A tree cutting permit shall be obtained prior to removal of any trees over 6 inches in diameter. 17. A pedestrian access easement shall be provided between 131st Avenue and Tract "A" with a location and design to be approved by the City Engineer. 18. The applicant shall contribute not more than $7 , 500. 00 towards the purchase of tax lot 102 for the purposes of dedication to the City of Tigard as park and open space or, at the option of the owner of tax lot 102 , shall share in the cost of developing access off Kathryn Avenue to serve tax lot 102 up to $7 , 500. 00 . 19. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final approval date. However, this project may be phased pursuant to Tigard Development Code Section 18 . 160. 050. DATED ,t! is 27th day of May, 1987. HE . •INGS OFFI_C R_ ---- 7 BETH MAS N / : Page 6 - S 87-05, SL 87-03 l � STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 2 .2 THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1987 - 7:00 P.M. TIGARD HEARINGS OFFICER TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL- BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 A. FACTS 1 . General Information CASE: Subdivision S 87--05, Sensitive Lands SL 87-03 REQUEST: To subdivide a 38 .4 acre parcel into 146 lots ranging between 7,000 and 10,000 square feet in size and to regrade a portion of a drainageway . • COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential, Modium High Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-•4.5 (Residential, 4 .5 units/acre), R- 25 (Residential, 25 units/acre) . APPLICANT: Benj . Fran. Development, Inc. OWNER: Same 9370 SW Greenburg Road Portland, OR 97223 LOCATION: Immediately south of Morning Hill Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 and east of SW 135th Avenue and north of Walnut Street (WCTM 2S1 4AB, T.L. 4500, 4600, 4700 and WCTM 2S1 4A, T.L. 501) . 2. Background Information The Morning Hill development was approved by the City in 1977, and construction began in 1978 (ZC 5-77/SDR 52-78) . Additional plats were approved in 1985 for Morning Hill Nos. 4 and 5 (S 12-85 and S 13-86) In 1978, the City Council approved an amendment to Phase III of the Bellwood development subject to conditions. The parcel involved is immediately east of Morning Hill No. 4 and northeast of the subject property. A conceptual plan was presented which featured a circular drive with access provided through what is now Morning Hill No. 4. This was a departure from the original Bellwood residential. Planned Development which proposed access to 128th Avenue. An unrecorded agreement was made between the previous owners of the Morning Hill and Bellwood developments to provide access to the eastar•n (Bellwood) parcel in this manner. This past Council approval and agreement was not known to the staff or the present owners of the Morning Hill development. The owner of the eastern tract was notified of the hearing for Morning Hill No. 4, but no contact with the City was made until after the plat had been approved and released by the City . STAFF REPORT - S 87-05/ SL 87-03 - BENJFRAN DEV. •- PAGE 1 On December ,1.9, 198E the Hearings Officer approved a preliminary plat of 37 lots covering the norther 9.6 acres of the subject property (S 17-^6) . This decision was appealed to City Council by an adjoining prcperty owner but the Hearing' s Officer's decision was upheld (Res. 87-16) . 3 . Vicinity Information The single family residences zoned R-4.5(PD) lie to the north and are part of the Morning Hill development. Morning Hill Drive and 171st Avenue presently dead end along the northern boundary of the subdivision proposed in this application. New single family residences and a vacant parcel that are within Bellwood subdivision and zoned R--4.5 are immediately to the east. Undeveloped property zoned R--12 and R-25 (Residential, 12 or 25 units/acre) lie on the west Fide of 135th Avenue. The area south of Walnut Street is within Washington County and is designated for Low Density Residential development in the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. 4. Site Information an! Proposal Description The property is gently rolling except for the extreme eastern end of the project which contains a wooded drainageway that runs north to Summer Lake. The applicant proposes to create 146 single family residential lots ranging between 7,000 and 10,000 square feet in three phases. Morning Hill Drive and 131st Avenue will be extended south to an east west street that will direct traffic west to 135th Avenue. The plat is proposed to occur in three phases as indicated on the preliminary plat. The development of the eastern portion of the subdivision will require regrading a drainageway. The lower (northern) secti.cn of this drainageway is proposed to be platted as a common open space tract. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments: a. The 133rd Avenue/Franklin Street intersection should be revised to be a three way intersection. b. Walnut Street is under County jurisdiction and a letter of servicability will be required from the Department of and Use and Transportation. c. The applicant has provided some info• .iation regarding storm water flow in the drainageway and justification for the proposed pipe size. However, additional data is necessary to confirm that downstream properties will not be adversely affected. The Building Inspection Division has the following comments : a. All lots should be required to slope toward the street for drainage purposes . If this is not possible, an appropriate storm drainage system will be necessary . SIA1 E REPORT - S 87-05/ SI 87--03 - BEN3I RAN DCV. -- PAGE 2 4 MP b. Lots which nave any fill, such as the eastern lots, will require a soil' engineer's report, Washington County Fire District No. 1 indicates that fire hydrants must be provided so that all residential structures are within 500 feet of a hydrant. School District #48 indicates that Beaverton High and McKay Elementary are over capa:,ity and the District is in the process of rectifying the situation, The Tigard Water District indicates that new mains will be required, The District pays for all off--site improvements and the developer is responsible for those on-site up to and including 12 inch mains . Washington County Departent of Land Use and Transportation has the following comments: a. The right--of--way requirement for the Murray Blvd . extension is 70 feet. b. The right--of-way area for Walnut Street should be graded at this gime so that the resulting property boundaries will have the same elevation as the centerline. c. .orner radii are not shown on Walnut Street. No other comments have been received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS the relevant criteria in this case are Tigard comprehensive Plan policies 2. 1 . 1, 3 .4,2, 6. 1 . 1, 7. 1 .2, 7. 3 . 1, 7.4,4, 8. 1 . 1, and 8. 1 . 3 and Community Development Code Chapters 18 ,50, 18.56, 18 .84, 18. 160, and 18. 164. Since the Comprehensive Plan has been acknowledged, the Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines no longer need to be addressed. The Planning staff concludes that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings noted below: a. Policy 2. 1 . 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant' s proposal . b. Policy 3 .4.2 will be satisfied once the additional information relating to downstream drainage conditions are addressed by the applicant. This drainageway carries water seasonally and no special protection is prescribed in the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. It is recognized that the proposed plat and associated grading will require the removal of most of the trees in the south portion of the drainageway, however, this tree removal should be held to a minimum. STAFF REPORT - S 87-05/ SE 87-03 - BENJFRAN DEV. -- PAGE 3 I � c. Po]i.cy• 7. 1 .2, 7.3 . 1, and 7.4 .4 are satisfied because adequate water, sewer, and storm urainage facilities can be made available to the development and adjacent properties. The applicant also indicates that these facilities will he provided within the subdivision as require by City standards. d. Policy 8. 1 . 1 will he satisfied when an acceptable method for access is provided for Tax Lot 102. This development should not be platted until this issue is resolved. The applicant suggests the use of Tract "E" on Katherine Street for access . However, this parcel was dedicated to the City for open space purposes and granting and access easement for private use may not be appropriate. e. Policy 8 . 1 .3 will be satisfied when the conditions of approval relating to street improvements are completed. The Planning staff has determined that the proposal, is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development Code based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapters 18.50 and 16.56 of the Code are satisfied because the priposal meets all of the requirements of the P-••4.5 and R--25 zones. b. Chapter 18.84 of the Code is satisfied because the proposed regrading of the drainageway can be done without having a negative impact upon nearby parcels . c. Chapter 18 160 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal meets the requirements set forth for the submission and approval of a preliminary plat. d. Chapter 18. 164 of the Code will be satisfied during the approval process for the final plat. Since Tract "Al" is not connected to any open space area, a pedestrian easement should be provided from 131st Avenue. C. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the findings, and conclusions above, the Planning staff recommends approval of S 87-05/SL 87-03 subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL. BE MET PRIOR 10 RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT FOR ANY PHASE OF THE DEVELOPMENT. 2 . The applicant shall provide the following street improvements: A. SW 115th Avenue - two thirds major collector street improvements consisting of full half-street improvements plus 12 feet (minimum) of pavement section (travel land) on the other side for a total of 34 feet (minimum) of pavement. STAFF REPORT -- S 87-05/ SL 87-03 - BFNJFRAN DLV, - PAGE 4 ..�� -�.IMMOMM . I B. Standard half-street improvements incl,i.iing sidewalks, curbs, streetlights, driveway aprons, sto,"m drainage and utilities (delete inapplicable items) shall be installed along the SW Walnut Street frontage. Said imercvements along SW Walnut Street shall be built and conform to the alignment as established by Washington County. C. Construction of all internal streets to local street standards. D. All improvements 'stated above shall include standard side6alks, streetlights and underground utilities and conform substantially with tht "Preliminary Engineering Report, 135th/Murray/LID," pre, . •1 by Robert E. Meyer Consultants and dated February 6, 1987. Any deviation from this report shall be approved by the City Engineer. E. Formation of a local improvement district that provides for construction of a street to the standards specified above shall be considered as satisfying the requirements for that street. F . The applicant may provide the improvements of 135th Avenue and Murray Boulevard to be made through joint agreements with the owners of adjoining property if the agreements provide for the improvements to be completed concurrently with other public improvements in the subdivision. 3 . Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Public along the SW Walnut Street frontage to increase the right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right-of-way centerline as established by Washington County. 4. Direct access to SW 135th Avenue and SW Walnut Street by individual lots shall be prohibited. 5. One foot reserve strips shall be granted to the City at the termini of all streets that will be extended in the future, 6. Street Centerline Monumentation In accordance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway right-of-ways shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement. A. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish trade of said street or roadway. B . The following centerline monuments shall be set: ) (1) All centerline-centerline intersections . Intersections created with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or for the City: STAFF REPORT - S 87-05/ SL. 87-03 - BENJFRAN DEV. - PAGE 5 ti •iy •.11 '(2) Center of all cul--de--sacs; (3) Curve points. Point of intersection P.I. when their position falls inside the limits of the r. pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C. ) . ..0 (4) All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. 7. The alignment of Franklin Street with SW 133rd Avenue shall be modified to create a 3-way intersection. B. The applicant shall obtain a letter of serviceability from the Department of Land Use and Transportation of Washington County, to perform work within the right-of-way of S;4 Walnut Street, A copy of said letter shall be provided to the City Engineering I Office prior to issuance of a Public Improvement Permit. 111 � l• 9. If the "W Murray Blvd . and/or SW 135th Avenue Local Improvement District (L.I•D_ is formed prior to recording the plat for any phase of the development, the applicant shall develop a method `I acceptable to the City for dividing the LID assessment between the individual lots . • 10. All public storm drainage and sanitary sewer lines along lot , lines and outside of public street right-of--ways shall be encumbered by a 15 foot (minimum) wide easement granted to the City . 11 . The applicant shall demonstrate that the storm drainage downstream effect on tax lot 102 Map 2S1 4AA is not significant or that drainage easements will be provided. 12. Sanitary and storm sewer details shall be provided as part of the Public Improvement plans. Calculations and topographic service area - basin map shall be provided as a supplement to the Public Improvement plans, to demonstrate evidence of area - basin full development serviceability. The location and capacity of existing and propnled (or future) lines shall be addressed. 13. Following a cursory review of the public improvement construction drawings by the Engineering Section, seven (7) sets of plan-profile improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted approval . 14. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The section will require posting of a 100% performance assurance, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/street fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or improvement construction agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. STAFF REPORT - S 87-05/ Si 87-03 - BENJFRAN DEV. - PAGE 6 • 15. A final grading plan shall be submi.,.ted for the site which includes justification for removal all trees over 6 inches in diameter. A tree cutting permit shall be obtained prior to removal of any trees over 6 inches in diameter. 6. A pedestrian access easement shall be provided between 131st Avenue and Tract "A" with a location and design to be approved by the City Engineer. • 17, This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final approval date. • r,//,/ ,/ ;el/4_ 1"..•i7,-4*- 0#1:45114e1 • PRLPAREC BY: Keith Liden APPROVED BY: William A. Monahan Senior Planner Director of Community Development (KI_:r-n/3141P) 2 I s 1 AF f REPORT — S 87-05/ SL 87-08 -- REN3FRAN DEV. — PAGE 7