PFI2018-00222 UTY OF TMARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT e COMMUN TY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PF12018-00222 Date Issued: 09/04/2018 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Parcel: 2S111AC04600 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: 14875 SW HEIDI CT Subdivision: LAUNALYNDA PARK Lot: 14 Project: Teigen Project Description: Pipe burst-replace concrete portion of sanitary sewer lateral from end of driveway in street to manhole (approx. 40 feet) Owner: FEES Description Date Amount PFI Permit Fee 09/04/2018 $300.00 PHONE: Contractor: BLACK ROCK UNDERGROUND LLC 267 NE 34TH PLACE HILLSBORO, OR 97124 PHONE: 503-747-9312 FAX: 503-214-5886 Applicant: DREW MCVEY 267 NE 34TH PLACE HILLSBORO, OR 97124 PHONE: 503-747-9312 Total $300.00 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work. Permittee/Applicant ; Signature: V I T 0 i1 Issued By: Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Conditions for PF12018-00222 Type: Condition Name: Status: Severity: PFI—Sidewalk/1 01 -WORK SITE REQUIREMENTS Applied Notice Applicant must comply with all applicable provisions of federal and state law,the Tigard Municipal Code, and the terms of any agreement with the City of Tigard regarding work to be done pursuant to this permit. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 02-WORK SITE AREA Applied Notice The work area and approach roads shall be maintained in a clean condition, free from obstructions and hazards. The spreading of mud or debris or storage of materials or equipment of any kind upon any public roadway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. The City may at any time order immediate clean-up and suspension of work to accomplish clean-up. PFI—Sidewalk/1 03-WORK SITE EROSION CONTROL Applied Notice Prior to starting work, effective and approved erosion control devices must be installed and maintained meeting the Clean Water Services and DEQ requirements. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective erosion control. PFI—Sidewalk/1 04-WORK SITE REPAIRS Applied Notice Disturbed landscaped areas shall be restored or replaced. Existing signs, pavement markings, mailboxes, etc. shall be reinstalled or replaced, with like kind of material. Obtain City approval of restoration work. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 05-PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Applied Notice Before initiating any construction activity, the applicant shall coordinate with the City's inspector, <Insert Name> at<Insert Phone#>, to establish a preconstruction meeting. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 06-NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK Applied Notice The applicant shall notify the City's Inspector twenty-four(24) hours prior to commencing work, prior to any staged inspection, and after completing work covered by the permit. call Jonny Gish @ 971-713-0281 or Jonny@tigard-or.gov PFI_Sidewalk/[ 07- PERMIT/PLAN ON SITE Applied Notice A copy of the permit including a Certificate of Insurance, and all attachments, and a copy of the approved construction plan and all amendments shall be readily available at the work area. All work shall conform to the permit terms, conditions and provisions and to the City approved permit plans, and approved plan amendments and to the City's standards and specifications and to these General Conditions. Changes to any of these must be approved by the City, in advance of work performance. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 08-EMERGENCY CONTACTS Applied Notice Provide to the City inspector, in writing, the names and 24 hour emergency telephone number of two(2) persons who have authority to resolve problems, take corrective action and, in general, will be responsible in case of any emergency. The applicant shall notify the City Inspector, in writing, of any/all assignment changes. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 09-OTHER Applied Notice RECEIVED City of Tigard AUG 2 7 2018 PUBLIC WORKS —FNGINIJIIRING CITY OF TiGARD PublicFacilityIreprovement (PFI) VP ff"NEERING "fi '<��°•'.difilm'��"` nse :�N'd9,'$'.'�i"�T3._.wee_:,.uar`�5`w.a'k"w"'dp'�`.,' a5wY .;y u�x"��*.`s*'+..�`2s`dR�i ':'yv .fi54RVS`m.+t�*�"+FRrhi%�„�R�s?�&S�i3:���s:,.53�sao"'#F.L`.h�Y'�5 TYPE OF WORK DESCRIP'T'ION OF WORK(in the right-of-way) ❑ TYPE 1— Fn.inchise. Unlit\-\York (:heck otic: L tilItic5 p rforn-tcd by i \\�, P(J” L+ � �tnct/or utility a�enc�. Detailed description: ? J i `lAC.e. V% e prkov, Oc.- �So% ` TYPE 2—Sidc���all:,/Drivcw:.ry�Sc���cr a� Q � -� ow-, 2 �� ��� AVc1rk]��ertormed for the Purpose ot rVN A � C'. : SidC\\ail:installati"11 Or rLpair. ' ��` Q� � �� ��_�_ (� I�ri�-c\��at-apProacl].installatiotl Propertyaddress/lucation(s)• { C� �J� and/c,r repit' Sanitary sever lateral installation and/or main Linc tap ❑ TYPE 3—1 ull scab Development ilppl.icant: \\ot:k Pcrf=armed with1.:anc] use address: approval which inciudca XW t>f CJty/sta.te: zIp: the.following: Phone: I:':ma11: ° Subdivislotts or Nrtitions ° St:1'�rvl:�videnin Contact name: Phone: ° Maintine instal_kition for Sanitary 1 t 1 sewer, Storm sewer, TiYard water Contractor:�j�ow - vK- vAft C r100 L- L c ' . and,,/or Tib and\ atel-SC1'\71CC .'\reg CCI3#: � Expiration: Address: qtp� H ier ^ SL'B�lI'I"COMPLETED APPLICATION I"Cl: Cit../state:�I`1S�Do o z : �� ` 1�y City of Tigard �je3,$�.�,�1�0 �o �p1 K LOQ Planning/Engineering I hone.. I_;rnail: %4 @ 10l(, troy VYhA�t'�rOV' 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Contact name:Dmw lvw4 av� P h o I I e S l-S•41ci0 Tigard,OR.97223 \}�plicarions kir niinor work in ri,,,,hr.-of-u:1� rmla niav he cmailed if): F;n,jneer: rowperinits Laj, and-ongov Address: e (Jty/state: zip: ®, Phone: F;maiJ: Case NO .: op F �,o17taCt name: /\pP]icarion SUI)ITtittal fee(.07'%,of li,n�ir�eer's 1�,�,rit7�ate) ��•� F,stirnated value of WO k is required (if over S5000):S Additional l=ees: (within the public right-of-waN7) Application accepted: Bv: Is \,work related to a I..,AND-USL IDL"ICISJOND ❑ ❑ N If so, please special- (MLP, SDR, SUIS, etc.) case # 1�pplicatit,n reviewed::: �a� B g �B\1: 6 Date: Is Urork related to a BLJILDITM'_� Pt'JUVIIT? ❑ Yes ❑ No Appticantnotified: If so,please specify(BU ILDI.NG PLIU IIT)case#: 13 : {- Date;: I:\ENG\PermitApplications\pfi_application Effective 10/16/2017 City of Tigard 13125 S\V (Tal_] t31vd. ° Bard,Ores ren c)1223 ° wwlv:Ci;ard-rar.;o�� ° .503-718-2421 ° Page 1 of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE: Person spccificdas be designated '`Permittee"and shall provide financial assurance for�'vork, if Z-1 required by ttic C1t\_PLA-SL1,11-It to TW] 17.041.140. With rhc cxcepdon of-i urdiry opczmt1tl(r J_)LffsLMl1t to q valid fninchisc with dric Gh,oFTaIard..whcr, rhc owner and the applicant are different people rhc apphcanr musr be rhe purcfia set-ot:record or"i I ""()n%v'rh wr' ar'on frorn dic owncr or an went of dic cssee ill possession I irren aui-horiz i OWTICI'. '1111C OWMT(S) 111LIS1, SiIi fl)ls apphci0(,)ii in the space:prf"vidcd or :l wriltCtl AL11[1101`i/Alloll With this application. 1�rtnchised UtliltICS a1'C 110L ITTlil-Cd(1)f)IJ0111 the(mncr'.,sigmILLITC f.)1-1 BY SIGNING BELOW,THE APPLICANT(S) SMALLL CERTIFY T14AT: • The above:request docs not vl(,)Ittc-any recorded decd h.cstrictions ttiat rm.l.v be attacl-ted test or imposed tipurt the subject • If the application is granted, the alDpllcaiat-w-111 exercise.the rights granted in accordance with the terms and subject to-ill the C011ditioris and I I ill I t,_J r,I()IIS of t1le • All of rliekovc steA.cmcrits,'Illd the st"Itcmcllt" in amr plot plata, exii1blis italismirted herewith,'21-C tt-Lic;RfId they applicants So"1ck1-Lo\vlCdg(_' that ally'PCITI-Ilt ISSLIed, based on this application,ri-I-1-1v be revolved if It is found that ativ such sta[cments ire False. 1111C 'eipplicAl I I _� 1-c- d the entire colUcrlts of fl-Ic apl)licatloii, ilicluding the policies and ctiterM,�trid Lmderstarids the r( *-i -)plication. rcquirc For�ff Aill,(,or dcnyti g tlic,-Il icatiori. 0 re'UJ MA, Q -7�Xlbl8 /�I-:)pfica ALithorized A0_ez S sic; tare Print name Date SIGNATURES of each owner of the subject property, if required. Owner's sig q121LL.IrC Print M.Mc Date (._)Wrier's siopatLtrc Print thiffie Date Owlier's SICY11RU11'e. Print tiariic Date PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENT PERMIT City ofTigard J312,5SWHall I_3l-vd. - T'I(Ylll*d, ()i-c(,-(-,n9-12"-)3 503-718-24.211 - Page 2of4 Locate®noa Name: �°��� ��° Date: -7- t,2_-uos , RECEIVEPoint of Access: ®, xss cio CITY OF TIGARD Pt-� �NEERIN6Pipe Type: ', '�� NNIN�f�N g Depth At Home: Depth at Curb: Depth At Main Machine Access: 4V N Dom - CIG� oots 0 Pooling Of-Sets 0 Cracks aA a 6 .� Repair T e mr�?\-) Length of Repair: 401 A, Mese �ac.-cA-r-,a, o^ C_01 -- - Sr,& l I-�e\o�;;, C�. 0 P4-- Rc�o� RECEIVED toot` AUG 2 7 2018 CITY OF 7lGAAD ,N �A�"' PLANNING/ENGINEERING Yk > O IA Sw ae:d, CA L �o�