Ordinance No. 18-15 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON
WHEREAS,Tigard Municipal Code Chapter 7.70 regulates secondhand dealers and transient merchants;and
WHEREAS, the Code currently requires secondhand dealers to enter certain transactions into the Northwest
Regional Automated Information Database (RAPID);and
WHEREAS, the Tigard Police Depaittllent wishes to change vendors from RAPID to a product that offers
more functionality and capability to investigate criminal activity, thereby requiring that TMC 7.70 be updated to
allow for a new recordkeeping system.
SECTION 1: Tigard City Council amends Chapter 7.70 of the Tigard Municipal Code as shown in the
attached Exhibit "A" (additional language is shown in underline and deleted text is shown
in striket4retigh)•
SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its passage by the council, signature by the
mayor, and posting by the city recorder.
PASSED: By 1j/ 41-07�ltQwote of all coun . members present after being read by number
and title only, this AO/1-day of ,2018.
Carol A. Krager, City Recorder
APPROVED: By Tigard City Council this /l/ day of ,2018.
Cjas S i er,Council President
Approved as to form:
r (......„---
City Attorney
-/ 1o1Jct.
ORDINANCE No. 18- / 3
Page 1
Excerpts from C. "Business location" means any physical
Chapter 7.70 SECONDHAND DEALERS location where the dealer conducts business.
MERCHANTS D. "Chief of police" means the chief of the
Tigard Police Department or his/her designee.
7.70.010 Definitions
E. "Criminal arrests or a conviction" refers
As used in this chapter, unless the context to any offense defined by the statutes of the State
requires otherwise: of Oregon or ordinances of the City of Tigard,
unless otherwise specified. Any arrest or
A. "Acceptable identification"means either conviction for conduct other than that denoted by
a current driver's license, a State of Oregon the statutes of the State of Oregon or ordinances
Identification Card issued by the Department of of the City of Tigard, as specified herein, will be
Motor Vehicles, or two current United States, considered to be equivalent to one of such
state, or local government-issued identification offenses if the elements of such offense for which
cards, one of which has a photograph of the seller. the person was arrested or convicted would have
Transactions which are accompanied by a constituted one of the above offenses under the
thumbprint require only one current United States, applicable Oregon statutes or City of Tigard
state, or local government-issued identification ordinance provisions.
card which has a photograph of the seller, or a
current passport from any country. F. "Dealer"or"secondhand dealer"
B. "Acquire" means to take or transfer any 1. Means any:
interest in personal property in a voluntary
transaction, including but not limited to: sales; a. Sole proprietorship, partner-
consignments; memoranda between a dealer and a ship, limited partnership, family limited partner-
private party seller; leases; trade-ins; loans; and ship,joint venture, association, cooperative, trust,
abandonments. "Acquire" also means to take or estate, corporation, personal holding company,
transfer any interest in precious metals, in a limited liability company, limited liability
voluntary transaction, for the purpose of partnership or any other form of organization for
refinement. Any acquisition of regulated property doing business and that either:
by a dealer will be presumed to be an acquisition
on behalf of the secondhand dealer business. i. Acquires regulated
Notwithstanding the foregoing, "acquire"does not property at or from business locations within the
include: City of Tigard, or on behalf of such a business
regardless of where the acquisition occurs,or
1. Any loans made in compliance
with state laws by persons licensed as ii. Offers for sale regulated
pawnbrokers by the State of Oregon;or property.
2. Memoranda between a secondhand b. Pawnbroker licensed under the
dealer and a person engaged in the business of Oregon Pawnbroker's Act, ORS 726.040 et. seq.
selling regulated property. 726.020, 726.990.
2. Dealers that acquire or offer for in treating or caring for ailments and/or conditions
sale not more than 50 items of regulated property in humans or animals.
in any one-year period will be categorized as an
"occasional secondhand dealer." The term J. "New" means anything eefispietteusly
"dealer" in this chapter and all regulations herein not used.
refer to secondhand dealers, occasional
secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers unless K. "Pawnbroker" means any business
specifically stated otherwise. required by Oregon Revised Statute 726.040 to
hold an Oregon pawnbroker's license.
3. "Dealer"does not include: Pawnbrokers are required by Chapter 7.70 to have
a secondhand dealer permit. As a dealer, all
a. A business whose acquisitions transactions occurring within their business
of regulated property consist exclusively of (loans, buys, or consignments) are subject to all
donated items and/or purchases from 501(C)3 requirements within this chapter unless otherwise
organizations;or stated.
b. A person whose only business L. "Person"means a natural person.
transactions with regulated property in the City of
Tigard consist of the sale of personal property M. "Principal" means any person who will
acquired for household or other personal use; or be directly engaged or employed in the
management or operation of the secondhand
c. A person whose only business dealer business, including any owners and any
transactions with regulated property in the City of shareholders with a five percent or greater interest
Tigard consist of a display space, booth, or table in the company.
maintained for displaying or selling merchandise
at any trade show, convention, festival, fair, N. "Receive" means to take property into
circus, market, flea market, swap meet or similar the inventory,possession,or control of a dealer.
event for less than 14 days in any calendar year.
O. A"registered business"must be:
G. "Held property" means any regulated
property that cannot be sold, dismantled or 1. Registered with the Secretary of
otherwise disposed of for a prescribed period of State Corporate Division or its equivalent in the
time as more specifically enumerated in Section state where the business is located;and
2. In compliance with the City of
H. "Investment purposes" means the Tigard business license registration requirements.
purchase of personal property by businesses and
the retention of that property in the same form as P. "Recordkeeping system" means the
purchased, for resale to persons who are program designated by the chief of police as the
purchasing the property primarily as an secondhand dealer transaction recordkeeping
investment. system.
I. "Medication" means any substance or 2P."Regulated property" means property of
preparation, prescription or over-the-counter, used a type that has been determined by the chief of
police to be property that is frequently the subject
investigations unit by means of mail, the Internet, relating to the regulations of this chapter. Dealers
or other computer media. may utilize their own forms, in lieu of those
1. In any such case that the chief supplied by the Tigard Police Department, if the
directs that the information be transmitted via chief of police has approved such forms. The
computer media, the chief may also direct the declaration of proof of ownership will be
system that will be utilized in order to ensure considered to be included in references in this
conformity among all secondhand dealers. All chapter to the transaction report form, as
secondhand dealers shall enter their transactions appropriate.(Ord. 14-11 §1;Ord. 09-07§1)
into RAPID, Tigard's designated the city's
reporting recordkeeping system.
7.70.090 Regulated Property Sale
2. If, after establishing the format and Limitations
requirements for the transmission of computerized
reports of transactions,the chief of police alters the A. Regulated property is subject to the
required format, dealers will be given at least 60 following limitations:
days to comply with the new format requirements.
If unable to implement the reporting system before 1. Holding Period. Regulated property
the deadline, a dealer must submit a written acquired by any secondhand dealer must be held
request for additional time to the chief of police for a period of 30 full days from the date of
before the deadline. acquisition. Pawnbroker loan transactions are
exempt from the 30-day hold requirements of
3. Pawnbrokers are required to report Section 7.70.090 because of the redeemable
only new transactions. Loan renewals do not need nature of the loans and the holding requirements
to be reported. in ORS 726. However, if the loan is converted to a
buy by the pawnbroker within 30 days from the
B. The following apply to occasional date of the pawn transaction, the difference
secondhand dealers: between the original date of the pawn and the buy
will count toward the 30-day hold requirement.
1. Occasional secondhand dealers All other provisions of Section 7.70.090 remain in
may request an exemption from using RAPID effect.
the recordkeeping system. The exemption will
allow occasional secondhand dealers to, as an 2. The following sections apply to the
alternative, submit their transactions on hold period:
transaction report forms created by the chief of
police. The request for this exemption must be a. The hold period for items may
made in writing to the chief of police. be reduced from 30 days to 20 days if the item
either displays a complete legible serial number;
2. The Tigard Police Department will or is an item of jewelry; or is precious metal
provide all occasional secondhand dealers with scrap.The dealer must:
transaction report forms at cost until 60 days after
such time that the chief of police directs a change i. Report the acquisition
in the reporting method. The chief of police may into RAPID the recordkeeping system on the
specify the format of the transaction report form. same day the acquisition occurs;
The chief of police may require that the
transaction report form include any information
of theft, including new items as defined in this
section as well as used items such as precious 1. Engaged in the business of
metals, precious gems, watches, sterling silver, purchasing or acquiring regulated property from
electronic equipment, photography equipment, business locations within the City of Tigard;
tools, musical instruments and cases, firearms,
sporting equipment, and household appliances. In 2. Engaged as an itinerant or
order to enhance the police department's ability to temporary business under the provisions of the
reduce property crimes and recover stolen goods, Tigard Municipal Code,Chapter 5.04;and
a list of regulated property may be included in the
administrative policies and procedures, and shall 3. Engaged in the business of
be updated by the chief of police. A copy will be purchasing such regulated property from any
kept on file in the Tigard Police Department. person not representing a business which is
peliee-depeftment. required to be issued a business license or special
certificate under Chapter 5.04 of the Tigard
R.Q."Remanufactured" means that an item Municipal Code, and who appears with such
has been altered to the degree that the main articles at the dealer's place of business.
components are no longer identifiable as the
original item. W. "Used" means anything that has
been put into action or service.
S.R. "Seller"means any person who:
W. "PPDS" (Portland Police Data System)
1. Offers items of regulated property means the computerized record keeping system
in exchange for money or other property; or as •- •_ : ': . - !-:. -; • . ' ' - .
collateral for a loan; or data, including, but not limited to, secondhand
dealers' transaction reports, and includes the
2. Donates or abandons items of RegJIN record keeping system.
regulated property.
X. "RAPID" (Northwest Regional
T.S. "Trade show" means an event open to Automated Information Database) means the
the public, held in a venue other than a dealer's computerized, web based record keeping system
business location, at which vendors of a specific •• •_ . : '- ! _ . ' ' - - •-:
type of merchandise may exhibit, buy, sell, or :. .. _ . - . - .
trade items that may include regulated property. report(Ord. 14-11 §1;Ord. 09-07§1)
Events commonly known as flea markets or 7.70.080 Reporting of Secondhand
swap meets, in which goods of many types are Dealer Transactions
exhibited, sold or traded, are not considered trade
shows for the purpose of this chapter. A. Dealers shall provide to the Tigard
Police Department all required information as set
U.T."Transaction report" means the record forth by the Tigard Police Department for each
of the information required by Section 7.70.080, regulated property transaction (not including
transmitted to the Tigard Police Department by sales). The chief of police may designate the
the means required in Section 7.70.080. format for the transfer of this information and may
direct that it be communicated to the criminal
V.W"Transient merchant"means any person:
ii. Include a description in
the RAPID recordkeeping system entry
of the degree of detail for the type of item as
required in the administrative policies and
procedures and Tigard Municipal Code Chapter
iii. Include a digital
photograph of sufficient size and focus to identify
the item and distinguish it from similar items and
that clearly shows any legible serial number on
the item in the RAPID recordkeeping system
entry; and
iv. Comply with all
remaining requirements in the administrative
policies and procedures.
b. A dealer may be required to
reinstate a 30-day hold period if an examination of
RAPID the recordkeeping system entries reveals a
pattern of insufficient item descriptions or
insufficient photographs.