PFI2018-00115 CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PERMIT C COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit#: PF12018-00115 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard OR 97223 503.718.2421 Date Issued: 06/07/2018 Parcel: SEG925 Jurisdiction: Tigard Site address: Subdivision: Lot: Project: ODOT Sidewalk Construction on SW Commercial Project Description: SEG 925, associated with SW Commercial St. between SW Lincoln Ave. and SW Main St. Site 3 is located on a City of Tigard Street.The improvements include curb, sidewalk,walls, and drainage. See attached plans. Owner: FEES Description Date Amount Erosion Control Fee 06/07/2018 $711.40 PHONE: Contractor: PHONE: FAX: Applicant: CLAUDE SAKR 123 NW FLANDERS ST. PORTLAND, OR 97209 PHONE: 503-731-8475 Total $711.40 Please sign below to indicate acceptance of conditions and return a copy with the proposed work schedule along with names and contact information of responsible parties before beginning work. Perm itteelApplicant Signature: Issued By: Special Conditions(See Attached) Note:THIS PERMIT DOES NOT COVER WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY Conditions for PP12018-00115 Type: Condition Name: Status: Severity: PFI_Sidewalk/[ 01 -WORK SITE REQUIREMENTS Applied Notice Applicant must comply with all applicable provisions of federal and state law,the Tigard Municipal Code, and the terms of any agreement with the City of Tigard regarding work to be done pursuant to this permit. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 02-WORK SITE AREA Applied Notice The work area and approach roads shall be maintained in a clean condition,free from obstructions and hazards. The spreading of mud or debris or storage of materials or equipment of any kind upon any public roadway is strictly prohibited and violation shall be cause for immediate cancellation of the permit. The City may at any time order immediate clean-up and suspension of work to accomplish clean-up. PFI—Sidewalk/1 03-WORK SITE EROSION CONTROL Applied Notice Prior to starting work,effective and approved erosion control devices must be installed and maintained meeting the Clean Water Services and DEQ requirements. The City may at any time order corrective action and suspension of work to accomplish effective erosion control. PFI—Sidewalk/1 04-WORK SITE REPAIRS Applied Notice Disturbed landscaped areas shall be restored or replaced. Existing signs, pavement markings, mailboxes, etc. shall be reinstalled or replaced,with like kind of material. Obtain City approval of restoration work. PFI—Sidewalk/1 05-PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Applied Notice Before initiating any construction activity,the applicant shall coordinate with the City's inspector, <Insert Name>at<Insert Phone#>,to establish a preconstruction meeting. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 06- NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK Applied Notice The applicant shall notify the City's Inspector twenty-four(24) hours prior to commencing work, prior to any staged inspection, and after completing work covered by the permit. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 07-PERMIT/PLAN ON SITE Applied Notice A copy of the permit including a Certificate of Insurance, and all attachments, and a copy of the approved construction plan and all amendments shall be readily available at the work area. All work shall conform to the permit terms, conditions and provisions and to the City approved permit plans, and approved plan amendments and to the City's standards and specifications and to these General Conditions. Changes to any of these must be approved by the City, in advance of work performance. PFI—Sidewalk/1 08- EMERGENCY CONTACTS Applied Notice Provide to the City inspector, in writing,the names and 24 hour emergency telephone number of two(2) persons who have authority to resolve problems, take corrective action and, in general,will be responsible in case of any emergency. The applicant shall notify the City Inspector, in writing, of any/all assignment changes. PFI_Sidewalk/[ 09-OTHER Applied Notice HECEIVED MAY 16 2018 City of Tigard CITY OT TfG,4RD PLAN N1NG/EN(3I-N�HRING PL`BLIC WORK-S — ENGINEERING r� Public Facility Improvement (PFI Permit TYPE PL O WORK DESCRIPTION OF WOR (in the right-of-way) ❑ TYPE 1—Fraucl.aisc L?ttlitv W'arlc Check—one: ❑ Utilities ® 5i.de-'va1k./cl VC\vay approach ❑ St:reetiunprove.nents perfonned by, N\\N, PG 1-4' Y 9 Site 3 is located on a Cit of Tigard street. and/03-"t;�'r'.ager,c�-. Detailed dese.>:.iptiorl: The improvments include curb, sidewalk, walls, and drainage. ❑x TYPE 2-Sid nvalk-/D11Vev.-a /Se\v r Work performed for the lnirj)ose�of..See attached plans. -- — - Sidewalk in tallation or teparr. SW Commercial St (SW Lincoln Ave - 1. jivewv aroach Uistallatic�n. Property aciclress/location(s): and/car repaippr to SW Main St) t=ar 2, - Sarzi.tan; sewer lateral iristailation arid/or 7Y1Fitll line U'p Applicant: Oregon Department of Transportation ❑ TYPE 3-Full scale Development PI --- \ti'ork-performed�;,ith Land use :address: 123 NW Flanders St approval«Juch iiicl-odes any of city/state. Portland, OR Zip: 97209 the fouovvuig: 503-731-8475 Claude.T.SAKR@odot.state.or.us - Subdit1sions or Partitions Ph.oz�e: L�znail: @ Contact.name: Claude Sakr Phone: 503-731-8475 ° Street 1videturag - Mainline 111stallatio» for S11-lit"11T (contractor: TBD seg er, Storm sed=er, Tigard .rater and/car Tigard Fater Serv-ce Area CCB#: Expiraxi.otl: .address: TBD SUBmrrCOMPLETEDNPPLIC XIONTO: Citi-/state: TBD Zip: TBD City,of Tigard Rhone: TBD Etr�.a.il; TBD Planning/Engineering 13125 SW Hall Blvd.. Contact nat.ie; TBD Phone: TBD Tigard,OR 97223 .lpr1101'1017;;for"minr�r»vcn:!<in right-cd-Nva""! Engineer: Aaron Isenhart, PE, HHPR Inc. „r,lv„lav be c•naailccl to,: 205 SES Spokane St Suite 200 ro«Terrnits cx?tigarcl-or.ga� _address: P , Portland OR 97202 Cit`-1 state: , /_.I�3: _ Phone: 503-221-1131 Eznail: aaroni@hhpr.com Case No.: — Contact natne: Aaron ISenhart �pplicau-)n ul�rnuttal fee(.07°�,,of In�nneer s I.strn�rte/ �-, Estimated Vftkie of sorb is required(if o,v.er s5,oU(:l):4 625,000 T, Additional tees. S (-, ithin thc:public richt-of-N ay) :application accflated: Date: 6- Is related to a LAND-USE D CISION} ❑ X ` o Application reviewed:If so,please :sr)ecifir (SII-P, SDR., S(-1B'� , etc.) case #: Bv: ' [date: Is work related to a 13111ILDING PERN'II11� ❑ .es LI` No :applicant notified: I f so,please sl ectf-(BUILDING PER 41 T)case##: 13,: �- C I?;ENG\Perm^,':p„Ica!ians\p#i_a� lica�icn Et#edive 1t/16/2Gi7 cite of Tigard l 3125)SW Hall Blvd. - Tigard,Oreeonj 97223 6 \ti7\\-\V.6yarc-or.gov - 503-718-2-421 a Page I of 4 APPLICANTS NOTE: Person :specified ,-ris ­.1-\ppl.1canr" s1itIl be destignaved -Pernurtee" and shall provide financial assurance for-�vorkjf recluffed by the cin,- PUISLIRIlt tOTNNIC 15.041.140. ()f D Litifin-oficratI112 J)L)1'1;1.U11T ton valid fnirich' c with dic Uin-()fTiiwhol r1w owner and 111C n-pplic-ailt nwc diffcrcm Ile,'pic"r1w appliclant must bc the purchatm-of g-C.C.-wd or a In pose;.,iml w.-Ith WTITTLAI From thic o"viler or it a2crit 4 the Th(,011XIX-r(s) 111LIS1 s'L'111 tlli�"Ipplicotion ill I-lie"pau provided or�Llbmil 'VtUll t� I I I I a Wn :Iffl horizati(..-n wish this 1. 1 (),A711C11'. U6111-111S 11"'T 1CCluirk-d to obtall)th(,,Nvncr'--signartiru cm the.111plicor.101) I BY SIGNING BELOW,THE APPLICANT(S) SHALL CERTIFY THAT: • The above request does not violate ani-recorded deed restrictions that may be attaclied to or unposed upon the Subject pro aertt�. • If the application is granted, the applicant\vd] exercise the rights granted in accordance Nvith dic renis and sub'ect to all the conditions and lin-11tations of the approval. • All of the-,tbove-state-inents mid the sweinents In any plot plan, -,atacliinents,and exhibitS trRIISMITted berevvirti,are true-,and the applicants so acknoNvledge tll.,,it any pern-11i issued,based on t1l]s application,tn-,iv be revoked it it is f6mid that any svicll statelents are false. • The applicant has read rhe entire contents Of the apphcation,inch-iding die policies and criteria,and Underst,-thds rhe requirements, f-or ap ro-vino-or delwilla the apl)ljCatJ'01l. Claude Sakr 4/12/2018 Applic��/-,Autlioi-izedA.gent."�,�-�, nature Print mainc Date SIGNATURES of each owner of the subject property, if required. 0xvner's signature frim name Date Owner's signature Print name Date Owner's signature Print fialne Date PUBLIC FACILITY IMPROVEMENT PERMIT CitN5oTiLyard Tk , rardOregon9l'223 - ,NTv%--wfi­-ard-oi-.gov 03 18-2I21 Page 2of4 w If - g g "L" LINE Sec. 2,T. 2S, R. 1W, W.M. SITE 3 (D Sawcut and remove extg. surfacings . 0 Sawcut and remove extg.sidewalk I0 Remove extg. tree Remove extg, fence Q \ Catchline (DRelocate extg. mailboxes P/L I o Catchline "G3*** LINE Sta. 'C"20+88.73 to Sta. "C"21+72.7 7, Lt U 9 7 10 "C" L I N E Const. retaining wall ? Prop.R/W 4 5 4 8 �, 7 11 (For details,see sht. G8200) 2 6 13 12 3 l I T i I 1 rQC� -1 ___ y O Const.standard curb-442.4 LF Z I + O OT,17 3 I I ♦ in•�f 1 Y'Y- J. _ n / y /r W r 1� T $_ _,� r j Yr, _ �,, Const.pervious conc, sidewalk- 1573.6 SF Sta. 'C"27+96.54, Lt. S 53 26'22 Const P.C. conc. d ° , option G ------ E ii , wY p / UT FO UT FO --- �, , ` , , — _ --- -__ Const,grave/conc. connection III _ q N l —-tact-_ — U T S 64006' SW COMMERCIAL ST — U 1 _ __ (For details, see sht BCI 4) 00'00+ — U T � DO 1-57'08-30 �r _ ° Io Sta. 'C"23+07.80, Lt. c(;T „R a, , Const. P.C. conc. dwy., option G' 14 Ts�f 205.40' ` O 'vim, Ts2 105.96' :D Const. asph. conc, connection + n 263'SAJ 1! N (For details,see sht. BC75) oaDo Q II Sta. 'C"24+40.04, Lt. /Q/ Const. PC conc. dwy., option 'G" Const.asph. conc. connection (For details, see sht.SCI 5) 12 Const. combination sidewalk ramp(Option l Modified) (For details, see sht.BC07) I3 Sta. 'C"20+73.81 to Sta. 'C"21+72.05, Lt. Const.pedestrian handrail (See drg.nos.RD770&RD771) ITE 3 3" INE 175 I4 Inst.single mailbox support Const. conc. collar (See dig. nos.RD 100&RD 10 7) Is Inst. multiple mailbox support Const. conc. collar 16 Const. conc. sidewalk-262.9 SF 170 A\ rn� rn `v M Construct asph. conc. shown thus: °p ro ry o au (unless otherwise noted) Construct P.C. conc. shown thus.- (unless hus:(unless otherwise noted) 165 0.2 0.84% _ gg Construct asph. conc. connection M � ° -0.46% - .36% �.,�/a -0. 6% 1.07' 7-1, 0. 2'�0 shown thus: a (unless otherwise noted) � k .v . Harper Houf Peterson 41 C' Existing ground of"G3" gut er line Proposed grade of 'G3" gutter line �RO� R1 helliS Inc. 160 j N �/O ENGINEERS♦PLANNERS♦LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS♦SURVEYORS '�V 205 SF Spokane S—t,Suit,200 P-1-d,OR 97202 PHONE.:507.221.1131 ,w.hhp,.,.FAX 503121.1171 w69�� r bo '`b + ao + C V `" y a o 0R99W:SW LANE ST(PORTLAND)- SW NAEVE ST(TIGARD)PROJECT PACIFIC HIGHWAY WEST ZOO�� MULTNOMAH/WASHINGTON COUNTIES 155 / 91 Designer:Daniel E.Cicerchi Review:Aaron J.Isenhart J. ISP Drafter: HHPR Checker: Peter G.Coffman 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 SHEET NO. EXPIRES: 06/30/ GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CO3A 18838-CO3,dgn :. CO3A - GEN CONST 3/29/2018 10°16.44 AM Danielcicercni Rotation- 328,61890 Scale: 1"=50' Sec. 2, T. 2S, R. 1W, W.M. ??V—??? "L" LINE SITE 3 I ' (D Adjust water meter,box to finished grade(By others) I " O 'C" STA 22+83.48, 16.90'Lt Const. cone. inlet, Type D LU F.L. Out=159.64(E) Connect to extg.storm sewer z P/� (See drg.nos.RD365&RD370) U 1 2 C L I N E 0 See sht. C048 for notes =1 Catchllne - -_ I 1 I j � • f ' Prop, R/W I II CE i. -%- & _ --Prop - QP� + J �fill 3 I'I N Pro I ys I ;� „----q- �I -_ _ _ _ - --_ -I I� _ w_- g— a'_ ss� – II �I L\ - `_--` —___. – ---- _— ___ '_'''—����_— ma" rr ___ _ - --- 5 5.o2622• +L - 4' U T FO U T FO I, ,I a __ _-- N _ - - U T U T COMMERCIAL ST S 64'06'19" ++ ' ___-- SW — _ _ R + U T II "C' w R W U T u �'- = ,`ND 157'0 U T 3 30'34" T ,R .. TD r r Ts 1 205.40' o Ts2 105.96' :0 ' + h 263'SP.111 b Q Harper Houf Peterson C I'. PROz. Righellis Inc. 1 N V/D ENGINEERS PLANNERS♦LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS.SURVEYORS ♦9 ,`O� (^���// l 205 SF.Spokane Strtet,Snl12(IU Ponl:Inrl,OR 97202 PHONE:503.221.113I www.hhpr.eom FAX:503.221.1171 t'.SPO KS P 69, S 01199W:SW LANE ST{{PORTLAND)- S SW NAEVE ST(fIGARD)PROJECT PACIFIC HIGHWAY WEST ,L�O�'� MULTNOMAH/WASHINGTON COUNTIES J. t 91 Designer: Daniel E.Cicerchi Review:Aaron J.Isenhart J. Ia,v' � Drafter:HHPR Checker: Peter G.Coffman SHEET N0. EXPIRES: 06/30/ DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES CO3B 18838-CO3.dgn -- C038 - DRAIN AND UTIL. 3/29/2018 10°16:48 AM Danielcicerchi Rotation. 328.6189° Scale- 1"=50' Sec. 2, T. 2S, R. 1W,W.M. ??V_??? SITE 3 Sawcut and remove extg.surfacing S / O Sawcut and remove extg. sidewalk Remove extg. tree Catchlinel/ a� // � i �• � Catchline 0 Structure no. TBD i Sta. 'C 25+47.54 to Std. 'C 26+65.55, Lt 3 1 7 S5 '�Pr-�a . _cE11'"'I�."rr� -_�'- \-•_A= - I- I-�I ►/I�/II_�I/ I I II I II 1I_II II_II _YIkI�;Il/ l — Const. soil nail wall 02 (For details, see sht. G8300) , 91-ks PryTCE � Const. standard curb-326. 3 LF rT 8 RW — � OConst pervious conc. sidewalk- 7859.6 SF __ �'• rr.•:� � I/ - -- =F#l�=-1=Fy =_�#�__- '����•�''rz =;�_7�..,�,.v-;��;"'�T''''__Y��:�:: ��zs�'`-�"��� `��z� � �` Sta. 'C"24+40.04, Lt. Const P.C. conc. dwy., option 'G" r _ a, — Const.asph. conc. conn - .. .::� . •�: � ection U T _ 1 - - - __ _ ,+ SW COMMERCIAL (Fordetai/s,see sht. BCIS) -- - ----------__- -- I-`Q--- ° --- ----------====c _ �t>t F 0 Sta. "C"27+07.78, Lt. RIW =u- -- — of O— — __--_ �— R/w '= �- Const. P.C. conc. dwy., option 'G" N Q -----i_ Const. asph. conc. connection - (For details,see sht. BC76) Q Q o Const.parallel sidewalk ramp(Option H Modified) "G3"' LINE 11CIt LINE (For details, see sht. SCOS) Io Const. combination sidewalk ramp(Option l Modified) (For details,see sht. SC09) II Const.ACP Pathway (For details,see sht. BC08) i2 Const, conc. sidewalk- 783.0 SF ITE 3 3" LINE 175 175 \v Ex sting gro nd under ODOT stricture 02532 Construct asph. conc. thus:shown 170 -, 170 (unless otherwise noted) 1 rn ° U4 Construct P.C. conc. Lnrn �0 rn shown thus: (unless otherwise noted) :' :' {' � roposed rode of"623" gutter line O ( 165 Construct asph. conc. connection _ :: 165 / 0 7 shown thus x . 00 0.7001. 25% ° 47% - 83% 47,0 (unless otherwise noted) _tea I 0 3� .63/ 0.89.0 1. 0.97 ° ° 0. 7% 0. 2%0 ° ° xisti ground t"GJ" g Iter line Harper Houf Peterson �V Fti 7� PflO,e.�c�, Righellis Inc. \/� r i N �/ ENGINEERS 0 PLANNERS.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS.SURVEYORS 160 160 13 7O�/ 2+15 SF$ kxn Suiiu 7.UU Purtlxn L OR Y72 2 PHONE: it x hh }.4X.10?%21.7171 DSPC K't \�3. r„ Pr.,u, + + w N + 4. + o ,,, o a � Ln �� �� S OR99W:SW LANE ST PORTLAND - � � � o � � V � � SW NAEVE ST{TIGAR }PROJECT �,, PACIFIC HIGHWAY WEST � + ko Ln X00' MULTNOMAH/WASHINGTON COUNTIES 0 -4cn (• 9,� 155 0 0 � � 155 � P� Designer: Daniel E,Cicerchi Review:Aaron J.Isenhart (' p J. IS Drafter: HHPR Checker: Peter G.Coffman 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 SHEET NO. EXPIRES: 06/0/ GENERAL CONSTRUCTION C04A 18838-CO3.dgn -- COMA - GRN CONST 3/29/2018 10-16-49 AM Danielcicercni Rotation. 328.61890 Scale- 1"=50' Sec. 2, T. 2S, R. 1W, W.M. 77V_7?7 Relocate extg, utility pole(By others) ' ' ' ' ' SITE 3 O C" STA 26+92.98, 19.75'Lt. ORelocate fire hydrant(By others) Inst. 12"storm sew pipe-58.7' Connect to extg. storm sew. 12"-21.6' <v Protect extg. inlet and match finished grade Field verify locations of extg.pipes i o 'C" STA 27+50.72, 21-81' Lt. / �� `C" STA 24+83.39,28.35'Lt. X Const. large precast manhole-72Const. cont. inlet, type G-2 with 78"sump " 12"-32.2' + ��' Field verify locations of exty.pipes ii xx Install 72"storm sew,pipe-21.6 1 , STM-2A LINE STM-2B LINE Install 18"5torm sew,pipe-5.6' a CaItch line Connect to extg. storm sew. -2 Catchline 3 10 (See drg. no. RD346) I 7 ' 6 4 5 / 1 8"-24.4 �� 3 9 Field verify locations of extg.pipes 12"_58/7' ` 8 2 0 "C" STA 24+89.01, 28.15'Lt. _ _ _ Pro _TC_E__ ___ ___ Remove extg. inlet T 1 / / Connect to extg,storm sew. r�' —Z % � � � <(I,, ---R/ _ _' l Field verify locations of extg.pipes T-!,7 53°26'22" `'�'�_ _ y `cLn / I I I I I I - `` � - � - ..-- - 0 `C"' STA 24+61 79, 29.70 Lt. c� ___- E „ „ _ _ - � ; i :' Const. cont-inlet, type D ---------- l - - = _ ! ___ -- -- Install 72"storm sew.pipe-32.2' —u T„ lJ T �o =_- __--- -------- --- _;_ 5'depth i — `-- ---- ---- _ N '� SW COMMERCIAL ST - _ " JLl------------ ---- ----- -N _ ---- - ------- ==t1-�=_ -----�=------ � F l -----_ =0====-�-------- -- �==Q,- li � Trenchresurf. 3sq d. .y W >Crt----- - _ _ o=__------- 7 ---_ _ ---- FO Field verify locations of extg.pipes 7"C" Raw _ �_� '____ FC S 36- 1 77'Lt. TA 24+ 3S, 6.- r Connect to extg,storm sew. - Field verify locations of extg.pipes LINE Ln C" STA 24+94.23, 25.42'Lt. to C" STA 25+17.76, 79.05'Lt- Ins It. 8"Culvert Pipe-24.4' 5'Depth "ST -2A" LI E 3 9 Extg.11et TM- B" UNE 165 165 165 —— 165 xr5 rng Grounal @ 'pe Pro osed Grade @ Pipe Ex7str g Grouna Pipe 7 Sto."C" 4+36.35. }� S o."C"24+ 'L t. Tf 16.71'L t. I Extg.stor sew. ` 8" Storm Sewer- 5 _ —~J _ 1.70% Ig' St rm sewer 12' St rSewer` 160 � 160 160 E tg. _ 160 LJ +1.CA nom. ,2 Storm Sever °rm i 31' Extq- Jn1et 0+58 -1.2046 -1 189; nom, _.L.Out 16 651NWJ nom. 155 @ s o."C"24+ 'L t. 155 155 155 Fl.In 15725(W) } Extg.36' Storm S w. Ft.Out 157. 5(SE) II Harper Houf Peterson °f `.r`'RTMF2 �R, PROF�Cs !! Itighellis Inc. 150 ENGINEERS PLANNERS•LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS*SURVEYORS /'LSPOR P Sta.' 24 83. 9.28.35' t.O 150 G GIN /O'/ OR Y7202 PHONE:SO i.2:l.1 1.1 vx:lih FAX:$ \1 /I/'/ V15 SF.Spokau St .Suii�2W P.HI,n,L, p�.c In F.L.In 157.06 69,E -� F.L. n 157.061 1 F.L.In (NE) F.L. n lswJ � OR99W:SW LANE ST(PORTLAND)- SW NAEVE ST(TIGARD)PROJECT PACIFIC HIGHWAY WEST MULTNOMAH/WASHINGTON COUNTIES 145 145 91 P Designer:Daniel E.Cicerchi Review:Aaron J.Isenhart C J. IS� Drafter: HHPR Checker: Peter G.Coffman 1 +00 1 +50 2+00 1 +00 1 +50 SHEET NO. EXPIRES: 06/30/ DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES C04B 18838-CO3.dgrn :: C04B - DRAIN ,AND UTIL 3/29/2018 10:16.50 AM Daniel cicerchi Rotation-. 328,61890 Scale. 1"=50' DETOUR PLAN AND TEMPORARY PEDESTRIAN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SITE 3: COMMERCIAL ST: LINCOLN ST TO MAIN ST ??V—?? COMMERCIAL ST WEST PI HAS TANGELA DETOUR COMMERCIAL ST ST. ST. EAST 00 DER COMMERCIAL ST EAST DETOUR N COMMERCIAL ST ONDON WEST m Q 90 CT. COMMERCIAL ST oErouR EAST ANGEL oETouR ♦ N PL. ♦ 99W fro °� END DETOUR COMMERCIAL ST ■ ■ r, 8'8019L �10 G�� DETOUR N. /OUR Ob o ROAD ST FRc�q ST P At CLOSED < Td AHEAD ST PG END Q DETOUR DETOUR AHEAD ROAD CLOSED COMMERCIAL ST TO WEST /Oy e THRU TRAFFIC DETOUR (P / N`SON �F DETOUR s 2s F� T T9�c ROAD CLOSED TO s� THRU TRAFFIC 8'8011)L G,p by LEGEND F Temporary sign on temporary sign support 2 Temporary sign on TSS PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN ACCESSIBLE ROUTE ADJACENT TO s C Type ll/barricade WORK ZONE ATALL TIMES ALONG COMMERCIAL ST. Temporary channelization device,reflectorized(PCD) ® Under construction s�. R17-2 ROAD ROAD R7 7-2 GLOBAL Suite 2p Pine street 48':230" CLOSED CLOSED 48'X30" �� 1• Transportation Portland,OR 97204 M4-9b(R) i M4-9b(L) 53 0 e �D� Engineering 503.719.7997 30':x24" DETOUR DETOUR 30"x24" 'fes pOKSP C� OR99W:SW LANE ST PORTLAND -SW NAEVE ST GARD GENERAL NOTES: � 1. Temporary traffic control to be provided HWY:N/A PACIFIC HIGHWAY WEST ) p ry p � OD, MULTNOMAH/WASHINGTON COUNTIES 2-8'8(111)C 4'Min.Pedestrian&Bike Route 2-8'8(111)C during and after work hours. M.P.:N/A Q ti�1 2. See ODOT TM800 Series drawings for TRS 9�(, RY 15, ��� Designer.A.Woldetinsae Review: D.Beckwith temporary traffic control to accomodate 00000 B G� Drafter:GTEng CAD Checker: a Woldetinsae lane closures during and after active work periods. OFi/Tssu No. SHEET N0. N/A EXPIRES:DEC. 31. 2019 j TRAFFIC CONTROL DETOUR PLAN EE01 TZ_i8838_tc03.dgn :: Default 1/24/2018 11:18:40 AM Rick Rotation-, 00 Scale. 1"=100'