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A S C C E G I I NOTE S : I. ALL. SAN. SEW. CONST. TO CONFORM TO � CITYS', U. S. A . OF WA51i . (:0. STANUAKUS. 2. SERVICE )TUB (SERVICE STUD`,) SHALL BE ; G" I. '). MIN GRA, 0.016 PER FT. ( 3/6" PER FT) __ PIPE T3 EXTEND ONE LENGTH INTO PAST UTILITY E510T ( 5)• 14 +J 6 .70 MH A 8 IE'= 2L4.49 OUT ►= 11,66 .30 MH A - ' = 0}00 LAT A7 - 1 r GNIJ 232. 33 �n 1t � 21 Z7-. IF I-N w 8"5TUB OUT IE = 210. 63 OUT LA ' TOP , 219 • q3 250.40"- 8`CSP 5= 0. 05u-E MAIN A \ GND ' 2 19 . 16 1E ■ 2 11.0 6 1N T ♦) 5 Uta W _S . 0'70' . 8 ' 4q . 10 MHA 5 n� �, �� ^ y, -I - 9 M H_P 2 1 o- M /�' 1 7' 17' 1+90 0 + „ rvf^ in 8 " q 4 5.6 O M r „ �,�0 ,, C�q� H A 6 I E = 20E► •fS l IN I �.E-203 .'08 OUT � � - .� 4 - JU Nip •� q/ �� � S : �) IE 209. 38 IN IE - 20x 41 OuT TOP = 212.58 1 I 1 �i 1 ifs^rr- i = 7 I ; ,;� , i ,c pR �9 ' O. v c� i F 209 _8 OUT TOP • 216. 71 USE Gu ' GF GRD. RING - � Ii;•a�, ��� H �'SJ �, TOP -?- I5.L,3 ; GNB . 217. Zq WITH LEAN GROUT o FS R��kAtih-C GND - 215. 19 �. IE: Z08 , ti1 IN 5TUI, wEsT I ± "' I +qo rr� ,� O ~ p m `� s 'yT C R T L 31.5 c, �lN Ln--t go �t� J7'0.3 Q\ OSS�M °' ::, o rte= 8' STUt3 W D = q �' D_q, S =ka� _� N V; C4 ��v 134 G -- �+.3' � ( 45.130 8"CSF s = 0•l1w6 X10. 5' z 2 ' oww '� o % '1' \ �'\ / �t - � • I/ 6t03.20 MAA - 4 b� � �1�II- - - 5 W. 12-9 ITH AVE ��' '( 1P� ` 65 ' - " P 7 IES ` 03 . 1 !S 'IN 6 0� �P = UoOt?4q 5 I 12G 1 1 7 EXIST M H --- ---- '� I E = 2 0 2 .9 1 0 u T - w, r;N� t� �„ _, C� 5 _ ----I 80U 8"C -T #�� �®68iQ7 TOP = 210 .3 6) SE 74 OF GRN. I:kING I TOP,206.Gw �j*� SPS 0•os�l �, z �0 0010 \ GND • 210.5; WiT:j 1_EAN GROUT 1+29 25 IE= IqS . 17 ouT w 'h L= 24.5 L= 31-5 1 ;Wwoo � 2 r y o LAT A - I `\ � 2vtip M1N. ,;RD. L ^� 3 D - 7' I 21 h- rI p 027 - 7 �' _ pQ' `D ,• �° qp l _ 7" �4 - 5 +51 .00 MH A - 3 Iq$.76 IN _ Q 5Q \ of o 4w a � o o �1� 8" C I E : 1 9 8.5 G O U T x.41 p+ w5 \ J SA �. co TOP 2c?4 .50 I 1- 80s rub 5 1 69,�p M � I- L= 3 5 1 N.G R U S . 0.()/(;4 �- GNU - Z 0 4. 3 nI h C l 1 ( 6 I N 1 I 14 I -t4 - . F a a= M �_ /E=/98.78 IN !`� ? o+n, a► -1 0460 N _ p.5� 8o C 0 A T. 1 I A'1 q ,_ Sru6 WEST * �2 L°24.5 �• /� q q Q 5:0.016+ C ,�T _ 1. 13 _ - 236 . 05 2 Z- - I - � �� , TOP • 56.0 . - � � '/ •.D G' FIN. GRp I O 2 +95.00 MH A - 2 0R r-- (,0N DROP .`n 0.003 ' 1 E - 19 7 .7 9 1 N I 7 8+53.4}0`MHG -7 I IE '- Icl , �l OUT 06 � � I TOP- 208 - 25-• 25 141 145 i fE 233 II IN [� ``� CITY OF TIG. IE• 202.t51N LATA-2 ~ O i IE= 232.99 OUT °G oc I OPEN AREA �E'IGZ iL /N g N y I I TOP-- 241 .29 `n Z l� ` AT'A_1 CITY OF TIGARD Wit/ I I r �Ta- o- dry 7RACT d OPEN AREA � ,Q / TRA 5 F 9S o Q t z c C Sp �o i _ _- _ + z 4+17.40 MNG -G 17 17 *m ;� IE_22213 IN IZL �►a I E - 221 .82 OUT 1 I��`J `5�° �"'�4. ,~ -� n n � TOP= 231.0Z ao , 313 sem_ OA j. o 8 -.. � 12 T m, _, I= 4 ti' y 5 5 O + 00 3 = o}- e`h � ,,, ^ �\ \ OO �� �, 4I _u� . inti �' 40'- Il - AVE � Nz 7 L-131 0 { , IZAIST. M H Fa N * - „ � �Z g - 4µ ao�n ^ , ^� �'^- - 3 -, �+ � � F .� IZ � D: 1U5 1 I+IO 11 -E IE= 186 . 3tA IN of "ori a \/ - � � r` �Q „ n. �'.5' _ 9 c + N 1+ 34.50 MHG --5 L`31'S IE - 18G - 213 OUT '9 � f �w+ u,. �-'� V' _, O, Z8 w ►n-- - rCONST- pv-ER EX15T LINE D - TCP Iq7. 11 n4. � V`• �� � _n Irj .� ( J �} , � ` `7 ;M^ `. -- - p 296 11 S 15 + y / IE_ 217 t38 IN 1+ 20 MHAI - I + O W w G �H + �` ' � � �.�� U)�' 0 - M �_. _ -moo I E = 217- 81 OUT I E- 21 1 . 1'S ^ 38. ._ AIpq o 3 - _ r- - ,N �pFl _- 30 -' 15 * °° ` G _ .3 /p s TOP=2 Z¢. 6 I TOP= 217-55 Gl) N, to rV ^ I - ' - 3 90. + m /06 .01 7. 29.5 to J `),'� \ • I '� Q N J q Q # ,� t- U1 ( Ir�IEIZIG -39 +'00 M H G -4 EXIST. • tc 5 • �" 1 IN IE =214.76 OUT TOP- z21 .a3 • / I ,; i t / �, • 1 Lj 4 - I >\ I LIJ> ►� 4 FILE COPY M �_. BuiL • I REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN �_ s OWNER :R � sc�IE VERT. . DAT 1.) : LITt ��P TioAI, D IU 5 0, . �. &. 5 �: s I. C . .. . rBELLWOOD NO, 3 I ' - 50 AS BUILT HOK17_ 0��-�I�M PLATS 0 [�,ELlwouu J. IN. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. / TRACED 1 1059 S. E. DIVISION ST. JOB NO ' 3 A5 BUILT J H 5 c z9 e� ' ;v N- H PORTLAND OREGON 97266 i LGWEREU IZ6TH AVE ' TkEET GRADE . s. L. 0 12-71SANITARY SEWER CHECKED SHEET 5 I CH MCED Lr-)CATION :IF SERv►cL STu� 5 5.� � �-z� , Harris - McMonagle Associates AUULU NUTS A5 PER CITY RFV DESCRIPTION J SUB. APPR. DATE ENGINEERS SURVFYORS PLAN DATE 8905 S. W. COMMERCIAL STREET REFER i0 TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION 5 - 18 -79 TIGARD, :OREGON 97223 OF 7 .r. F+E: L.I.. W00I:? Nf.'1 r I11111II ) ) ( 1111 I ( 1f11111111IIIIIIIIIIi1111 � II1111IIltt1III 1 !• � 'llllll�'ITf(IIII1�111FIt t11�'�i�ll��jlil IIIA-�1 I�l��tt (I�i jt i 1 I I i � l � ll1 � 111 Vll11 ' � 111I111I111III11 ( III 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 II 12 NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED ■ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICG-r•iT IS OW TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL - RAWING. be Ise 92 Lz 9z S2 tt►z Ez zz Iz 0z $I 81 LI 91 %1 UI EI 31 II 01 6 9 1 9 S It E z I���•' �IlII11111NnIuNluuluullNl�lu1N1�1u11111�I1H�luII11gIHNINaI�nwwIItN11INI1ktt�l�ttttlittl♦tl}rhmltllt�lmktttltn� t+�n,ihtltlutll���tt>duttlttNltn��q�11�YIrlhluullNllrullmllnull�u�lO�Il�uul�lu�Ulluulttl�llut�u�gllut JUNE 24 199 ,2 - �� - �, _ 1 A c C E F G � . _._.__ _-•__ .-_-y___-.___do 1 _. _ "-. l I , .. , Jam'-f--__----_-_-_-- , .-___ --- -_•__-__.__._._. __ ,_-_.- _- •-_)• _ __ _._.._ _._�.. .--.�_-1-_. .._._- .--. .. ,.__._-._. .--._- _ 1 I + 1 4 { ; t t ' o *t N r4 0 t , - - LA r4t Ar. - _ 2 5 0 a r. 1r1 _ . T 215 a. N t. _ '-f77—. S1 O di f O N a- t kn Q / 00 OV U5 o o IV) 2iQ 21>J 1 — nj- o' I rwp 211+0 205 Q GIrLSP 5 - 4.x043 00 13 Q�rvt -.-___.+ _ �.._ __ _$. .. -�. _-_ �_ __ ' _ -__�,_m _ -_ _.__ __ _ �__—_ W_ . __. __.+_ ____ _. __ 3 _ _.,_ ___ ___ ,- _._.. __ _-__ ,__ 240_ . - _ 200 + � 5 i 1 t o n N' cV W 6 - _ - - - —-- -- - — Y O r { w W' : u _ i SZ `6 U f - 2 0 - ,,, , , , : 2 3 4 I IGS �---� i t q 5 3 L J Z o ILI v - i r CID zzs � s ��' -- b $ ---- : 22s: Q " LAT A 2 � '� LAY A - I Q 2— -" w }1 Q- �pFO'; _�+ Z;_Q� 3+ :00 4 + 00 5 + 00 �° �� `� W Ww �,i. �' -°� �0 z /` Y , /c'11l { N cwt N M zo �t .� , _ UULI — _Lj w _ uj_ LAT A7.1- 1 : f ' 7 z � 4Z Cr 215 230 r 7 Lo CL CL.L6 uj i T y —la oc I t - 210 i- ------ �' --------- - — _ - - - — _ --- --- - -- -- _ 225 1 _ _. Gtr �¢ Qr cy _ "^ I ,� ' � - a _ T _.. __.._—..._.— ___ ___- — ---o�•---- � ------- -�-- _ -----—---- �Q fir--- b� —�- LA II -. : - +- -- - - --, -- - ---t -zs - . _ _: - •. a a.� 22 1 i N N +1 40 1 w O f Q. 1 215 LA Q9 V : } a , 70 8 0 0 p / 2 1 0 N/ 6. -1 } r 205 r SIJ ;. a p _ ' o• 0 1 N + W y , — ---- -- — : t __. Z 1 W W W 4 _ - - Ev 4 - _ 5 n E: 5 r �..-- _ Lu V. , o I L of - Wz ' ru� AiN a r 4 -- - - . LO)J-- ISS w ' u! _ ww . � 185 , U + 00 - 00 2+ 00 3 + 00 '+ 400 5 + 00 C + 00 7-t 00 6 + UU rA + U0 10 > 00 11 400 I2 + 00 13 + 0C> SCALE DESIGN OWNER :E R ' BELLWOOD N 3 REFERENCE: INFORMATION ANr) NOTES: � I '. : 5 0, H �•�• ( J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. ,�;_,,w AS --- BILI VERT. DATUM : � IT1' OF TIOARD U G. & /� � � - • � � HORIZ . GAT1jM '• P A 5 OF L L ut/UUD TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. JOB NO s - 2 A$ 9UILT w L. H s,L +9 9D �( � - _ N. H PORTLAND OREGON 9•T_2_66 SAI` ! T A RY S EWER I PA15Ep MAIN A, TO M1-I A - 4 LOWERE.0 CHECKED —!~ SHEET 6 IZb TH AVE �,TPLLT GRADE S.U. L Q• I;.-79 � R . N Harris - McMonagle Associa ; es REV. -- -- DESCRIPTION Sig APPR. DATE- ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PROFILE S DATE 8905 S. W. COMMERCIAL STREET ` REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION 5- 18 - 79 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF 7 i VANdIM F+FI...L_W(JOD NCI OF' -42 , Ate! � -� .�• -_ a. _.. ,. ?lMµi' 0�.tri-'^,�'.�',_Z'�„"':„'Y"'_y"Mac"•'=:=: . ._. .. _ .. ,... . ...—. �. - 1� ��II�FiII`I1'II��III II+ELIIY��III 11-FI1i111:�1I111��II 0111 �I ��Ill�ltrlll)11 111 !111111111!I n IIiI11I11I1111111j111111111111111I1111111Ji111111 T111�j1I11�I111I111111�I�1a1�11 s "'T -r-- ""'� i -- ..1--�..-• .w.,, i� P _ 2 3 4 5 d 7 8 9 10 11 12 i NOTE: IF THIS; MICROFILIAEU T� DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR MAN 1H IS NOTICS-r• T IS DUE TO IM QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL_ -;itf CIO/- 4 DRAWING. — OE 8; 9Z a 92 S2 I►2 E2 22 12 02 61 BI LI 91 !1 f! 91 21 II 01 6 9 L 9 S f E 2 1•"���" �iIIIII11111111111111;IIIU11IN11111111111�111111111Ii1f(111111111!bit►luulinIIMUI11111HIII111NFIu�llilllltl111+111;111111!1taf�fr111lu1ftIilti1N,111u11f11TI ttlluttl1111.1uIlIln1111111u11�iW�,lfllui1111,11r1u11111In111]IWIII�W(lll�lu+llllltlllul�11111IlINWIuH JUNE 24 1992 'W" o i(I 1 .�P x'14• � • ��� / Wif", ;. I 251- M, WMRKNKAW CII-Y OF" ,TIGARD, OREGON RL':,OL_U I ION NO. 86-_ _ RE:,OL.U'110N OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL CONDILiONALI...Y ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC �;IRiF:T AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS THC. BEAVER BOLT STREET AND SEWER IMPROVEMCNT SUBJECT TO A ONE YEAR OUARANTEE PERIOD. WHEREAS, the City issued a street opening permit dated August 23rd, 1985, with H.B I. Investments to install half street improvements and a public sanitary sewer line and appurtenances thereto, to specified standards; and WIII R1 AS, the City' s usual. procedure is that: "Upon receipt of certific;,cion by the Department of Community Development that all requirements have been met and at One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council. agrees to accept tthp public improvements, subject to the requirement for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . . ; and WHF.RLAS, the Community Development DopartmoriL has now issued such r.ertiflr,atlon and; WMKEAS, the Petitioner has indicated a desire to retain a portion of the oxist. ?:3 Letter of Commitment performance bond, in full force and effect throughout the aforesaid maintenance period, in lieu of submitting a separate m,> irnt.urlance bond; said ;.uv-tion to be $2,400.00 which is specified therr.ain said Llrind to assure continued maintenance and freedom from defects; NOW, THEREFORE., BE it RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: 111r Tigard City Council hereby accepts the publi.r: improvement known as the lk-vor Holt S+reet and Sewer Impr.,vemont; ut�,lll;l IO, the normal one year guarantee period and, also, submittal of one W; huilt sanitary sewer Mylar. rIN11 1HP1HtR, the Citv Council herein authorizes the Mayor and Deputy City I ilrdor io rixotut.e a lett.pr in the City' s behalf relr.asing that portion of J FJrf-vinu51y submitted performance bond which is not required to be 1�I +,riod, said releasable sum being nine thousand six hundred dollars alu),ot)) lhisday of 1.98 . NkIlyr�r City of Tigard �_ 1 i ' y 16- or-dot l,it.y of Tigard i JI N 'Ji 1 f{iJ ,l April 21 , 1986 CITYOFTIGARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON B.B.I. Investments 1611.0 S.W. 72nd Avenue Portland, OR 97123 Rc +o,+vor bolt Street 6 Sewer Project ';ent lemkn: In the matter of the Twelve thousand ($12,000.0:.; dollar performance guarantee between B.B.I. Investments and Pacific Western Bank a:4 the City of Tigard, Oregon, this is to serve as a letter of authorization to allow Pacific Western Bank to release to B.B. I. Investments a portion of the deposit entrust.pd to said Bank The amount hereby authorized to be relea-ed is Nino thousand si« hundred ($9,600.00) dollars City of Tigard, Oregon By: By ., 1 � ll I I I I ' i i 1 i -- —_ 12761- SW ASN P0.BOX 23397 1IOARD (OREGON 97223 PH 6,3,+ .11"11 --- -- - CITY OF T*IGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBS IC IMPROVEMENIS KNOWN AS BELLWOOD NO, I I r. SIJBDTVISIoN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. WHIFREAS., tho City executed a Subdivision Coinplianco A(3rvomorit. dated MY 2nd, 1986, with J .W. Brayson, Bui'Lc:er, Inc , to facilitate installation of public improvements to specified standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requitements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation arid maintenance resprinsibiliLy, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond"; and NOW, 111FREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as Bellwood No III Subdivision public improvements ; AND, FURTHER, the City Council. hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: this day of 1986, o City ATI-FST: ri 7— /03p�u�ty�r�ity Recorder—City of Tigard Iga; j j I I:b s 2 j 9 X21 ',rel III ION No fl(). yL - IUWNIAhIGNr _ ..., `L7 J-- •�EMc r _ 900 —LLWJJ ill ,Y � 00000 � M »t •! � jy r 1 — —_ ----� ,summer_AKE -�- �h[ / ow Yf OYE G C L1 U. M. � EM J 33 34 e t ,OO, e .9. ft. Ew �•_�__J f � r a — - t - Z«7 K _-- `\ It-tF- .7- -TT y1ENf. 9?. II I5•" ru .,. .,r 1 ',• 3 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: April 14th, 1986 AGENDA ITEM N: DATE SUBMIT-TED: Apri. 1, 1986 PREVIOUS ACTION: Placed on Maintenance ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Resolution Guarantee P#?r•iod on d/25/80 Acceptinq Bellwood III Subdivision PREPARED BY : John Haqman REQUESTED BY: Community Dev. Dept. DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: C11—Y ADMINISTRATOR: POLICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . Bellwood III tiubdi.vision is located north of SW Walnut Street at the terminus of S14( 128th Avenue. All public improvements have been satisfactorily completed and the project has satisfactorily passed the one year maintenance guarantee period. 3 . Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council accept the public improvements, for City operation and maintenance responsibility , and authorize release of the guarantee bond . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED I SUGGESTED ACTION PASS THL RESOLUTION TITLE: "A resolution accepting public improvements known as Bellwood No. IIT Subclivisi.on public improvements . " .III Bg?19 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 86— A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS BELLWOOD NO, IT] SUBDIVISION PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. . WHEREAS, the City executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated July 2nd, 1.986, with J.W. Brayson, Puilder, Inc . to facilitate installation of public improvements to specified standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such ti.me as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner :shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond" • and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that : The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public improvements known as Bellwood No. :III Subdivision public improvements ; AND, FURTHER, the City Council hereby authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: This day of 1986. Mayor, City of Tigard ATTEST: Deputy City RecorY.er-amity of Tigard JH:bs21.9 RESOLUTION NO. 86- Page 1 ___ March 14, 1986 conformed copy of Stipulated Order of Dismissal , which was signed by Judge Bonebrake on February 27th and entered on the court docket on March 4 , 1986 . We will now proceed to close our file in this case. S ' cerely, KME:mch (_ Enclosure 1 Kenneth M. Elliott ' 1� ❑ / . M •fi'�Or�B�ilw'���n'JC Cl i�///'�I��/lOn oc�n,���E/!!'�.li�/'C. FMr. Randy Clarno O'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELL1017 & CREW City of Tigard TO P. O. Box 23397 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Tigard, OR 97223 1727 N.W.HOYT STREET' PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 L (603)222-4402 1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal ) corporation, ) 4 ) Plaintiff, ) No. 84-1409C 5 ) V. ) STIPULATED MOTION AND 6 ) ORDER OF DISMISSAL J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER, INC. , ) 7 an Oregon corporation, and ) THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY ) 8 COMPANY, a Connecticut ) ti corporaon, ) y ) Defendant. ) 10 11 It appearing to the Court that the above-referenced caise 12 has been fully compromised and settled; now, therefore, based upon 13 the records and files herein and upon the stipLlated motion of the 14 attorneys for plaintiff and defendants set forth below; 15 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above-referenced cause be 16 and hereby is DISMISSED with prejudice and without cost to any 17 party. 18 DATED this 27th day of February, 1986 . 19 /s/ Alan C. Bonebrake _ 20 CIRCUIT JUDGE 21 IT IS SO STIPULATED: 22 O'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT. & CREW 23 By: Kenneth M. Elliott, OSB No. 80217 24 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 25 BULLIVANT, MOUSER, BAILEY, HANNA, et al 26 BY: Stanley E. Martinson, OSB No. 70090 Page Of Attorneys for Defendants STIPULATED MOTION AND o DONNELL.RAhM,ELLIOTT 6 CR.w Attomers of Low ORDER OF DISMTSSAL Poria..oytv7iov 15031 222.4402 O'DONNELL, RAMIs, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P. O DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANDY OFFICE TIMOTHY V. RAMIS KENNETH M. ELLIOTT BALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING 101 N. GRANT, SUITE 202 CANBY. OREGON 97013 STEPHEN F. CREW 1727 N.W. HOYTETREET 15031 266.1149 CHARLES E. CORRIGAN• PORTLAND,OREGON X7209 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN 15031 222-44n2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT KENNETH H. FOX MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND UTTICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS KATHERINE A. FLYNN •ALSO ADMITTED TO PRACTICE IN STATE OF WASHINGTON COMPTROLLER PRISCILLA E. WAY February 24, 1986 Clerk of the Court Washington County Circuit Court Washington County Courthouse 145 N.E. Second Hillsboro, OR 97124 Re: City of Tigard v. J. W. Brayson, Builder, Inc. , et al, Washinqton County Circuit Court No. 84-1409C Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find a Stipulated Motion and Proposed Order of Dismissal in the above-referenced matter. Please present the proposed Order to the presiding court for its review and con- sideration,.. If the Order meets with the Court' s approval, please indicate the signing and entry date on the enclosed verification cards and mail them to the counsel for the respecki,. e parties. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, Kenneth M. Elliott KME:mch Enclosures cc wlenc. : Stanley E. Martinson, Esq. City of Tigard HLCEIVED FEB g 1986 J..•:r.►M6.o:tt BULLIVANT, HOUSER, BAILEY, HANNA., (�•,•n�,I��W,rAzD.l DOUGLAS w.ANDRE! JO •{� ,qI.+••• RUN.ID t.:.�l t• PENDERGRASS, FiOF-F MAN, O'CONNELL SI GOYAK a+t VTN .e'MN1 JOHN•.6[MN[11 10. CIA""ANNA_.6wowN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Nlc.oI AR J.D�st.TA c Mw.:n-E-,:wowNt DIANNE..[w1c::oNA JOHN W,OU[HL ER 1400 PACWEST CENTER D•lIn A.[RM:+ w,R.SULII VANT DAVID.,IDST[R• JAMt:o,OwiSCOLI 1211 S.W. FIFTH AVENUE_ DUNE M,MIc.[r STt►M[+.I.[HOLISM TLD A.JOHNSON DOUOL►:r,POLE- PORTLAND OREGON 97204-3797 STUA-T D.JON[: PAUL R.DART CH.' 'O-MER.. .[.T TH OMA:• 00-OOH eALLr C.LANDAUER M IC HDU:I.00••.At M.DANT I LIND. ....LAOS M.N•M�L1.. (503) 228-6351 wo6cwT:."'CIA" JO:t-M J.M•M NA,JR. O[■O-AN J.Lor ,..go D...00—DDAVID M.LUDW10 JAC.L.HOF—AN SEATTLE OrrICE VANCOUVER Orrict CH.TR A.MARtiN DOUGLAS O.HOUSE R,P.C. Jt MH1r[.J.MARTIN• 1.IRA N.UM HU.SA.C. 2150 COLUMNA CENTER 405 WEST 13TH STREET LORI R.METE J.ALAN JLN:[Mt LOREN O.PCOWILL• ...MIL L.JOHN:ON 701 rI PTH AVENUE VANCOUVER,WASHINGTON 98850 'D.C.0...teC01 l,JR,A ..ERIC.IOMN:O. 5CAT TLE,WASHINGTON 98104 (206)893.2424•(503)225.1100 :;CVC..".-1110 JAMES L.KNOLL• PEHNT-R.R06t.T:f ■1ANLE1[.MAMIN:ON (208)292.8930 JOHN .:Au:6UIRI Do—.C.MURMArA J.M•C. I-V[Lr .FlI.►.O'C ON Nt I. w•ww[H A.D.[NC[n 1190 N.-[ND[1gwA:: SCOTT M.STIC.Ntre -O■twT I.RI[D[A TIMOTNr M.:1w•D[w :COP O.WALT S[RA RUlLt LI -GOER w['If NOOMr RONALD D.Slt-M[N:oN TELEX:5101010486 Ric H•.D J.w 118 Mow[ e.Jon WILSON BULLIVANT Jtw[M.c 1UC. CO NOEL TELEC:OPIERI(503)228.6353 Or COUI SCL CMARL[6[.WRIONI PETER• CARCiATO,-.C.t$ -116[.1 A.LE[Or CABLE AOOAE55:Pl�R7l AW :AN r-ANCI:CO'CA MICHAEL J.WALSH1 February 7 , 1-986 AnHI wo..D.C. .0.[OON AND wA]MiNOTON•A.. t OR[ODN AND CAU rDRNIA 111.1000 R[0 0 N AND NEW r0..6A.: •0P 00N AHO 1DAH0 GARS t OREGON AND•]IST-ICT or COLUMOIA SAM: Kenneth M. Elliott, Esq. O'Donnell , Ramis, Elliott & Crew Ballow & Wright Building 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. J. W. Brayson, Builder, Inc. and The Travelers Indemnity Company, Washington County Circuit Court Case No. 84-1409C Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed is the Stipulated Moti�_,n and Order of Dismissal which I have signed, together with our client' s check in the sum of $750. 00. The check from my client arrived before your letter of February 4 , 1.986 , and I had not anticipated your request for a cashier ' s or trust account check. I am certain that the check is good, however, and request that you process it as it is drawn. I understand, of course, that as soon as it has cleared, you will sign and submit the Stipulated Motion and Order of. Dism:itisal to the court. Also enclosed is a stamped, pre-addressed postcard notification form which we request be submitted to the court together with the Stipulated Moticn and Order so that we may be advised of the date and by whom it is signed. Thank you for your courteous cooperation. Very truly yours , S�anJ-EFY . Martinson - SEM/1 tna Enclosures i cc: Mr. James W. Brayson i- I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal ) corporation, ) 4 ) Plaintiff, ) No. 84-1409C V. ) STIPULATED MOTION AND 6 ) ORDER OF DISMISSAL J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER, INC. , ) 7 an Oregon corporation, and ) THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY ) 8 COMPANY, a Connecticut ) corporation, ) 9 ) Defendant. ) 10 11 It appearing to the Court that the above-referenced cause 12 has been fully compromised and settled; now, therefore, based upon 13 the records and files herein and upon the stipulated motio,i of the 14 attorneys for plaintiff and defendants set forth below; 15 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above-referenced cause be 16 and hereby is DISMISSED with prejudice and without cost to any 17 party. 18 DATED this day of February, 1986 . 19 20 CIRCUIT JUDGE 21 IT IS SO STIPULA'T'ED: 22 O'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT 6 CREW 23 By: r Y,enneth M. Elliott, OSB No. 80217 24 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 25 T:sULLIVANT, HOUSE:R, BAILEY, HANNA, et al i 26 By: Stanley E. Martinson, OSB No. 70090 Page Of Attorneys for Defendants STIPULATED MOTION AND o DONNELL,RAMIS, ELLIOTT S CREW at Low ORDER OF DISMISSAL vi�N.WSHoytStreet Portland,Oregon 97209 15071 222.4402 O'DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW �2�C MARK P. O DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIMOTHY V. RAM15 CANDY OFFI]E KENNETH M. ELLIOTT BALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING 181 N GRANT, SuIT, 202 STEPHEN F CREW 1727 N HOYT STREET CANDY. OREGON 97013 C-HARLES E. CORRIGAN• PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 15031 288.1149 JOSEPH M, SULLIVAN 15031 222-4402 KENNETH H FOX ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MARGARET C. HAND P'.EASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS •ALSO ADMITTED TC PRACTICE KATHERINE A FLYNN IN STATE OF WASHINGTON COM"T 1OLLER PRISC.I.LA E, WAY February 4 , 1986 Mr. Stanley E. Martinson Attorney r,t Law 1200 Pacw3st Center 1211 S.W . Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204-3797 Re: City of Tigard v. J. W. Brayson Builder, Inc. and The Travelers Indemnity Company, Washington County Circuit. Court Case No. 84-1409C Dear Mr. Martinson: I have enclosed a copy of a letter from the City if Tigard con- firming completion of the public improvements in the Bellwood III subdivision. I have also enclosed an original Stipulated Motion and Order of DismisGal for your review. If the proposed stipulation meets with your approval , please sign and return the original to me alDng with a $750. 00 cashier' s or law firm trust accoun': cl, ,T-k payable to the City of Tigard. Upon receipt of the check and stipulation, 7 will sign and forward the stipulation to the court. Thank you for your cooperation in resolving this Natter. Sincerely yours, Kenneth M. E1lioft KME:mch Encl.osu.res cc w/enc. : City of Tigard I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ST^TE OF OREGON 2 FOR TAE COUNTY OF WASIiINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal ) corporation, ) 4 ) Plaintiff, ) No. 84-109C 5 V. ) STIPULATED MOTION AND 6 ) ORDER OF DISMISSAL J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER, INC. , ) 7 an Oregon corporation, and ) THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY ) 8 COMPANY, a Connecticut ) corporation, ) 9 ) Defendant. ) 10 11 It appearing to the Court that the above-referenced cause 12 has been fully compromised and settled; now, therefore, based upon 13 the records and files herein and upon the stipulated motion of. the : } attorneys for plain -iff and defendants set forth below; 15 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the above-referenced cause be 16 and hereby is DISMISS'?D with prejudice and without cost to any 17 party. 18 DATED this day of February, 1986 . 19 20 CIRCUIT JUDGE 21 IT IS SO STIPULATED: 22 O' DONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW 23 By Kenneth M. Elliott, OSB No. 80217 24 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 25 BULLIVANT, HOUSER, BAILEY, HANNA, et al 26 By: Stanley E. Martinson, OSB No. 70090 Page Of Attorneys for Defendants STIPULATED MOTION AND o DONNELL,RAMIS, ELLIOTT 6 CREW of Law ORDER OF DISMISSAL 172'Nnw'HoytStreet J Portland,Oregon 97209 15031 272 4102 a� s: ti CIrf OF TINA M WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Jan,iary 3 1 , 19,35 HcCCIVEC FEB 3 1996 Kenneth M. Elliott, Esq. O'Donnell , Ramis, Elliott b Crew Ballow & Wright Building 1721 NW Hoyt St. Portland, OR 97209 RE: City of Tigard v J.W. Brayson Building, Inc. Case Ne. 84-1409C Dear Mr. E114ott: This is sent to confirm satisfactory completicn of installation of the bike path, sidewalks, and driveway aprons with respect to the afa.esaid case. The work was completed by the contractor and inspected by this office on .;anuary 27, 1986. I Very truly, I John S. Hagman Engineering Technician dmj cc: Mr. .Jim Brayson, JR. 11059 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97266 12755 SW. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIC ARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 JA-[Lr.AMBw{tt BULLIV,\NT, HoLISER, BAILEY, HANNA, JAN 2 2w�N7.a�,1LnrN.,r. DouOLAw R.ANDwq u..N✓A.Hwnu nl. PENDERGRASS, HOFFMAN, O'CONNELL & GOYAK„ _ [VrNM..TNNI JON.A.BINN[11 L D CL AK.1 AN—, Sao.. wN� ATTORNEYS AT LAW +o�:N44g. Ni g.a'e+v.A w"{�Levaw±[w 1400 PACWEST CENTER oAvloI - e, ft.JA-t{o.DwI{e OLL 1211 S.W. FIFTH AVENUE DIA Nr Icer, Bi[w.E.♦ (NOLI{N T[O A.JOHN{ON DouoLAt r.FOL[T( PORTLAND,OREGON 97204.3797 {1uA.1 0.JUNce PAUL w.GARY CHe. [10.N(R.."IN1 iNOMAB A,OO.DOM {ALIT C.LANOAut. NICI.OLA{I.OOTAILtt A,DANI[L LIMOAHLA GOuOL L{{M.HAMILTON (503) 228-8351 NO B(.1•.Low.1 JO{[wH J.HANNA,JR, DIBOAAM J.L01 JAM[{D.NI BOARD DAVID..LUDWIG JAC.L.NOPPM AN 5EATTLE OFFICE VANCOUVER OFFICE C PIS A.MARTIN DOUOLAB O.NOUBE.,RC. JLNM1r[.J.MARTIN* I.PRA NKLIM HUN{AK[R 2150 COLUMBIA CENTER 405 WEST 13TH 5TREE7 LON'R.-tit J.ALAN Jt NB[Nt VANCOUVER,WASHINGTON D6660 LO.tN 13 wODWILLA DA.R[L L.JOHN{ON 701 FIFTII AVENUE LO.[N D.wwt 0001/,JR.• A.[RICA JOHNSON BEATTLE,WASHINGTON 98101 (YOB)823�2A24 (503)225'1100 {t[VtN V..,Ito JAM[{1..NOLL[ R[NNT I I.wB[R1{I {TANL[T[.MARTIN{oM (2061 292-6930 JOHN R OALIBOUNI DONALD[.MURRAY* J.MACK BHIV[LY Kt VIN w.O'cOIIN[LLWA..11 01.{wt Nc[R WALT[.H.►t NDt.O.AB{ {COT1 M,6 11CKNCV• -out*,F,we ace lIMO1HY A.{i.AO[w Jo."c.wu..141 {.IAN O.WAL1{t Rt JAM[{{..UYL[ woo[w wtBi[Noowr wNALO O.STEPHENSON TELEX:5101010496 RIC.A.D J.WHITT[MONE {.1011LwrL{ON BULLIVANT Jcwt.Y[.(uc. eDUN{[L TELECOPIER:(503)229.6353 OF COUNSNL CHA.Lt{t.w.IONt CABLE ADDRESS:PORTLAW wn[A A.c ASCIATO,PC.tt 10 Rr A.LttDY {AN LANC HCS,CA MICHA[L J.INALO Hf WAS...w ON,D.C. •Or LOON ANO"ABHINOtON BAR. }O.[OON ANDCALIIO.NIA BA.{ {Ow[OON AND N[W YO..BARB •OR[OON AND IDAHO OAR{ January 21 , 1986 toRrooNANDo1{T.IcTor COLUMBIA{A.{ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY Kenneth M. Elliott, Esq . O'Donnell , Ramis , Elliott & Crew Ballow & Wright Building 1727 N.W. Fioyt Street Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. J . W. Brayson Builder , Inc . and The Travelers Indemnity Company, Washington County Circuit Court Case No. 84-1409C Dear Mr. Elliott: This will confirm our telephone conversation of January 21, 1986 in which I advised you that the concrete was being poured on that date and was expected to be completed on the same day, after havir,j again been delayed on two occasions at the requ :- of the City of Tigard due to rain. You agreed to an additional extension of a couple more days with respect to an appearance in this case. Thank you for your 7ontinuing courtesies. ( Very truly yours, cwt-r•-- Stanley E. Martinson SEM/]ma cc: Mr. James W. Brayson O'OONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW MARK P. O'DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CAMMY OPnct TIMr-4Y It RAMIS KENT. ,. ELLIOTT SALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING 181 N. GRANT, SUITE 2.02 STEPHEN F. CREW 1727 N W. HovTC_ eET CANSY.OREGON 97013 CHARLES E. CORRIGAN• PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 (503) 2881149 JOSEPH M. SULLIVAN (503) 2224.102 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT --- MARGARET C. HAND PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE SHARON L. WILLIAMS •ALSO ADMITTED TO PRACTICE KATHERINE A. FLYNN IN STATE OF WASHINGTON COM PTROLLtR PRISCILLA E. WAY December 26, 1985 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 9722.3 Re: City of Tigard J . W. Brayson Builder, Inc. (Bellwood No. 3) Dear Randy: Enclosed please find a letter from Stanley E. Martinson, Brayson' s attorney, confirming the agreement we reached on December 23 , 1985. Mr. Martinson called to let me know that Brayson had arranged for a subcontractor to complete the sidewalk work beginning on January 3, 1986, and expressed surprise and embarrassment that the work had not yet been completed. He requested an extension for filing a first appearance to give Br.ayson' s subcontractor a chance to complete the work and make the litigation unnecessary. I said that I had previously requested authority from the City to settle in exchange for Brayson com- pleting the work and paying $500. 00 of our attorney' s fees. I advised Mr. Mart.insu n that additional fees had been incurred since that date and that I would recommend the City accept no less than $750. 00, which is slightly more than one-half of the fees incurred to date. Mr. Martinson called back very shortly and advised me that Brayson had agreed to payment of $750 . 00. I would recommend that you ac,..cpt this offer, in the event that the work is timely completed beginning on January 3, 1.986 . The City should send inspector out to the site beginning on January 3, make sure the work is completed to code specifications, and then let me know when the work is done. 1,t that time, I will demand payment of the $750 . 00 and enter into the stipulated dismissal of the case. If you have any questions, please give me a call . Sincerely .yours, " 1 KennethM. Elliott KME:mch enclosure BULLIVANT, HOUSER, BAILEY. HANNA, I j PE NDE RGRASS. HOFFMAN, O CONNEI.L b GOYAK 4. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1400 PACWEST CENTER ' 1211 S.W. FIV TH AVENUE PORTLAND,0HEGON 97204.3797 JAMES F.AMBROSC) ROBERT F.RIEDE STUART D.JONES COUNSEL PONALD E.BAILEY JOHN C.RUPPERT (503) 228.6351 SALLY C.LANDAVEP CHARLES C.WPIGwI JOHN W.BUEHL°R JAMES B.PUYLE MARA M.LETICA ROBERT A LEEC, R.q.BULLIVANT RONALD G.STEPHENSON R.DANIEL LINDAHL. JAMES G.DRISCOLL S.JOEL WILSON DEBORAH J.LOY Of COUNSEL STEPHEN F,ENGLISH -- DAVID R.LUDWIG ROGER L.KRAGE PAUL R.GARY DOUGLAS R.ANDREB THOMAS A.GORDON JOHN P.ASHWOR TH• TELE%: 51010104 BCS JENNCHRYSA, J. AP ELIZABETH WELCH BULLIVANT JENNIf[R J.MARTIN• GLEN R.KUYK[NDALl1 NICK I.GOYAK} JOHN A,BENNETT LOREN D.PODWILL• PETER A.CASCIATOII DOUGLASS M.HAMILTON STEVEN M.BERNE TELECOPIER:(503)2286353 LOREN D.PRESCOTT,JR.- MEDIA BUILDING JOSEPH J.HANNA,JR./ DAN/'ORD K.L.BICNMORC STEVEN V.RIZZD JAMES D..HANNA, D ANNA J.DROWN CABLE ADDRESS:POHTLAW PINNY K.ROBERTS BAN HOWARD ANCIS ST RCFT JACK L.HOFFMAN CHRISTINE P.BROWN} JOHN P.SALISBURY SAN FRANCISCO.CA 8.10] (416)S4e Ie TT DOUGLAS O.MOUSER,P.C. MARK O.CLARKC MICHAEL R,9[IOl• I.FRANKLIN HUNSAKEP MARY T.OANFOPD V'NZOUVER OFFICEJ,MACK SF'VCLr MICHAEL J.WALSH$ J.ALAN JENSEN} NICKO.AS.J.DIBERT. 40'5 WEST 13TII STREET WARREN P.SPENCER WASHINGTON,D.C. DAPREL L.JOHNSON DIANNe K.ERICS SON• VANCOUVER,WASHINGTON 06660 SCOT f M.STICKNEY• AND wARN,NDION OARS JAMES L.KNOLL. DOUGLAS F.FOL(Y• TIMOTHY R,STPADiP }DRFGON AND CALIIDRNI•8-9STANLEY(,MARTINSON DAVID R.FOSTEII• (206)60] 242• MAY S.WAKEFIELD /DRFGCN AND N/W r<'1RA OARS DONALD E.MURRAY* DIANE.M.HICKEY (503)225.1100 ROGER WESTENDORf •OREGON RADS KEVIN P.O'CONNELL R.CRICK JOHNSON RICHARD J.WHITTEMORE }OREGON AND DIRIR,CT 01 WALTER H.PENDERGRASS TED A.JOHNSON JEREMY E.ZUCK CCL UNNIA RA TP Dezember 23, 1985 Kenneth M. Elliott, Esq. O'Donnell, Ramis, Elliott & Crew Ballow & Wright Building 1727 N.W. Hoyt Street Portland, Oregon 97209 Re: City of Tigard v. J. W. Brayson Builder , Inc. and The Travelers Indemnity Company, Washington County Circuit Court Case No. 84-:.4090 Dear Mr. Elliott: This will confirm our telephone conversations of December 23, 1986, wherein I advised that our client had scheduled t:ie sidewalk work for January 3 , 1986 , and I requested an additional 20 days beyond the time set forth in your letter to me of December 1.1. , 1985, to make an appearance r in this case. We agreed to such an extension, and to payment by our client of $750, 00 against your attorney fees . This sum will be paid when the work is completed. When the work is inspected and accepted by the city, we will enter into a stipulated dismissal with prejudice with respect to the above-referenced case. Very truly yours, 00( Stanley E. Martinson SEM/lma cc: Mr. James W. Brayson F�►� '� CITY OF TIGA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON January 31 , 1985 Kenneth M. Elliott , Esq. O'Donnell, Ramis, Elliott & Crew Ballow & Wright Building 1727 NW Hoyt St. Portland, OR 97209 RE: City of Tigard v J.W. Brayson Building, Inc. Case No. 84-14090 Dear Mr. Elliott: This is sent to confirm satisfactory completion of installation of the bike path, si.lewalks, and driveway aprons with respect to the aforesaid case. The work,was completed by the contractor and inspected by this office on January 27, 1986. V/e�truly, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician dmj cc: Mr. ,Jim Brayson, JR. 11059 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97266 12755 S.W. ASH P.G. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:839-4171 +'tultnoxuati e7ouaty, Oraao�n To Date- _ __. .- ilme •57 WHILE YOU WERE OUT Ml�t_cvt-, of Nosl Phone, O� 9 7 Z 646 TELEPHONED / PLEASE CALL RETURNED YOUR CALL r WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH _ Meue�e— Dd- 57 g (� w� GEM" ��is Y.e CITY OF TIG,ARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: January 14. 1985 AGENDA ITEM N: DATE SUBMIITED: January 3, 1985 PREVIOUS ACTION: Council Initiated Legal ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Extension Action on bond for completion of Request for completion of sidewalks sidewalks and pathways. and pathways in Bellwood III PREPARED BY: Randy Clarno Subdivision REQUESTED BY: J.W. Brayson DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: t407ki CITY ADMINISTRATOR: INFORMATION SUMMARY On November 19, 1984, Council directed the City Attorney to begin legal action on the bond for Bellwood No. 3 Subdivision in an effort to have the remaining unfinished sidewalks and pathways completed. This action was recommended because Mr. Brayson' s (Developer of Bellwood III) Bond was to expire on November 22, 1984, and he had not requested an extension before the stated deadline. Mr. Brayson is now requesting an extension, however, his request was not received in time to stop the legal action, ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED 1 . Deny Mr. Braysons request and continue legal action. 2. Accept Mr. Braysons i-equest with the condition that he reimburse the City in the amount of s 800.00 ; whish was incu need in processing the above stated legal action, and post a new Performance Boni for the unfinished work . SUGGESTED ACTION Community Development recommends that the request for a 1--year extension be granted with the condition that Mr. Brayson reimburse the City in the amount of $ 800.00 which was incurred in processing the above stated legal action, and post a new Performance Bond for the unfinished work . (0874P) ',ULLIVAN 9 HAMIS I UAIE J,111U"1-y 19 :5 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 NW HOPI STREET 1° TO TVR PORTLAND OREGON 97209 p' 15031 222 4402 FROM KME RE City Of Tigard-Bellwood III J.W. Brayson, Builder, the developer Of Bellwood III, has requested a one-year extension for completion of the sidewalks in the sub- division. Mr. Brayson has agreed to pay the City' s attorney fees incurred in preparing and filing the Complaint, as well as entering into a new bond to secure completion of the sidewalks. The bond extension proposal is on the City Council ' s consent agenda for January 19 , 1985 . I told Randy Clarno about a week ago that our attorney fees thus far_ totalled $800. If the City Council opts for the extension alternative, we should also require that Brayson pay our costs advanced totalling $126 . 50. This sum is comprised of the complaint filing fee of $96 . 50 and service fees of $30. SFC and I met with Randy Clarno and Frank Currie on January 10, 1985, and we reccnmended that the City obtain a stipulated judgment on the pending complaint against both Brayson and the surety company, instead of simply entering into an extension agreement. In exchange for the stipulated judgment, the City would agree that the judgment would remain unrecorded for a period of one year and would also sign a covenant not to execute on the judgment for the same period. In the event Brayson does not complete the sidewalks next summer as planned, the City could simply file the judgment and execute on the bond when the one-year period expires, instead of filing a new complaint. The stipulated judgment would also provide for payment of our attorney fees, including additional fees and costs incurred in collecting the jadgment if Broyson does not perform. The City Council should be advised that the stipulated judgment is the alternative recommended by both City staff and the City Attorney. The stipulated judgment has not yet been discusse,' with either Brayson or the surety company, and it may be necessary for the City Council to approve the extension in a two-step process. Tonight ' s action could be approval of a one-year extension conditioned on receipt of a stipulated judgment. Once we obtain the stipulated judgment, then the extension could be formalized and approved. cc: City of Tigard - Bellwood III i71e Randy Clarno Frank Currie ...,MTV 1RANSPORTATION BOND DISCUSSION 11 i • City Engineer reported on the Washington County Major Streets transportation Improvement Program. The task force has prepared a list of streets that would benefit from the passage of a bond sale. The areas within the City Limits are: Scholls Ferry road/Fanno Creek tc Murray Blvd. Greenburg Road and 99W Intersection Nall Blvd. Bike Trail/ Durham Road to 99W Bull Mt. Road and 99W Intersection Durham Road/ 99W to Carmen Interchange Eunice Day, 15940 SW Oak Meadow, represented Summerfield and noted that they are very concerned about the proposed development plans for Durham Road and noted they are serious ab3ut protecting their homes. ; After lengthy discussion, consensus of Council was to have the city Engineer request information for proposed development plans on Durham Road and report back at a future meeting. (ai*SENT AGENDA: These items are considered to be routine and may be ..,acted in one motion without separate discussion. Anyone may request to%•t an item be removed by motion for discussion and separate action. %t ion to: i io 1 Approve Council Minutes: January 7, 1985 io 2 Approve OLCC Application: Tigard Thriftway, 14365 SW Pacific Highway, Tigard, Oregon - PS Application - Change of Ownership 10_) Approve Extension Request for Completion of Sidewalks 6 Pathways In Bellwood III Subdivision Wath Conditions 10 4 Approve 6 Authorize Signatures: • MLP 5-84 Street Dedication - SW Cascade Avenue - Roger- Belanich • Street Dedication Compliance p Agrmt/Perfor•m,-t-ice Bond - SW 114th Ct. (the Fountains) 10 5 Approve Resolution No. 9"3 Accepting Copper Creek Phase IV Improvements And Accepting 1 Year Maintenance Bond C,1j 10 6 Authorize Letter To PUC Commissioner Requesting ExtFnsion of Order N83-860 to 4/1/86 for Railroad Crossing (72nd Avenue/Mercer Ind. ) 10 7 Receive and File Update On CPA 23--84 Subsidized Housing Issue Retirement Study Report 10 6 Approve Submission of CDBG Application 10 9 Approve 6 Authorize Signatures: Crow Lease Agreement/Old City Hall Motion by Councilor Edwards, seconded by Councilor Scott to delete f : items 10.3 and 10.9 and continue to a date uncertain, and approve f the remainder of the Consent Agenda. - Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. AGENDA ITEMS: From Council and Staff II l.Ut1NCI1 MINUTES - JANUARY 1 , 1985 / V del "7v i �-r ,`y, '�^''�� a''j a,/'�--,� �"Z'� •,>�'—�/ ��ftp� ��• /�—+-� �,� /> �'/ �'� �' �...� —yyUr� ley ,ri .•�jo/�., �`� ,y�' ' l A0. /7,c/— 4 CC,v c / 75- St .. �-�-t-L....-L. GiCi'C'"/yL..��, ��`-�cv�.. ..-�:.4.v..�. �,•,•—Y,�"C..t-'7'; V LC-c .�'�"�,� ?lL G I VC.D BULLIWANT, HOUSER, BAILEY, �� 9 PENDERGRASs, HOFFMAN, C1'CONNELL S GOYAK ATTORNEYS AT LAW I - 1400 PACWEST CENTER 1211 S W. FIFTH AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204-3797 RONALD C.BAILEY PORE RT F,RIEDE JOHN W,SUEHLCR JOHN PAUL W GAPr C.RUPPERT (503) 228-6Z51 R [RICH COUNS[l R.P,BULLIVANt JAMES�,RUYL[ JOHNSON DALLAS A.MARCKP ,AMF.S C.DRISCOLL NONAID T[D A.JOHNSON DTC PHEN f, ENGLISH G.III,it NEON STUART S..JOEL WILSON D.JONES Of COUNSEL THOMAS A,GORCON CHARLES E.WRIGHT SALLY C.LANDAUER ROGER L.-PAGE Nlf_N I,G0 "1 __ MARA M LC71CA ELIZABETH WELCH DOUGLASS M.HAMILTON JAMES F. AMSNOSf} TELECOPIC14(50.11 229.9353 R.DANIEL LINDAHL• GLEN A.KU+NCNDALL JAMES D.HIBSARO DOUGLAS P.ANDRCS O(SORAH J,LOT 1 JACK L.HOrrrAAN CABLE ADDRESS'PORTLAW DAVID R,LUDWIG PETER A.CASCIATOA JOHN P, ASNNIETY • CHRYS A.MARTIN MEDIA BUILDING DOUG O VOLAS G.HOUS[P,P. C. JOHN A.SC NNE7T I,rRANKI-IN HUNSAKER JENNIFER J.MARTIN• 0�3 HOWARD STREET DANrORD[.L.BICNMOPE V+NCOUV[q OFFICE LOP 1, D.PO DwILL. SNN•w•NCISCO,CA GAIO3 J. At AN JENBIN� ANNA J.BROWN DAR RF.L L,JOHNSON CH RIStINC P. SROWNI 405 WEST 13TH STREET LOREN O.PRESCOTT.JR.A (-131543.1617 IAMCS L.KNOLL• MARK D.CLARKE vANCOUVIq,WASHINGTON ROSSO STEVEN V.RIL[O V.V.P[ND[RGRASSIw[TIP[O) """I RT A.LEEDr MANY T. (POG)693-PARA MICHAEL R,SCIOL• DA Nf OOE J.MACK SHIV(LY HUGH L.SARZEC(.,,R[D) DONALD+[, U RTINBON 0 A II NE AS J.ICSSOT (903)825,100 DONALD O HURRAY DOUGL S r. ICSSON• SC OTT M.STICK NfY• •OR[OUN•ND wABNINO TON MAPS KEVIN R, .PEN ELI DAVID P. 1J rOP NAY S.WAKEFIELD 1 OP[CON AND CALIfORNI•BARS WAl7CP H.P[NO[PO RABS DAVID N.FOSTER JAMES OT.J.WHIR OR[OOM AND DISTRICT Or RICHARD J.WHIT TE MORE COLUMBIA DAR[ J[R[MY F.PUCK •OPIOON,CNLIIORMIA AND DISI wICT OI COLUMBIA■AwB December 20 , 1984 1�ssistantnD.Mana9Ser,Smith hSur 'or, OdR/NFopMAT10 Surety Dept. N��Ntr The Travelers Indemnity Company 707 S.W. Washington Street Portland, Oregon 97205 Re: Claim No. : 133 SR R74 4794 P Principal : J.W. Brayson, Builder, Inc. Obligee City of Tigard Bond No. 661F8202 Claimant City of Tigard City of Tiqard v. J-W. Brayson, Builder , Inc:. and The Travelers Indemnity Compa_ay, Washington Coun._y Circuit Court No. 84-1409C Dear Mr. Smith: This is to confirm my recent telephone conversation with you wherein I advised that our client, J.W. Brayson, Builder, Inc. , accepts the tender of defense of the above- referenced action as requested in your letter to them of December 1.1, 1984 . By means of courtesy copy of this letter, we are also advising counsel for the City of Tigard that we are the attorneys for both defendants in this case, hereby assuring that no default will. be taken against either defendant without at least 10 days ' advance written notice to us. This will further state our understanding that the plaintiff and Mr. Brayson are i,. close communication with respect to resolution of this matter, and I am advised and completely confident that it will be resolved eery quickly BULLIVANT, HOUSER, BAILEY, PENDERGRASS, HOr/MAN, O'CONNELL E, GOYAK ~ Mr. Nelson D. Smith December 20, 1984 Page Two to the satisfaction of all parties without the need for any further legal process. Very truly yours, Stanley E. Martinson SEM/lma cc: Mr. J .W. Br.ayson, Jr. / Kenneth M. Elliott, Esq. FILING OR RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS Date: December 14 . 1984 Re: City of Tigard v. J.W. Brayson Builder, Inc. et al The following documents are enclosed for filing or recordirg with your office. Original Summonses and Proofs of Service for each d endant ;n the above-referenced matter. — Sincerely_ Krinnnp}h MP1 1 ; , 4 t r-r f F,nr C`i } of Ti ng� _ Charge-our account for fees Check enclosed to cover fee, F Clerk of the Circuit Court TO Washington County Courthouse 145 NE Second Avenue O'DONNELL, SULLIVAN & RAMIS Hillsboro, OR 971.21 ATTORNEY-5 AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOY'r STREET PORTLAND,OREGON 97209 (509) 222.4402 /, II r� C C ti C+RCUIT In she ... . .. .. ................ Court of the State of Oregon for the! County of WASHINGTON .... ................................ . .. ...CITY....OF....I I.GA!�R.�.... municipal.. .. .. .. ..... ........ ...... ................................I............ . ..........11.....................................................1......................................................................... . . . ............. ............................................................................................... ...I................. Va. Plaintiff J.W. BRAYSON BUILDE 1..j . ..... .....I........d.....I..................................... . .................................................................... an recion corp .......I..................... ...... ...........corporation;.....................I.."........................I...................................... _.....THE. TRAVELERS...INDERNITY...COMPANII,.. a—,............................................... SUMMONS ......................... ....................................... .............. ........... ....... ............................................................................................................................... ....... ........ ... D efe ndan t 0 ....1�!�g.i.s.t.e.red...Ag..�At.................................................................................... ........................... .. .... .. ........ The Travelers Indemnit,y. ..q9!ppany., '/07 SW Washington......... .................................. ........................................... ............................................................ .... . .. ....... ._Portland, . 0reg.qp... ......................................... .............................. ... ............................... Defendant... You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the+ above entitled ac,,:,jn It ithin thirty (30) .gays from the date of service of #his summons upon you, and in case of your failure io do so, for want thereof, plaintilt(s) will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT: READ THUS PAPERS CAREFULLYI You must "appear" in thin case or the other s16,will win automati- cpllN-. T,) "appear" you must file with the court a ! zal paper called a "motion" or "ar ewer." Th- -tiotion"or"answer" mu.,v begiven to the 1.ourt clerk or administrator within 30 (lays along with the required filing fee. ;' must be In proper form and have proof of service on the ....... ................................... plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, SIGNATURE OF OREGON RESIDENT ATIORNLY proof of service upon the plaintiff. If y(u have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. Kenneth M. Elliott ...... ...... .................................. .... ..................................... TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF Rt SIDENT ATTORNEY STATE OF OREGON; Countyof .. . . . ... .... ............................................. ..... .. ... ss. 1, the undersigned attorney of record for the plaintiff, ceilify that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons -n the above entitled action. ........... ..... ..... ........................................................ ....I...... ATTORNEY OF RECORD I`P)R PLO INTIFFIS) T0 THE OFFICER OR OTHER "ERSON SERVING : .-IIS S?)AfMON,'.I: You are her-by directed to serve a true copy of this summons, together with a true ropy of the compl. J mentioned therein, upr,:, the individual(s) or other legal entity(ieq) to whom or which this summons is directed, and to make your proof of service on the reverse hereof or Upon a sepa-Ate similar documew' which you shall attach hereto. I opt office address at which papers in the above entitled ncti,n ....... ........\X . ......... ............... ...... ii.ay I,e served by mail. AltORNCYtsi TOR PLAINTII`1`161 O'DONNFLL, SUI LIVAN & RAMIS ATiORNFYS FOP PtAINTIFI 1727 N.W Hoyt Str"I Portland,Oregon 97201 IS031 222.4402 PAGE 1---;UMt4ONS FORM No. 190--CIRCUIT OR DISTRICT COUNT SUMMONS CIE ST&VrN§N95%LAW PUN.CC ,PORTLAND.ORE. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ""ATF OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) 1 , Richard B Roberts ,hereby certify that I am, and at all times hereinafter statod wns a competent person over the age of eighteen years, a resident of the State of Oregon; and not a party to or Attorney it, the within entitled action; that t-he foregoing summons and complaint was delivered to me for service on the 3 da:, of December , 19 84 , d-ily certified to be true copies by Kenneth Elliott , one of tae Attorneys for the Plaintiff. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, all search and service was made within the county of _ Multnomah i State of Oregon; that said search and ser- vice was made as follows as indicated by an "X" . Personal �___X I HEREBY CERTIFY TRAT, I served said pap-ri on the defendant: service The Travelers Indemnity Company a Connecticut corporation by serving Lori Ingraham-Senior Claims Specialist on December 4 1984 at 11 : 42am within the said State dnd County by then and there perscnal.ly delivering to and leaving with the defendant just named personally and in person a copy thereof; that said person so served is the identical person named is defendant in said action. pub- I HEREPY CERTIFY THAT, after due and diligent search and in- Service quiry I have been unable to find the within named defendant; within said State and county; such service. was therefore made on said defendant on t_he _ ` __ _riay of 19 by delivering a copy they"uf to: a person over the ar)e of 14 years, A person of the abode, at th- dwelling house anO usual place of abode cf said defendant, wirhin said State and County. Not 1 11F.rEBY CFRTIFY THAT, after due and diligent search and Found irquiry I have been unable to find `_he within named defendo,it: Orly within said State and County, therefore, service was not made. Dated: 12-5--84 rertification of Mailing ____ ___ _ _ 11F:RE!iY CERT_'FY THA'.', a certified true copy of summons rind comp la'nt- was mailed to defo.n('ant after substitute ,erv'c was marle statinq time., and place of service. Dated: PE(' 5 ;�7t�� -- Signed: -- - - I , ACE MESSENGER ;Ei3ViC:E. IhC 12750 S. W. PAC!FIC H:.N Y.. SUITE 22 TIGARD. OREGON :`'7223 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE OF SUMMOIS AND COMPLAINT (503) 63)-08j'#3 W XMU In the ....C.I.R.C.U.I.T............ Court of the State of Oregon for the County of ... ....W.ASH.IN.GTON,............... . ......... CITY OF TIGARD, a ........................................................ ..............municipal...... ................................... ................................................ ............................................................................................. ................................................ ....I.......... VS. Plaintiff ........... ........................................................................ No..8.4.–IA01C ...............4A...QKqg.QP...jq9r,?qr4tion...... 4;14........................................................................_ .............. ...COMPANY.,....A............. .............. ................... . ................... .................... SUMMONS .............. 9P;7pqK4:�.ipnj...............................I................... ............................ .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... TO........J....W....BX.aySQ.n...L.Alder......Inc.................... Defendant s ............ . ... .. .............. ...........................................................................................................................................—...... ..........._11.059...SE..Division................................................ ........... ....................................................................... ........... .............PQrtland......Oreggn......9 7«^.-.2.6 .......... .. ............................................... ..............Def.ndant........ You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed you in the above entitled action within Thirty (30) days from the date of service of this summons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want there)f, plaintiff(s) will apply to the court for the relief demanued in the complaint. NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLYI You must"aPVear" in this case or the other side will win automati- cally. 'i'o "appear' You must file with the court a legal paper called a 66motioi," or "answer." The "motion"or "answer" must be given to the courtclerk o.- administrator within 30 days along with t c required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff's attorney or if the Plaintiff does not have an attorney, qF1 ATTORNEY. � _9..NATuR._:C OREGON RE proof of service upon t plaintiff. "I -si E If you have any questions, you should see an attorney ins- .-diately. Kenneth M. El' iott ..................................... ...... ............ ...................... TYPE OR F'R]'.t NAME OF MILCIDENT ATTORNEY STATE OF OREG IN; Countyof ............................................................................. 1, the undersigned attorney of re(ord for the plaintiff, certili, that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons in the above entitled action. . ........................I.............................................................. ATTORNEY Or RECORD FOR PLAINTIFr,e) TO THE OFFICER OR OTHFR PERSON SERVING THIS SUMMONS: You are hereby directed tos*rve a true copy of this summons, together with n true copy of the complaint mentioned therein, upon the individuals) or other legal entity(ies) to wtiom or which this summons is directed, and to rrAe your proof of service on reverse ht!,eof or upon a separate similar document which you shall attach hereto. Post office rjddrt:.; sit which papers In the above entitled action may be servA by mail. .--�. � ....-.1 .... ( A,*-—-------- .. .. .. ....... ArT.RN1 Y's)FOR F"-AINTIFF(s) O'DONNELL, SUIUVAN & RAMIS ATTORNEYS FC-R PLAINTIFF 1727 N. W.Hoye Stregf Portlaria,Oregon 97209 1503)222.4402 PACE 1—SUMMONS FORM NO -90—CIRCUIT OR DISTRICT COURT SUMMONS ot SILVENG Nt%4 LAW -0 CO &ND.0111. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE sTATE OF OREGON ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) ss. 1 Stuart D Campbell ,hereby certify that I am, and at all times hereinafter stated was a ccrnpetent person over the age of eighteen years, a resident of the Mate of Oregon; and not a party to or. Attorney in the within entitled action; that the fc-egoing summons and complaint was delivered +-- mr+ for service on the 3 day of December 19 _ 84 , duly certified to be true copies by Kenneth Elliott nye of the Attorneys for the Plaintiff. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, all search and service was mido with:,, the county of M Q t m a Qh r State of Oregon; that---- said�d sear.ch and ser- vice was made as follows as indicated by an "X" . Personal - I HEREBY CL•'RTIFY THAT, I served said papers on the defendant: Service J W Brayson Builder Inc an Oregon corporation by serV'_n J W Brayson-President on December 6 1984 at 5 : )9pm within the said State and Count;r by then and there personally delivering to and leaving with the defendant just named personally and in person a copy thereof; tha'- said person so served is the identical person named as defendant in said action. Suo- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, after due and diligent search and in- service quiry I have been unable to find +-he within named defendant; with.in said State and County; such service was therefore made on said defendant on the day of , .19 deliv--ring a co l y thereof to ----- by l : a person over the age if 14 years, a person of the abode, at the dwelling hcase and usual place of abode of said defendant, within said State and County. Not I HEREBY CERTIF7 TUT, after dur., and diligent search and Found inquiry I have been unable to find the within named defendant: only within sai.d State and County, therefore, service was not made. Dated: 12-7-84 certification of Mailing _ I HFREHY Ci7RT1I'Y THAT, a certified true copy of summons and complaint was mailed to d9fendant after substitute service was made stating time, date, and place cf service. Dated: __`- -- - - -- Signed: ACF. MESSENGEN SERVI.-E. i2750 S. W. PACIFIC H►Wy., - . INC 22 TIC ARO. OREGON 9-7223 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT (503) 639-0838 a RECEIVED ,..tiltic I I�r;;.. D F C 1 1984 CITY Of TIGARD J. W. BRAYSON. BUILDER. INC. 11059 S.E. DIVISION,PORTLAND,OREGON 97266 PHONE 2531187 December 10, 1984 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard 12755 S. W. Ash P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oreg(.r, 97223 Dear Mr. Clarno: As confirmation of your phone conversation on December 5, 1984, with our engineer, Mr. Bill McMonagle, regarding the sidewalk construction in the Bellwood Subdivision; you agreed to attempt having this issue placed on the next City Council meeting for consideration of an extension. An ex- tension to the end of October, 1985, would be acceptable to us. As I mentioned in my letter of November 16, 1984, we would do the pathway between lots 153 and 154 now. I further agree to do the sidewalks on tracks A and B. If at the end of thiF proposed extension there are any remaining side- walks yet to be completed, we will , without hesitation, have the work done. I thank you for your full consideration of this matter, and hope you will be able to grant the requested extension. 1f you should require any additional information, feel fre,� to call on me at 253-1187 or Mr. McMonagle at 639-3453. Very truly yours, Jim Brayson, Jr. Pre-3ident JWBJr/d e cc: Travelers Insurance Company, Mr. 'elson Smith harris-McMonagle Don Reaer and Company BUILDER DEVELOPER SALES s s MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, ORFGON TO: William Munahan Det.ember 6, 1.984 F rank Curr:�E` FROM: Randy Clar,,io SUBJECT: Uncompleted sidewalks and pathways within Bellwood III Subdivision Attached is a tetter from J.W. Brayson Jr. (Developer of Bellwood III) requesting that we grant him a 1-year extension to complete the above referenced sidewalks. On November 12, 1964 ih2 City Attorney's office contacted me and exrl.ai.ned that thr. City would have no authority on his bond after, November 2'L, 1984 We then notified Mr. Brayson that he had to either complete the sidewalks by November 19, 1984 (next Council meeting) or request an extension on his bond. This written request would have to be rer_eived in time to schedule for the November 19, 1984 Council meeting. He did not exercise either option within the stated timelines. At the recommendation of the City Attorney' s office, we then requested of the Council at their November 19, 1984 meeting that the Citi Attorney file legal action against J.W. Brayson Jr. for completion of th( sidewalks and pathways. The Council accepted this request and a lawsuit was filed before the November 22, 1984 deadline. We are nou in rc':eipt of this letter dated November .16, 1984 . Please advise me wheth,ir or not we should accept this request and forward it to for their consideration. (RC:pm/O036P) 6"5 '�PCA '� � �) V� �1 "SINCE 1957- J. W. BRAYSON, BUILDER, IN(:. 11059 S.E. DIVISION,PORTLAND,OREGON 97266 PHONE 253-1187 November 26, 1984 Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard 12755 S. W. Ash P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. liagman: We are in receipt of your letter dated November 13, 1984, regarding sidewalk construction in the Bellwood Subdivision. I am sure you a~E aware of the market conditions at the Dresent time and the fact that lot sales have been slow. I am happy to report that we only have six unsold lots remaining. I would like, a" this time, to request an extension of time for the remaining sidewalks . 1)is extension would be for a time of not later than one year from the end of our present bond; which I will renew upon your aporoval of the extension. This would allow us the needed time to finish up these last sales and the builders can put in there sidewalks. If we can arrange it to complete the sidewalks in this manner, it would make a much cleaner looking project. If the sidewalks are poured now, it will end up chipped, cracked, and broken when the builders build each house by brining in there heavy equipment over the sidewalks . Of course they can be patched and repaired but when all is done, it will look just that way; patched and repaired. With respect to the pathway between lots 153 and 154, tilis is something we would not have the homebuilders do; so I will agree to have this work completed by December 31 , 19H. I do hope you will work with us. We have been doing busir ,�ss with the city for over 15 .years and have met each and every commit- ment we have made and this one would be no different. If for any reason at the end of this proposed extension there are any remaining walks not completed, we then would qo ahead and have them installed. BUILDER DEVELOPER SALES IIII+MMtlfi.M.p41i+YkiyfsW111iIJWo.+W.�i'r.�"brie.. Mr. John Flagman City of T�gard November 26, 1984 Page Two If you should require any adiitional information to help assist in your decision, please feel free to contact me. Would you let us know your final decision as soon as possible. Very truly yours, OJ'im Brayson, Jr. President JWB.2r/dle cc: Travelers Insurance Company c/o Don Reger & Company •.3.'lLf, .. _ di�1F y"... • -. .:..�rrY1Wu.+1�1Y1�YMw::rdr.r+RwY Ya..w W.rr1.1.a1✓.,YMYr1.wu.... FILING C2 RECORDING OF DCUMENTS Date; November 2-j-,-1.U4 Re: City of 'Pigard vs,. J[a. Brayson Builder, Tnc_ and 'T'hr, Travel r+rg Tnc3rgypi f Co- The following documents are enclosed for filing or recording with your office. CQ=laint and fi]_j.rjq fee of $96.50 [] Charge our account for fees E] Check enclosed to cover fee. Clerk of the Circuit Court TO Washington Cou.Ity Courthouse 145 NE Secoz, O'DONNELL, SULLIVAN & RAMIS Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1727 N.W. HOY'I STREET PORTLAND, OREGON 07209 1503) 222.4402 SHARP & ASSOCIATES, INC. C O N T R A C T O R S PHONE a46-5136 P.O. Box 276 12745 S.W. BEAVERDAM RD. 13EAVERT01i, OREGON 87005 November 21, 1984 City of Tigard, Oregon Engineering Dept. 12755 S. W. Ash Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Bob Thompson Dear Sirs: Re: Sidewalk S-W- 128th & Walnut city of Tigard, Oregon We propose to furnish all labor, materials and supplies neceseory to construct concrete work at the subject location (several different places) for the following unit price: 3396 S.F. Sidewa) $.2.60 per S.F. stipulations: 1. We will do all work in a workmanlike manner and make 3me acceptable to the engineer-in-charge. 9. Payment is tv by made to us within 30 days after completion of our work. Very truly yours, SHARP & ASSOCIATES, INC. (� C�IohnsV")Orval President ODJ/jd Accepted this HAV of , 1984 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ny Title PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT C CADE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY JC. Contract No. El 1-11+ P. O. BOX 4267 PORTLAND, OREGON 97208 � J AREA 503 - 222.6421 is + or PORTLAND CHAPTER City of Tigard Date Novel lber 20, 19,'-:')4 P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Job Location: Bellwood Subdivision Bikepath Attention: Bob Thornpson Property: Owner: Description of work: We quote $2,50.06 for the excavation and disposal , four inches of base rock and three inches of asphaltic concrete for a path 109 feet long and 8 feet wide. ,26.40 per sgi,are yard. Iprices t is understood thaactual quantities foregoing oegofnwork perforrmed byatu of the theQuantities Companytasldetderrm red that coype completion nt a made at the stated unit Sum."on the actual uantit upon m le ' work unless noted "Lump Payment shall '•e due within 15 days of receipt of invoice after completion of work. Interest at 10%per annum will be charged on past due acco Js If the foregoing meets with your acceptance, kindly sign and return one copy of this proposal which thereupon becomes a contract between us. Upon its receipt it is understood the foregoing, including the terms and conditions set forth on the reverse sire hereof,will constitute the fui; and complete agreement between us. This proposal expires December 20, 1934 but may be accepted at any later date at the sole option of the Company. Accepted: 5Y " CA DE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. / r]d Date 6yGeorq . R. %rton, Vice Pres. Eng. HEAD OFFICE COPY -WHITC • CUSTOMER'S COPY - YELLOW • BRANCH COPY -PINK November 13, 1984 C1rf(* 1fAF RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON W. Brayson lIU59 SE Division Portland, Oregon 97226 Ra: Bellwood III Dear. Sir: In checking our files and making a field inspection we find that you still have 11 lots without sidewalks, (approx. 849 ft.) plus 109 feet of pathway between lots 153 and 153. The sidewalk bond you posted with the City requires that all sidewalks be installed before 11-22--84. Your bond requires that the City file legal action against you and your bonding company on or before 11-22-84. This is to notify you that we are now doing so. Thank you, Robert L. Thoupsen ndy Claruo Public ilork►i Inspector Engineering Services @tanager cc: file Travel Insurance 0783P 12755 S.W.ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 P 4 59 470 086 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL, NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— NOT FOR INTERNATIONAI MAIL (See Reverre) wentn��- � Street and IMgtLf ...�.�C P.J` jtete and 21Pp - Pollees w Certified Fos y —` Special Dsllwry Fee --— Restricted 00I1wry Fog — RKurn Receipt Showing to whom and Date Delivered RetuM Receipt Showing to whom, r-, Dated,AM Addrwew of Dwllvwty m P TOTAL Portage ✓ uN Postmark o. ttr� .410` g � �j G �- �Oj��-✓ �! • SENDER: Complete Items 1, 2, 3,and A. 0 Add your address in the"RETURN TO" spat.6 on reverse. _ (CONSULT POS?MASTER FOR FEES) 1. rThe�IpUut4ing servlcs Is requested(check one). P4 5 9 4 70 087 t_.'1 .Shaw to whom and date delivered.. ....... RECEIPT FGN (:ENTIFIED MAIL N ❑ Shaw to whom,date,and address of deltwry.. t 2. ❑ RESTRICTED OtLIVFRY....I...................... t NO INSURANCL COVERAGE PFOVIOEO--- Ttas rVII& a eestery red tt ceergse IAaddn " NOT FOR INfFRNATIONAI MAIL to IN rowils MW to) (See Reverse) TOTAL S'_ _ Bent Jto ARTICLE_ — `"--- 3. ARADORES 0 T -. ng� c wStreetand- Nn -.0�Z, 5,�_Q/w S! r---r/i--�t Gr' ✓_7 t ARTICLE�N IA State end ZIP Code 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: 'UY �e'--�A 2 Z ❑REGI$T FRED ❑INSURED ,'70 Postage ❑LERTIFIEC LICOD S -- _ ❑EXPRESS MAIL_ Certified Fee (Always sbhln signature Of cddressee Of agent) — 1 w received the article described above. 3plclal tvNwry Few SIGNATURE �r Q`WdressN W gMtrlated Owllwry Fee S. D E Cf fk'LNERY V S Return RscNpt Showlne —'�� NMI to wham and Dwte ONlvered NOV h Return Receipt 5howiry to wh gym, C4 Do",IMtd Addteas rte± Q ADDRESSEE'S ADDRESS(they N v TOTAL P ;i.` _(,r,,/ YoatlttMic r to J Z 7 UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 72. EMPLOYEE'S INITIALS 9 r m E ,/ "-0 n GPO: 1962.971 '97 I , I' 4' Don Reger & C Apany Insurance & Bonds AAA& 200 S.W. Mark^t Street, Suite 210 I Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 222-4461 January 6, 1984 Donald E. Reger Nancy L. Kreutz Doris A. Swanson Douglas E. Jost Barbara T. Gilbert Lola R. Ballinger Frances E. Adams Susan F. Tucker J. Thomas Dimond Judith A. Spint Melody L. Newman City of Tigard P. 0, Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention : Bob Thompson Re : The Travelers Indemnity Bond #661F577-1 Changed to- #661FR20-2 J. W. Braysrn, Builder, Inc. Dear Mr. Thompson : We are enclosing changE rider changing the hond number for hond issued �.iith J.W. Brayson Builder, Inc. shown as Principal and City of Tigard as Obligee. This is in connection for con- struction of sidewalk in Bellwood Addition III . fiease have an autl -+rized person sign the copy of this ChangP Rider and return to i'he Travelers in the 09closed envelope. Thanks for your help. Yours truly, Q � � /Ndnc` K Utz • '� I nik/hs encls. www A • C D E F G , 4 - -1 I __ - -- ----- - J 1 _7_7 cr r 250 . TNIF-- --- - • - ' - T 1 1 ' . _.. .._ 1 • 111{{{ - - , _ J_ t. ' � R. 1240 O 3 _- _- T -- --- - - --- - - ! f 235 Lj ,- t PO 404 - y + O '0) �a y 4 - 1 __ _ -- ---- --_ � - - - MAIN G - r„ w 00 :w W 1' Ii%oo Ib<�Tc ► I� 12#1 I I • REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN OWNER so AS ` BU"-T)' H K1. U.ATUM CITY OF TIGAI�D ( U• S. G Ca S ) L ' C. 6 E L LW OOD N 0. 3 I 5' V SCAT: J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. ''� _ " � HURL . UH1L. MfL ,�T ,, G(- BEl_ LIMUOU TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. ,OPNc, ,� , �� , 1 j '�' N I�' PORTLAND OREGON 97266 w H ( � 19 Harris - Ie Ass SANITARY SEWER I t��JE=F2E C 128 'TH AVE , GNAGE J � CHECKED • - C . �_ 1 � z79 a Associates SMEFT REV DESCRIPTION SUB APPR DATE � ' 1� `� ENGINEERS SIIRVFYORS PROF I L E REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DATF 8905 S. W. COMMERCIAL STREET 5 -�9 - 7q TICARD, OREGON 97223 -� " ---MAP r �. ., a. l�1�1�1+I+�11�i�il���i►1►11l�I��+f ��t+��l+�+:( ��I�� t hilt (+ 'tI+I1�+ItI�1 )11+I+I II1�+IIIII1�r�1I111�1It�+tt�rll�ril�1l+I�t+I+t+I�t+I=+iI+I+�1t+ stilt'I+I�Ii�++I��t+I+�+l+,lil�+� _�..._, _ #. � .. . ' r NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 3 4 8 7 C A 10 I I _ !2� DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN } 1 TH I° NOT ICIIF'•IT IS DUE TO { ]lf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RAWING, Oe az 92 a 9z Sz ►z Ez zz Iz 02 61 HI LI 91 sl til EI 21 11 01 -d 9 L 9 S ► E z +'N11'" 1 1 1 1 1 1r� -I I-•- I'' ,nl11111111UIf1Ul+u1l1111 �Inull++ +1111ut{+Iwlll++I+�uh�Nlnuh+m�ault+ +111111N111N Hftlllllltl!IlflI11111II+11lIl1u11tt11 uNlnl�lilt4�tMlhltlHtttitttt�tltl�ttttittnlNl IN)W�In1111u111111�n1�bW1!!llMlUull�uulJtlhtu�1tu11tu 11tt11 U N' 94 1992 A B C D E F G I � I NOTES STANDARD (CITY) RE51UF NT IA!_ D/W APH.ONS REUUIREU ( 8 FT UEEP ) . A STANDARD (CITY ) BIKE / WHEF... L CHAIK RAMPS RE(; 01RED. COMOINATION STOP & STREET NAME 51GN5 TO BE INSTALLED . UEAU- END SIGN TO BE INSTALLED. O ,14 ', q„� kNp KATHERINE: CXT. -a 14.4 14 L) 136 \ 17o�• I !? , .93 PT I 135 / \ , It'. I I q I - -- • �- 118 0 * OU CREEK 1 - `2.07.95 P.T. �C o� I /C R `"• N T.(. -1g7. oi' S. W. 129 TH A VE � . C - 239 v5` �,�p `'' _'► .��.o� �Kc (O STNI. LSMT. J _ �C•211."•l4 w� +24 .52 P.R.G 0; 24 OUT FALL I lr✓ � 1 1 7 / X8013 - N0149U5 E 128. 17 I/ �� . U6 �3 P. 1;X " IE = 21E• gl 0 , 34. a� C OQGG�g3.43rR�'�?p0,,r TC_ 23f3 .v3 � CIO00-64 O12Q__ A_ a�21\ �X ( � j o. �, .�ZC�ab2� �3 J�\ A Ia , __- TG.252•�8, '! ( p.00� �1, / 4µ 1 ;��J"0• �5 � b�U --� U +OU t. CREEK 121 _ -02 2814-E.1, 4,R 10 s qw (4 3 p �NLE� 7 pJ 0� CUNsT. STD Sr. py[RSI1.E a BARRICADE GRATE = 206. 43 N - _____ - 1E• 23 ' nvT cY Rt S LT GRATE= 20b.46 S 237. 6 r, / � Ce 207. 1 I E _ IE ° 200.00 N 14 ` GRAT < a� /� 2 t - -. it41. ZZ PCR o `� w I � 2q�Rj[ IE = 207.03 5 - -�_, r i (._ y o-oo 4A,r�E�.�K 145 TC= 4p.64 � '100.q ►, ~--.".ter _• 5 - 123 50 s=G..�og0 .�L = I°,7. 6a Ijr f 141 I. TC = 24'p•yg u �.� 0 )3 / ``'-'-••�� `� QX60 U6�TFALL �61E 20U.µ5' � O - r 2. TC=241 sd K+ �. r2 u6• !4•i / IE 212. 99 _ �m! .. .r 0 -cH ,a5 pEOD. I 3.7C -242 16 •NI .2 tLg6 T.0 -238.Oµ J ) 3 1 7�+_36 S�<<'�•yj.!�1- < i5 ' TO 20' 2- / 6 R 8 6 t0 R'\�5 ��0 5+ P I?9 N I:O_S r N $M T --`"_ :�Y - U T FALL.\`h 4. 85 µ23'0s" I I? D I L G . 1 1 TRACT B r - t 0 1� v LL. - s `°0 RA T ` IE - 198,62 - J� C en TC - 242.46\ 1 2 { i „ T C I O+s CONN, TO 1cIST--5D - Iti• 0I . 51 \ At I 3Z I L ` 1 51.Oq' z v/ 1 8 )2 Z I 15' E5MT s coo L - 297. 7t' �.\ _ _ ,� -j ^_'f 1 - 89 �+ 9 Sr ( - - - j 9+40.63 P.C. Fi 1r �' 2 2 2 �b , 2e - tu�3• �- S r :2 -SFr )25 \ TC*245- 18 :\0 52 Cpl 1 - (N' ,o•t !C =2?� 3 4 ..�T 6 LT ' I � Y\ � • � / 10 Q4.58 = 128 C° 1N 124 co �$ * 62.94 129 TH rH OUT. I sD TC 2µ 1 .F.$ 1 A GN'A"TE 1 f 0 + 34 .97 PCR I o0 �F . 1?31. / TC•224IZ. f o L� �0� Vy �U .�T. p5 a� e N �� N f2° C) 71 MATCH EX15TI G1 TC 2 i 9. 95 I III-} t o + Ptiy� 5 \BO \ G`.Z�'Q `�� 153 154 l �i "' o ��� 9 /4" E ' 18 Iq.32 ' T 0. 35.43 PCR =� 1 CC GC L 1 / w _ S7� �`•� --- - 19+G5 I. TC 21 a 50 7C: = 219.94 (7+67.84 PHASE Irk (o�3q� r a �,�P $5 rl TC 27 . 3.; ITCE�2265 j .TCt �zz ' 7 I. *, C = 22c 4•L 7+ 6$.63 2� 2i \52 lSij iE=22.0.46 R= 18 1 r?. •C : 22U. 6r T C°25G.µ2 f � - - ,RATE=2Z�¢•II L- 28.26 RE.MOV EXI N E STy 1$ 7 T�.� `INLET �1' 9q'S6 tiµ L- 29• zq L �iNNL T BARRICADE/ / ! 1 F - 3?.y�- T - / r \ / GRgT 9.6 / � _ 1 �, A=90�o, 06 �\ 22 �• 20+66. 07 48-q4. l� -- T P=a 1�•6 5 i5.9 9'/`�' E ,L 7 - N-010814 -E 125.3q 12� 37 40 N 0 °09'14 �•�- ' ' ti L t: .r ✓' � / / 1 I I / J -• „• _`� �6 r CH C X/T_1 � _ - '1' `•\ *'our . . .. .... �r = � I ' _._ I 1 TC Ztz"6µ ,� \ •7?,_7 1 PGR •T8� + TC° 220.51 / j9t08- 7( Pr- I I TG°222,5 ' -720.32 t MATCH ExrST, ` \ I 1 ;, r MATCH EX15T I9+ 40.68 = U +_ UU KA _ 1 FfERINE y I REly1 �C LIF TG 2 f•238 rL ` GRADED 5 FOOT WIDE j I / �• / I I I I UTILITY ESMT ( MIN.) i ALUNG ALL LOT LINES J IS REQUIRED --Z_ i 25 25 $ t':,KADEU 5 FOOT WIDE , UTILITY ESMT ( MIN) ALONG ALL LOT LINES I 4 - '� 17' 17' a1� IS PEQI ;IREO, 4 31 ESMT Fr)k ESMT FOR 4' S%W 3,is 6 rY I� I " �J. TWO (Z) wELP HOLE5 IN �- -07 - SIUkWAL ?� I , v SIDEWALK 3 CL ' C. A. C. 6•' 3'g" µ r ,Nc s/w =1= r CURB PER LOT REQUIRED, 7 -STD. 16"CUP13 � .2;: IST LIFT - LOPE PEkj' VI ROOF DRAINS TO MATCH . i / 6 ExPC SIf:E (FINISHED) 6 CROWN I IN I YEAR I CITY 5TD. . �� .,fir r) Z I SIDEwALr• 3 CL G h C 1 .^.' ( Z. 15T LIFT DE AL STOPS AS SDARU I s"o I� GL;Rt� Go"( ROWw' I IN I YEAR I �` 2 - 0 LEVEL COURSE ' 9„ +. �l Y N Cc �xPc�S . RE (FINISHED ��,, 4"THICK CONC. WALK 6 " IYZ% O BASE ROCK .. - �. �30'40- Q �r 6' TNRU D/W S . W. I G a TN I Z '1 T11 AVE qui►��:. - - z' �� - 0 LEVEL CaUR5E Lf' cONc WALK � T Y P I_C A_ L 57 t�E ET SECT ION G" THI�(U o/w h" ►ii''- o BASE Rock .f NOT 'T'0 SCALE S . W . KATHE. RiNE T `( PI ;: AL 5 'TREET SECTIJP: NOT 10 SCALE I REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN e SCALE ABUILT ,/ERT. DATUM CIT)' OF TICARD ( U.5. G . 3• G 5.) Pia, OWNER S IW:J ! ` CJ. W. BHAYSUN 8U1LDER INC. L � W��� NO. 3 AS �UiLT H S L. C 7 29 80 ' ` r'INF° TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. /4"HiiEr KAT at'C'oIIV, /7N'"/Aetr r_i /9t��7 "�c l- �7 7 f�oRIZ. DA-TI�NI : PLATS GF BEL.LWODU � , ► , JOB NO. v M f s_ 3 L OWE RED 128 IM AVE GRADE `' L C. 'i lz 11 ► P95NCrrF.-4, \VN•ELaL.6 -+A;P RAviR �O6A ',ONS f GI �. N. H PORTLAND OREGON 97266 2 REV. PER CITY REVIEW OF PLANS �� L C 'I. 7 79 STREET IMPROVEMENT .... SHEEI 6 ^EIv kRT14GK 1r Sr. CHECKED Harris - McMonagle 2 REV. DESCRTTION SUB, APPR. DATE . R . N Associates i � �,,J;�4, !�.`,a � ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS PLAN DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION - `'- 5- 16 � 7`1 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 of 7 3 SELI_WOOD NO 4 f_lF 22 • h 1�+IIIII�'li�ll�llr�rl��Flti�Nlll�l��ll I1 1�1�11111-(II11li��l�ll!'I'�'I'I1111�111'IIIII111111 LIIIIIIIIIIII'�(IIIIlII1IIIIlIIII111lIIIIIIIIItIIItIIIIIIItIIItllillll'IIIItIIII;IIIII�II'�1�IIiI ;� 1�" "� NOTE: IF .HIS MICROFILMED I ? ;� 4 5 8 7 0 ILO I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR T,IAN I r THIS NOT IC&r-IT IS DUE W QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL + -DRAW CI NG. _ OE 6Z 62 42 92 SZ b2 EZ ZZ It OIt 61 81 LI til 51 bI E1 21 11 011 6 0 L 9 SIi•-J�•-bI EL-. 2 II-Mai. " - ,�ulullllu111u111u11u1�1►�)I�UttI111�t1llUlt�lltl11111�1u�Ig1�!l�l�ilrnlMuluilltulhtlliu(1�tIItIuIIInr11nu111111111Nu1�I,ltl►Nllllttltnt�►IIIIIIuIilltlliti�tlulllu111i111,�1��i111uIIInIIIInIIIItII�IIIIW1�1Ellltlllulllu11111�Il�llu111111111111111 JUNE 24 1992 -•-..,....,..,.. '. .mow.- _.._ .._-•--•-••....+ . -. ,..__,. -........, ____._.,:�_.. �•- - .. ,. , ._. � � CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGEODA ITEM SUMMARY �kCf NDA OF: 0 4V J AGENDA ITEM h: DATE SUBMITTED: November 15, 1983 PREVIOUS ACTION: _ Bellwood III was ISSUE/AGEH.,A TITLE: Sidewalk Bond placed on Maintenance in August 1980. for Bellwood II1 and Release of REQUESTED BY: Brayson Builders arid Maintenance Bond EngineF inq DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: _ ��.w..www��== ssvwN�wO�N li!!!!lwwwwwwwwlwwwlecs:xxza3s.r_xcxc=vxn:vv=xcc .c x. INFORMATION SUMMARY Bellwood III has all of the public improvements installed except for some sidewalks. They have brought in a performance bond in the amount of $14,000 to cover the cost of installing the sidewalks and are requesting that we release their Maintenance Bond on the remaining public improvements. . .wwwrwr www.r.wwrwrwwww�����wwwwwwwwwwwwwrww.wwrwwwrwwwrwwwrwwwwwwwwrwww wwrwwrwrrw ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Deny ac, -pt .ng th( rr new bond and requiri� installation of the remaining sidewalks now. t ----...w.rw.rr.ww.wwwrrwwwwwwwwww.r............a....w. .......... ;UGGESTED ACTION Staff recommends the City Council accept this new bone and authorize release of the existing Maintenance Bond. r w"we," Hart ford,Connecticut /l (A eTOCK COMPANY) - Bond No. 6 61 F5 7 7-1 CONTRACT BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That we J. tl BRAYSNN 81171 QFR_ INC called the Principal,and THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY,called the Surety,are het.+and Firmly bound unto.----- -_----the nto__- _.__.___the City of Tigard, Or QQn called the Obligee,In the sum of F011RTE,FN TPOLL ANn.aarl ---'-_ -----------------------on of) Dollars($_]4 nnn nn1,for the payment whereof told Principal and Surety bind themselves firmly by these +! presents. l WHEREAS,the Principal has,by written Agreement,dated__— nal tier 22. 19 3 i entered Into a contract with he Obligee for,._S,.h"Qn5_tr_UL_UDn_Q.f_LLtaea1 feet of dewal lL___- n Be11.�Qq�� ton a copy of which is by reference made a part hereof) NOW, THEREFORE,the condition of this obligation is such,that if the Principal shall faithfully perform the contract on his part,free and clear of all liens arising out of claims for labor and materials entering Into the construction,and Indemnify and save harmless the Obligee from all lost,cost or damage which he may suffer by reusun of the failure so to do,then this obligation shall be void)otherwise to remain in full force and effect. I PROVIDED,HOWEVER,that no KO sWI be brought ors+thls bond after the 2211d day of____NQY.gmb_@►' SIGNED,SEALED AND DATED thir 10th lay of November 19 83_ J. W. RPAYSDN Billinirp, iNC• By• .� im f3ra, (fn, .tr., (`resident e f1tTravelers Indemr ify Company, By: Donal E. Reger Allornp-Infus AMereq•In• e LfM 2[V.1Jt Y.April 1040 r•.•rc .,+r The Travelers Indemnity Company- Hartford,Connecticut POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Connecticut, does hereby make,constitute and appoint Donald E. Reger of Portland, Oregon its true and lawful Attorneys)-in-Fact,with full power and authority,for and on behalf of the Company as surety, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Comoany thereto, if a seal is required, bonds, undertakings,reroRnizances,consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof,as follows: --— Any and all bonds, undertekingas recognizances, coisents of surety or other written obligati,uta in the nature thereof and to bind THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby,a-nd all of the acts of said Attorney(O. in-Fact,pursuant to these presents,are hereby ratified and confirmed. 7 his appoi fitment is made under and by authority of the following by-laws of the Company which by-laws are now in full force and effect: \F.nIi r I\',Sao ons 1 J. The Chairman of the Board,the President,the Chairman of the Finance C---ittee, ,n. ..r.utive Tice President,any Senior Vice President,Any Vice President,any Second Vice President,it,, ..•t.' or any Department Secretary may appoint attarneys-in-fact or agents with power and authority,as dr!fiord.v Invited in their respective powers of attorney,far and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver, ,,i "h.u,e seal of the Company thereto,bonds,undertakings,recognitances,consents of surety,or other written '' 'n•.." u.m the nature thereof and Any of said officers may remove any such attorney-in-fact or agent and .,...ke thr power turd authority given to him. As t n i f IV.SFcnov 15. Any bond,undertaking,recognizance,consent or surety or written obligation in the nature thereof shall be valid and binding upon the Company when siggned by the Chairman of the Board the Pro-dent,the Chairman of the Finance Committee,any Executive Vlce President,any Senior Vice President, .t.t. Vire President or any Second Vice President and duly attested and sealed,if a seal is required,by any Sec. retar' fir any Department Secretary or any Assistant Secretary or when signed by the Chairman of the Board, Oil-I'rrs.dent,the Chairman of the Finance Committee,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President, ,utt \'e to President or any Second Vice President and countersigned and sealed,if a real is required,by A duly nthnrized nttrnney-in-factor agent;and any such bald,undertaking,recognizance,consent of surety or written ,bhgation in the nature thereof shall be valld and binding upon the Company when duly executed turd sealed,if a I.�required,by one or mare attnrneys•in-fact or agents pursuant to and within the limits of the authority gr.,"tpit by his or their power or powers of attorney. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolu• tion adopted by Director%of THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 30th day of November, 1959: Voreo. That the signature of any officer authorized by the By-Laws and the Company seal may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or special power of attorney or certification of either given for the execution of any bond,undertakingrecornizance or other written nbligst;on in the nature thereof;such signature and seal when so used being hereby adopted by the Company as the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Company,to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually a M sed. -- — This power of attorney revokes that dated September 15, 1967 on behalf of Donald E. Reger IN WITNESS WHEREON, TME TRAVELEVA INDEMNITY COMPANY has caur,ed these presents to be signed by its proper officer and its eorpon to seal to be hereunto affixed this 30th day of Mach 19 731-5 . THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY v�Mti'..- By Secretary,Surety State of Connecticut,County of Fartford—es: I)if this 30th 'ay of March in the year 1973 before me personally I,'file E A Houser Ill to ;"e known,who,being by me duly sworn,did depose and any: that he resides in the State of Ccrinectieut)that he is Secretary(Surety)of THF TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, f he rorrilwation described in and which executed the-bove instrument;.hat he knows the seal of sa-d corpo- raf inti,that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal;that it was so affixed by authority of his '"I, to"filler the by-laws of said corporation,and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. +N.fO14 _ L4 :7! ��rworAsr �yy� ,00 • rustic t• Notary Public eo�%rsar�'r My commission expires April 1., 1979 t,:. .., (dYlt1 po J N y 09tZ1 I 99LZI (o ( N I CID S U ( LAC N OfLZl Szzzl ,�►, P'�� I 9i1Z1 ��N 1L_)o 9;OSyI- ZZI1 61621 � 318t, ffiSI lZozi I 66tzl OSyzl N I is <ch I s 09SZ1 R1 l:89U 'lis V� U N z6f1Zl N N I 00921 I ` � ti 9£S�t� y SdG IZ � u .. I r 96 b Z1\ OO�ZI � sss2 � oZ�J 919�I \oeval s�bzl 0921 7 Oti21 91bZ1 I Z4bZ1 - �-�� 09bZ1 J OLb21 121 Olval 5�►t.dl •zrtfon any OObZI w 9 21 ` I V m� OOf�'• � � 9�•fZl � I N N 094Z1 '► 96£ J, ZI t19Of�r +• `_�l sail ( �eEzt Cetizi ;y• .uor` ►i 1 gOEZ► X ZI , 9>ti4Z N m I + p O£ZI rn 0412=I C O O _ -- « r T/ 2 EZI QeZZI �L38v)'/, S I z4'' ooe oofizl (n 59221 a �� ®Zzl I i9Zz1 0+ � a o � ALL v u a 04221 N Srr2Z1 OS ZZl 8221 I a S4ZZ1 ObZZ1 1 �� N oozzi 7 11v u OZZZI ;7.721 C O CP ofZZI SbZZI I < Uelzl m - - ooZzl S�zZI g6L7.1 OOZ 91ZZ1 081Z1 N 91'ZI _' + nSl S91Z1 N r 09121 �b 1 LPO J0 O 0biZl Q911,l N (W U v CD__— G O O O J O O 133a1�•�•� 3N12l3H1dN�,:M'S// OD I (p tL J J (+11 U U U L" U U J, ,b U Ln t0 T1-1 F TRAVELERS CHANGE RIDER BOND NO ON BEHALF-Z�F 661F577-1 J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER, INC. DATE OF BOND IN FAVOR OF _ 1.1-22-83 CITY OF TIGARD _ ADDITIONAL PREMIUM RE URN PREMIUM EFFECTIVE D E OF CHANGE --� --- S $ December 14, 1983 This rider is to be attached to and form a part of the above described bond. In consideration of the additional or return premium Aho. In above the surety hereby gives its consent to Change bond number to 661FB20-2 Provided, however, that thr oggregaty 'iahility of the surety for my one or more losses occurring prior to the effo,five date of change shall not exceed 14,000. , or for any one or more losses occurring after snid date exered $14,000. It is further understood that in no evert shnll the surety's liability he cumuin ive. Signed and dated on December 14, 1983 (Monte, dtty, year) TIM TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY c Accepted Nelson SmithjI tt. mey in dict) ORIGINAL eft FROM Mr. R. L. Thompson _ City of Tigard, Washington County NCE 1967" 12755 S.W. Ash, Tigard, OR 97223 J. W. BRAYSON. BUILDER. INC. 11059 S.E. DIVISION-PORTLAND.OREGON 97266 "- -_--- ------ --- PHONE 263.1157 SUBJECT DAT[ 1; 14 83 Bond for sidewalk MESSAGE Dear Mr. Thompson: Enclosed please find a Contract Bond for the construction of sidewalk in the Bellwood 111 subdivision. Please return the olu pond to us. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely yours, C)im Brayson, Jr. President JWBJr/pw Enclosures (2) SIGNED !REbIFOF M1* 4S 468 rl NO REPLY NECESSARY ❑ REPLY REQUESTED - USE REVERSE SIDE POLY PAK (50 SETS) 4P460 L_-1 It F.S I 1111'. personal CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: AGENDA ITEM M: DATE SUBMITTED: 813 PREVIOUS ACTION: `�t��•�i2!/c' �� < r ISSUE/AGENDA TITLES as/OfFwa �� y� rrc• •'' �l/ l.rC`.•rc/ t , -• ,.*" -�, U. (/wuu�Jf1 ♦ S• REQUESTED BY: ShIiAIf-5 / �//�//,`.1�U�'t�• Fl 1 t'!' r � / ''r c�ll� C-Gtt�-r DEPARTMENT HEAD OKt CITY ADMINISTRATOR: �7 ,( INFORMATION SUMMARY ��l��c- v v cl GL-r // G-�. Q e .� /, r •.� �f�+-�- Myf�t-i-t.r•.. �i: .e.. f� '! ' •'. /-,! / '�/:� I�h�..rr�rrr�rrrrrrrrrrr..rrrrrrrrr rrr rr.r rrr rrrrrrwrrrrrrrrrrrrrsr�r�sfrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED .r..r..rr.i.r.rrr.r.....rir...ir....rrr.r...wr...r.rwr.a.r....................... nv. c "(J(:GESTED ACTION �:�•, � z�-. ,'' � r,r 'i�f .... / �Jl(�'t :fc.. ate- _�,. , _*. / The Travelers Indemnity Company Hartford,Connecticut POWER OF ATTORNEY [NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY,a corporation of the State of Connecticut, does hereby make,constitute and appoint Donald E. Reger of Portland, Oregon its true and lawful Attorneys)-in-Fact,with full power and authority,for and on behalf of the Company as surety, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company thereto, if a sea) Is required,bonds, undertakings,recognizance%,consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof,as follows: Any and all bonds, undertakings, recognisances, consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof and to bind THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby,and all of the acts of said Attorney(s)- in-Fact,pursuant to these presents,are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made tinder and by authority of the following by-laws of the Company which by-laws are now in full force and effect: Aatict.r I V,Sr•.cruw 13. The Chairman of the Board,the President,ti,e Chairman of the Finance Committee, any Executive Vi,a President,tiny Senior Vice President, Vice President,tiny Second Vice President,any �pre,ary or»ny Department fleeretary m,w appoint stiurne a.in•4a or x`uib with power and authority,as defines or Ihnited Bt their respective powers o1 u�tortte),for and nn behalf of the Company to execute and deliver, and affix the seal of the Company thereto,bonds,,mdertakings,recoguirnnces,consents of auret•or other written oh11``ntions In the nature thereof and tiny of said officers may remove any such attorneyfn. ct or agent and revs et the power and authority given to him, Aattci.a IV,BRCTtnN 15. Any bond,undertaking,recognisance,consent of surety or written obligation In the nature thereof shall be valid and binding upon the Company when sigued by the Chairman of the Board,the President the Chairman of the Finance Committee,tiny Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President, any Vice P President or tiny Second Vice President and duly attested and sealed,if a seal is required,by any See- retar•or any Department Secretary or any Assistant Secretary or when sifted by the Chairman of the Board, the fjresident,the Chairinait of the Finance Committee,any Executive Vire President,any Senior Vice President, any Vice president or any Second Vice President slid countersigned and sealed,if a seal is required,by a duly authorlsed attorney-in-fact or agent;and an>,such bond,undertaking,recognizance,consent of surety or written obligation In the nature thereof shall be valid and binding upon the Company when duly executed and sealed,if a seal is required,by one or more attorneys-in-tact or agents pursuant to and within the limits of the authority grained by his or their power or powers of attorney. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile tinder and by the authority of the following Resolu• tion adopted by the Directors of THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 30th day of November, 1959: VOTED: That the signature c(any officer authorized by the By-taws and the Company seal may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or special power of attorney or certification of either given for tit execution of any bond,undertaking,recognitance or other written obligation in the nature thereof;such signature and seal, when w used being hereby adopted byy the Company ss the original signature of such officer and the original seal of the Companyaffixed. ,to be valid and bmding upon the Company with the same force and effect as though manually This power of attorney revokes that dated September 15, 1967 on behalf of Donald E. Reger IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 30th day of March 19 73 71L THE TRAVELERS INDEMNIT} COMPANY vUyt. ;o Secretary,Surety State of Connecticut,County of Hartford—aa: On this 30th day of March in the year 1973 before me personally came R.A.Houger [if to me known,who,being by me duly av+orn, did depose and say:that he resides in the State of Connecticut;that he is Secretary(Surety)of THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument;that he knows the seal of Paid corpo- ration;that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal;that it was so affixr i by authority of his office under the bylaws of said corporation,and that he signed his name thereto by like nuthnrity. C""INIONotary Public e� My commission expires April 1, 1979 �isns Rev.!•7! rea,ro,suer (Over) J Hart Ford,Connecticut (A STOCK COMPANY) Bond No. 661F577-1 CONTRACT BOND I I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That we_ 1. ll_ I3RAYSON 01111 NFR4 [Nr calleo the Principal,and THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY,called the Surety,are held and 9rmly bound unto__— thQ City of Tiaarde Or_"nn called the Obligee,o the sum nf_-LQtIRTFFN THf111SANf1 and _- --------- Dollars _______fin/111(1 Dollan(S_14.OQJl Ql —___i,for the payment whereof said Principal and Surety bind themselves firmly by these presents. WHEREAS,the Principal has,by written Agreement,dated-__—_No.vemb '_a. 3 entered into a contract with the Obligee for--__:tLC_._Lautrur.Uun of ]]Q2�1IlPdLfEEs� Sid2Wa1i��. in Bell,vood_&"ition I11_ a copy of which Is by reference made a part hareof; NOW, THEREFORE,the condition of this obligation is such, that If the Principal shall faithfully perform the contract on his part,free and clear of all liens arising out of claims for labor and materials entering into the construction,and indemnify I and save harmless the Obligee from all loss,cost or damage which he may suffer by reason of the failure so to do,then this obligation shall be void;otherwise to remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED,HOWEVER,that no suit shall be brought on this bond after the___ 2[W day of November 19 84 - SIGNED,SEALED AND DATED thi, 10th 4ay of November 19 83-- 3. W. BRAYSnN BIIILNER, iNf„ B y . <^� J m Bray on, Jr., President e Travelers Indemnify Company, By! Donal E. Reger Aaanap6•A bpi MY.141 K Me 1940 .... Ass«rr•i.•r � I FROM Ms. Nancy Kreutz,_P , Reger & Co. _ � 200 Market Building, Suite 210 SINCE 1967".� 1 J. W. BRAYSON, BUILDER. INC. Portland, OR 97201 11059 B.E. DIVIGION•PORTLAND.OREGON 97200 PHONE 250.1107 `,'18JEC f f ,11 MESSAGE Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter received from the City of Tigard. Would you please supply them with the necessary bond per their request. Sincerely ours, m Brayson o Jr. _- President cc City of Tigard Attention, R.L. Thompson SIGNED '1-01#-bi Alle 45 468 [—] NO REPLY NECESSARY (� REPLY RFOUESTED USE REVERSE. SIDE VOLY PAK (50 SETS) IP46• U L 0 Sine 3100 ZIP COCA -� T5� ,. )milli J. W. BRAYSON. BUILDER. INC. ,9 S.E. DIVISION ST. - PORTLAND. OREGON 97266 ATTENTION: R. L. THOMPSON CITY OF TIGARD 12755 S.W. ASH P. 0. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OR 97223 " X2`4-.'A2-11 -, C CITY OF TII ARD October 26, 1983 WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON J. W. Brayson 11059 SE Division Portland, Oregon 97266 Re: Bellwood III Dear Sir: In checking our file, we find that your time for completion of Bellwood III is overdue. There are still some sidewalks to be installed. If you will bring in a new bond for the remaining sidewalks, we will be able to release your existing maintenance bond. Otherwise, we will have to start the proceedings to file on your existing bond. Please let us know what your plans are. Thank you, R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief RLT:lw/0047S ,r r� \ 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:839-4171 Cl'+-6NNELL. SULLIVAN W AMIE cnw.• urrlcl AT10I-MLY:, Al I Al'. IHI N t.wnNl Lu1t1 70. M.NA r• U OUNNLLI. l AN111' (1111(•UN Y)()IT IIWANU J SULLIVAN UALI.UW N W1416141 IJU1LI)1N(. 190!1 7GLII�V NAM1bQ-`-`N'YL 1N M 1LL1011 177/ N W /1011 SIw111 _ IC iLLIDE1N I.OHILANU OHt G()H 9770`. •ALI- Or•ICIr 5111'1/1NF CNIW 15031 222-44U;' L1IVIIA111t LINIIw IUM'IN _ 77U LINA" St N E StI111 740 Sll VLN L YFEIFFEN SALLM ONEGUN Y'7301 1NUMAS L MASON •11wn1 wl►t•10 rUM7L AND O/IICI IDUaI »tlYIY) September 9, 1982 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Harris-McMonagle Associates J. W. Brayson, Biiilder, 'Inc. 8905 S.W. Commercial Street 21654 S. W. Columbia Drive Tigard, Oregon 97223 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Re: Bellwood III (Cash Performance Bond - The Oregon Bank) Gentlemen: Our firm represents the City of Tigard. We have been advised that certain i.mp: ovements in the Bellwood III Subdivision have not yet been completed to city standards, despite several previous demands. The portions remaining unfinished are: Completion of sidewalks and driveway aprons. These improvements were either specifically referred to in the original subdivision application or compliance agreement, scheduled • for completion under bond during the one-year maintenance agreement or were found by the City of Tigard to be def-:7tive in materials or workmanship during the one-year ma.intenancu period. Please provide a written explanation on the enclosed form of the project' s status and a time line for completion of the needed improvements. The City of Tigard is willing to grant a maximum of 60 days front the date of this letter for completion, in view of the substantial delay that has already occurred in violation of the subdivision compliance agreement, one-year maintenance agreement, or both. If we do not receive your written response on or before September 210 1982, the City of Tigard is prepared to finish the improve- ments and file appropriate claims against the bond and subject real prop . :ty to recoup its expenses. A pre-addressed envelope r is enclosed for your convenience in responding. Please give this matter your immediate attention. We suggest F you review this letter with legal counsel. o= Sincerely yours , �Jo s Kenneth M. Elliott ' KME: ial n Enclosure cc: By surface mail to addressee (s) with enclosure City of Tigard The Oregon Bank _ 1 I 9 Cirf OF T117APD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON October 9, 1981 HARRIS-MCMONAGLE ASSOCIATES 8905 SW Commercial Street Tigard, OR 972.23 Re: Bellwood III Dear Sirs: In reviewing our files, we find that the maintenance period on the above referenced project should have ended on August- 25, 1981, but we find that all the work has not been completed as yet. Please complete these items as soon as possible so we can close out this project and not have to file on your maintenance bond. If you have any questions please contact this office. Yours truly, R. L. Thompson Enginee_ing Tech. II ■ RLT:pjr ■ \� 12420 S W. MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 —� l --- I - w w w w a 4 / r 'rte Y �'ECEIVED MAY CITY OF TIGARD May 5, 1981 Frank A. Currie Director of Public Affairs City ha11 12420 S.W. Main St. 11,S:rd, Or. 97227 RE: Walkway Easement Dear Mr. Currie: Thank you for corresponding tc my letter concerning the wilkway sit- uation on Bell Ct. Bellwood III has been under construction for two y-ars now and only four houses have been built. You intension to build a walkway when the construction on either side is complete, is not very reassuring due to o-jr sagging housing industry. We figure at least one to two more years. We feel the walkway becomes more obvious now, than waiting and hearing_ more excuses in the future. Your suggestion based on the premise, with more houses built more people will use this, is completely false due to the following. Many people cross through this walkway now to reach 128th, not Jack Park. TP_t's be i:onest with each other, with the bad reputation that Jack Park h��s, delaying this walkway in the future will not really matter in terms of useabillty. I think you should endeavor to ,Irovi.de us with adequate arrangements now, rather than waiting untill Bellwood III develops. I simply see no reason Lo delay the extension of the walkway. Sincerely, Lee School: 1-2400 S.W. Bell Ct. Tigard, Or. 97223 I 1 ' Ax CITY OF TIFA RD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON 00 rN 198/ • i/Ae'eis -M�A'�ovA4�E' q�sOC. ' �39aS 3.W. G�outiME.tCiAL ST. 9 72 2 3 Re: 5E:4.L1.4J00p Alo. •3 Subdivision Dear Me. AIWAPRIZ This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Fach lot (is) arm¢ situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and im- provements, including curbs and necessary and ad- equate drainsge structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which tweets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, (has) Crtrr�-- -i drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system (is) t- J available to each lot at the lot line of each tot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Com- mission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required ,to be constructed,b3 the City of Tigard, Oregon (�_ ������ =„ . 1=0 MW w 0 alk _e" (are under construction) �., -�- 5. A Subdivision Complianceareement and Perfomance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has bean executed by 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O. oOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639-4171 w w w i Pa ;e 2 AP,e/L /STN , 198/ the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council thereinregard completion of the improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Yours truly, Khn S. Hagman Supt. Engr. Division Public Works Department City of Tigard, Oregcn JSH/pjr � o 'O FROM ----____-- Bob Thomson .— -- -- -- �� . --=y of 7iaard _ _ , 113 J. W. BRAYSON, BUILDER, INC. 11050•.E. DIVIGION•PORTLAND.OREGON 07244 ------ -- - PHONE 257.1157 'iUB1FCT DATE MESSAGE Mr. Thompson; -- __. Regardingoy ur recent letter about mud accumulating- in the 5-treetS—df— _ Bellwood III, thank you for bringir.,_ his Droblem to my attention. I will stay on top of the situation and make sure that the streets are kept clean. If you have any further come.,'-,s or cuestions,alease feel fry to contact me at the number_aboie, ----- ------- — — Sincereli __..__—_-------_�_---_____--- ---_-_-- Shannon Nelms -------------_.`— ---- ----- __Sherinton ent— —. SIGNED 9 F] NO REPLY NECESSARY n REPLY REQUESTED - USE REVERSE SIDE H;irris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. I NGINFI RS SURVUVORS 9905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD. OREGON 97223 Trlephune owi(09 A53 �ECEIVFp October 14, 1980 OC r CITY OF TlGgIrD Mr. R. L. Thompson Public Works Inspector City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Bellwood No. 3 Dear Bob: I have made a field inspection of Mdnholes A-3, A-4 and A-8 that were called out for adjustment in the TU reports of August 14, 1980. Both Manholes A-3 and A-4 are above the creek by about 1 1/2 feet. Manhole A-3 is one foot aOove the top of the 36 inch culvert under Katherine Street. Both Manholes are in a future street R/W for Bellwood No. 4. Although both manholes are 1/2 foot lower than called for in the plans I feel they are adquate until the future street is built. Manhole A-8 is low, I feel that it needs further adjustment either by adding sections/ grade rings and/or additional cutting of the ground away from the manhole. Sinceriy, Stuart L. Cato Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. SLC/ftr Copy to: Dales Sand & Gravel gyp- ice:ry REQUEC fog nnTF' °I lAgl rte, DATE f SSUED: _1_t_ nwNFRS !4 SMF ' _. zry sc. _ ADnp FG4 5-_ S- S_w ! ��rt- 1.3)3 _33 -7� INSPECTOR DATE 114 TE attach supplemenfui eat dato heretD for )ATE' x.._12 _, . DATE ISSUED'._ nWNPRS !VAMF • ADDRFSS . l7_S_o0 S.c.J L Z$ t,nNrRAf!Tnp , S cti� L INSPECTOR r i _ - , E . Attoch supplementul test datc heret- R � ---�� CITY OF TIGARD K CrIVED PO Box 23397 12420 SW Main, Tigard, Oregon 97223 CIN OF tlGARu September 13, 1978 Mr. Raymond J. Martel 10952 S. E. 21st Mi lw•aukie, Oregon r 7r_ 11 -68 Dear Mr. Bartel: Please be advised that the Tigard Hanning at their regular meet_.ng of SeptemLier 5 , 1978 approved your request for a density review of Phase III of the Bellwood Resi-dential Planned Development at S .W. 128th & North of Walnut with the following conditions: 1 . That the developer receive approval frum the City Engineering Department prior to construction, and especially in regard to the effect that the construction may affect existing grade. 2. An agreement and bond shall be executed and submitted to the City for approval prior to recording of the final plat. 3. Construction and building plans shall be submitted to the City ' s building department for approval prior to any construction occurring. 4 . A site draina9c: plan must be submitted and approved by the building department prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. That the common wall units be submitted to site design review board. 6 . That the common wall units be condominium in design and individually platted. 7. Construction and building plans shall be submitted to the police and fire department jurisdictions for approval prior to any construction. 8. That the developer and/or homeowners association (of those units which are frontaged to the Greenway) be responsible for the maintenance and vitality of the Greenway. i i err ML BFLUNOOD 7.0 11-68 September 13, 1978 Page 2 I 9. That the developer clear, out the dead or dying vegetation 1. and remove the li,:ter' ana unnatural matter from rjs th Grc,en4:ay which is within the p �oect ' e to the Building Departmt_nts aboundaries prior approval fur construction. 10. That the Greenway be dedicated as an easement to the City and be maintained by the owner or Homeowners Association. 11. . That the developer executes an agreement of dedication to the City with the appropriate fire and police department to (_nnsstruct upon their ao :roval an p9se F•:a � � meet for emergency access between develoi„-rs l:ro3s,.ct and "horning Hill" , Wedgewood Homes Subdivision property, with full improve- ments as directed. 12. That the developer will phase his construction as approved by all the utility companies prior to construction. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office at 639-9171 . Sincerely, Ken Selby Associate City Planner K: : db NOTE: The following acknowledgment must be received by the City of Tigard within fourteen ( 14 ) days of your receipt Of this letter. Failure to returr, this acknowledgment mdy result in action by the City of Tigard. I hereby acknowledge this letter docurient. iny the action of the T Bard Planning Commission . I have receil•ed and read this letter. Signat re-' - -- -- - --- �� Date CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION No. 80--9-0 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITH[N BELLWOOD NO. 3 SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires subdividers to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, store sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivi.siona; and WHEREAS, the City has required the Naymeit of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which tipulates that : "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance fcr a period of one year. . . ;" and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been :eceived and is subject to the aforsaid maintenance period, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Bellwood No. 3 Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 48 on Page 19 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records, subject to: I. Completion of sidewalks and driveway aprons. 2. Placement of the one inch, Class "C", A.C. overlay. 3. Correction of any defects and/or deficiencies which may arise during the one year guarantee period. 4 . Provision of one as-build sanitary & storm sewer mylar to the City. AND FURTHER, subject to the conditions of obligation of the aforsaid Maintenance Bund . PASSED: Phisday of u a s� , 19_,? , by the Council of the City of Tigard. Mayors qty Tigard ATTEST: City Recorder - City of T and RESOLUTION NO. 80-� , August 21, 1930 Dale's Sand b Gravel 18600 S.W. Pacific Hwy. Sherwood, Oregon 97140 Reference: Bellwood III Dear Mr. Kalkhoven: Enclose,! is a copy of our 1'.V. Inspection report of the rcmai,d%r, sanitary sewer linea in the above referenced subdivision. The items which are makked in yellow will neer: to be repaired before staff can recommend acreptar►ce or- the work to our City Council. If you or your engineers wish to view the video tapes, please contact this office for en appointment. Please contact us when you start nalinr theme repairs, go we can make our inspecticne. Your@ truly, R. L. Thompson Public Works Inspector /br cc: File cc: llarris/:'c)ton aTJe Encls. Cif' ' 0 , Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for v FERMI' N0. ' -----_ DATE nw.4ERS NnP�E ' ---- -- _ ,7,-,N T R A 0'70 N ..T. Ai, r-, POO, K ETCH: N SNL C i�c k UATE. r L. Attach supplemental test auto het] ` SEWER T.V. T.NSPECTIUN REPORT_ Date 1--1.4-80 Section 11 _ AS-BUILT llyoa Location 1 me .t of C Upstream M.H. # Depth Downs _ p _.Y nstream M.H. 11 C' T _. Uepth Pipe Size _-- Total Length With F u _�-- 1 w Y Against Flow F'00'IAGE ABR. REMARKS TAPE MIN. - (aper'. :)\7*1 t .'_i11r1 l:i 'S Vii; Lrlt i-�Fn tarl ,1 1 r _ n Wi 1e - G cone-zote on 'otto: ._.. Inspected By: 1,F:c:FNU OF ABREVIATIONS: J = Joint, S = Service, k = Right, L Left, PT a Protruding Tap, G - Grade, BP = Broken Pipe ONALM11 -,EWER T.V. INSPECTION REPORT Section 0 T !" Location Pps t r varil Moll. Downstream —Depth— I'll- site Total Length With Fl("j Against Flow REMARKS TAPE MIN. 17 rai or wal- Inspected I I (A-NO 01F A13RMATIONS: 3 a Joint, S Service,. I - Rip,,t, L = Left, PT Protrudini,, Tap, G - Crije, PF = Brok�,n Pipe o. SEWER I.V. INSPECTION REPORT Date /lr+!nt -- Section 11 4 AS-BUILT Bellwood I.T.T Location Upstream M.H. #A Depth Uownsrrvant 1t.H. # Depth ,'ipe Size--,--..Total Length With Flow Against Flow FOOTAGE tfif'. REMARKS --�-— �—_ TAPE MIN. I)i 711110 1�7 -_.—�-� �oncrete in line 3 ,4 :ii ci( ircr t `J 1i ), ( . ' . ; CM-94LNTS:�_�-- As roul0i channel .Ilan '111'101,7 arms "1 'eeds raised 2-3' ftno r srntprt -'.—_-____.__ pectud BY, LEGEND OF ABREVIATIONS! J + Joint, S = Service, R = Right, L Left, PT Protruding Ta-, _ G a Grade, BP = Broken Pipe SEWER T.V. INSPECTION REPORT Date Section # AS-BUILT ITT Location-- It Upqtream M.H. # Depth ` Downstream M.H. Depth_ Pipe 3i?c Total Length With itow Against Flow FOOTAGF ABR. REMARKS TAPE MIN. coMMEINTS: h m in4'1.ow fro sub--olit h;l .4 sqpaf!e aroull'i tciv Ie $tell le" Inspected By: LEGEND OF ABREVIATIONS: Joint, S = Service, R - Right. L Left, PT Protruding Tap# C Grade, BP = Brokf -- Pipe SEWER T.V. INSPECTION REPORT Date 3/13/n0 Section # AS-BUILT Bellwood III Location @,tsvment Upstream M.N. # A..(; -Depth 51 9" Downstreem M.H. 1! 'r Depth Pipe Size_ F'" _Total Length With Flow Against Flow FOOTAGE 4BR. REMARKS 'PAPE MIN. i � ii1419h:N'I'5 Tine needs rl. .i Inspected By: i.P.GEND OF' ABREVIATIONS: J = Joint, f = Srrvice, R @ Rigot, L - teft, PT Protruding Tap, G = Grade, BP = Broken Pipe ELMKMLMKMLNR SEWER T.V. INSPECTION REPORT Date 3,113/AO Section # AS-BUILT Bellwood T?T txcetiott_ Upstream M.11. lhDepth- Downstream M.H. 11 A-( Depth Pipe Size 5" M. ..� Total Length With Flow Against Flow FOOTAGE ABR. RK.MARKS — TAPE MIN. J t_outside)�1 Cazrcrete In 1ble t, 1, g. x...70,., -Very rough (Heavy Lr,ivel also) hl.•'` Possible pillhole pipe e3 I, •ci Cnflow around entrance t:o !1i A-h r:()MMFN'TS:—� ).,isle needs cleaned 'l -ir ppnts .n line. Inspected By: M LEGEND OF ABREVIATIONS: J = Joint, S = Service , R = Right, L •Left, PT Protrudinit Tap, G - Grade, BP Broken Pipe Q). SEWER T.V. INSPEGTION_REPORT Date Section # AS-BUILT !',oll%food III Loca t ion clir Upstream M.H. # A-1 Depth 8 Downstream M.H. # 1\ Depth Pipe Size Tate'. Length 247.I With Flow Against Flow i.,00TAGE ABR. REMARKS TAPE MIN. 4,6 S 9.7 31 4 6 ;1 .4 COMMENTS: ql A-9 Nondo rnised 46' or -ro—vI -tit (lo,,,n around i.t. Inspected By IF LEGEND OF ABRFVIATIONS: J - Joint, S = Service, R = Right, L = Left, PT = PrCtruding Zap, G - Grade, BP !Token Pipe •...._ .• .—«. -•..- • �••^',"°'.�W�!�W1_MH4a1�WMF►Wwn.:�1.MaM.i:.N.� i.iwW%.a.a.i.wlwY4+wrt q.rwr.i MrM.Nb1Y SEWER T.V. INSPECTION REPORT Date 8-13•-n7 Section /l AS-BUILT Bellwood TIT Location Upstream M.H. # A-"'•1 Depth Downstream M.H. # Uepth '1'3" Pipe Size 'Total Length '' With Flow Against Flow FOOTAGE ABR. � RFMAItICS _ TAPE MIN. Inspected By: LEGEND OF A$REVIATIONS: J = Joint, S = Service, R - Right, L = Left, PT = Protruding Tap, G = Grade, BP = Broken Pipe Harris-McMonagle Associ_:s, Inc. UNGINVERS SURVEYORS 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL.STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 DATE JOA NO telephont(503)639-3453 ATT[77 RE GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU �Osched [Ii Under separate covet via the following items: Shop drawings lli,. ants 0 Plans [I Samples E Specifications Copy of letter C Change order COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSrArrTED as checked below: For approval L Approved submitted D Resubmit--copies for approval F?.Cyojr use 0 Approved as noted 01 Submit -copies for distribution W""A's requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return--corrected prints For re-Jew and comment r FOR BIDS DUE E, PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY SIGNED:- If enclosures are not noted, hindly notify ut at once Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. I WdNVI RS SURVFYORS 4405 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephone 1101)t,39 W1 August 8, 1980 RECEIVED �u G 1'480 CITY OF TIGAW Mr. John Hagman, Supe► ✓isor Engineering Department City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Bellwood No. 3 Dear John: Enclosed is the maintenance bond for the public !m provements in Bellwood No. 3. Please proceed with obtaining City Council acceptance of the project. Sin ,crely, J R. Harris Harris-McMonagle Associates , Inc. JRH:ds enc. cc: J . W. Braysen Builder, Inc:. CIO I .trf'f III MDATE --- PRIORITY F Harris-Mr,Monagle Associates, Inc. nn &���Leo R G 0 8905 SW Commercial street FKE ND ❑ ':OON A$POSSIOLE M TIGARD. OREGON 97223 �ph ! NO REPLY NEEDED ATTENTION Phone 639.3453 REfCEINJEfl C"/-,Y- o %igopt-/ r 12 V 2c S Zv. (,l 1 G II T7G.�to V72L3 CITY Of TIGARD G E OL- ---- ------— DATE OF NEPLr I i7E PLr to fi E P L Y SIGNED: ___��---- I SENDER: MAIL RECIPIENT WHITE AND PINK SHEETS August 1, 1980 Barris—Mellon ap,1e Associates 8905 S.tl. Commercial Street Tigard, Oregon 9722.3 Attention: Mr. Cato Reference: Bellwood III Dear Stu: As to your request, another inspection has hec,i cunducted -) i the above referenced subdivision. Items nne '11, three '%3), and six i.ri fro,.i the punch list we sent you on July 11, 19RO, have beon completed. '4en we receive a Maintenance )lonrl for this project, we will then recommend to the City Council, to place your project on ita maintenance period. The remaining► Item can be completed during the maintenance time. Yours tr1ily, R. L. Thompson Public Works Inspector /br WXWuILW- ID.&L M INDUJSTR.ILS, INC. DIvlelons - DALUS SA14D & GRAVEL TONOUIN QUARRY 18600 S.W. Pacific Hwy. • Sherwood, Oregon 97140 639.7535 A, R�CE7�'FD July 25, 1980 Job 1234 C/)�� nF I/GA kU J.W. Weyson Builder, Inc. c/o�f�arri;,-McW)nagle & Associates, Tne. 8$P15 S.W. 0arvnercial Street 'igard, Oregon 97223 Re: BELLkXY-U No. 3, Schedules I and II. Attn: S.L. Cato Gentleme-n: Enclosed is our final request for payment for Schedule II. We have completed our portion of the contract including the final Fngineer's and City of 'Tigard pinch list. We request release of retainage as follows: Schedule I 7,706. 17 Schedule II 2,014..39 $ 9,720.56 Yours very truly, DALE'S ,oven, General Manager 1%,/cc: Bob 71xxnpson, City of Tigard mRANFELM TIGARD WATER D'STRICT -- 6641 B. W. COMMERCIAL B'i. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PHONE (503) 639-1554 July 25, 1980 Director of Public Works City of 'Tigard Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Bellwood #3 Dear Sir: Please be advised that the domestic water system for the subject development has been completed, pressure- tested, and ready for meter installations. The water district has approved the pipeline installation with appurtenances. Sincerely yours, TIGARD WATER DISTRICT Robert E. Santee Administrator "". 251980 CIT`( OF TIGARn i Avoid Verbal Messages CITY OF TI',ARD To: From:. Sub j r A rr�eJ .ia 2 iTt�N►!�� Da to: __ __�77 P-1E l.� �ATCaS MEMO NVO!J . . . . a07r T��°r �uAbvsertort-y N� JCEfi E'�,D 7't, T•,Ne: 9'-S-- 78 P.C. AeMO AJ , . . Aecr NAL I La ` 3t�t,H WI45 '-EfI�4L 1i'rE1,� r/Iq e�; 1 "AIrEAt. 7:�►�,e�i�ue ,�a►��e C �aptir �►rr M�a�... *Vk G LubEfl A CQ y� r wxAwa4-- As Y1av L+AAj prAr, T'NL y NAI_, Ie Ed.Ew�ta it ah .F_ fo;rflm- E� v�1a sr4mpw" I9►1>, r�!'� .&AJ A -!'.!BMW P"EEVh. USLy- R�Tt�At'�1FA 7O c>S A i I A C D [ R O I ( I I I I iz _- N _-... _ , Row x D r ;-rte II - -- --- _ - _ _— ___ V,C-. -- - -- -- ---- - . — _ _ _- - - Tw ] - rJON— W w -____ -_. _-- - -_ _ __.. _ ____ __. ._ It's 0 Iwo -- -- -- Ir N -- -- --- -- j_+ 4+ � 5+ r - .- t-- _ - i - _ WIN - --- r s --� * - _ , - 1 — --- r- - - - - --- - -- - - - -- -- - - -- r 230 _ i — - I y • �1 I H-+ _- 1 1 — T__ - -- - -- — -- I --- - 25►� � I _ _-- _-- ---__ --- _.— _._ _.__ 250 H 2.51 Yom- - --- -- - ---_-- -•--_ ___ _.. _—,� -- - -- - --.___ 13VI = • 5 3— t — -- -- - -- — - —_ — - - _- -- - — 3 , r • IN � w , gal — — _ 235 I I 3c� 230 AAA- Zw tz p 2 Z 5 _C. _ _— -=_ 2.2 5 i — " 18 (� -- 2 20 2-20 ] # MANI W. I } I - -- F « _ _ - _ — 6+00 7-t00 5 +00 1 + 60 10+ 00 11+ 00 12♦ 00 1340 14+ c1U 15+ 00 16 +00 17 + 00 1 .;+ 00 19+ 00 ZOO OG — I REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: OWNER :E R : L 11==BELLWOOD �- DESIGN SCALE AS BUILT VERT, DATUM (, ITY OF TIGARD tU. 5.,G•. & G.5. ) � i C J. W. BRAY SON BUILDER. INC. N ��. 3 � ' F�OR1Z . DATUM , NLAT 5 OF t�L L L W00 TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. JOB No. N. H PORTLAND OREGON 972 66 s 3- 3 LSWURLT ''" J " 5' LC 12y8° STREET IMPROVEMENTS h LOWERED 128TH AVE Vs�AUE S. L.G 'i 12. 9 "� � CHECKED ' • SHEET 3 1 REV. PER CITY RE ` ILW' UF� FLANS y. L.( . '1 7 , 1� 1{ Harris - McMonagle Associates REV. DESCRIPTION i SUB. APPR. DATE ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PROFILES DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET REFER TO TRACING FOR LA.•I EST REVISION 5 - 18 - 79 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF 7 i I I I I I BE.L.L.WCIOD MCI ', 5 0F"' 22 MIMI.. 1 11 1 1 .0[11111111111111111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III-1 I TI I I:.11 ► 1 1 I I I III 1 1 1 1 1 III . ��_ -_ I ! 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A C D -T 7 4- 4-- E, -� - _ _� PALO wt >_ -4-- 7 24 _2 T -777 f - 2 2— -------- - - -�- - �- - ___ _ ---- - - 4- r__ 30 uu T= -_�. ell T =4- L Af 21+ mr- 71 iL L 7 in JW 0%ft A � • 3 3— _J_ IL + Lu dC 4_ _j JL 0 11111415 m r% A] A r%v 5-T U K 0 F 5 4Q LL cl=7 J1\ 299 zA4 __t" -LAN t_--a UK LA. 4— A=- F AA 4 -qv �KA .4 -- ----- iy+-00— 00 -7. DESIGN CALE REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: OWNER : 1": 15 0 14 05' V VERT, DATUM • CITY () F' i 1(,AkU U C,. G.5.) J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. BELL ,WOOD N 0* 3 JOB NO. AS BUILT* �-IORIZ D/\-TUM : PLAT5 (jF I�ELLWUOD TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION S T. IN H PORTLAND _tREGON 97266 STORM DRAINS SfiEET 4 CHECKED Z AS BUILT N H 5.L.C. 7 2 Bo Harris - McMonagle Associates I OVOEP F_1D 128TH AVE (.,PAUF- --- 151 APPR. R(, 912.7q ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS PROF I LES REV.. DESCRIPTION SUR-1 DATE DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET OF REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION TIGARD, OREGON 97223 7 LIELLMOOD 140 3 6 OF "2 do 7n A*04 fill k. Ole $fit"Olt,"I 'it, IT NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN f. THIS NOTIVir-IT IS DUE 'n) 4QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL RAWING. 01: eav 9? J..' 9t S2 t•2 C2 2 Lp 12 02 61 81 11 91 11 11?1 cl 21 11 01 6 9 1 9 S 1p E 2 1$"'"" J E UN 124 19 9 2 � t '4- 71 p-tt r u�n r __PRIORITY _ Harris•McMonagle Associates, Inc. '] ` �aj/ J/ c� 8905 S.W. Commercial Street +1T i) (7 URGENT+ M TIGARD, OREGON 97223 p 1 SOON AS POSSIBLE ll� ��}./�/► —I I_f NO REPLY NEEDED • �TTf NiI()N Phone 633.3453 — JUL C y u /74 y,*,.� CITY OF TIGARD --- /2 �/ ,r �lrii>>�svls�v�en �rr��c.t r.�0 i s rr /�i1�- ,j'�•�' rdv��iar�s /�'/�iicsr,�.��3- �r -------- � '01 c-eAs•0,4/ 'D��'h�i�'1 � l.�tr�,S����sc JO/�<s wi/ /A'��r•�.ti�,�1 �,r ��.frJ� o ,f' ZhI5 arra uv13. 1 c •�'1G e-H�lvSe�os 0' /i'7n el e SIGNED f)A7f nr NF fqr NTPI.IT) SI 3NEO: SENDER: MAIL RECIPIENT WHITE ANU FINK SHLL TS i r 1 July 9, 1980 Portland Gene%:al i.lectric (;ompany lvestern Uivision 14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, OR 07005 Attention: Mr. Ken Snyder Referencet Bellwood III Subdivision i:ear Kent This is to acknowledge that ane city has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to authorize P.G.L. company to energize the fourteen (14) units therein via Schedule No. 91, Option "B". Your truly, John b. Hagman Supt. Engineering Division /br cct City Accountant ccs R. J. Ruse Electric Co. cct Harris-McMonagle �r w amw�� Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. I N(iINE.ERS SURVEYORS 8005 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD. OREGON 97223 Telephone I 01)639 303 July 15, 1980 Mr. Frank Currie City Lngineer CiLy of Tigard 1L120 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Cit, of Tigard letter 7/11/80 Sub-'.inal Acceptance- Bellwood No. 3 Dear Frank: We would like to obtain tentative acceptance for the project upon completion of Items 1 and 6 of the City's letter of July 11 , 1980. We do not feel that the landscape plan or waterline should be in- c,uded as items pertaining to accepting the project for maintenance. The landscaping plan is similar to the covenents and conditions on the plat end have nothing to do with maintenance of public improve- ments. The water line was installed per the plans provided by the water district. However, the existing line does not terminate at the project boundary. A copy of correspondence from our of-ice is enclosed. We have not received a reply to our letter from the water district. Our contention is the water line has been installed as the plans show, has been tested, si.trilized ind is ready for service. As the line was not bonded under the City, we Jo not understand why this is on the punch list for items to complete prior to final acceptance. Sincerely, e Cato Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. SLC:ds enc. cc: J. W. Brayson Builder, Inc. a� July 11, 1980 H�Mc� A�,, 1�0• Harris-McMonagle Assoc. EIVE� 8905 S.W. Commercial Street RSC' C �� � JUL Tigard, Oregon 97223 1980 Wr►SHINGI7N COUNTY,OREGON 1 ,. Attention: Mr. Cato Reference: Bellwood III Dear Stu: In response to your request for tentative project acceptance by the City, to place it on its' maintenance perici, we find we cannot do so until a greenway- landscape plan is submitted to the City's Planning Department. The plan, required per the enclosure herewith, need be reviewed by the Park Board and recommendations following therAfrom, need then rroceed through a design review process toward final City approval. Further, responding to your request for a "punch-list" of items which need to be corrected and/or completed, your attention is drawn to the following; 1. A City standard barricade need be installed at the end of S-W. Katherine Street. 2. The sanitary sewer line(s) need be television inspected (t; the City); if defects are noted, they need to be repaired. ►' 3. The waterline along S.W. 129th Avenue needs to be completed/t&4tedl a letter needs to be provided by Tigard Water District, to the City, clarifying the status thereof. 4. The defective sidewalk at the intersection of S.W. Katherine Street/ S.W. 128th Avenue needs to be repaired. 5. The sidewalks, driveway aprons and wheelchair ramps need to be installed throughout. 6. The itility strip, behind the sidewalk area needs to be graded. 7. An as-built storm ani sanitary sewer plan needs to be submitted to the City. 8. The finished A.C. overlay needs to he placed on streets, throughout. In summary, items uumber one (1), three (3), and six(6), along with aforesaid greenway-landscape plan, needs costpletion prior to our being able to proceed with project tentative acceptance via the Council. All remaining items (noted a'jove) can be completed during the normal maintenance guarantee period, of ter acceptance, but before final a.cceptanc.e. I hope this Enswt-rs your question regarding the current status of the project. Very trulyyou , //J.W. Brayson Builder, Inc. f(� a , /br ohn S. Hagman Supt. Engineering Division 12420 S.W. MAIN P.O: BOX 73397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH: 639.4171 r r (o(r_7 H-Mc, Assoc., Inc. TIGARO CITY COUNCIL AFCEIVED SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES, NOVEMBER 6, 1978, 8:30 P.M. JUL 1 ;. 1980 1, ROLL a1 L: Present: Mayor Wilbur A. Di�hop; Councilm� icl.elson, Kenneth W. Schtckla• .triel""uf Police, .R�oB�' 5. Legal o Joe D. Rai y�-C tr'�y Administrator, Raeldon R. Barker; City Reco oris Hartig; Associate Planner i Planning 0' or, Ken Wed , Ken Selby; Special m ng was duly called to order by the Mayorecocommon c f 11. onsEnt 2. APPEAL - ZONE CHANGE. ZC 11-67 (Bellwood Park Subdivision), Ana appeal b Council of the Planning Commission approval of a request by Ra on y city n for de�nsi tv review of Phase III of the Bellwood Residential Planned d J, Bartell at S.W. 128th and north of Walnut (W sh. Co. Tax Map 2S1 4AAPlpartofeveloLotn4 100), which decision has been appealed to the City Council. Tax Tabled at October 23, 1.978 Council l4eeting, (a) Motiou to remove from the table: Councilman Mickelson, seconded Councilman Cook, by Approved by unanimous vote of Council. I involved had worked out problem areas. City Planner Selby reviewed staff recommendations and stated the developers Those who testified regarding the development of streets, easement dedication, sewer iud storm drains were: Attorney Stan Mart:.n Jim Harris - Harris/McMonagle Engineer Ray Bartel - Architect with J,W. Brayson Gene Ginther - Engineer Wedgewood Discussion centered around staff, recommendations 6 and 8 regarding the dedication and maintenance of the greenway areas, Planning Director the greenway be dedicated as an easemernt to the city and referred to the Park :,oard for acquisition. or easements should be handled consistently, It was suggested all dedications I Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Scheckla to approve amendment to Phase III of the Bellwood plat subject to staff coditions one through five, deleting condition sj;c, adopting rec;,;�„endations seven � through I a ; staff recommendation eight to be amended to read; "That the roe nine; 1 greenway be dedicated as an easement to the City and be referred to the Park Board for further recommendation". ALbIE sti►��,�HE� Motion carried by unanimous vote of Council. AI. h� . . �- 2—"Aw` .wood) A request by Wedgewood HomPe Rr - and program review for a Planned _ g amendment from Washington � ] to Citi ,reit of 348 units and a�zoriemap Tan acre site at the �rrtp y nned Development on a 63.31 r of S.W. 135th 6 Walnut Streets Tax Lot 7 , Si 4A, Tax Lot 500). �Tax 151 33D, City Council �inber 6, 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. pocket: Zone Change ZC 11-68 (Bellwood Park Phase III) Up:laLe . This ittfm was tabled on October 23, 1978 by the City Council to be heard at a study session on November 6 , 1978 to allow the City Staff, and both applic -*its of Bellwood and Wedgwood Homes , time to conclude an agreed upon c.,tli :ied revision c� a p; an that reflects the amendments proposed at the October 23rd' 3rd l meeting. An agreement has been reached as illustrated on Plan Exhibit "COB . The City Staff is in support of the proposal as it satisfies the following concerns : 1) That there be an ade=quate public road access between the two subject properties. 2) That the total number of proposed units be less than 58. 3) That the lots be single family detached. 4) That the lot size be :n conformance with the surrounding neighborhood. Staff Recommendation : Staff recommends approval of the Bellwood Park Subdivision- subject to the following conditions : lo1. That the forty foot right-of-way road access between the two properties be public with 34 feet paving, having the standard utility strip, five foot sidewalks street lights, and curbs on easement of each lot as necessary . . � _ e 2. That the road access across the Greenway be spanned with a ' culvert adequate in size for proper natural drainage , with each enol screened off . The culvert shall be adequately � landsc ped to conceal its physical structure . i 3. That a pedestrian right-of-way sidewalk of five feet be • provided on at least one sine of the bridge . ✓4 . An agreement and bond shall be executed and submitted to the �. City for approval prior to recording of the final plat. 5 . That construction and site drainage plans be submitted for approval by the City Engineer and Building Departments pi-lor to issuance of permits . , 01A' the eloper an r homeo ers as iation�fho se uni-t ich a frontage o the enway rese forthe ma ntenan d vita of Green 1 WIN _ePORT ,p ITEM #2 i ember 61 1978 age 2 Ti-,at the developer clean out the dead or dying vegetation anG. remove the litter and unnatural matter from the Greenway which is within the project ' s boundaries prior to the Building Department' s approval for construction, rj That the Greenway be dedicated Cas-=an--easeme 1r6 to the City IV That all utilities be subsurfaced . ` Cf' That the landscape plans for the development and the culvert be approved by the Site Design Review Board . i i {{ R 1 X. Kw&Affxw ' al�wc,d ( 17 TO- _QIt_y__pJTigard gard FROM: R.J. Rouse Electric Inc. CITY Of Tom) 16320 ,S.W. Pa rher Rd. Lake Osivego, Ore. 97034 Telephone: 635-2824 MESSAGE SUBJFCT: Be I I w od _#3 St. _LjEh:tjnp, Date June 26 , 1980 .A, lighting_ft-r -thg--alablect -job has been completed. Uuon vour acceptance . please send a copy of your acceptance and notice to energize to our office. By. RE PLY Date By HECEIVER-RETAIN THIS COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. I N(,INFI kS %l kVI NOkti 84115 S.W. COMMERCIAL. STREET ri(,ARD, OREGON 97221 Ielepnune Isn� ew i�si June 24, 1980 Mr. Al Kalkhoven Dales Sand & Gravel 18600 S. W. Pacific Hwy. Sherwood, Oregon 97140 Re: Bellwood No. 3 Engineers Punch List Dear A1 : I have made up the following list for your use. 1 . Check Sewer laterial stakes mark curbs and replace 2x4's as required. Paint 2x4 white. 2. Provide our office with as-built laterial locations , depth, 11,ngth. 3. Install treet barricades. 4. Clean miirella -,,ous debris. 5. Levui IiIl behind curb on tract a and C. 6. Repair, exi tinq (.u, , un 128th fronting 123rd. 1. Provid of Air/TV test of Sanitary Sewer to our office. 8. Incorporate Cities punch list with this . Stuart L. Cato Harris-McMonagle Associates , Inc. By: Stuirt L. Cato SLC:ftr C.C. Bob Thompson City of Tigard UIL I,ALL IW:LDUSSrt''RIES, INC. Divisions DA''XS SAND & GRAVEL TONQUIN QUARRY 18600 S.W. Pacific Hwy. Sherwood, Oregon 97140 • 639-7535 June 17, 1980 1234 Imbert Thompson Department of Public Works City Hall 12420 SW Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Ite: L r X)OD No.3 Mr. Thompson: We have completed construction of Bellwood No. 3 street, storm sewer, sanitary sewer,and water line improvements, all as required for tentative acceptance by the city. Yours very truly, U Lov_/, , AND & GRAVEL CO. W General Manager cc: S.L. Cato Harris Mchbnagle Assoc. , Inc. Ll 8905 SW Cbmmercial Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 ,JUN 1 1980 CITY OF TIGARD �� rrw00 o-11/A.*1 Sid s w Log Avoi Vtrual .tess3y _s CIT OF TIGARD To:_-- 0 `.� �— r r om: y_ Subject: _ u�C7 7 Date:_ ¢0 01mV' / JF7 Ice- I V, C. v , cc t A DA It PRIORITY R Harris McMonagle Associates, Inc. MP� �J� /// " U c�RGI—N t 0 8905 S W. COmmercial Street EILE"° M TIGARD, OREGON 97223 kep f � EPL NEED IE III Wv1 � NO REPLY NEEDED A T IAF NTONN Phone 639.3453V �, Dv7 RURACT T 7_/50 oref� l 972-4_3 M .1� I -SIGNED: DATE f V - REf4►TO F rT SIGNED: --- SENDER: MAIL RECIPIENT WHITE AND PINK SHEETS .lay 14, 1980 V',r: lellvood No. 3 fiti►hdivi4ion r�nrleV►An t in the mntter of the Two `iundred Eighteen Thousand dollars 5213, rC�..' rash ►ond Pscrow Agreement, between. J. Grayson, Builder, Incorporated an($ the City of 'ward, Oreton, an,i the Oregon ;tank;this is to serve ,as official r Otice to allow sail ban!: to release to J. nrayson, RailAcr, t;kcorporated, r► nortion of the deposit entrusted to said bank. Thr a..punt hereby a►itborize l to be releasoc' is "inety 'hounand %ine ',Ntndre,l 'inteen dollars ($90,919.). The amount to ro-Main ent"Wefl to The :Pre-,,or Mani:. as a cash perfor"nance hn"I to nsstsre Viae rite that all rrm)tini.nn renutrements of s€tia subdivision are r_o-Inletc*d, '111all ►ae One -hindre-I ivent , ;Pv*%n Thn;isai�d Ai!ht;r "me Rtollats ,. fit^1,091. 1. this notice shall not be construed to nullify or a,.ter the terms of the aforsaid Cnsh 3nnd •treement in any array. it ts -nerr_j y an author izat l.on to r Aease A portion of t►-P entrusted t4onies, rity of T'ivard, Oregon byt ._ .,.... . .�.._....._».» ".ayor o, by t 0City itecor•ler .rsti;Pjr Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. ENC INEERS•SURYEYORS 9905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephore 003)63')•1453 June 8, 1979 C�Iyotr� 9 Mr. John Hagman Engineering Dept. City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Bellwood No. 3 (Revised) Dear John: Our estil,.ated cost for the City required public improvements in to ellwood No. 3 is the following: 14 l Streets $ 92,000.00 Sidewalks 21 ,000.00 Storm sewers . . . . . . . 15,500.00 \� �7t-�`-+ Sanitary sewers . . . . . . 79,000.00 T�' *jk o.• r Street lights . . . . . . 10,500.00 hair Grand Total . . . . . . $218,J00.00 lhis is for your use in the preparation of a new subdivis,on com- pliance agreement. r /McM s, agle ,Associates, Inc. ✓ By: J. R. Harris H: ds MEMORANDUM TO: Director of Public Works FROM: Superintendent Engineering Division SUBJECT: Bellwood No. 3 - Bond Reduction Recommendation DATE: May 7, 1980 The attached request for authorization from the City Council, to the developers surety, to provide for reduction of the Subdivision Performance Bond, in the sum of $90,919.00, is reasonable and conforms with our on-site static-of- improvement inspection. It is recommended that the request be approved by the City Council . NOTE: Copies of data attached: I . Letter of request for action 2. Project cost estimate (summary) 3. Project Compliance Agreement 4 . Project Cash Bond Escrow Agreement I ,,N 2• r •r 1 'Olt` ti W" t Falkenberg, I Tape ` rt 1 i Report # 7 Television Inspection Log Tape Stop Tape # Cleaning Report # C�.ty Opera to ' :'i 11J Date Time From Mei# 7- Depth to MHS_ Z Depth Location _ Line Size Pipe Type I660(Yotloint Type N Pipe Length Manhole Condition ' s Ling Plugged at Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth _ Ground Water Elevation— Pull Direction I�=_3� WIER READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL C ri_ B F C G _ Flow Direction I_`, -_� �• D H RIF. PHOTO $If. PHOT. NO. NO. NO. iO0TA01I RIMMKS INf. iOO1AGf tEM/l>.5 I INF, I NO. 1 01 / xl L � l l j J� C 1 � � D24 � s - � b l � a V ! b n 10 so 1 71 17 u u 14 'w is J " 16 v » Is 38 19 1p Summary of Line C nditi' s : Codes - Pipe Condi4.$ion �-Jl)/> +ent rP��I , 1� BP-Broken Pipe LJ-Leaky Joint (rode AlignmC- Crack 0- Obstruction Joints nt !'� CP-Collapsed Pipe OJ-Open Joint UL-Di: '',,- Line OS-Off Set -� �� ,- ,` i C" '_ H 1. �� DP-Dip in Line R- Roots _ZZ, DP-Dip GC-Grade Change S- Service Con . H- Shear TJ-Typical Joint Lineal Feet /6C7Pipe Size �� Polaroid* ,_ __ Reset_ Engr. Sig,_ _ _ Ra Folkenberg, I-- . Tape S+nrt j ':F Report # Television InspecL,on Log Tape 5_,,p / ;' j Tape # Cleaning Report # City I; J y Operator,. �~,� )M Date' -:"- Time From MH#.,� '-Q? Depth 1-- MH# 4 -7 — Depth Location LI.ne Size 'i� Pipe TypbCont;`&T'�Qoint Type T'_ Pipe Length Manhole Condition ' s Line Plugged at Date Cleaned Result of Clenning Flow DepthCround Water Elevation Pull Direction I:i- WILR READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL C47 !� '� H F Flow Direction I��� �, C GD H REF. PHOTO REFI INF, MOM NO. /DOTAGE RlMMKS INf, NO. NU, bI� FOOTAGE RMMS NO. I 1 ✓ 71 ] I -7 f _ n - ISI Vl 9 I i 29 I10I i I � � II 1_ i ;2 � 13I I x __ .. ._. _ 33 14 34 1! 16 i17 I II v1 3 Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condition �-/� r Grade J> BP-Broken Pipe LJ-Leaky Joint Alignment C- Crack 0- Obstruction Joints /"z- '�,� � � C°-Collapsed Pipe OJ-Open Joint DL-Dirty Line OS-Off Set _ '4- A;v7 r` ` r P .� h F' �_ DP-Dip in Line R- Roots GC--Grade Change S- Service Con. H- Shear TJ-Typicul Joint Lineal Feet /�^ Pipe Size r Polaroids Reset Engr. Sig. Falkenberg, I► - . Tape S+nrt 7 Report # dzl:-- Television Inspection Log Tape 5 _,,p Tope # ,2 Cleaning Report # City ,: _• Operator: f !Y� �rr-� Dote4/---"�S� Time, From MH# ^ - Depth to MH# 4 Depth Location Line Size Pipe Type% nett Joint Type ,Q Pipe Length Manhole Condition ' s Line Plugged at Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation__ aF ll Direction �� WIER READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL B F C G ow Direction D H NF' FOOTAGE IWAAKS I INT. IMOTOII AEF. FOOTAGF AflAI/✓.S I IF-HOT01 NO. NO. INF. NO.. I 22 ' I/r15— �- I I Ir24 l I � I Ilnl l i 1126 I I 10i30 II I ( j „ ]I_I ,2 � IlU 13 14 1 11 -U 1 j IS 16 17 1 Il 37 1 '" ! 11 ►�� I I I '° I I 1 Il '° ' I Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condition Grade 9P-Broken Pipe L.1-Leaky Joint Alignment C.- Crack 0- Obstruction Joints CP-Collapsed Pipe O.J-Open Joint DL-Dirty Line 05-Off Set DP-Dip in Line R- Roots GC-•Grade Change 5- Service Con. 1 H- Shear TJ-Typical Joint . 1 Lineal Feet f`"�C—Pipe Size �' Polai7 ds Reset En r. Si Falkenberg, T Tape ` rt / Report Television Inspection Log Tape Slop U' Tape # Cleaning Report # City -/ Operatox � ;h � DateU /_ r Time From MH# - , Depth to MH# Al- / Depth Location Line Size Pipe Type(t,-e Joint Type ' Pipe Length_ Manhole Condition ' s Line Plugged at Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning `'low Depth Ground dater Elevation__ Pull Direction �" w WIE';R READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL R F C G Flow Direction I p H REF. FHOTU REI'. MI IM10T0 NO, FOOTAGE REMARKS I INF. NO.I NO. FOOGE I REMAAKS IN/, NO, 1 2 1 122 j - 27 �I24 2-1 ISI R I I I 29 ' � I i 2, �� i i I � i� � i 12 I I I II 32 13 33 iii I i , IA U 17 I II 77 I i 19 I �I � I I I I� AI I Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condition ^. Grade BP-Hrokerr Pipe LJ-Leaky Joint Alignment? C- Crack 0-• Obstruction Joints CP-Collapsed Pipe OJ-Open Joint D!_-Dirty Line OS-Off Set E5P-Dip in Line R- Roots GC-Grade Change S- Service Con. H- Shear TJ-Typical Joint Pipe Size Lineal Feet ,l_% ` Polaroids Reset--..,,. [Mel. 11j.—-, Falkenberg, Inc . Tape Start 1 7 Report # ? Television Inspeci .n Log Tape S > j / ? Tope # I Cleaning Report # T City . 1 Operator. , :r�-►�, 1 Dote/ -? � Time F rum MH# Depth to Mf;#__-K - Depth L ocation Line Size Pipe Typerihc,*r,T Joint Type ,% Pipe Length s 7 Manhole Condition ' s Line Plugged at Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth_ Ground Water Elevation Pul1 Di rection ri W1F.R RL !DING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL <* - 5_ G B F y-— C G NOV Si:eciion I_, ] D H IO.I FOOTAGE I EEMMKS ( INF. i O'c� NO. KKiUGE I EE/ANKf I INF.IFMOTO N NO. I �. c>` I I I II 74 l I � Ib a° I 7 1;o �'' I4 30 11 � I '1 l I 12 � I Irl 1 17 33 14 34 16 Xj- 17 � �7D I I� '° Summary of Line Condit'' ns: Codes - Pipe Conditif n 6:-(JQ � Grade HP-Broken Pipe LJ-Leaky Joint AlignmentT_ C- Crack 0-- Obstruction Joints CP-Collapsed Pompe OJ-Open Joint DL-Dirty Line :)S-Off set DP-Dip in Line R- Roots GC-Grode Change S- Service Con. H- Shear TJ--Typical .Joint Lineal Feet (�� Pipe Size _ Polaroids. Reset Engr. Sig. Falkenberg, I Tape F rt 4 - Report Television Inspection Log Tape StopTape # Cleaning Report # �: City / !. -t . Operatori''j -✓/r1^ndDoteU=75--- /, Time From Mph+ rt�— Depth to MH# - Depth Location Line Size _5, ' Pape Typ4-�:11-►' Joint Type �e Pipe Length' -{ Manhole Condition ' s Line Plugged at Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth. Ground Water Elevation Pull Directiun '.41FR READING INFILTRATION -_ A: E TOTAL B F C G CF]ow birection I � �.. . D H A[i. REMARKS 1"OTO Atf. I iWJTO NO REMARKS INFFOOTAG[ A . NO. NO. NO. IIiE. NO. 24 29 e 6 _ L 2. 30 12 ]t u �. I. v u a+ 16 34 a v u 19 m 1 40 i Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condition 4` '1114- Grade BP-Bro4en Pipe LJ-Leaky .Joint Alignment c:� !�i�_ � _ _ _ _ � L- Crack 0- Obstruction Joints CP-Collapsed Pipe OJ-Open Joint C _ DL-Dirty Line OS-Off Set DP-Dip in Line R- Roots GC-Grade Change S- Service Con. H- Shear TJ-Typical Joint Lineal Feet PIP* $126 _� -W Polaroids_. Reset Engr. Sig. . . e� Falkenberg, I Tape S ' •rt O C' l Report #-L Television Inspection Log Tape Stop t�,'7 Tape # f t Cleaning Report # � City T/4- 2 k- �1 OperatorF', - vtr�0 e.date Time From MH# (= - j Depth to MH# e'*-" - y' Depth Location Line Size Pipe Type l�r+,r%4tloint Type fi Pipe Length '4- Manhole 4Manhole Condition' s Line Plugged at Date Cleaned Result of Cinaning Flow Depth__,— Ground Water Elevation_ Pull Direction W.T.E:R READING INFIL.i RATION A E TOTAL E3- F C G Flow D1 rection l D H lEF, PHOTO REF NO FOOTAGE REMARKS INA. NO . I INF.NO FOOTAGE AIM/.FKS NO. 7 L J 7 C I n 24 26 7 / In 0 r 12 to 2 „ 71 i 12 31 IN I „ ' I• I I ISI � 37 III � I Ill I m l I II 'f1i 1 Summary of Line Condi ions, Codes - Pipe Condition (.�-G�% _ BP-Broken ?i a t_J-l_oak Joint '` Grade /._' �► u -' _ _.._..,._, en p Y Alignment �.r � ' C- Crack 0- Obstruction .Joints "4 r ,•, �i _ CP-Collopsed Pipe OJ-(;pen Joint ( DL-Dirty Line 05-Off Set DP-Dip in Line R.- Roots GC-Grade Change S- Service Con. H-- Shear TJ-Typical Joint Lineal Feet plot ��li � Polaroids__.__ Reset Engr. hey o �yN �ick I11 'ant • .�o,��dS,�, ��,���a�,. . �o. �,��.is St` b16` 06� �a t Y1q \00 �H*Q �► �at4►tr� �+� 'a►v o coir +Yaol cwt nt Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. 1 N(;INF.FRS-SURVFV0RS 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD. OREGON 97223 Telephone 1303)639 3453 April 21 , 1980 City of Tigard Engineering Department 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Bellwood No. 3 Gentlemen: This letter is out, request that t:ie City reduce the Cash Bond Escrow agreement for Bellwood No. 3 from $218,000.00 to $118,500.00. The water, storm drain, sanitary sewer and site grading construction is complete. The estimated cost of June 8, 1978 used for the Compliance agreement and the value of the completed portions is as follows: Estimated Actual Storm drain $15,500.00 $14,085.00 Sanitary sewer 79,000.00 71 ,834.00 Site grading - 5,000.00 Totals $94,500.00 $90,919.00 The street is completed with the exception of the leveling course, asphalt con- crete and sidewalks in r_otirion areas . The street light fixtures are paid for, but ;lot installed. If you have any questions, please call me at 639-3453. Sin rely yours, Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. By: S. L. Cato SLC:ds cc: J. W. Brayson Builder, Inc. Harris-McWnaglc A,suci�lt��, 1110. 1 N 4.IN 1 1 14" ',1 Nei ax1� S.W. ( OKINII 1(( 1 %1 S I I(I I I II(,Akl). ORI (it)N 4)!1J I,Pik 1u11 U,14 ,�<{ December 11 . 1979 Mr. Robert Santee Tigard Water District 8841 S. W. Commercial Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Bellwoud No. 3 Dear Bob: This will confinm our recent conversations concerning the water line stub-out at the South line of S. W. 129th Avenue in Bellwood No. 3. The construction Plans you prepared for the Water System show an existing 6--inch line in the private street that ties into S. W. 129th Avenue and you show this existing line extending to the South line of Kellwood No. 3. We were to connect at this point. We discovered during construction that the existing line actually terminates approximately 100 feet South of the Bellwood boundary. I discusses; this problem with you and John Miller and both of you told me to teiniinate our line at the plat boundary and install a blow-uff. Two days later you reversed your decision and instructed us to install the approximately 100 feet of line that was shown on your plans but does riot exist. You also provided us with a copy of the 10 ft. wide easement the Water District has which extends to the South line of Bellwood. 1 take exception to your last decision for the following reasons : 1 . The fact that the existing line did not extend to the South boundary of Bellwood should have been known prior to construction and methods explored as to how the problem could best be resolved. 2. 1 see no reason that the developer of Bellwood should bear the cost of constructing the line in front of other peoples property. J. Even if we agreed to construct the line we do not have a wide enough easement for construction. Due to our disagreement on this situation, please put me on the agenda for the next meeting of gout' Board for me to present my case. Si cerely yours, ''J, R. Harris JRH: ftr Barri,-McMonagle Associates, Inc. _ � 7 i Y -f -1 CARD ISANITARY SEWER AIR TEST 1 PRO jEC NlAME �� �. L �.�.`t C TES' Da" Z : ,�/_/ C0N0UC11*ED El STATION (d) (t; PASY FROM TO 01A. LENGTH K=O.Oil d2L C =0.0003087Ln TOTALS WN.o► SEC. LOSS YES NO Z tiff 14 01-1t[ 74 N fr i� !t ti 44,4-t-- LF -C4 i A t4lc00 , 1 l; 5,40044 tG 140 -;mc6f- !IN 4 .IZ> 1 ! 2-7, 4n 1 iT.%��.� n,l '4 �-4`'f ze -7- 'A'- :Cts 5z CITY of TIGARD _ SANITARY SEWER AIR TEST _ PROJECT NAME TEST DATE % CONDUCTEO BY STA T I ON (.d) t U PASS _ FROM DIA. LENGTH K-0.011 d2L C=0.0001�AZ l-n TOTAI,S MIN. S[-r. LOSS YES NO '3 '?3 L •✓ JR4=20 4 )�l XX 1 I 1 I I I ity of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for Je,'FIECTION TIME: PERMIT DATE: DATE ISSUED :_._/.._�- WNERS NAME : A D C R E S S: ._mac 0NTRACT0R ' Glt__.S_ --fir- r••- _ E 37 : Air E], Water❑ , VisualLaboratory p 'ESULT: Approved , Disapproved ❑ Pending [] KF:TCN: INSPECTOR DATE JTE ' Attoc:h euppluMIn1101 tllt ddt0 blfftoa i.rrris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. FNGINFERS-SURVEYORS RUMS S,W. COMMERCIAL STREET IIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephone(503)639.3453 :,...;jtember 20, 19i9 Mr. John Hagman Engineering Jept. 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 972.23 Re: Bellwood No. 3 Sanitary Sewer Dear Juhn: This is to co,*rirm my conversation with Dale 's Sc.nd & Gravel authorizing tare use of sand which is acceptable to the City and our firm for backfilling the sewer trench within the streets of Bellwood No. 3. Sinerely, P. i!arris D cc: L" & G SEP ? 0 1979 CITY OF TIGARD Uarris-McMonagle Assochtes, Inc. ENGI NEERS-SURVEYORS LIEUT"A TIF MUMMUMUL 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 DATE JOn NO Telephone(503)639-3453 911917,,'9- TO GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENOING YOU 46�1 tachecl FJ Under separate cover via the following items: Shop drawings F l Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples U Specifications Copy of letter F1 ';Ilange order mr.0 r r )PitsDATE NO. DESCRIPTION 7/ !W71f THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval U Appmed as submitted EJ Resubmitcopiesfor approval 4-"Iroyour u3e 0 Appro,f �d as noted C Submit—copies for distribution As requested 0 RE,urneL for corrections 0 Return--corrected prints For review and commelt FOR BIDS DUr,_ 19 rl PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO , SIGNED: If enclosures or@ not as noted. k odly notify us of City of ., lg".w INSPECTION R1OLIEST fnr JSPECTION TIME: i� 'l , PERMIT N4. : ._ DATE: 1 91Zf DATE ISSUED :— / WNFR4 N A M F : __ --- ------ --- O N T R A r.-r O R _—s:�� Y 'EST : Air 0, Water[] , Visual ❑ , Laboratory p IESULT: Approved ❑ Disapproved ❑ Pending ❑ KETCH: `��/'rf � � �' Tn 5 fZ-�`r ��ltr, S•E�1/. //L/ '7 INSPEC' DATE JTE . Attach supplemental t;�f data here 101 • T I G A R D C I T Y C 0 U N C. t L ' REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, AUGUST 13, 1979, 7:30 P.M. L. ROLL CALL: Prer.ent: Mayor Alan W. Mickelson; Councilmen John E. Cook, Kenneth W. Scheckla; Councilwoman Nancie Stimler; Chief of Police, R.B. Adams; Legal Counsel, J. D. Bailey; City Recorder/Finance Director, Doris Hartig; Planning Director, Aldace toward; Administrative Secretary, Loreen Wilson. 2. CALL TO AUDIENCE FOR THOSE DESIRING TO SPEAK ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (a) No one appeared to speak. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, July 23, 30, AUGUST 6, 1979 (a) Motion. by Councilman Scheckla, seconded by Councilman Cook to approve. Approved by unanimius vote of Council present. 4. APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES A2T INVESTMENTS: $179,747.92 (a) Motion by Councilman Scheckla, seconded by Councilman Cook to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. M 5. ACCEPT AND AUTHORIZE SIGNING BY THE MAYOR %ND CITY RECORDER mww0r+tvood No. 3 (Lots 11114-162) Subdivision Compliance Agreement: and Cash Bold Escrow Agreement . Industrial Park Stora Sewer Easement - SW 74t`: Avenue . Non-Remonstrance Agreement - Waverly Meadows (a) Motion by Counrilman Scheckla, seconded by Councilman Cook to approve and authorize signing by the Mayor and City Recorder. Approved by unanimous vote r: Council present. 6. RESC'LUTION No. 79-84 RESUTAITION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN I.AUNP LfNDA PARK SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a) Motion by Councilman Sco "kla, seconded by Councilman Cook to appro. -. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 7. AP"AOVE O.L.C.C. APYL ICATTON Yakiniku House, _1945 SW Pacific Highway, 200 Tigard Plaza, C'.ass A License and Retail Malt Beverage. (a) Chief of Police reconanendid item be considered 2t a later Elate, as the investigation El the Police Department was not completed. i _....-.,......mow...�,......,.....r. .....:...«w.........rr14...e..... Www .. ,......... - •+r.i.K..rawwFrMMIw1w1M�++.w.Y�� l Avoid Verbal Massager CITY OF TIGARD To: �L�- Vii'�.. _ From: , t date _.r__-r- r 1 J _ i r •� _}P.�'�lj.. ,_..h SY.r`l�� L{t ;,'� ,, rJ. e-1-0 MR —ALIIIIKAL�I CITY OF TIGARD 12420 S.W.MAIN TIGARD,OREGON 97223 RECEP,ry DATE:. AM(-)UNT: NAME: CASH: ADDRES M.O.: FOR: N ACCT. # 0 OF - -RMITI. SURCMARO& AMOUNT SEWER BILI INGS 40-364 BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MECHANICAL PERMIT _05-332 BUII DING PERMIT 05-333 SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 SEWER INSPECTION40-1165 SYSTEM DEV.CHARGE 25-366 PARK DEV.CHARGE 01 30.367 PARk DEV,CHARGE #2 30-368 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 ZZI: A-V% e T OTA -CEIVED BY: CkN 'MIT NUM11113 ASSION11), Amount Number Amount Number A aunt 3 5 Avoi�l Verbal 14 ssivies A„ J. CI'T'Y OF 'T'IGAaU To: �\E:. C^^".._�_� From: ,,, ,� �-�'� Subject Date CX LA r - ..r.....ti..-«.«..........r�.....�wn.r. .aw...M..w.+w....+w.�.uw...... i I IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON 2 FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 3 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, a ) municipal corporation, ) 4 ) No. Plaintiff, ) `' ) COMPLAINT VS. ) (Specific Performance, Breach of 6 ) Contract, Action on Surety Bond) J. W. BF,AYSON BUILDER, INC. , ) 7 an Oregon corporat: ,jn; and ) THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY ) 8 COMPANY, a Connecticut ) corporation, ) 9 ) 10 Defendants. ) 11 Plaintiff, for its FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF against 12 defendants, J. W. Brayson Builder, Inc. and The Travelers Indemnity 13 Company, alleges: 14 I 15 At all times material herein, plaintiff was and is a 16 municipal corporation organized and operating under. the Statutes of 17 the State of Oregon. 18 II 19 At all times material herein, defendant J.W. Brayson 20 Builder, Inc. (hereinafter defendant Brayson) was and .is an Oregon 21 corporation. At all times material herein, defendant The Travelers 22 Indemnity Company (hereinafter defendant Travelers) was and is a 23 Connecticut corporation qualified and doing business in tie State of 24 Gregon. 25 III 26 On or about July 2, 1979, plaintiff and defendant Brayson Page ONE -• COMPLAINT O DONNELL,SULLIVAN S RAMIS Attorneys of Low 1127 N.W.Hoyt StraM Portland,Oregon 97209 15031 2221102 1 entered into a Subdivision Compliance Agreement for the development 2 of a subdivision known as Bellwood No. 3 located within the city 3 limits of the City of Tigard. A copy of said agreement is attached 4 hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference as if 5 fully set forth. Defendant Brayson' s performance of the Subdivision 6 Compliance Agreement and maintenance of the subdivision prior to 7 final acceptance by plaintiff was secured by a Contract Bond, No. 8 615E2924, in the amount of $43, 600, issued by defendant Travelers 9 on August 6, 1980. 10 IV 11 As part of its duties under the Subdivision Compliance 12 Agreement, defendant Brayson agreed to construct sidewalks for all 13 lots and asphaltic-concrete pathways between certain .lots in the 14 subdivision. 15 V 16 On August 21., 1980, plaintiff, by City Council Rcsolution 17 No. 80-8u, conditionally accepted the public improvements in Bellwood 18 No. 3 subject to completion of certain unfinished public improvements, 19 including sidewalks and asphaltic concrete pathways between certain 20 lots. As a further condition of plaintiff' s partial acceptance of. 21 the public improvements, defendant Travelers issued the above-referenced 22 Contract Bond, as authorized by subsections (7) and (8) of the 23 Subdivision Complia-c- Agreement. Copies of Resolution 80--80 and 24 the Contract Bond are attached hereto as Fxhibits "B" and "C" , 25 respectively, and incorporates herein by reference as if fully set 26 forth. Page TWO - COMPLAINT O'DONNELI,9MLIVAN d RAMI{ Attorrn 1 at Low 1727 N.W.Hoyt Stregt Portland,Oregon 97209 1503)722. 22 4402 I VI 2 On or about November 15, 1983, at defendant Brayson ' s 3 request, plaintiff agreed to extend the period for completing public 4 improvements and to replac= the Contract Bond with a Sidewalk Bond 5 in the amount of $14 , 000. The Sidewalk Bond, No. 661F577-1 was 6 issued by defendant Travelers on November 22, 1983. The bond number 7 was subsequently changed to No. 661FB20-2 by defendant Travelers ' 8 Change Rider dated December 14, 1983. Copies of the bond and change 9 ricer are attached hereto as Exhibits "D" and "E" , respectively, i0 and incorporated herein by reference as if fully sct forth. 11. VII 12 On November 13, 1984, plaintiff mailed written notice to 13 both defendants, advising them that defendant Br.ayson had failed to 14 complete thru public improvements in accordance with the Subdivision 15 Compliance Agreement, that 849 linear feet of sidewalk and 109 linear 16 feet of asphaltic-concrete pathways remained unfinished and that 17 legal action on the bond would be commenced on or before November 22, 18 1984, as required by the bond. Despite such notice, ',oth defendants 19 have failed and refused to perform as demanded by plaintiff. 20 VIII 21 Plaintiff has performed all obligations on its part to 22 be pe.rforme3 under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and does 23 hereby -iemand of defendants, and each of them, their specific perfor- 24 mance of said agreement. 25 IX 26 Subsection (3) of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement Page THREE - COMPLAI:'T O U:tNNPLL,SULLIVAt4 A PAMIS Attorneys of law 1727 N.V.I.Hoyt Street Porflond,Oregon 97209 )509)222.1102 1 entitles plaintiff to recover its reasonable attorney' s fees and 2 costs in an action for specific performance of the agreement. 3 Plaintiff has been required to retain the services of an attorney 4 herein and is entitled to recover its reasonable attorney' s fees 5 and costs. 6 X 7 Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law, 8 For its SECOND CLAIM ^OR RELIEF against defendant Brayson, 9 plaintiff alleges: 10 XI 11 Plaintiff realleges paragraphs I through VII of its 12 First Claim for Relief and incorporates them herein by reference as 33 if fully set forth. 14 XII 15 Plaintiff has performed a1.1 obligations on .its part to be 16 performed under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement. As a direct 17 and foreseeable consequence of defendant Brayson' s failure to fulfill 18 its obligations under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement, plaintiff 19 has been damaged in an amount of not less than $11, 389, the estimated 20 cost Of completing the unfinished sidewalks and pathways. 21 XIII 22 Subsection (3) of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement 23 entitles plaintiff to recover its reasonable attorney' s fees and costs 24 iiicur.red in an action to enforce the agreement. Plaintiff has been 25 required to retain the services of an attorney herein and is entitled 26 to recover its reasonable attorney' s fees and costs. Pttge FOUR - COMPLAINT O'DONNEtt,SUltIVAN d RAMIE Attorneys at taw 1727 N.W.Hoyt Strut Portland,Oregon 97200 1503)2224407 err 1 For its THIRD CLAIM FOR RELIEF against defendants Br.ayson 2 and Travelers, plaintiff alleges: 3 XIV 4 Plaintiff realleges paragraphs I through VII of its 5 First Claim for Relief and incorporates them herein by reference 6 as if fully set forth. 7 XV 8 Defendant Travelers is the surety on the Contract Bond 9 for maintenance and completion of the subdivision, attached as 10 Exhibit "C" hereto, and surety on the sidewalk bond and rider, 11 attached as Exhibits "D" and "E" hereto. 12 XVI 13 Subsection (11) of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement 14 entitles plaintiff to recourse on the surety bond in the event of 15 default on the part of the principal , defendant Brayson. 16 XVII 17 Plaintiff has provided defendants written notice of their 18 failure to perform and of pla'intiff' s demand that defendants perform 19 their obligations under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement. and 20 the sidewalk bond. Despite plaintiff' s demand, both defendants have 21 failed and refused to so perform. 22 XVIII 23 Plaintiff has performed all objigations on its part to 24 be performed under the Subdivision Compliance Agreement and sidewalk 25 bond. As a direct and foreseeable consequence of defendants ' failure 26 *.c perform, p'Laintiff has been and will be damaged in an amount not Page FIVE - COMPLAINT O DONWIL,SJUIVAN&RAMIS Attorneys of low 1727 N.W.Hoyt Street Portland,Or9non 97209 15031222-4402 MEEK- I less than $11 , 389, the estimated cost of completing the unfinished 2 sidewalks and pathways. 3 XIX 4 Subsection (3) of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement 5 entitles plaintiff to recover its reasonable attorney' s fees and 6 costs in action to recover on the bond securing defendant Grayson' s 7 performance of said agreement. Plaintiff has been required to retain 8 the services of an attorney herein and is entitled to recover its 9 reasonable attorney' s fees and costs. 10 WIiEREPORE, plaintiff prays for entry of judgment in its 11 favor and against defendants as follows: 12 (1) On plaintiff' s First Claim for Relief, decreeing 13 that defendants and each of therLt shall specifically P y perform their 14 remaining obligations under the Subdivi -Lon Compliance Agreement, 15 i. `. , installation of 949 linear feet of sidewalk and 109 feet of lE pathways within 60 days of 1-he decree, and awarding plaintiff. its 17 reasonable attorney' s fee: and costs and uisbursements incurred herein; 18 (2) On piaintijf' s Second Claim for Relief, awarding 19 plaintiff damages against 3efcndant Grayson in an amount not less 20 than $11 , 389 , plus plaintiff' s reasonable rt_t-orneyls fees and 21 costs and disbursements incurred herein; 22 (3) On plaintiif' s Third Claim for Relief, awarding 23 plaintiff damages against both defendants in an amount not less 24 than $11 , 369, Plus plaintiff' s reasonable attorney' s ices and costs 25 and disbursements incurred herein; and 2f (4) For such other and further relief as the Court Page S I X - CO)M:LAINT J D12HNFIt,SOL LIVAN 6 RAM IS Attorney%at Low 1727 N.W.Hoyt StrNt Portland,Oregon 97209 1503)2221101 ••.• Marr•wwW�r«�war�rr�M.._........»ro..w...,.,.ne..,....._.. �\ - � waw�.yrr,. Z�Ar ov KA Tp ylow 7 „SW P HE NE tI b 1,� ��� , , .�' ,�� s� � v,eet< �. _«••—� �” fir• Zq,.u�.....—,►.�o...«ir-.w+ .wwM � �F' _y « _ _ Z 4-4 - 0544 40 ld� ala /O I / 1 .1'�"�. i �"! ;Or &X If r r19 t 4 010A IVA or 04.� llow---__ ...... ,, . _ ....._. �.! , , ry q sem* �o F , -.�(yL..� l� �' -c:. , v5904 ) ��� /orf`• �r+1 �y ?Oir o Pv {,.�a._....�,,..-�__._...._ � '�' .._.�-�.. ._._ ....,.•,,..,,..._...... /y �..«..�....,.. ! . i � A!� 1 i�' r l t � ..-.fit..�.�i�.i.�..s... �'' .!7K't!'1111Y�""^^9SL wA►t t"_#�t._.�.Nf�':.:'�+�+ -��i'f.. ' i'` ' w�.� .�' .._ ' s Ir�..,'j�^+i ..'.'_ .,o"`y, / /.ovsr zotv,04� J044 r1`Tr. r", ,� ,,,� t., f � 1 _. _.."`1' .'s' + -��. re i4ev.;M " �. ..,:�Ic, '�r 4: �'• Q / � !0 ,� � � 3 I - . /�+•'-t.ls�iE'.S o� s' ... , .�' _ _�•�aa�� '. : , [ .. 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H K DAT _ .. _ A i....��:ir:��...{7.� I'll(�J �,.� E z. �' 1RCu1T SECTION SC E ../ i r k'✓ .l...Q V LATE APPROVAL _T HEE � Y 1 T UF. . _ , , I i 1 I I I I I 1 II � '�( III Ilr� lli IIII11 III 111 III r� III 111 111 rll III 111 111 III III III III 111 TI ! X11 III III lljl 111 111 11 � '� " .` _ w _I- _ 2 3 4 a 6 ? 9r I0 f I 12 NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED — - — —------� , ko DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICkv-7T IS DUE TO TWF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ' DRAW I NG. — -- _ - - - - ---- ` OE 6Z 8Z LZ 9Z SZ bZ E?, ZZ IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 SI bl EI ZI II 01 6 9 L 9 S b E ` ,,�'� ��!IIIIIIIIIIlI111111111I�I��I1���III11I111�1111�1lItIIi11I1111I111�1�1����:.�Itiii��dltIII11I111iI11tI�11u�liltlillllll�llllltll111I11lIIIIItI1111tElIi1�INIi�ItII1t11llllt�lltltltl�tlit�llli(11A- T ilIIl11I11111iIII�II11IIiII�J11Wl�Fi�llllllllllllUlll!llllU�11U�IIl�11U�1111 � • FILE4 COP"I,' f ILS CUP1Q ALL SPACES MUST BE ENUORSED PR!OR TO POPRO A O I''r-IESE PLAN PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. BY r'L,•,NNING B 07PT. El-i: __ _ DATE—__�l��i�_LL BU',LDING DEPT. BY DATE— COUNTY HEALTH DCPT. BY__.__._.._ DATE---- CITY ATE —CITY A'.11`1.:N1STRAT0R BY DATE ���� --------- TIGARD WATEP DIST. 13Y_._..__� _ OATE__ 1111"P_iD���_ GENERAL TELEPHONE BYSTREET IMPROVEMEN -TS U 5 A � 10ICD BY -- DATE S'3l�q�o-1Z-1q N, W. ^*ATURAL GAS BY —_ D=+7'` P. G_ E BY DATE _ - IT. R I=. Dt SY DATE_? 7-4_1 T& Pa.%cE V CIP T, V( DMT -7— !,_'7— ti r� '1 NOTICE TO EXCAVATORS S NITARY SEWER It is your' responsibility, as part of this permit, to notify all Utility op^rntors of the extent of this work PRIOR TO STARTING 1HE J08. (24 hours if possible.) UTILITIES TELE. N0. WATER —Ttgrd Water Dist. 639"1554 _gLp.q _11111 . P14Crdi�a�1 t;AS — Nortlrrres; t later,l Gas CO. 225 4211 X212 TELEPHONE— General Telephone• Co. 639.1002 OWNER ! ELEC FRIC —Portland 6vi;ijrj: Llcc - Issued by: J . W. S R AY S O N BUILD City of Tigard Q 1 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. GENERAL CONTRACTORS a SUB-CONTRAC- M PORTLAND CR E G O N 97266 TORS MUST HAVE CITE" BUSINESS LICENSE AND ALL NECESSARY CITY PERMITS PRIOR I BELL WOOD a TO PERFORMING SERVICES. INDEX33 3&4 K 3 N T I TUE S H T. NO. RAIJy ORgINS�.:�HALL,ME�T'tNEEi!HOS 1N CIIRl33 71S PROVIDED TITLE SHT. I OF 7 � I PROJECT STREET IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 2 OF i AREA / PRIORro NO UPpN COMPIE un t STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROFILES 3 OF 7 w 1 Of c°"$rltucTIoN• STORM DRAINS PROFILES 4 OF 7 Q � � 3 } SANITARY SEWER PLAN 5 OF 7 r SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 6 OF 7 3 h _ �. SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 7 OF 7 y�. ENG INFERS - SURVEYORS X HARRIS — Mc MONAGLE ASSOCIATES INC . 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET - -- TIGARD OREGON 97223 VICINITY MAP SCALE I" = 600' j ' BEL. LWOOD NO. 3 DEQ I._Lwr_lr D N(") OF, ~ ..► � l h Ij''I1�1141•(Illi111 lIIr �fl11,111 Iyjj'I I IrF( 1 I1 I 'KII!1 tIjE'I�I t;l 1� I�1 1�1 111 f)� I�II;�I I�) I�1 ISI Itl IIr III ,II rII III IIr TII SII III III Ell III .�rrl r , �� I NOTE: IF THIS M ICR01-I LME J ^—�•�"'�- ( + 2 3 Q 6 __7 12 DRAWING IS LES'' CLEAR 7'iAN TH I5 NOT 1CXr `TT IS DUE TO ,.- -HE QUALITY OF THE ORIWNAL r +rla..r'"DRAWIrIG. OE 6Z 8Z LZ 9Z SZ VZ EZ _ -7Z jZ OZ 61 91 LI 91 %1 til EI Z.I I I 01 6 9 L 9, 9 r E �.. .-_-1--._11•• I--J�--' ,,,/'� IrlIllillllllllllllljl1111,IujII1r1r111Illl�ltlllufflfliflnullurluullnl{Itn��11III1111111I11111!IltlriNI111111Nlllllljlllllllti�ltlt�Inti►i�InoIIHIII1rtlNtlllmlt:ultlt�lflnlnulnuluttlNliY�nlnlllnulm{InulllultllllHl�lutlluu�lll!uulllllut�hln TUNE 24 1992. 1 may cleem just and equitable. 2 O'DONNELL & RA1hIS ;3 By: /s/ Kenneth M. Elliott Kenneth M. Elliott, USB #2u217 Of Attorneys for Plaintiff 1; City of 'Tigard TRIAL ATTORNEYS: btephen F. Crew, OSB #78171 $ Kenneth M. Elliott, OSB #80217 r� 10 , 1 12 1.3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Nge SEVEN - COMPLAINT O'DONNELL,.SUILIVAN 6 RAM IS Attorneys rt Low 1727 N.W Hoyt itrest Porlinnd,Oregon 97209 1503 2221102 1 •�! hl)1�'JSIhN CU:1J'1.1_'CC^,�.CR!it i �• ' T►;' ', ; :,;.ItEE^1t:NT dated the _ 2_ _ day of 'TY OF T.":K U, a municipality of Otegon, hereinafter termed the "City", and �.._W_ _BRAYSON. BUILDER, INC_. . an Ore&onCorporation, hereinaf ter termed "Petitioner". —�-- W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington ,unty, a subdivi.si -)n plat known as BELLWOOD No. Lots #114-162) ien ocated n ction 4. Township �_ �oiith. Ranke 1 West, Willamette �leridian, Washington. County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to nstall streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground tilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the pay. r.t 0f ees; and' WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public ocks construction by APWA Oregon Chap.er and the Unified Sewerage specifications for thrt anitary o::wers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petitioner's evelopl.ent are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit rogressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire �_-reby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in Id subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be ..stalled as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing prem; e % and the covenants and greements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY _;REED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and pirpose to ;rrplete all public impro'.ements except sidewalks and street trees of said subd: vision of later than two (2) years from the dare of -.his agreement, and Petitioner is hereby ound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance nd the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as Indy be otherwise .)proved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow sur.'! signs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requireme&s at,-&, the provisions her.of. , titioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the Ci�y, with ability in the anount of $151 Q_Q_Q_ OQ a ccpy whereof is hereto attached and by ,is reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time li^.its, o^ t:n (10 days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such -fault and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its' option proceed have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Fetitioner's -etihs and in the event sane be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover EXHIBIT ! "All Paye 1 TA"All 3, ' t ' he-rrof. In t.hc •_ ,t �,, h .,c tion be broui;ht, V,Li *--,—er ,r j } ,: cti•. pro-ise and a,;ree to pay, in addition to the 17-ounts •IceruinL ar.� 'lith su•-- as the court shall adjud&e reasonable as attorney's fees and costs ir,r.urrcd the City, both in the Trial Curt and Appellate Court, if any, or the City -�� , at .cs' option: bring pro_eedings to enfcrce aaiest the Petitioner and/or Petitioner 's ,ureties sP ecific performance of the contract and cumplia-ice with the su!-idivision standards ar,d ordinances of the City of Tigard, and .in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled Lo recover such sura as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Pett:.ioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount e.,ti^aced to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lightlr+g f3ci11.•:ies within SECTION 3 of the subdivision, according to Portland General electric Sc'rcdule #91, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing elestr=cal energy to energize th+ street lighting facilities for a period of two (?) years from the date of initial. c•ne :gizing of said lights. Said amount being $1155.84 (5) The City agrees to make ar.d provide periodic and final inspections which in Lhe ''ity's interest are desi-rable to assure compliance herewie.,, I*n cuns_deration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspection fees. * (6) The City agrees to install street identification: and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of S 148.50 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and .street trees within the subdivision have been cc,rpleted in accordance with the City's requirements, titioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon . _ctification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have 'keen met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the sum of $43-600. . 09 to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance coming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public Improvements by the City. (8) Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all •equire:rents have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees .o accept the public lmp:ovements, subject to the requirements for correction of Wiciencies and oilaintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (9) nat in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's ,bdivisi.on Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner hinds itself to co.fcrm o the following require-rents, scheduling and limitati.orss (a) None of the Lots of petitioner's subdivision as described may be ,c.cupied for residential purposes until. an occupancy permit is issued under authority f the City and no occupar,cv perrit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the ,bdivision and to the tare that the sidewalk parall_elirg the street for each developed Ot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the develop^ent; provided that 11 sidewalks as required by the plars and subdivision cede shall be installed thrctight Aid subdivisicn not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Ir^provenent entract. * Project Fee Sewer Feeor �+ EXHIifrt, „Tl, Fagg 2 of 3 ('•�) All - js, apirb tris un th;,t porti+,rn of + ;ich lct hutwrt •,ide::alks and the curb (parking area) as required, shall be plented and in place prior �o final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision, -ovided that final in3pection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs .ithin any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (.3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) Within one (1) year of ticceptance of the public improvements the petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads within the development. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council -nd the Planning Corrcnissicn of the City of Tigard, Oregon, inregard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s). (10) The parties here::o hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is :iereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this Agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be Included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid rcrformance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of.default on the part of `.he Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner ac Ling by and through its duly authorized under- u4 gned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and ''ie City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted at a meetin thereof nuly and regularly held on the 13 day of 19 �� -, has caused this agrc;erient to be exl�cuted by it,,' Mayor and Recorder. J.W. BNAYSO BUILDER, NC. i By:By Oec THE CIT - F C,ARD,j CON Ma�-j�L� Recorder � mss► 1 EXHIB "All Tll ag3of 16 s-< CITY OF TIGARD, ORhGON RESOLUTION No. 80-_9Q_ RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN BELLWOOD NO. 3 SUBDIVISION, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance re( jires subdividers _o install streets, sidewalks, street lights, curbs, storm seders, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of subdivisions; and WHEREAS, the City has required the payment of fees and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulates that: Upon receipt of certificct:jn by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . . ;" and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received, subject tG correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been received and is subject to the aforsaid maintenance period, a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within Bellwood No. 3 Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Book 48 on Page 19 in Washington County, Oregon, Plat Records, subject to: I. Completion of sidewalks and driveway aprons. _ 2. Placement of the one inch, Class "C", A.C. overlay. 3. Correction of any defects and/or deficiencies which inay arise during the one year guarantee period. 4. Provision of une as-build sanitary 6 storm sewer mylar to the City. AND FURTHER, sut14ect to the conditions of obligation of the aforsaid Maintenance Bund. PASSED: This A4[ tday of �� � 19J9J uy the Council of the City of Tigard. ATTEST: Mayor - ily Tigard ty ecorder - City of T and :7.=VPW I EXHIBIT , RESOLUTION N0. 80-gam "U" • - - _... .�.. ..�.�� _.i..-. .,. .:.�_. _.�y. �: . - _ter- ��r �• �(���% C��/SCG%1(i(<_'/.% 1i Hartford,Connecticut (A STOCK COMPANY, q V I Bond No. 6151`2924 �. CONTRACT BOND •r Y J.W. BRAYSON BUILDER, ' f;v KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,That we _ INC. r ' call<•d thr Princlpol,and THE TRAVEI ERS INDEMNITY COMPANY,called the Surety,are held and firmly bound unto_--- e' CITY OF TIGARLQItEGON tolled the OLi'gee,in the sum of FORT-_TNREE _S-IXMUNDRED_AND_NOJI-OGIbS____._-___ Dollars(5..43,600.00 —I,for the payment whereof sold Principal and Surety bind themselves firmly by these • presenit. WHEREAS,the Principal has,by wrillen Agreement,doled_ _ 4uly 2, 1979 �( entered into o contract with the Obligee for_- INTLNANU-OF-P.ui?i IG_IMQRO.VFMENTS- IN T_ NE-___ 11 SUBDIVISION BELLWOOD NQ-.-3 _ _ a copy of which is by reference made a part hereof; ; NOW,THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the Principal shall faithfully,,erform the contract an 1� his part,free and clear of all liens arising out of claims for labor and materials entering into the construction,and indemnify 1 i vL rind save harmless the Obligee from all loss,cost or damage which he may suffer by reason of the failure so to do,then this . t obligation shall be void!otherwise to remain in full force and effect. 1 PROVIDED,HOWEVER that no suit shall be broc'ght on this bond after the _.expjra.tinn .OfAwoyears .from 'r the date of substantial completion of the work to be performed under the contract tib` czL4wxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxl9xxxxxx 1. SIGNFD,SEALED AND DATED}hb___-____ 6th day of AUGUST 19 RO _ r J.W. 6RAYSON._ ILUR-, Y� By. ; t J. W. RRAYSON PRESIDENT • The Travelers Indentrtity Company By: 1 t� r E x H 1 B(T Alfe,ne►ln Jp�,1 '• k: Nancy L. Kreutz vvvvvv t ..• IICII P' Arfun• tn•Isaes AIV.1 sl [d.April 1t!10 ,.».IC�.V.. -"---'--'� r• est. 1 i t _ [1ge1Dl ' �? I �_•���1�1•^_i@"I'll, �"ww1 �—�,I➢,tia.ifs.—r.,Jy4N;(o►r.+A:.,.s•+,11N�i�i�M_1'.u►�rr�.�lfl�.�.w+j _ 1 �*r�rs•c�'.t�s c•Ct�IL•y:S`3is•'i c�?llitlJ$1�y • '1'hc "l'eve'lers Tild(`11111ity C -111111.111y ILo tr,ir+I,a,rM„ti,Lit i'OWER OF A'iJI'OltNEY KliOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE TRAVELERS INDE.NINI IN COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Connecticut, does helrby make,constitute and appoint IFLney L. Kreutz of Portland, Oregon Its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fart,with full power and authority,for and on behalf of the Company as surety, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company thereto, if a seal is required, bonds, undertakings,recognizances,consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof,as follows: Any, and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances, conoents of nurety or other written obligations in the nature thereof and to bind THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby,and all of the acts of said Attorney(s). in-Fact,pursuant to these presents,are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is made under and by authority of the following by-laws of the Company which by-laws are now in full force and effect: Aaiict.t:IVr Sti.cimis 13. The Chairman of slit Board,the president the Chairman of the Finance Committee, any Exetuuve Vice Prc•idcnt,an y fieniur Vice President,any Vice Kc,ident,any Second Vice President,the Corporate Secreta or nny nepnNment Secretary mal Appoint nttorne}s impact or agents with power And authority,es deRned ur limited in their respective pc wersaf attorney for ani on behalf or the Company toexerute aAd delivers and affix the seal of the Company thereto,bonds,anc�ertnkings,rcroiniznnres,consents of sweq• ur other wntten..11 tions in the nntroe thereof And any of a+id o�cers nny remove nny such attorney-im[act or agent and revoke the power and authority given to ham. ARTICLE 1V,St.cnorr 15. Any bond,undertaking,rrrogniranre,coro+•nt of surety ur written obligation in the nature thereor shall be valid And binding upon the Company when si*ned by the Chairman of the Board,the President,the Chniruran of the Finance Committee,nny Executive Vire President,any Senior Vice President, any'O�e President or an Second Vice President and duly attested and sealed,if A seal is icquired,by the Cor- {orate rwcretary many f>'eparunent Serretary or any Assistant Corporate Secretary or any Assistant Department Srcrelar ,or shall Ire valid And binding upon the Company when dolt'executed And sealed,Ira seal is requited, by a dull•authorized attorney-in-fact or agent,pursuant to and within the Limits of the authority granted by hls or her power of attorney. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolu- tion adopted by the Directors of THE TRAVELERS INUEAfNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held an the 30th day of November, 1959: Voi Ft)i That the signature of any officer autl+nrired by the 9yl.aws and the Company seal may be of iked by farsiinile to any power of Attorney or speriA1 power of attorney or rertifiration or either given for the execution of any bond,undertaking,recdyynuance or other written obligatlon in the nature thereof;such signature and seal1 when so used being hetebv adopted by the Company as the original,signature of•.uth officer and the original seat or the Company,to be valid and binding upon the Company with the same fun a and effect as though manually affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. THE TRAVELERS INDEMNiTY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this filth day of November 19 76 s THE TRAVF,LERS INDEMNITY COMPANY �Dt'Hh By •'•... r, � SEAL 3or � 1 r ' , t • :rz V```...•- V Secretary,Surety f Stnte of Connecticut,County of HntNord—as: f7rt this 11th day of flovember In OWE(';Ir 1976 hefure the lwrsonally came 1).J. Nash to ore known, %%110, being by tire, duly sworn, did rlr poise and say: that he resides in the Slate refConnerticut;that lie is Secretary(Surety)of THE•TRAVELFRS 1NhLMNITY COMPANY, the corporation di-m rihed in and which executed the above instrutnrnt;flint he knows the seat of smd corpo+tation;that the seal nffixrd to said histrunrent Is such curpoiate seal;that it wits so tiffi\ed by aulhority of his office under the by-laws of snid corporation, and that he Ognrd his nnnic therein by Mir authority.,�.• NOT.-N r '" W'�-•L'�(.i ./0 t l7tL� -C-E-/r t ru + I / 1.1 1 0.. 1Vntary Public oso mission expires April 1, 1!)79 6-1069 nrV.4-71 ralNlte IN U.S.A. (Over) d Hartford,Connecticut (A STOCK COMPANY) j Bond Ne, 661F577-1 t CONTRACT BOND Jr .r KNOW All MEN by THESE PRESENTS,That we s1-J'1.. RRAyLnN .IITI nFR. TNC _ tolled the Principal,and THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY,called the Surety,are held and firmly bound unto-- the nto —the.City.9f..Tigard, Oreoen.--- t+Il d the Obligee,in the sum of._RJllflTEEN-THOUSANll - ---- r--Il.+rs($ 14,MO.DO _-. _i,for the payment whereof fold Principal and Surety bind themselves firmly by ihe+e WlIF RFAS,the Principal hos,by wri"on Agreement,dored___--ioywb-er__11t._1�� j er,rered irlto a contract with the Obligee for--th.e ccn-it-Mc+.iot>-jD.f_Jno-_].inpol. fact_0f3_tdcwAu—._ in nellwood addition III.__ a rr Py of»hich is by reference made a part hereof# NOW, THrREFORF, the condition of this obligation is such,that if the Principal shall faithfully perform the contract on l•h ;-,f,free and clear of all liens arising out of claims for labor and materials entering into the construction,rnd indemnify • r„4+,.e l r.rmle+s the Obligee from all lost,cost or damage which he may suffer by reason of the failure so to do,then this ;ti-.n-h„II he void)otherwise to remain in full force and effect, r .. •'j :fR��'I'if�f),�HOWEYER,Ih'at;rs[�soil• hull'he-6rouphtori�lhrit��ond'afterlhnt��"�;2� s-��y,f. ,;- •Ji - r. yas' Iii Shan 0, SFAII D AND DATED thit _ l Oth J_-_day of, M ! J. W. 8RAY9nN BUILDER, INC. By Jirn Brayton,—Tr, ,�'reslrTen� — I 1e Travelers Indernnify Company, ! By: i .t nonal E. Reer ,p v1a l tau Irv,til IL Assist 1940 ..-,s•r.r•A Ah...q. �J'Trr}r(�7sr^S�►�..y.t+!,t+rs+;.� _-`�7' ��L��`i'd'L�p�rYl�a+��1-►�•+.rr. `...,,.77.-......�.:..,.-T., 's The rI'ravelcrs hidc.1i116LN, C oii1paily Ifartford, Connecticut POWER OF ATI'ORNFY KNOW ALL MEIN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Connecticut, does herehy make,constitute and appoint Donald E. Reger of Portirtnd, Oregon Its true and lawful Attorneys)-in-Fact, with full power and authority, for and on behalf of the Company U surety, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company thereto, if a seal is required, bonds, undertakings,recognisances,consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof,as follows: — Any and all bonds, undertaktl.gs, recognizances, consents of surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof ---- and to bind THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby,and all of the acts of said Attol ney(s)- in-Fact,pursuant to these presents,are hereby ratified and confirmed. This appointment is mad^ under and by authority of the following by-laws df the Company which by-laws are now in full force and effect: ARTICLE IV,SECTION 13. The Chairman of the Hoard,the President,the Charman or the Finance Committee, any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President,any Vice President,any Second Vice Prrsident,any Secretary or any Department Secretary may appoint attorneys-in-fact oragents with power and authority,as defined or limited in their respective powers or alturney,for and on behalf of te Company to execute and deliver, and affix the seal of the Company thereto,bonds,undertakings,recognisances,consents or surety or other written obligations in the nature thereof and any of slid offerers may remove any such attorney-in-fact or agent and revolve the power and authority given to him. ARTICLE IV,SECTION 15. Any bond,undertaking,rrrognirance,consent or surety or written obligation in the nature thereof shall be valid and binding upon the Company when sitined by the Chairman of the Hoard the President the Chairman of the Finance Committee,any Executive Vice President,any Senior Vice President, any Vice 1'resident or any Second Vice President and duly attested and sealed,if a seal is required,by any See. I rLu�y or any Department Srcretary or any Assistant Secretary or when si ned by the Chairn,an of the IInard, I he President,the Chairman or the Finance Committee,any Executive Vice Prrsident,any Senior Vice President, any Vice President or any Second Vice Prrsident and countersigned and sealed,if a seal N requirrd,by a duly authorized attorney-in-fact or agent;and any such bund,underultine,recognisance,consent or surety or written obligation in the nature thereof shall be valid and bindingupy executed and sealed,if a on the Company when dul seal is required,by one or more attorneys-in-fact or agents purouant to and within the limits of the authority granted by his or their power or powers or attorney. This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resnlu- tion adopted by the Directors of T HE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 30th day of November, 1959: Votio: That the signature of any officr authorised by the Hy.tAws and 0 Company nal msy be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or special power of attorney or certification of either give"for the execution of any bond,undertaking,recotnuance or other written obligation in the nature thereof;Inch signature and seal Then so used Ming hereby adopted by the Companp as the original signature or such officer and the original seal of the Company,to he valid and binding upon the Company with tine ssme force and effect as though manually affixed. -- -- This tower of attorney revokes that dated September 15, 1967 on behalf of Donald E. Reger -- -- ----- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY has cau�cd these presents to be signed by its proper officer and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 30th day of Wnrch lq 73 THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY By yi ' • ' E? Secretary,Surety State of Connecticut) County of Hartford--ss: On this 30tr day of March in the year 1973 before me personally came F.A.itouser HI to me known,who,being by me duly shorn, did depose and Ray.that he resides in the State of Connecticut;that he is Secretary(Surety)of THE TRAVELERS iNDFMNi,ry COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above itlstrutnent;that he knows the seal of said corpo- ration;that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal;that it was so affixed by authority of his r.tfice under the by-laws of said corporation,and that he signed his name thereto by like authority. 0. le S°Ajs QN;Z0`s;"_ eircNotary Public trL1'%' mmisstonexpires Apr11 is 1979 9-1960 Itay.741 .4,010,.0.1 4. (Over) '} r J CHANGE RIDER BOND 00. J ON BENAEr Or 661F577-1 J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER. INC. DATE Or BOND IN FAVOR Or ,(y�i3 C TY 9F TIGARD ApO GAL IMUM RET NN PgEMIUM EFFECTIVE DATE OY' CHANGE S S I December 14. 1983 This rider is to be altnched to and form a part of the above described bond. In considerntion of the additional or return premium shown above the surety hereby gives its consent to Change bond number to 661F820-2 Provided, however, that the aggregate liability of the surety for tiny one or more losses occurring prior to the effective date of change shall not exceed $14,000. or for any one or more losses occurring after said date exceed-114j,000. It is further understood that in no event shall the surety's liability be cumulative. Signed anDecember 140 1983d dated on__.__—.__ (Month, day, year) THF.TRAVEI.E.RS tNl)ININITY COMPANY By. f Nelson Smith(, II nney in fact) Accepted ,1 a° d. EXH191T �M .x'144,.1 >J ORIGINAL •.' 1oJ4 rve�. 10 13 1 P,—i.d .n U 5 A. CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS AGREEIEN7, made this 2 day of. Jules , 1979 , between the (AN Ore. , CITY OF TIGARD, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and J.W. BRAYSON_--BUILDER.BUILDER.INC. Corp. hereinafter termed ►hc "PRINCIPAL", and ------THE OREGON BANK---------- termed the Bank (Association) . W I T N E S S E T H: Wr.E REAS, the Principal has heretofore executed a Subdivision Compliance Agree- ment, with respect to the development, construction and improvemelrtit of a residential subdivision within the City known as BELIWOOD No.�(Lots,114-, bb�copy of said agreement together with a particular legal description of said lands being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof: and WHEREAS,, the Principal has proposed to the City that there be entrusted to the Bank the sum of $ 218f000.00 as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all requirements of. said Subdivision Compliance :Agreement shall be properlyand timely performed and to assure that the costs thereof shall be timely paid and all req•irements thereof met; and WHEREAS, the Bank has agreed to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the sum of $ 218.000.00 and hereby a.cknowlndges custody thereof to be held pursuant. to the terms and provisions of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement as hereto attached, and it is desired hereby to set forth and defirie '`he conditions applicable to said bond. NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully observe and timely comply with requirements of said Sub( ivision Compliance Agreement and all ordinances and regulations applicable to said subdivision, and if the Principal shall well and truly perfor,-i all matters and things undertaken thereby and hereby to be performed and shall Promptly make payment to all persons supplying labor or material for any prosecution of the wor,;, and if the Principal shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor or material furnished, and if the Principal shall promptly pay all, contributions or amounts due the State Industrial Accident Fund and the State Unemployment Compensation Fund, and shall promptly as due make payment to the person, co- partn,arship, association or corporation entitled thereto of the monies mentioned in Chapters 279.3[0 and 279.510 O.R.S. and shall promptly comply with all withholding and Payment requirements of Chapters 316.162 to 316.21.2 O.R.S. with respect to the collection of taxes at source, then upon full completion of all work and the furnishing of evidence satisfactory to the City that all requirements hereof have been fulfilled, and if the Principal shall execute and deliver to the City the Maintenance Bond described in said Subdivision Compliance Agreement, then the Bank shall thereupon release to the Principal the said cash bond deposit : PROVIDED, however, that the obligations hereof shall not apply to any money loaned or advanced to the Principal. or to any subcontractor or other person in the performance of any such work whether specifically provided for by contract or other- wise. IF, however, the Principal. shall fail to literally comply with all, requirements of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement and al.l. the requirements hereof, or shall in any particular perform the work in a defective manner, upon 10 days notice by t;e City to tiro Principal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, the City is hereby authirized to have said work performed or the requirements of the Subdivision Compliance A.zreement brought into conformity with the terms thereof and with the City's ordinances and re,;ulations, and the City shall be, and it is hereby, aut110ri7.cd to charge the s:a.:.e against the entrusted cash deposit and the Bank agrees to pay therefrom all amount.] certified by the City to be chargeable thereto. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute f ccoptance by the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the improvements nor M ;},all the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the improvements nor shall the t c=ity by reason thereof become obligated to any person or property owner fL- any loss or damage arising by reason of the manner in 13hich said improvements were constructed . f� Further, the City be, and it is hereby authorized in addition to the foregoing, in the event of such default on the part of the Principal. to charge against said funds all costs incurred by the City including Attorney's fees in exacting compliance therewith or herewith, and the Bank agrees to disburse said funds for said purposes upon certification thereof by the City. Upon fulfillment cf the foregoing in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, the City agrees to furnish a certificate of release of. said deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfillment of the requirements hereof. Iv WITNESS «IIERCOF, the City under authority of resolution of its City Council has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY: CTTS' OF 'I [CARD (1 ,ON B y• Mayo r By Recorder PRIN'CIP L• •J._W.-,#Aysou � ER,T iVC. (Sec. ) By: By: BAND: (ASSOCI�,?IO--1 : _ K B y:e /`',/ Robert M �le£c ei, V ce President By: CITY OF TIGARD P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main Tigard. Oregon 97223 July 2, 1979 Harris-McMonagle Assoc. ,Inc. 8905 S.W. Commercial St. Tigard,O.,egon 97223 Mtn: Mr, Tames Harris Re: Bellwooc. No. 3 Dear Jim: Herewith please find the 'new' subdivision coinp]..i.ance agreement: and performance bond for said project, to be execul;od by -the devel- opment principles and returned to this office for processing to the City Council. In accord with the newly revised construction cost estimate, $873.12 need be remitted therewith to compl-te payment of relevant City Fees; this outstandin sum reflects tk , .total difference between the 'new' agreement fees (93,879-34) and the 'old' , previously paid, agreement fees ($3,006.22). Further, enclosed herewith please find the 'old' original documents for disposal., file or whatever. Very truly J.S. Hagman Supt. Engr. Div. cc/file . encl. JSH:vs i Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. I NGINH-RS-SURVEYORS 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL. STREET TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Trlcphone 1501)639.3453 June 8, 1979 CljyoFr/ 19119 � GqR� Mr. John Hagman Engineering Dept. City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Bellwood No. 3 (Revised) Dear John: I Our estimated cost for the City required public improvements in Bellwood No. 3 is the following: Streets . . . . . . . . $ 92,000.00 Sidewalks . . . . . . . . 21 ,000.00 Storm sewers . . . . . . . 15,500.00 Sanitary sewers . . . . . . 79,000.00 Street lights . . . . . . 10,500.00 Grand Total . . . . . . $218,000.00 This is for your use in the preparation, of a new subdivision com- pliance agreement. S ii/,((C>P!'!' S, (a(rr s cP, nagle Associates, Inc. By: J. R. Harris JRH:ds 3 6 ML Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. RECENV I N61N!•1 RS SURVt111Rs 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREF"r JUN 11 19, TIGARD, OREGON 97223 1c1cPhonc 15.11 esu 3451 CITY OF TIGANU June 8, 1979 Mr. Ken Snyder Portland General Electric Co. !4655 S. W. Old Sch%Ils Ferry Rd. Beavertin, Oregon 97005 Re: Bellwood No. 3 (Revised) Dear Ken: As we discussed in our telephone conversation this morning, I am en- closing a copy of the proposed final plat for Bellwood No. 3. This plat is a revision of the one you prepared a street light layout on in July, 1978. Please prepare a new layout for this plat and forward number of lights to John Hagman at :he City of Tigard. We would also like a copy of your new plan. Si cerely, c J . R. Harris 6% ►larris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. JRH:ds cc: John Hagman i enc. —o VsvS-M ms -a 9OU6 U06WO'UM--e© Ptl AMA SNOLPS PIO M S 399vL Apius, am I � TYV 3 E V t • _ - �,,,, � � _ 'T - - �Cr, UI 6a 09/ GGI °S% • Al to s, rr 1 _�-a £Z1 j. `ems .:�.'srr+ MS IV 411 . fir = $o a►2/ $i " 4 ` ^ ` [21 ro, 9*1 `. a _�.• •a._%,. • �; �" OF/ ai C � `. a '_ +.• .'rs, ,.r a :0.0aft33^_ 3B�, ., s a0..�3�t 033078 - o IFI , ` : S.ff30V%ado • ��r - Ifr1 .7. 17V211 ,m .13, 17dtli ""= 'r. • l£I _„ `• trl � , CD Eve 911 ?;1_ IZI 5 £EI M1Lcz �� ` � .¢'~S'� � '�_•�.� cv�.-r ,� ,•. :Fay _ 6G -ri-' 1•�v y l` ,g�y r�;—sa:ti_r s .% -479 -. ... .,. ti �.a ..- . �✓1jyi:> /�lY/r �jriit��/ c � �+ ,r � = c� -.a Lei y It r OZI 911 �� 611 9E1 LEI riFl _ 6E1 _ _ Ott 3n .�rl y03Nr,S3n ._ n/V oro 77 T Unified Sewerage, Ageing/ of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hill;,hnrr , Oregon 9712.:, 503 b48-•P821 J-Line 25, 191 1 City of Tigard P.O. Box 23997 Tigard, OR 97223 Gentlemen: SUBJECT . � Awed. Bellwood #3 Enclosed for your file are two sets of the construction plans on the above-reference'c' projec•tswhich have been approved by this Agency and the Department of rnviron- iRenf-c1 . Quality. Very truly yours , Engineering Division jb Enclosure= sALM PVC)I i :;s�irj0 ry. CITY OF TIGARD To: ..X AA-� 1�t--� '�� -._...____ _. From uuj ` �_..�vhn�t��� r.� e,es e Date : 19 12 I to (�Q, ��►� ���� ��.e. µ l� . -7A ,7 S is -1N .,�-� �., �.... G. c Kr 'fit► � "�i ,�, e1� E ; P^ e.AT � 7o dN% a Ilk �. I CITY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT ADEPOSIT FEE \\COMPUTATION SHEET PRoiECT NAME ��r'�^'``���' PROJECT NO (1) PROJECT L=EE (City Ord. r38-,,,q, Soc 10, Par."A"): 0-0 1) u)Toto) eatimatad improvament coat . . .. S 79 UCO 2 %UGC?, G1 Less Can, sewer est const cost, i Adjusted improvement cost c) ,015X --I --y-�-- (sublutnl) 1 (2) SEWER FEE (US.A. res. 70-12,See.0, Par. 13"): a)Sewer plan chock fee Q Inspection fee , 1) 10.00 X CorJ (nq o lots) 2) 100.00 min. [=7 -- b) Permit fee a connection charge paid . . . .. ..... ... . . ..D c) Sevier district contract surcharge paid .......... ... ...d 1 < < (district nnm: � 1 (3) STREL-•T LIGHTING f'EE : r o) P.G.E. lighting schedule no y``,\.!�}l ` h) ',11h1y rote option. .... . no ._ (( 14,4. j Itrpe of!ight I lumens _ I ` Q 1J1"J�J- 10ou i,nthly rate) (no.of Ilghts) 4 type of poll �,p�9��en$"� Ilk (mthly fall) (no-Of pales) lyr. = 12 mth's (subtotal) —►� ` 2yr.- 24mth's Aii.IU (suht�lul)X mthe) ' -- (4) SIGN FEE (item 3-instal lotion) (per sign) (no of sign) STOP x ._ RESTRICT, OCCUPANCY X --- STREET SIGN X COMB.STOP/ST NmAE _—X NO PARKING �i _ _ _X y (mlecl type) f� x 14 'miscl. type) RECEIPT NO ----- - f)ArE PAID check BRAND TOTAL. cosh d money order v ( �GSS>prtulw�t'y Py _ -. RECEIVED UN - 5 191'3 Uf 4i (CITY OF 1 IGARU Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro. Oregon 97123 503 648-8621 May 31, 1979 Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality P .O. Box 1760 Portland, Oregon 97207 Gentlemen : SUBJECT : BELLWOOD NO. 3 - City of 717.,ara Enclosed please find two copies of the plans for the sanitary sewers to be installed in the above-referenced project . Please review and return all copies to the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County , 150 North First Avenue , Hillsboro , Oregon. We would appreciate your approval on these plans as soon as possible . Very truly yours , Engineering Division Jb Enclosures CC : Engineer City of Tigard,/ PLANT Durham BASIN East 72- 16 Avoid Verbal Messages A-Z CITY OF TIGARD To: _ from:--- Subject: rom Subject: ; .�._ Date ____ t i 1 art- C se- C-L k/IAJ I o ' � w•-b �s.� �. %C cAt 1 p woo ( T ( t 1 \V �.7R� ��� S , �.�'f"r��v�� V S•P�i v�.a L. r�t t.►f�.�r�1.v.• (!�^ I r "�„'� 'fie ",.�.,,,.�t P�-,•....'' �m. r'�.�.�.� sr�.��.� .ta,.,,d,,,.�. �.�c ,je ,,s, 11 ewe. A � Harris-McMonagle Asso. .tes, Inc. ENGINF ERtiSl1RYFYORS 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 DATEJUS NO Telephone 15031 639.3453 IF-.2 9 I - ATT[NTIONTO — -- 1 Rf. GENTLEMEN: ----- WE ARE SENDING YOU Lr/ki ached ❑ Under separate cover via - _--__--the following items: I_ Shop drawings rints G Plans I Samples Specifications Copy of letter Change order COPIES 1 (,Alf _ NO DESCRIPTION Ile THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: L,416'r/app'roval L) Approved as su'3mitted ;_; Resubmit--copies for approval your use ❑ Approved as noted C_' Submit--copies for distribution i As requested U Returned for corrections ❑ Return— --"corrected prints For review and comment U FFOORR� BIDS DUE----. _ _-_ 19_.— _ C'. PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO IIS REMARKS 71V 3 i COPY Ill — SIGNED: If enclosures at* not as noted. Mindly notify us of once Halrris McMOnag_SURVEYORS AssOR .rtes, Inc. ENIiINEFRS-S [LIE"T"T'It.0 OF TUMEOUMU 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD.OREGON 97223 nArz roe r.o Telephone(503)639.3453 Al iFNTiON low I APR 1 8 1979 GE NTI c_MEN WE ARE SENDING YOU Xit—tached C Under separate cover via PITY__-OF_tlhPIGARQitems- Shop drawings tents f] Plans i Samples Speclf!catl ,ns Copy of letter Change order ,OPIES I DATF NO orscRInTION i I 1149F ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below. L,brlf'approval Approved as submitted Resubmit copies for approval For your use Approved as noted Submit copies for distribution As requested Returned for corrections Ci Return corrected prints review and comment C FOR BIDS DUE 19_._ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER .OAN TO US ISI M�1?M.� Copy 10 SIGNED: / It enclosures are not as noted. kindly notify us of once -- CITY OF TIQARD, OREGON SUBDIVISION DFVEI,OPMP,NT PRoJECT (P.w.) Procedure Check Lint I. FILE JNITIATED........ . .................................. .� _...�... .� (1) Supplomr:ntary sheets attached....•... ......... II. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT: (1) Pending Planning Commission action............. ❑ (2) Approved tentatively by Commission............. U „1. ../._ 117. sUnmISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANSs (1) Plan Check commencedl......... .........••• 0 ?�.•�� (A) Revisions required...... ...... .. . ...... ❑ (b) Stamped, approved for construction... .. 13 �9 (2) Utility Co. plans rereivcd. . , ,.. ❑ (3) Tinprovement cost estimate received. .., ......... fa IV. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Contract docuwxants drawn: (a) Compliance Agreement signed—.......... '®. (b) Perfoimance Bond signed................ .L (2) Permits & I.ice.ises acquired...................• E3 (3) Easements obtained & recorded..k 13Pry............. p (4) Deposit!; made............... ............ T �! V SUBMISSION OF FINAL I'I.ATs (1) Review for conformance commenced............... ~g (a) Revisions required..... ................. ❑ (b) Appioved & signed by Comm. Chairman.... ❑ (c) Resubmitted to Conmti,sion.... .......... 11 rRc:n,No- Approved. ... - - .- (2) Approved and recorded by County Surveyor....... ❑ (3) Address's nasigned. . .......I.................. ❑ VT. COMW NCEMENT OF C014STRUCTION....................... ...... ❑ l_ Note Tn,,pection :sheets and construction/ Inspection chier-k list (attached) for progresf. V1I. FINAL I118PECTION OF CONSTRUCTION..........,............... ❑ 1, (1) Pending correction of doficiencir_s.,............ 0 (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient. .....,... ❑ (3) All construction items acceptable........-...,.. ❑ v1II. EYECUTION OF vINAL PROJE17T DOCUMENTS. il) M+interance Bond signed........... ...••w ❑ � .. � (2) As-built drawing received............. 0 (3) Final report to Council isuued. ....... ......... ❑ IX. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS.......... [3 �_ L MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRES s E � I Approved by unanimc,- vote o,: Council. (b) Mu Lion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickels-)n to adopt Ordinance No. 78-67. (c.) `',)tion Ly Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to amend Ordinance No. 78-67 to delete shaded study area on wall map. Motion to amend approved by unanimous vote: of Couaicil. Motion to adopt ^mended ordinance approved by majority vote of Council. Councilman Scheckla voting Nay. Ordinance No. 78-67 will require second reading. (d) Mayor Bishop noted he would be calling a special meP~in, to consider the second reading of Ordinance No. 78-67. RECESS 10.22 P.M. RECONVENE 10:43 P.M. 20. SUBDIVISION S8-78 (Schol.is Summer Lake) NPO #7 A request by Amart Development Company for preliminary plat approval. to create 383 lots on a 103. 14 acre parcel in an R-7 Planning Development "Single Family Residential" zone on the south side of Scholls Ferry Road between 135th and S.W. 130th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 151 13AD, Tax Lot 2300; Tax Map 1S1 33D, Tax Lots 100, 101). (a) Council noted that a public hearing would not be necessary on this item. 21. SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT & CASH BOND AGREEMENT (Bellwood III Subdivision) - approve and authorize execution by Mayor and City Recorder. (a) City Administrator recommended tabling item until after hearing of Bellwood III appeal on November 6, 1978. (b) Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Mickelson to table. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 22. RESOLUTION No. 78-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT OF A TRIPLE MAJORITY ANNEXATION PETITION CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION OF LANDS DESCRIBED HEREIN A AND REri'E:STTNG r0RW,%RDI`G TO THE PORTLAND METROPOLITAN ' AREA LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COID(ISSION. (Fred Cooper Annexation). (a) Motion by Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook to approve. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 23. STATUS REPORT - KATHERINE STREET SEWER ISSUE. (a) City Administrator requested item remain on table as there had been no further contact from the citizens regarding this issue. REGULAR MEETING MINUTES, OCTOBER 23. 1978 - Page 6 w T I GAR D CITY COUNCIL, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES, NOVEMBER 6, 1978, 8:30 P.M. 1. ROLb.,QALL: Present: Mayor Wilbur A. Bishop; Councilmen_Jclhn E. -Cook, Alan W.._.Sic_ kelson, Kenneth W. Scheck�llaas- rkr. VI-of Police, R. B. Adams; Legal -Cotins&4 Joe D. Bai ,-"City Administrator. , Raeldon R. Barker; City Reco oris Hartig; Associate Planner, Kron Selby; Plan Dixz .'ror, Ken We , Special TgAttrig was duly called to order by the Mayor -th_"h common consent 2. APPEAL - ZONE CHANGE ZC 11-67 (Bellwood Park Subdivision). An appeal by City Council of the Planning Commission approval of a request by Raymond J. Bartel for density review of Phase III of the Bellwood Residential Planned Development at S.W. 128th and north of Walnut (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 4AA, Part of Tax Lot 100), which decision has been appealed to the City Council. Tabled at October 23, 1978 Council. Meeting. (a) Motion to remove from the table: Councilman Mickelson, seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. City Planner Selby tevi.ewed staff recommendations and stated the developers involved had worked out problem areas. i Those who testified regarding the development of streets, easement dedication, sewer and storm drains were: Attorney Stan Martin Jim Harris - Harris/McMonagle Engineer Ray Bartel - Architect with J.W. Brayson Gene Ginther - Engineer Wedgf:wood Discussion centered around staff recommendations 6 and 8 regarding the dedication and maintenance of the greenway areas. Planning Director recommended the greenway be dedicated as an easement to the city and referred to the Park Board for acquisition. It was suggested all dedications or easements should be handled consistently. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Scheckla to approve ariendment to Phase III of the Bellwood plat subject to staff conditions one through five, deleting condition six, adopting recommendations seven through nine; staff recommendation eight to be amended to read; "That the 11 greenway be dedicated as an easement to the City and be referred to the Park Board for further recommendation". Motion carried by unanimous vote of Council. 3: lAlg.-�.kIANGE_�-� 5-77 (Wed&ewood) A request 1-y Wedgewood�jueA .fot-a---tevK-t&I-plan and program review for a Planne t-AUu epm?1f"o? 348 units and a zone map amendment from Washington,-cowrt3"1R5-1 to C�i't'y-"R--7med Development on a 68.31 Acre site at the carte"f"of S.W. 135th & Walnut Streets �, . Taxap 1S) 33D, Tax Lot7JDCT-'1`S1 4A, Tax Lot 500). pori• Nartis= A-aoclate Planner, Ken Selby; lloania( '�is�etor, Ken Weaver. Special meeting was uuly called to order by the Mayos vith the common consent of Council. APPEAL - ZONE CHANGE ZC 11-67 ell.wo,d Park Subdivisior) , An appeal by City Council fission approval of a request by Raymond J. Bartel for density review of Phas-, III. of the Bellwood Resid,rnt.i.al Planned Development at S.W. 128th and north of Walnut (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 4AA, Part of Tax Lot 1� which decision has been appealC. ed to the City -)uncil. shied at October 23, 198 Council. meetin;, (a) Motion to remove ft.)m rhe table: Councilman Mickelson, seconded by / Councilman Cook, Approved by unanimous vote of. Council. City Planner Selby reviewed staff r.ecommr:.ndations and stated the developers involved had worked out problem areas. Those who testified regarding the development of streets, easement dedication, sewer and storm drains were: Attorrev Stan Martin Jim Harris - Harris/McMonagle Engineer Ray Bartel - Arrhiteet with J.W. Brayson Gene Ginther - Engineer Wedgewood Discussion centered around staff recommendations 6 and 8 regarding the dedication and maintenance of the greenway areas, Planning Director recommended the greenway be dedicated as an easement to the city and referred to the Park Board for acquisition. It was suggested all dedications or easements should be handled consistently. Motion by Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Scheckla to aoarove amendment to Phase III of the Bellwood plat subject t , staff conditions one through five, deleting condition six, adopting recommendations seven through nine; staff recommendation eight to be amended to rea.]; "rhat the greenway be dedicated as an easement to the City and be referred to the Park Board for farther recommendation Motion carried by unanimous vote of Council. 3. ZONE CHANGE ZC 5-77 (Wedgewood) A request by Wedgewood Homes for a general plait and program review for a Planned Unit Develepment of 348 units and a zone map amendment from Washington County RS-1 to City R••7 Planned Development on a 68.31 acre site at the corner of S.W. 135th & Walnut Streets (Wash. Co. Tax Map 1S1 3311, Tax Lot 700; 2S1 4A, Tax L(it 500). r V) H rD r• rt n a (J 1 7 n rD IJ O41 rf1 O Ut 00 p p I gTAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM #2 Tigard City Council November 6, 1978 - 7 : 30 P.M. Docket: Zone Change ZC 1] -68 (Bellwood Park Phase III) Update: This item was tabled on October 23, 1978 by the City Councii to be heard at a study session on November 6 , 1.978 to allow the City Staff, and both applicants of Bellwood and Wedgwood firimes, time to conclude an agreed upon outlined revision of a plan that reflects the amendments proposed at the October 23rd meeting. An agreement has been reachel as illustrated on Plan Exhibit of C, The City Staff is in support of the proposal as it- satisfies the following concerns: 1) That there be an adequate public road access between the two subject properties. 2) That the total number of proposed units be less than 58. 3) That the lots be single family detached. 4) That the lot size be in conformance with the surrounding ` neighborhood. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Bellwood Park Subdivision subject to the following conditions : 1 . That the forty foot right-of-way road access between the two properties be public with 34 feet paving, haviny the standard utility strip, five foot sidewalks , street lights, and curbs on easement of each lot as necessary. 2 . That the road access across the Greenway be spanned with a culvert adequate in size for .roper natural drainage, , with each end screened off. The culvert shall be adequately landscaped to conceal its physical structure . 3. Thai a pedestrian right-of-way sidewalk of five feet be provided on at least one side of the bridge . 4 . An agreement and bond shall be executed and submitted to the City for approval prior to recording of the final plat. ; a 5. That construction and site drainage plans be submitted for approval by the City Engineer and Building Departments pric,r to issuance of permits. That the developer and/or homeowners association of: those units which are frontaged to the Greenway be responsible for the maintenance and 0.tality of the Greenway. ;k� -;TAFr REPORT AGENDA ITEM #2 November 6 , 1978 Page 2 1 7 . That tate ceve_l.oper clean c)ut the dead or dying vegetation and remove the litter and unnatural matter_ from the Greenway which is w.' thin the project' s boundaries prior to the Hui]di.nq Department ' s approval for construction . That the Greenway be dedicated (as--:an. easerr-en t' to the City and be maintained--by the owner or Homeowners Association. r y . That all utilities be subsurfaced. 10 . What the landscape plans for the development and the ulvert be approved by the Site. Design Revit2w Boa, J . r� Avoid Verbal Messages C'IT'Y OF `i'IGARD From: _ Subject: Bal`yjoyA �JO . � Date: (�' ,µ.,ms_�'�� �► �o�...1� �.� �- �..����.�. �.u.e.�.�- kA TO C00-30 of cot; .,.jAFI) PLANNING COMMISSIO.; 5 19!'x. 7: 1 Junior Hi, !i Le,:!turre Ro(�,m S . W . tMain St . - Tigard, Oregon DO C C 'Zore Chango ZC lj_ijs Reque%t For a lensity reviewf Phase o the Bel proud Residential Planned De%eloprnent . Location : Sl)uthwr,,St 128th & North of Walnut ( Wasil . Co . Tax Map 2Si 4AA, Par of Tax Lot 100) . Applicant : Raymond J . Bartel I . Findings of Fact : I . Sellw Q Park Planned Development subdivision was approvpl in S tember 1068 . The first two phases have already bF ,,n con rutted . Proposal was continued at tonights heari,,Lcr so hat staff may h�_ _adequate time t- address the concerns in olved with thi-K project . Documentation that exists (in S E i n S c 0 n s 0 in 0 w hat a vt e ur t edQ m t staff a 1proved dens,txk is as follows : t -W In t minutes of t* g a representative for the P c ap icants -tat t them s a total of 21.0 units . t t e J %�a e . approved pre urinary plat specified 155 single m 1 1 , family lots a Wo 11R apart M areas with no density specified . b . Existin /density : Exist I E Phase and Phase I Vconsist of )7 single family unit-, , 9,e rtm 6 du exes (' 12 un unit:_. and 33 a ent units for a tot.t! of 1 2 unit: . c . Projects�en3ity: Phase IIIProposes 7Vadditiona'! units If this number is approved. the to al number of units the Planned Development would a 230 units. 2 . The proposed devel mjnt will be to ted on gra es r;.nging from 20% - 14% at ?he steepest an�V8% - 2% at t e most level . 3 . It is possible that 6e-Pll development 01-11d impact a natural drainageway. Policy 3 : "The City shall restrict alteration of natural drainageways unless it can be demonstrated that the benefits are greater that the detrimental effect-, . . . ,, Policy 7: " . . . .The Greenway zinall be eSt3blisile,1 as tilt, backbone of the open space setwurk and when a direct 111ILMILAWARUILPM T 1 R 1) Pl.'ANINENG COM,;JrSS'LO-'q' S'CI: . . 5 , 107B 7 : :110 P . V. P ne fi 1: C--.n be 1 .4 . 7 .. -.xdJ ace n t -. !.7,A.- d be EO - rass'. --, recreation and ..icrian/bike tray- L . " Th.- d�.taa,'reway con Lain:� SE ,. large spec .- men fir c 11 as other na7,_-ral vegetation . 05 crew Since the surr':)'_,�d4 a n w7.s used fcr farm cultivation . '* e these trees reprev er. thy? ft-� inly n-igni ant vet*m tntton .r L in the area. T�Kx t e n s i grading that WOUI'C'L"DF necessary for Phar III co Id be detrimental to their surv.'Val . CIL . Con,_,lusLonary FinrUugs: 1 . The-applicant has eviseel c'-.. site plan to preserve ,S e ef� en trees and JJOW for re open space. 2 . -A -b-irke path is propos, alo p the Greenway . 3 . According to he igard 'chc )l District , the local .S^hoe-)Ls in is pr I ectis r,�,a are at capacity . However , is ..udent spar. . w I - prov.t ed for future residence b,, -weans of bus Lng and or other ,methods . 4 . Tr-prrf ir! cored tons al g Walnut and V35th are a conttnuous comcern of the staff a d residents . Theretore , in view In --the immndse evelo tend increased traffic volume of .1)!n n t , n. c n thitse r he sta. r-proposes -th,it the City work with tlLe county n fin, Lng mi igatQy methods to design adel.lUate- traffic pati rrs . Furth mere , that the proposed density by the appl.-i... ant ha no d .rect significant impact on the outlining roa s to rran denial of this project . A Systews DeveloNmen,,C .4r . will tie implemented through ,� lding Do artm rt th B u., _rrt to assist In funding arterial " I n" u'- r : roa improvetien.�-si ,pThL�,:proposed extension of 128th from men the 8 lwaordl de v through the Summer Lake develop- 'vient w.i -suffici ntly distribute the average daily traffic. r t 5 . During a s , f mee ing on August 22, 1979, a review of the proposed proj )vered possible alternatives or solutions to staff concerns . Also , several citizen groups and home- owners have expressed their concerns . Staff feels that al.!" issues have been recogn `ed and appropriately addressed with reasonab! e alternative, acknowledgment or solution if agreed upon by applican 111 . Staff Recommendations : Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1 . That the developer receive approval from the City /STAFF REPORT AGEI.D., 5 . i TL'CARD PL N:'L:;G CO1:;•i:�EI�'i 5 , 1978 Pa J Engineering Department prior to c.onsrruction , and especially in regard to the effect that the cons trucrion may affect existing grade. ? . An agreement ad borad shall be, executed and submitted to the City for proval prior to recording of the final plat . 3 . Cr.nstr tion and building flans shall be submitted to the r ty ' s building department for approval prior tony construction occurring. 4 . A site drainage plan must be submitted and approved by t �,ildin departmer.r p or to issuance of a building permit . 5. That the com.m:)n nali units be designed and landscaped follows : a. Proti id -�n'li%",�di1'�'t sing entry court ways . b . Pr id• in front o ack yard space. c . Prov � individual garage or vehicle cover; and adequate tors parkin; sp ce with proper traffic circulation . - d. Landscaping shall be designed and implanted in a manner to provide sound buffering betwr?en housing units yet not restrictive to police surveillance . e . Exterior physt al building mater.i is shall reflect the cohesive natural envirn al atmosphere ^ _ ( roofing, siding, pal eri.aLs) . \\' aFr--'Pil-L L • 4'V {J U -de9i- . krr� Li- L , Lilt! � iuJJeL alsvees 1,10 i1G1 L� 1„{ ideal 7. Construction and building plans sh submitted to the police and Fire apartment isdic,ti.oas for approval pr .or to any cons ion . 8. That the developer a o homeowners as ;oriation (cE those units which are fro aged to the reenway; be responsible for the mainten ce and v ' ality of the Greenway . 9 . That the developer clean oi-r the dead or dying vegetation and remove the litter and unnatural matter from the Greenway which is w4 thir the project 's boundaries prior to the Buitding Departments appr.aval for construction . a Z 7 a t e t to C , - of d e fl L-a i o n the :.tt; v.-Lth -he t1ru, and L,olice depart- _e tj nt to --,ons ,-rurc%r.,,u;Lon tc,�lr approval an easement for ac, becweeri -ievelopers project a nd r nood prlope,.t�-, with u I f i ven. gents as directed. 12 , a.t the do _«elcper will phase his (,-Qn.3tru,,.tion as approved tility cot;; Les bi-, alt the uprior to construction . ' STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5 . 6 TIGARD PI,ANNTNC, COMMISSION August 15, 1978 - 7 : 30 P .M. Fowler Junior High - Lecture R.»m 10865 S .W. Walnut St.- Tigard, Oregon Docket : Zone Change ZC 1.1-68 Request: For a density review of a Phase III of the Bellwood Residential Planned Development. Location: Southwest 128th & North of. Walnut (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2SI 4AA, Part of Tax I�ot 100) . Applicant: Raymond J. Bartel I. Findings of Fact- 1 . Bellwood Park Planned Development Subdi.v.ision was approved in September 1968 the first tw_, phases Rave a_ready been cons ru ted. Documentation that exists on the approved density is as follows: In the minutes of the meeting a represei,tative for the applicants states that there was a total of 210 units . The approved preliminary plan specificd 155 single family lots and two apart- ment areas with no density specified. Existing density: Phase I and Phase IT consist. of 107 single family units, 6 duplexes (12 urit.$) and 33 apartment units for a total of 152 units. Projected density: Phase III proposes 40 additional units. If this number is approved the total. number of units for the Planned Development would be 192 units. 2. The apartments will be an island of millti-family dwellings surroitridect by single family. Unless access is provided through the Wedgewood Develop-.nent all traffic will funnel onto one local street_. 3. The proposed apartments are located on grades ranging from 20b - 14% at the steeper: and 80% - :$ at the most level.. 4 . Tt is possible that they could impact a n,,tu, l drai.nageway. Policy 3: "The City shall restrict alteration of natural drainageurays unless it car. be demonstrated that the benefits arc greater than the detrimental effects. . . " STAFY' RJ:JIORT AGENDA 5 . 6 TIGARD pl.ANNING COM1-1ISSION 1\11gust. 15, 1978 pane 2 Policy 7 : "Retain the 1.00 year floodplain of Fan-to Creek its tributaries and the Tualatin River as an open preserve (Greenway) . The Greenway shall be established as the backhoe of the open space setwork and when i direct public benefit can be derived, i.e. when adjacent residential develop- ment, the Greenway should be developed for passive recreation and pedestrian/bike travel. The drainageway contains several large specimen fir trees as well as other natural. vegetation. Since the surrounding land was used for farm cultivation, these trees represent the only significant vegetation inr.he area. The extensive grading that would be necessary for Phase III could be detrimental to their survival . II . Conclusionary Findings : 1 . "he Planned Development has already been approved at a greater density. The applinants have reduced the density of the apartment con,E)lex ar<<:i revised the site plan to preserve specimen trees and allow for more omen space. 2 . A bi.ke path is proposed along the Greenway. 3. In li.ght of the future development surrounding the apartments, staff feels that the .reduced density is warranted and in keeping with the best of + 'ie site. III . Staff Recon•.mendations: Staff recommends approval subject to the following condi.ti .)ns: 1 . That the applicants receive approval from the City of Tigard Engineering Departm nt : n regard to building on a natural drainageway and in regard to construction on the existing grade. 2. . That: an arrangement be made to connect local streets for througr' access to the. apartments. Two accesses are recommended for fire safety. 3. ThFL excessive grading be 1,1.mited in o,:der to preserve existing trees. -101 CITY OF VGARD—12420 S.W.'-*K41N—TIGARD,OREGON 97223 RECEIPT / DATE S - AMOUNT: ----"---DCLLARS NAME: CA ADDRESS: e-0 (CHECK:) f i Q M.O. OF FOR: ACCT.--# PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT s. SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIf 05-332 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 _- SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV, CHARGE 25-366 PARK DEV.CHARGE #1 30-367 PARK DEV.CHARGE #2 30-368 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 JLLlvo(; k+ `1 70, 7z eAL 9 RECEIVED BY K AlQlk—v� PERMIT NUMBERS ASSIGNED: Numbw Amount Number Amount Numb*..- Amount P S RECEIPT # C 5)/t 8 HARRIS-MC7M0NAGj,F. ASSOCIATES z Nf11Nt:FatM-eIIF11%11 'URN 8W)5 N.W,COM MENC. AL-STREWr TIOARU,ORIC(,,ON 07228 Te:.mrnuNR (503) 680-9458 August 15, 1978 Veb AUG 1978 Pry 0'r Engineering Department City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main St. ��- Tigard, Oregon 97223 , L Re: Bellwood No. 3 ;�, � Cr Gentlemen: Ne' Enclosed are two executed copies of Subdivision Compliance Agreement `Ie for Bellwood No. 3 including the -ash bond escrow agreement. r� � VV Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $3,006.22 for stref:t light �A energy, signs , project fee and sewer fee. �. kSincrel yoyArs, �.sc�--- J. R. Harris Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. JRH:ds enc. "FITIFICATION OF CORPORATE STP'"'JS AND BORROWING RESOLUTION; I, -----LOISj�ERNAZZANI----------------------------------------------------,Secretary of the ----J.W. BRAYSON BUILDER. INC-------------------------------------------------- -acorporation, whose registered agent is J.W. BRAYSON: IRR----------- ----------------------------------------- and whose registered office is 11059 S.E. Division St.. Portland. orciaon-------------------------- said corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ORR(a]N do hereby certify that the officers of the corporation are as follows: Name Position .I_W_ 1RA1S0N;—TR. PRESIDENT i.W. RRAYSON, SR CHAIRMAN OF THE BUARD and TREASURER MICHARI. I._ RRAYSON VICE PRESIDENT I further certify that at a meeting of the Directors of said corporation,duly and regularly called and held on the day of _AlIrtjRT fg—Z&_, at which a quorum was present and voting, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted: HE I I RESOLVED, that any_0—(jp,'.__of the following named officers or employees of this corporation,whose actual signatures are Ehown below: Name(please type) Position A9918lgnature .1.W._DRAYSON, JR. PRESIDENT J-W. BRAYSON, SR. CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD and Y t 1KVAhUKCK -- acting for and on behalf of this corporation and as Its act and deed,be and they are hereby authorized and empowered: (a) To borrow from THE OREGON BANK, Portland, Oregon,on such terms as may be agreed upon between the said officers or employees and said bank,such sum or sums of money as in their judgment should be borrowed,not exceeding,however,at an/one t'ma the aggregate amount of W0 MILLION rIV _NDRED TN011S/�]p�OLLARS AjJD --- --------- ------------------------------------------- --------------------- '"1,500.000.00__) (b► To execute and deliver to said Bank the promissory note or notes of this corporation,or forms which may be by said Bank submitted, at such rates of Interest and on such terms as may be agreed upon,evidencing the sums of money to bo,rowed or any indebtedness of this corporation which may be to said Bank in-urred;and also to execute and deliver to said Bank any renewal or renewals of sold notes,or any of them,or of any part thereof. Ic) To mortgage,pledge,hypothecate or otherwise encumber and deliver to said Bank,as security for the payment of any loans so obtained or any promissory notes so executed or any other or further indebtedness of this corporation to said Bank at any time owing, however the same may be evidenced,any property belonging to this corporation or in which this corporation may have an interest, coal, personal or mixed. Such property may be encumbered,hypothecated or pledged at the time such loans are obtained or such Indebtedness Is Incurred,or at any other time or times, and may be either in addition to or In lieu of any property theretofore mortgaged,hypothecated,encumbered or pledged. (d) To execute and deliver to said Bank 9 a form of pledge agreement,security agreement and financing statement which may be by said Bank submitted and which shall evidence the terms and conditions under and pursuant to which such pledges,or any of them,are made;and also to execute and deliver to the Batik any mortgages,reeds,trust indentures or other instruments in writing,of any kind or nature,which may be necessary or proper in coy nection therewith or vertaining thereto. W) To draw, endorse and discount with said Batik drafts, trade acceptances,promissory notes or other avidelces of indebtedness payable or belonging to this corporation or in which this corporation may have an interest,and either to receive cash for the some or to cause such proceeds to be credited to the account of this corporation in said Bank, or to cause such other disposition of the proceeds derived therefrom a-they may deem advisable. (f) To do and perform : 'i other acts and things and to execute and deliver such other documents as may In their discretion be deemed reasonably recess, of proper in order to carry Into effect any of the provisions of these Resolutions. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that these Resolutions shall remain In full force and effect until written notice of the revocation thereof shall have been delivered to and received by said Bann, 1 further certify that the persons hereinabove named occupy the positions set opposite their respective names;that the foregoing Resolutions now stand of record on the books of said corporation;that they are in full force and effect and have not been modified or revoked in any manner whatsoever. fJ, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said corporation this �� day of COI�VOIIAtE ole Bernazzanl Secretary Title_. SECRETARY _ ISee loot note) NOT E In ceN The elp�itary or other certifying nlficer is designated by the,ongoing re}nlutlons as one of the signing officers,this certificate must also be ngned by a sbcond Offirer or Director of the Cornoretion Loan 629 7/74 Avoid Verbal Messages A-- CITY OF TIGARD From: :subject: �CP ;> Date Avoid Vernal e•tessaqa:, CI'T'Y OF TIGARD To:— -- --- —--- —- __- from : .- .,` Suo 'ect: pate : — .. __-3sKL, p 7 C. lu Mal t IARRIS-MCMONAULF. AsSOCIATFS , Inc. MNc11N F,RRR-90RV Z2URA 8005 R.W.COMMENCIAL RTREWr TI(i A RU,ORE(JON 07229 Timoti-uoNA (609) 030-3453 July 21 , 1978 Mr. John Hagman Lngineering Dept. City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 P?: Bellwood No. 3 Dear John: Our estimated cost for the C,;ty \qLed public improvements in Bellwood No. is the following: Streets . . . . . . . . . $ 60,450.00 Sidewalks . . . . . . . . \ . 17,500.00 Stony sewers . :` . . . . 15,000.00 Sanitary sewers . . . . . . . 59,900.00 Street Lights . . . . . . . . . 7,800.00 Grand Total . . . . . . . . . .$160,650.00 This Is for your use in the pr,?paratior of the sutGivision compliance agreement. ,ince �el yvdrs, J mei f;. �larris Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. Ji;li:ds � r J ' A B c p • 1 E F G I I &1Q'wvU ti M Y M SLF P"1047M 4S 4A.) ql '�I67t.+T ".T`� 7AW C/TY; 0^00t-oPe* M CL&FAA,)o44r 7NE 0&=A 1) DR jDYIV4 vE:ry F797'>',pA-,b 4ru® hovel- 7MG LlrrtS; ;400 UA. N-4 7114 4 L j"4 " 7WO 2/A�; 9t�?t:c�'7..�r°I lL�jyrp. ,�' ,,�, •,.�►G3 oStxi 4yrrr� L ""°~- 7D A56 �Q,eS P1AKaU 161G1•�' o=011cU/4 V M�'70/ 18=w X0,9 A/T4Li�, SrA4vPA4,0(Cj7Y) ReSt DEAM*L AIW �W&A�S 401�11� /.jC7 A ame s7•>Wf)IyZ,0 QAKw'10//ff5z 4�ttid/k i2�o�►',os ,Q��C�D, oI - Co�usT. srp. sZrleg �l�aaldgc� //1111 src.� TL--> fie amp e _. t' ! /Qr�/�✓!�, /�G & , L.4 Y L1 +4 7. _ E tv D n L; N x -�- LVOMS • STOP DTXI �I�.T JAI 4r .ale s_ l+t,..y, "w� . 140 t 3y 1 38 �I 3 13 6 , 3 � DVIb- �Z S ledu 70 ISE- /A)S T) 4.6D° 1 4 4--9 3 F_z.__ I AS 8411-rYCJO 7 T.C.=213.53 - Ile - mow' `' n 1 2+07.95 P.T. i �" 134 QIP\ x ' 00 ¢ CREEK 70 G ` r B1 fJ� )0141 &-"I/Iu�f p!"1 - 4��ar T. 0 •2N701 1 2q .� 3+36. 12 v. - �``� �� 5. W.- AVE. ' S�0 �. 3 *60.02 PRG IU'5TM. E5MT°� �' .3 b, 4 i+24_ °52 .P.R.C. � �� 1 . / �•� U+ 25 OUT FALL. I � G T�: zso•M2 uJ,�j 013 -N 01 4405 . E 126. 17' - I 4 - 06 .63 P. T I q + 39. 95 . GG OaOp 3' - I •O rr * 23$ 3y IE 217. 0(, h�v 7 3*Oy� P.C. 0 TC tog $4 I 2 IJ 14 4 3 S 1, TC• 152•TB ° 1 Op D` �1. 0+00 CREEK - - N022814f 4R 1C0 _ - U 0 1 4 3 R S IZED INLEZ t�. c A? aJ� �' �a 'COX N39 95' I y+08 OVC 0 S,U.0�633 o - -- 12 I i - --- TC`233 70 IN rt `�%U`.2�3.0 �3 (�� 1� IIE: 233 , 50 OUT 1 � 2 2+ 41 INLET RT 8 LT 142 1 ; - 1 __ TC = 207. 10 S+29.22 PCR �� �--•_. - 50' RT If 45 TC- 241.53 a : 1 a� _ L / IE° 199.9 I. TC - 24.1. 92 Z� •05 - \ `� . c) 00 z 7022++2. 59 0 ;n •cG Zµ2 12 - 46. 314 I3� _ \. 0 * 60 UUTFALL 5U �_T a' - '- �C ' I E =200.45 w o 3.T C = 2 4 3 . F °cV �L q6 T C •238..78 ---. IE 212. 99 _ �,.,i 510.0r5µ i D17CH A5 REQG• / L- 26 96 �:2� 05' 3Q I yl+ r, �Y �-�' 20 \ \ o t Z_ R IB �I �c, ►�8 � �� I 1�S� 1/1, LcSM� Q CM r I gr,°4g p� ry J 1 2.7• U 5 ►'G� r -_._. o COATED HE L L °o Y \ r` Ql I TRACT g CAP 12 GA 0 +25 UUT FALL -2 Io ��1- I I �cR - , � /2Q c� / �� Z!, �IE ° 1 .62 \ Tr-: 243.58 ti {� ` ! I TRACT C m � \` ✓ � ,1 NnV. --_-. 00 - I t _0.59 _CONN TO FxI.ST �D 3Z: 2 1w L : I S1 0q, 2 I00 IG' 20 1 . 5 1 00 L = 297. 7/' 1 - - r • ^'li 1 ' eq 17 15' ESMT Jct T 2t3 L- 3.0 5 0 - 0 / - 1 14 .8 r I IIS -� \ r :z4r,.4� P 52 ��_ �+ _ S o�, i r`� 72 B��N�E7- �2S 2 2 __ IU 5 •+ 62.y4 I2�i TH w TN N & OUT !2/,� la 00 ��� TC ° 242.77 ,� 1✓ c1 � 34. 7Pcl� � �'�' TC 2 2 4.3G _ I o 0. u N 1 �L'•.2"` 0 153 154 ��_ 2'U4,14„ E i 1' MATCH EXIST 1 { L 3 33 �c°2 i9 95 0* 35.03 PcR 114 (7•+67. 84 PHASE Z) q\�` �. N I$ - `72' I$ + ►9.32 I. TC 2ZG. 50 ' TC= 21q:9 7+ 68.b3 �.lC20 f 5 _'�``-` ' 9`4 2.'iC 2z 6 3 .TC 17 1. TC = 220 41. 7 • . • � !U r 8 L= 28.1 it 2•K 618220.6 t j 1 NL E 7 D- 89.56'54f - - - L' 28. 29 15 IN T _ 230. p� l _ -A° 90 03'06 ZO*6�rc7? . � _ / �q6 \ ` - N tY.17L 11R lyg _- __ -- 'TP=217.65 9 - --'� �/ OPjZ�iO 5� /1 I X59 ic .)q /4.-� ° r1O��0`�-j3 .00'-T N 0!•09' 14 't 125.31' .e ,}.� � k ��G \ \ �y/ I J �' �..` ' T -� _ I L 3 7,4L I N o "v9 rU E, �0 1 A1,4 H' 6 ~ �dI •�° 6� -- - - ` 3 \�A \ I I 1 ' / - E I a 0 5 G.9 TC \-L9t7 . 71 PCR 71 PC I TC- 220.51 TG°222 .57 I MATCH Exi5r MATG►-1 EKIST I I 19+ 40.68 = U + GU KATHERINE M N Ata I u m' c.. ) ALL Lar Lem 251 25 `, r' / ! I ►.� -- -- - II 201 4 4• S/W 3'6" 6 EXM11: - 171 20 ,' r _.. ., L ., .. A , � ,,, �7 �5 _� Cll�l�O k���D�r3 sem-' STD. 16''CURB 3 C C C. 6' 1 3,6" 4' S 1 1 s lye elu"T. $ A?'`' 12�//AW ( 2.• IST LIFT I"------- f 6" E x P v 5 u R E 6 C K W N I IN I YEAR I � I R� ,��/,4CS 72, /!I,4;ZW. y • j� ii yr ` ///_•`/ O .�''' :ft�ll il t-7, .. - - ;;` QAC ZT '- 0 L -VEL COUR5F- ��n s�W STU. 16„CURB t1 ` Z 15T LIFT f1p�/ L. L -= 6' THRU Cp/W WALK �'► 0 ASE ROCK 9" Yr1 6 EXPOSUkE 6 CROWNS I" IN ( YEAR a ✓ V A Air S . W. 128TH &. 129 TH AVE _ , �µ o LEVEL COUR,,E TYPICAL STREET SECTION S 4"THICK coNc. wnl.ic „ II ' 0 BAsL Rock •/ NOT TO SCALE S . W . KATHERINE -TYPICAL STREET SECTION NOT TO 5CAL. E REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: --- DESIGN p�yNER' _ scnLE VERT. DATUM : CITY OF T1 CARD ( U.S. G • 8° G.5.) ,vp PROF 5 L . C . HORIz. DATUM : FLATS OF BEL.LYVODU st" rlj•.v-JA J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. BELL 100D No, 3 �' G'N�F.p TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION S T. JOB No. a- sl:e N. H PORTLAND OREGON 97266 ` STREET IMPROVEMENTS g REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. I DATE r ..` CHECKED REN Harris - McMonagle Associates SHEET 2 REFER TO TRACING FOR LAT�bT REVISION ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS PLAN DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET DEL.I_WD01� NO 1 i -_____ ____. _____.. `' I 79 TIGARL7, OREGON 97223 OF 7 9 Elf ar I I ! � .. • �__ .. .. .. _,.. r ' m,1 ! I I 1 t i "I I i .I- .� I I_:•I. I I I i ( I ` iIIIII11111IFItl � I1illlyi � I1 � 11 -II 1IIIIl1`II11 I ! I ► IItII ( 1ttI1IIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIi11� IIII1IIrrIIt1I /p II � I � O I I I�I � ( I ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � I ( I 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ` 1• � , _ ,.J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOTE; IF THIS MICROFILMED �...L..rr.. - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICFrr-17 .5 DUE TO Tom. QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL your, .• "DRAWING' OE 62 62 tZ 9Z SZ t/Z EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 191 /.1 91 SII tpI EI cI 11 01 6 9 L 9 S f 'E'•. 2 1'�'■��" "- - •� 1►l1�1IIIlull�u.111111�1uIII1111111111U{�UIIGIII�IINIIIU�IIIIlu111nu1tnl+♦t►t111111�i11111111�1UINll�llllltlrt�111lIIIIt�1111r11t1i�N114H111111�11tiltlil�lUi{11t1�ft11�llll�lllllli11111111�lllllllll�ltlllllll�it!!111111' 11.1IIIlliIl111111111U�1111111111IIl�illlll ,: ; • JUNE 24 1992 . A9 C G PYP-_�_Z05;7 7 Am:7.7 V% 1-5 f1r.- g 5_5 255 WOW, 700 250 .. ................ IC, _wx ----c 245 245 1440- B! I PO 240 k __ _. -._ __ _ - - - _ -- - _ _ _ _ - __ - $ y _Tp tn- ode.- Q 255 235 7* 40 230 2- 00-- av Ff A -- -_ - _ __ -- ---- -- 245 3 — =A 40 4 'mS 7 235 30 .4w 2 3 U gr 4- 4_ =4 225 Mtn 4 -ICY' eF tv _4 220 Qr t _4=_J_ 19K L Z r F—T 6+ 00 7-t 00 8 -+ 00 9 + 00 10+ 00 11+ 00 12+ 00 13 + 00 144 Q0 154 00 16;00 1-7 + 00 15 + 00 1 j4 OU 2u-t 00 REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: 7 DESIGN OW N EP : SCALE "r: , HERTZ UATUM - CI FY ()F T I GARD ( U. S. G. G.5.) .5 L. . C 1.. 75?1 H v HORIZ. DA-TU M ' PLA T 5 OF 13L t. L VV0001 J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. 13ELLWOOD N O, 3 I TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. JOB NO, N, H PORTLAND OREGON 97266 5 CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates ' STREET WOROVENAdENTS SHEET 3 REV. DESCRIPTION AIPPR. DATE — ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PR01 I LES BEI L W(.)0 D 1\11) 10 - 79 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF 7 1 UF' 2 *.IN row" ............. • .� �IIIrt 111111 Il11111 11i�F11 EIII�iIf IIII1�1 11111;11 I!1 t'�r -rl ( I 'f'111 111 111. 111 11 III Ili 111 fel III III 111 111 III III III Ill ill III Ill Iii ..Ill fll 111 III Ill Ill I!1 III � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NOTE: IF -THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICi-v-17 IS DUE T(' QUALITY OF TORIGINAL I-'CRAWIN(j. W -- OE 62 82 L2 9Z SZ 11P2 C2 u Iz 0? 61 81 LI 91 %1 t,I El 21 11 01 -6 9 z 9 S to E 2 1 JUNE 24 1992 T-I 1 1 1 1 HARRIS-NIUMOYAGEF- ASSOCIAT*ZS �xwtxrcv�-saxrsros G06 S.W.COMMERCIAL STW=Wr TIUARD."RE iON 07229 Tice rxoxs(503)638-3463 Mr. John Hac_Ta- RECEIVE? Engineering Dept. City of Tigard JUL 2 , 1918 12420 S. W. Main -it. Tigard, Oregon 972'1-3 CITY OF TiGARD :1 Septetr' - 6, 1968 To: Tigard City Council From: Tigard Planning and zoning Commission Subject: A request for a change from S--R (Washington Courtv Suburban Residential) to R-7 (Planned Residential) on a 50 acre property in the vicinity of SW Walnut and 130th by Brayson and Griffin, applicant owners. Planning and Zoninq Commission Action: The Commission unanimously approved the zone change with the conditional use for Planned Residential Development with -the fol.lowinq conditions: 1. that the preliminary plat dated- August, 1968, be accepted with the exception that the lots shown as 28 through 34 be !oveloped ris garden apartments instead of the area labeled lot 21. 2. that the public access to the park be guaranteed"i:o the City on the existing road easterly along the to S.W. Walnut Street until such time that this road is improved, At this time public access shall be made by the developer, meeting the approval of the city Staff. 3. that the,-park -land be donated to the Cit� y as shown on th- preliminary plat, but also including lot 21, I 4. that the park land be cleared of brush by the de- velopers and the area in the vicinity of lot 21 he leveled during development of the surrounding rats and graded as shown in the attached City plan for improvement uy the developer dated August 15,, 1968 , � 5. that improvements be made to the p park as shown in the City's plans dated August 15 , 1968. Playground �' • ,7� equipment meeting city approval to ►.►e installed by the developer and his cost not to exceed $1, 500 , 6. that the public walkwais be lighted with low w&ttage lamps and paved 6 feet in width with concrete and planted 2 feet on each side with low-growing shrub-- be ry--plans for both to be approved by the City Staff ' 7. that the major arterials in the development (128th and 127th) be planted with trees (one per lot, 1S" caliper, Cleveland Norway Maple or equivalent) along the entire length withir: the development., B. that the street right-of--way be improved to City standards as designated in the sub-division ordinance including asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, street lights, and underground utilities, with exception that the atrAaf- wi rith may ho 9A femja+- the entire length within the development, B. �s.at the street right-of-way ,e improved to City 1....-- standards as designated in the sub-division ordinance including asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, street lights, and underground utilities, with exception that the cul-de-sac street width may be 28 feet, n � 9. that Phase III of the development will be open for review as to density prior to improvement of the area . Emily Wied Planner ny' I; A �5,r •T 1 ' ••.•4. "^R+ :S�ic.�i,r'.e 7•Vw,yiir. .. ..ez.+wir► t�l11r � ;t,r i ..�:�:,: .,� :�. .^ • i Yy.� r r, M .f Augnask 26, 1961 a Mr. 0.B. Griffen P.O. Box 23578 f; Tigard, Oregon 97223 F D©ar Mr. Griffens l This is to Officially notify you that your request f.-.r i a zone change--conditional use from Washington Ccunty S-R to R-7-Planned Residential, was approved toy tY Planning & Zoning Commission on August 20, 196B, wick the following wnditions: ! 1) chat the prelizi.nkry Dla' dated August, 1h68 be 1 accepted with the exception that the lots shown an 20 through 34 be developed as garden apartments U instead of the areas labeled lot 21.. 2) Th&t public access to the park be guaranteed to the City on the existing road easterly Along the sub-division to S.W. Walnut Street until such tixw Vi that this road to improved. At ':his t '.me public access shall be made by th s developer, Posting the approval of the City Staff. i 3) That the park land be donate.] to the City as mhown on the preliminary plat, but also including tot 21. 4) That the park land be cleared of brush by the idevelopers crud the area in the vicinity of lot 21 be leveled during developoent of the surrounding lots and graded as shown in the attached City plan' s for isnprarssrsnt by the dew ,d 1lugust ls, 1968. 5; That imparovssients bi MZ to the park shorn in - the City's plans dated lot Playground equipments meeting City appr .val to be inacalled by the developer nad his cost not o exceed $1, 500. Page 1. . . . Page 2. . . . . 6) That the Public Walkways bs lighted with low wattage la"O" WW paved 6 feet in width with concrete and i Planted 2 feet on each side with low- Plans for both to be approved grc ling shrobbery- , 7) That the major arterials in t e development�tt. (128th and 127th) be Planted with trews (one per lot, lh' caliper, Cleveland "Orwa I _ahs antize�le * 14ap1• or egnivaleeat) ` 8) That the street rigbnt of_way be dewsloto city standards as designated in the subs-ddi�iaa City ordinance includ.l,,q asphalt, curbs, sidewalks, i street lights, and underground utilities, with exception that the Cul-de-sac street width may be 28ft. 9) chat Phase III of the delelopment wily. ' be o Pen for ' '-�--. review as ;:o density Prior to i�aProea,ment of the are%. se The Ti gard City Council well set the date for their (' � hi hearing on . the of tzone change. you will Le no,..fid of this date. If you have an g --_�' y questions concerning this matter, Please feel P free to call. J Sincerely �u►!� 1'1 Emily hied Planning Administrator xW/i eo Iy lIlk'". i ,..� 25' 1/45 -- ---- - _ - _ Jut Y �; 1� .Uasliington national ' INSURANCE COMPANY •A Waeh.ngf.n Nob—al C, i 1--al 6--C.",P-y G�C C'.Q,.l)fa�►d tom+ ��,r T��) �u Q,�r�.5. �i h.t s�11►�( n F n Oz I L Imo\ r ti t:c C I'urtlalld(;c:nrrll LlccUi�(:nnl�rul�, W1":rEnN nrn•nfnN 14655 SW OLD Sr•1401 L S!Enn'I 110A0 BEAVENTOM 0nrg0N O7n06 t 643 6454 Genclem-en: Bel'_wood j Subdivision Re: Attnched is our proposal for providing undclgrcund alectric service. to the above mentioned subdivision. Our preliminary investigations suFrest Lhnt this proposal is compatible with existing and/or proposed p1-0•1ecL end utility construction, however, if there are any conflicts with your e,:lstin[ or prol•ose!d inrLnll.11In", please contact me at your convenience in order LhnL 1_ the plans may be modified. Very Truly yours, R. Newman Job No. 7,97,4 Estimator Copies to: 1 Tigard Water District - 639-1554 RA/11 S.1%. Cunnnerrinl St. , Tignid, 111 , '11713 Al In; P01srrt Sand-c 1 City of Tigard - 639-4171 CILy 1:11g111eer 12420 S.W. plain SL. , Or. 77223 1. City of Tualatin - 638-6891 City Fnpllleer ]8880 S.W. Ruth Ave. ,l1unlntin, 01•. ^7062 Attn: Mike MrKillip 1 City of Sbrrignnd - 625-7377 90 N.W. Cnrk Avc. Sherwood, Or. 2 City of Newberg - 538-4712 City Engineer 414 r. rirr L St. Ncwbecq. Or. 97132 Attn: Ernst A. Heinter 2 Yamhill County - 472-9371 Rond Debt:, , County Courthouse itrllinnvIIle, Or. 97128 3 Marlon County - 588-5036 Mit-Ion County Dept. or public Works , Snlcm, Or. 97301 Alto: Clnudc r•,iIIii 2 Clackamas County - 655-8521 ('Jacksmas CoLy, rtiginecr Drpt, 901 Allrrnnthy Ild, Oregon City, Or. 97045 At Ln: I'm 1 Wilsonville - 638-8565 City of Wilsonville Rt. 1 itax 11, t�llrrn�'lllc, Or, 91070 If 2 State Ilighway - 633-3099 Rip lit or way C.O. Dox 02157 CLid. , Or. 17202 At Ln: Tcd Inlns 2 N.W. Natural Gas - 126-4111 171 N.W. rlandr rs Cortland, 'Ir. 97201 ALLn: D.W. Mills 2 city of Dundee P.O. Dox 201 Dundee, Or. 97113 c urY OF r I GA R.D, OREGON DEVET,01 1MENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. : II. PROJECT t7;KS.- _ _.3?Tr��•L•�I• ---.1 �- _-----_ _: ._..... _....._ _._• III. DRAWING (TITLE) : dated :_— _/ /_ .._..__._._ ..._..._• IV. PLAT (TITLE) .- -_ _ dated : _- -�___..._..__.._.__- -• V. SITE LOCATiUN: ----- _- — --- - - ___.. .._ .___• VI. PRINCIPALS: 4.•. (1) DEVELOPER: 0 J.W._� .Y"�_O�•l.- >.. .k__ ►JC. 115 'S.E ��v�y►oN Address Phone No. 2S3i•\��7 (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY Address _ Phone N- , B- nd No. FVP• ( 3) F NGINEERs a��►`.��'S 1AlMow4uEE 8 5 S'Lo, �owv 44 Add i , �';�•v►� _�1r - P;,�:�,� �3�_345� (4) INSPECTOR: Address_-- _ Phone 1w . (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR- Address ___.._-. _ _. _ _- . _ Fr.c' No. (6) ck:?;i crGItS SUETY ACZFIXY : Addi -ass _• * }' ':�,, Sand No. -_ _-.__-- Exp. Date ( 7) SUB-CONTRACTOPS : CITY OF TIGARD DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET (4 PROJECT NAME �1 PROJECT N0. (I) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 68-48, Soc, IC , Par."A"): o 0)Total estimated Improverr.ent cost J) 1.sa. b) Less san. sewer est const cost......... .. Adjusted improvetrant cost . �� `lsubtotal)LCA � I J I I 25 c) .015X ( ` • . . ti sublotol (2) SEWER FEE ( U.S A. res. 70-12,Tee-9, Par."B"): a)Server plan check fee 8 Inspection fee , 1) 10.00 X '13 - • -- CnrO (n 4 o, of lots) ' !; __ . 7) 100.00 min,-L-3 b) Permit fee Q connection charge paid. c) Sevier district contract surcharge paid ..••...•••••• ;rte (district nnms- -----) (3) STREET LIGHTING FLE a) P.G.E. lighting schedale no. b) Mthly rate option ...... no _ ........ _._ (IC�� 1n`+lvl.cK. ,wsr•A F.trc...l 1 IrYPeof!Ightl lumens t] X IL'_ -SC ° - (mtAly rote) (no•of tights) C Iypeof Pole � oh�ponl°�w h , 77 Z24 �. L X ---- = . --- (mthly rote) (no of lights) lyr. = 12nttIt's (subt�aU _-� � 2yr = 2.1th's -'7Z m (subtotul) (no. of..,ths)- (4) SIGN FEE (item A-installation) (Per sign) (no.ofsign) STOPX . - RESTRICT, OCCUPANCY $ -s--X �; _ _� - = STREET SIGN x ------ as COM3.STCP/S T.W,'ME _Z'4�i5 XNO PARKING ;i . ._X ----- - X _ miser. typlj It __ X miser. type) C, RECEIPT NO _v { DATE PAID �- L-- r,heck - 3C.C,4,7" GRAND cash mrney order M In3ett• sever,streot,ur sl''^d'' 'sign I A C DI O -_ _ _� _ -T_. __ -- -- - _ ___ - _ ------- -- ---_:- - ------- -_ -�._ :.-_- -._�_ • �� -' �~ rte_ .� _ �- - �"_ ._..._ - -^- ---- ----� -- ---- ------ �' I T "'T E�4_ _ � 1 • - _ 1 - _ _ - r -- _ _- - - -- - => -- - - - _ r _ r t_ - - - I x_ > > - - t T - - --}--�- -- - 1 — - 601A v f ' J 1. _ - _. 1 -- - - _. _ __-.- --- - �- - -_ -_ - -- - - -- -- - _ _ - __ Lu — - -- st --_� - - - - - ---- - -- - - ul --- - -- - -----�-- -— -- -' 3 __ _ 4 i } — _ I I - ---- W_j yj - - -- ___ -- --- - --- -- --- - -- - - - - _ -- - _ - ; — ^ 0 I -- - - - - - - -1 - - OIL tt _- m, -- { - -. - » I ._. I - _ttr 1 _- --U -t- - T -� �--- -- - __ -- �__ _ - --- --- - �---- - --- � � �,�� --�� � � � �_ •- - - X00 _ _ __ _-- _— -- a 4 - L I _ - _ _ e _�.� _ - --- _ - -. .-._ -. ._ -- - _-- -- + _ _ - _. — — — .� REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN OWNER : SCALE r U 5 . G. 5 '���`�� pu'f'f r J. W. B RAYSON BUILDER I NC. W 04 D N n. 3 -- : LRT. DATUM .ITY OF rIC,AR (J G 1 r � � L � 10B NO. MORIZ . DATUM : PLAT5 OF BELL WU0D " ,y'\ RACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. N FI PORTLAND OREGON 97266 a_ -- - --- - STORM DRAINS SHEET 4 3 c�0 Li ' NJ-] CHECKED Harris - McMonagle Associates J. K H REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR, DATE 9ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PROFILES "�..,. OATE 8905 S.W.S. COMMERCIAL STREET OF 7 REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION 5- 10 - 791 TIGARD, OREGON x'7223 BEI.._I_.wr_11:�r> 1vc� .. 1 t ( � iI , � I iI1- Ij ( I IrI•i I � ) I I� � 1II ( I I � ( I � I I � I 1 1� �"�" _: _ .. — __ ._,..-,.. .., I'II �'II 111 1 1 111 � � I�F 1 1 II��� I I '1 I III_ 1 11 I rlll II 'I•II 1 I {�I III III I{IIIIIIIIIIf 1 I III III III I 1 III 1 1 11111 1111111 1 111 III11111�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111 � - �• ,,. NoWrowl- Now-1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 — { I - 2 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICfrv'IT IS DUE TO 1..IE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. 0C 6Z 9Z L2 92 S2 f2 EZ ZZ It OZ 61 91 LI 91 SI hl EI 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S U E Z I °1e"" JL =4 ��lIIlullinlluuluuluulullltmint4tluullllllH111IIIIIubIIllnuln�u�nlnllllullllll�lu)IIISIII III Iif1111111111i1it111lU{tilt 11111111 Ili It1Ito III II1I1111I1IldifI111111IIfill I11dtl1 111IIIdIUIIIIIdfill IIIIII)W1RASIllllmbullIM1 111111II1111111011N JUNE 24 1 92 -. ...n..-.. _ •�. ...�.�• _.___.....— _•___. .. _... -,....,,ii+.�..,.�,.!_ r1Lr/�.....-_ -..�..._._.,,.,��-.,,•,w�,.........�•.� .y.,.:..�..:..� -� .�,.... _--. .-_. .....-_. .. .. .•�..�� _ .: .._._... -�...-- . ---- - .rQ.�lfl',w♦,,.�{o-.....,r...•w•.y�,v_. ..- f _ _ - .. _.._.....� .'.,.. ,.n..� .. v A B c O e f G CON,S'T• 70 GouFoRwa TO CIrV �� G/• S, . o P WA s R Co. STA*.)jDiKAt. Ad sEnvie c sTuss 1Og' sb 1vfin4 S#44 L 89 G „�.•D,;,w�,,u. G/1 pdNO ------. ---_= 0•D I L P@12 FT. ;�` t FT. j Pipe -m exrmb O N e �0) [,t"1�.)6 A° ��T'o Lay PAsr U-MITY ttw+rci). 144 - 13 JUT ►- TOP= 233 . 00 � I K� IIt63. 17 MHA - 7 = 01-OULAT A7 - 1 GND 232. 33 � I �Ta • 83 1N tL 5 TUB OUT IE = 210. 63 OUT" -__ 70P • 220. 00 - 250'- 8'•C5P 5: 0•o55q M A I N A GND- 21q . 16 C� 2 1 00 co � . _ . � .__ �. /9•/2 8 -t 47. 17 MHA -5 I 1 + 90 MH .L-2 - 1 r Md-A- I IE 204,0) OUT �o "^j0 W JG � :�a ,yam lOt/O.R B CSP '" E 209-49 IN IE = 209 .63 OuT TOP 7 212 .5 8 - 1 Irk I i y ! 3fs rti 1 R - 4 ~ R1PR,y le• \. Ss © U / I E - 204. 29 OUT / TOP -217- 75 USE 24" OF GRP. RING' � 1a � t 1 .3 7 I Sic, I _, �S•OR CA . _ US2 / TOP , ?- IG.00 GNU - 217. 2q WITH LEAN GROUT ml toI � s tikE i GND- 21.5. 2�1 1 + 90 1+610 Ln 191 00 'ti 0'3 C3's, S \, ao _j c ;�=- 8'•S T U B W p_ q' L4L1w r4 L4 ;.�FS - 8' C5P S = r� 1268 8+ 02.72 MMA - 4 =I z v �' Ir z t z o w w h O P'1 ,\ �` •J - -- - i I E • 4 _ _N ��NNry� (, wMF - 5 W. 46 ! 29 Th f� VL. ! �� i p��\��,� �P,� P �_gG.8bov48 SP IC 202 . 72 OUT ! 20 I 1 j EXIST M H 7N(3 „ \ - �'^ O ''�}Q = 21 I . 00 u5E 2 �+ ' O� �,RN. �, INv TOP- 20G.69 in j IGS{ 45' 8'CS \.k, o2 r yl GNU = 210 .59 W1T :i LE/ N GROUT I'2`I t+25 IEsIg5 . 17 OUT wP -O.I�S1L "4.> _ ^� ? L° 31'5 L= 21 + Nnt� v �' 23 3�' p- MIN. GRD. D 7 I. LAT A - � \ ,� � \ � � D -7' �IWw�om� 02 6 a 7 3 � \(C'� / "Q ca 5 .450 . 44 MH A - 3 I N - -t _jl3 5` � - \ _� �� 2$2, Z�� � _ - - . I_ 1E - 196 . 13 1N QQ l " - ICs 19 7•c13 OUT o P7 � I �'fl v / . 3 8 CS,� �; ap / TOP - 205. 00 I Z I n p ~ ( ( 6 N " tr,� Qo 0+ 45 � � s . 0 \. GNp = Z04. 3q �' iz Q B~5 T UBS I b1 wq D c0 m .� ��n �:3`� I N G RO () 'B p� ``~ `�' _ I. ry ? ONry `0 0 6 0 , N. N ^� J It CL I4 .� 1.44 - a N M a-7 t��-- M A 1 ° A) Ja In 5,0.0164 p �0+ .� Q b0 OUT �� N A �� v p' 6' FIN, CARD 7 „ t Z ___ _ _ _. T 0_2 !a ` /i �'�� _ ..CSP 0 I Q. 2+95-75 I c? M A- 2 - 2 .7 - 2 -�-� .•k 1 0 72 I I E : 19 5.166 G u T IS* �3.�;5 MH C� 7 I � � C1TY OF G. ti �`` TOP ' 206 • II O (4 1 /" c. IE• 2 � •t� l IN [] c� f CIT ( C TIG. 14� OPEN AREA `� ` OFEN AREA (d- Ti L -TOP7241 - 99 24! • 99 0 TRAL T B '_ I Z < TRAif I 9!5- tA 7- lea tomo i �• 3� \ or1 -3 L3 �/ . _ + `�` Z 4 +t7-G7 M14G -6 I > 14 J � ` 4 6 �� \ n `+30 28� - ; v � ' IE z 22 2211 ?0 ouT 8' CSP �, t v n i % TUP: 2 3 I.6 6 0 - _ + _ °` °C (\J 0400 S 0`0�o-�" 7 N r'� • `� v p ; +05 EXIST. M H w _ O0Hz 2 \D - 0' u• N v,i� '-�� !r . m �J- - 1 +15 I I ' I E: 18G . 25 I N hN` [� \?''� y \ q)'s�r` } M „ I �"^ ----_ a N ICI+4UMNG -5 D- 10 L°31.5 70P 197 . i 00 � ^� O � \ + 7Q � 'jp f '& ` - w•� 0 irN- z t0r4 T. OVEREXST. UNFL p ' RECONST• EX157'. �-4 0-+4 O��r Z7) �N � IE ' STUB ►h I 1x20 MI� AI - 1 STUB FOR HDR12 . Q � fv\ 0 ` 1 � 3 155 U_►0 �;.A M c ... ±';Q "� IE = 215.77 OUT � TE= X10. 10 ALIGNMENT + mow 5' Gh + �0 \ ! I ,,�� t� A ► N G ` Y 1 TOP •56 I � ' 4 -- TOO= 217 G3 3 �U WNN N _.. 1 p * r _ Pv1C•' �a - JO / f6� N I� �Nh• w f / F ' � � ! ! •- _�4 w � _0+0U i•.iHG -4 EX15T 12 / - �D - % / E� 16 . 21 1N 5 ' I c - ' W• \ � TE = 2141, 6q OUT - f a z ► 7 f - z w 1 z _ uj REFERENCE INFORMATION: AND NOTES: DESIGN SCALE VERT. DATUM : CIT , OF TIGARD t U. S. G. & G. 5.) �WN� R • 13ELLWOOD Nd. 3 5 � C • J. W. fiRAYSON BUILDER INC. I" = 5U' HOHIZ . DATUM PLATS OF BLLLWOOD �" TRACED I 10 159 S. E. DIVISION ST. JOB NO. N1- H, PORTLAND OREGON 97266 . SANITARY SEWER SHEET 5 pp ' <�� b CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates • f J. R. H. \,` --- "�tl ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. I APPR. DATE REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION , r � � i•�cir.n r,� S - 18 "79 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 of 7 r,.....: :r.e r. w. . ..w.+a..'..+. r• W+• .•� yA° ^",. resew-._ .., w ..Ir1w- .. •mlan„ „M-"w+^. _ ..._ ... - "S�.-+- `'f ••-..+YYMM10.'•.. w.-.-._ . :"�,r.: , -..+sem.... R ; ~M � I•rlr{IIIIII�iltll'tl���ll�'�It�111'Ij V III'ijlllllllllllllirjl�llllt P111It l�llrlll VIII) IIIIIIIIIIIf)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�;:111�IIIIIIIIIITIIIrI1IlIlIItII1111111I11t111► �� F •r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIGtii-`IT IS DUE TO Pf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL I _ _ f "DRAWING• QE 6Z 9? LZ 92 SZ tit EZ Z2 IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 SI UI cl 21 11 01 6 l9 L 9 9 �h 1r IE..• `.. ? 1l-"•"" dll�lllllllll�ltlllllll�lllllllll�llltllllll�IIIIu111�tIt111111�11111uN�U1�1tIN�ItI1111�11NIlllf�l(�tlli�llll�tl}I�IIIIIIIIIttitt�f111�g1ItN�i1H�IIHI.1111tliill'lIN�1111�I111�11H�1111�111{r�1�1��t11111111111�111111111�1111�11111!lldillUIIIIII�IIII>llllltllU�IIl1�I1111111u�I1H .. r JUNE 24 A 92 A C R N G now I ski 7 T AN J w — t --- - - _ CID g ` - F - --- ---- -. - _ _ �,, ,, V� _ © ��_ Tl%_ } 2 2 W N rt -- -- _-- r� a Cy - 1 1L AV - 11 1 t - - — - - --- - -- —1-- I t� � _ t it }235 - --- -- �__ l.__..- - r —_ 1 I - _ - -'1 -- - --- -- - r Jku 'Ftj - - - _T _. - -- -- -- 23.0 - - — - - r } -- 1 I A IIA , --- -- _ --6 4 -- . Lit - - - - - - I � a- �- _ ___._ _ . . -- -- --- - - _ -- _ .-. . . __. _ .. : _ ._. _ �-_ __. _ _ _ _ _ , . _ � �j-- _- _. t � 4 •��Y •may' � —_ 4114 _ -_ -- - I _ _ _ — — -- — — - �r 215 -- - --- _ -- ---__- — - --- - -- - __.� __ — -- -- - - -- ---' - -._ . - _- --- ._- — Y t RL r --�._. _ Cr _ — -- --- _ _ 13 U I t _ i 4- 210 __ _. ---- _.- _____ — _ - _ c: -- _ _ - - t 215 0 - — — -- - - . J I I I I i -� _ r• v -- --- --- — - -- - — +R - -- - - o -9170 I 1 I I I I I I I _.- - _ - f� I I EI � I 1 I I I I � -�t- •• _• r „� � - - - _.- g• � - ---- -- --— -- --210 --- - - ---_ —_-- -- _— __ - `�� _— -- - ---- 46 — _— — 1 I I J► { gr JL._. .._.. -_— W 200 --- 1 UC - — — _ --- e' -- -- -- - ----- —_ — uj! Aa -T— `• met'i — ._ — _ __. _ _.-- f'a' --- - __ t--- — -- - -- _— - -J. --t-• - _ _ '�LI � _.. _-_-_ �- __..-.._ _. _ __---__ __.__. �- __.. _ •__- _ -_ -___- -•__ _ •-•-____ ..__ - •_ __ .rte - -.�� --__ --- _ '__- Ir PO _ .• -- - — — - --- — -. v- - - _ - t7 0I 0IIII - _ --- -- -- - - -- - I - - - _. 85 � ►00 14 00 24 00 3 • 00 ; 4 p0 a" i 4 � D G U ;, 7i 00 6 + UU A t 0o 10400 I I•+ QO 12100 13 t 00 1 µ t00 1SIM I ,._., REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN SCALE OWNER N �. s V 1 - ✓ENT L>AlUM : CITY OF TIDgRO ( U. S. I',. �. C, j � 1 � BELLWOOD I" = 50' H J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. Hl1HIZ GATIJM P1 AT `� C�i= BEL L VI/(�Op TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. JOB NO. a— 97266 - S - --I N. Et I ISI PORTLA �.L) OREGONSAN I S A R'1� S EWER CHECKED H Harris - McMonagle Associates SHEET 6 REV. DESCRIPTION SUB, APPR. DATE �.'�ka"� Ga �� FNGINEERS - SURVEYORS E�ELL_.WCJ00 NCI 's REFER TO TRACING 1=0R LATEST REVISION �- --�'" DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PROFILES 5 - 18 - 79 TIGARD OREGON 97223 OF 7 i OF �„�, _ , �. � 1 4090&"'Ilm"104*004111INWAINIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. •� I r * ,r, » • "t a.r' - e �• ,r .- • y• � ..,:r' .r ,='�' _••+p=w"x` --_ +..-•-r-'., ""«1R1 =� .� , -------,_..,.•_---„' '-" a.:.��� • 1 � ,� ILII, ��11111�1�111111'�'t�;itr,i�11��11-1rI�111I11111j1�rf1}t11"�11�'111r�1'I;III�IIf�11}111111 IIr�rI1�Il1�r�11111r�111111►;rillllllr11�111111rIr111111I11111rrI11r�111�1111rreI11111111rtlllrl ,�. ;. _ _ _. ,�.. � . { 1 1 NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED ►-� � I 2.�..�_ 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 t Q I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IC tl-'IT 15 DUE TO 1 THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. QE gZ 8Z LZ 9Z SZ fpZ 6:Z Z.Z 12 02 61 91 11 91 S I b I E I al 11 01 6 9 L 9 S b C •/ f� JUNE 4-L . ��IIIunlnuluulunl111111u1hu11u1�Inlu1!11n1111111nuI1F1111�i�IG„I�nluul►luluultlullullnlllulllnnlun�l>;r11n1111n1in�u►IIn11�11nh1tlltntllul�trlthlrl�ttttlnll���rrs�llrnlrrulllu�Itul�I,l1�1uuIIW�1111V.u�uLlt�tyjluet �. 24 1992 '�"+�.+► -_�•_ i�w',.. •Mir. �+�w•.�'�+-. -+,�r ,.__.. .... .. � _ .,r�++_+A+..�•+•w�aawaW.. i.0.,_. ��„"�f�► __. �._. ,yc...�.aMYf.�M!Isl!'�;`Nr•+�•i-tn-.: :,....,. 'R'1.+�� �. T:.Yi �' � ► r�._.w ► A C E FR 7- _4 7 IL - ..............T. 2- _ 2 0 4 in Corr 24 wpom -Z Oleo U. 3 _ 3 00- 225 L:a- 4+ + + 4- 1- 4- q 141 4a =221- trt.44-- -------OIL JIM_ 7 n 773YZ DA uu I I A- -:4 REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: - DESICNI OWNER : ICA.LE V1 K1. UAIUM - CITY OF TIC,ARC ( U. S. G. - Sr �_ C1 1' 5 0 H HORIZ , DATUM FATS OF BEL L WOOL) J. W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. B ELLWOOD NO, 3 C 5 ' V TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. JOB NO N. H. PORTLAND OREGON 972665 SAN I TARY S EWER ()h N F- CHECKED I SHEET 7 Harris - McMonagle Associates 2 ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS PROF I LE DESCRIPTION SUB. APF.3. DATE REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET BELLWOOD NO --- 5 -to - 79 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF 7 1.4 rJI[7 22 1i I1 r 41,r NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICfirj--TT IS DUE TO IHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING). OE 62 a? 12 ge z fp Z E zz Iz 02 61 F1 I LI 91 GI t,I C1 21 11 01 6 9- 9 9 L C 2 1 141111611111 lidl I I I I I III III I I I I I I I IHI lIUI 1 1111111 1111111 1 , r JUN ' G4 19 9 2 7 -7:7- w. -vw�w.+•n+ rw.vw�wwe,7�"��+'�..�'' .w..7 •' ►.riw'� '7wR'i13�'�R!!iA!�' iT�/�t�1�Pt�P'�• • !�IAI�1r��U•71�h w. ..►M►••f►•i �.wMt.AC�rr'KsY•a'R� e-f1�Ji1T4E'.Ra4r+a ..,r.A�rArrMt�. - �•4► � ••.„No.r1A NM1 V��•N7 N•a N'•••►.,,�.•, +'• . rr. . ..sem. Vw . : . �— ,tom.. «. ._ �� •y... q�_ ,�. r•w,•�q,u•� w•� . 6� .. . . •..�. r• rWaM�.+. .r ie►.ry.ts+�i. a• .," . w •a.. .«..».fnw». .. ♦ i _ .. .. ...- -....._...,._..,...�n►�w«:,::5..._...rJlll:rejAbtt.•....,_.. ._.-_.»....... „_ ,� � ti►- '- WYr- `w'� 'ori'\`���^!`±-!"_�„ y« r t:.�.w. 'r►• op At '''ri'R►.,,Y+ q r:+u,na+A.s - its► , _ yr, r oy y�ti of _+ t �. n I •:. f r: w + NORTHWEST XATURAL GAS COMPANY r. �, ;..[ •R r .y r •.r1k i' ♦ '`MF' 1 >. ;. ,. r , ! _L . ' TAX C0011: �. :I' r : ',t' ° y1 • - q, Y' r ' r•�.. a - �Mp;�T7_I yyh 1MAIN SKETCH Z.3 84 `, �y»i• t .�� ,.� '� ,y,, � �,a.. � �ti _ T r,.r ,. ,. .w i t ,�� Y _. d:r,'.:r � i t ' � , • ' 2 7 1979 •..- .. w• rY.rih Y'+. rr sr +I'r!Ar q11 r M _ •rte ,� � ... ti +� ' r .... ( .r � � � � ON ' ` .. r J a .1t .. ^ - • _. TIG 4 i 1 PY, w 1 / vl LM 0 17 I , 0% I r t '. UKDERGROUND — PHONE PRESSURE RATING dl X-RAY i 124 J U J N& I E 1992 WATER t .. 1 ♦ - / W ,1 -+ NOTE +� "� I PONf.A TEST PicESSURE_... 1 i P8IG ... E 5454 TEST DURATION i•.._ ir' u ., \ Q AL j. FR ��' nl , 1 PtwNE • W6lDS TO BE X-RAYED_ ,r % i oWr akor L NLtz I , DESIGN PRESSURE_ _ _�O� PSIG •. In u a . �" _ R oT L' -- -- -- Z ! — -� m M.A.O�. P,cu� I N \ tr 1 Obi► v NF$ ... /+A.\ , - 0; ! 1 ! pN• ! ` '� ; I ` W Z NOP MAL OPER.PREW PSIZ CA pp J \ \ 40� _f •�r I ! N 1 -•.� .� 1 " Z DATE d s � ` � '"' '.' o� O Z ENt�R. h • man CA • `�+ ` ! `�a r a C OK !� p �I � INSTALL MAIN i.-_ FEET Of 59n FEET OF �_.. ♦�n`'��'�� w ! 128 rhe ~� •� � Q t 1 , O O+� f. ABANDON MAIN -.._ FEET OF .. N ,� ` . 4 p FEET Of, N \ �, 1�: 9 � ! -- Bt ! �```�-- eopm j; 2'(Itil)'7� TYPE COATINGS: PIPS JoINTs �" 1 ITTINOS f v: 1 r� 1 •0 \ jrj k it ,,,� 1 ' v O 3 f I JE. INSTALL SERVICE FEET OF _ INSTALL -. »..;.s.t AAIOOFS: op \ V \ ' cN G $ � ! 12790 6' r ti~ / ``, O !.. I I _�•. '.�_ *12785 •• . INSTALLED MAIN ti (7S) FEET Of FEET OFA"NOONE •• 1 O l' �E 'LZ` f � (wX74) O MAIN FEET OF _ FEET OF (w) ✓ V TYPE COATINGS: PIPE JOM/TS FITTINGS .. \ •o �� �/ a �- its �� �, N \ ►� 0� v CA / 012770 Q INSTALLED SERVICE 12773 �\ ,it,�?a l ( Z �' �t j `12770 *1 �7E►S ---FEET OF INSTALLED. ANODES: 6, QQ Yy) S. ,tr �► ! I 43, 148' DATE COMPLETED — _ 1 STONED _ GREW LEADER •�_. �. W, BEL + r��\ N { FV' �A (w) (WRITE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON SKETCH) ' U 01(W) b c!' /Aj � .. / SII t6 ��'�• MEASURED GATE — SCALE - To. CALE ._1_ ��!< �► 9 �, f�'J �U+op � � !2�'S � � ����5 a�127S0 � � STAKED • � - A t� DATE SiEO. NO. t... 7 7 ,,1 7 C* V * PEP � • a PLATTED `.A ( (A N Cil _ ,.}.---- - ��zC7 ----r- DRAWN DATE 211' _ 6S• �. U) 'N12725 W� <WW)....'yo rHEer �J'" j '~ l DATE SIGNED 40 JS, �� (74) N 612725 DATE _. I - A # 6�2� _ ' (74) APPROVED-Y _.�,....::.�_ PLAT / � ao � �12730 �" � - ca N 4 �•-- r i 1 . (75) y DATE _ r g i wALLMAw C4 12730 r-" a �-1 -(7�) r� 132' ar 12720 (7S) . ! 5' CLTU ZE 9 -1 ^ Al "271 S Z I ,� MAIN WORK ORDER NO. SERVICE WORK ORDER NO. # (79) ADDRESS_ 1 ME r w r (w) N d CA 17 W. O �U rZ ,� N L. * scTWEEN — Bra, rn a. 5W ' 27 'ru N\� E 416 T `� ti N N COUNTY CITY * _ PLAT NO. SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE No 014 tv M /9 J, 5 v - -�.___ 2'(w)'73 (w) ' `ai -,... y� `�` ._._ # 12695 � A I '/� _ ."�'•.,,�. f' Q •F 1 n+ . ._.,.. - w. ..,. ...,..m._.«.• -_ ....r.w....»......w_ .w ww pi�iYMN1Iw ..-_ _ e e rr S , ..,,,•••„».,,,. _. . .. (7 5) w,..• ._ ... ,. Miir•rx__.lagbl ' "= ^. .,•- - ..�: ..F«w•,.e.a.r..----.y111.•y:•r•.-' •••.'J.'Fwt+"rho.. .. .- ,Ait. M T .mf! k .I �� I � � 1 ` 1 � 1 �1 � 1111 ' III� III � II ��lr� il + 1 111 111 � 1. � Ill��tl rl � tfil (III IIl'� II � IIi � 1 � 111 III ilY 1'j 11f llt ISI 11loom- JillI � ill ISI ISI ISI 1 � :_ - L. - 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 J 10 I I 12 NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED - - - - • . DRAWING IS I ESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIQE-" ZT IS OUE TO �- ' THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. f._ OE 6Z 8Z LZ 9Z' SZ tiZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 B1 L1 91 91 bI EI zI 11 of 6 9 L 9 S b E .�"�- I�!1�1III�III1�1111�1111�111111111�1111�111�1.III�UII�lllf�llll���l��1�11III`IItG111Mi�11�llll�llli�llll��tu�t111�1111�11�I�lllllllii�Illtllilt�Nitt lill�li!I�iltti{i111111e�1tllltlt�illllllllilltt�lit fl�llll�llllllll��llll� ' I111�)111��111UUU�U��!lI�I NIH .,....r• __ _- "•-ars.--.:•-aw.r- ; _ _----- �. ---. .... +'�.T�. .. i.;K••. - �.... ._..:gYiR•••Y.+.rlillrrlw.n, ., '• ., ., .._. _ - , . 9. . 1 C 1 11 W. 'I I c:11 Re- Accountant Aaminist.rator , ?,C Official DireCtur of P.W. Librarian Planner _ Y Police Cliief - Recorder ! _J.4r.__ Cis .OULATION _. ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED PRIOR TO APPROVAL 0.= THESE PLANS PUULIC WOr,;;S DEPT. BY DATE._ PLrMNING DLPT. F.':. __ DATE- Please: — BU:LDINr D''.:'T. [7Y 0"74K,4 '- , drR f t FinalCOUN'rY HEALTH DD ._._-_ PT. GY DATL ._ ( � CITY A. )MINISTRATOR rY DATE__ Sign/Approve DD_! Copy (# TIGARD WATER DIET. �'f - DATE_�,�Q � GENERAL TELEP190":E C'.Y . ,elt�c��'' DAT- ReturnFile to me U S A BY __ ___ —P. G. E. BY—� DATE_._- _. GAS DY��-�•-.� DDATE_ ATE!P �- MA 11 N. W. NATURAL STREET IMPROVEMEN ,TS _ Read & Save L Read a Toss DATE_ tf ?/L See Me im"�'�:� DY r Take Appropriate Ac Li un W T14+1f�D ('b'_IQt�' peer Per Your Request C0N'ME1%'TS: --'— ~` NOTICE TO EXCAVATORS I��I F __... it a your responsibility, as part ()f this Permit, to notify all utility �4�-?� A N I T R Y SEWER J06y(24 hourrators of s ijPpostbjf this Work PRIOR TO STARTING THE UTILITIES TOLE. j'G. WATER — TIo ,rd Water Dist. gg ^ :.J•155.1 �r.Ii ..oeb�IF+:,1 wiM'6r«ur. GAS — j•;:.r;`.N:':;f i .:?::!' { 1ja� ^�1a��r TELEPHONE— G--neral Trle.hrm^ Co. <` ' 211 X '..12 r� Co.GoC'�.:I�,G2 ELECTRIC — F'O.,iculd General Llcc. Co. �.. (- OWNER J 'j } - ELECTRIC0. by: City of Tigard` W J . W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. Q _ 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. ° PORTLAND OREGON 97266 I 3 > BELL WOOD a INDEX N 3 TITLE SHT. NO. TITLE SHT. I OF 7 r3 PROJECT STREET IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 2 OF 7 AREA STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROFILES 3 OF 7 W STORM DRAINS PROFILES 4 OF 7 Q ,� SANITARY SEWER PLAN 5 OF 7 N SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 6 OF 7 UN3 n SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 7 OF 7 ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS HARRIS — Mc MONAGLE ASSOCIATES INC . W. 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET _-- - TIGARD OREGON 97223 VICINITY MAP —_ SCALE - 1 600 BEL LWOOD NO. 3 16 OF 22 t�1111II��j�I1111��1111`11,141111 ��jl� +j1�11�111 ►11�]�►:�I ('Il II II'I'�'Ijl�� illi ti 1111'I'I'I��1I'SII'Il�►I11'I'�'III'I'I'I'I'II�'I'I'ISI'I'I'I'tTl'I!I'I'I'I'''I'I'I'I'11111'I' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED _j, L 3 _ 4 5 6 7 8 9 IIO I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ----�"" THIS NOT ICIi i-1T IS DUE TO jHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL I M !1E 62 82 a 9Z SZ Ira Ea as 1a OZ 61 BI LI 91 of 1►I EI al II 01 -a 0 L 9, S b E Z 1 3061s ,,.-''� �►111,IIIIIIIIIuu�lUiluu�nlll,111111,�)I1u11lltlt�Ilullnuluulu,I�nnluUl„IIINIIIIIII�1�11�IHIttlllltiti11111�111111111IIII111ltIi1t�111N�Iltnlft1111111111tt1ni>l�un�u111nnI111MIIIIIIIIIIIn111�n111u1111111HWn]lllul�uuUllllll11111u11uI�Il�1b1N � ,��. ,,, � A. JUNE 24 1992 A B C D G I E � 1 NST�S . &e6SV Wl$Y 71 SF b6,OA I&D AS AA.J &'Zr '# 70 7;Vir C.-/�- PaOORAZZ ••- r® Cta)W Dir D DYIA;g rEL&7W 7 A0.v 4.4D AvwoW 7M6 L.yme 0&iZ0R */AV Pf M j&W�ft l R il�lrv/9Y �'Y1AI�tT/��UAX� ��viT>t w rV. l I , T14 t�At2.D CITY NJOUST. , . ST, SA(MI GAD6 Sc 2�I De�T7AL D/w �gP2a�s /.equ�2r� cqljoew) co 4 +47.81 END KATN[RiNE. [%I , \ ` -I►- �7►'Y_S7�b8A�p i' IfCBt:C14 H� Ra4v�lPS 12 EQu.1 °p c : 214,9a STl?.F,W L1(a rS TD 8E P120�iDeO, P&W C1ry �APFiapleD f?l Iia 1 36 I �? 7 136 a� � , C�9 Yoc� OD I3S / C. 213.5 3 o-I + , �Y.T._ 's-Imp S772 T NArn 6 7 T. �N ro 1BE i _ s7�oc,� `N Dem. k5mb sj&o TO Bg- INSrA, I I 1 � Ila -.•07.95 P.T. 6L 5 3436- 12 p C J� �} �� (} 0 + GO CREEK �. w. A V E ` °1y7 01 1 2q H + ��=299 . \� �� h V 1 3 +60.02. PRG 10'STM. ESMT. �; TC-211- 34 ;'2L+ -5- N.R.C. , / �. \ 0+ 25 OUT FALL UB - , N01'44'05" lr 117 = 2'5c • +2 OaAkla E 128. 17' R.s 4 . 06 .63_ P_T ' I E : 217. OU , p 3 R5 p c Oq0 e�,43• 1 QOM, TC 238 39/� 4. \r0 �i 4 toy PC S i`Q,1 ��„�� ^' w �C; 208.6µ2 i �A � 0400 _ TC-152.78 I ()0 b, 51 / 14Lj _ 3 dq i u1P',p�• _,�1 - _ N-02 2b QR 100 x Bw 143 �a cAP g .I �o �� •� � 0 +00 t CREEK E . y.95• I �- O�CRSIZED SNL T ►6rA c J • . 44016 's 00- S=0.0063 N 'IC, ZS6 , I i6 Y 2 33 . 70 °° - IIE 0 ouT 1 <2 I 233 5 2+ 41 INLET RT LT -- ` Ln T C O 7. 10 _ D - 1" i 142 5+29. 22 PCR ; \32 '`� 50' RT 145 •.. z o /I E- 198.9 .O..JLCRI:�K TC* 241-53 ', � -..., 0•Q ri I. TC- 241• 2 u p � G'q,k2'05 l� l \ y � ---�- a FL- 197. 60 2. U + 6U OUTFALL 50' LT Of �--11.2 . 6 I 3, TC ,242 5`7 p �r, �. �L•. 2 12 + N6. 3�i 1E .2DO.45 w 0 J/ \ 3. T C 2 4 3 . 25 ` m l 2.2\`0.g6 TQC •238.98 `, 1 3O - I E ° 2 12. q 9 _ _ � $ 05 11 E- 1ml 50.0154 HT . 15 ' TO 20' ! DiTCH AS P.EQO. L= 26. 9G 7I "`--�� _ - a Z- i ��� R _ 18 rr = 05 ih8 I k.7 ST,yJ 5 Q C I u \ x• 85 4805'" ,. \ D 1►+ Z_QSPGR 9 M7- Y 'o COnTEQ/f1ELICAL = Y 1 \\ \ 1U U I I R 1 T.C.=24/ qb I Ql `� TRACT CAP 12 GA J +1� C ,�' FALL - 2 / \ \ TC: 43. �\ �� v� r I �8 col 1 - ,�} TRACT C IE ` 62 s1' N a 1 I C 7 l - --_ v o f osq_ caNt�1• TO 16. _S Q �� `� r 1 I w 201 - 51 $. CO' I L = 297. 7l' `� r_ I � !v� / " 8q S 126 Z I IS' ESMT I 9+48.63 P.C. F.• 2�' �'' 3,05' '- _ 7 1�-14 + O ° 14 14 •s' w. S or�jLv4r ,l 1 T�_t in,�Er l 12 2 IIS ( I I \ TC =246.42 �, \P '2 �µs _ _ _ Iv _ !E 22 ? qµ T & LT 5 - 62 94 1 2 9 T H �� S T N N �r OUT 2 4 ( 0 00 TC : 242.77 I /a I O + 34. 7�j J q \ }7, �Py �� q 2. � o0 3 Q I� =� Tc<224.32 12 a 9 5 c I u ,v l�.. , o TC• 21 1 0 I C, 0-35.03\ �, L 1 15 154 m c� ¢��= r4, f 'v1ATCH EXIST 0.35.03 PCR 114 I o (7Y67. 94 PN�iSE I) o q\�' �. N �S5 5j� 18 + 19.32 I. TC. 2Z(:• 50 1 �n 7+ 68.43 '��� ° 2� � ` L I 9�' T�- ?ey. > 2.TC 22- 1 . 3s l TC= 2i9.9t1 I 7��2so.9z N 5 r 6 / 3 .TC< 2z -1 I •� \ /$ 7 1. TC . 2�0 4Z 11l *8 n 1 L- 28.26 2. i L- 22o. % 1 c f maru auS1'. T�=23 4L 7 �` e9°�6` y`�+'_ 1 / Lu 28• 2R' I )' X, INS ET E _230. 0 ` _ = 90°0306" 1y20+66. 07 4 .94 ItR=~ - -- -- _- - _?P=217.65 q 19 .6 N 01 OB 14 E 12 .3G' Qr' ,4 .E =I I.0 0• .00'- • 'C�- 2 \�0 1 I I I 1 T` + , I 37.4L IN O 'oB1uE �- ''' i �•�' f ! �/ �'M 36 /' -� -�. IG"S �'� 3 pV ' _- - 0" IerAD E \a o, I J`h--_.-�-__ I T I q;0 5.6 a �� f /- _ V \ \ \ - '`� ( --•- . f l 6� '�C I \.. 9 ' 7 .7 1_ PGR 19+08. 71 PC MAT01 0.51 x sr \ \ , MATCH EXIST. I . 4 _ \.9 0 6B - U X00 KATHERINE -TG 2 2 188 �. � - 1 G1T11,IN ESMT(M 10) �t.olUG 25' 25' � 4 - 17' _ 17' 1 I f k 20 20' 4 S s 7-" `vim Nos,�.s Pe�Q I < < 3 CL "C A. C. 6., 3,6.. 4' Sew Lor lx> G',med � e-4)uioe�i ( �Tv. 16"CURB 2;; IST LIFT -� _. __ _ _ SLOPE(s) ?ez enly sw)DUb 6"� f:XPU_,11RE 6 CROWN � I IN I YEAR ,1 /� /.� /.y n r �,, ������r�a � ;. /// /Slp`s.�,;,p ,o •�c .G:I '�'► 6 �" I:, ,uAUr 12 . 0409/AAS 72D oft`07 510 - 3"CL „0„ A C. /y �•��i, STD. 16" CUR 8 \ 2;' 1ST L I F T >>a^ s1, •- 0 BASE COURSE 6 EXPOSURE 6 tRUWW I IN I YEAR 4''T-IIC►� 'ONC. WALK �,� �" I,'�"- 0 BASE ROCK ' ' 1 � , 1P G •r H R U D/W �--- � I . S. W. 12 6 7H & 12n, TH AVE -3/14"-, r � 20 LEVEL COURSE r �j o 4 HICK CONC. WAL K u �� , ,- TYPICAL STREET SECT ION S� ¢ 6" THRU D/W `s• I� o BASE RoG►t q" N O T TO SCALE Ip so SLOPE FSR Ct "y S7y0il�DARD S . W . KATHERINE -TYPICAL STREET SECTION NOT To SCALE REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN QWNE R I l SCALE '/ERT. DATUM CITY of TIcAKD ( u.s. G . �. G.s.) S. L . C • 1. V11. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. 13ELLWOOD NO. � I " = 50 ' HOZIZ. DATUM : PLATS OF BEL.LWOOD TRACED 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. JOB No. �`- N. N PORTLAND OREGON 97266 5 4 CHECKED a r � 's �� STREET 11 M P R OV EME (N T S SHEET 2 r. ona le Associates REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE � , •J. R . H ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS PLAN REFER Ti.� TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION " DATE 8905 S.VV. COMMERCIAL STREET f.,,1. I I i,t,l� •i' II� i - 5- I B - 79 TIGA,tD, OREGON 97223 OF 7 � � ""'r'""' _ . .; • .-ter-.�- +`���--�-� - - ' _ _ _- ' �;\ �- t rrrr .•+. irrrrr.... _.., •.A!wh.... . .1 .,..wd.�.•+»r++n1Wn.r.,�Ml�Iw.w„MY,Mf,ku...+�►.. '„••-.n �41rlYrrwwiWl►.nrr .. .. � ....,�.�.,..,..� • �'�1. 1 I II1� 1 I � I 1`f4 IIfill I"II,11; 111!•� rll�i�t, f�l ±If II 'tli 1�1 II ilf (� Vii) I^I.1jr !II (11 II1 tl1 �!I (11 111 111 1 �i�1`,�1' 1.1.1:.'-�•�-a'•If l�l_ 1+��r11� SII II111 , I � I I F 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I � r 1 �► I I I ) 1 I I I ► 1 I I I I I I I III I I I I I III 1 I - '�. * • � � NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ( ? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC&I "IT IS DILE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL I DR,'11NG. ++ " OE 82 F/Z LZ 9? SZ fZ E'Z 22 IZ OZ 61 BI LI 91 SI 1�) ._,CI,IZI 11 01 8�""'"�"" 0 L 9, S .1� E Z 121,4130 a. I '- .' .,` I I � I rlu I I I' I ! ( r111�-±�lgtlblti,uttlinlhmlNll!♦W111�� wlNr�luWllilulw!IllIlI11lIIINIIIWIIIN •�, ,�III�u111u1iunluu 1I1111u1 111111u uulunlulf111u11n�lu�I Holm ulrri11t1nluu+fu.ntf,.nllnn nfllnn •IINo5r11111t uNlutl ff rlluulunllullunlnnl� JUNE 24 19 92 t o [ � E VE MAY 2 3 1979 CITY OF TIGARD V E t, U.S.A, - D.E.Q. COPY. t►p . rovisions 1n Ierter c,f subject to P date. state of OreEnl�L QUAIII't OEI'�t ENT ofiViR I)EpARTMENT OF ENVIpONMeNTAI C�IAtTT10 nD IMPROVEMEN ,TS 1 Q 7STREET C WATER QUALITY CONTROL S NIT RY SEWER -Ti OWNER W J . W. BRAYSON BUILDER INC. Q 11059 S. E. DIVISION ST. �I ° PORTLAND OREGON 97266 BELLWOOD a INDEX 33 TITLE SIFT. NO. TITLE SHT. I OF 7 ,r-- I PROJECT / V STREET IMPROVEMENTS PLAN 2 OF 7 AREA -� STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROFILES 3 OF 7 w STORM DRAINS PROFILES 4 OF 7 I Q r SANiTARY SEWER PLAN 5 OF 7 N SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 6 OF 7 , . SANITARY SEWER PROFILE 7 OF 7 ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS 3 �`' - HARRIS — Mc MONAGLE ASSOCIATES INC . 3i 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD OREGON 9722- 3 VICINITY MAP SCALE I" 600' APPROVED I:gAF+.M . UNIFIEr „CYVtr1AG " '.aZ'NC BY- GOVT. Y_GOVT, pPPRQVAL I' LADING ' 1t1 ,F, ' r�d'I.►1G�J r BEL LWOOD NO, 3 1.H CIF f Ir�11 1 III III ��� III 111 II Y'II Ili I1 ill .�li 1'��Iil Ill rll tll lQl tll 1�1 ISI I III III Ilf III I ► III I + III I I III I 1 II111 III T Ilf l I III �I1 1 Itllll) I II I , I I 1 I ( ( t ( � ( III III I I I II I III III I 4 ... NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �--- - - �_ _- -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN �r —„� THIS NOTICErr-IT 1S DUE TU QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL .w ... " DF 1WING. - — ---v. — — - CE 62 92 a 92 SZ 1rZ EZ Z2 Iz 01d 61 t I31 LI 91 51 bl l EI ZI II 01 6 9 L 9, S b '1. 6 Z I„•�� _ ��lII1nIIIIIIIInIIIII III oil hIIIIIII III�11111111tJ1111I11u�„IIIIIII�H,I IIIINIIIIII`IIIIIIIttIIN11111tI11�1II111�lUIIIttl�ItttlNlt J1NIIM111tttflttrin�duttlurtlttulltttluu�ttttl Illflnlllnllu111Hlinnbt��t �t�tWtu�tt�tultlt)Ilutlttultttl JUNE 24 1992. `r 3� ,! CONSTRUCTION NOTES : r1 � 1 . Notify Tigard Water Distri c ' prior to commencing construction . 2 . All work shall be in accordance with A . W . W . A . f standards . 3 . All. work will be inspected and approved by TWD . 4. 4 . Fire hydrant assembly consists of 6 " MJ x 6 " Flg flee , 6 " Flg gate valve , Flg x Flg spool , if necessary , and Pacific States fire hydrant , 54 " MVO , 3-port ( 2 2�, NST hose connections , 1-4V -Dumper ) , 6 " Fla connections , 1� " Pent OGr Nut , open left , color : recl , traffic model . 1 1 ? I 5 . Each fire hydrant shall be installed upon a pre- formed con( rete block with 1� cubic yards of `.STI rA G + crushed 1 ' drain rock . Tar paper will be laid on top of drain rock to separate rock from earth EGT 1 -7 Ii i cover . EA f �,f + G J I I'� <n -T 1� Vel I ! 6 . Poured concrete thr. ustblocic s at least 6 square 1 feet of boaring surf ace at Each tee and bend +� r (� f �• <.-� V VJ E�4)T) location . P-'fQ�JEGT _ 7 . 36 " of 3/4 " minus gravel cover for all mains . --- - �_ 1 `� ► K � '( 8 . All. sanitary sewer lines 10laterally or 3 vertically of water mains shall be encased in concrete thick 0 from crossing . - -• � . IG`2P �. ng - •._ __ ------..ecce_ _._.. - ``-`-" --------- '� -- _,. t� 9 • - 150 psi for 1 hour , Mains shall be tested at 14 � .. __� - �� _._'` w, _G.,,.�� � _�_._._-----_ _-- Static pressure s 75 psi . ... _- -• __ _ , _._.__ _ .-_ M_...` _ -- ecce _._.___ ...__. 00__00___. ___._._.___--� '� � ��C { 'S T i N �` fin. 1� G: I W - _' 10 O . S . n . H . h a c t c r i o 1 n i c a 1 tests required . I . } 11 . All curbs must be in place prior to j.nstalling 40 N 4) 1 A l• ► ,, water mains . T - + i 12 . Cs TWD will install all copper services prior to C 'T t ? t ! blacktopping of streets . Meters will be in- stalled by the distric ` uron individual request ' P C, fN f A rr�A ; f , �+ for same . 13 . Upon completion of installation , contractor will advise TWD of total construction costs to which ' G�> r-J 14 `T x I -�' L1 be added 10% for d r. I . . rr"r. nr, water loss , overhead , administration , c3rtN .Lli.c . etc . , and 8 % for engineering , including permits , ,� t .- .--------_._.._._ . .__•_j_-_ _ _.1_ ; intersection maps , " a.3—built" drawings , etc . oil MATERIAL LIST. Item Quantity / I A p TJDI 6 " pipe , Class 52 . . . . . . . �� p 2 , 100 feet 6 MJ gate valve . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 . . . 6 each L6 MJ tee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 each 611 MJ bend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As Requ ' rd I J zv i ! �~• ` 6 " MJ solid sleeve ( L . P . ) 0000 . 3 each f • °� Fire hydrant assembly . . . . . . . . . 4 each / / — . _•- / '"`"--`---0000_ J � –__ f11 -•r.. .- I . .. � � T _.- _ _... . � T 2 , _ MAP Z 4- AA � to I I , I E� I TIGARD WATER DISTRICT "'' - -'•.—..,. „ � is_. /// 8841 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET e TIGARD, OREGON 97223 TELEPHONE (503) 639 1554 Q4.4 WATER PROJECT 4 J rtA 10 L ► N `—~ ecce �, — "� _.-� ..� �_ R 1w)i Robert E Santee, )P.E Administrator -�_.. I _ "� - i Scale 2 2.. � ol✓ v , � - fit• -' _.. ''w..,,., � 0 i ! � � � � � � � � � � 1►• I� �I _ 0000_.__ I 1 � t I 1 I ISI �� I' 1� II ir: fl�" -rte � 1 I'rRl l �rll ) r � , � l � I � II111 I � rir� r rllll � l � 111r� 1 111 � III IIIIIII � 1111II 111IIII 1111fl , i11 I ,+ ISI Itr 11 � ISI '00,00 I .f 1 1 � 1 � 1 ,� . . ' I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ir0 11 12 NOTE : I F THIS M IC:ROF I l_MED ` -` `� DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR ITIAN THIS NOTICE-; IT 1S DUE TO %A THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL . "O"WDRAWING. QE 6Z AZ L7 9Z ;Z vZ IL? ZZ 12 02 61 91 L I 91 S I b l E I 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S be ,,, --'"��" ,H,��Ililllll�I)+�I��I�1+��+1��1�11���II���,IIIb.IIIIIIIiipl�l�l����I��IIIt���Itti�ll��1)1�111�111111111111 1 !11r11111�I1�IIr1lIlrllt�ltll�!!! �) ! r � z t I r r rl►� frlllrbl �Irrrlrlilllrlllttll�rrltlrlll�Iit>1 iull�ttt��rI�IIIIIf11111I111111IIr1l1IIW 11ll�111t�lall�t111111I�I1�111U 11ti�1 l 1 I S"7 I ! I I ! /If If I/ If 11 O i _ K''dH ;e rNf "r lL Ir 1 -L--, 1Er-4nI (r M J T . .......... _ -- Ilf� y� I N TA�L- M A Az2 ;; - + . . \� A E� Wak ISO 114-7 \ `� 0.0 \ 7149 �- IA Ilk A A _.. 70 �� .� \ - - .�.: � . TIGARD WATER DISTRICT L. I. ��, �/ r-- �..{� �L''7 f,.� CST ` n 8841 S W COMMERCIAL STREET • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 TO - �'� I r'� -� tl ( I/v �j. `] _.. _. ._ 1 G� TELEPHONE (5U3 63 -1 4 ► _. .. p ._- eX � 5 Ti �o It . Vv 1 9 55 �'� ...� P/ Imo. j �4:::. -.or— �+ - - --- ---- ---- WATER PROJECT E� E� i., V4 0 6) L,) N --�'� ' C:►C ti T F H I AV , `� I�1 r, AT W 12TH AVS BEL.LWC}CJn NO ,,a 0 ,�-��� ,- t�2 OF 2� � � ��{ i �� � G I � � Robert E. Santee, P.E. Administrator IScale w ..r•�. •, i �rM _ - � tom_ . »... . ♦ ., ,.j•. :« -� f ... ...��-- � �t1 ' I � � t � � �It �►� I� tl�_ l �� �� t � l1IJ II�1t ,� SII Int t � rll ) III � IItI lll, l � t t � llf� l! tll � tll 1 � IItl1 I � tlt � t tItI111 tltltlt rllltlt 1 11 � t 111 tIt IIII111 1� 1IItt _. _ _. NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED �"�''�= --- — I--+ e Z 4rJ 7 8 9 10 12 �- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICE;7T IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. o2 EZ z 12 02 61 91 1. 1 91 sl 1171 EI 21 i I 0! II �R!IIIIIIIItilllttllllltl�tl�Il111I�1lIltt141111�11t11ttillttttlttt�I�t1���t1�I11111111tlttltlllllillliltl�IlltIIllllillltllt1111iIi11t11t�Itlll111lilt Iallolt1ittlImIIIIIIII lilllllIJIliIItIIIllilii11i1�1�1�1111��lIIIIIIIIIIIIItttllll�III�IIIIiIIUl�lllllllll�0111U!llllllllltlllllflllLUlllii , t -T T T AT 9 A- !9 - 2 APP 18 1979 CITY OF TIGARD _ WEST L IAI C F Td/E N.E. //moo TRAC T 4P0BELLWOOD NO N D/°u9'05 f 3B3 37 3 /IaHG'RESER✓F 51"Rl< 6000 60 OC 6697 r 68 20 68 20 60 00 1 1 . Ky'n5'"-� OF THE /1/E ?4?73 W OR r 3B"`IRF. W W � . . ,-y`• 9273 / V �'. h " p �, vvO'� \1 `\ 'K 1\ 117 M. 140 139 0�'° 138 00 137 00 � � oy lxLor-m /V„� IN THE N . ` . 1 /4 OE SECTION 4 , T - 2S , RIM , W. 3 h . •` o to : 0 13 6 �, 13 3 �' ,,, 1 1 9 m 1 1 8 g h ,A . N o/�U9'os'=� h,n N -� TIGARD , WAS H I N CTON COUNTY, OREGON . 68'20 5997 G_6Zts O � /nAb[ Z37B- 9�✓73 134 � � o v o DATE APRIL , 1979 b►�' ®' `^ ° hi � � 120 h Bh� N 117 2 3 $ N o/ �!q'OS'=E v �� µ7'm-_0`3'13 2B i 7 - - o 1 100 N.0/"//,?0':' ESCALE3 � NIN le- 1 � O/ 49 a5-f. NI h rr ' 3995, -Z2.34 �•� 111 s�2z o t�'i"10` a, 993/ - st 76 9s a 4 1 5N1 ,W s 133 m L-/739,-. ,� /D�,/A7 'm �, ry arzo',�' ti �'• _ �.s � h r 5 Z 121 N F-= 1 1 6 3ggsp•100 ti ti L,SQ 143 0o h 144 " `�'. ,o�',w. 4 22 t�: •�' \ `^ ° 4,06" w N. 15 3 99177 I _ 1 CENTER LINE CURVE DATA ►� N.07 I 3 I 3 7s-O 05'.an ti 142 i \ 50 l!oo! �" f32 0 •� �s TRACT '.8.. w TRACT , 8%1�,} \`r ^n o s O � W o� >0 S oo a _ C 09 / � OPEN AREA TO �- � ^� CODE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CH . BEARING 141 e'h a b '� 145o° 'sin y F �^BEDEED TO CITY 3 Y BEEDEED TOCOY N QD O� �.Ce �a4' p ^ o ' \ I1 O I I I �4 i2.lz L h ^ o 20 �' >slz� ao N ��a' '-"' i0O/6 o J 38030100 443 . 05 297 . 71 292 . 14 S-O 105 46 -E s o9'0 350 �b 14 6 ;� =r�.o7 �:ya2� ,� o h o o �, ,s fj o ° eS l op y N•Ol , / y IV n1 v O L , 'r�1. 7J.0 n h X01 �, 147 ��� U . _. f--'5'D _ __�V h " ��/ o° /27 ° soo �' 122 °' O 18057 ' 40" 443 . 05 140 . 62 i 45 . 95 N - 16051 ' 5611 -W .14.40, :L�771 7 - __ ��� �'0 2 6 h C1 - n. 3 115 �1a LL �Oqq q �n � -_ soo � 0 0 0 3 n � 148 _ C=q�,� ti - ti /2s ° _//j.R2 ^ �3 19032120 443 . 05 151 . 09 150 . 36 N -02° 23 ' G At !1 -E a 6800 N `. °1/ - soo I oh 0 V N•U/°//tc)�� ----< /05.69 - S.s �_ -�_ H� 4 /,2 4 0 r S /2°091 .�__s� o h Q `' I I a d 154 � '� 3 oo. I s gs;y"E ,�-oo ,4 123 ° 114 80047150 50 . 00 70 . , 1 61 . 81 N-42' 13 ' 00 " -E 153 o' - 1* m h � ' 3, �'--?8 t h �soo I" � z0' 20' � n � oZ� �' ►� �+- \ o'h, oo v$o � o ��Sp � 1 �s�o� - __ .�a, N-29004 ' 59 '14 o - _ vt ---d._ �, � o 47° 48 ' 08" 100 . 00 83 . 43 81 . 03 WN P\6 o /S6 ° �_ AV pti h/0 / /0 3 3 Oo E L .0' 2. 36" 61,0 E� 1 7349 �ebd /e3 ? _,o o h o / %0 3 ti •/�o�/ X 06 48027118 100 . 00 8/1 . 57 82 . 07 N -21 ° 45 ' 25 "-W U � -O6W 4.0 5-03 //'07"- 6 NF ' \0 `S8 CIO sp0 " yi ..�_�. . SET 6„BELOH�GR N11 s O _� W� )s Op ^ hIG1 125,39 b ��' �. _. - - -- - - SURFACE OVFR X50 9a�19 /S9 0 00 1� b7�s ' lzSDO B£L WC�DU PL T `/B" IRF � II o I II �I o �so� ^ ah o /6 o +' S`e9y ,tel 12` 42127 250 . 00 55 . 45 55 . 33 N-82 27 26 -W \� 1,0A,I'y,' �soo ?l' Q ° " u� / h °� /6/ o A " \ E 's ^ `� ° 3 ® 12°04 ' 42 " 250 . 00 52 . 70 52 . 60 PJ-82°Os ' 34"-W s o 62 Q r o 9 �9.` ��,���3 ,�� x,oo'y j/O ,3 ^ o / ?fib o oa I I �b Z�00 i LUT CURVE DATA WSEC coFHEL.o LOT DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CH . BEARING A i 14 90°031 n61I 10 . 00 15 . 72 14 . 15 S -46c'09 ' 47 ".-_ _._.�, . ,.. ,...... 11b U3V55 � Jz1• L.�U , i1,J 11.) . ,'h I ;r . 117 08046 ' 55 " 230 . 00 35 . 25 35 . 22 N-80029 ' 41 "-W ' 17 06° 21104" 270 . 00 30 . 58 30 . 57 N- 79'20 ' 55 "-W 118 05° 35 ' 18" 270 . 00 26 . 33 26 . 32 N -85023 ' 16 "-W 119 0601811611 230 . 00 25 . 31 25 . 29 S-85001 ' 47 " -E �`►.. 120 05° 46 ' 27 " 230 . 00 23 . 18 23 17 5-78° 59 ' 26 "-E 120 09001 ' 40" 270 . 00 42 . 54 42 . 50 S-80037 ' 013"'-E ' �..• � o II �.. -7 121 03040 ' 47" 270 . 00 17 . 34 17 . 34 S-86 58 ' 11 -E 123 89056 ' 54" 10 . 00 15 . 70 14 . 1 :3 S-43050 ' 13 "-E S U R V E Y O I: S C E k T I F I C A T E : �O� ' 123 i 1 ° Ol ` 00 " 169 . 64 32 . 62 32 . 5; S-06° 38 ' 44" -W 131 05054 ' 20" 468. 05 48 . 24 48 . 2;? S-0901 2 ' 04"-W I , WILLIAA L . MC 1�101NAGLE , FIRST BEING DULY SWORN , DEPOSE: AND SAY THAT I HAVE CORRECTLY SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH 5/8" x 30" ALL FRONT AND REAR LOT LINES SHALL HAVE A 132 09026 ' 05 " 466 . 05 77 . 07 76 . 9! S-01031 ' 51 "-W IRON RODS ALL LOT CORNERS , CUPVE POINTS AND BOUNDARY LI14E CHA14GES IN DIRECTION THE LAND REPRESENTED IN THE ANNEXED MAP OF 10 . 00 FOOT EASEMENT AND ALL SIDE LINES SHALL 132 85048 ' 05 " 10 . 00 14 ., 98 13 . 62 S-39° 42 ' 51 "-W "BELLWOOD NO . 3 " , ANu AT THE IiJITIAL POINT OF SAID SURVEY I SET A GALVANIZED IRON PIPE 2 " IN DIAP�iETER 36 " LONG , 6 " BELOW HAVE A 5 . 00 FOOT EASEMENT FOR SANITARY 134 42017 ' 25 " 75 . 00 55 . 36 54 . 11 S-61028 ' 12 "-W THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND , SAID INITIAL P0114T BEING LOCATED ON THE NORTH LINE OF SECTION 4 , T2S „ R1Wq W . M . N-88° 48 ' 40" -W SEWER , STORM DRAINAGE , POTABLE WATER SUPPLY 135 32° 12 ' 28" 75 . 00 42 . 16 41 .61 S-24° 13 ' 16 '" -W 899 . 62 ' FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER THEREOF ; THENCE : FROM THE INITIAL POINT ALONG THE WEST LI14E OF BELLWOOD NO . 2 S-01008 ' AND UTILITIES . 136 06° 17 ' 5 .7" 75 . 00 8 . 25 8 . 24 S-04058 ' 04"-W 14" -W 160 . 41 ' ; THLNCE : ALONG THE ARC OF A 169 . 64 ' RADIUS CURVE HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11c, 01 ' 00'' , THE CHORD OF WHICH 138 32023 ' 48" 125 . 00 70 . 68 69 . 74 S•- 14° 22 ` 4y '"-E BEAMS S-05" 38 ' 44 " -'W 32 . 57 ' ( THE ARC DISTANCE OF 32 . 62 ' BEING TO THE LEFT OF THE CHORD ) ; THENCE : S- 12009 ' 14" -W 48 . 94 ' ; 139 15° 24 ' 20" 125 . 00 33 . 61 33 . 51 S-38016 ' 53 " -E THENCE : S- 77°50 ' 4b "-E 50 . 00 ' ; TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 92 BELLWOOD NO . 2 ; THENCE : S-88°51 ' 46 " -E 101 . 83 ' TO THE 139 31023 ' 15 " t'5 . 00 41 . 09 40 . 57 S--30" 17 ' 25 " -E NORTHWEST COR14ER OF LOT 82 , BELLWOOD NO . 2 ; THENCE : S- 12° 09 ' 14" -W 577 . 20 ' ALONG THE WEST LINE OF BELLWOOD NO . 2 AND BELL- 140 17°04 ' 03" 75 . 00 22 . 34 22 . 26 S-06003 ' 46 "-E WOO�� TO TIDE NORTHWEST COkivEk OF LOT 60 BELLWOOD ; THENCE : :'.LONG THE WEST LINE OF BELLWOOD S-03° 11 ' 07" -W 90 . 49 ' ; THENCE : TRACT "A" SHALL BE DEEDED TO THE 141 21009 ' 52" 125 . 00 46 . 17 45 . 91 N-08006 ' 41 " -W S-06044 ' 00"-E 86 . 50 ' ; THENCE : S-26°20 ' 46 " -E 264 . 00 ' TO AN ANGLE IN THE BOUNDARY OF BELLWOOD ; THENCE : ALONG THE NORTHERLY CITY OF TIGARD FOR USE AS A 142 27017 ' 26 " 125 . 00 59 . 54 58 , 96 N-32020 ' 20 "-W LINE OF BELLWOOD S-o3° 39 ' 17 " -W 105 . 00 ' ; THENCE : N-.82° 31 ' 09 " -W 50 . 19 ' ; THENCE : fJ-87° 31 ' 4611 -W 130 . 00 ' TO THE NORTHWEST WALKWAY . 142 27005 ' 44" 75 . 00 35 . 47 35 . 14 N-32026 ' 1 1 "-4�1 CORNER OF LOT 50 6ELLWOUD ; THE�dCE : S-04° Ol ' 46 " -E 85 . 63 ` TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 50 ; THENCE : !J -87' 31 ' 46 " -W 143 20042 ' 24" 75 . 00 27 . 11 26 . 96 I4-08032 ' 07 " -W 320 . 09 ' TO THE NOkTHWLST CORIIER AS DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 785 , PAGE 942 DEED RECORDS , WASHINGTON COUNTY , OREGON ; THE14CE : 144 80° 47 ' 4911 25 . 00 35 . 25 32 . 41 N-42° 12 ' 59 "-E ALONG THE ► LST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 SECTION 4 N-01 ° 49 ' 05 "-E 383 . 37 ' • THENCE : N-53° 07 ' 35 " -E 145 850 48 ' 05 " 10 . 00 14 . 98 13 . 62 S-54029 ' 03 "- E 148 . 77 ' ; THENCE : N - 70° 17 ' 17 " -E 78., 67 ' ; THENCE : 11 - 19030 ' 42 " -E 77 . 67 ' ; THENCE : N - 12° 09 ' 14 " -E 525 . 00 ' ; THENCE : IV -77° 50 ' 46 " -W L E G E N D 145 07" 10 ' 43 " 468 . 05 58 . 64 58 . 60 S- 150 10 ' 22 "-E 34 . 12 ' • THENCE : N -88' 18 ' 2011 -W 78 . 53 ' • THENCE : 14 -88' 10 ' 55 " -W 195 . 00 ' TO THE WEST F 146 07035 ' 02" 468 . 05 61 . 95 61 . 91 S-22033 ' 15 "-E 1 �T PJ _ OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 Or THE NORTH- � DENOTES POINTS FOUND EAST 1 /4 SECTION 4 ; THE14CE : N-01 ° 49 ' 05 " - E 242 . 73 ' ALONG LAST SAID WEST LINE TO THE i !ORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHEAST 1 /4 152 11 'J21 ' 09 " 418 . 05 82 . 83 82 . 70 N-2.0° 40 ' 12 "-W OF THE ��ORTHEAST 1 /4 SECTION THEINCE : S-88° 48 ' 40" -E 420 . 6:x ' TO THE I141TIAL POINT OF BEGINNING . 153 10001 ' J2 " 418 . 05 73 . 09 73 . 00 N-O9°59 ' 0611 -W O DENOTES POINTS SFT 154 12050 ' 42 " 418 . 05 93 . 72 93 . 53 N-02° 4.6 ' 17 "-E CO�JTAI iJ I NG 11 . 190 ACRES . SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO FORE ME 5/$" x 30 " IRON ROD 155 02057 ' 36 " 418 . 05 21 . 60 21 . 60 N- 100 40 ' 26 " -E THIS U A Y 0 F / 1979 AWN tiRUf CSSION.A��,: M iAN0 �UR'JI'_''C� T � , fJ0 ' Y PUBLIC I N • D -UR OREGON � } ; ,�; . ; ; , ' � }• V . , � r. 7 , " ,1 BOUNDARY CURVE DA•I A MY COMMISSION EXPIRES - 1 rj -- � i ° 1�, !�.) i I .`� Alp.. �,,. X j•t I'a � �to, � �.• O 1 11 O I I I 1 1 O l OO 169 . 64 32 . 62 .. 2. . 57 S-06 38 44 -W � I -- ,Q� / - ---�- TRACT CURVE DATA WiLI iAM -.-.�.r iwr+ ►twee zw'+ wtaw�►' !� A" 101 ° 19 ' 31 " 418 . 05 9 . 67 9 . 6 , N-04° 18 ' 49 " -W SIDE 1 OF 2 I....Wt��OD WO :5 �:� 1 OF • w �� w1w • r. t�� • -' , � r ��, r � fll r'� r � t� � . rr �jl 1�� 1 ��1 1 � �' it I,� ft I �lr�i � (1 I I �'�'rI � 1 1 � � I ) � I � 1 I 1 9 1 r 1 I I• � I 1 1 1 1 Irl 0 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 r ± r r r r I r T 1 ell r r r ` -• . "" 11 � I 1 I 1111111111,11110 NOTE : IF THIS M I;ROF I LME D ►.».:::r:...� �..3�.>��...�....4. .. - 5 - s - n - 8 I 1 -- _ ._ - 6 _ 7 9 0 r DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN _ ,�, TI;1S NO T ICG-1<-1T IS DUE TC THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL � I OG �Z ez Lz 9z Si� �Z Ez ? �7 - i -- 2 I- OZ 6t 8i LI 31 SI bl EI Z! f l of 6 8 L 9 S � E 1 -061 st!1Ili fill rIII rrrrhi;riiiIIrirrlrrlIli lr4111r1u11l1111i1rlrlr��rl��>t�I�����c������s1iIr11�111111111�11I,�1t1111111111�1�tto1f1111�1!l111Ia1�iII1N fill 11:1111t1r�11tt1 �1i►Ill�ilu�lOtl�Illliil�!IIi11�1111� 1tllrrlrOtllt�ittl�rlll� 1 1 I 1 ��wl�'nululiLaulu���ul� 1�1 ��i�wll � . . APR 18 1979 U E S I t; A T I U ;J : CITY OF. TIGARD KNOW ALL MEN 3Y THESL PRESLNTS THAT J . 0 . BRAYSON BUILDER , INC . , All OREGOfJ CORPORATION AND J . - W . BRAYSON , S" . AND EIELLWOOD No * 3 J . J . 3RAYSUN , JR . DUES HERESY , MAKE , ESTABLISH AND DECLARE THE ANNEXED MAP OF QELL'WUUU #3 , AS DESCRItsLD IN THE , _ IN THE N . E . I /4 OF SECTION 4 , T - 2S , R - IIV1 , W. M .CCOh1PANYIN(� SURVEYJi, S CEE�,TIFICATE , A TRUE MAP AND PLAT THEREOF ALL LOTS BEIfdG OF THE DIMEfJSIUNS SHOWN AND ALL EASt -- TIGARD , WASH I NGTON COUNTY , OREGON . MENTS OF THE 4 I DTHS HE�ZE I N SET FORTH ; AND WE DO HEREWITH DEDICATE TO THE PUBLIC AS PUBLIC WAYS FOREVER ALL STREETS 1 16-1 _ a.�.,.,liy,�.� DATE APRIL 1979 P�,5= - i. SIIUrJfJ UIJ SAID f1AP . !)fE;FS,`i)NAi NO SU'k'VEYop r J . W . hR�AYSUN BU I LULR , INC . By4S �-- -Jn . BRAN , JR . RES I DENT a�rr 9 a t' Oilell j A P P R O V A L S : APPROVED THIS OAY OF 1978 ATTEST THIS DAY OF 1978 B YS0J , 'K . V 1, WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON COUNTY OIRF_CTOR OF ASSESSML NT AND TAXATIOiN DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS ( COUNTY ASSESSOR ) ( COUNTY CLERK) BY BY APPROVED THIS DAY OF 1978 APPROVED THIS DAY OF . 978 - WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS A C K N O W L E D U L l,l iJ T : BY BY STATL- OF OREGON APPROVED THIS DAY OF 1978 S . S . BY COo►4TY uF 0A�, 1 I NGToll WASH I NGTON COUNTY SURVEYOR BY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS DAY OF 1979 , BEFORE ME THE UNDEP,SIGNED , A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND BY BY FOR SAID STATE AiJD COUiVTY , DIJ PERSOI;ALLY APPEAR J . W . BRAYSON , SR . AND J . W . BRAYSON , JR . , WHO BEING DULY SWORN DID SAY APPROVED THIS DAY OF 1978 BY THAT THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A FREE ACT AND DEED . CITY OF TIGARD SUBSCR IoLD AND SoJO;\N TO GEFO'RE, [1E PLANiNIiNG C01111ISSION THIS _ DAY JF �-� / 1979 X1BY 0 PU3LIC N AT U OR OREGOrl 'Y COME-1ISSI0!1 EXPIkES _41— - t STATE OF OREGON S . S . COUNTY OF JASHI NGTON I , RJGER THOMSSEN , DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND E'LE(:TTOfNS , DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE COMPARED THE WI THIN PLAT WITH TFIL JRIGINAL THEREOF , THAT THE SAME IS A FULL , TRUE , AND CORRECT COPY THE ;EOF , AS THE SAME APPEARS OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK PAGE THEREOF . 3Y DEPUTY S , ;.F " ^ t 5 L I... W(D(:-II) V 22 .06 aim- 4wm.U. . �.• ice. ..t . _ -. .. t .. __ .. --'x. - - w � •� ..<N' "'. _- �' �-t- ]alw:. '�':.�-.:�,,. 6x1M�.!"^"�r� �--*.wt�r,�-!����I�f`•gM1�M► SIM-w.wMt+^•ac,+.••+r:•:.a -w 1 � II11 III 111 ! II `` I.1� I + I I � I lel I � I ill III III tit Ilt tit tlt Ilt Tit SII tll Ilt � � t 1 { 1 �� 111t1t NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED � �- _ _ 10 I I DR;-,WING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ' a THIS NOTICE; IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL OE 62 8Z Lz 92 SZ vz VZ zz IZ 02 61 81 1. 1 91 S ! bl FI ZI 11 01 f 9L 9 S b ► f ii , -TTT T -V 9A 1QQ9 �tIIIlI1l�lltl�llll�llll�lllllttllllllt�lll�j�11�l.11llttlt�llltlitttlttll�Illt�tttt�t►li�ltil�:�It�IIIIIII{I�flll�llll�ll_t1�IItI�IIIlIl1111lIll�tllliall�Illl�ittt�ti91I1111�1111I1111.01Iilllilll1111I111I�1{,1{�lE(��{01�1111�1111111II�IIIII1911I,Ill1 �IlU�lll.'�!�IIII11lI�IIIi ll��llll t� ti