2009-064919 & 2009-008011 Washington County, Oregon 009-0674919 07116/2009 09.45:39 AM D-DD Cnt=1 Stn=7 K GRUNEWALD $25.00 55.00 $11.00 -Total $41.00 Return Recorded Document to: City of Tigard. Records Department 01397633200900649190050057 1V 13125 C+R'[rT HiiaridJ. Blvd 1, Richard Hobernicht, [director of cesxmer: and .W iL«:T .7 W Blvd Taxation and Ex-OfIlick; County Clef k for'sNzsn!rVon Tigards ORE 97223 County, Oregon, do hereby cerUy that the with;n LL Instrumantof writing was recclvedand recorded In thc book of records of sold cou r ,U_,'tia~7' dd- Richard Hobemicht, DIrictor of Assessment and Taxation, Ex-OHiclo County Clerk a ~ COVER PAGE FOR RECORDING Name of Transaction: Dedication Deed - Dartmouth St File Number. SDR2007-00002 Correction - Dedication Deed for Road or Street P=oses -,Dartmouth St Wash-ingionC unty Recorciinf-,No.: 2009-008011 . J?e-oreled 'q ~c ocr, -9-- v 1) t' 61 I rune of Person (Grantor, Grantee, etc.): Grantor: Wnco Foods LLC Correct Grantor Name to: Winco Food LLC Grantee: Public The True Consideration for this conveyance is: $0.00 Was, *on County, Oregon 2009-00801 i 0211 )9 02:21:26 PM 0.00 CM=l Stn=16 Q HOFFMAN RETURN RECORDED DOCUMENT 'I O: $20.oo s5,00 S11.00- Total =S36.00 CITY HALL RECORDS DEPARTMENT, CITY OF TIGARD 13125 SW Mall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 0_~ 0900080 10040041 I,RlahardHobern rtctcro?Aaeoanmentand CORI'OFATIOiv Taxallon and fTlcie County Clerk for Wn¢hInD on I fiC' ua~~ GoUnty l on do hereby ccrtifythat tha within E Inat- font of writing vean rocalvac and mcoriod in tno d is cf reearda of sold cov/ ~:I RichardHobem'cht:DlrectcrofAeaeutrntntand DEDICATION DEED Taxetlon, Ex-ofncla county clerk FOR ROAD OR STREET PURPOSES Space above resei-ved for Washin taxi County Recording information WINCO.FOODS t.LC does hereby dedicate to the public a perpetual right-of-way for street, road, and utility purposes on, over, across, under, along, and within the following described real properties in Washington County, Oregon: Attached Exhibit "A-2" To have and to hold the above-described and dedicated rights unto the public forever for uses and purposes hereinabove stated. The grantors hereby covenant that they are the owner in fee simple and the property is free of all liens and encumbrances, they have good and legal right to grant their right above-described, and they will pay all taxes and assessments due and owing on the property. The true consideration for this conveyance is $ U0 . However, the actual consideration consists of or includes other property or value given or promised which is the whole consideration. Gk IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Hereunto set my hand on this AL1 _ day of ~al~Y4G Y , 200. 1 [NC0 FOODS LLC Itiame of Corporation xignafurv 650 N Armstrong Place Address Title ` Boise III 83 704 Signature Tax Statement Mailing Address qj" iyerenifiom above) Title STATE OF Idaho) ) ss. County of Ada ) This instrument was acl:nowledee afore me on _4lILL_ r'~~a(date) b ~ 1 1 jlA t't > (type cif uthority, e.g., fficet, tatt>t . etc.) of (name(s ofl rst n (s)?{as'~~ leulntaa*tn OY►S~- eoct 1. ' (narne of party on b hal of whom instru ant executed). ear ~ exam a~,.~,~ KQtary S SiE,,*natUre 4 TI J~ My Commission Expires. u~ r X133 0 t` d• r.Ga Ole. l 1 1 . rrd$#:;r ts.11 Accepted on behalf of'the City of Tigard this day of Dex_.o_j r6e.v 20 City Uincer x Exhibit "A-2" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Wince Tigard (WNC6888.04) Right-of-Way Dedication - SW Dartmouth Street November 11, 2008 Page 1 OF 3 A portion of Parcel 2, Partition Plat No. 1995-013, Washington County Plat Records, located in the south cane-half of Section 36, Township 1 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon being more particularly described as follows: All that portion of said Parcel 2 lying southwesterly of a line parallel with and 47.00 feet northeasterly of the herein described centerline. Excepting therefrom that portion lying within the existing right-of-way of SW Dartmouth Street. ti Contains 2,145 square feet, more or less. SW DARTMOUTH STREET CENTERLINE c Beginning at a 518" iron rod with a yellow plastic cap marred "THOMASA/VRIGHT, INC" In a monument box marking the centerline intersection of SW 72"" Avenue and SW Dartmouth Street; Thence along the centerline of SW Dartmouth Street, North 88° 33' 09" West, 171.54 feet to a 500.00 foot radius curve to the right; Thence along said curve to the right (the center of which bears North 0 1° 26'51" East, 500.00 feel) through a central angle of 14° 32' 16" an arc distance of 126.37 feet (the chord of which bears North 81. 1 T03" West, 126.53 feet); Thence North 74° 00' 53" West, 652.03 feet to a point of 500:00 foot radius curve to the right; Thence along said curve to the right (the center of which bears North 15° 59' 07" East, 500.00 feet) through a central angle of 39° 10` 49" an arc distance of 341.91 feet (the chord of which bears North 54° 25'29" West, 335.29 feet). Basis of bearings is the centerline of W 72"d Avenue, North 01 ° 43' 56" East per Partition Plat No. 1995-013, Washington County Plat Records. The attached exhibit "B-2" entitled "WINCO TIGARD - SW DARTMOUTH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION" is made a part hereof. REGis E P FES&OM LAND SURVEYOR OREOON JULY 13, 2D44 BAMAMM FL BWM 81~0~.6 M:OData1WNC6888.04Xlege1 Desce$tionslWNC6888-ROW DEDICATION-SW DARTMOUTH ST.doc EXHIBIT "B-2" LEGEND: f, it WINCO TIGARD RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION SW DARTMOUTH STREET 2,145 SQUARE FEET (MORE OR LESS) PARCEL 2 - DENOTES FOUND BRASS SCREW ci W/"ALPHA ENG., INC" WASHER SET PER PARTITION PLAT 1995-013 P~~\g~~~a A - DENOTES FOUND 5/8IRON ROD W/YPC STAMPED THOMAS/WRIGHT, INC- U a x IN MONUMENT BOX SET PER SN 25,881 PROPOSED ROW x ` w ca r WILMz < j. P GO- ~ 04 SIy DARr,0~h s SCALE: 1 50' VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE I PARCEL 2 I PARTITION PLAT 1995-013 50 25 d 50 a r PROPOSED ROW EXISTING ROW z ~ PARCEL 3 w 0 PARITRON PLAT 1995-013 z 03, < `cs Sk/ . rU 4 op °v N8B"33'0;"W 171.54' 4 POINT OF BEGINNING CURVE TABLE ~ CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA LONG CHORD C3 115.45' 455.00' 14"32'16" N81 "17'01'"W 115.14' C4 12537' 500.00' 14'32'16" N81"17'03"W 126.53' WINCO TIGARD - SW DARTMOUTH STREET PROJECT NO, WNC 888.04 U E. ! U N I N C RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION [SATE 11/11/2008 BY. JJS Ste 5415 100Q SW / PoWestgate rtland, ortland Di OR Dr, S1/2 OF 5 36, T 1 S, R 1 W, VW ETfE MERID SCALE 10450' 97221 / Tel. 603.419.2500 CITY OF 'f IGARD, WASHINGTON COUW OREGON PAGE NO. 2 OF { EXHIBIT "B-2" PROPOSED ROW ,r ti EXISTING ROW v PARCEL 2 PARTITION PLAT 1995--013 PARCEL 1 - PARTITION PLAT 1995-013 M~ pa, ti6~2}D3 Ld U~ S a. f T] CURVE TABU z CURVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA LONG CHORD Cl 307.66' 455:00' 38'44'30" N54"3838"W 301.63' C2 341.91' 500.00' 39'10'49'" N54«25'29"W 335.29' LF-GEND: ^f/~/1f~f WINC4 TIGARD RIGHT--OF--WAY DEDICATION SW DARTMOUTH STREET 2,145 SQUARE FEET (MORE OR LESS) - DENOTES FOUND BRASS SCREW W/"AL.PHA ENG., INC" WASI-IER SCALE. V'=50' SET PER PARTITION PLAT 1995-013 F== d DENOTES FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD W/YPC STAMPED "THOMAS/WRIGHT, INC 50 25 0 50 IN MONUMENT BOX SET PER SN 25,681 '-7E ATTACHED LEVI- DESCRIPTION WINCO TIGARD - SW DARTMOUTH STREET PROJECT NO. WNC6888.04 r~ E 5 I G N I ti: C RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION DATE. 11/11/2008 BY: ~l,JS. and OR R Ste 5415 10Q S0 1 Porti~nd, Westgate S1/2 OF S 36, T 1 S. R 1 ' V, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN SCALE, 111=50, 97221 / Tel, 503.419,2500 CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON PAGE NO. 3 OF 3