Report (69) Oregon Residential Specialty Code N1107.2
Permit No.: ea 0 I 7 00l of Z r ,. . .
Site A
SobdivisioivL t tutu g w d7-
Map and Tax Lot : co
By my signature Wow,I certify that a minimum of fifty(50)percent of the pennimently
installed lighting in the above mentioned building installed with conwact or
linear$uot ceatt,or a lighting source thathas a minimum efficacyof 40 lumensper inputwatt.. , Specialty NII07..2)'
Si 001111,
..r Date: 315 $
Print Nc: 7f i C AJ
10=Sectica 141101 2.High-efficiency interiorlighting systems. Aminim=of fifty yy(50) o the
i n fl.kf.+liE x° cd bei ed with or ' fluorescent, til�y e;.#6"68#iFd
source that
has a rinds=efficacy of 40 humus per input .e#=. comply with this
The builal shall tread' In . a t final ithata of fifty of the
parmonody fled lighting fixtures are,compact or linear fluorescent,or a efficacy of 40 lumensper
input watt
Oregon Residential Specialty Code R408.1
1, Po vi ai A , am the general r or the owner-builder
at the following address:
Site Address: -
CitY: eeilvEkroAl
Pett#; tri 5r o 1-\ , 00 (61 z
Su €visionf of#: fiiiii Rive Gr"` 02
To conform with the 2014 Oregon Residential Specialty Code(ORSC),Section R408.I
Ventilation.l am notifying the building official that I have installed the Moisture Barrier as per
Requirement in ORSC Section 408.1 and have taken the following steps to meet this axle
The ground surface of the under-floor space is covered with.&-mi black polyethylene
n`:ila.: with
Johns111 12"at seams and
ti Extending up the foundation.walls 12".
Si Date: 375 7l 8 09/13/2016
Oregon Residential Specialty .e R318.2
1, PIP 'i6 oM 1 am the general contractoror the ovmer-builder
at the follow address:
Site A
city: 13 01 v
-tet#: 5 2 o i —co ti
subdivisionakt#: 1 ti ai t vet 7-e V--8
Map and Tax Lot#:
To conform with the 2008 Onignn Residential Specialty Code(ORSC),Secdon R3182 and
OAR 918480-0140,1 am notifying the building official that I am aware of t moisture content
Requirment of ORSC Section R3182 and have taken .,..a to meet Ibiscode requirement
[Section R3182 is provided for ].
R318.2 Moisture Content: Prior to the installation of interior'es,the building
official shall be ed in writing by thegeneral contractorall moisture-sensitive
yywyuJ d
woodaam framing �+ in c #tr�cm a 19
P z ofa ktrka numbers.
Sim : .GL -e= . 3/s-//e
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k, ,,,,,,.!pi ST R -ET TREE
, r 5.1i1)
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1, T7,,,,,,\ Dletifs/6.0 owner/agent for P060 '
(P SB?RIWI3 az t
do here& cer that the followingxx� location meets
City 6f Tagard land use and development standards .
for street tree installation a d is consistent
with the ii prvved site plan.
PERMI.T NO.: rY r d 0 1 -cc)/ q z
SITE ADDRESS: 133 Le 6 S L.) v,.. y‘)..........._.. kms\,--
S T:Bt IVISION W ` 1—CAR/4-66- LOT#: .. 04
SIGNATURE: „„------#*za- 4011.
DATE: ,3/5/(g
irny TIGARD)
0 The/oration poifidper.ed s
i:1 a . \Pr iteCeltiE 05/30/2012
Form 640S 2017
Completion Certification—Site Inspection
New Homes Program—Single Family Enert
gyT " ""
of Oregon
To be completed by Verifier
CLEAResu/t Is a Program Management Contractor for Energy Trust of Oregon,Inc.
Incentive Payee Company Name: 1 William Lyon Homes
Is this payment redirected?: INo
Builder or Company. William Lyon Homes Redirect to Name.
Verifier Payee Company Name: Performance Insulation and Energy Redirect Payee Com
Affordable Housing No
Solar Ready Builder Incentive: No 'Solar ReadyVerifier InccNo
Development NW River Terr-Area 1•Med/Std Lot
Address. � � ,r* �*`9r ✓j / � � '41'°0°s ID. I (REM/Rate®ID:
Street Line 2 Mufti-Family No City: Tigard y 9 State: OR Zip: 97223
Tctal condhionetl area(sq.R.): 2,375 House Volume: 21,432 Housing Type: Detached single family
Number of Stories: 12 Number of Bedrooms: 3 Foundation T
ype: CmwSpace
Electric Provider: Portland General Electric .Gas Provider: INW Natural Gas
Solar installed None Solar Installer Name/company:
BBte shaded lfaids,are red lot EPS aheet
Yorittoriiita ='typo..� � , .; ', ... _... .3 �4...,0410kti,;�. .. _:.• n
Slab Perimeter Insulation Uit
R- 0.0 Slab Under Insulation
Insulation Framed Floor R- 30.0 Secondary Framed Floor R- 59.0
Above Grade Wall Insulation R- 23.0 Below Grade Wall Insulation R-
Flat Ceiling Insulation R- 49.0 Vaulted Ceiling Insulation R-
Windows Windows U- 0.3 SHGC:10.3 Total window area: 1420
Coding Air Conditioning SEER: 0 Model#:
Primary Heating System Details AFUE: 92.1 Brand Bryant
Type: Gas Furnace HSPF: Model#: 912SC38040817*
Primary Heat Heating Fuel: Gas SEER:
Source Comment: COP:
Location: Conditioned A Outdoor Unit(for heat pumps)
ECM: No Model#: I
AHRI Certificate:7126229 #of Systems 11
Gallons: 150 Brand: AOSmith
Water Heater Type Storage EF: .95
I Model#: ENT50110
Water Heating Fuel Electric Location: 'Conditioned A AHRI Certificate:8083359
Ducts and Dud Location 'Conditioned %ducts inside: Duct Leakage(CFM) 50Pa syr `
Infiltration Air Changes per Hour(ACH)@ 50Pa: 2.18
Ventilation Ventilation Type HRV/ERV Model:
Supply Side-Air Cycler Airttow measured orwhy untestable? (Roof Termination
.. .. ..... - ,4..; a r ...:.i?
kWh/yr Model:
ENERGY STAR Diswasher kWh/yr 268 Model: FGID246B111A
Percent High Efficacy Interior Lighting(%) 100% Thermostat
Showerhead 1.5 GPH 1 Showerwand 1.5 GPH I Showerhead 1.6 GPH 1 1Showerhead 1.75 GPH I