10/01/2002 - Report Monthly Report October, 2002 for Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force 1. Meetings were held on(list dates during month • October 10, 2002 • October 22, 2002 2. Current activities: • Open House Scheduled For November 14, 2002. • Information on the Street Maintenance Fee on COT web site. • Staff is mailing out notices to businesses for Open House and preparing material/handouts for Open House. • Video Production on Street Maintenance Fee be played on TVTV.. 3. Status of long-term projects: • Workshop on Street Maintenance Fee is scheduled for City Council 12/17/02. 4. Number of volunteer hours contributed this month(noted number of volunteers and total hours). Five volunteers at each meeting Total hours - 14 1/2 hours. 5. Attachments (include notifications, sign-in sheets, minutes, reports,press releases, proposals, etc.) - List: • Minutes from October 10th &Draft Minutes from October 22"d • Please check web site www.ci.tigard.or.us to see posted information. 6. Any items to be scheduled for on the Council tentative agenda(list item and date): • Scheduled for Council Review on December 17, 2002. 7. Status of members—are there any members scheduled to have their terms expire in the next four months? Are any members indicating that they plan to retire, move or resign soon? Please give details. Same as previous reports iAengUanej\meetingstrnonthly report form-tfstf-july 2002 doc Minutes Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Thursday, October 10, 2002 Draft 6:30 — 8:00 PM held at Tigard City Hall Red Rock Creek Conference Room (13125 SW Hall Blvd. -Behind Town Hall) Present: Bev Froude, Paul Owen, Craig Dirksen, Glenn Mores, and Steve Clark Absent: Brian Moore, Joe Schweitz and Cam Gilmour Staff: City Engineer Agustin Duenas and Senior Administrative Specialist Diane Jelderks Guest: None Items Distributed at meeting • Street Maintenance Fee revised information posted on web page. ■ Newsletter from City of Eugene. Meeting called to order 6:35 PM by Chairperson Bev Froude. Approval of minutes — June 20, 2002 — Craig Dirkson moved and Paul Owen seconded to approve minutes as corrected. Motion carried unanimously by members present. Video Production for mid to end of October for TVTV City Engineer Gus Duenas reviewed City Council's September meeting directions to extend the time period for more public input before holding a hearing to implement the street maintenance fee. A study session is schedule for December 17, 2002, as a result of a letter from Mark D. Whitlow representing Oregon Grocery Industry Association and their belief that this a tax rather than a fee. Council's direction is to get more information out to the public and to receive more input from the public. It is possible this issue could result in a ballot measure. By slowing down the process for 90 days it would allow for an opportunity to engage the public in discussions. Also, Councils' composition has changed which could have changed the vote. Staff and Task Force would like to see unanimous support from the Council for implementation of the street maintenance fee. Task Force discussed possible upcoming legislative actions that could impact available funds or implementation of a street maintenance fee. Task Force reviewed the proposed Storyboard for the street maintenance fee videotape. Video presentation would be approximately 20 minutes long and would be played repeatedly on TVTV. Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Meeting Minutes—October 10,2002 Page 1 City Council has asked attorney's to advise Council if street maintenance fee is a tax or a fee. Discussed charging fee be to residents, not property owner— discussed difficulty of collection if resident does not pay. Discussed the different maintenance fees being proposed. Discussed formula proposed and other options that were suggested. Task force the single family residential should pay same rate. Truck traffic impacts have not been included. Could focus in on businesses that use trucks. May need an explanation on how to calculate your fee a description and an example. Need to impress upon the citizens the benefit and need for such an investment. Use comparative pictures such as before and after type shots. Suggested comparing proposed fee with what other jurisdictions do. Bev Frounde expressed her concern that since she doesn't live within the City that she does not want to be one out front pushing for approval. She doesn't want to be made the issue. Suggested finding a business person or a citizen who could speak about street maintenance issues, possibly John Wittila from PacTrust or maybe someone from the school district. It would be good to get people from a neighborhood. Paul Owen will speak with Summerfield representative regarding Durham Road issues. Sound bites from citizens would be helpful. Steve Clark left 7:25 PM Need to review the City's street improvement needs and then review what funding sources are currently available. Discussed how to present information to the public. Would be nice if we could get people to write letters to the editor. The Downtown Committee needs to be talked too about their support. Gas tax argument— need to show how the amount is not sufficient for City's needs. Need to show more detail on where the money is spent now. State facts on how the money is allocated and how the money is being spent. Need to know how many miles of roads in the city, how many streets have sidewalks. There are 140 miles of paved roads within the City limits. Need to show historical information on increased traffic volumes especially on streets like Walnut and increases in population. Task force felt that there should be one person to talk throughout the video. Task Force felt jumping from person to person would make the video too choppy. Suggested hiring Reid Iford to put a video together. Staff will contact Reid about creating a 20-minute video. Will meet again on Tuesday, October 22nd to finalize the video. Open House for November 14th in Town Hall Staff will organize the meeting and come up with the stations. Suggested playing canned video during open house. November open house meeting will be video taped. Suggested using flip charts to record citizens' comments and concerns. Set up for open house will be finalized at next meeting. Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Meeting Minutes—October 10,2002 Page 2 Report to Council —Council Workshop December 17, 2002 Someone needs to make presentation at City Council workshop, as City Engineering will be on vacation. Will determine who will attend City workshop at October 22nd meeting. Set agenda, topics and meeting date for next meeting Review street maintenance fee videotape prepared by Reid Iford Productions. Finalize open house set up for November 14th open house. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 22, 2002— 6:30 to 8:00 PM — Red Rock Creek Conference Room—Tigard City Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. Prepared by: Diane M. Jelderks, Senior Administrative Specialist Approved by: Paul Owen, Vice Chairperson/Recorder ileng\dianel\meebngs\minutes tfstf october 10 2002.doc Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Meeting Minutes—October 10,2002 Page 3 Minutes Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Tuesday, October 22, 2002 6:30 — 8:00 PM DRAFT held at Tigard City Hall Red Rock Creek Conference Room (13125 SW Hall Blvd. -Behind Town Hall) Present: Bev Froude, Paul Owen, Craig Dirksen, Glenn Mores, and Joe Schweitz Absent: Brian Moore, Steve Clark and Cam Gilmour Staff: City Engineer Agustin Duenas and Senior Administrative Specialist Diane Jelderks Guest: Gene McAdams, Tigard Resident Items Distributed at meeting ■ Q & Q Street Maintenance Fee — revised format Meeting called to order 6:35 PM by Chairperson Bev Froude. Approval of minutes — October 10, 2002 minutes — Paul Owen moved and Craig Dirksen seconded to approve minutes as submitted. Motion carried unanimously by members present. Joe Schweitz abstained Video Production for mid to end of October for TVTV Task force reviewed video produced by Reid Iford Production. Corrections need to be made to portions of the video which gave inaccurate information. Task Force was pleased with the video and directed staff to finalize the video and have it schedule to play on TVTV. Open House scheduled for November 14th in Town Hall The following booths were suggested for the open house: Background and history -Joe Schweitz Methodology— Brian Rager Funding shortfalls and maintenance needs— Gus Duenas The search for the solution — Craig Dirksen Remaining task force members will mingle with citizen and be available to answer questions or to direct citizens to the booth that will be able to answer their questions. Name tags need to be made for the Task Force and Staff. Name tags need to be made available for guest, Notice for the open house has been put in the Cityscape; a press release will be issued to Tigard Times and the Oregonian. Open House Notices will be mailed to businesses that were previously contacted plus a cross section of business throughout the City. Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Meeting Minutes—October 10,2002 Page 1 Need visual displays for life span of the road, financial plan showing gas tax revenue versus expenditures, and a display for the General fund. Staff will strategies and determine what information will be at each table. Open House will be held from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Craig Dirksen with begin the open house with an announcement about what information is available at each table. Remember the open house will be filmed. What information do we need for people? Do we have information on number of pot holes? Each table needs to have a flip chart for public input. Task Force members are encouraged to write information down for citizens. Need hand outs for Q &A Brochure, final report, and a list available on how people can get involved. Open House will go 6:30 to 7:15, then each section/table will make a summary report and answer any additional questions raised by the audience. Report to Council — Council Workshop December 17, 2002 Purpose of workshop is to present information received during public input process. Someone needs to make presentation at City Council workshop, as City Engineering will be on vacation. Bev, Paul, Glenn, and Joe will attend the workshop to present information to City Council. Guest—Gene McAdams— interested, and concerned about the validity of the Street Maintenance Fee. Wanted to know if the City had a contingency plan in place if the fee is deemed illegal? City Council wanted to initiate fee on August 27, 2002, however postponed to have City Attorney review the constitutionality of charging a Street Maintenance Fee and to allow time for more citizen input. Gene pointed out an error in the FY2002-2003 budget document. He was concerned that three members of City Council could pass a resolution and implement a fee that would apply instantly. He pointed out that Tax Measure 5 was passed to limit taxes and felt the City needed to get a legal opinion to see if this fee could even be applied. City needs to get a written opinion from legal counsel. He noted that gas taxes have not decreased, but operational costs have increased. He asked if inflation is included in proposal or is there a review period? Fee will be reviewed at then end of the first year and then will be reviewed every three years to see if it is meeting the City's needs. Discussed the changed street designations, how street reconstruction (restoring to original condition) is included in the maintenance fee, but building streets to new standards is not included. Fee is for maintaining street to existing conditions. Fee would free up other dollars to allow for expansion to existing streets. Paul Owen left 7:45 PM Discussion followed on how the budget would be spent. Administration cost seem to be growing — need to be able to answer where the 1.6 million gas fund dollars is being spent and why only $200,000 is available for maintenance. What dollars on being spent by Public Works - need a break down that explains in logical way how money is spent. Discussed ROW Maintenance Fee and how it would be used on a collector— how can we take responsibility for collectors and ignore local streets? Fee is being proposed as a result of Durham Road — Can somewhat understand —cannot understand if property has direct access to collector— property owner should be responsible for maintaining their own sidewalk. Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Meeting Minutes—October 10,2002 Page 2 0 Gene recommended that we choose one of the elements and implement it and then go from there. He suggested implementing the Streetlights fee, which would give up to %2 million dollars to use for maintenance needs. Task force discussed which fee should be implemented. Currently recommending Street Maintenance Fee be implemented, will see what type of public input is received during the Open House. Set agenda, topics and meeting date for next meeting Next meeting will be open house on November 14, 2002, then December 17th workshop with City Council. Next meeting is scheduled for(None Scheduled) —6:30 to 8:00 PM— Red Rock Creek Conference Room—Tigard City Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. Prepared by: Diane M. Jelderks, Senior Administrative Specialist Approved by: Paul Owen, Vice Chairperson/Recorder iAengWianeINmeegngsVninutes tfstf october 10 2002.doc Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force Meeting Minutes—October 10,2002 Page 3